Diagnosis Murder (1993–2001): Season 8, Episode 8 - All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Die - full transcript

Mark gets wrapped up in the world of high fashion and designer drugs while tracking down the person responsible for planting a bomb that killed his friend on his wedding day.

You do know that
the final outfit

for any haute couture show
is the wedding dress?

No, I didn't know that.

When I saw Tammy's creations
for this year's show

I had no choice, Mark.

I dropped to my knees and I
begged the woman

"Let's make it legal."

That's great, Stanley.

But why make
the wedding part
of the fashion show?

Oh, you've got it
the wrong around.

See, today's fashion show is
part of the wedding.

Kind of a preview for our
closest friends.

The real show, the one
for the buyers

that's next week.

What do you think?

What do you think?

That is lovely.

This is the best perk
I've ever had as a Rabbi.

Not only do I get to marry two
of my favorite people

I get to perform the ceremony
in a Tammy Bakst dress.

Our wedding gift to you.

Oh, he's so generous!

You know you're too generous.

Yes, I am, I'm too generous.

And you know what,
you're too beautiful.

No flirting on your wedding day.

I am not flirting, I'm not...

Just a little nervous,
that's all.

Natural, Stanley.

No, not about marrying Tammy.

I'm just... well, actually
I'm a little anxious

about breaking the glass.

I never understood

the tradition
of breaking the glass.

To tell the truth

there's been a thousand
different meanings

assigned to the act
over the years.

But for Tammy and Stanley
it symbolizes

an end to the old
and a beginning
of the new.

Kind of a good luck thing, huh?

I just like it
because we get
a big joyous bang

at the end of the ceremony.

Yeah, a big bang...

only with my luck, I'll get a
shard of glass in my foot.

Stanley, it's just
a little lightbulb

wrapped up in a towel, slipped
inside a lovely silk bag.

If it's any comfort,

in all my years of practicing

I've never had anybody come in

with an injured foot
from a Jewish wedding.

Yeah, well, there's
always a first time.

Okay, I'll be right there.

Nice man.

The sleek lines
and bold concepts

are the signature of
the Tammy Bakst Beachwear line.


I don't know,
is it too many diamonds?

Tammy, it's perfect.

You look more
beautiful than
any of us.

This is it, Tammy!

Tammy, do you take Stanley

as your life partner, your love

your helpmate and comfort

for better and for worse

in all that shall pass?

I most certainly do.


Go ahead...

Go ahead...

You sure you don't
want to go to the
hospital, Rabbi?

I was very lucky.

I'm fine.

As I understand it,
you were the one

who put the light bulb
in the silk bag?

Last night in my office

I always lay everything
out in advance.

So there was a time that
it was out of your sight?

After the shul was locked
in the evening

and then again for about 20
minutes before the ceremony.

And those were
the only two times

that someone could
have substituted
the bomb?

Who would want to kill a man
in the middle of his wedding?

When I can answer that
question, I'll be making
an arrest.

We need another unit
of O-neg, now.

That's the 20th

We've got to get this bleeding

under control... clamp.


His liver is fractured.

We need to resect it.

It's your call, Jesse.

Well, once we get
this artery ligated

I'll have better exposure.

Can you save the leg?

I'll do my best.

Is he okay?

Honey, I can't lie to you.

It's touch and go in there.

Oh, God...

if there was something
I could do

anything to help him?

Look, Tammy, I know it's hard

but once he's stabilized

I'm going to recommend
you go home.

See, he's going to go
straight to I.C.U.

he'll be heavily sedated

and I'll call you if
any change comes, all right?

Oh, Mark...

I know.

I'll get you a ride.

Did he make it?

So far, so good.

Jesse was magnificent in there.


How's the
coming along?

The full report won't be
in for a couple of hours

but it looks like
the device was made with
smokeless black powder.

Is that stuff traceable?

Well, we're trying,
but unfortunately

it's a pretty common commodity.

