Desperate Housewives (2004–2012): Season 3, Episode 22 - What Would We Do Without You? - full transcript
Susan and Mike finally get engaged after he proposes to her in an unusual way, while Gabrielle has a similar approach with Victor. But after Gabrielle and Susan flip out over Gabby "...
[Mary Alice]
Previously on Desperate Housewives:
Carlos revealed
his deepest desire.
It's about children.
I want them so bad.
Tom forced the issue.
- You sleeping with my wife?
- Of course not.
Rick came clean.
I have feelings for you.
I know you feel something.
You can't work here anymore.
And Susan's tortured love life...
I was on my way to propose to you.
- ... was finally...
- What would you have said?
... on the mend.
[Mary Alice]
Exactly one year had passed
since the night Mike Delfino
and Susan Mayer
were supposed to become engaged.
So when Mike took Susan
to her favorite restaurant,
she just knew he was
going to pop the question.
What are you gonna have?
And when he did...
The chicken.
... she'd be ready with her answer.
But as the evening wore on,
the moment Susan had been waiting for...
... failed to materialize.
And though many opportunities
presented themselves...
... the question was never asked.
Until the thought
began to dawn on Susan,
that perhaps...
... it never would.
You're pretty quiet over there.
Was dinner OK?
If by "OK" you mean uneventful,
then yes.
- Something on your mind?
- Mike, what day is today?
- Wednesday.
- Yes.
It's also the anniversary of the day
we were supposed to get engaged.
A year ago tonight, you were
on your way to ask me to marry you
when you got hit by that stupid car.
That was a year ago?
Time really flies.
- Is that all you have to say?
- [laughs] Why are you getting mad?
I thought you were
gonna propose tonight!
Why would I want to commemorate
the anniversary of the night
that some maniac put me in a coma?
Because this date
has special meaning for us.
I sat in front of that trailer
for six hours thinking you hated me,
and a proposal would've
brought the entire thing full circle.
It'd have turned a bad memory
into a beautiful one.
You really thought this through,
didn't you?
Yes, I did.
Because I am a thoughtful person.
And whenever we do get married, that is
something you are gonna have to work on.
I'll do my best.
By the way... does that seem familiar?
Oh, my God.
I can't believe that you did this.
Well, I wanted to...
How'd you put it?
...turn a bad memory
into a beautiful one.
Now go sit in front of that trailer.
I promise I'll show up this time.
[Mary Alice] Yes, Susan knew Mike
was about to pop the question,
the one she thought he'd never ask.
Oh, Mike...
And thanks to Susan...
Will you marry me?
... he never did.
Luckily, it wasn't
the question she needed to hear...
I kind of had a speech prepared,
but sure, what the heck?
... it was the answer.
From the moment
we wake up in the morning...
What time is it?
... till our head
hits the pillow at night...
Did you lock the front door?
Our lives are filled with questions.
Did you remember
to buy more shaving cream?
Simple ones that are easy to answer.
Can I still pull this look off? Yeah?
But some questions are so dangerous,
the truth is not an option.
- Are you mad at Daddy?
- No. Why would you think that?
- Because you're not talking to him.
- When two people have known each other
as long as Mommy and Daddy have,
they don't have to always talk.
A sign of a good relationship
is being comfortable in silence.
True. Although,
Mommy ignoring me last night at work
wasn't what I'd call comfortable.
Well, Daddy probably didn't notice that
I was unloading 20-pound bags of flour
'cause he still can't lift them.
Mommy didn't have time
to sit around and chew the fat.
Well, you haven't wanted
to chew the fat for five days now.
Come on.
Something's obviously bugging you.
I'm trying
to have breakfast with my family
- and you're picking a fight.
- I want to talk!
There's nothing to talk about.
Leave me alone.
- Fine.
- Good.
Sorry I asked.
Hey, Fran?ois, it's Susan Mayer.
Call me as soon as you get this.
I told you my wedding was off,
but it's back on,
and I wanna see if you're
still available to do the flowers. Bye.
Oh, just so you know,
Ian's not the groom anymore. Long story.
Call me.
There, I think I've left messages
for everyone.
Are you sure it's OK for us to have the
same wedding I was planning with Ian?
Be honest.
Well, I stole his bride,
I guess I can poach his florist.
Gosh, I just keep thinking there's
someone I've forgotten to tell.
Caterer, band, florist...
- Um, guests?
- Oh, my God!
- I had Julie call and cancel everyone.
- Just call them back.
You can't invite people
to a wedding on the phone!
You have to send a proper invitation.
Want people to think I'm a flake?
Hi, Curt, it's Susan Meyer.
You did my wedding invitations?
I'm gonna need another batch.
Exactly the same, only change the name
"Ian Hainsworth" to "Mike Delfino."
Long story. Call me.
What's with the frown? You trying
to get wrinkles before the wedding?
No, I can't find a good flower girl.
Lynette's hinting to use Penny,
but I saw her in that
pre-school sing-along and sorry,
but we're talking zero charisma.
- I had a thought about the flower girl.
- You did?
My cleaning lady has a daughter.
Where's that picture?
Look familiar?
Oh, my God, she looks just like me
when I was that age.
That's what I thought.
This way, the wedding procession
starts with you as this beautiful girl,
ends with you
as the stunning bride you've become.
I love that you're so into this wedding.
Most men would be like,
"Yeah. Tell me where the church is."
But you're as obsessed as me.
Like a hot groom and a gay best friend
all rolled into one.
Well, can you blame me for wanting
to make everything as perfect as you?
- Feel better?
- Yeah.
There must've been a bad scallop
in that paella last night.
You'd think that half-bottle of tequila
you drank would've disinfected it.
Oh, sorry to interrupt.
I'm just, uh, moving some stuff over
to Susan's house.
- You two shacking up now?
- Actually, we're getting married.
- You're kidding! Congratulations!
- Thanks.
You don't waste any time.
Wasted a year. Don't want to wake up one
more day without her lying next to me.
Oh, God. Here comes
what's left of breakfast.
And, uh, you two better be careful.
All this wedding fever going around,
you might catch it.
[laughs] Yeah, right.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize
the concept of our being married
- was such a thigh-slapper.
- Come on, Edie.
It's too soon for us to be talking
marriage. We only started dating.
Well, I know,
but we could live together.
We're either at my house
or your house every night anyway.
Yeah, true, but...
Well, why not?
We're not kids anymore, Carlos.
And I really care about you.
Don't you care about me?
Of course I do.
But... I just took over
Mike's lease yesterday.
Oh, please. Old lady Sims
can find another tenant.
Edie, I already signed the papers.
I have a responsibility.
That rent helps pay
for her nursing home.
You understand, right?
[overlapping chatter]
Mrs. Sims?
Edie? Edie Britt?
- Hi! Are you up for a visit?
- Well, of course!
What a nice surprise.
I haven't seen you for years.
