Departures (2008–…): Season 2, Episode 9 - Zambia - full transcript
Scott and Justin ultimately find themselves in the midst of some of the most wild roads and dangerous animals on the planet. Sleeping in a tree-blind while lions walk directly under them or taking a walking safari is no match to the real situation with the people they meet. The guys experience a way of life that is so drastically different than theirs, impoverished and battling the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the guys witness the joy and sorrow at a small church ceremony and gain a fresh outlook from their new Zambian friends.
(camera reel playing)
(upbeat music)
- Zambia is well-known
for its safari animals
but also for the struggles of its people.
Justin and I are eager to get out
and see the country in a
way that reveals both to us.
- [Justin] It's been a
lifelong goal of mine
to go on safari.
The needs of the biggest
animals in the world,
Zambia could be the death of me.
(upbeat music)
- [Scott] After traveling
the world for a year,
Justin and I were charged
with a whole new energy.
As I got further away from my old life,
I started to realize that
this is where I need to be.
This is now my lifestyle.
- [Justin] One day,
I hope to say that I've seen the world
but that day is not here yet.
(upbeat music)
(funky music)
- We've decided to begin this trip
by visiting one of Zambia's
most famous landmarks.
(funky music)
- Wow.
This is death right here.
Right here is death.
We're on the very lip of Victoria falls.
- The widest falls in all of Africa.
And let me tell you, it's
one of the deeper ones too.
It's more than a hundred meters
down to the gorge to below.
There's no safety rope,
there's no cord and there's
nothing tying us back.
This is free flowing
water right over the edge.
(funky music)
Iceland seems like a
distant memory right now.
And while I love the place I got to admit
the African sun is really
welcomed to this place.
The big victory is gonna be,
to get a piece of real safari.
- Get up close, personal.
I love the animals.
And I hope that they love me here.
- But we're here for a lot of things
and most of them are with thrills.
And this is a huge.
I don't know how we're going to top this
and we just got here.
(funky music)
We're gonna do some whitewater rafting.
- We've done whitewater before
but we've never done anything like this.
- I want to get close, but
I lost the vibe this trip.
- The Zambezi is
victoriously turbulent water.
(upbeat music)
(water splashing)
The water that's there takes
the weight of six people
and just goes, psh, like this.
And in an instant,
we were, we went from
this to this to this.
- [Justin] But it happened
so fast. It happen so quick
that I don't even remember
it like it was that quick.
- [Scott] Andre, he got
tossed well clear off the boat
because he wasn't able
to hang on to anything
except the camera.
He had to get rescued
and thrown on another boat temporarily,
it was wild.
We really wanna see the culture
and the natural side of Zambia
and we're not going to
find that in Livingston
so we're going to hit the
road almost right away.
I just hope Justin will respect
the more dangerous animals
cause he has a tendency to
really push the limits of nature
but I think this first place
that we're going to visit
should keep him in line.
(soft music)
It was recommended that
we check this place out
which is kind of a crocodile farm
that cares for crocodiles
that have been passed
in certain parts of Zambia,
ones that have been injured.
- Let's See how close we can get to them.
- And this is by far a lot
closer than we are ever gonna get
safely in nature to them.
(soft music)
(metal clanking)
- Come on, come bite me.
(soft music)
- [Justin] Can you rub his belly?
- Pardon? - Can you rub his belly?
- Yeah.
(both laughing)
- I'm joking
I'm joking
- Well, you know the advantage
here I'm watching the legs,
you see how they are?
She needs to stand up to the back legs.
That's when it can hit you with the tail.
- Can I go in here?
She's pretty calm right now.
It's not really moving around much.
- Very calm
(crocodile hisses)
(both laughing) (crocodile roars)
(both laughing)
- [Justin] Wow.
(funky music)
(both laughing)
(water splashing)
Ah he's big.
Can we feed them?
(funky music)
- So just take it and
throw it in his mouth?
- We've got bones for crocodiles here
and my bowling ball.
(Justin laughing)
- That was a good shot though.
He's still hungry but that's it.
(inaudible chatter)
(Morgan whistling)
- Right? So if I just plan it,
try to plant it right in front of him. Eh?
(funky music)
- The only way we would've
gotten this close to these Crocs
in the wild as if we were
prepared to never come back.
So, this is the reason for coming here.
It's certainly a thrill
to be able to get this close to wildlife
and I hope we can do it
with some of the other animals of Africa.
(joyous music)
We're on our way to Lusaka
where we're going to catch
a plane to a safari camp.
We've been offered a
ride there from Hielke
Who's eager to show us
the people of his country
as we drive.
- [Scott] We stopped at
the side of the road,
pulled off the main highway
and this year is a bit more of a
traditional style Zambian house.
Grassroots, the mud walls
and we just sort of been
asked to come inside
to have a look at it.
- It's solid. It's almost like concrete.
- Under this is like,
their form of bricks is
they get like paintings
and they fill them up with clay
and they turned them upside down again.
And as soon as they've
gone hard to pull them out
and it comes like blow around bricks.
And that's what they use to build
the main structure of the
house together with the wood.
- [Justin] Do you live here by yourself?
- Mmh.
- You got pretty much
everything you want in here.
There's stuff here to do the
dishes and knives and forks
and pots and pans.
- It's a small area, but it's
got all the same elements
of home that any home has.
- And they got a guard dog.
(dog growling)
(funky music)
- We're making our way around
the small village here.
And just seeing what
everyday life is like.
The ashes here, what do
you use the ashes for?
- We just wash all the pots and pans.
It kills bacteria and stuff.
And actually it doesn't stain either.
If you wash your clothes with that,
it'll take out stains actually.
It's like a sort of bleach.
They've all got the local fires or seven,
so the ashes
(inaudible chatter)
So the nice thing about
this river it flows.
So like all the leftovers
of the food and everything
just flows down river.
- [Scott] So they'll
always have a water source?
- These guys are actually lucky.
I mean their river source is good.
Some villages you'll find
that they don't get that
and that's something they struggle with.
(funky music)
When I first came to Zambia
I was a couple of weeks old.
And then I grew up
and then my mom just had job at the school
which I went to later, which
is just up the road here.
10 years ago.
It wasn't even as developed as this.
There wasn't even a road here.
It was just a simple path.
Most people here are pretty lucky
because they've got
the sugarcane behind us
and they got their own water source.
- These are pretty lucky group of people
compared to a lot of
other parts of Zambia.
- And those are really
the people that need help.
And those are just people just like us.
(inaudible chatter)
Less fortunate.
People actually pass away
from just the common cold
And too many old people they die.
The average life expectancy is around
between 29 and 36 years old.
And it's a difficult topic everywhere
in the world, but just, you
really get affected here.
(car engine roaring)
(cart banging)
(foreign language)
- Looking for a bit of a snack.
You say this sugarcane is pretty good eh?
- Buy some now
and we'll see what you guys think of it.
- Do you just bite through it?
Like (Scott groans)
How do you do it?
- Use your teeth normally like this
and you just pull down
the strips, like this.
- [Scott] Okay.
