Doctor Who (2005–…): Season 2, Episode 13 - Doomsday - full transcript

Earth becomes the battlefield for the greatest and deadliest war of all time, as the Daleks and the Cybermen clash with the whole universe at stake. The Doctor and Rose, reunited with old ...

My name is Rose Tyler.

And this is the story of Torchwood.

The last story I'll ever tell.

Here we are, then. Dad, say hello to Rose.

Hasn't she grown?

Welcome to Torchwood.

They're Cybermen.

All of the ghosts are Cybermen.

- That's not Cybermen.
- Oh, my God!

Exterminate! Exterminate!

This is the story of how I died.

Sub created by;
Dandysubs and cryinoutloud



You're called Daleks!

I know your name.

Think about it, how can I know that?

A human who knows about the Daleks

and the Time War.

If you want to know how, then keep us alive.
That's all I'm asking.

Me and my friends.

- Yeah, Daleks, Time War, me, too.
-Yeah, and me.

You will be necessary.

Report! What is the status of the Genesis Ark?

Status, hibernation.

Commence awakening.

The Genesis Ark must be protected above all else.

The Daleks? You said they were all dead.

Never mind that. What the hell's a "Genesis Ark"?

What's down there?

She was in that room, with the Sphere.

- What's happened to Rose?
-I don't know.

I'll find her.

I brought you here.
I'll get you both out, you and your daughter.

Jackie, look at me.

Look at me!

I promise you.

I give you my word.

You will talk to your Central World Authority

and order global surrender.

Oh, do some research.

We haven't got a "Central World Authority".

You have now.

I will speak on all global wavelengths.

This broadcast is for humankind.

The Cybermen now occupy
every landmass on this planet.

But you need not fear.

Cybermen will remove fear.

Cybermen will remove sex and class
and colour and creed.

You will become identical.

You will become like us.


I ordered surrender.

They're not taking instructions.

Don't you understand?
You're on every street!

You're in their homes!
You've got their children!

Of course they're going to fight!

Which of you is least important?

What's that supposed to mean?

Which of you is least important?

No. We don't work like that. None of us.

Designate the least important.

- This is my responsibility.
-No, don't...

I, er...

I represent the Torchwood Institute.
Anything you need,

you come through me.

Leave these two alone.

You will kneel.

- What for?

The Daleks need information
about current Earth history.

Yeah, well, I can give you
a certain amount of intelligence,

but nothing that will compromise
homeland security...

Speech is not necessary.

We will extract brainwaves.

Don't. I'll tell you everything you need.

No, don't.

Scans detect unknown technology
active within Sphere Chamber.

Cybermen will investigate.

Units 10-6-5 and 10-6-6
will investigate Sphere Chamber.

We obey.

His mind spoke of
a second species invading Earth.

Infected by the superstition of ghosts.

You didn't need to kill him!

Neither did we need him alive!

Dalek Thay, investigate outside.

I obey.

Units, open visual link.

Visual contact established.

Establish visual contact,

lower communications barrier.

Identify yourselves.

You will identify first.

State your identity!

You will identify first.


It's like Stephen Hawking
meets the speaking clock.

...and illogical, you will modify.

Daleks do not take orders.

You have identified as Daleks.

Outline resembles the inferior species

known as Cybermen.

Rose said about the Daleks,

she was terrified of them.

What have they done to her, Doctor? Is she dead?

- Phone.
- What?


...crude cybernetic constructs
on worldwide scale.

She's answered. She's alive.
But why haven't they killed her?

-Well, don't complain.
-They must need her for something.

We must protect the Genesis Ark.

"Genesis Ark"?

Our species are similar,
though your design is inelegant.

Daleks have no concept of elegance.

This is obvious.

But consider. Our technologies are compatible.

Cybermen plus Daleks,

together we could upgrade the universe.

You propose an alliance?

This is correct.

Request denied.

Hostile elements will be deleted.


Open visual link.

Daleks, be warned.

You have declared war upon the Cybermen.

This is not war. This is pest control.

We have five million Cybermen.

How many are you?


You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks?

We would destroy the Cybermen with one Dalek.

You are superior in only one respect.

What is that?

You are better at dying.

Raise communications barrier.


Lost her.

Rewind image by nine rels.

Identify grid Seven Gamma Flame.

This male registers as enemy.

- The female's heartbeat has increased.
-Yeah, tell me about it.

- Identify him!
-ALL right, then.