Who would want to plant
a bomb at a wedding?

Thanks, Jesse.

Yeah, Jesse's right.

That's a pretty open
and public way

to kill somebody.

I guess we're lucky more people
weren't injured.

Not luck, planning...
The bomb squad believes

that this was a carefully
constructed, shaped charge

that was designed
to take out
only Stanley.

Meaning it wasn't the work
of an amateur.

If it was an amateur,
he knew what he was doing.

Or she.

You can't mean Tammy?

Well, somebody had to plant it.

I've got to question everybody.

I've known Tammy a long time...

She's not our killer.

Steve. Is it Stanley?

Oh, no, no, he's still stable.

I checked with the hospital

before I came out.

Oh, thank God.

When I saw you,
my heart stopped.

Oh, I'm sorry

I should have called first.

You must think
I am this cold,
awful person

coming into work
when my husband is
lying in the hospital.

But it's just that the show

means so much to him.

And it's not that
I don't want to be with him.

Of course not.

It's just that they will
not let me in his room.

I... I cannot bear one
more second in that lounge.


Oh, sorry.

It's good to see you've
got your work at least.

I know that's helped me.

We still have a show to do
in six days.

Believe it or not,
orders are up 20%.

If you don't mind me asking

who might profit
from Stanley's death?

Nobody... if anything

without Stanley around,
the company's at risk.

But I thought you said
orders were up?

That's why we're at risk.

You're sticking me.


This is the schmata business.

We don't get paid

until months after
we deliver the goods.

But we have to pay
the manufacturers

months before that.

So the more orders we have,
the more debt we carry.

How much did Mirage owe?

My husband is a miracle worker.

When I called the factory

to say volume was up,
he said no problem.

Until today, Mirage
was paid in full.

Stop it.

Nadja, I am not touching you.

Stop it!

Stop it, stop it, stop it,
stop it, stop it!

Hey, calm down, take it easy!

She's burning up.

You better call an ambulance.

Okay, give her two milligrams

of Lorazepam I.V.

urine tox screen, blood
gas and chem panel.

B.P. 200/120, pulse 128,
respiratory rate 42

she's got a temp of 103.

Sanders, one of
the models told Steve

that she'd been taking
the drug Ecstasy.

Let's get her
on a Nitroprusside drip.

Titrate to systolic pressure
of 140.

Ready... one,
two three.

We better start a cooling
protocol, stat.

Once the pressure is down,
we can rehydrate her.

And set her up for an L.P.

Let's go.

Okay, you're okay.


Good thing you got
her here as quickly
as you did.

She almost didn't make it.

Was she using anything
besides Ecstasy?

We won't know until
the chem panel comes back.

My guess, the Ecstasy was

probably with D.X.M.

What's that?

It's the active
ingredient in
cough syrup.

In high doses, it can have

all sorts of bad side effects.

Beautiful girl.

A stupid thing to do, huh?

It seems they all use it
on occasion.

In fact, Nadja offered
to share hers

with the rest
of the models after work.

Gives a whole new meaning
to the term "high fashion," huh?


She's okay.


How's Stanley?

Coded... started bleeding again

from that ruptured artery.

Did he make it?

Afraid not.

Two days ago, I looked out
and saw most of these same faces

and celebrated a marriage
of two wonderful, loving people.

Friends of mine and yours.

The sadness we all feel today
is made even greater

because of our recently
shared joy.

What's Doug Exley doing
at Stanley's funeral?

Who's Doug Exley?

He's a real hard-
nosed DEA agent.

Not my favorite guy.

Exley says Stanley was a dealer.

You think Stanley's death
is drug-related?

I can't think of
any other reason

that the DEA would
be at his funeral.

Exley thinks Stanley was a

"Just another jerk
with a long-term solution

to a short-term problem."

That's a quote.


Of course.

You still have that shirt, huh?

Something the matter with it?

Well, isn't that your old
Sergeant Pepper shirt?