- Normally the deeper, the better
because the inside is the sweetest part.
Give it a bite to see on how it is.
(funky music)
You're not exactly going deep enough.
- No, I'm not going deep enough?
- What you're supposed to do is
like sort of.
Bite a piece off, open your mouth.
(inaudible background chatter)
(Scott groans)
(crowd laughing)
- It's good.
- It's my favorite plant now.
- Is this like a toothbrush for them too
Cause the fibers just brush their teeth.
(funky music)
(upbeat music)
- [Scott] The roads to the section
near Livingston are in
really bad condition.
They're suppose to get better
as we get closer to Lusaka.
It's actually better to stay
off onto the dirt shoulders,
than it is to try to drive on
what's left of the pavement.
(upbeat music)
(car bangs)
- Two bags of cogs laying on the road
and one bags is even black at night.
You never gonna see that.
Can you imagine hitting that at 100 kph?
Ooh you'll be screwed.
- Just pull it off.
Let's at least move the black one off.
It's heavy.
- What we often find is just
Coal bags, concrete
blocks, sometimes bricks
that are full enough,
large amounts of hay bales.
- Within a couple hours.
Some fellow will come by and see all this
and scoop it all up and it'll be gone.
(car creaking)
(rope snaps)
- That will be about
the best we can do, Eh?
- Yeah, this is off the road.
(upbeat music)
- [Scott] Every time that
we make a little stop,
we're seeing a little
bit more of the people
and how friendly they are.
(speaking in foreign language)
- My name is Scott.
Nice to meet you.
Thank you for letting
us come see your place.
This is your water source? -Yes.
This is where you get your water from?
- What I'm drinking.
- Mhh.
- Yes.
- Why is there a fence all around here?
- This is my garden.
- You've got sugarcane, cabbage.
- Also I know you're making bricks?
(inaudible chatter)
- Basically, what happens is,
he digs a certain amount
of sand out of that,
until the termites let's
play to make the nest.
He uses what the termites leftover
to mix together with water,
to make these bricks.
Put some in the mold and then
take some out of the mold
and he builds a small fireplace.
In that fireplace, you know like, the coal
to make sure that the, that
the bricks get cured quickly
and everyone comes and buys them from him.
So that's basically
one of the ways in
which he's making money.
Which is a pretty clever idea actually
because he's basically
using what he can here
to make a living for himself.
(upbeat music)
- It's kind of funny wherever we walk,
all the birds are following us.
chip, chip, chip,
chip, chip, chip, chip
chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip.
- They listen to the hand that feeds them.
chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip
(Scott laughing)
- That doesn't work for me.
- Okay, I'm going to stand over here
and see if I can get all the birds.
chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip
You are all half way.
(chicken clucking)
(upbeat music)
You have a very beautiful place.
- A lot of hard work, a
lot of very hard work.
Chip, chip, chip, chip.
Chip, chip, chip, chip.
(pig grunting)
(upbeat music)
We just at the neighborhood bike shop,
side of the road service.
Everybody here rides around on bicycles.
- We're not too far from Lusaka now,
it's probably less than an hour,
but the sun is almost set
and after dark is when it
really becomes dangerous.
Even people who know what
they're doing, like go,
I should get off the road.
Even people who know what
they're doing like Hielka
there's no amount of experience
that can kind of prepare you
for driving at night here.
- Just making sure that
the fan belt is tight.
To make sure that we have lights
for sure on the way.
- I miss my bike.
The main thing that I
think they do a lot here
is just flat tires.
And then they got bike pumps
and they got lots of parts.
You get your rims hanging from, branches.
It's different but it's efficient.
Because if you're on your way to work
and you break down right here, hey.
- We might have to push it.
Can you all push.
- Heart's pounding. Whooh!
That Jeep.
(upbeat music)
- Just about reaching Lusaka
and lucky for us it seems
like we're going to avoid
having to drive in the dark.
We're going to say
goodbye to Hielka tonight
and tomorrow its off to Mfuwe.
(upbeat music)
We just arrived in Mfuwe.
This is the gateway to South Luangwa park
which is probably one of the
most underrated game parks
in all of Africa.
Contain yourself this time around, okay?
- I want to see the big animals.
- You can't just be
like, "hey baby lions."
- Know what you need is
one of those little kid
tethers you have on it.
- Like a leash. - A leash on me.
So I'm like,
(inaudible chatter)
(both laughing)
Yeah. That's pretty much what I need.
- Yeah. - To keep alive on this trip.
- I'll think about that.
(upbeat guitar music)
- [Scott] Mfuwe is not so much a town
or a village as opposed
to a region or a series
of villages that all lie
along this main road, you
can see that it's Sunday,
people are either at home
or on their way to, or from church.
And we've been lucky enough,
traveling around the world,
to be able to really get
much keener sense of culture.
By opening ourselves up to a
lot of the local religions.
- [Justin] On our way
out to, start safari.
We asked our driver like, is it possible
to just kind of stop by and
see one of the churches.
We went up to the door and
kind of poke their heads in
and three or four people
all jumped to their feet
and said, you know, of
course you are welcome,
you are welcome
and made space for us
right at the very front.
♪ Number one, number one. ♪
♪ Number one, number one, ♪
♪ number one, number one. ♪
♪ Number one, number one, ♪
♪ number one, number one. ♪
♪ Number one, number one, ♪
♪ number one, number one. ♪
- It was a wonderful experience.
- If church was like that for me
I'd definitely go because usually,
whenever I've gone to church
has always fire and brimstone.
It's not really that appealing.
- It's such a different
type of church to go to.
There's so much rhythm and
there's so much happiness.
It's exciting and it's fun.
- Hallelujah!
(congregation yells Amen)
(speaking in foreign language)
(singing in foreign language)
- They're all in amazing
harmony with each other
all singing different parts
of the hymns and the songs
and it's honestly
the most beautiful
music to hear in person.
It almost lifts the roof off the place.
(singing in foreign language)
- It's weird though.
It went from this really positive tone.
It just flipped instantly.
(singing in foreign language)
- People started crying
and people began getting
really, really emotional
and all the happy scenes
kinda went into a chant.
I'd never seen anything like that before.
(singing in foreign language)
- It's pretty intense.
Singing has stopped
and people are repenting their sins
and its getting,
- Really intense.
(congregation praying)
- The presence of God is in this place.
So whenever you are,
just forget yourself, forget your neighbor
and focus upon Jesus.
(congregation singing)
- Estimates say,
one in every three people
has HIV or AIDS here.
I mean one in every three,
P 33% of the population.
It's a hell of a situation
for these people to be in
and to go there and see
the joy that they have.
The church must just be such an incredibly
powerful part of their life.
(funky music)
- We arrived at our safari lodge.
This shack here is where
we'll be staying tonight.
- Oh, welcome.
Welcome to our lodge.
We have a room here consisting
of separate beds, bathroom,
the monkeys are in here,
they're sleeping.
I don't want to wake them up
cause if i wake them up.
The monkeys be jumping
on the bed, got this.
This is full of cobras.
I wont open that for you.