Oh, I know.
And I feel awful about that.
I have always liked you so much.
You know, Wisteria Lane
hasn't been the same since you left.
Well, with my arthritis,
I just couldn't live alone anymore.
But what I get from renting
more than pays for this place.
Oh, well, that's good.
Although, with Mike Delfino
getting married,
- your house is gonna be empty now.
- Actually, no.
A friend of Mike's just signed a lease.
A very nice man. What was his name?
Carlos Solis.
- Oh, dear.
- What?
What did Mike tell you about Carlos?
Oh, just that he's a nice,
responsible man.
Oh, well, he is when he's sober.
He has a drinking problem?
Well, actually, what I heard is...
What am I doing?
I shouldn't be indulging in idle gossip.
- Edie, please!
- Smack. He does smack.
What? Good heavens.
Well, he seemed such a nice man
when I met him. And he's got a good job.
I know. What is that term?
"Functional junkie."
This is very upsetting.
Maybe I should re-think this.
No! I should learn
to shut my big mouth.
Here I am blathering on
about drugs and prostitutes...
Prostitutes? You never
said anything about prostitutes.
And I'm not going to.
Frankly, I don't want
to be on his bad side.
Edie, I can't have
someone like that in my house.
- I have to tear up this lease.
- Oh, no, I can't let you do that.
Not with your arthritis.
Here, you let me.
- Gabby!
- Oh, Susan!
Julie told me about Ian. I am so sorry.
You must be devastated.
Hey, Gabby.
I see you've picked up the pieces.
We got engaged last night.
We're getting married!
Oh, my God! Congratulations!
Forget what Julie told you
about the wedding being off.
- It's back on!
- Really? Same day?
I promised people a wedding,
they're getting one.
I'm sorry, I can't make it.
I have plans that day.
- You can change your plans.
- No, I really can't.
What could be more important
to you than my wedding?
Uh, my wedding?
Oh, I see you got the invitation.
You're getting married
on my wedding day?
You cancelled.
Victor was in a rush.
Didn't think it looked good
for the mayor to be shacking up.
Every date we tried,
someone had a conflict.
Then your date opened up and
we knew all my friends were available,
and well, you know, you too.
It's really no problem.
We'll find another date.
Did you think I'd want to spend
what would've been my wedding day
watching someone else get married?
I am so throwing that bouquet to you.
- OK, if you think for one second...
- It's fine, really.
Come on, Susan,
we've got some calls to make.
Oh, right.
I have to cancel my wedding. Again!
- Susan, hi.
- Is this a bad time?
I'm in the middle of something.
OK. I wanted to say that I'm sorry
for getting so snippy yesterday.
When I cancelled my wedding,
you had every right to...
- Susan? Susan? Is that my Susan?
- Fran?ois...
I am so sorry that I could not
do your wedding flowers.
But the moment you canceled,
your friend here she... How you say?
"Scoop me up."
- You stole my florist?
- Only because I admire your taste.
It's not theft, it's an homage.
I have left the bouquet
and the centerpiece on the table.
If there are any changes,
you let me know. Au revoir.
Well, I gotta go.
I wanna see those flowers!
Oh, my God!
That's my centerpiece!
Now you suddenly have
the trademark on peach tulips?
In this town, in wedding season, I do!
Might as well have used
my caterer and swing band!
- Yeah, listen, about that...
- Oh, my God!
- Did you steal my whole wedding?
- It was short notice, OK?
These people are booked
months in advance.
The only people available
were the ones you bailed on.
Gabby, I spent months
planning that wedding!
[exhales] I see what you're getting at,
and you know what, you are right.
You have been my de facto wedding
planner and you deserve to get paid.
All right. What's the going rate?
Seven thousand? Eight?
- Gabby...
- All right, ten. Not going to haggle.
I don't want to be paid.
I want my wedding back.
Well, you can't have it.
If you ask me,
I am doing you a really big favor.
Excuse me?
You were rushing
into this marriage thing too fast.
Why don't you give it time and see
if you and Mike work as a couple?
I'm rushing?
You met Victor three months ago.
- I've known Mike three years.
- Yeah, on and off... Mostly off!
What if you tie the knot in a month
and realize that you miss Ian
and Mike misses the coma?
[gasps] I cannot believe
that you just said that.
OK. You know what?
I came over here to give you
my response card, but here,
this is my response!
You don't mean that.
That's just a big dramatic gesture.
Oh, no, no,
this is a big dramatic gesture!
- My flowers!
- No, they're my flowers!
Enjoy your stolen wedding.
- [scoffs]
- [door slams shut]
You can't do this!
I just signed a lease!
Sorry. The law says my mom
has 72 hours to change her mind.
She's exercising that option.
[car door opens, closes]
- Hey, what's going on?
- I've been evicted.
- What?
- Yeah. That was Mrs. Sims' kid.
She's giving me 24 hours
to move out of her house.
- That is so weird.
- It gets weirder.
He told me Mrs. Sims is praying
for my spiritual recovery.
Well, when old folks see the end coming,
they get all religious.
[sighs] I guess.
So mind if I crash with you
until I can find a new place?
Of course not.
Thanks. I'll bring
my stuff over in the morning.
Why wait? I've got boxes in the garage.
I'll help you start packing now.
Edie, did you have
something to do with this?
You have to admit,
it is kind of a coincidence.
You ask me to move in, I say no,
I get evicted...
How dare you!
I offer to put a roof over your head,
and you repay me
with suspicions and insults?
I don't even know
that I want you in my house!
- Fine. I'll get a motel.
- Whoa, hold on! Let's not be hasty!
I knew it. You were behind this!
OK. If you want to fight, fine.
But let's talk
about the real issue here.
Why are you so reluctant
to make a commitment to me?
I don't want to talk about this.
Well, you never do,
but you owe me an explanation.
Why don't you want to move in with me?
Because I'm not in love with you.
Edie, I'm sorry.
I really like you, I...
No, I get it. It's just
a little upsetting because...
[sighs]... I'm late.
Edie, you can't be pregnant.
You're on the pill.
I might've forgotten
to take it a couple of days.
I've been nauseous
for an entire week.
So I went and got a pregnancy test.
I figure I should find out
if I'm carrying your love child.
Oh, wait, my mistake.
Your "like" child.
- So? What does it say?
- It's gonna take a couple more minutes.
I just peed on that.
For God's sake, put it on a coaster.
[groans] This is just dandy.
I'm 40, single and knocked up.
But on the bright side,
the dad's not into me. Hmm.
If you are pregnant, I'm not gonna
let you go through this alone.
[scoffs] So what?
You're gonna be my Lamaze partner?
No. I'm saying I'll step up.
I'll be there to help you raise him.
You serious?
Hey, I was there practically
every day to help you with Travers.
What makes you think that
I'd do any less if it were my child?
Well, thanks. That's nice to know.
You know...
...your spare bedroom
would make a great nursery.