This from a man who gives
lessons to pack rats.

How about, uh, Tammy,
was she involved?

Well, not according to the DEA.

I told Doug about
that bad Ecstasy
the model took.

He seemed surprised.

He said Stanley
only dealt with
the grade-A stuff.

How close were they
to arresting him?

They already had

and he'd rolled over
on his supplier.

But before the DEA could sew up
the case... ka-boom.

Well, that sounds like a motive
for murder to me.

We arm wrestled a little over

uh, whose turf it was.

But I told him if we made
an arrest he could be in on it

and he gave me a name...
A Mike Rodzinski.

why is that familiar to me?

"Mike the Mechanic,"
Russian Mafia?


Well, if you like it...

then wear it...

Do you want to borrow
one of mine?

No, no, no. I'll
get another one.

Look all around you.

I'm a legitimate businessman.

Auto scrapyard business.

I'm talking about
your other business.

I have no other business.

Stanley Baumgarten
says otherwise.

Many people say many things.

Stanley didn't just pull
your name out of a hat.


I guess you'll probably find
this out eventually

for yourself.

It's better
you should hear it from me.

My daughter is
a model, Nadja Rose.

She works at Mirage.

You know your daughter almost
died of a drug overdose?

And you think
I had something
to do with this?

You and Stanley.

Let me tell
you something,

If I found out that that man

ever gave my daughter drugs

yes, I would have killed him.

But I didn't.

Convince me.

Two days ago,
I was in... San Francisco.

You got a plane ticket
to prove it?

No, I drove.

Got a witness?

Yes. Chester D. Peabody III.

He's a banker, he ended up
with a scrapyard in foreclosure

and I'm, I'm negotiating
to relieve him

of his responsibilities.

Just because you were out
of town doesn't mean

you couldn't have paid
to have it done.

Are you crazy?

You told me my daughter was
on that platform.

You think I, you think I would
hire a bomber

to put my Nadja at risk?

I hope not,
but I intend to find out.

What did he say?

If I ever find out
that you are taking
drugs again...

Nadja, my dear

I will kill you myself.

We're closed.


I'm sor...

I didn't know
what you were supposed to get

for the doctor who saves
your life

so... I got everything.

Oh, gosh, you didn't
have to do that.

They told me at the hospital

you were closing
the restaurant tonight.


Aren't you going to let me in?

Yeah... yeah, right.
Come on in, sure.

Champagne, flowers,
and chocolate.

I'm not allowed to eat
the chocolate.

I wish you'd been that careful
with the Ecstasy.

Ecstasy doesn't make you fat.

No, it just nearly killed you.

Well, that was bad stuff.

I should've had it checked.

Look, Nadja,
all of that stuff is bad.

Even if you didn't dehydrate

there's a ton of studies
that prove that Ecstasy

can cause permanent
brain damage.

Look, I'll show you
on the computer.

Oh, wait, wait.

Three moves.

King to bishop three, check.

Knight to bishop two.

Rook to knight two.


And brains, too.

No, the research is, uh,

Jesse, I almost died.

I know what that drug can do.

Look, um...

you don't have to do this.

I know I don't have to;
I want to.

you don't want to.

Oh, no, I want to...

I, um...

I just have to ask you
a question about Stanley.

What about him?

Well, according to a source
of mine at the DEA

Stanley engineered some
pretty significant drug deals.

He never dealt to me.

Didn't he give you the Ecstasy?

Not the bad stuff,
I had to buy that.

No, Stanley always
had the best stuff,
and he never charged.

Well, why would he give you
drugs for free?

Because he was short and funny.

You guys...

You always think you
need something extra.

With Stanley,
that extra was Ecstasy.

But in truth

we'd have hung out with Stanley

just because he was
short, cute and funny.


Short and cute
and funny can be
the best there is.

So... are you going
to drive us over

to your place, or am I?

I'll, uh, get my keys.

Mark, you have to believe me.

