Diagnosis Murder (1993–2001): Season 6, Episode 16 - Rescue Me - full transcript

An accident victim develops a fatal attraction to Jesse.

Call 911.

Help me get her out of there.

Are you nuts?

That's a live wire.
That car's gonna blow.

I got her.
I got her.


Put her down.

Is she alive?

She's not breathing.
Do you know CPR?

Do you know CPR?!


One, two,

three, four,


One, two, three...

It's okay.
You're going to be fine.

Good work.

What do you think you're doing?

Oh, I was, uh,
just borrowing a pen.

Oh, is that why you're walking
away with it in your hand?

Oh, no. I... I'm... sorry.

Are you aware that
the admissions nurse

who signed out a certain
number of pens from supplies

is accountable for
every single one?

Well, she... oh, she is?

Pens aren't free.

Someone has to pay for them

and, unless you want it
coming out of her paycheck,

I suggest you think
twice before stealing

another one.

Yes, ma'am.

Boy, is she strict.

Who is she?

The new nursing administrator.

Oh, the one you just hired.


Good to know she's
not playing favorites.


How you feeling
this morning, Ms. Marsden?

Oh, a lot better than I did

when you pulled me out
of the car yesterday.

Well, that's good.

And it's Chloe.


is that me?


I like to use the faces
of people that I know.

Hope you don't mind.

No. I just never
thought of myself

as a knight
in shining armor type.

Well, you sure looked
like one yesterday.

You know, I'd like
to see the picture

that comes before this one.



The one that shows
why the princess

crashed her noble steed
into a telephone pole.

I don't know... one minute

I'm driving down the street,

and the next thing I know,

an air bag's
exploding in my face.

And then you were there.

You know, I... I thought
I overheard you

telling one
of the police officers

that there was
another car involved.

Did I?

Maybe I saw something.

I... you know,
it's just...

I think the medical term
you're looking for is

it's none of my business.

You know, the good news is

your 24-hour
observational period is up

and we're going to run a few
more tests, and, if everything

works out, I'm sure you'll be
free to leave in the morning.


You know, to most people,
that's good news

unless there's some reason
why you don't want to go home.

I'll be back to check on you

before you're discharged.


I'd like that.

♪ Oh, shine on me

♪ In the morning

♪ Shine on me

♪ Shine on me?

♪ On me

♪ Shine...


Dad, I, uh...
what are you doing?

Rehearsing. Guys,
ice tea's on the house.

We'll hit it later.

Dad, I thought you were going

to rehearse after we closed.

Well, I thought
this was a good time.

The place is empty.

There used to be people here.

Hey. I'm glad you guys
are both here.

I need a little help.

Medical or criminal?

Well, a little bit of both.

You remember Chloe Marsden,

the accident victim
I brought in?

Well, I don't think

that her accident
was an accident.

I think that she was
deliberately run off the road.

She tell you this?

Well, you know,

she didn't exactly use
the word "deliberate,"

but she's scared about something

and she doesn't want
to talk about it.

You mean, like maybe
she knows who did it?

Maybe, and I thought
maybe you...

I'd run a background
check on her,

see if anyone's mad at her?

Jesse, it's kind of late.

I just didn't want
to see her end up

in the E.R. again.

Uh-huh. Look, Jesse,

I've got this friend that gets

a pain in his back every
time he bends over.

Maybe some night
you'd like to stop by

after a long shift and, uh,
check him out for free?

All right, I get the point.

Look, Jess, I'd
love to help you,

but I got to close up tonight.

Maybe tomorrow
I can talk to the
officer in charge

and see what he thinks.

Okay, thanks.

Oh, excuse me, gentlemen.

I am needed.

Okay, guys, let's hit it.

♪ Oh, shine on me

♪ In the evening...

You know, on second thought,

this girl could be
in real trouble.

There's not a moment
to lose, Jess.

Why don't you, uh, close up

and I'll start checking on her?

♪ I wonder if the light...

May I help you?

Uh, I'm Lieutenant Steve Sloan.

I was looking

for Richard Locke.

Oh, well, I'm his wife.