Yeah, I guess it would.
It's down the hall from the master.
We'd hear him when he was crying.
We? You'd move in?
I told you that I would be here for you.
We could even decorate his room
in, like, a whole pirate theme.
I always wanted to do that
if I had a son.
You know what would be really cool?
Decorate his bed like...
Like a ship with a sail and a mast...
Carlos, it's negative.
Well, that's a relief, huh?
- Yeah. We really dodged a bullet.
- [sighs]
So... let's celebrate, have a drink.
Oh, and by the way, you're still
welcome to stay, until you find a place.
That's nice of you. Thanks.
I cannot thank you enough
for doing this.
Thanks for taking the time
out of your day.
I'm not sure this is the best approach.
I've never done a session before
where half of the couple didn't know
I was a marriage counselor.
We'll tell her. Eventually.
I just don't want to scare her off.
- Hey, Lynette...
- Yeah?
Look who walked in off the streets!
Scott McKinney. Remember?
We pledged Alpha Tau together.
I told you about him.
- You won the beer pong championship.
- You told her about that?
Yeah. Then you threw up in the trophy.
That is far from his
only accomplishment. He's got a Ph.D.
Oh, wow. Well, I'd love to chat,
but I have cheese to grate.
Honey, no, wait, please...
I will do that later.
I want you guys to know each other.
I mean, this guy, this is my boy.
So Scott got married
the same year that we did.
How's your wife liking Fairview?
Well, her whole family's back east,
so she kind of resisted the move.
So that was a source of conflict?
Yes, well,
all couples have their conflicts.
- I'm sure you've had your share.
- Oh, sure, now and then.
- Emphasis on "now."
- Tom...
Scott shared with us. We're
going through kind of a rough patch.
I'm sure it's something
you'll get through.
The trick is to keep lines
of communication open.
Boy, easier said than done.
So this rough patch, what would you say
is the underlying issue there?
Well, Scott, I'm not sure I would say.
Particularly not
to someone I just met.
Well, he's just trying to help.
If you ask me, I'd say it started
when our manager Rick quit.
OK, and how did
that make you feel, Lynette?
I am not answering that!
This is not a therapy session!
But if it were, what would you say?
- Oh, dear God, you didn't.
- What... Didn't what?
OK, OK. Give it up, Tom.
Yes, yes, Lynette,
I am a couples counselor.
Really? And what do you
call this, "ambush therapy"?
It was my idea. I'm just
trying to get you to talk about
what is going on. And don't tell me
that nothing's going on!
Good, good.
All our cards are on the table.
Cram it! OK, yeah, Tom,
I've been unhappy lately.
I am working through some issues. That
is something I need to do on my own.
Talking about it doesn't help. Not to
you, and certainly not to Dr. Beer Pong!
Well, I'm billing you for a whole hour,
so is there anything else on your mind?
I'm sorry, but this time
Gabby has crossed a line,
and I will not sit through her wedding.
Julie thinks I'm overreacting. You don't
think I'm overreacting, do you?
- Yeah, a little.
- Absolutely not.
What? She asked.
Look, even if Gabby's
in the wrong here...
And she is. Hugely, hideously wrong.
Do you really want
to boycott her wedding?
She said that I would make Mike
wish he was back in a coma!
I think her point, and again,
I wish she'd expressed herself
more tactfully,
was that marriage is unpredictable.
We can't know what it'll be
until we're in it.
Don't defend that self-centered brat.
She steals Susan's wedding
and then expects to stay friends.
She divorces Carlos and
doesn't want anyone else to date him.
I've never known anyone
as dishonest and manipulative.
Speaking of Carlos,
I hear he got evicted.
Yeah, that was a real shocker.
Anyway, you stick to your guns
and don't you dare go to that wedding.
It could ruin your friendship.
Are you willing to take that chance?
- [sighs] No, I guess not.
- Wuss.
Well, at least get her
a thoughtless, crappy gift.
- Like a blender.
- I got you a blender for Christmas.
And I use it every day. Gotta go.
Honey, I am so sorry!
I hope you don't hate me!
I don't! I was just on my way
to apologize to you.
- I changed all my flowers.
- You don't have to.
The hell I don't.
Those peach tulips belong to you.
And so do these.
Thank you.
I was just bringing you this.
Well, we got chocolate and wine...
- Your place or mine?
- Well...
I am so glad we're doing this.
I hate it when we fight.
Me too. And I'm so sorry about
that comment I made about Mike.
It was way out of line.
You guys are gonna be insanely happy.
I think so too.
But, you know, then I remember,
that's what I thought about me and Karl.
Please. Mike is not Karl.
Well, you know,
when I married him, Karl wasn't Karl.
And I think that's why
I got so mad at you.
Because 99 percent of me is sure
that we're gonna be totally happy,
but then what you said, it just
stirred up that pesky one percent.
Honey, please.
If anyone should be nervous it's me.
I met Victor three months ago.
I mean, I'm crazy about him.
It's just the thought of saying
those vows again, it's scary.
Lynette is right.
You know, marriage is like...
It's like these bonbons.
You never know what you're getting
until you're in the middle of it.
It's one of those hard, jelly ones.
- Do you think that's an omen?
- Honey, you're gonna be OK.
All right? We're gonna
help each other through this.
Right. Yeah.
Getting married is scary,
but at least we'll be doing it together.
Oh, my God!
We should totally do that.
- What?
- Get married! Together!
You and me?
Well, I... I'm beyond flattered,
I find you to be an incredibly
attractive woman. I just...
Oh, no, stupid!
I mean a double wedding!
Oh. Oh! Oh, I would love that!
I know! Then you wouldn't be mad,
and I wouldn't feel guilty!
- We could be brides together!
- Together!
Yes! Let's celebrate! More chocolate!
So you know, if I was a lesbian,
I'd totally do you.
That's good to know.
[Mary Alice] It's a fact of life
that brides to be,
who agree to double weddings
late at night,
often feel differently, come the dawn.
This change of heart was certainly true
in the case of Susan Mayer.
And even more so...
... for Gabrielle Solis.
- Morning.
- Hi, honey.
I hope I didn't wake you last night.
I was at Susan's till midnight.
- Is something wrong?
- No. Not exactly.
Just a small change of plans
about the wedding.
What kind of change?
See, Susan was really upset...
I mean, I've never seen Gabby
so torn up with guilt...
Practically in tears
over this whole wedding date thing...
And she kept saying,
"Please, let me make it up to you..."
So, after an hour of this,
I suddenly heard myself say...
"Hey, how about a double wedding?"
Wanted to bite my tongue
the minute it came out.
She's so excited, so needy...
Jumping up and down and hugging me...
- I mean, what could I say?
- So we're kind of stuck.
So, what do you think?
I think anything that
makes you happy is fine by me.
- Will this make you happy?
- No! I'm screwed!
I cannot get out of this
without hurting her feelings.