I had nothing to do
with the drugs.

Tammy, I'm so sorry
you had to hear all this.

You mean how he slept
with all the models?

Maybe I could have forgiven him
for that, maybe...

but drugs... drugs...

Mark, I have a show
to do in four days.

What am I going to do?

You're going to do your work.

In case you have not noticed

I am falling apart.

Tammy, look, you've lost a lot.

I'd hate to see you lose
that business, too.

Help me?

Of course. What?

Promise me that
you will be there?

Promise me that you
will announce the show?

Oh, promise that
there is one man left

on this Earth that I can trust?

Of course,
if it means that much to you.

And don't tell anyone that
we had this conversation.

I promise.

I didn't see her!

I didn't.

No. No, I did not...


Let me tell
you something, man...

No, it wasn't me!

I don't know!

You know that great

when you save somebody's life?


And not just somebody's life

I mean, when you save a person,
a good person.


A really, really good person.

A person who helps you to see
the good in other people

and a person who
makes you feel really...


Who is this guy?

It's me.

No, the guy in the photo.

I know I've seen him somewhere.

I just can't remember where.

Oh, that's, um, what's his name

the mobster, Mike the Mechanic.

Oh yeah, yeah,
that's Nadja's father.

You know, the model that OD'd?

Yeah, I know Nadja.

I'm talking about
this other guy.

Mike the Mechanic is
Nadja's father?

Right now,
he's suspect number one.

I thought her
last name was Rose.

His name is Russian.

Rodzinski, he wanted his kids
to sound more American.

Oh... how great.

I'm sure this other guy is
connected to the case.

If I could just get his name.

How do you suppose Mike feels
about doctors?

Specifically, how do
you suppose he feels

about doctors that
might be dating
his daughter?

I don't think that's something
you'd have to lose sleep over.

Who do you think I've been
talking about?


Uh, in here, Dad.

You and Nadja?


She thinks that
I'm really... short.

What are you guys up to?

Jesse, you just see
a ghost or something?

I think I need a drink of water.

What's the matter with him?

Well, let's just say

the road to love is a rocky one.

Say, that looks
like Tommy Toback.

Tommy Toback!

I knew he looked familiar.

Who's Tommy Toback?

It's the guy
in the photo.

Before your time, Jesse,
late 60s, early 70s.

Some radical group decided
to finance their activities

by robbing a bank.

Toback was their explosives guy.

A real revolutionary, huh?

No, just a bank robber.

But after they caught him

he offered to infiltrate
the radicals to sell them out.

Oh, nice guy.

Wonder what he's up to
these days?

Blowing up Stanley Baumgarten
might be a good guess.

Do I look like some high-flying
explosives expert to you?

The question is do you look like

an explosives expert
to Mike Rodzinski?

Are you kidding?
Mike hates me.

Mind if we ask why?

I dated his daughter.

You're joking.

I got lucky.

Then Mike found out about it
and I got very unlucky.

How unlucky?

Well, let's just say
it's a good thing

I had hospitalization.

He beat you up?

Yeah, that's the short version.

When was this?

Years ago.

So what did Mike want
with you today?

Who said I seen Mike?

I do.

Look, we can do this here

or you can do it at my place

as a guest of the state.

On what charge?

How are you going to hold me?

Oh, material witness, maybe.

Or we could go straight
to accessory to murder.

Mike comes by to visit.

That doesn't make me
accessory to anything.

It does if you made
the bomb that was used

to blow up Stanley Baumgarten.

I'm not in the bomb
business anymore.

According to the bomb squad

a shaped charge
with black powder
is your signature.

Yeah, well,
according to the bomb squad

every device that's gone off

in the last 25 years
has "my signature."

Mind if we examine the contents
of your shed?

Does this mean
you have a warrant?

We'll come back with one.

On the basis of what?

Because Mike the Mechanic likes
to push me around

or because I did something
30 years go I shouldn't have?