If you really want to know.

That's the Doctor.

Five million Cybermen, easy.

One Doctor? Now you're scared.

Quarantine the Sphere Chamber.
Start emergency upgrading.

Begin with these personnel.

No, you can't do this! We've surrendered!
We've surrendered!

Keep this one.

His increased adrenaline suggests
that he has vital Dalek information.

- Stop them! I don't want to go! Doctor!
-I demand you leave that woman alone.

- You promised me. You gave me your word.
-I won't help you unless

you leave that woman alone.
Jackie, don't fight them...

Cyberthreat irrelevant.
Concentrate on the Genesis Ark.

Why are we being kept alive?

- They might need me.

What is it?

What happens in there?

What's upgrading mean? What do they do?

I think they remove the brain.

Sorry. I think they remove the brain

and they put it into a suit of armour.

That's what these things are.

- They're us.

This is your fault. You and your Torchwood!

You've killed us all!

I did my duty. For Queen and Country.

I did my duty.

I did my duty.

Oh, God.

I did my duty.

- You are proof
- Of what?

That emotions destroy you.

Yeah, I am.

Mind you, I quite like hope.

Hope's a good emotion.

And here it comes.

Doctor. Good to see you again.


The Cybermen came through
from one world to another,

and so did we.


Cyberleader One has been terminated.

Explain. Download shared files.

I will be upgraded to Cyberleader.

Defend this room.

Chrissie, monitor communications.

Kill one Cyberleader
and they just download into another.


You can't just hop from one world to another.
You can't.

We just did. With these.

But that's impossible.
You can't have this sort of technology.

We've got our own version of Torchwood.
They developed it.

Do you wanna come and see?


Parallel Earth,

parallel Torchwood.

Except we found out what the Institute was doing,

and the People's Republic took control.

I've got to get back.
Rose is in danger, and her mother.

That would be Jackie.

My wife in a parallel universe.

And as for you, Doctor.
At least this time, I know who you are.

Right, yes, fine, hooray,
but I've got to get back, right now.

No, you're not in charge here.

This is our world, not yours.
And you're going to listen for once.

I could transport out of here,
but it only carries one.

And I'm not leaving you.

Follow me anywhere.

What did I do to you all those years ago?

Guess I'm just stupid.

You're the bravest man I've ever met.

- What about the Doctor?
-Oh, all right.

Bravest human.

Well, I can't think what the Daleks need with me.

I'm nothing to them.

You could be.

Whatever's inside that Ark, it's waking up.
And I've seen this happen before.

First time I saw a Dalek, it was broken.

It was dying. But I touched it.

And the moment I did that,

I brought it back to life.

So the Doctor said,

when you travel in time, in the Tardis,
you soak up all this...

background radiation.

It's harmless, it's just there.

But in the Time War,

the Daleks evolved so they could use it
as a power supply.

- I love it when you talk technical.
-Shut up.

But if the Daleks have got something
inside that thing and it needs waking up...

They need you.

You've travelled in time.
Either one of us would do.

But why would they build something
they can't open themselves?

The technology is stolen.

The Ark is not of Dalek design.

Then who built it?

The Time Lords.

This is all that survives at their home world.

- But what's inside?
-The future.

When you left this world,
you warned us there'd be more Cybermen.

So we sealed them inside the factories.

Except people argued.

Said they were living,

we should help them.

And the debate went on,

but all that time, the Cybermen made plans.

Infiltrated this version of Torchwood.

Mapped themselves onto your world
and then vanished.

- When was this?
-Three years ago.

It's taken them three years to cross the Void,

but we can pop to and fro in a second?

Must be the sheer mass of five million
Cybermen crossing all at once.

Yeah. Mickey said you'd rattle off
that sort of stuff.

Where is the Mickey boy?

He went ahead first.

Any chance to go and find Miss Rose Tyler.

She's your daughter.

- You do know that? Did Mickey explain?
-She's not mine.

She's the child of a dead man.

Look at it. A world at peace.

- We're calling this the Golden Age.
-Who's the president now?

- A woman called Harriet Jones.
-I'd keep an eye on her.

But it's a lie.

Temperatures have risen by two degrees
in the past six months.

The ice caps are melting.
They're saying all of this is gonna be flooded.

That's not just global warming, is it?

- No.
-It's the breach.

I've been trying to tell you.
Travel between parallel worlds is impossible.

Then the Daleks break down
the walls with the Sphere.