Maybe this will help. I forbid it.
- You do?
- Sure.
Tell her that your groom's
an old-fashioned guy
and he doesn't want to see anybody
on that altar but his bride.
If she gets mad,
have her take it up with me.
So this is what marriage is about,
having someone to hide behind.
- So, what do you think?
- You're gonna have to undo this.
How? I know I shouldn't
have offered, but I did.
- I can't take it back.
- You're gonna have to.
You have any idea
what this day means to me?
I do. And I know you've worked
really hard to make our wedding perfect.
Exactly. I want to share it with
your friend and her ex-convict fianc??
- That's your problem?
- I'm the mayor of this town.
How's it gonna look?
There'll be press there.
- Press? At our wedding?
- Well, we're public figures.
So all of this planning,
and attention to detail,
- that's all been about your image?
- Of course not!
This is gonna be
the proudest day of my life.
I'm not sharing
the spotlight with anyone.
How about the bride?
Oh, please, every eye in that place
is gonna be on you.
Every woman will wish they were you,
every guy'll wish they had you.
It's gonna be great.
Tell your friends you're sorry.
Tell them I'll even pay
for their wedding.
But they're not sharing mine.
[sighs] Here's a one-bedroom at The Oaks
with a view of the golf course.
That's gonna go fast.
I'm gonna call on this
first thing in the morning.
Or, I know this is the last thing
you'd expect to hear from me,
but what if you stayed here with me
and we tried to have a baby?
Are you serious?
I saw the look on your face
when that test came back negative.
Admit it, you were disappointed.
- Yeah, maybe a little.
- Well, so was I.
- You were?
- Yeah, I was.
You know, having Travers here made me
realize that I like being a mom.
And you were so great with him.
Well, think...
We could have that all the time.
Edie, nobody wants a kid more than me.
It's just...
Yeah, yeah, we're not
head over heels in love.
We like each other, right?
That's more than a lot of parents
have going for them.
- It's just a very big step.
- Carlos, look around.
Everyone's taking big steps.
Gabby and Victor, Susan and Mike.
This could be our step.
We both need to love someone.
No one said it had to be each other.
Just think about it.
Let's do it.
- You really want to?
- Yeah.
I'm tired of waiting
for my life to start.
Oh, Carlos.
Imagine, with your genes and mine,
that child is gonna be a knockout.
I'm gonna brush my teeth,
I'm gonna flush those birth control
pills and we're gonna get crackin'!
- Hey.
- Hey.
- How're you doing?
- Good.
Listen, we need to talk.
I spoke to Mike and he's just not really
into the whole double wedding thing.
Mike said no?
Yeah, he sort of wants the day
just to be about us.
So we're gonna wait until the fall.
I am so sorry.
No, no, it's OK. Victor was
kind of on the fence about it too.
Oh, good! I mean, not that they said no,
I really wanted to do it.
Me too. I think
it would have been so much fun.
- Yeah.
- Well, I gotta go.
- I gotta meet Fran?ois.
- See ya.
Oh, by the way...
That one-percent sliver
of a doubt thing I told you about?
Totally gone. Any question
I had about Mike's been answered.
That must feel really great.
- I feel really good about this.
- I do too.
Our friends are probably
gonna make fun of us.
Yeah, I'm sure.
But who cares.
It's gonna be great.
I'm so happy we're
gonna be living together.
We're going to have so much fun.
I'll be right out.
OK... let's make a baby.
- I talked to my back doctor today.
- What did he have to say?
He said, assuming I exercise reasonable
caution, I can have sex again.
And what would that have to do with me?
Well, you don't seem
to want to talk to me these days,
so I figured it's the one thing that
we can do together without speaking.
Remember when I was giving birth
to the twins and screaming in agony
because Porter was dragging
my uterus out with him?
Well, I was more in the mood
for sex then than I am now.
- Lynette...
- Hmm?
I'm your husband, I have to find
a way to connect to you somehow.
So we can have sex or we can talk.
Your call.
- Fine. Let's have sex.
- What?
Yeah, let's get this off.
You'd rather have sex with me
than talk to me?
- Yep.
- Hey... Ow! That hurts!
I said I'd have sex,
I didn't say I'd make love.
You want to play rough?
Because I can play rough!
Cut it out!
Sorry, I'll try to be gentler
as I move down south.
OK... OK.
OK, fine. You are mad at me!
But name one thing
that I have done to deserve it!
You had lunch with Rick.
You're damn right I did!
I saw the security tape.
What was I supposed to do?
Pretend that nothing was going on?
Nothing was! He never touched me!
And I wasn't gonna sit around
and wait until it did.
- I am glad that I made him quit.
- You didn't make him quit. I fired him!
- You what?
- Idiot told me he had feelings for me,
which he never'd have done
if you hadn't pushed!
And now he's gone.
It's all your fault!
- Ow! My back!
- [grunts]
- [glass shatters]
- [groans]
[woman over intercom, indistinct]
It'll just be a few more minutes,
Mrs. Scavo.
- The doctor's looking at your CAT scan.
- Thank you.
This whole thing is ridiculous.
I bumped my head.
Lynette, you were dizzy and throwing up.
- Can't be too careful.
- Well, I feel just fine now.
When Rick said
he had feelings for you...
...what did you say?
I said that it was totally
inappropriate, and then I fired him.
- Do you have feelings for him, Lynette?
- Hmm?
Do you have feelings for Rick?
I would never cheat on you.
You know that.
That's not what I asked.
Did you fall for him?
Oh, God.
Nothing happened. He's gone. It's over.
Don't tell me it's over.
We've been fighting all week.
You miss him, don't you?
- Don't do this.
- Damn.
Not now. I can't.
- Mrs. Scavo?
- That's me.
I'll be back.
Actually, I'd rather have
you both come in for this.
- Is it a concussion?
- No, it's just a bruise.
Oh, good.
But I noticed something
in your CAT scan that concerns me.
You have a few
swollen lymph nodes in your neck.
- I want to send you in for a biopsy.
- A biopsy? Why?
Have you noticed any change
in your appetite lately?
Any fatigue, fevers?
Stop, just stop.
What is it you think I have?
I don't want you to panic.
This can be any number of things.
Is one of them cancer?
It could be lymphoma.
We're hoping the biopsy
will rule that out.
If you look at the CAT scan... can see this
white area here stands out.
These are called
submandibular lymph nodes.
Lymphoma can vary according
to the type of cell that multiplies,
and how the cancer presents itself.
There are two types,
Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
[Mary Alice] From the moment
we wake up in the morning,
till our head hits the pillow at night,
our lives are filled with questions.
Is it morning yet?
Most are easily answered
and soon forgotten.
Not yet, sweetheart.
You go back to sleep now.
But some questions
are much harder to ask,
because we're so afraid of the answer.
Will I be around
to watch my children grow up?
Am I making a mistake
by marrying this man?
