Dinosaurs (1991–1994): Season 4, Episode 3 - The Greatest Story Ever Sold - full transcript

When the Baby asks Earl where dinosaurs came from and why, the questions are repeated throughout all Pangea and raise a panic; until the chief elders declare all questions can be answered by their newfound religion: Potato-ism.


"I'm all alone
I will not let you in the house,"

said the three little brachiosaurs.

And the big, evil Dilapasaurus said:

"I will cough and flail"

"and you blow your house together."

And he took a deep breath...

And then happened
other things. The End.


I'm awake.

It's bedtime for the baby.

Daddy still has a lot to do.

Still want a story.

But if Daddy reads you another,
Do you want another one after that?

And then I read and we learn
constantly new things together.

And Daddy stays
no time to watch TV.

Tell me a story
or nobody sleeps.


There was once
a little boy named Earl,

the only musical numbers
wanted to sing on the big stage.

- I know.
- But it's my favorite.

Tell me a story about me.

Where do we come from?

You are from an egg.

Where did the egg come from?

Eggs come from Mommys and Daddys.

Where do Mommys and Daddys come from?

From other eggs! Do you understand?

Good night.

Where did the first mommy come from?
And the first daddy?

I do not know... Of other eggs.

But where did they come from?

They came from...

- They came from...
- How did we all come from?

And why are we there?


- Well, it's... I know...
- Daddy?

I don't know!

I can not figure out
why we exist.

I never thought about it.

I always thought,
to work for Mr. Richfield.

- Yes.
- But beyond...

Why do dinosaurs exist?
On this planet?

For what purpose?

Maybe there are no answers.

Maybe we do not exist.

Maybe none of this exists.

The trees are not, the tree trunk is not.

Not even these donuts!

Hey, hey! That's crazy talk.

If you have the existence of snacks
doubts, everything collapses.

Hey, you babbling,
miserable compost sacks,

why do not you work?

Well, sir,

why work when we do not know
why we exist?

Why do you exist?

I'll tell you.

So you can fell trees.

Thus cities for dinosaurs
can be built.

So that the trees can fall,
so that more cities are built,

so that dinosaurs fell trees...

You are right! I do not know,
why we exist!

Oh no!

Honey I'm home.

It is certainly
an interesting question.

Where do we come from?

Who created us?

What is our job?

Why are we there?

To feed me.
Go on, I'm starving.

But you have
asked the question first.

Do not you mind,
that nobody has the answer?

I care, that I do not eat!

Hi, Mom. Hi, baby.

Charlene, what are you doing at home so early?

Robbie asked these funny questions
at school.

- Everyone freaked out.
- Did one have the answer?

No. They panicked
and closed the school.

Which would be great

I would not have the dull feeling
life is empty and meaningless.

Since we speak of empty...

Do you know what's going on outside?

Everyone struggles with questions
about existence and meaning.

What an exciting time,
to be alive.

Shoot me, Fran! Finish the pain!

My brain hurts from all the questions.

My goodness. I'm afraid,
that's all too much for us.

If only one could stop thinking,

at least for half an hour.

D-H-D-V-D comes on ABC.

And now back to Livin 'in a House.

Honey, the buttersons
you'll be there in two minutes,

and I can not find the roast.

Maybe he smelled yours
Kumquat whirlpool and ran away.

Danny, do you know where the roast is?

Hey, do not look at me.
I'm not a roast bandit.

No agonizing thoughts
more in this little head.

As if you were in one
wrapped warm cheese blanket.

We interrupt this nonsense
for a special report.

Here is the DNN Chief Correspondent,
Mario puppet.

The nation was this afternoon

as a dinosaur everywhere
Leaving factories and classrooms,

with the questions never asked
to fight for existence.

Why are we here?
Where do we come from?

What is the meaning of life?

Why... Why am I behind?
This fake desk,

and read these words?

What... what's the point?

Thank you. I needed that.

I'm sorry.

That just came in.

The council of elders
has convened an emergency meeting,

to deal with the current misery
and get Pangea running again.

First, they have to find out
who caused the mess,

and the finger of guilt
focus on him.

Everyone is cowering and crawling,
the council of elders is meeting now.

Who is in the court?

This is Miss Eunice Feldman,

and she would like
a speed threshold in their street.


My mistake.

These are the Sinclairs
and they are charged

"the social fabric
completely tear off Pangea's."

We would also like to have speed thresholds.

- If there is enough time.
- Quiet.

Because of the amazing
and unwelcome question of this child

the economy is ruined.

The government is short
before the collapse.

And there is chaos on the streets.

- Say, "I'm sorry."
- I am sorry.

- We are away.
- Stop!

The child has to
pay for the crime.

- Why?
- Because the law requires it.

What is the right?

The law is a system
of laws and rules,

the dinosaurs wrote, to live by.

- Why?
- What?

He does it again.

See what I'm dealing with?


- I condemn you herewith...
- wait!

What is the use of punishing the baby?

The questions are in the room
and everyone asks.

- Yes.
- Then...

We will all punish.

What if we all
great spirits of Pangea gathered?

Talk about it in an open forum
where we came from, why we are here.

