Departures (2008–…): Season 2, Episode 13 - Antarctica - full transcript
The crew are headed to a place they never thought they would ever see in their lifetime - Antarctica.Claimed by some, owned by no one. A continent for peace and science, the betterment of all mankind. Scott and Justin are granted a rare opportunity to stay in the Chilean scientific base on King George Island. They spend a week learning about life on the continent, while visiting the nearby Russian and China bases, all perfect microcosms of their home countries. The three then get on a Russian expedition ship and head down the Antarctic peninsula to witness some of the world's most breathtaking and serene atmospheres imaginable. They discover all the wonderful flora and fauna of Antarctica, and end it all by claiming a little piece of Antarctica for themselves in Paradise Bay, and building a snowman to guard their claim.
- [Scott] Thanks to three great friends,
a lot of planning, a lot of money,
and a lot of chance.
We're on our way to Antarctica.
(music continues)
Every traveler has that dream.
To get to that unattainable place.
Antarctica is that place for me.
After traveling the world for a year,
Justin and I were charged
with a whole new energy.
- [Justin] As I got further
away from my old life,
I started to realize that
this is where I need to be.
This is now my lifestyle.
- [Scott] One day I hope
to say that I've seen more,
but that day is not here yet.
(suspenseful music)
Thanks to an amazing set of circumstances.
We now have flight.
We now have a place to stay
and we're on our way to Antarctica.
- [Justin] Wow.
- It's not every day
you see that on a departure board.
San Diego, Puerto Williams.
Okay. Yeah.
Those make sense.
Falkland islands, that's pretty exotic.
And Arctic, huh!
Two weeks ago
Antarctica was just a big
white patch on the bottom
of every world map I've ever seen.
Being from Canada.
We're always talking about the Arctic,
which is essentially
just a big sheet of ice.
the Antarctic is a continent.
The reason there's a map of
it is because it's all land.
- [Justin] Now, the final
frontier always says that space,
but it comes down to the final
frontier on the planet Earth,
is Antarctica.
- The problem will be finding
an adventure to top this one.
After this is done.
- [Justin] It's gonna be a loud ride.
Flying in a Uruguayan
air force C 130 Hercules.
- I seriously feel like
an astronaut right now.
This thing is about to get going,
it will get loud.
And its like we are going
into a different planet.
Final frontier baby.
I'm strapped in,
Motors are running.
We've been granted special permission,
to stay on functioning,
Chilean research base.
And after that, we'll be going
on an expedition trip South
down the Antarctic peninsula.
(engine running)
- I have no idea why I'm up here but,
they just looked at us and said,
can you come up to the front of the plane.
So I said why not?
It doesn't look like a normal
plate because it's so huge.
All these dials, all
these instruments and all.
(music continues)
- [Scott] It's the coldest
continent on earth.
It's the driest continent on earth.
It's the windiest continent on earth
and we know nothing about it.
I think this is such a great place to end,
another year of travel
two years on the road now.
It takes a lot of
commitment from everybody.
But every day pays off
for any of the struggles.
(upbeat music)
- I know we said this quite
a number of times before,
but truly we can now say,
welcome to the middle of nowhere.
- [Justin] Two weeks ago, we
were kind of disappointed.
We had not touched down in Cape horn.
We'll look where we are right now.
Look where I'm putting my foot.
- We have made up for it.
- I think we made up for it.
Next stop, the actual continent.
You know, this is step
one, step two will be,
stepping on the continent of Antarctica.
This sign says it all.
- At ta taaa.
- No, it says Antarctica.
You said ta, ta, ta.
- You know, you're in the Antarctic when.
You see these kind of
vehicles like snow carts,
heavy duty clots So
this place is official.
You look at these people,
look at these people standing around,
they're dressed for the weather.
There's a guy over there.
You can't even see his face.
It's basically blocked out.
- [Scott] Finding a place to stay,
in antarctica is not an easy thing to do.
- [Justin] But we do have a room.
The door here is like,
its like a freezer door.
Home sweet home.
This is his home,
its not igloo, but it will do.
I can't go anywhere.
- [Scott] So now we can live as a local,
a local of Antarctica.
- This here is the kitchen here,
right now, Someone's cooking hot dogs,
but he's making a bunch from scratch.
- No little.
- This is like a college dorm.
You got people just hanging out,
do stuff with Jamming.
You don't have like a Storage
room with more guitar strings.
- No.
It's ready.
(keyboard music)
- It turns out last year,
they had seven meters of snow.
This time last year.
- you can see this crooked
antenna out the window there,
it's bent under the way of the snow.
- Quite the process.
- Even hotdogs are a bit of an ordeal here
but hopefully worth the wait.
- Good. Very good.
So this is our home.
Next couple of days, this
is where we'll be living.
- Shipping container has
arrived for the scientific
base that we've been
allowed access to stay at.
So it's kind of our home.