Could he ever truly love me?
And what happens when we
ask ourself the hard question,
and get the answer we'd been hoping for?
Well, that's when happiness begins.
Previously on Desperate Housewives:
Carlos revealed
his deepest desire.
It's about children.
I want them so bad.
Tom forced the issue.
- You sleeping with my wife?
- Of course not.
Rick came clean.
I have feelings for you.
I know you feel something.
You can't work here anymore.
And Susan's tortured love life...
I was on my way to propose to you.
- ... was finally...
- What would you have said?
... on the mend.
[Mary Alice]
Exactly one year had passed
since the night Mike Delfino
and Susan Mayer
were supposed to become engaged.
So when Mike took Susan
to her favorite restaurant,
she just knew he was
going to pop the question.
What are you gonna have?
And when he did...
The chicken.
... she'd be ready with her answer.
But as the evening wore on,
the moment Susan had been waiting for...
... failed to materialize.
And though many opportunities
presented themselves...
... the question was never asked.
Until the thought
began to dawn on Susan,
that perhaps...
... it never would.
You're pretty quiet over there.
Was dinner OK?
If by "OK" you mean uneventful,
then yes.
- Something on your mind?
- Mike, what day is today?
- Wednesday.
- Yes.
It's also the anniversary of the day
we were supposed to get engaged.
A year ago tonight, you were
on your way to ask me to marry you
when you got hit by that stupid car.
That was a year ago?
Time really flies.
- Is that all you have to say?
- [laughs] Why are you getting mad?
I thought you were
gonna propose tonight!
Why would I want to commemorate
the anniversary of the night
that some maniac put me in a coma?
Because this date
has special meaning for us.
I sat in front of that trailer
for six hours thinking you hated me,
and a proposal would've
brought the entire thing full circle.
It'd have turned a bad memory
into a beautiful one.
You really thought this through,
didn't you?
Yes, I did.
Because I am a thoughtful person.
And whenever we do get married, that is
something you are gonna have to work on.
I'll do my best.
By the way... does that seem familiar?
Oh, my God.
I can't believe that you did this.
Well, I wanted to...
How'd you put it?
...turn a bad memory
into a beautiful one.
Now go sit in front of that trailer.
I promise I'll show up this time.
[Mary Alice] Yes, Susan knew Mike
was about to pop the question,
the one she thought he'd never ask.
Oh, Mike...
And thanks to Susan...
Will you marry me?
... he never did.
Luckily, it wasn't
the question she needed to hear...
I kind of had a speech prepared,
but sure, what the heck?
... it was the answer.
From the moment
we wake up in the morning...
What time is it?
... till our head
hits the pillow at night...
Did you lock the front door?
Our lives are filled with questions.
Did you remember
to buy more shaving cream?
Simple ones that are easy to answer.
Can I still pull this look off? Yeah?
But some questions are so dangerous,
the truth is not an option.
- Are you mad at Daddy?
- No. Why would you think that?
- Because you're not talking to him.
- When two people have known each other
as long as Mommy and Daddy have,
they don't have to always talk.
A sign of a good relationship
is being comfortable in silence.
True. Although,
Mommy ignoring me last night at work
wasn't what I'd call comfortable.
Well, Daddy probably didn't notice that
I was unloading 20-pound bags of flour
'cause he still can't lift them.
Mommy didn't have time
to sit around and chew the fat.
Well, you haven't wanted
to chew the fat for five days now.
Come on.
Something's obviously bugging you.
I'm trying
to have breakfast with my family
- and you're picking a fight.
- I want to talk!
There's nothing to talk about.
Leave me alone.
- Fine.
- Good.
Sorry I asked.
Hey, Fran?ois, it's Susan Mayer.
Call me as soon as you get this.
I told you my wedding was off,
but it's back on,
and I wanna see if you're
still available to do the flowers. Bye.
Oh, just so you know,
Ian's not the groom anymore. Long story.
Call me.
There, I think I've left messages
for everyone.
Are you sure it's OK for us to have the
same wedding I was planning with Ian?
Be honest.
Well, I stole his bride,
I guess I can poach his florist.
Gosh, I just keep thinking there's
someone I've forgotten to tell.
Caterer, band, florist...
- Um, guests?
- Oh, my God!
- I had Julie call and cancel everyone.
- Just call them back.
You can't invite people
to a wedding on the phone!
You have to send a proper invitation.
Want people to think I'm a flake?
Hi, Curt, it's Susan Meyer.
You did my wedding invitations?
I'm gonna need another batch.
Exactly the same, only change the name
"Ian Hainsworth" to "Mike Delfino."
Long story. Call me.
What's with the frown? You trying
to get wrinkles before the wedding?
No, I can't find a good flower girl.
Lynette's hinting to use Penny,
but I saw her in that
pre-school sing-along and sorry,
but we're talking zero charisma.
- I had a thought about the flower girl.
- You did?
My cleaning lady has a daughter.
Where's that picture?
Look familiar?
Oh, my God, she looks just like me
when I was that age.
That's what I thought.
This way, the wedding procession
starts with you as this beautiful girl,
ends with you
as the stunning bride you've become.
I love that you're so into this wedding.
Most men would be like,
"Yeah. Tell me where the church is."
But you're as obsessed as me.
Like a hot groom and a gay best friend
all rolled into one.
Well, can you blame me for wanting
to make everything as perfect as you?
- Feel better?
- Yeah.
There must've been a bad scallop
in that paella last night.
You'd think that half-bottle of tequila
you drank would've disinfected it.
Oh, sorry to interrupt.
I'm just, uh, moving some stuff over
to Susan's house.
- You two shacking up now?
- Actually, we're getting married.
- You're kidding! Congratulations!
- Thanks.
You don't waste any time.
Wasted a year. Don't want to wake up one
more day without her lying next to me.
Oh, God. Here comes
what's left of breakfast.
And, uh, you two better be careful.
All this wedding fever going around,
you might catch it.
[laughs] Yeah, right.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize
the concept of our being married
- was such a thigh-slapper.
- Come on, Edie.
It's too soon for us to be talking
marriage. We only started dating.
Well, I know,
but we could live together.
We're either at my house
or your house every night anyway.
Yeah, true, but...
Well, why not?
We're not kids anymore, Carlos.
And I really care about you.
Don't you care about me?
Of course I do.
But... I just took over
Mike's lease yesterday.
Oh, please. Old lady Sims
can find another tenant.
Edie, I already signed the papers.
I have a responsibility.
That rent helps pay
for her nursing home.
You understand, right?
[overlapping chatter]
Mrs. Sims?
Edie? Edie Britt?
- Hi! Are you up for a visit?
- Well, of course!
What a nice surprise.
I haven't seen you for years.
Oh, I know.
And I feel awful about that.
I have always liked you so much.
You know, Wisteria Lane
hasn't been the same since you left.
