Designated Survivor (2016–2019): Season 3, Episode 2 - #slipperyslope - full transcript

A heated debate over child marriage roils Kirkman's staff. Opioid addiction hits home for Mars. A biohacker turns Wells onto a chilling new threat.

Previously on Designated Survivor...

Capitol's been attacked. Eagle is gone.

Congress, the Cabinet.

Sir, you are now the President.

Some bad people did something bad tonight,

and it's Dad's job
to make sure we're all safe.

I've been with Secretary Kirkman's staff
for three years.

It's President Kirkman,
and you're not authorized.

Do we know who's responsible for this?

Still too early to determine.

We gotta give 'em something,
the whole world is watching.

We have a Housing and Urban Development
Secretary running the free world.

You're talking
about removing a sitting president.

Got something over here!


What do you see?

It's clear. Bomb's a dud.

You don't take credit for something
until you're done, right?

So, what if they're just getting started?

- There was no chatter.
- I understand there was no chatter

but we still need to check
all of the usual suspects:

Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Al-Sakar.

Where are we with local law enforcement?

I've coordinated with D.C. police,
Secret Service, Metro, and Capitol.

All right, that's good. Now, remember,
the high-value target list

only starts with the White House.

We need to heighten security
at every location.

Already taken care of.

- You taking that bomb to Andrews?
- Yeah.

Top brass wants everything
cataloged under one roof.

Deputy Director!
We need you over here!

All right.

My fellow Americans.

Tonight, our way of life
came under attack.

This act of cowardice
was meant to cripple our nation.

But as before,
America will show the world

that we will not bow down to fear,

that we will fight back,
that we will persevere.

This was
President Tom Kirkman's

first address to the nation.

It came just two hours
after he was unceremoniously

sworn in as our new president.

Unfortunately, last night's speech
did little to calm the frayed nerves...

Words aside,

Kirkman is an unelected,
untested HUD secretary

at a time when the world
is looking for leadership.

...remains of the Capitol,
searching for both survivors

and answers to the questions

all Americans are asking:

how did this happen
and will life ever be the sa...

- Morning, Mr. President.
- Good morning.

West Wing, right or left?

This way, to the right, sir.

Thank you very much.

Phoenix on the move.

My wife didn't want me to come in today.
She's afraid the White House is next.

I was supposed to go last night,

but I couldn't get a sitter.

What are we gonna do?

Melissa's dead, everyone's dead.

Mr. President.

- Aaron.
- Good morning.

We have a briefing
waiting for you in the Oval, sir.


Mr. President.

Wyatt, right?

- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.

Sir, I just have to warn you.

This might be a bit more hectic
than you're used to.

I understand. I think we'll be fine.

We've increased security
to our oil and gas pipelines,

power grids, refineries,
chemical storage tanks.

Mass transit is still on lock down,

planes and trains.
Immigration remains frozen.

Sir, you have to authorize
we close the banks immediately.

No, we can't do that. We cannot keep
the American people from their money.

48 hours without Bank of America
is better than a 48-month depression.

If everyone withdraws their money
at the same time, the banks will collapse.

- Where are we at with the bombing?
- Deputy Director Atwood

will be briefing us soon.
We're looking at groups

with the skills and resources
to do something like this.

Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, North Korea, RGB.

Well, what's this
about violence in Michigan?

We're getting reports
of flare-ups in Dearborn.

Police targeting
the local Muslim community.

Yeah, but what I want to know is
how did the terrorists bring explosives

into the Capitol building
in the first place.

We're working on that. In the meantime,
we have to go after everyone we suspect.

We go after them, after their families,
any way we can.

I'm sorry, are you talking
about enhanced interrogation?

They destroyed our Capitol.

I'm saying we do whatever we have to do.

Can I just get a moment?!

Everybody, why don't we just focus
on one thing at a time?

Please, excuse me.

Please, can you just give me a moment?

Tom... I'm sorry.

Mr. President.

I just needed to find
somewhere quiet.

Yeah, admittedly,
it got a little loud in there.


A Caps game is loud, Aaron.

Back there in the Oval Office,
that was chaos.

We need order, a system,
or this is never gonna work.