Cause that's bad news.
Aligator lives in there
- Is a lot different from just being
in a hotel that you are in
a national park right now.
And so at any point, day or night
you can have real wild animals
roaming through the property.
It's dangerous.
- We need to go out on a
nice safari tonight here.
And there's lions come by
here, hippos, elephants
you know, there's leopards
(soft music)
- Ever since I was a little kid
being on a safari is something
I've always wanted to do.
To finally see the world's biggest animals
up close and personal is
like a dream come true.
(funky jazz music)
We're officially on safari now
We've got Phil here.
Phil's going to be our guide and driver.
We've got Maggo
Who's helping as a spotter.
And we've got Connie here who's
on as I guess an honorary
spotter as well today.
(funky jazz music)
Sun basically gone and
we're on night safari.
- The only light we have is right there.
And we're looking for,
the nocturnal animals.
- Just got small bull elephant
ahead of us on the road.
Don't know if he's gonna move or not.
(Scott chuckles)
- Someone gone and he's
gotten them back up
and probably wasn't in
the mood for fighting
just wants to carry on and
go and can find some grub.
- We won that one.
(funky music)
(speaking in foreign language)
- We just found some lions.
Oh my God.
- Oh there's a little baby Cub.
(eerie music)
That was really, really close.
Why don't they attack us?
- At the moment
they are seeing us as a
vehicle as one whole thing.
And we're a lot bigger than they are.
So they're going to leave us alone.
It's when we start standing
up and splitting ourselves up.
that they actually, you as a
person and see you as a threat.
- All in all, not a bad
first night, I think.
- Pretty successful we saw some hippos
and we saw some giraffes,
some zebras some lions.
No leopards but the hunt will go on.
- It says that some people
get disappointed when they really focused,
Like they want to see a leopard.
They just want to see lion.
But there's everything
as a package that make up the environment.
- Hey I'm the happy camper.
I'm very happy. I'm not complaining.
- [Scott] Well, we've
got two more nights here
so still plenty of time to see leopards.
(upbeat music)
- We woke up a little
bit earlier this morning
so that we can try to catch
an African sunrise.
You're hearing the trumpeting
of the elephants over here,
breathing hippos over here
and then all these birds calling.
Everybody's waking up,
(Justin yawning)
stretching and singing their song.
As soon as the sun comes
up to the moment it sets,
I just want to be out in safari.
Like it doesn't even matter
if I have to be able to
get four in the morning.
I just honestly don't want
to miss a second of it.
There's no fences to
keep these animals in.
Moving in closer and closer
and getting more and more comfortable,
almost too comfortable.
(brooding music)
I had this dream last night,
working with my old company in Hawaii,
and in Boston, like you got this to do
you got this to do
and you don't like this
you don't like that.
And I'm all freaking out.
And then I wake up and it wasn't a dream.
It was a nightmare.
And I'm like, man, I'm
living a dream in Africa.
And my job today is to see
as many animals as possible.
It's awesome. So lucky.
(soft guitar music)
That takes a lot of strength in your neck
and shoulders and back and legs.
- I probably couldn't even carry that.
- Phil is this
something that happens every day.
- This is in preparation, they
have to gather the wood now,
then when the rainy season comes
the wood would be already at the house.
They'll have to go
early in the morning,
knowing animal behavior
especially the movement of elephants
and then come back when it's still safe.
Because they risk their life every day.
So there's that kind of timing.
- Do you think it's possible
we could help them out.
- You mean this group
here helping the ladies?
It's possible to do.
They will readily accept that.
But you know, with the
system of African culture
where males have got specific duties
that are different from the females.
- We'll just take in a car
and load all the girls up
and we'll take them into town, free ride.
What do you say?
(upbeat music)
- We don't have enough
room to help them all out
but at least we can help a few of them.
It's pretty heavy load and a
long walk back to the village
so we figured why not?
This is heavy.
- [Phill] This is heavy, yeah?
You want to put it on your head.
- Yeah, I want to put it.
- [Phill] It's Very heavy
- Okay, let go, let go, let go.
Sure. Are you going to manage.
- Oh man.
I can see why they put padding there.
That's heavy.
- That's crazy.
- And we lifted it from there to here.
(Scott laughing)
Not like how many
kilometers down the road.
- Let's say they take like,
say up to eight kilometers.
To where they collect the firewood.
- [Justin] Eight kilometers.
- Maybe three, four times a week.
It depends on the demand.
(soft guitar music)
(speaking in foreign language)
- She picked up the Pile of wood,
places on her head bounces it,
walks over, grabs the son breastfeeding
and just keeps walking.
Now, that's quite the
woman right there. Geez.
- How are you?
- How are you?
(inaudible chatter)
(children shouting)
(upbeat music)
- Yeah, we've actually got a new crew.
Our guide and driver up here is Derrick
and he's going to show us,
everything there is to
know about this area.
And our scout is William.
Who's a good shot, right?
- Yeah.
- Okay, he's still alive to tell the tale.
So he must be a good shot.
(soft jazz music)
- I can't believe we've gotten this close.
It's really close.
- You guys wanna get a bit closer?
Should we have a go.
- Is it? Yeah. If it's safe, definitely.
- Yep. You guys just come, let's go down.
- Great.
(jazz music)
Cute little babies there too.
- [Scott] How old will those babies be?
- Three months.
- Hippos grow fast.
- [ Derrick] Yeah.
(jazz music)
- You can hear the birds getting excited.
So that wakes up to the host.
- [Scott] It's a complete
symbiotic relationship, I guess
is it that they're helping each other out?
- Yeah, they can warn the hippos of danger
but the Ox peckers are cleaning ticks
and cleaning the wounds from fighting.
- I've heard a lot of
rumors that in Africa
the hippo can actually one
of the most notoriously dangerous animals
to humans because they're so territorial.
Is there any truth to that?
- Yeah, they are particularly on land.
If you get in between them and
the water they'll go for you.
I mean a river like this,
you wouldn't have a chance.
There's just too many
hippos. And not enough space.
(jazz music)
(playful music)
- This pack of lions have been feasting
on a Buffalo and their bellies are full.
They're so full, they can't even move.
They're blocking the road for us,
but it's definitely funny to see
because they look like
they're almost in pain.
They can't even get comfortable.
They're just constantly shifting around.
Looks like they just had
a big thanksgiving dinner
and we all know what that feels like.
Look at him, he can't even get up.
- It's second to mashed potatoes.
(Justin laughing)
- Wild animals.
And yet right now,
they look like they're
domesticated house cats.
- Just a bunch of lazy lions.
(upbeat music)
(eerie music)
- The sun is almost gone now.
Here comes some something
through the Bush.
Now we've got hyena coming
up cause they're quite close
to the kill that these lions just made.
So the lions here are resting
from the kill that they made right there
and the hyenas right there
are going to that kill right there.
(eerie music)
- The hyenas,
they've started on the Kill
you can hear the cracking,
they're crunching the bones.
(eerie music)
(Hyenas growling)
They play a really important role.
Just breaking down the kills.
(Hyenas growling)
- [Scott] Do you think the lions
will make a bit of a stand?