You got nothing on me

you know it and I know it.

So if you don't mind

I'm closed for the day.

He's right...

We don't have enough
for a warrant.

We do now.

All right, thanks.

That was the bomb squad.

The bombs were different,
but the device that was used

to trigger them both
was the same.

So then they were
definitely related?


My guess is that Mike hired
Toback to blow up Stanley

because Stanley was
about to turn State's
Evidence against him.

Then he got rid of Toback
so the bombing couldn't
be traced back to him.

Well, isn't it possible
the second bomb

was just a mistake?

I doubt it.

I think Mike ordered two bombs.

The first one to
get rid of Stanley

and the second one
to take care of Toback.

Wouldn't Toback have
been suspicious?

You said they had a
contentious relationship.

Because of Nadja?

It could be worse, Jesse.

If Mike was in Oakland
like he says

he needed somebody to deliver
the bomb to the wedding.

Well, Mike only knew two people
at that wedding...

Stanley and his daughter.

Well, you don't think
Nadja did this, do you?

The Russian mob may not play
by the old rules

but they still keep family
and business separate.

Exactly. Toback
could have delivered
the first bomb himself.

He wasn't at the wedding.

Well, you said yourself
he was a bank robber.

He could have easily
broken into the Rabbi's
office the night before.

To switch the bomb
and the lightbulb

the night before
is too big a stretch.

He could have done it
just before the wedding.

Somebody would have seen him.

Nobody did.

Why would Mike pick a fight
with Toback before killing him?

Looks pretty suspicious.

He didn't know I was
tailing him.

I mean, let's look at the facts.

Mike had done business
with Toback before

and Stanley was about
to testify. Two guys
tied to Mike are dead.

I mean, add it up:
Mike's our man.

You know...

you have what I believe
is called impeccable logic.

Should I take that
as a compliment
or a confession?


Because you see,
Mr. Detective

you are overlooking
one very important fact.

I didn't do it.

You must be a man
of great faith.

You're talking about my
religious convictions

or, or my deep regard for
the American legal system?

Your faith in Tommy
Toback's skill.

Otherwise you never would
have let your daughter

deliver that bomb.

Cop or no cop, you
crossed the line.

What did you tell her it
was, a wedding present?

She had nothing to do with
that bombing, nothing!

Only way you'd know
that for certain

is if you did.

You don't believe me, huh?

All right, arrest me

Mr. Detective, go ahead.

Go ahead, arrest me.

A jury knows a father would
never endanger his daughter.

Go ahead...

What's the matter,
you forgot your cuffs?

If you'll excuse me

I have some business
to attend to.

Dr. Jesse Travis
to the nurses' station.

Dr. Jesse Travis
to the nurses' station,

Thank you.



They've been paging you.

You didn't hear them?

Yeah, no... yes...

You know what, I came in here
to, uh, check up on a patient.

He, uh... obviously...
checked out.

You should, um, call first.

You know, sometimes I
just get really busy

here at the hospital
with my work.

But I wanted to surprise you.

What's the matter?

Um, well...

Stanley was your boyfriend.


Well, so was Tommy.

Oh, that is so sweet.

You're jealous.

Oh... No, I'm
not jealous.

I'm terrified.

Um, I mean...

They're both dead.

Oh, great.

Story of my life.

Dead boyfriends?

I meet a good guy

and just as we start
to get something going

he finds out about my father.

Nadja, you've got to admit,
he's a pretty scary guy.

This is how I end up
with creeps, you know?

Good guys find out about
my dad, they start running.

Run...? Do I look
like I'm running?

More like you're in
the starting blocks

waiting for the gun to go off.

Gun? What gun?

See what I mean?

It's too bad.

We could have had a lot of fun.

Nadja, if you've got
a couple of minutes

there's something I need
to talk to you about.

Forget it, your friend
Jesse already tried.

I'm not turning in my dad.

Well, I wouldn't expect you to.