What is this about?

Uh, actually,
I should speak with Mr. Locke.

Maybe I can help.


He'll be right here.

Richard, this is, uh,
Lieutenant Sloan.

He's with the police.

Maybe we should talk
inside the house.

What? And track mud
all over the floor?

I just finished
cleaning up the dirt

the kids dragged in.

You can talk here;
we don't have any secrets.

Uh, it's about Chloe Marsden.

You swore to me it was over.

It is over;
I haven't seen her in weeks.

Well, you never should've
seen her in the first place.

So you didn't run
her car off the road.

Of course not.

Is she dead?

No, just a little bruised up.

Too bad.

Normally, in cases
like this, we look

at the disgruntled
boyfriend first.

Coworker of Miss
Marsden said you're it.

I wasn't a boyfriend;
all we had was an interlude.

Four times. You slept
with that tramp four times.

It was going to be five,

but then the secretary
walked in on them.

You own a blue Saturn,
don't you, Mr. Locke?


Suppose I could
have a look at it?

It's in the shop.

Couple of days ago,
when Brenda and the kids

were off, Chloe showed up

and bashed my car
with a baseball bat.

You told me somebody smashed
into you in a parking lot.

I didn't want
to worry you, honey.

This relationship was so casual,

why'd she trash your car?

Same reason Glenn Close
boiled that kid's dog.


Uh, bunny.

You get my point.

I've, uh...

I've got your discharge
papers right here.

Chloe, you all right?

Something happen?
Are you in pain?

Maybe we could run
a few more tests.

No. I'm fine.

Is this about Richard Locke?

How did you know about Richard?

I have a friend
who's a police officer,

and he ran
a little check for me.

Locke ran you
off the road, didn't he?

I broke up with him.

He doesn't want to let me go.

There's a big glare

coming from this.

Why didn't you go to
the police about it?

What are they going to do,
watch me 24 hours a day?

No, I got to find
a solution to this myself.

Yeah, but he could be
out there waiting for you.

Why don't we keep you
another day for observation

or, if you like, I
can put you together

with my friend, the cop.

No, I just want
to get on with my life.

All right. We'll
get an orderly then

to escort you outside

and we'll have a cab
waiting for you.

You know, I-I could
just drive you home,

make sure that there's
no blue car waiting for you.

You can't. You're working.

That's no problem.

I'm sure I could sign out
for half an hour.

Is it your break time already?

Uh, no.

Well, then shouldn't
you be in the E.R.

instead of lounging
around in the lobby?

Yes, ma'am.

This is interesting.

Did you decorate
this place yourself?

Yeah, well, I've tried
using real models before.

They just drink
all my good coffee,

then insist on bathroom breaks.

So you're a real artist.

Should I feel like an idiot

for not knowing who you are?

Not unless you buy

a lot of books
at drugstores or airports.

I mostly do paperback covers.

Well, I like it.

I mean, I don't know
much about art, but...

Yeah, you and most of my fans.

Still, those guys who get
the gallery shows...

They don't know the thrill
of seeing their artwork

turned into a mural

on some pothead's
van conversion.

Well, everything looks okay.

Do you want me to, uh, check

around the rest of the house?


I didn't notice this before,

but you have a great face
for a Varsuvian Windrunner.


Well... yeah, I've
been told that before.

In fact, my girlfriend
just told me that

this morning.
At breakfast.

My girlfriend told me that.

Do you have a couple minutes?

'Cause I would love
to sketch you.

That is if you don't mind
gracing thousands of spin racks

in a loincloth and dreadlocks.

Oh... loincloth.

You know, I, uh, actually got
to get back to the hospital.

I only signed out
for a little while.

Um, you know, let me...
let me do this.

I'll give you a phone number
of, uh, Lieutenant Steve Sloan,

and if you have a problem,

you can call him, okay?


I promise.

Thanks for everything.

Well, good-bye.

Good luck.

Okay, your eyes
are equal and reactive.

Your skull X-ray
came back negative.

You have a mild concussion.

Mild? How can this
be a mild concussion?

I feel like my skull is cracked.