- They are big competitors
that don't like each other.
(eerie music)
(Hyenas growling)
(ominous music)
- They'll have a showdown here.
(Lion roaring)
(hyena hoots)
These lions aren't like
the other lazy lions.
(inaudible chatter)
(ominous music)
- We'll come back here tomorrow
and we'll see very little of this kill.
which was living Buffalo 24 hours ago.
(soft music)
- Last night, this is
where the action was.
There's not much left.
- The carcass of it
really doesn't even have a smell.
That's how picked clean this thing is.
- You think the hyenas we'll come back
and have another go at this again tonight?
- Yeah, I reconcile I think so.
There's good quite a lot
for them to chew.
By the time it's all finished,
it'll just literally have the head left.
All this will be chewed up,
made into hyena, hyena dunk.
- These are hyena droppings.
The chewed up bones
like we saw last night.
So there's a lot of calcium in here.
If you're short of a chalk for your school
you can use this stuff.
Bush chalk.
(upbeat music)
It makes a huge difference to
just get rid of that vehicle.
When you do that, you're
breaking a safety zone
for yourself, but you're
also breaking a safety zone
for the animals.
You immediately realize that you're
within their environment.
You really go outside the
last level of protection
and really become one-to-one
with these animals.
- The lions are just over
there, just to split it up.
Same lines from last night,
we'll try and keep very
close together.
Walk like a snake.
See how close we can
get before they get out.
(soft music)
see how she's locked on to us.
She's crouching a bit,
We are a threat to her
Okay guys this time
we're gonna crouch a bit
about the same speed,
a little bit slow.
(soft music)
Okay you see the female has got up,
she'll feels agitated when
we begin to get close.
She's gonna make a decision
whether to go or stay her ground.
- We're going to try to
move up, put another,
maybe five meters
- We wanna get closer.
- Now we're inside that
safety zone for them,
and for me.
(upbeat music)
- This is about as close as
we're going to get to them.
We've gone right to the edge of this gully
and right on the other side or the lions.
There's the neighborhood
of about 10 of them.
We know that all eyes are on us.
We've had some close encounters
in the last couple of days
but to be this close, (inaudible chatter)
These lions, I'm looking at 10 lions
stare down with 10 lions,
- Such a difference in the feeling
in your heart and in your gut
about being on foot this close to lions.
It's just real adrenaline rush.
(upbeat music)
- It's like we stood
up a little bit quick,
maybe spooked them a bit?
- Yeah, I think so.
Back lying down there, okay.
- They relaxed again.
- Relaxed again.
And we're relaxed too.
- Yeah,
most importantly.
- Well
(soft music)
(upbeat music)
- We enjoyed the walking safaris so much
and being great in there with the animals
that the suggestion came that
we stay in the elephant hide.
- This is the ultimate tree farm.
- There's no walls, there's no roof.
- And underneath your bed are monsters,
- We've pretty much seen
all there is to see,
well, almost .
- The leopard.
We're in the final stretch of this trip.
And I haven't had enough of
the safari experience yet.
I can easily spend weeks here.
(upbeat music)
- We're on our last night out on safari
and we've got a new
guide and driver tonight.
We've got Patrick on board
and he's kind of the
resident's leopard expert.
You could call him so
we're hoping that with his help,
we'll be able to locate some leopard
which is really the
only animal that Justin
and I we're hoping to see
that we haven't seen yet.
It's all up to nature at this point.
- The leopard actually
was somewhere around here
and she has moved through
the thickets somewhere there.
So we reckon maybe she might
come out over that direction.
- Well there is the leopard.
(indistinct chatter)
look at that,
Our first leopard.
(inaudible chatter)
(soft music)
- It's good to finally see the leopard
And not just one but two
- That's a male and a
female they are wrecking
maybe they mating, you know.
- What do you think?
- That's not too bad to see, two leopards
- Yeah, that's not bad at all.
- Them being such an elusive animal
and to sort of track them
an animal that tracks other animals.
And we were kind of slowly
doing the same thing to it.
And then to have this big success.
We're at the zero hour,
it feels really great.
Thanks so much.
- No problem, thanks a lot
(upbeat music)
- Well,
this is where we're going
to spend the night tonight.
Good thing leopards can can't climb trees
- Or get through mesh.
Bam! The mesh is almost impiarsible
- [Scott] The mesh is what?
- Almost impiarsible
I'm making up words.
That's the kind of mesh
to use on the spaceships.
When they're entering
the Earth's atmosphere.
- [Andre] That's right
- Like that's how strong it is.
Home sweet home here's the kitchen.
Andres work area, here.
His office is it big,
big, giant chunk of ivory.
The elephant died of natural causes
And this is this up here.
It's just the cover
of thing that comes along with this place.
See if her neighbors are up tonight,
(flashlight flaring up)
- [Andre] Are there any leopards
- No leopards
But we got lazy lion enjoy the lazy lion.
He is awake
- It was a very early
morning and I'm very tired.
So with all this fresh
air breezing through here,
I'm looking forward to
a good night's rest.
- I'm going to put this tooth
on my pillow and see what
tooth fairies will bring me.
Hopefully the tooth fairy will
brings me something special.
- It's not a tooth, it's a tusk.
- Well, is the tasks fairy going to come
- Yup.
- What do you think the tusk
fairy going to bring me?
- You're going to get
arrested for illegal poaching.
- I'll wake up in handcuffs.
Wouldn't be the first time.
(soft music)
(crickets chirping)
(lion roaring)
Okay we just heard all pack of
lions just go underneath us.
(Justin laughs)
My heart is just pounding like this.
How many did you see?
- [Scott] About five
- Five?
I saw one and that's enough.
the world greatest tree fart.
(flashlight switching off)
(dramatic music)
- [Scott] All I could think
about when I opened my eyes
this morning was how lucky
we were to have seen so much
of Zambia in such a short time.
It's been incredible.
- [Justin] Wake up this morning
in the tree floor was a perfect
way to finish your trip.
Especially since last night
was the first time traveling
that I actually feared for my life.
- The sun's just come up.
So it's probably a little bit past six
in the morning and we
successfully survived
our night out in the open
air in Africa and I loved it.
I loved just being able to look up
at the stars and have
this breeze coming through
and constantly hear all these animals.
- Last night it was probably
the best night of my life.
I was so scared.
- What did the task fairy bring you
nothing except for a sore neck.
I need to touch various flare of the lions
- [Scott] I can't believe
that we have to leave Zambian already.
- What a trip
It's one of those places
that really tests you.
I couldn't have asked
for a better experience
of Southern Africa.
A better representation
of how amazing it can be.
- Can't control nature.
That's one thing I've learned.
I figure it really does register.
Now that it's one of my
favorite places on earth.
It just has such a
feeling of enormous life
and such struggle for happiness,
but still such happiness.
Sure as hell.
Appreciate what we have
- Last year we really
wanted to go on safari
but it never worked out.
We never made it to Africa.
- It took a year and a half
to get here, but it paid off.
It's one of these trips
that you never forget.