You mean
really answer the questions?

That's it.
We give you the answers.

Fast, easy answers,
they all calm down

and send it back to work.

Are you waiting. You misunderstand that.

We have to make sure
that the answers are so simple

that everyone can understand

even the biggest idiot.

Let's assume no risk.

Check the State Archives,
who is the biggest dumb-ass in the country.

Biggest dumb-ass.
Biggest bar, biggest pear...

Biggest dumb-ass.

We're calling, Earl Sinclair!

What a coincidence.

Do you hear that, my boy? The biggest.

Let us now hear from the first philosopher.

What's the answer
to the meaning of existence?

I believe,

all life sprang from a sparkling
Dew drops on the nose of a frog,

as he from the heavenly lily pad

jumped into the enormous sea of ​​time.

- I understand station.
- Thanks.

The next.

I think we are on earth,

for charity and condolence
spread among all dinosaurs.

Because only through good deeds and sacrifices

we find peace
and the feeling of a task and

can finally understand why we do that
got precious gift of life.

- That is beautiful.
- Yes. A true life guide.

- Too much work.
- Has no hat.

- Yes.
- The next!

OK. Imagine the following.

A huge, flying, magic potato

flies down,
do some magic gestures,

one, two, three, universe!

How do you like it so far?

A potato?

- That does not explain anything.
- No no. Wait a moment.

Are you talking about a baked potato?

Clear. With sour cream,
Chives, bacon pieces.

With a lot of butter on it?

Look, the idiot buys it.

I think we have something there.

Yes, potatoes are very popular.

- Yes.
- A delicious snack that everyone likes.

From there

It is only a stone's throw to prayer.

Wait, I have more.

The roots of the potato
go deep, right?

And they have millions of eyes...

Good Good. Definitely one
very imaginative story.

- We take over from here.
- Wait a moment.

We only heard from three people.

There are still 100 outside waiting.

We should hear
what they have to say.

Why, surely.

We listen to every suggestion
and form a balanced synthesis,

the a broad array
of belief systems.

But it's almost noon
and I get grumpy.

You decide the big questions
because they are hungry?

I only had one muffin for breakfast.

It's decided.

Potato is the source all answers

on the big questions of life.

We lay the details
stuck after lunch.

- Noon.
- But...

But you...

The Elder Council Pangea
gladly announces you,

that after an intense search

all answers to the questions

about the meaning of life
were found.

Please have pen or pencil
on hand to write the following.

Question number one:

Where do we come from Dinos?

Dinosaurs and all living beings were
created by the Great Potato,

an almighty, omniscient
floury tuber that rules the universe.

What is the nature of the dinosaurs?

Every dinosaur
is like a single potato,

that comes up from the earth

with big eyes,
to see the world with lots of potassium.

How do you write potassium?

- K-A-L-I...
- Oh, forget it.

What is our job on this earth?

Our job is
to serve the Great Potato,

by making our frightened,
calm the questioning spirits.

Certainly that the Big Book of the Potato
provides all the necessary answers.


And now you go back to work.

What a joke! They do not mean
we are stupid enough for the trash?

Hard to say.
I have to get back to work.

I have to go back to school.


I have to say, it's reassuring

the answers to such
to have troubling questions.

Yes, but Mom, you do not care
where did the answers come from?

Sometimes it's better a few
To have answers as none at all.

How can it hurt?

I realize
you are just getting to know potatoism

and many of you have questions.

Yes, damn right.

I can not think of a better forum
to investigate this new ideology

as here in science class,

where the search for truth
is at the top.

Yes. At last!

And this search is much easier now,

through this handy directory
all questions of life

from the Big Book of the Potato.

I beg your pardon?

Is there a problem, Mr. Sinclair?

That should be science education,
but he is not scientific.

Of course he is.
We have cups, bunsen burners,

disgusting, frilly things,
which float in glasses.

Do not see what happens to us
if we do not ask questions, and

rely on the book,
to settle our lives?

No. But I think,
the answer is on page 476.

Forget it. I do not believe that.

Then, Mr. Sinclair,

I'm afraid, I have only one choice.

Let's see.
"Loss of a loved one",

"Ehestreit", "maintenance of radial tires"?

There it is:
"Rejection of potatoism."

Robert Sinclair, you will
thus referenced from high school

and expelled from society.

Your life is downhill
into oblivion.

We are getting up now
and speak the potato oath.

Yes, sure.

- Just made it.
- Oh yeah. It comes the potato hour.

- Yes. Where is Robbie?
- He did not come home yet.

It runs.

Good evening, dear fellow Pangaeans.

Hail, Big Potato.

Hail, Big Potato.

I have enough of potatoes.

At this point, every one of you has
Potatoism added to his life.

And is reassured by his answers.

We, the political / religious leaders
want to simplify your life even more.

Answer from tonight
We not only ask questions,

but also the,
you have not thought of.

Life is getting better and better.

"Should I be free
Work overtime?"

The answer is:
'Yes, you should.'

"I can talk to the government with mine
Transfer income tax more?"

The answer is:
'Yes, as much as possible.'