-Then the Cybermen travelled across,

then you lot, those discs, every time you jump

from one reality to another,
you rip a hole in the universe.

This planet is starting to boil!

Keep going and both worlds will fall
into the Void.

But you can stop it?

The famous Doctor.

You can seal the breach.

Leaving five million Cybermen
stranded on my Earth.

That's your problem.
I'm protecting this world and this world only.

Pete Tyler.

I knew you when you were dead.

Now here you are, fighting the fight.


There is a chance.

Back on my world,

Jackie Tyler might still be alive.

- My wife died.
-Her husband died. Good match.

There's more important things at stake.


Help us.

What? Close the breach?

Stop the Cybermen? Defeat the Daleks?

Do you believe I can do that?


Maybe, that's all I need.

Off we go, then.

First of all, I need to make a phone call.
You don't mind?

You two, guard the door.

- Oh, my God, help me.
Jackie, you're alive.

- They tried to download me but I ran away.
-Listen, tell me, where are you?

I don't know. Staircase.

Yeah, which one?
Is there any sort of sign, anything to identify it?

- Yes, a fire extinguisher.
- Yeah, that helps.

Oh, wait a minute. It says N3.

North corner, staircase three.
just keep low, we're trying our best.

- Oh, don't leave me.
-I've got to go. I'm sorry.

- Jacqueline Andrea Suzette Tyler.
-She's not my wife.

I was at the wedding. You got her name wrong.

Now, Jakey-boy.
If I could open the bonding chamber on this thing,

it could work on polycarbide.

- What's "polycarbide"?
-The skin of a Dalek.

Sorry. No white flag,

only had a sheet of A4. Same difference.

Do you surrender?

I surrender, unto you...

a very good idea.

Final stage of awakening!

Your handprint will open the Ark.

Well tough, 'cause I'm not doing it.

Obey or the male will die.

- I can't let them...
-Rose, don't!

- Place your hand upon the casket.
- All right!

But you're gonna kill us anyway, so what the hell.

If you, erm...

escaped the Time War,
don't you want to know what happened?

- Place your hand...
- What happened to the Emperor?

The Emperor survived?

Until he met me.

'Cause if these are gonna be my last words,
then you're gonna listen.

I met the Emperor.

And I took the Time Vortex
and poured it into his head

and turned him into dust.

Did you get that?

The God of all Daleks

and I destroyed him.

You will be exterminated!

Oh, now, hold on, wait a minute...

Alert. Alert. You are the Doctor.

Sensors report he is unarmed.

That's me. Always.

Then you are powerless.

Not me. Never.

- How are you?
-Oh. Same old, you know.

Good. And Micketty-Mick-Mickey, nice to see you.

And you, boss.

Social interaction will cease.

How did you survive the Time War?

By fighting. On the front line.

I was there at the Fall of Arcadia.

Some day, I might even come to terms with that.

But you lot ran away.

We had to survive.

The last four Daleks in existence.

- So what's so special about you?
-Doctor, they've got names.

I mean, Daleks don't have names, do they?
But one of them said...

-I am Dalek They.
-Dalek Sec.

- Dalek Jast.
-Dalek Caan.

So that's it. At last.

The Cult of Skaro.
I thought you were just a Legend.

- Who are they?
-A secret order,

above and beyond the Emperor himself.

Their job was to imagine.

Think as the enemy thinks.

Even dare to have names,

all to find new ways of killing.

But that thing, they said it was yours.
I mean Time Lords, they built it,

what does it do?

I don't know. Never seen it before.

But it's Time Lord.

Both sides had secrets.
What is it, what have you done?

Time Lord science will restore Dalek supremacy.

What does that mean? What sort
of "Time Lord science"? What do you mean?

They said one touch from a time traveller
will wake it up.

Technology using the one thing a Dalek can't do.


Sealed inside your casing,
not feeling anything, ever.

From birth to death,
locked inside a cold metal cage,

completely alone.

That explains your voice.

No wonder you scream.

The Doctor will open the Ark!

The Doctor will not.

You have no way of resisting.

Well, you got me there. Although...

there is always this.

A sonic probe?

- That's screwdriver.
-It is harmless.

Oh, yes. Harmless is just the word.
That's why I like it.

Doesn't kill, doesn't wound, doesn't maim,
but I'll tell you what it does do.

It is very good at opening doors.

Terminate. Terminate.

Alert. Casing impaired, casing impaired.

Rose, get out.