I checked the skull X-rays
three times.

You must have checked them
at least five.

Yeah, but I have a concussion.

I mean, my skull could be
severed from my spine,

and I wouldn't see it.

You're lucky it wasn't.

We found a two-by-four
with blood on it.

I'm sure it's going
to match yours.

I want to press charges.

Against who?


whoever you arrest

as soon as you
go arrest someone.

A lead would be nice.

How about the guy
who stole my wallet?

You still have your wallet.

Oh... I have
a mild concussion.

Hmm... so, I've heard.

Maybe that beautiful
woman you left with
saw something.

What beautiful woman?

Oh, the one you escorted
out of the hospital

and drove away with.


I have a mild concussion.

So I've heard.

I told you

it was a bad idea

getting involved with a patient.

You rest.

I'll be back.

I have a concussion.

A mild concussion.

You treated an
E.R. patient

without getting his
insurance carrier?

If we can't figure out
who to Bill for this,

we have to pay for it,

and then what do you
think happens?

A child dies

because we can't afford
the extra respirator

to keep her alive.

A little rough, isn't she?

Well, when you're
in administration,

you do have to be firm.

You're scared of her,
aren't you?


I don't blame you.

Where can I find
Dr. Travis?

Do you have an appointment?

I'm a patient of his.
I have to see him.

Well, if it's a
medical emergency,

the E.R. admissions desk
is on the first floor.

Otherwise, you can call
and make an appointment.

Excuse me. Perhaps
I can be of some help.

If you don't mind.

I'm Dr. Sloan.
Is there a problem?

No, not anymore.

I'm Chloe Marsden.

Dr. Travis saved my life.

Yes, he told me about that.

You're a very lucky girl.

Mostly because he was there.

I just came back to thank him.

I would have thought
you did that

when he saw you home.

The truth is
I wanted to apologize

if I caused him any trouble.

I have this ex-boyfriend...

Ah, I see.

Well, I'm sure
that Dr. Travis

would appreciate a kind word.

He had a little accident

of his own.

Oh, no.

Chloe. What are
you doing here?

Anything happen?

You're hurt.

I just...

bumped my head on a two-by-four.

Those things happen.

Especially with Richard.

He called right after you left.

He said he saw us kissing.

we weren't kissing.

Well, if you and I
were kissing, I...

I think I would have remembered.

What are we going to do?


What are you doing here?

It's... it's 3:00 a.m.

He was there.

At my house while I was
talking to you

at the hospital.

The place was wrecked.

Everything was everywhere.

I didn't know what to do.
I'm sorry.

I found your name
in the phone book.

I just didn't...

It's okay. Come on.

Would you have a seat?

I am so sorry about this.

It's okay.

Why don't we just call Steve

and you can file a complaint?

I know, but it's 3:00 a.m.
You can't call your friend now.

Well, you know, we could
just call the police.

You can talk to another cop.

And say what?

I didn't see him do it.

I don't know.

Maybe do you have, uh,
family or relatives...

a close friend you can call?

No, no.

It... it's so late.

This was a bad idea.


I shouldn't have come here.


you know what? I'm...

I'm just... I'm really cranky
right now.

I'm tired.
My head is killing me.

It's late.
Why don't you just

sleep on the sofa?

Please stay.

Are you sure?

I'm positive.

I'll go grab a blanket for you.

Thanks for letting me
borrow your clothes.

I didn't exactly come prepared
for a sleepover.

Well, I...

think maybe we should try
and get some sleep.


Can you sit with me for a bit?

Uh, sure.

Thanks for everything.

It's no problem.

I mean, I didn't do anything

that any other Varsuvian
Windrunner wouldn't have done.

Whatever it is they do.

They're kind of like angels

except they carry
these giant crossbows

to exterminate Death Hunters.


And they're the greatest lovers
in all the 32 light realms.

I guess I got to start reading

something other than
Sports Digest.

Oh, they're fantasies.

But people really get into them.

It's like a whole
other life for them.

But a life where everyone
has a role to play

and everything happens
for a reason.

But life isn't like that.