We feel the need to help out.
So that's what we're going to do.
- Plus my dad would kick
my ass if he found out,
I came up out here, and
didn't help anybody else.
So dad's like, that's my boy.
He's there.
He's helping everybody else.
Your dad would be proud too.
- Yes he would.
- [Justin] This is a one of a few times
in the summer that they'll
actually get resupplied.
The next time they actually have a ship,
come into port that has supplies from,
it could be two, three, four months.
Its a pretty important shipment.
And that's why it's a
big day here on the base.
- [Justin] We stay in so
many hotels and, you know,
camping and stuff like that.
It's never really feels like a home.
So just to get understanding
of what it takes to live here.
It's not something that
I think anybody can do.
- [Scott] We have walked back
up to a fray base for cure.
We're going to head out towards
the face of the glaciers.
So max is going to take
us to Collins glacier,
at least the terminal
face of Collins glacier,
because he needs to get some ice samples,
from the glacier itself for a studies.
- All right, let's go to the adventure.
- [Scott] Today we've started to,
get around the base a little bit.
There's still so much to
experience just in the area.
(birds chirping)
- Food is really scarce here,
and it's everyone for themselves.
And there's these two
birds sitting here, nesting
and this one bird just keeps
attacking and attacking,
and trying to get their eggs.
(birds chirping)
He's being a bit of an ass,
but he's just trying to
do what he can to survive.
This was all covered.
- With ice.
- Yes.
- Seven years ago.
- [Scott] Just seven years ago.
- [Max] Aha.
- [Scott] Why did it melt so quickly?
- Maybe for the global warming.
- [Scott] We were able
to hook up with max,
who a grad student here
doing a lot of studying
of microbiology.
It was a brilliant hike,
and you start to get away from the base,
and you realize that,
yeah, there is life here.
There's life beyond just humans.
And you start to walk along
and you see Moss and lichen.
How any life can survive
here is a small miracle.
- [Scott] Max is not only
the resident scientist here,
doing his studies, but he's
also the resident postman.
- Yes.
- You run the post office.
- If you go to all the bases,
you can get your passport stamps.
So I get my passport
statutory in Chile first,
hopefully of netting.
- From this base.
- And another one
- There you go.
Yes, that is, that is official stamps.
- [Scott] Two pages of just Antarctica,
maybe a little over done,
but when will I ever be back?
- Thanks so much Max.
- Okay.
- Its good to see you.
- Thanks man.
- See you.
- Now they got that stamp and Chile base.
We should make our way to Russia, China.
- Who knew that we could
get a stamp coming in here.
It's not the kind of place,
where you'd normally
clear any kind of customs.
(upbeat music)
- Justin, I'm Dr. Suarez.
What's your emergency?
- [Justin] What's your specialty?
- Medical and Dentals.
Well, I got cavity so..
- [Dr Suarez] Well, we can treat you here.
- [Justin] Can we have a look around?
- Yes please.
The office, paperwork.
Up here,
two beds for hospitalization.
This is the O.R.
- Wow.
- Its an O.R, we also
use it for the x-rays.
There's not been an
operation here since 2005.
I think he was a Korean one,
and he had to be with local anesthetics.
Well, it's mandatory for us to be here.
We have to take our appendixes out.
- So that if something like this happens,
then you don't have to have a surgery Wow.
- Minimize the risk.
- [Justin] Geez. Since I didn't
have my appendix taken out,
you want to take it out right now?
- I wouldn't recommend it.
- Now with me, not with this equipment.
(engine running)
- This place stinks.
- On the sewers houses the base model.
All those come here.
This pool here,
It's a special soil with worms in it.
Mini warm, the worms do their job.
They purify the water.
- Scott, you mind jumping in?
- It sounds a mess inside the tank.
I think the worms are not doing the job.
That's an incredible Process.
As interesting as it is,
maybe there's another part
of the base we can look at.
- This isn't the part of the tour.
Let's go see something better.
- There's the chapel and well,
you can guess who's in
charge of the chapel.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- You must have one hell of a resume.
- Yes.
- And hopefully would help Nine.
- 39, does that make us 40 and 41?
- Not technically,
cause we're not going to
live in vila Los Estrellas,
you know we could,
and you can see that it's
clearly been changed,
a number of times based on
the fluctuation of population.
- [Justin] This is not what I thought,
Antarctic would be about.
I figured it just be Just really snowy.
Just these Small little
buildings and thats it,
but these people have made
a community for themselves,
and it's so shocking.
You just don't think that
this would be up here.
- [Dr Suarez] This family
has been lived here,
for one year now.
- Wow.
- And I don't know,
let's go and take a look.
- Yeah, sure.
In the mid 1980s,
Chilean government made an effort,
to try to bolster their
presence in Antarctica.
And so they developed a program,
with incentives to try to get civilians,
to move and live in the Antarctic.
(kids screaming)
- Kids everywhere.