(soft music)
- Now we're about to get on a plane again.
We made the drop decision of fly
across the Mozambique channel
to a place really don't
know too much about.
We want to find out why
Madagascar is so unique
why it's never in the headlines
and what bridges this Island
to the rest of Africa.
(upbeat music)
- Zambia is well-known
for its safari animals
but also for the struggles of its people.
Justin and I are eager to get out
and see the country in a
way that reveals both to us.
- [Justin] It's been a
lifelong goal of mine
to go on safari.
The needs of the biggest
animals in the world,
Zambia could be the death of me.
(upbeat music)
- [Scott] After traveling
the world for a year,
Justin and I were charged
with a whole new energy.
As I got further away from my old life,
I started to realize that
this is where I need to be.
This is now my lifestyle.
- [Justin] One day,
I hope to say that I've seen the world
but that day is not here yet.
(upbeat music)
(funky music)
- We've decided to begin this trip
by visiting one of Zambia's
most famous landmarks.
(funky music)
- Wow.
This is death right here.
Right here is death.
We're on the very lip of Victoria falls.
- The widest falls in all of Africa.
And let me tell you, it's
one of the deeper ones too.
It's more than a hundred meters
down to the gorge to below.
There's no safety rope,
there's no cord and there's
nothing tying us back.
This is free flowing
water right over the edge.
(funky music)
Iceland seems like a
distant memory right now.
And while I love the place I got to admit
the African sun is really
welcomed to this place.
The big victory is gonna be,
to get a piece of real safari.
- Get up close, personal.
I love the animals.
And I hope that they love me here.
- But we're here for a lot of things
and most of them are with thrills.
And this is a huge.
I don't know how we're going to top this
and we just got here.
(funky music)
We're gonna do some whitewater rafting.
- We've done whitewater before
but we've never done anything like this.
- I want to get close, but
I lost the vibe this trip.
- The Zambezi is
victoriously turbulent water.
(upbeat music)
(water splashing)
The water that's there takes
the weight of six people
and just goes, psh, like this.
And in an instant,
we were, we went from
this to this to this.
- [Justin] But it happened
so fast. It happen so quick
that I don't even remember
it like it was that quick.
- [Scott] Andre, he got
tossed well clear off the boat
because he wasn't able
to hang on to anything
except the camera.
He had to get rescued
and thrown on another boat temporarily,
it was wild.
We really wanna see the culture
and the natural side of Zambia
and we're not going to
find that in Livingston
so we're going to hit the
road almost right away.
I just hope Justin will respect
the more dangerous animals
cause he has a tendency to
really push the limits of nature
but I think this first place
that we're going to visit
should keep him in line.
(soft music)
It was recommended that
we check this place out
which is kind of a crocodile farm
that cares for crocodiles
that have been passed
in certain parts of Zambia,
ones that have been injured.
- Let's See how close we can get to them.
- And this is by far a lot
closer than we are ever gonna get
safely in nature to them.
(soft music)
(metal clanking)
- Come on, come bite me.
(soft music)
- [Justin] Can you rub his belly?
- Pardon? - Can you rub his belly?
- Yeah.
(both laughing)
- I'm joking
I'm joking
- Well, you know the advantage
here I'm watching the legs,
you see how they are?
She needs to stand up to the back legs.
That's when it can hit you with the tail.
- Can I go in here?
She's pretty calm right now.
It's not really moving around much.
- Very calm
(crocodile hisses)
(both laughing) (crocodile roars)
(both laughing)
- [Justin] Wow.
(funky music)
(both laughing)
(water splashing)
Ah he's big.
Can we feed them?
(funky music)
- So just take it and
throw it in his mouth?
- We've got bones for crocodiles here
and my bowling ball.
(Justin laughing)
- That was a good shot though.
He's still hungry but that's it.
(inaudible chatter)
(Morgan whistling)
- Right? So if I just plan it,
try to plant it right in front of him. Eh?
(funky music)
- The only way we would've
gotten this close to these Crocs
in the wild as if we were
prepared to never come back.
So, this is the reason for coming here.
It's certainly a thrill
to be able to get this close to wildlife
and I hope we can do it
with some of the other animals of Africa.
(joyous music)
We're on our way to Lusaka
where we're going to catch
a plane to a safari camp.
We've been offered a
ride there from Hielke
Who's eager to show us
the people of his country
as we drive.
- [Scott] We stopped at
the side of the road,
pulled off the main highway
and this year is a bit more of a
traditional style Zambian house.
Grassroots, the mud walls
and we just sort of been
asked to come inside
to have a look at it.
- It's solid. It's almost like concrete.
- Under this is like,
their form of bricks is
they get like paintings
and they fill them up with clay
and they turned them upside down again.
And as soon as they've
gone hard to pull them out
and it comes like blow around bricks.
And that's what they use to build
the main structure of the
house together with the wood.
- [Justin] Do you live here by yourself?
- Mmh.
- You got pretty much
everything you want in here.
There's stuff here to do the
dishes and knives and forks
and pots and pans.
- It's a small area, but it's
got all the same elements
of home that any home has.
- And they got a guard dog.
(dog growling)
(funky music)
- We're making our way around
the small village here.
And just seeing what
everyday life is like.
The ashes here, what do
you use the ashes for?
- We just wash all the pots and pans.
It kills bacteria and stuff.
And actually it doesn't stain either.
If you wash your clothes with that,
it'll take out stains actually.
It's like a sort of bleach.
They've all got the local fires or seven,
so the ashes
(inaudible chatter)
So the nice thing about
this river it flows.
So like all the leftovers
of the food and everything
just flows down river.
- [Scott] So they'll
always have a water source?
- These guys are actually lucky.
I mean their river source is good.
Some villages you'll find
that they don't get that
and that's something they struggle with.
(funky music)
When I first came to Zambia
I was a couple of weeks old.
And then I grew up
and then my mom just had job at the school
which I went to later, which
is just up the road here.
10 years ago.
It wasn't even as developed as this.
There wasn't even a road here.
It was just a simple path.
Most people here are pretty lucky
because they've got
the sugarcane behind us
and they got their own water source.
- These are pretty lucky group of people
compared to a lot of
other parts of Zambia.
- And those are really
the people that need help.
And those are just people just like us.
(inaudible chatter)
Less fortunate.
People actually pass away
from just the common cold
And too many old people they die.
The average life expectancy is around
between 29 and 36 years old.
And it's a difficult topic everywhere
in the world, but just, you
really get affected here.
(car engine roaring)
(cart banging)
(foreign language)
- Looking for a bit of a snack.
You say this sugarcane is pretty good eh?
- Buy some now
and we'll see what you guys think of it.
- Do you just bite through it?
Like (Scott groans)
How do you do it?
- Use your teeth normally like this
and you just pull down
the strips, like this.
- [Scott] Okay.
- Normally the deeper, the better
because the inside is the sweetest part.
Give it a bite to see on how it is.
(funky music)
You're not exactly going deep enough.
- No, I'm not going deep enough?
- What you're supposed to do is
like sort of.
Bite a piece off, open your mouth.