Well, they would say

that you were always
meant to rescue me.

And that even this night
was meant to happen.

That's not the way it happened.

I mean, I just went to the store

to buy a bag of potato chips,

which is weird because
I don't even like
potato chips.

I do like the
barbecued ones, though,

but then sometimes you get
that embarrassing red ring

around your lips from the...

I can't.

I'm involved.


really involved.

Well, I don't see a ring.

But I do.

I mean, I-I know
that it's not there,

but-but I feel it there.

Won't it come off?

Probably, but I'm not sure

I'd ever be able to
get it back on again.

And to be quite honest with you,

that's not a risk
that I'm willing

to take right now.

Do you understand?

I understand that you're
really committed to this woman.

I think that's great.

I'm sorry that I tried
to come between you two.

No, don't be.

I got to be at the
hospital in a few hours,

so maybe you and I
should both try and...

Get some sleep.

Get some sleep.



Good night.

Good night.

Come on.

Hey, thanks.

I know that you're
probably not awake,

but I brought coffee anyway...


It's Susan!

Look at that.

Hi. Good morning.

How are you?

This is not what it looks like.


I think I should make
that phone call now.

Yeah, the phone call.

Definitely make that phone call.

To the police about
the break-in at my place.

She's got
a thing... yeah.

Which is why I'm here.

Yeah, it's, uh... you
can use the phone

in my bedroom in there.

It's, uh, right over there

since you've never
been in there before.

It's right there.

Right through there?

Yeah. You
can't miss it.

It's right past
the coffee table.

I'll just, um... dress
while I'm in there

so I can go.


Wow. This is, uh...

This is not
what you're thinking.

This is, um...

Susan, uh, don't be angry.

This isn't angry.

This is calm.


This is understanding.

This is thoughtful.

E.R. supply closet, 2:00.

If you're not there by 2:01,
then you'll see angry.

All right. Okay.

That's good. Um, 2:00.

That lunatic
called the cops on me?

Somebody ransacked
her house yesterday

and attacked her doctor.

I keep telling you

I don't want anything
to do with that woman.

And yet things keep
happening to her.

I haven't been near her house.

I don't know
this Dr. Travis.

If she's found somebody else,

I will be the first one
to say "hurray"

and wish the poor slob
good luck.

And, uh, I should
believe you why?

Look, I was coming
home up the 405

late one night.

I spot a woman on
the side of the road

with a flat tire...

And you volunteered
to change it for her.

She was nice.

She said she was grateful
that I rescued her.

When she offered
to buy me a drink,

I thought,
"what the heck?"

Mm-hmm, one rescue, one drink,

one one-night stand...

That makes perfect sense.

Yeah, it did

until I tried to break it off
with her

and she wouldn't let me.

I told you that.

Mmm, the, uh, bashed-in car?

I made a mistake.

I rescued a woman
on the side of the road

and then got involved with her.

All I want now
is to be left alone.

Nothing happened.

Nothing except a woman
spent the night with you.

In my apartment, not in my bed.

She's a patient of mine.

Oh, that makes me
feel much better.

Look, she was in trouble.

She needed a place to stay.

I let her stay in my apartment.

There's nothing
romantic about it.

Maybe not for you.

Look, she just broke up
with a boyfriend

who turned out to be
a complete psycho.

So I'm sure the last thing
she wants

is another relationship.

You do believe me?

I trust you.

It's not quite the same thing.

Hey, I take what I can get.

What is it?

A patient needs me.

I got to go.



Jesse, look at me.

Can you tell us
what happened, Jess?

I'd like to hear that myself.

Who are you?

Lieutenant Bill Creighton,

Jesse, I'm your friend
and your business partner.

There's no way I can be
on this case.

There would be a conflict
of interest.

This is Lieutenant
Creighton. He's a good guy.

Just be honest with him.

Tell him everything
that happened.


I-I heard a fight.

I came in, and...

he was trying to kill her.

And... and then
there was this sword.

You always carry a sword
with you?

Well, just take a look around.

Clear to see where
the sword came from.

How well did you know
Richard Locke?