Earl, should I make rice or stuff?

The answer is "stuffing."

Wow. They are good.

They'll brainwash you.

Robbie, where have you been?

I trudle into oblivion.

"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair,"

Your son Robert
was expelled from school today

because he rejected all known beliefs.

"And threatened the foundation
to destroy our social order."

Yet again? What's wrong with you?

Robbie, how could you?

Dont you see it?
They invent the whole potato stuff.

That's not the truth.

They only give you light answers,
in order to calm you.

This is how they can control our lives.

But also time!

We could handle some control,

from a higher, omniscient,
better informed source.

A potato?

Robbie, I realize
this conversion is difficult for you.

Such a situation requires one
well-tried parental council.

- I'll get the book.
- Yes. Run only to the book.

Just do not think on your own.

Hit the answers
all your life problems.

Hey, you. Do you feel alienated?

Do you feel like lateral thinkers are

You the only voice of reason
in a crazy world?


False. Welcome the potatoism.
Be like everyone else.

My goodness.

- My boy?
- What?

Can we talk?
From father to outcast?

If you want to tell me, like a vegetable
improve my life, forget it.

Robbie, we are all upset.

If we want to solve our problems,
we have to do it as a family.

Yes. We called the potato hotline.

You send a couple of advisers over,

around you
to lead this difficult phase.

- Good afternoon, fellow citizens.
- Hail, potato.

- Hail to you.
- Hail to you.

My boy, we heard you fall
the transition to potatoism

very difficult.

That can be a scary
and be confusing time.

- We help you.
- We help you.

Hey! Stay away from me.

Earl, they hurt him.
Should not we stop her?

The answer is no.
Take a look.

Help, Mom, Dad.
Do not you see, what happens?

Here you go. None
more confusing questions.

- Hail, potato.
- Hail to you.

Potato. Potato.

Earl, I think we made a mistake.

I'm sure it's the best.

Keep your ears stiff, my boy.
No fear.

One day we will look back
and laugh about it.

Programs! Get your program!

Complete statistics of heresy...

Burn, baby.

My dear Pangaeans, welcome.

And heal, Big Potato!

Hail, Big Potato!

It's just wonderful,
to be here tonight,

at this happy festival of song, the
Joy and the victim pile.

And could the weather have been better?


What's happening?

- That's Robbie!
- Earl, they will burn him!

Is determined only
a deterrent tactic.

It works.

Robert Sinclair,
You are hereby accused

the deliberate undermining of ours
Belief system that is sacred to us,

since the beginning... Well, since this week.

But I asked only one question.

Burn him!

But before we do this
ignite pagan troublemakers,

and watch his wretched body
as he crackles and crackles

in the fire of good,

would the owner
of the brown combo please

at the parking lot?
They block an exit.

My goodness!
Daddy, you have to do something.

Yes, I have to change my car.
What a lousy day.

Earl, that's your son up there.

Darling, I know,
it looks pretty bad

but there is definitely something in it
Book of the Potato, that explains that.

What could the book say
that could justify something like that?

Here, look.

Ok, if everyone please
take a torch

and would move to the fire pit,
so that we can start.

- Fast!
- It has to stand here somewhere.

And the kids with the marshmallows,
is coming up, ok?

Do you have any last words, heretic?

I take everything back
and apologize?

You are burning well too. Light the fire!

Earl, hurry up!

It is not here!

The book probably does not have all the answers?

What did you say?

Hail, potato, dad?

I see.

Burn them!
Burn them! Burn them!

The potato demands that the,
who doubt your glory,

golden brown to be roasted.

Light the ceremonial fires!

Ok, supreme.

Do not do it.

Do you see, dad?
No one cares about the truth.

They only want simple answers.

Simple answers
are not always the best.

- Yes.
- Look, marshmallows and biscuits.

Please, can not one stop that?

Farewell, my boy.

Nothing on earth can do the holy will
change the potato!


The fire! It has gone out!


- Hey.
- Hey, the wind.

- Where did he come from?
- Look. He blew out the fire.

But... he said
the fire was the will of the potato.

How could the potato let that happen?


...we are not, the mysterious
Ways of understanding the potato.

Because their plan exceeds
the horizon of pure mortals.

- They invent that!
- Yes!

- You have no idea!
- No!

- Yes, we need answers.
- Yes.

You are right,
we need all the answers.

But we can not be mistaken
accept the first answer,

they give us just because they are there.

She is right.

But we liked that it was easy.

But it turned out
as dizziness, right?

Oh well.

What did you learn?

We have to explore and think

and after a spiritual search
decide what our answers are.


And then we kill everybody
who disagree.

- Yes!
- No!

Everyone must be allowed
to believe what he wants to believe.

I always believed

the universe was coughed out
from the Big Snuffed Warthog.

That is interesting.
And you may believe that.

And if the whole life of the crust
the hot chicken quiche came from?

Do you think,
who come to untie us?

Yes, if you
have grasped the meaning of life.

It is a beautiful night.

Oh yes, that's it.
Look at the stars.


Dad, where do you think
are the stars coming?

I have
never thought about it, my boy.

But I will now.