Firepower insufficient,
firepower insufficient.

Come on.

Daleks will be deleted. Delete, delete.

Mickey, come on.

Adapt to weaponry.

Firepower restored.

Cybermen, primary target.

Jake, protect the stairwell.
The rest of you, come on.

Cybermen have been exterminated.
Daleks are supreme.

The Genesis Ark is primed.

The Ark needs area of thirty square miles.


Genesis Ark mobile.

I just fell, I didn't mean it.

Mickey, without us, they'd have opened it by force,

and to do that, they'd have blown up
the sun, so you've done us a favour.

Now, run.

- You will be upgraded.
-No, but you can't...



I said there were ghosts. But that's not fair.
Why him?

- I'm not a ghost.
-But you're dead.

You died 20 years ago, Pete.

It's Pete from a different universe.

There are parallel worlds, Jackie.

Every single decision we make
creates a parallel existence,

-a different dimension where...
-Oh, you can shut up.

- You look old.
-You don't.

How can you be standing there?

Just got lucky.

Lived my life.

But you were left on your own.

- You didn't marry again or...?
-There was never anyone else.

Twenty years, though. Look at me.
I never left that flat.

- Did nothing with myself.
-You brought her up.

Rose Tyler.

That's not bad.


In my world, it worked.

All those daft little plans of mine, it worked.

- Made me rich.
-I don't care about that.

- How rich?

I don't care about that.

How Very?

Thing is though, Jacks,

you're not my wife.

I'm sorry, but you're not. I mean we both...

You know, it's just sort of...

Oh, come here.

- Exterminate.

- Exterminate.
-Delete, delete.

- Exterminate.
-Delete, delete.




Emergency, all units will converge
on the Torchwood Tower.

Repeat, all Cybermen to Torchwood.

Come on, please.

Override roof mechanism.


What are they doing?
Why do they need to get outside?

Time Lord science.
What Time Lord science, what is it?

We've got to see what it's doing,
we've got to go back up.

Come on, all of you. Top floor!

That's 45 floors up.
Believe me, I've done them all.

We could always take the lift.

The Genesis Ark will open.

Time Lord science.

It's bigger on the inside.

The Time Lords put those Daleks in there?

What for?

It's a prison ship.

How many Daleks?


Exterminate all life forms below. Exterminate.

I'm sorry, but you've had it.
This world's going to crash and burn.

There's nothing we can do.

We're going home.Jacks, take this.

- You're coming with us.
-But they're destroying the city.

Oh, I'd forgotten you could argue.
It's not just London. It's the whole world.

But there's another world,
just waiting for you,Jacks, and it's safe.

As long as the Doctor closes the breach.


Oh, I'm ready.

I've got the equipment right here,
thank you, Torchwood.

Slam it down and close off both universes.

But we can't just leave. What about the Daleks?
And the Cybermen?

They're part of the problem and that
makes them part of the solution. Oh, yes.

Well? Isn't anyone going to ask?
What is it with the glasses?

- What is it with the glasses?
-I can see. That's what.

'Cause we've got two separate worlds,
but in between the two separate worlds,

we've got the Void,
that's where the Daleks were hiding,

and the Cybermen travelled
through the Void to get here

and you lot, one world to another, via the Void.

I like that, "via the Void". Look.

I've been through it, do you see?

Reboot in three minutes.

- What is it?
-Void stuff.

- Like background radiation.
-That's it.

Look at the others.

And the only one who hasn't been
through the Void, your mother.

- First time she's looked normal in her life.

But the Daleks lived inside the Void.
They're bristling with it.

Cybermen, all of them, I just open the Void.
And reverse.

The Void stuff gets sucked back inside.

- Pulling them all in.
-Pulling them all in.

- Sorry, but what's the Void?
-The dead space.

Some people call it hell.

So you're sending the Daleks
and the Cybermen to hell?

Man, I told you he was good.

But it's like you said. We've all got Void stuff.

Me, too, 'cause we went to that parallel world.

We're all contaminated. We'll get pulled in.

That's why you've got to go.

Reboot in two minutes.

Back to Pete's world.
Hey, we should call it that. "Pete's World".

I'm opening the Void, but only on this side.

You'll be safe on that side.

And then you close it? For good?

The breach itself is soaked in Void stuff.
In the end, it'll close itself.

And that's it. Kaput.

- But you stay on this side?
-But you'll get pulled in.

That's why I got these.