I didn't.

I mean, just what Chloe told me
about him and what he did here.

He trashed the place
before the fight?

Yeah. That's why she spent
last night at my apartment.

Chloe spent the night with you?

Yeah. She
was scared.

You helped her out
just like you did today.

Yeah. I-I mean...

Dr. Travis
is in shock.

I don't think
there are any questions

that can't wait till
after he gets some sleep.

Okay. Get some rest.

Might want to get a lawyer, too.

Hold it, ma'am.
Can't come in here.


Mark called me.

I hate to say it, Dad,

but if I didn't know Jesse,

I'd have a hard time believing

this was justifiable homicide.

I'm having a little trouble
believing it myself.

We're going to have
to dig deeper

if we're going to help Jesse.

Well, I'd love to, but I'm not
on the case, remember?

No, you're not... not
on a homicide, at least.

The car accident.

Mmm. I think we have
to go back farther

to when Jesse met Chloe.

You wouldn't have any
trouble investigating
that, would you?

No. Not at all.




What the hell
are you doing here?

Richard is gone.

We can be together.

What are you, crazy?

It's okay.

The police believe
it was self-defense.

What do you mean,
the police believe it was...?

I know this has been hard
on both of us,

but it's over now.

You got to get off of me.
You got to get out of here.

But this is what we wanted.

We killed for this.

We ki...?!

I didn't mean to kill anybody!

You saved my life.

You made a future for us.

You got to go.

You got to get out!

Wait, wait, wait, wait,


Wait, wait.

You're leaving.

Get your stuff.

I belong here.

You don't belong here
with me. Take this.

Chloe, let's go.


You're right.
You're right.

It's better this way.

The police are still around.

But I'll be waiting.

Right. Okay.

See you.

She killed him.

She wasn't the one
that stabbed him,

but it doesn't matter.

The minute he slept with her,
he was dead.

He wouldn't be dead

if he hadn't tried to kill her.

Because she drove him to it.

By attacking his car?

That was just one thing.

He-he tried to, uh, hide
the really scary stuff

from me and the kids, but...

he never could hide
anything from me.

What kind of scary stuff?

Dead rats in the mailbox.

A fire in our tool shed.

She stole my daughter's Furby.

Why would she steal a toy?

My daughter's favorite toy.

That's what sent Richard
to kill Chloe?

I mean, a kidnapped Furby?

It was a message.

"I can do whatever I want
whenever I want."

I-I went to go pick up

the kids from school
this afternoon,

and they were eating cookies.

I said,
"Where'd you get the cookies?"

They pointed to the nice lady.


She looked right at me
and smiled.

I grabbed those cookies
from the kids' hands,

and I called Richard
from the car.

My God.

He was furious.

He wanted me to have
the kids' stomachs pumped.

My God.

Said he couldn't
take it anymore.

Thank you for coming in,
Mrs. Locke.

I'm very sorry.

Chloe threatened his kids,
knowing he'd come after her.

Yeah, you were right.

Jesse was set up.

But how do we prove it?

Keep digging.

Let's go.

Look, I woke up,

and she was on top of me.

And she got in how?

Broke down the door?

Slithered under it?

I don't know!

I mean, maybe
she picked the lock.

Maybe I left the door open.

All I did was try
to help her out.

I didn't ask for any of this.

You got to believe me.

I want to, but most women I know

don't climb into bed
with a sleeping guy

unless they've had
some kind of encouragement.

Look, I was nice to her.
That's all.

And you were never even tempted?

Tempt...?! How could I be?

I have you.


Don't go.

Wait, Susan.

I don't want to hear
any more lies.

I... All right, look.

An incredibly beautiful woman
is lying on my sofa

in my living room

wearing nothing
but my dress shirt,

and all she wants

is for me to take it off of her,

and you're asking me
if I'm tempted by that?

She wanted you, you wanted her,

but nothing happened?

Nothing happened because
I have something better...

You and me...

And I wouldn't jeopardize that
for anything.

I believe you.


If you weren't
even tempted, then...

you're not human.

Now I know you're
telling the truth.