(inaudible background chatter)
(Scott groans)
(crowd laughing)
- It's good.
- It's my favorite plant now.
- Is this like a toothbrush for them too
Cause the fibers just brush their teeth.
(funky music)
(upbeat music)
- [Scott] The roads to the section
near Livingston are in
really bad condition.
They're suppose to get better
as we get closer to Lusaka.
It's actually better to stay
off onto the dirt shoulders,
than it is to try to drive on
what's left of the pavement.
(upbeat music)
(car bangs)
- Two bags of cogs laying on the road
and one bags is even black at night.
You never gonna see that.
Can you imagine hitting that at 100 kph?
Ooh you'll be screwed.
- Just pull it off.
Let's at least move the black one off.
It's heavy.
- What we often find is just
Coal bags, concrete
blocks, sometimes bricks
that are full enough,
large amounts of hay bales.
- Within a couple hours.
Some fellow will come by and see all this
and scoop it all up and it'll be gone.
(car creaking)
(rope snaps)
- That will be about
the best we can do, Eh?
- Yeah, this is off the road.
(upbeat music)
- [Scott] Every time that
we make a little stop,
we're seeing a little
bit more of the people
and how friendly they are.
(speaking in foreign language)
- My name is Scott.
Nice to meet you.
Thank you for letting
us come see your place.
This is your water source? -Yes.
This is where you get your water from?
- What I'm drinking.
- Mhh.
- Yes.
- Why is there a fence all around here?
- This is my garden.
- You've got sugarcane, cabbage.
- Also I know you're making bricks?
(inaudible chatter)
- Basically, what happens is,
he digs a certain amount
of sand out of that,
until the termites let's
play to make the nest.
He uses what the termites leftover
to mix together with water,
to make these bricks.
Put some in the mold and then
take some out of the mold
and he builds a small fireplace.
In that fireplace, you know like, the coal
to make sure that the, that
the bricks get cured quickly
and everyone comes and buys them from him.
So that's basically
one of the ways in
which he's making money.
Which is a pretty clever idea actually
because he's basically
using what he can here
to make a living for himself.
(upbeat music)
- It's kind of funny wherever we walk,
all the birds are following us.
chip, chip, chip,
chip, chip, chip, chip
chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip.
- They listen to the hand that feeds them.
chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip
(Scott laughing)
- That doesn't work for me.
- Okay, I'm going to stand over here
and see if I can get all the birds.
chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip
You are all half way.
(chicken clucking)
(upbeat music)
You have a very beautiful place.
- A lot of hard work, a
lot of very hard work.
Chip, chip, chip, chip.
Chip, chip, chip, chip.
(pig grunting)
(upbeat music)
We just at the neighborhood bike shop,
side of the road service.
Everybody here rides around on bicycles.
- We're not too far from Lusaka now,
it's probably less than an hour,
but the sun is almost set
and after dark is when it
really becomes dangerous.
Even people who know what
they're doing, like go,
I should get off the road.
Even people who know what
they're doing like Hielka
there's no amount of experience
that can kind of prepare you
for driving at night here.
- Just making sure that
the fan belt is tight.
To make sure that we have lights
for sure on the way.
- I miss my bike.
The main thing that I
think they do a lot here
is just flat tires.
And then they got bike pumps
and they got lots of parts.
You get your rims hanging from, branches.
It's different but it's efficient.
Because if you're on your way to work
and you break down right here, hey.
- We might have to push it.
Can you all push.
- Heart's pounding. Whooh!
That Jeep.
(upbeat music)
- Just about reaching Lusaka
and lucky for us it seems
like we're going to avoid
having to drive in the dark.
We're going to say
goodbye to Hielka tonight
and tomorrow its off to Mfuwe.
(upbeat music)
We just arrived in Mfuwe.
This is the gateway to South Luangwa park
which is probably one of the
most underrated game parks
in all of Africa.
Contain yourself this time around, okay?
- I want to see the big animals.
- You can't just be
like, "hey baby lions."
- Know what you need is
one of those little kid
tethers you have on it.
- Like a leash. - A leash on me.
So I'm like,
(inaudible chatter)
(both laughing)
Yeah. That's pretty much what I need.
- Yeah. - To keep alive on this trip.
- I'll think about that.
(upbeat guitar music)
- [Scott] Mfuwe is not so much a town
or a village as opposed
to a region or a series
of villages that all lie
along this main road, you
can see that it's Sunday,
people are either at home
or on their way to, or from church.
And we've been lucky enough,
traveling around the world,
to be able to really get
much keener sense of culture.
By opening ourselves up to a
lot of the local religions.
- [Justin] On our way
out to, start safari.
We asked our driver like, is it possible
to just kind of stop by and
see one of the churches.
We went up to the door and
kind of poke their heads in
and three or four people
all jumped to their feet
and said, you know, of
course you are welcome,
you are welcome
and made space for us
right at the very front.
♪ Number one, number one. ♪
♪ Number one, number one, ♪
♪ number one, number one. ♪
♪ Number one, number one, ♪
♪ number one, number one. ♪
♪ Number one, number one, ♪
♪ number one, number one. ♪
- It was a wonderful experience.
- If church was like that for me
I'd definitely go because usually,
whenever I've gone to church
has always fire and brimstone.
It's not really that appealing.
- It's such a different
type of church to go to.
There's so much rhythm and
there's so much happiness.
It's exciting and it's fun.
- Hallelujah!
(congregation yells Amen)
(speaking in foreign language)
(singing in foreign language)
- They're all in amazing
harmony with each other
all singing different parts
of the hymns and the songs
and it's honestly
the most beautiful
music to hear in person.
It almost lifts the roof off the place.
(singing in foreign language)
- It's weird though.
It went from this really positive tone.
It just flipped instantly.
(singing in foreign language)
- People started crying
and people began getting
really, really emotional
and all the happy scenes
kinda went into a chant.
I'd never seen anything like that before.
(singing in foreign language)
- It's pretty intense.
Singing has stopped
and people are repenting their sins
and its getting,
- Really intense.
(congregation praying)
- The presence of God is in this place.
So whenever you are,
just forget yourself, forget your neighbor
and focus upon Jesus.
(congregation singing)
- Estimates say,
one in every three people
has HIV or AIDS here.
I mean one in every three,
P 33% of the population.
It's a hell of a situation
for these people to be in
and to go there and see
the joy that they have.
The church must just be such an incredibly
powerful part of their life.
(funky music)
- We arrived at our safari lodge.
This shack here is where
we'll be staying tonight.
- Oh, welcome.
Welcome to our lodge.
We have a room here consisting
of separate beds, bathroom,
the monkeys are in here,
they're sleeping.
I don't want to wake them up
cause if i wake them up.
The monkeys be jumping
on the bed, got this.
This is full of cobras.
I wont open that for you.
Cause that's bad news.
Aligator lives in there
- Is a lot different from just being
in a hotel that you are in
a national park right now.
And so at any point, day or night
you can have real wild animals
roaming through the property.
It's dangerous.
- We need to go out on a
nice safari tonight here.