We need to get this government
up and running.

We need a cabinet, and fast.

That's a good idea, sir,
but first order of business

is going to be naming your Chief of Staff.

Seriously? You're making a play right now?


I'm not ready to make that decision.

What I need is both of you to step up
and help me put together a cabinet.

Tell me you can do that.

- Of course.
- Yes, Mr. President.


For now, we're gonna close the banks.
ATMs and credit will still be available.

I want you to monitor
the situation in Michigan

and I want you to keep me up to speed
on the investigation into the bombing.

The American people want to know
who did this, and so do I.



Later today, I want to see
the Capitol Building or what's left of it.

Are you sure
that's a... good idea...

No, no, no.
That's exactly what you need, sir.

A do-over.

Last night's speech
didn't exactly put minds at ease.

But you, sir, at the site,

now that sends a message.

- It shows...
- Respect, Aaron.

It shows respect.

It's not a photo-op.

- Whatever you say, sir.
- Good.

Let's get back to work.

Sir. Hold it right there.

Morning, what's going on?

- What's in the backpack?
- What?

Your backpack, what's in it?

Uh, my stuff for, uh, work.

- Papers and stuff.
- Where do you work?

I work at the White House.

Really? The White House?

Yeah, you know,
where the President sleeps.

You being a wise ass?

I'd like to know why you stopped me.

Why don't you tell us where you live
and show us some ID first?

I live right there.

It's cold and it's cramped,

but I can walk to my gym,
so I got that going for me.

Seth Wright.

That your real name?

According to my mother.


This looks good.

Thanks for your cooperation, Mr. Wright.

Thank you.

Yeah, stay safe.

Look, I got to go.

Tell Mom I love her.

Okay, cabinet members.
What about Blanchard?

For State?

He's qualified,
three years as deputy.

He also has two secret Facebook accounts
and an affinity for the coeds

who look after his kids.
I'm thinking Garfield's our guy.

No, think again.

He's made more than
a few enemies on the Hill.

Emily, I hate to break it to you,
but there is no Hill anymore.

Oh, my God.
There's no Hill anymore.

Something happened in Michigan.


- Mr. President.
- You don't need to get up

every time I walk into a room.
I'm not the Queen.

No, sir. Virtually no resemblance.

I'm sorry to interrupt.

- I... I actually came in to apologize.
- Apologize?

Last night,
you wrote me a home-run of a speech.

This morning, it seems like the press

wished anybody else delivered it but me.

Mr. President.

Maybe the country's just not ready, yet...

to come together behind anyone...

even with the best speech in the world.


Mr. President.

There's something you need to see.

Police imposing a curfew
on predominantly Muslim neighborhoods

and ordering residents
to obey it or face arrest.

These are citizens who have not been
charged with any crimes,

who are simply targeted

because of their religious beliefs.

The American Civil Liberties Union
denounced the actions by Dearborn police

- as a violation...
- Mr. President, we're ready.

Basic civil rights. But in the wake
of the attack on the Capitol,

some are saying
this is just the type of policing

this country needs.

- Governor...?
- Royce.

Governor Royce, how are you?

About as expected.

There's a lot to manage here,
as you can imagine.

I know, and I want to help.
I've seen reports

that police in Dearborn are rounding up
members of the Muslim community.

- Yes, I'm aware.
- Well, like I said,

we'd like to help you stop the police.

Why would I stop the police?
They're acting on my orders.

- Your orders?
- That's correct.

I don't know if you know this,

but I have the largest Muslim population
in the country, here.

That doesn't mean
they're doing anything wrong

or that they've been radicalized.

No, but I'm willing to bet
they know someone who is.

Governor, you can't target an innocent
population because you're scared.

- You have a responsibility...
- To all my citizens.

And my first and only priority
is to make sure they're safe,

something that Washington -
if there even is such a place anymore -

has proven incapable of doing.

Governor, the federal government...

Was effectively snuffed out last night.

There is no Congress,
there is no Supreme Court.

When it comes to the people of Michigan,
I am the highest authority,

and you have none over me.

With all due respect, sir,
I am the President.

Not mine.
So you'll have to excuse me, Mr. Kirkman.