Well, with my arthritis,
I just couldn't live alone anymore.
But what I get from renting
more than pays for this place.
Oh, well, that's good.
Although, with Mike Delfino
getting married,
- your house is gonna be empty now.
- Actually, no.
A friend of Mike's just signed a lease.
A very nice man. What was his name?
Carlos Solis.
- Oh, dear.
- What?
What did Mike tell you about Carlos?
Oh, just that he's a nice,
responsible man.
Oh, well, he is when he's sober.
He has a drinking problem?
Well, actually, what I heard is...
What am I doing?
I shouldn't be indulging in idle gossip.
- Edie, please!
- Smack. He does smack.
What? Good heavens.
Well, he seemed such a nice man
when I met him. And he's got a good job.
I know. What is that term?
"Functional junkie."
This is very upsetting.
Maybe I should re-think this.
No! I should learn
to shut my big mouth.
Here I am blathering on
about drugs and prostitutes...
Prostitutes? You never
said anything about prostitutes.
And I'm not going to.
Frankly, I don't want
to be on his bad side.
Edie, I can't have
someone like that in my house.
- I have to tear up this lease.
- Oh, no, I can't let you do that.
Not with your arthritis.
Here, you let me.
- Gabby!
- Oh, Susan!
Julie told me about Ian. I am so sorry.
You must be devastated.
Hey, Gabby.
I see you've picked up the pieces.
We got engaged last night.
We're getting married!
Oh, my God! Congratulations!
Forget what Julie told you
about the wedding being off.
- It's back on!
- Really? Same day?
I promised people a wedding,
they're getting one.
I'm sorry, I can't make it.
I have plans that day.
- You can change your plans.
- No, I really can't.
What could be more important
to you than my wedding?
Uh, my wedding?
Oh, I see you got the invitation.
You're getting married
on my wedding day?
You cancelled.
Victor was in a rush.
Didn't think it looked good
for the mayor to be shacking up.
Every date we tried,
someone had a conflict.
Then your date opened up and
we knew all my friends were available,
and well, you know, you too.
It's really no problem.
We'll find another date.
Did you think I'd want to spend
what would've been my wedding day
watching someone else get married?
I am so throwing that bouquet to you.
- OK, if you think for one second...
- It's fine, really.
Come on, Susan,
we've got some calls to make.
Oh, right.
I have to cancel my wedding. Again!
- Susan, hi.
- Is this a bad time?
I'm in the middle of something.
OK. I wanted to say that I'm sorry
for getting so snippy yesterday.
When I cancelled my wedding,
you had every right to...
- Susan? Susan? Is that my Susan?
- Fran?ois...
I am so sorry that I could not
do your wedding flowers.
But the moment you canceled,
your friend here she... How you say?
"Scoop me up."
- You stole my florist?
- Only because I admire your taste.
It's not theft, it's an homage.
I have left the bouquet
and the centerpiece on the table.
If there are any changes,
you let me know. Au revoir.
Well, I gotta go.
I wanna see those flowers!
Oh, my God!
That's my centerpiece!
Now you suddenly have
the trademark on peach tulips?
In this town, in wedding season, I do!
Might as well have used
my caterer and swing band!
- Yeah, listen, about that...
- Oh, my God!
- Did you steal my whole wedding?
- It was short notice, OK?
These people are booked
months in advance.
The only people available
were the ones you bailed on.
Gabby, I spent months
planning that wedding!
[exhales] I see what you're getting at,
and you know what, you are right.
You have been my de facto wedding
planner and you deserve to get paid.
All right. What's the going rate?
Seven thousand? Eight?
- Gabby...
- All right, ten. Not going to haggle.
I don't want to be paid.
I want my wedding back.
Well, you can't have it.
If you ask me,
I am doing you a really big favor.
Excuse me?
You were rushing
into this marriage thing too fast.
Why don't you give it time and see
if you and Mike work as a couple?
I'm rushing?
You met Victor three months ago.
- I've known Mike three years.
- Yeah, on and off... Mostly off!
What if you tie the knot in a month
and realize that you miss Ian
and Mike misses the coma?
[gasps] I cannot believe
that you just said that.
OK. You know what?
I came over here to give you
my response card, but here,
this is my response!
You don't mean that.
That's just a big dramatic gesture.
Oh, no, no,
this is a big dramatic gesture!
- My flowers!
- No, they're my flowers!
Enjoy your stolen wedding.
- [scoffs]
- [door slams shut]
You can't do this!
I just signed a lease!
Sorry. The law says my mom
has 72 hours to change her mind.
She's exercising that option.
[car door opens, closes]
- Hey, what's going on?
- I've been evicted.
- What?
- Yeah. That was Mrs. Sims' kid.
She's giving me 24 hours
to move out of her house.
- That is so weird.
- It gets weirder.
He told me Mrs. Sims is praying
for my spiritual recovery.
Well, when old folks see the end coming,
they get all religious.
[sighs] I guess.
So mind if I crash with you
until I can find a new place?
Of course not.
Thanks. I'll bring
my stuff over in the morning.
Why wait? I've got boxes in the garage.
I'll help you start packing now.
Edie, did you have
something to do with this?
You have to admit,
it is kind of a coincidence.
You ask me to move in, I say no,
I get evicted...
How dare you!
I offer to put a roof over your head,
and you repay me
with suspicions and insults?
I don't even know
that I want you in my house!
- Fine. I'll get a motel.
- Whoa, hold on! Let's not be hasty!
I knew it. You were behind this!
OK. If you want to fight, fine.
But let's talk
about the real issue here.
Why are you so reluctant
to make a commitment to me?
I don't want to talk about this.
Well, you never do,
but you owe me an explanation.
Why don't you want to move in with me?
Because I'm not in love with you.
Edie, I'm sorry.
I really like you, I...
No, I get it. It's just
a little upsetting because...
[sighs]... I'm late.
Edie, you can't be pregnant.
You're on the pill.
I might've forgotten
to take it a couple of days.
I've been nauseous
for an entire week.
So I went and got a pregnancy test.
I figure I should find out
if I'm carrying your love child.
Oh, wait, my mistake.
Your "like" child.
- So? What does it say?
- It's gonna take a couple more minutes.
I just peed on that.
For God's sake, put it on a coaster.
[groans] This is just dandy.
I'm 40, single and knocked up.
But on the bright side,
the dad's not into me. Hmm.
If you are pregnant, I'm not gonna
let you go through this alone.
[scoffs] So what?
You're gonna be my Lamaze partner?
No. I'm saying I'll step up.
I'll be there to help you raise him.
You serious?
Hey, I was there practically
every day to help you with Travers.
What makes you think that
I'd do any less if it were my child?
Well, thanks. That's nice to know.
You know...
...your spare bedroom
would make a great nursery.
Yeah, I guess it would.
It's down the hall from the master.
We'd hear him when he was crying.
We? You'd move in?
I told you that I would be here for you.