And there's lions come by
here, hippos, elephants
you know, there's leopards
(soft music)
- Ever since I was a little kid
being on a safari is something
I've always wanted to do.
To finally see the world's biggest animals
up close and personal is
like a dream come true.
(funky jazz music)
We're officially on safari now
We've got Phil here.
Phil's going to be our guide and driver.
We've got Maggo
Who's helping as a spotter.
And we've got Connie here who's
on as I guess an honorary
spotter as well today.
(funky jazz music)
Sun basically gone and
we're on night safari.
- The only light we have is right there.
And we're looking for,
the nocturnal animals.
- Just got small bull elephant
ahead of us on the road.
Don't know if he's gonna move or not.
(Scott chuckles)
- Someone gone and he's
gotten them back up
and probably wasn't in
the mood for fighting
just wants to carry on and
go and can find some grub.
- We won that one.
(funky music)
(speaking in foreign language)
- We just found some lions.
Oh my God.
- Oh there's a little baby Cub.
(eerie music)
That was really, really close.
Why don't they attack us?
- At the moment
they are seeing us as a
vehicle as one whole thing.
And we're a lot bigger than they are.
So they're going to leave us alone.
It's when we start standing
up and splitting ourselves up.
that they actually, you as a
person and see you as a threat.
- All in all, not a bad
first night, I think.
- Pretty successful we saw some hippos
and we saw some giraffes,
some zebras some lions.
No leopards but the hunt will go on.
- It says that some people
get disappointed when they really focused,
Like they want to see a leopard.
They just want to see lion.
But there's everything
as a package that make up the environment.
- Hey I'm the happy camper.
I'm very happy. I'm not complaining.
- [Scott] Well, we've
got two more nights here
so still plenty of time to see leopards.
(upbeat music)
- We woke up a little
bit earlier this morning
so that we can try to catch
an African sunrise.
You're hearing the trumpeting
of the elephants over here,
breathing hippos over here
and then all these birds calling.
Everybody's waking up,
(Justin yawning)
stretching and singing their song.
As soon as the sun comes
up to the moment it sets,
I just want to be out in safari.
Like it doesn't even matter
if I have to be able to
get four in the morning.
I just honestly don't want
to miss a second of it.
There's no fences to
keep these animals in.
Moving in closer and closer
and getting more and more comfortable,
almost too comfortable.
(brooding music)
I had this dream last night,
working with my old company in Hawaii,
and in Boston, like you got this to do
you got this to do
and you don't like this
you don't like that.
And I'm all freaking out.
And then I wake up and it wasn't a dream.
It was a nightmare.
And I'm like, man, I'm
living a dream in Africa.
And my job today is to see
as many animals as possible.
It's awesome. So lucky.
(soft guitar music)
That takes a lot of strength in your neck
and shoulders and back and legs.
- I probably couldn't even carry that.
- Phil is this
something that happens every day.
- This is in preparation, they
have to gather the wood now,
then when the rainy season comes
the wood would be already at the house.
They'll have to go
early in the morning,
knowing animal behavior
especially the movement of elephants
and then come back when it's still safe.
Because they risk their life every day.
So there's that kind of timing.
- Do you think it's possible
we could help them out.
- You mean this group
here helping the ladies?
It's possible to do.
They will readily accept that.
But you know, with the
system of African culture
where males have got specific duties
that are different from the females.
- We'll just take in a car
and load all the girls up
and we'll take them into town, free ride.
What do you say?
(upbeat music)
- We don't have enough
room to help them all out
but at least we can help a few of them.
It's pretty heavy load and a
long walk back to the village
so we figured why not?
This is heavy.
- [Phill] This is heavy, yeah?
You want to put it on your head.
- Yeah, I want to put it.
- [Phill] It's Very heavy
- Okay, let go, let go, let go.
Sure. Are you going to manage.
- Oh man.
I can see why they put padding there.
That's heavy.
- That's crazy.
- And we lifted it from there to here.
(Scott laughing)
Not like how many
kilometers down the road.
- Let's say they take like,
say up to eight kilometers.
To where they collect the firewood.
- [Justin] Eight kilometers.
- Maybe three, four times a week.
It depends on the demand.
(soft guitar music)
(speaking in foreign language)
- She picked up the Pile of wood,
places on her head bounces it,
walks over, grabs the son breastfeeding
and just keeps walking.
Now, that's quite the
woman right there. Geez.
- How are you?
- How are you?
(inaudible chatter)
(children shouting)
(upbeat music)
- Yeah, we've actually got a new crew.
Our guide and driver up here is Derrick
and he's going to show us,
everything there is to
know about this area.
And our scout is William.
Who's a good shot, right?
- Yeah.
- Okay, he's still alive to tell the tale.
So he must be a good shot.
(soft jazz music)
- I can't believe we've gotten this close.
It's really close.
- You guys wanna get a bit closer?
Should we have a go.
- Is it? Yeah. If it's safe, definitely.
- Yep. You guys just come, let's go down.
- Great.
(jazz music)
Cute little babies there too.
- [Scott] How old will those babies be?
- Three months.
- Hippos grow fast.
- [ Derrick] Yeah.
(jazz music)
- You can hear the birds getting excited.
So that wakes up to the host.
- [Scott] It's a complete
symbiotic relationship, I guess
is it that they're helping each other out?
- Yeah, they can warn the hippos of danger
but the Ox peckers are cleaning ticks
and cleaning the wounds from fighting.
- I've heard a lot of
rumors that in Africa
the hippo can actually one
of the most notoriously dangerous animals
to humans because they're so territorial.
Is there any truth to that?
- Yeah, they are particularly on land.
If you get in between them and
the water they'll go for you.
I mean a river like this,
you wouldn't have a chance.
There's just too many
hippos. And not enough space.
(jazz music)
(playful music)
- This pack of lions have been feasting
on a Buffalo and their bellies are full.
They're so full, they can't even move.
They're blocking the road for us,
but it's definitely funny to see
because they look like
they're almost in pain.
They can't even get comfortable.
They're just constantly shifting around.
Looks like they just had
a big thanksgiving dinner
and we all know what that feels like.
Look at him, he can't even get up.
- It's second to mashed potatoes.
(Justin laughing)
- Wild animals.
And yet right now,
they look like they're
domesticated house cats.
- Just a bunch of lazy lions.
(upbeat music)
(eerie music)
- The sun is almost gone now.
Here comes some something
through the Bush.
Now we've got hyena coming
up cause they're quite close
to the kill that these lions just made.
So the lions here are resting
from the kill that they made right there
and the hyenas right there
are going to that kill right there.
(eerie music)
- The hyenas,
they've started on the Kill
you can hear the cracking,
they're crunching the bones.
(eerie music)
(Hyenas growling)
They play a really important role.
Just breaking down the kills.
(Hyenas growling)
- [Scott] Do you think the lions
will make a bit of a stand?
- They are big competitors
that don't like each other.
(eerie music)
(Hyenas growling)
(ominous music)
- They'll have a showdown here.
(Lion roaring)
(hyena hoots)
These lions aren't like
the other lazy lions.