While you're busy learning
how to become President,

I've got 10 million citizens to protect.


Governor Royce?

Sir, you should know
that messages of support

continue to pour in from heads of state
around the world.

We should go over which calls
you want to return personally.

I would think all of them.
How many calls are we talking about?

About 175, sir.

Maybe we should prioritize.

Mr. President.

I want you to know I don't care
what the so-called pundits are saying.

I was very moved by your words last night.

Well, thank you.

Excuse me, but who are you?

Mr. President, this is congresswoman
Kimble Hookstraten.


Yes, I was last night's
other designated survivor.

Other designated...

Excuse us, please.

Thank you, sir.

There are two designated survivors?

Yeah, the Republicans chose someone

to sit out of the State of the Union
as well.

So they'd be represented.


Hey, what do you know about Hookstraten?

You were on Senator Carlyle's staff
when they were both

- on Ways and Means, weren't you?
- Stalker.

- Come on.
- She's smart.

Very smart. Third-generation D.C.
blue blood, nine years, Republican whip,

knows every detail
about every player in town.

So you're saying she's a lot more
experienced than the President?

Come on.
Let's go get Governor Royce on the phone.

435 representatives, 100 senators,
and 9 justices.

- And now it's just down to the two of us.
- I know.

You don't know
whether to feel... ashamed

or grateful to be alive.

- Apologetic.
- Sir?

To the American people
for being stuck with me as their leader.

I mean, let's face it,

the pundits might be right.

Mr. President...

Do you know what I did this morning, sir?

I cried and then I prayed.

Do you know when the last time
I did those two things together was?


Nobody thought we could get through it
back then, but we did.

And nobody thinks
we can get through it now, but we will.

This is your house now.

So make it your own.

Whatever you need, just ask.

Republican, Democrat, Independent...

It doesn't matter anymore.

We're all Americans today.

Thank you, Congresswoman.

Kimble, please.


Kimble, later this afternoon,

I'm going to the Capitol site
to thank the first responders.

I think it'd be a nice show of unity
if we do that together.

What do you say?

I'd be honored, sir.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Thank you.

Ronnie, is that the unexploded munition?


What's it telling us?

Russian anti-tank mine,

likely pulled from the ground
in Afghanistan.

But look here.

The guts are cannibalized.

Cyrillic on the outside,
but the lock ring is Pakistani.

And the firing pin is newer,

probably Iranian.

That is consistent with what we've seen
from some Jihadist terror groups.

We should be able
to point the finger directly

when we get the lab results
from the other bombs.

Right, but this one,
why didn't this one go off?

Any number of reasons.

Russian red wire
to Iranian green doesn't work,

the main charge degraded.

But I wouldn't rule out
good old-fashioned human error.

You're telling me that the people
who blew up our U.S. Capitol in one shot,

didn't test the triggers, the wiring?

Then what are you suggesting?


What if this bomb wasn't meant to explode?

What if it was meant to be found?

Look, I don't care
what the Governor's doing.

The President of the United Sates
needs to talk to him.

I'm not asking you, I'm telling you.

I'm not gonna hold!

Damn it!

You'd think there would be more people
qualified for Attorney General.

What the hell am I supposed to say?

Is this a writer thing?

I'm trying to find a way to unite us
at Kirkman's remarks at the rubble,

but Michigan is probably
just the beginning.

The world is falling apart.

Probably don't wanna put that
in the speech.

Yes, I'm still here.

God, it's unbelievable.

I like Wynbrandt.

He went to city college at night,
law school, good family man.

Massey's our guy.

He clerked for Thomas, he went to Yale.

Editor of the Law Journal.

It's all about what's on paper for you.

I heard Wynbrandt speak.

The man has good values.

Emily, the Governor of Michigan

is basically declaring his state
a sovereign nation,

so we don't have time for values.

I probably shouldn't put that
in the speech either, right?

Governor Royce said that?
That he's the highest authority?

That's what he said,
and in no uncertain terms.

Then he hung the phone up on me.

Well, he doesn't get to do that.
He has a constitutional obligation...

Don't you get it, Alex?

Royce wants to tear up the Constitution,
and he's not the only one.