Well, then, what
do you want from me?

Well, there's something
that's been troubling me

about, uh, about
you and Stanley.

Look, they weren't married.

It might not make
a difference to you,
but it did to me.

Well, I'm not here to judge you.

And besides...

it's not like I was
the only one, okay?

Stanley charmed every model
that he met.

How did he find the time?

Tammy was always working.

Stanley had a big heart
and an empty house.

Oh, I see.

I mean it's not like
Tammy gave the place
her personal touch.

If you didn't go
in her closet...

you wouldn't even
know she was there.

Did you take a peek
at her closet?

Did you see what kind
of clothes she wore?

Why not?

I think I probably
would have, too.

I'd be more likely to take
a peek into the kitchen.

Oh... coffee ice
cream, with chunks.

No kidding.

How about the medicine cabinet?
Did you crack that?

Oh, amazingly boring,
not even aspirin.

Oh... did you listen to
the answering machine?

Any old messages on there?

What about the recycling pile?

Just fashion magazines.

How about any evidence
that your Stanley was

going to turn State's
Evidence on your father?

You trickster.

Nadja, I'm a police consultant.

It just occurred to me
that if you knew about

Stanley's connection
with the DEA...

you just might tell your father.

I didn't say a word.

Good. It's very
good you didn't

because it would have put you
in a compromising position.

As a matter...

you might have been an
accessory before the fact.

Dr. Sloan.


I have clothes to wear.

Oh, of course, I'm sorry.

Thanks, Nadja.

Sloan here.

He did?

All right, hold him.

I'll be right there.

Mike Rodzinski, you're
under arrest for the murder

of Stanley Baumgarten.

Silent alarm, huh?

I thought you were smarter
than that.

Oh, Nadja.


Oh, Nadja, my sweet Nadja.

I have to tell you something.


Nadja, don't talk.

I want you to listen.

Just sit, sit down.

No, I...

Sit down, sit.
Sit. Sit down.

I know what you think, Nadja.

How could I do such a thing,
such a terrible thing?

Papa, listen to me...

No, you, you listen to me.

I've done many things
in my life... for many reasons.

But always...

the greatest reason
for everything in my life...

is you.

I've done a lot of things

I should have been
arrested for, huh?

But I was too smart.

Or maybe just...

too lucky.

I know.

Well, this time...
my luck ran out.

Papa, please...


I've looked at the situation
from every angle...

I... I've made peace with it.

I can't... no.

I can't, Papa!

Yes, you can.

Yes, you can, Nadja.

You're my daughter.

You're my daughter.

I'm here to confess, Lieutenant.

To what?

Stanley's murder.

It's just like your father said.

I was sleeping with Stanley...

and found out he was going
to testify against my father.

You realize you're going to be
asked this on the stand?

Just let me tell my story,
will you?

It's hard enough as it is.

I was at the wedding.
I was backstage.

I was the one
who planted that bomb.

So you're confessing to murder?

My father had nothing
to do with this.

You didn't make that bomb.

Tommy Toback was
my first boyfriend.

I could talk him into anything.

Tommy never imagined
the second was for him.

Arrest me.

Free my father.

Go home, Ms. Rose.

But I did it.

You know, it's funny,
this happens all the time.

We solve a crime, and all kinds
of people want to take credit.

I'm not all kinds of people.
I was there.


And you figure you'll confess,
and your father will get off.

But I'm guilty.

Go home.

She must have been
really desperate.

Well, unless she was
telling the truth.

She couldn't have been
telling the truth.

Don't you see that?

Yeah, it's a tactic.

Don't tell me
it's working on you.

Well, you know,
I've been thinking...

Say you committed a murder.

Well, that's crazy

because Steve would never
commit a murder.

Well, I would certainly hope not

but let's just say you did.

Why are we doing this?

Because it's always good

to look at both sides
of everything.

Fine. I've gone and
killed somebody. Why?

Because I have committed
a crime.