(inaudible chatter)
(ominous music)
- We'll come back here tomorrow
and we'll see very little of this kill.
which was living Buffalo 24 hours ago.
(soft music)
- Last night, this is
where the action was.
There's not much left.
- The carcass of it
really doesn't even have a smell.
That's how picked clean this thing is.
- You think the hyenas we'll come back
and have another go at this again tonight?
- Yeah, I reconcile I think so.
There's good quite a lot
for them to chew.
By the time it's all finished,
it'll just literally have the head left.
All this will be chewed up,
made into hyena, hyena dunk.
- These are hyena droppings.
The chewed up bones
like we saw last night.
So there's a lot of calcium in here.
If you're short of a chalk for your school
you can use this stuff.
Bush chalk.
(upbeat music)
It makes a huge difference to
just get rid of that vehicle.
When you do that, you're
breaking a safety zone
for yourself, but you're
also breaking a safety zone
for the animals.
You immediately realize that you're
within their environment.
You really go outside the
last level of protection
and really become one-to-one
with these animals.
- The lions are just over
there, just to split it up.
Same lines from last night,
we'll try and keep very
close together.
Walk like a snake.
See how close we can
get before they get out.
(soft music)
see how she's locked on to us.
She's crouching a bit,
We are a threat to her
Okay guys this time
we're gonna crouch a bit
about the same speed,
a little bit slow.
(soft music)
Okay you see the female has got up,
she'll feels agitated when
we begin to get close.
She's gonna make a decision
whether to go or stay her ground.
- We're going to try to
move up, put another,
maybe five meters
- We wanna get closer.
- Now we're inside that
safety zone for them,
and for me.
(upbeat music)
- This is about as close as
we're going to get to them.
We've gone right to the edge of this gully
and right on the other side or the lions.
There's the neighborhood
of about 10 of them.
We know that all eyes are on us.
We've had some close encounters
in the last couple of days
but to be this close, (inaudible chatter)
These lions, I'm looking at 10 lions
stare down with 10 lions,
- Such a difference in the feeling
in your heart and in your gut
about being on foot this close to lions.
It's just real adrenaline rush.
(upbeat music)
- It's like we stood
up a little bit quick,
maybe spooked them a bit?
- Yeah, I think so.
Back lying down there, okay.
- They relaxed again.
- Relaxed again.
And we're relaxed too.
- Yeah,
most importantly.
- Well
(soft music)
(upbeat music)
- We enjoyed the walking safaris so much
and being great in there with the animals
that the suggestion came that
we stay in the elephant hide.
- This is the ultimate tree farm.
- There's no walls, there's no roof.
- And underneath your bed are monsters,
- We've pretty much seen
all there is to see,
well, almost .
- The leopard.
We're in the final stretch of this trip.
And I haven't had enough of
the safari experience yet.
I can easily spend weeks here.
(upbeat music)
- We're on our last night out on safari
and we've got a new
guide and driver tonight.
We've got Patrick on board
and he's kind of the
resident's leopard expert.
You could call him so
we're hoping that with his help,
we'll be able to locate some leopard
which is really the
only animal that Justin
and I we're hoping to see
that we haven't seen yet.
It's all up to nature at this point.
- The leopard actually
was somewhere around here
and she has moved through
the thickets somewhere there.
So we reckon maybe she might
come out over that direction.
- Well there is the leopard.
(indistinct chatter)
look at that,
Our first leopard.
(inaudible chatter)
(soft music)
- It's good to finally see the leopard
And not just one but two
- That's a male and a
female they are wrecking
maybe they mating, you know.
- What do you think?
- That's not too bad to see, two leopards
- Yeah, that's not bad at all.
- Them being such an elusive animal
and to sort of track them
an animal that tracks other animals.
And we were kind of slowly
doing the same thing to it.
And then to have this big success.
We're at the zero hour,
it feels really great.
Thanks so much.
- No problem, thanks a lot
(upbeat music)
- Well,
this is where we're going
to spend the night tonight.
Good thing leopards can can't climb trees
- Or get through mesh.
Bam! The mesh is almost impiarsible
- [Scott] The mesh is what?
- Almost impiarsible
I'm making up words.
That's the kind of mesh
to use on the spaceships.
When they're entering
the Earth's atmosphere.
- [Andre] That's right
- Like that's how strong it is.
Home sweet home here's the kitchen.
Andres work area, here.
His office is it big,
big, giant chunk of ivory.
The elephant died of natural causes
And this is this up here.
It's just the cover
of thing that comes along with this place.
See if her neighbors are up tonight,
(flashlight flaring up)
- [Andre] Are there any leopards
- No leopards
But we got lazy lion enjoy the lazy lion.
He is awake
- It was a very early
morning and I'm very tired.
So with all this fresh
air breezing through here,
I'm looking forward to
a good night's rest.
- I'm going to put this tooth
on my pillow and see what
tooth fairies will bring me.
Hopefully the tooth fairy will
brings me something special.
- It's not a tooth, it's a tusk.
- Well, is the tasks fairy going to come
- Yup.
- What do you think the tusk
fairy going to bring me?
- You're going to get
arrested for illegal poaching.
- I'll wake up in handcuffs.
Wouldn't be the first time.
(soft music)
(crickets chirping)
(lion roaring)
Okay we just heard all pack of
lions just go underneath us.
(Justin laughs)
My heart is just pounding like this.
How many did you see?
- [Scott] About five
- Five?
I saw one and that's enough.
the world greatest tree fart.
(flashlight switching off)
(dramatic music)
- [Scott] All I could think
about when I opened my eyes
this morning was how lucky
we were to have seen so much
of Zambia in such a short time.
It's been incredible.
- [Justin] Wake up this morning
in the tree floor was a perfect
way to finish your trip.
Especially since last night
was the first time traveling
that I actually feared for my life.
- The sun's just come up.
So it's probably a little bit past six
in the morning and we
successfully survived
our night out in the open
air in Africa and I loved it.
I loved just being able to look up
at the stars and have
this breeze coming through
and constantly hear all these animals.
- Last night it was probably
the best night of my life.
I was so scared.
- What did the task fairy bring you
nothing except for a sore neck.
I need to touch various flare of the lions
- [Scott] I can't believe
that we have to leave Zambian already.
- What a trip
It's one of those places
that really tests you.
I couldn't have asked
for a better experience
of Southern Africa.
A better representation
of how amazing it can be.
- Can't control nature.
That's one thing I've learned.
I figure it really does register.
Now that it's one of my
favorite places on earth.
It just has such a
feeling of enormous life
and such struggle for happiness,
but still such happiness.
Sure as hell.
Appreciate what we have
- Last year we really
wanted to go on safari
but it never worked out.
We never made it to Africa.
- It took a year and a half
to get here, but it paid off.
It's one of these trips
that you never forget.
(soft music)
- Now we're about to get on a plane again.
We made the drop decision of fly
across the Mozambique channel
to a place really don't
know too much about.
We want to find out why
Madagascar is so unique
why it's never in the headlines
and what bridges this Island
to the rest of Africa.