- You can't let him.
- Trust me, I'm not going to.

We've got some lawyers coming over
from the Attorney General's office.

We'll figure out what our legal options
are, and we'll handle it.

How you holding up?

I spoke to Duncan. The courts are closed.

Markets, banks, schools, airports...

- Everything.
- Half the junior associates in the firm,

they're thinking of leaving Washington.

How's Penny?

You think she even understands
what's happening?

Besides the fact

that we now live in the White House,
her father is the President,

and she's sleeping in a very big bed...

No, not really.

I've been trying to keep her away
from the TV.

And Leo?

He's been in his room all day,
with the door shut.

So, basically being Leo.


Do you think we could,

for five minutes,

just pretend
that this isn't really happening?

Kind of hard to do in the Oval Office.

I'm sorry, sir.

I told him you were busy.

It's all right.
How can I help you, General?

I'm afraid that's something

we have to discuss in private,
Mr. President.

Oh. This is my wife.

Your wife does not have
code-word clearance, sir.

Of course.

I'll go.


What is it?

I just spoke
to FBI Deputy Director Atwood.

The lab results came in.

They've made a positive ID
on the explosives.

We know who blew up the Capitol.

Al-Sakar likes mass-casuality attacks.

A chlorine storage tank in Manila,

sarin gas canisters lobbed
onto our military base in Nairobi.

Preliminary analysis from the FBI's
Explosive Device Center tells us

that residue found on the Capitol debris

is consistent with bombs
used by Al-Sakar in the past.

Mr. President,
it's time to publicly name

Al-Sakar as the perpetrator of this crime

- and take appropriate action.
- Okay.

Before we do anything,

the FBI is absolutely certain
that Al-Sakar was behind the attack?

75%, sir.


That's as high as it gets
when it comes to a call like this.

75 is still a "C" on a test, General.

This is not a test. This is war.

All the more reason to get it right,
don't you think?

Sir, I know we got off
on the wrong foot.

You did a fine job staving off
the Iranians last night.

But I am advising you
that the country is on the brink,

and talk will not work here.

America is demanding action
and I am giving you an enemy we can kill.

You think I don't want to strike back
against the people who did this?

I lost colleagues, friends, people I love.

I want to find every single person
involved in this attack

from planning to execution
and rip them limb from limb,

which is why I need to know
exactly who did this.

Come back to me with more than 75%,

and I'll launch the damn missiles myself.

How much more.

25, damn it!

The death toll
as of 30 minutes ago...

is 900 plus.

That includes the President,
Vice President, Cabinet...

those we've been able to ID
from Congress and the Supreme Court...

And FBI Director Jacobs
is also confirmed dead.

The working theory is
this is the work of Al-Sakar.

So as we know,
this is the latest offshoot of Al-Qaeda.

They are dispersed
throughout North Africa,

which makes them very, very hard to track.

So we need to be crafty.

We need to reach out to your sources,
spread some cash around,

do whatever you have to do
to firm up that link.

What about credit?

What about it?

Is Al-Sakar taking credit?

No, they haven't.

But it was months before Bin Laden
took responsibility for the Towers, so...

That's all for now.

Agent Wells.

How are you doing?

Same as everyone else, I guess.

I just came from Andrews.

The bomb we just found, the UXO...

it may not be telling you
what you think it is.

Okay, I'll bite.

All right, well,
what if they wanted us to find it

so that we would look at Al-Sakar
and not consider any other options?

Can you back up your theory?

Well, my theories were good enough for you
in '09 in Iraq.

This is different, Hannah,
and you know it.

Besides, I've already talked
to General Cochrane and the Joint Chiefs.

You're still gonna brief
the President later, right?


Best to give them all the theories,
don't you think?

So if it wasn't Al-Sakar,
who blew up the Capitol Building?

I don't know, yet,
and that's what scares me.

Thanks, Mike.

Okay, what do I do?
Am I supposed to smile?

Because I'll probably feel like crying.

- Just be yourself.
- I know, I just...

I don't want to let you down,
I don't want to let the country down,

and I hate this
that they picked it out for me.

Look, I look like the White House sofa.

It's to fit over this, ma'am.

Mike, is this all really necessary?