I see.

The world has gone insane.

So, I've committed

a crime that might
put me in jail

for the rest of my life,
but there's only one witness.

If you kill that witness,
then I go free.

And I go to jail
for a long time.

That's right, except
I don't allow that to happen

because I committed the crime

that started everything
in the first place.

So, uh... but if I'm the killer

how do you keep me
from being convicted?

By making it look like
I did the crime and the murder.

I take the rap;
you go free.

You'd do it to save me.

Yes, I would.

Because you're a good person.

I'm a good person

and I'm a loving father.

Uh, unfortunately,
Mike is not either one.

Yeah, he's
a professional criminal.

You just made my point for me.

Why would a guy
with Mike's savvy

let himself be caught
in Rabbi Nussbaum's office?

Well, he knew his alibi
had crumbled.

And obviously, he was worried
about some piece of evidence

in the Rabbi's office.

What, fingerprints?


Well, Mike must have known

that the police already dusted
the place.

Okay, something else then.

Which he didn't find.

If that's all you've got
to go on...

All right, how about
the flight to Oakland?

Well, it gave him plenty of time
to plant the bomb

and get back to the Bay Area
before it went off.

He had a ticket?

He must have used
an assumed name and ID.

You check the flight manifest?

Well, we're contacting everybody
that was on that plane.

Sooner or later
we'll find out
what name Mike used.

All right, answer me this one.

How could Mike have known
that Rabbi Nussbaum

laid all the wedding things out
in her office?


Lieutenant Sloan.

All right, I'll be right out.

Sorry, Dad.

They found what,
uh, Mike was after

in the Rabbi's office.

Well, what?


I told you she didn't do it.

Maybe a Rabbi
shouldn't admit this

but I'm a junk store junkie.

I'm absolutely certain
this doesn't belong to me.

Not your style?

I've never seen
anything like it.

On the other hand

it would go great
on a gold chain.

I don't think that was
a fashion statement.

It's clearly Russian.

Yeah, and you see

that's my point exactly.

Mike wanted to be an American.

An American gangster.

Yeah, you should have seen
his car.

Screaming Crimson Caddie.

And he even Anglicized
his daughter's name.

Half of my congregation have
Americanized names.

But there was nothing about Mike

that referred back to Russia.

Except that, of course.

You know, I wonder...

Dad, where are you going
with this?

Do you still have those photos?

The ones taken of Mike
with Toback up at the lake?

What do they have to do
with this?

I want that back.

It's evidence.

You mind telling us
what this is, Mike?

That belonged to my father.

It was from the
Great Patriotic War.

Second World War?

To you, a world war.

To us, it was
an invasion of Russia.

Not only the soldiers fought

but every man, every woman,
every child was at risk.

Did you ever hear of the siege
of Leningrad?

Mm-hmm. One of the worst
in history.

How long did it last,
three years?

Nine hundred days.

Is that what this says?

They gave one to every survivor.

Before the siege

my-my mother took me
out of Russia to safety

but my three older sisters...
not so lucky.

My father survived
the siege, but...

my mother and...

My mother and my three sisters,
they starved to death.

I'm sorry.

Look, uh, there's not very much
I hold sacred

but that medallion
was given to me by my father

the day he died.

I've carried it with me
every day since.

Actually, you were wearing it

the day you met
with Tommy Toback.

My father had this blown up.

You can see

the medallion attached
to your belt loop.

So what-what does this prove?

Those photos were taken two days

after Stanley's murder.

Which means you couldn't
have left the medallion

in the Rabbi's office

at least, not when the bomb

would have to have been planted.

I couldn't imagine why you,
of all people, Mike

would return
to the scene of a crime

which, of course, you didn't.

You were going there
for the first time.

To plant evidence.

Why would I plant evidence

to make myself look guilty?

To protect your daughter.

You weren't going
to take a chance

she'd be convicted.

The DA's office is filing papers
with the court.