We could even decorate his room
in, like, a whole pirate theme.
I always wanted to do that
if I had a son.
You know what would be really cool?
Decorate his bed like...
Like a ship with a sail and a mast...
Carlos, it's negative.
Well, that's a relief, huh?
- Yeah. We really dodged a bullet.
- [sighs]
So... let's celebrate, have a drink.
Oh, and by the way, you're still
welcome to stay, until you find a place.
That's nice of you. Thanks.
I cannot thank you enough
for doing this.
Thanks for taking the time
out of your day.
I'm not sure this is the best approach.
I've never done a session before
where half of the couple didn't know
I was a marriage counselor.
We'll tell her. Eventually.
I just don't want to scare her off.
- Hey, Lynette...
- Yeah?
Look who walked in off the streets!
Scott McKinney. Remember?
We pledged Alpha Tau together.
I told you about him.
- You won the beer pong championship.
- You told her about that?
Yeah. Then you threw up in the trophy.
That is far from his
only accomplishment. He's got a Ph.D.
Oh, wow. Well, I'd love to chat,
but I have cheese to grate.
Honey, no, wait, please...
I will do that later.
I want you guys to know each other.
I mean, this guy, this is my boy.
So Scott got married
the same year that we did.
How's your wife liking Fairview?
Well, her whole family's back east,
so she kind of resisted the move.
So that was a source of conflict?
Yes, well,
all couples have their conflicts.
- I'm sure you've had your share.
- Oh, sure, now and then.
- Emphasis on "now."
- Tom...
Scott shared with us. We're
going through kind of a rough patch.
I'm sure it's something
you'll get through.
The trick is to keep lines
of communication open.
Boy, easier said than done.
So this rough patch, what would you say
is the underlying issue there?
Well, Scott, I'm not sure I would say.
Particularly not
to someone I just met.
Well, he's just trying to help.
If you ask me, I'd say it started
when our manager Rick quit.
OK, and how did
that make you feel, Lynette?
I am not answering that!
This is not a therapy session!
But if it were, what would you say?
- Oh, dear God, you didn't.
- What... Didn't what?
OK, OK. Give it up, Tom.
Yes, yes, Lynette,
I am a couples counselor.
Really? And what do you
call this, "ambush therapy"?
It was my idea. I'm just
trying to get you to talk about
what is going on. And don't tell me
that nothing's going on!
Good, good.
All our cards are on the table.
Cram it! OK, yeah, Tom,
I've been unhappy lately.
I am working through some issues. That
is something I need to do on my own.
Talking about it doesn't help. Not to
you, and certainly not to Dr. Beer Pong!
Well, I'm billing you for a whole hour,
so is there anything else on your mind?
I'm sorry, but this time
Gabby has crossed a line,
and I will not sit through her wedding.
Julie thinks I'm overreacting. You don't
think I'm overreacting, do you?
- Yeah, a little.
- Absolutely not.
What? She asked.
Look, even if Gabby's
in the wrong here...
And she is. Hugely, hideously wrong.
Do you really want
to boycott her wedding?
She said that I would make Mike
wish he was back in a coma!
I think her point, and again,
I wish she'd expressed herself
more tactfully,
was that marriage is unpredictable.
We can't know what it'll be
until we're in it.
Don't defend that self-centered brat.
She steals Susan's wedding
and then expects to stay friends.
She divorces Carlos and
doesn't want anyone else to date him.
I've never known anyone
as dishonest and manipulative.
Speaking of Carlos,
I hear he got evicted.
Yeah, that was a real shocker.
Anyway, you stick to your guns
and don't you dare go to that wedding.
It could ruin your friendship.
Are you willing to take that chance?
- [sighs] No, I guess not.
- Wuss.
Well, at least get her
a thoughtless, crappy gift.
- Like a blender.
- I got you a blender for Christmas.
And I use it every day. Gotta go.
Honey, I am so sorry!
I hope you don't hate me!
I don't! I was just on my way
to apologize to you.
- I changed all my flowers.
- You don't have to.
The hell I don't.
Those peach tulips belong to you.
And so do these.
Thank you.
I was just bringing you this.
Well, we got chocolate and wine...
- Your place or mine?
- Well...
I am so glad we're doing this.
I hate it when we fight.
Me too. And I'm so sorry about
that comment I made about Mike.
It was way out of line.
You guys are gonna be insanely happy.
I think so too.
But, you know, then I remember,
that's what I thought about me and Karl.
Please. Mike is not Karl.
Well, you know,
when I married him, Karl wasn't Karl.
And I think that's why
I got so mad at you.
Because 99 percent of me is sure
that we're gonna be totally happy,
but then what you said, it just
stirred up that pesky one percent.
Honey, please.
If anyone should be nervous it's me.
I met Victor three months ago.
I mean, I'm crazy about him.
It's just the thought of saying
those vows again, it's scary.
Lynette is right.
You know, marriage is like...
It's like these bonbons.
You never know what you're getting
until you're in the middle of it.
It's one of those hard, jelly ones.
- Do you think that's an omen?
- Honey, you're gonna be OK.
All right? We're gonna
help each other through this.
Right. Yeah.
Getting married is scary,
but at least we'll be doing it together.
Oh, my God!
We should totally do that.
- What?
- Get married! Together!
You and me?
Well, I... I'm beyond flattered,
I find you to be an incredibly
attractive woman. I just...
Oh, no, stupid!
I mean a double wedding!
Oh. Oh! Oh, I would love that!
I know! Then you wouldn't be mad,
and I wouldn't feel guilty!
- We could be brides together!
- Together!
Yes! Let's celebrate! More chocolate!
So you know, if I was a lesbian,
I'd totally do you.
That's good to know.
[Mary Alice] It's a fact of life
that brides to be,
who agree to double weddings
late at night,
often feel differently, come the dawn.
This change of heart was certainly true
in the case of Susan Mayer.
And even more so...
... for Gabrielle Solis.
- Morning.
- Hi, honey.
I hope I didn't wake you last night.
I was at Susan's till midnight.
- Is something wrong?
- No. Not exactly.
Just a small change of plans
about the wedding.
What kind of change?
See, Susan was really upset...
I mean, I've never seen Gabby
so torn up with guilt...
Practically in tears
over this whole wedding date thing...
And she kept saying,
"Please, let me make it up to you..."
So, after an hour of this,
I suddenly heard myself say...
"Hey, how about a double wedding?"
Wanted to bite my tongue
the minute it came out.
She's so excited, so needy...
Jumping up and down and hugging me...
- I mean, what could I say?
- So we're kind of stuck.
So, what do you think?
I think anything that
makes you happy is fine by me.
- Will this make you happy?
- No! I'm screwed!
I cannot get out of this
without hurting her feelings.
Maybe this will help. I forbid it.
- You do?
- Sure.
Tell her that your groom's
an old-fashioned guy
and he doesn't want to see anybody
on that altar but his bride.