Two ways the President and his family
can leave the White House.

Out the front door in Kevlar vests
and a 13-car armored motorcade

or out the back in a Chevy
and a ball cap.

Give me the coat.


Hey, little pea, how are you?

What are you wearing?

Oh, this? This is just to protect me
in case I fall down.

Cool thing is you can punch it,
I won't feel a thing.

Go on, try.

Come here.

I love you so much.

- It's time, sir.
- Okay.

Hold on. Where's Leo?

Relax, Mom, I'm here.

Okay, you need to watch your sister.

And keep her away from the TV, okay?
Any of the news,

it's too real. She doesn't need to see it.

Have you got that?

Yeah, I understand.

Sir, you won't be wearing a tie.

It's not a formal occasion, Aaron.

Okay. Let's go.

Phoenix is ready and on the move.

Mike, just out of curiosity,
what was it before?


My code name when I was Secretary of HUD,
what was it?

Glasses, sir.

We left word for the Governor
three hours ago.

Yeah, please tell him, again.

Forget politics, it's just plain rude.

What the hell's wrong with people anyway?

People are scared, Aaron.

The Capitol used to be
a symbol of strength,

and now it's a pile of ashes.

And everyone we know is gone.

You would think today, of all days,

people could at least pretend
to be decent human beings.

Why are you so surprised?

Tragedy either makes people appreciate
their fellow men, or fear them.

The Governor's no different.
He's just elected.

Thanks for coming with me.

Of course.


Yesterday, I was asked to resign,

and we were talking
about moving to Montreal.

Now I'm trying to put the entire
U.S. government back together,

and stop the country
from tearing itself apart.

Hell of a day.


That's the President's motorcade
coming in.

Look out.

Are you ready for this?

How can anybody be ready for this?

Hold the work, hold the work!

My God.


Mr. President.


Mr. President.
Jason Atwood, Deputy Director.

We got a briefing ready
for you inside, sir.


Prelim analysis from TEDAC

indicates that the explosive residue
found on the debris

is called cyclonite, also known as RDX.

We believe it was mixed
with a plasticizer.

And that's what maximizes the destruction,

allowed the chamber
to come down on itself?


And Al-Sakar has access to RDX?

Yes, sir. It's their signature.

What about the device you found, the bomb?

- Why didn't it go off?
- We believe it was human error.

We're still running some tests.


Thank you, Deputy Director.

Thank you, Mr. President.
We'll keep you updated.

Mike, take my coat.

Sir, I'm gonna need you
to keep that vest on.

Mike, we're here to project confidence.

Does this vest project confidence to you?

Thank you.

- I win.
- You cheated.

- I know your game, little girl.
- Did not!

Oh, I got to take this.

You're supposed to watch me.

It's the White House, Penny.
I'm sure you're safe.

A truly somber moment

for newly sworn-in President Kirkman

as he makes his first visit
to the site of the terrorist attack.

We'll stand by here for his...

A lot of cameras, Aaron.

- You are the President, sir.
- Excuse me.

Could I borrow that?

Thank you. Just press here?

Hello, my name is Tom Kirkman.

Last night at approximately 10:30 p.m...

I was sworn in
as President of the United States.

I've come down here because I wanted
to thank each and every one of you...

for the work that you're doing here
and let you know that America mourns.


This was an act of madness.

This was an act of terror.

Yesterday, we saw the worst in humanity.

Today, I see its best.

I know you're all tired.


I know you want answers, someone to blame,
someone to fight against.

I need you to know that I want that, too.

- What?
- And even, though, today...

It's Michigan.

...I promise you we will rise again

better and stronger.

Get down!

Those who we've lost...

are leaders...

family members...

and loved ones.

I swear to you,
they will not have died in vain.

See what's going on in Michigan?

This place where we stand
right here, right now...

will forever be hallowed ground,

and we must always...

respect the incredible sacrifice...

- that was made here.
- Mr. President, anything to say

about the Muslim teenager in Dearborn
who was beaten by police?

The President's not answering
any questions right now.

- Thank you.
- You have no response, President Kirkman?

I didn't hear the question.

The Muslim teenager
who was beaten by police, Mr. President.