So get him

to tell you the truth
about these.

What are you, spying on me?

This doesn't mean anything.

Well, then the affair
they've been having

doesn't mean anything either.

We have an affair...?

I-I just met her two days ago.

That's not what the lady says.

She says you set it up
to make it look that way

so you could fool
your girlfriend.

Yeah, well, it's a lie.

She also says that you've been

trying to force Richard Locke
out of her life for weeks.

I never even met the man.

Till you killed him,

which she still insists

you did to keep him
from killing her.

Well, at least
you two got that part

of your story straight.

It's a pity that, uh...

you left your blueprints
lying around.

Get the hell out of here.

No, thanks.

I got copies.

Oh, and, uh, next time
you close up,

you might want to lock
your door.

An open door's
an invitation to crime.

What's going on?

She set me up.

She wanted me to kill Locke.

The only way to stop her

is to get her to tell the truth,

and I'm the only one
who can make her do that.

Jesse... don't.


I knew you'd come.

You told Creighton
we were having an affair?

I had to. He found out.

There is nothing to find out.

I'm in love with Susan Hilliard.

How many times do I
have to tell you that

before it sinks in?!

She doesn't matter.

Nobody matters but us.

You killed for me, remember?

You tricked me into that.
You made me do that.

That hurts.

Look, you're going
to leave us alone.

Do you understand me?


You're hurting me!

I hate abusive boyfriends.

You're lucky I followed you,

or you'd have gone down
on two counts of murder.

I didn't murder anyone!

Get him out of here.

Go on.

Let's go.

This way. Come on.

You all right, miss?

I am now.

I don't know why he did that.

You'll have to come down
to the station

and file a complaint.

Maybe get a restraining order.

Could you tell us
what really happened

to Richard Locke?

Are you sure he didn't hurt you?

I can call for a paramedic.

I'm not hurt.

I'm just scared.

I'm a little bit shaky.

I don't know if I can
drive after all this.

Well, I could give you
a ride if you want.

That's very nice of you.

Thank you.

No problem.

This is everything traffic had

on Chloe Marsden's accident.

Crime scene analysis,
paramedics' reports,

eyewitness accounts.

Look at that.

The passenger door is open.

Jesse said it was like that

when he got there.

Investigators said it could have
popped open on impact.

Yeah, it could have,
but what if it didn't?

Nobody saw the actual accident,

but at least three eyewitnesses

swore they saw somebody running
away when they did look.

Somebody else
was in the car with her?

Well, it's possible.

Hey, guys.

Here's the preliminary
autopsy report

on Richard Locke.

He died of a stab wound
to the heart,

and he had quite a few bruises

from that fight
he had with Jesse.

They don't look like
they were caused in a fight.

I figured you'd notice that.

Actually, the bruises
are in a pattern...

From his upper right shoulder

down to his left rib cage.

That's from a seat belt.

He was in that crash.

He was the second person
in the car.

Well, then maybe he caused
the accident.

Well, if what his wife said
is true,

he certainly had provocation.

Yeah, he did, but I don't think
that's what happened.

I think that Chloe deliberately
crashed that car into the pole

to kill herself
and Richard Locke.


committed by the jilted lover.

I'm afraid
it's going to happen again.

You know, Jesse would never
betray Susan,

and when Chloe realizes that...

We got to find him.

You can take him home now.

She decided
not to press charges.

She said he was just upset

about everything
that's happened.

She's a pretty special lady.

Well, I won't argue with that.

Richard Locke's death
was intentional.

Yeah, and Chloe Marsden was

the one with the intention.

All I see is a couple of guys
with overactive libidos

fighting over a beautiful woman.

That's an old story.

One to which she added
her very own twist.

When Richard Locke tried
to end the affair,

she terrorized his family,

then finally tried to kill him
by driving into a light pole.

And kill herself, too.

Well, that makes sense.

To her it does.

All right.
Even if you're right,

and I'm not saying that you are,
it didn't work.

Which is why
she maneuvered Jesse

into killing Locke for her.

It's all speculation.

It's a reasonable deduction.

Deduction has to be
based on fact.