If she gets mad,
have her take it up with me.
So this is what marriage is about,
having someone to hide behind.
- So, what do you think?
- You're gonna have to undo this.
How? I know I shouldn't
have offered, but I did.
- I can't take it back.
- You're gonna have to.
You have any idea
what this day means to me?
I do. And I know you've worked
really hard to make our wedding perfect.
Exactly. I want to share it with
your friend and her ex-convict fianc??
- That's your problem?
- I'm the mayor of this town.
How's it gonna look?
There'll be press there.
- Press? At our wedding?
- Well, we're public figures.
So all of this planning,
and attention to detail,
- that's all been about your image?
- Of course not!
This is gonna be
the proudest day of my life.
I'm not sharing
the spotlight with anyone.
How about the bride?
Oh, please, every eye in that place
is gonna be on you.
Every woman will wish they were you,
every guy'll wish they had you.
It's gonna be great.
Tell your friends you're sorry.
Tell them I'll even pay
for their wedding.
But they're not sharing mine.
[sighs] Here's a one-bedroom at The Oaks
with a view of the golf course.
That's gonna go fast.
I'm gonna call on this
first thing in the morning.
Or, I know this is the last thing
you'd expect to hear from me,
but what if you stayed here with me
and we tried to have a baby?
Are you serious?
I saw the look on your face
when that test came back negative.
Admit it, you were disappointed.
- Yeah, maybe a little.
- Well, so was I.
- You were?
- Yeah, I was.
You know, having Travers here made me
realize that I like being a mom.
And you were so great with him.
Well, think...
We could have that all the time.
Edie, nobody wants a kid more than me.
It's just...
Yeah, yeah, we're not
head over heels in love.
We like each other, right?
That's more than a lot of parents
have going for them.
- It's just a very big step.
- Carlos, look around.
Everyone's taking big steps.
Gabby and Victor, Susan and Mike.
This could be our step.
We both need to love someone.
No one said it had to be each other.
Just think about it.
Let's do it.
- You really want to?
- Yeah.
I'm tired of waiting
for my life to start.
Oh, Carlos.
Imagine, with your genes and mine,
that child is gonna be a knockout.
I'm gonna brush my teeth,
I'm gonna flush those birth control
pills and we're gonna get crackin'!
- Hey.
- Hey.
- How're you doing?
- Good.
Listen, we need to talk.
I spoke to Mike and he's just not really
into the whole double wedding thing.
Mike said no?
Yeah, he sort of wants the day
just to be about us.
So we're gonna wait until the fall.
I am so sorry.
No, no, it's OK. Victor was
kind of on the fence about it too.
Oh, good! I mean, not that they said no,
I really wanted to do it.
Me too. I think
it would have been so much fun.
- Yeah.
- Well, I gotta go.
- I gotta meet Fran?ois.
- See ya.
Oh, by the way...
That one-percent sliver
of a doubt thing I told you about?
Totally gone. Any question
I had about Mike's been answered.
That must feel really great.
- I feel really good about this.
- I do too.
Our friends are probably
gonna make fun of us.
Yeah, I'm sure.
But who cares.
It's gonna be great.
I'm so happy we're
gonna be living together.
We're going to have so much fun.
I'll be right out.
OK... let's make a baby.
- I talked to my back doctor today.
- What did he have to say?
He said, assuming I exercise reasonable
caution, I can have sex again.
And what would that have to do with me?
Well, you don't seem
to want to talk to me these days,
so I figured it's the one thing that
we can do together without speaking.
Remember when I was giving birth
to the twins and screaming in agony
because Porter was dragging
my uterus out with him?
Well, I was more in the mood
for sex then than I am now.
- Lynette...
- Hmm?
I'm your husband, I have to find
a way to connect to you somehow.
So we can have sex or we can talk.
Your call.
- Fine. Let's have sex.
- What?
Yeah, let's get this off.
You'd rather have sex with me
than talk to me?
- Yep.
- Hey... Ow! That hurts!
I said I'd have sex,
I didn't say I'd make love.
You want to play rough?
Because I can play rough!
Cut it out!
Sorry, I'll try to be gentler
as I move down south.
OK... OK.
OK, fine. You are mad at me!
But name one thing
that I have done to deserve it!
You had lunch with Rick.
You're damn right I did!
I saw the security tape.
What was I supposed to do?
Pretend that nothing was going on?
Nothing was! He never touched me!
And I wasn't gonna sit around
and wait until it did.
- I am glad that I made him quit.
- You didn't make him quit. I fired him!
- You what?
- Idiot told me he had feelings for me,
which he never'd have done
if you hadn't pushed!
And now he's gone.
It's all your fault!
- Ow! My back!
- [grunts]
- [glass shatters]
- [groans]
[woman over intercom, indistinct]
It'll just be a few more minutes,
Mrs. Scavo.
- The doctor's looking at your CAT scan.
- Thank you.
This whole thing is ridiculous.
I bumped my head.
Lynette, you were dizzy and throwing up.
- Can't be too careful.
- Well, I feel just fine now.
When Rick said
he had feelings for you...
...what did you say?
I said that it was totally
inappropriate, and then I fired him.
- Do you have feelings for him, Lynette?
- Hmm?
Do you have feelings for Rick?
I would never cheat on you.
You know that.
That's not what I asked.
Did you fall for him?
Oh, God.
Nothing happened. He's gone. It's over.
Don't tell me it's over.
We've been fighting all week.
You miss him, don't you?
- Don't do this.
- Damn.
Not now. I can't.
- Mrs. Scavo?
- That's me.
I'll be back.
Actually, I'd rather have
you both come in for this.
- Is it a concussion?
- No, it's just a bruise.
Oh, good.
But I noticed something
in your CAT scan that concerns me.
You have a few
swollen lymph nodes in your neck.
- I want to send you in for a biopsy.
- A biopsy? Why?
Have you noticed any change
in your appetite lately?
Any fatigue, fevers?
Stop, just stop.
What is it you think I have?
I don't want you to panic.
This can be any number of things.
Is one of them cancer?
It could be lymphoma.
We're hoping the biopsy
will rule that out.
If you look at the CAT scan... can see this
white area here stands out.
These are called
submandibular lymph nodes.
Lymphoma can vary according
to the type of cell that multiplies,
and how the cancer presents itself.
There are two types,
Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
[Mary Alice] From the moment
we wake up in the morning,
till our head hits the pillow at night,
our lives are filled with questions.
Is it morning yet?
Most are easily answered
and soon forgotten.
Not yet, sweetheart.
You go back to sleep now.
But some questions
are much harder to ask,
because we're so afraid of the answer.
Will I be around
to watch my children grow up?
Am I making a mistake
by marrying this man?
Could he ever truly love me?
And what happens when we
ask ourself the hard question,
and get the answer we'd been hoping for?
Well, that's when happiness begins.