- Do you have a comment?
- What?

Are you concerned
their civil rights are violated?

Is the White House concerned
about escalating violence against Muslims?

Are you gonna let Americans get beaten,
Mr. Kirkman?

Show me your hands!

- Show me your hands!
- I didn't do anything wrong.

Gun! Gun! Gun!

Cover and evacuate to the car.

Get your hands off him.
He's not doing anything.

It's a phone. It's a phone!

I have Phoenix! I repeat, I have Phoenix!

Back up! Back up!
I said back up!

Go, go, go!

Get me Governor Royce on the phone now.

- We're trying. He won't take the call.
- What do you mean?

Do we know anything about the condition
of the boy, the one in Michigan?

- He's in surgery with internal bleeding.
- He knows we're calling. He doesn't care.

I want to talk to a couple lawyers
from the Attorney General's Office.

- What's his name?
- Danny Fayad, ma'am.

How old is he?

We have a couple AG candidates

- who could be helpful.
- Bring them in.

Sorry to bother you, ma'am.

- Your daughter needs you upstairs.
- Okay.

Tom, the boy...

He's 17.

The same age as Leo.

Penny needs me.

I gotta go.

I don't have
to explain myself to you, Hannah.

I gave the President what I determined
was the most relevant intel.

Or you gave him what the group
who did this wanted you to.

How can he lead if he doesn't have
all the facts?

You should've given them to me.

Look, it's not...

that I don't believe you,
or that I don't want to.

Someone blew up the Capitol.

Who knows what's possible anymore.

On top of that, we've got a guy in office

who's number 11 in the line of succession.

I can't go to him with speculation
right now.


if you want me to go back to him
with your theory, please...

prove it.

The situation in Michigan
is out of control.

Now we've got a teenager
in critical condition.

I need to know
what my legal options are right now.

Well, uh, Mr. President,

you can invoke the Supremacy Clause,
issue an executive order

saying Governor Royce
must force his police to stand down.

That's a bad call.

EOs can be perceived as very hostile.

Then what would you suggest?

A presidential proclamation.

Which is nothing more
than a symbolic empty gesture.

It looks weak, sir.

Bush used a proclamation
to secure disaster areas after Katrina.

That hardly seems like
an empty gesture to me.

I wouldn't take declaring Martial Law
off the table either, sir.

If you want this to be
the shortest presidency in history.

Let me get this straight.

An executive order
will be perceived as too hostile.

A presidential proclamation, too weak.

Martial Law, either very, very smart...
or incredibly self-destructive.

Guys, let me ask you a question.

Can you agree on anything?

- Yes.
- Not really.


How is she?

Well, how do you think she is?

She just watched her father
almost get trampled.

You had one job,

to keep her away from the TV!

- I did.
- Until you didn't!

You... you left her alone.

I got a phone call!

It's not my job to be her parent.

Well, guess what, we're all doing jobs
that we weren't doing yesterday.

Leo, nothing's the same anymore.

Look, I know it's asking a lot.

But you're just gonna have
to grow up faster.

I'm gonna need to count on you
in more ways than ever.

Can I do that?

Can I do that?

Guess we'll find out.

Take these to Treasury.

Tell them Social Security checks
will keep going out,

if I have to sign them myself.

Aaron, I thought we were in agreement.

Really, General?

About what?

He's in over his head, out of his depth.

You need to convince your new boss
that Al-Sakar is behind the bombing.

I think he was pretty clear in there.

Until he's certain,
he will not name anyone.

And as I recall,
it's your job to convince him.

- Aaron, you're Chief of Staff.
- Actually, I'm not.

- So, who is?
- He hasn't named one yet.

And yet another trigger he won't pull.


Mm. Light reading?

Well, sadly, it seems that Wikipedia

is a little thin
on constitutional-law theory.

Well, did the lawyers
not give you any answers about Michigan?

They gave me plenty of answers.
They just weren't the right ones.

It doesn't even matter, yet.

I can't get Governor Royce
back on the phone.

Well, maybe it's time to force his hand.

What do you mean?

When George Wallace refused an order
to integrate schools in Alabama,

JFK had his brother
federalize the National Guard

and forced him to obey the law.