So far, the only facts
I have are these:

One... Travis stabbed
Richard Locke to death;

two... Chloe Marsden came out
of Travis' apartment

looking like that;

three... Travis threatened

Chloe Marsden in her own home.


what's your deduction?

So, how's the new

nursing administrator doing?

Pretty good.

She's increased efficiency.

Uh, managed to trim the budget.


Uh, eliminated...

And done wonders
for morale, I see.

You noticed that.

Yeah. You know the night
manager, Lyle Gorch?

The big guy with
the marine tattoo

on his arm? Yeah.

That's him.

Found him in my pathology lab

this morning... sobbing.

Oh, boy. I don't
have any choice.

I'm going to have to let her go.

Well, are you going
to call in Steve,

or should we have the SWAT team

come in and back you up?

Don't tell me you were

only 20 minutes late.

That meant another nurse

had to work overtime
to cover for you

for the third time this month!

If you're late again,
you're out!

Nurse, uh, Stryker?

I wonder if we might, uh, talk.

Good, because I have something

I want to say to you.

You do?

Do you have any idea
what you have done?

Well, uh... uh, no.

You have made me

the happiest woman
in this hospital.


The warm, friendly,
family atmosphere here

is so wonderful.

I've never felt
so at home anywhere.


And I want to assure you

I am going to work twice as hard

to make this place
be everything it can be.

That's wonderful.

So, what did you want to say?

I-I just wanted to tell you

what a great job you're doing.



You call that uniform clean?

Wow. At least I only
have the police after me.


Oh, my God.

What happened?

I don't know.

I-I reached in my
locker for my coat,

and there was something sharp.

A razor blade?

Chloe did this.

We don't know that for sure.

Yes, I do.

You take care of Susan.
I'll take care of Chloe.

Do something, please.

Let's take care of you first.


Don't hurt me.

You hurt Susan!


You're not going
to hurt her again.

Freeze, Travis.

Someone's got to stop her.

He's dead.

It's all right.

It's all right.

Now we can be together,
just the two of us.

What are you talking about?

You killed for me.

No, I didn't...

You saved me.

This time we won't need
to have a story.

What are you talking about?

What story?

Well, you're a cop.

You rescued me.

They won't question that.

They'll see, see?

Yes, we do see.

We see exactly how you
killed Richard Locke...

By proxy.

- This is crazy.
- I couldn't do that.

With me being the proxy.

I don't understand.

What's going on here?

Men rescued you

the way Locke rescued you
that night on the highway.

Like I did at the crash.

Then you became
obsessed with them.

Then they wanted out...

The way Locke wanted out.

You couldn't stand that,

so you used your next rescuer
to eliminate him.


You even attacked Jesse

in the parking garage
to convince him

that Locke was dangerous.

But he was.

Jesse saved me.

And then after that,
he wanted no part of you,

so he helped us set you up.

We knew when Creighton
rescued you, you'd use him

to get Jesse.
We were ready.


we got it all on tape.

I'm wired.

Come on, ma'am.

No. Tell them this isn't true.


Tell them
that this is all a mistake.


Come on.


Jesse, please. Please.

Okay. Let's go.

Don't let them do this to me.

Mark knew that Chloe

would do something
to make me mad enough

to go after her,
but we never thought

that she would do
anything to hurt you.

It's not that bad.

Scared me, mostly.

Me, too.

I tell you, I...
I wanted to kill her

when I saw you
standing there bleeding,

and that,
that scared me even more.

It was worth the risk.

Chloe Marsden is in
a mental hospital

and out of our lives.


And... the head nurse

gave me a week's sick leave.

Hey, you know, Mark
gave me the week off, too.

I have a mild concussion.

So I've heard.

Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to Barbecue Bob's
barbecue shop quartet.

And for our first
number on the program,

we're going to sing
a very special tune

for two very special
young people

there in the corner.

♪ Down our way

♪ Both night and day

♪ And even policemen say

♪ "How do you do?"

♪ And that old gang of mine

♪ They sang "Sweet Adeline"

♪ Down our way

♪ Down our way.