I’ll just have to hold on tight.
Been doing it all my life.

- I'm supposed to go?

To another world? And then it gets sealed off?



That's not gonna happen.

We haven't got time to argue.
The plan works. We're going.

- You, too, all of us.
-I'm not leaving him.

- I'm not going without her.
-Oh, my God, we're going.

I've had 20 years without you, so button it.

I'm not leaving her!

- But you've got to.
-Well, that's tough.


Reboot in one minute.

I had a life with you for 19 years.

But then I met the Doctor.

And all the things I've seen him do for me,

for you, for all of us,

for the whole stupid planet

and every planet out there. He does it alone, Mum.

But not anymore.

'Cause now he's got me.

Oh, no, you don't.

He's not doing that to me again.

I think this is the on switch.

But I've got to go back.

The Doctor said, every time we use
one of these, it damages the whole world.

- Now that's it.
-She's your daughter.

She's your daughter, not mine. That's an order.

Mickey, tell him. Tell him, Mickey! Mickey!

Once the breach collapses, that's it.
You'll never be able to see her again.

Your own mother!

I made my choice a long time ago.
And I'm never going to leave you.

So, what can I do to help?

Systems rebooted. Open access.

Those coordinates over there, set them all at six.
And hurry up.

Get away from me.

We've got Cybermen on the way up.

- How many floors down?
-Just one.

We will retreat through the breach.

Regain the home world.

You will not pass.

What is the meaning of this?

You will not pass.

I did my duty. For Queen and Country.

I did my duty. For Queen and Country.

I did my duty. For Queen and Country.

Levers operational.

That's more like it. Bit of a smile.

- The old team.
-Hope and Glory.

Mutt and Jeff. Shiver and Shake.

- Which one's Shiver?
-Oh, I'm Shake.

Press the red button.

Breach active. It is the Doctor. Exterminate him.


When it starts, just hold on tight.
Shouldn't be too bad for us,

but the Daleks and the Cybermen
are steeped in Void stuff. Are you ready?

So are they.

Let's do it.


The breach is open. Into the Void!

Emergency temporal shift.


Hold on!

I've got to get it upright.

Online and locked.

Rose. Hold on!

Hold on!


Systems closed.

Take me back. Take me back.

Take me back.

It's stopped working.

He did it.

He closed the breach.


Last night I had a dream.


I heard a voice. And it was calling my name.




I had a dream.

I told Mum and Dad and Mickey.

Anyone else would think I was mad,
but not those three.

They believed it.

Because they've met the Doctor.
So they listened to the dream.

He was calling me, and...

And that night, we packed up.

Got into Dad's old Jeep. And off we went.

just like the dream said.

We followed the voice.

Crossed the water,

kept on driving, hundreds and hundreds of mile.

Because he's calling.


Here I am, at last.

And this is the story of how I died.

- Where are you?
-Inside the Tardis.

There's one tiny little gap in the universe left.

Just about to close.

And it takes a lot of power to send this projection.

I'm in orbit around a supernova.

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye.

- You look like a ghost.
-Hold on.

- Can I...?
-I'm still just an image. No touch.

- Can't you come through properly?
-The whole thing would fracture.

- Two universes would collapse.

Where are we? Where did the gap come out?

- We're in Norway.
-Norway. Right.

About 50 miles out of Bergen,

-it's called Darlig Ulv Stranden.

Darlig. It's Norwegian for bad.

This translates as Bad Wolf Bay.

How long have we got?

About two minutes.

I can't think of what to say.

You've still got Mr Mickey, then.

There's five of us now.

Mum, Dad, Mickey and the baby.

You're not...

No. It's Mum.

She's three months gone. More Tylers on the way.

- And what about you, what are you...
-Yeah, I'm back working in the shop.

-Well, good for you.
-Shut up.

Nah, I'm not.

There's still a Torchwood on this planet.
It's open for business.

I think I know a thing or two about aliens.

Rose Tyler. Defender of the Earth.

You're dead, officially. Back home.

So many people died that day
and you've gone missing.

You're on a list of the dead.

But here you are,

living a life, day after day.

The one adventure I can never have.

Am I ever going to see you again?

You can't.

What are you going to do?

I've got the Tardis.

Same old life. Last of the Time Lords.

On your own?


I love you.

Quite right, too.

And I suppose...

if it's my last chance to say it,

Rose Tyler...


- What?
-Who are you?

- Where am I?

- What the hell is this place?