"Federalize the National Guard."

Well, it's brilliant,
but it's also a little...




I don't need a nuclear solution.

I need a political one.

Good thing we have
a politician in the family.

We'll see about that.

- Mr. President.
- Hold on.


Okay, thank you very much.


- The boy from Michigan.
- Danny Fayad.

He just died.

Mr. President.

- Tell me you got him.
- Yes.

Governor Royce
and Congresswoman Hookstraten

are both on the board
of the American Enterprise Institute.

If anyone can get him back to the table...

That was smart. Good job.

Okay, Mr. President.
He's coming back on the line now.

- Thank you.
- My pleasure, sir.

Governor Royce.

You're a hard man to reach.

I told you before. I'm pretty busy.

Well, we're gonna try
and lighten the load for you,

For the record,

I am ordering you
to have your police stand down

and stop harassing
the Muslim community in Dearborn.

I also need you to release
everybody that you've picked up today

that you have not formally charged
with a crime.

Look, I told you before,
my police are doing what they have to do

to protect my citizens.

With all due respect, Governor,
they're not your citizens,

they're mine,
and it's my job to protect them.

It's a job you have no business doing.

Well, not according to the Constitution.

Governor, you should also know

that your police unknowingly picked up
three undercover operatives

working on a long lead investigation
for Homeland Security.

I can't give you their names
because it's classified,

and you don't have clearance.
That is why I need you to release

everybody that you've picked up today.

Well... I'm not gonna do that.

Well, then, Governor, you'll be
obstructing a federal investigation.

I'm sure you're aware
of the consequences for that.

Look, I'm just trying
to keep my people safe.

How safe is Danny Fayad this evening?

Governor, I need your answer now.

I'll call the State Police,
tell them to stand down

and release everyone we've picked up.

Thank you.

Mr. President, would you like me
to contact Homeland Security...

tell them their agents have been released?

There were no agents.

It was a bluff.

A band-aid to stop the bleeding for now.

Well done, Mr. President.

Governor Royce is a good man.

He was just wrong today.

- Thank you for your help, Kimble.
- Sir.

Thank you, everyone.

Great work.

Seth, can you hold up for a minute?

Walk with me.

D.C. police called
the White House switchboard,

wanted to confirm that you worked here.

What happened this morning?

What happened in Michigan.
What always happens.

When people don't know who their enemy is,
they start with people who look like me.

They want me to name Al-Sakar
as the group behind the bombing.

But the FBI can't... confirm
with absolute certainty that they did it.

So, I can't do anything.

Otherwise, I'd be just as bad
as Governor Royce.

We got to get this right.

We will, sir.

- How are you getting home?
- Sorry.

How are you getting home?

I can have the Secret Service drive you.

Oh, no. That won't be necessary.

Thank you, Mr. President. I'll be fine.

Be careful, Seth.

Thank you, sir.

Good night.


Yes, sir?

Could I please have the number
for Danny Fayad's parents?

♪ Tired eyes ♪

♪ Maybe you've seen too much ♪

♪ Tired heart ♪

♪ Every end has a start ♪

I need you to know
that words could never express...

how sorry I am for your loss.

Yes, sir.


♪ Time will save you ♪

♪ You don't need to save yourself ♪

Hey, Mike.

You wouldn't happen to have a baseball cap
laying around, would you?

Yes, sir.

♪ If you find yourself alone ♪

♪ With no need to call home ♪

♪ Will you come back ♪

♪ Will you come back ♪

♪ Will you come back ♪

You lose someone?


I lost everyone.

♪ You don't need to save yourself ♪

♪ Time will save you ♪

♪ You don't need to save yourself ♪

Thank you.

Thank you for your service.

Thank you for your service.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Thank you.

♪ Time will save you ♪

♪ You don't need to save yourself ♪

Thanks for bringing me here, Mike.

It's an honor, sir.

♪ Time will save you ♪

♪ You don't need to save yourself ♪

♪ Time will save you ♪

♪ You don't need to save yourself ♪

♪ Time will save you ♪

♪ You don't need to save yourself ♪

Hey, over here! We found one!

We got a survivor!

We got a survivor over here!