You should be released
in a couple hours.

She is... she is going to have
one very good lawyer.

I'm sure she will.

Thank you for coming,
Mr. Harrison.

Just so you understand,
my client has been informed

to let me do the talking
for her.

She's talked plenty already.

Did you tape record

that conversation, detective?


Obtain a signed statement?


In fact, you sent her home,
didn't you?

I did.

Because you believed
her innocent.

I can't wait

to get you on the stand,

In fact,
if the State doesn't call you

I'll do it myself.

Mr. Harrison

would you care to sit down
to view the tape?

I'm breathless
with anticipation.

Okay, we'll roll it here.


All right, now watch this.

Go ahead.

What does that prove?

Well, you know, this, uh,
digital tape's amazing.

You can isolate
one corner of the frame.

Blow it up.

You can slow motion it.

Yeah, how about
manipulate the image?

We wouldn't, and we didn't.

It's all there.

Here, let me show you.

You see that?

See what?

Nadja, I'm doing the talking.

And watch...

Nadja anticipates the bomb.

She steps back
just before it goes off.

You notice nobody else did?

That's all you've got?

You've got a guilty
client, counselor.

That's what you said
about her father.

Who's next?

Tammy or one of
the other models?

Or perhaps someone
we haven't even met yet?

No, this-this conversation
is over.

Did you see her face
when she watched the tape?


We both know she's guilty.

Question is, how do we prove it?

You busy tomorrow?

Thank you.

Very... nice.

Very... little.

Uh, "This swimsuit,
which is made

"of synthetic fabric

"lets the sun's rays through

for an even,
all-over tan."

You know, I might suggest that

that could be a little dangerous

without some kind

of sun protection.

Oh, okay...

Uh, you know

I would say a-a leg...
a lotion

uh, SPF-15 or, uh...

Excuse me...

A suit like that...

I'd suggest maybe even
a, uh, a 20.


Where are we?

"This perfect traveling outfit

"after-dinner reception,
the one-piece suit

"is equally at home
in the boardroom...

or the, uh, boardwalk."

Well, no boardroom
I ever was in.

I must say...

That must have...

Okay, here...

"Make sure your wedding night
is one to remember

with this traditional
boudoir set."


I guess, that's the problem.

You're not...

Yes, very nice, thank you.

Well, I think maybe

I better just forget
about the cards

ladies and gentlemen.

Uh, a lot of you
are probably wondering

about this archway
behind me here.

Uh, last week
at the fashion show

it served as Tammy's
wedding bower.

The only difference now is

we've installed a lighting
system called ALS...

Alternate lighting source.

It emits ultraviolet rays

and it's able to detect

any residue of black powder.

Now, one model walked off the
stage during the fashion show

last week

picked up the bomb,
and planted it.

When she did that

she was covered with unseen
residue from that bomb.

So if you see any, uh, flecks

it won't be dandruff.

It'll be the residue from
the bomb that killed Stanley

because it will be the same
model in the same outfit

that she wore when
she planted that bomb.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the, uh, killer.

Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen,
but I have an arrest to make.

Miss Rose, you're under arrest

for the murder
of Stanley Baumgarten.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say
can and will be used against you

in a court of law.

I'm glad that's over.

My city editor...

he's not going to believe this!

Y-you still have

the rest of the show
to announce.

Oh, come on, Tam...

All that...?

Well, we'll, uh...

Should I just go ahead, huh?

Well, I guess you could say

she was just trying
to protect her father.

In some sad way

I guess she did it out of love.

Feels like kind of a waste.

What do you mean?

Don't forget.

This whole thing started

because Doug Exley was
about to arrest Mike

for dealing drugs.

You think

this will put him
out of business?

Oh, he'll lie low for a while

but guys like Mike
always do something.

I'd like to think
after this tragedy, he'd stop.

Well, don't count on it, Dad.

We'll get him on something.

Maybe not today,
maybe not tomorrow

but soon enough.