- It's like home.
- They have got a Christmas tree.
- Christmas tree all set up.
- So everybody knows what
time of the month it is.
Christmas time.
- Almost one year.
How do you feel?
- I'm very happy to be here.
It's very special for
us with my family here.
And my wife, my girl, my employees.
- [Scott] lot of people think
that when you come here,
it's just military and science.
And you sort of realize
how this is kind of more
of a community.
You know, there's a lot of life here.
As far as the animals and
the families that live here.
And it was really nice to
have that feeling, you know
and felt like home.
(upbeat music)
- [Scott] You have got so
many different countries,
that have bases set up here.
Although Chille claims this area,
that overlaps with other territories.
Everybody Shares this area in the end,
the treaty here says that,
you know, no one owns it.
In an effort to see all
the international areas,
of Antarctica here Claudio
is going to take us.
You're like, are you the
closest thing to a tour guide,
that Antarctica gets.
- Yes.
- Seems like a world tour.
- In Antarctica.
- [Justin] We on our way to China.
China is where are we heading next.
We are now in china.
- wonder where we are.
- The great wall.
Face it.
- Yeah.
China great wall station.
Baosteel building in Antarctica.
No, but apparently they're
big fans of soccer.
Its like they got the
world's biggest soccer ball,
just sitting there.
Leave to the Chinese to just
make an amazing job of things.
- Our station name is, came from here.
- Well, now I have seen
the great wall of China.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Here you go.
Check that off the list.
Smells like a Chinese restaurant no doubt.
- I think we came at the right time.
- To think that we are
having an Asian cuisine,
in Antarctica,
that doesn't make any sense.
- That's good food.
- [Scott] Now we've been
invited to have a look around,
probably one of the most updated,
and newest facilities in the area.
its not finished yet,
but you can look inside.
- Okay.
- It's huge.
It's going to be enormous.
And it looks like,
it's going to be one of the
best facilities in Antarctica.
Everyone is trying to uphold,
the rules of the Antarctic treaty,
that involves leaving little to no impact,
on Antarctica at all.
And so the biggest challenge,
especially for the Chinese base here,
is not just to build these
fantastic new buildings,
but what to do with the old ones.
They have to be disassembled.
And all of that material
has to be taken back,
off of Antarctica and
brought back to China,
in order to protect Antarctica.
Sometimes that's a bigger project,
than just building new
ones in the first place.
- Here. We got options, games room,
but we have a ping pong table,
and they had a karaoke machine.
What else could you ask for?
- That will Kill off the old winter blues.
- Are you guys good at ping-pong?
- Yeah.
- you are going to get schooled.
- This is a new one.
- Let him begin.
- Let him begin? Oh man
he's going to school me.
(man screams)
- Man!
- [All] ♪ Jingle bells, Jingle
Bells, Jingle All The Way, ♪
♪ Oh what fun it is to ride ♪
♪ In a one horse open sleigh ♪
♪ Hey ♪
♪ Jingle bells, jingle
bells, jingle all the way-- ♪
- No stamp, not a country
- Welcome to Russia.
Russian penguins.
- They're coming after us.
The Russian penguin army.
We are good?
We are good to go?
- I think we're good.
- I think we are okay.
- You guys.
The wind has picked up a little bit.
We're starting to get a better
taste of what this Island
and well, the whole continent
is kind of noted for.
Harsh, harsh weather.
We're trying to, if we can beat the wind,
to make our way to the
top of the hill here,
on the Russian base.
They actually have a church up here.
They not only have a church
they actually have a priest and stuff.
Ronnie is going to show us
the church from the inside.
- The church that we're in right now,
on the top of the hill
overlooking the Russian base,
actually originated in
Russia in the Altai region.
- He had gifts for us.
Close ties of Russian church in Antarctic.
- Such a bizarre building
to find in Antarctica.
A solid wood structure.
When there's not a tree
around for probably 1200,
1500 kilometers
- They have these chain
supports holding it down.
Because the wind up here.
- Even though we just came from outside,
where we almost got blown
off the top of the hill,
clearly it's a well-built building.
(bells ringing)
- Everybody's going to think
the church has started.
- I haven't heard bells in a long time.
This is one place I did
not expect these at all.
- Visit church and the
church bells ringing.
We were in the house yesterday,
see a Christmas tree,
and the kids all getting excited.
- [Claudio] Safuni is the priest here,
but he has other jobs.
I assume, if I know anything
about the Antarctic.
(door creaking)
- We are seeing some of his work in here,
did you see this whole thing?
All this Cedar was
brought here from Russia,
and he's somewhat of a carpenter.
- [Scott] There's a lot of jobs shared,
in order to get the job done here.
In order for this community to function,
everybody has to pitch in.
(speaking in foreign language)
- Yeah, everybody has like, their men.
You know what I mean?
In the corner.
And then they get
activated into the board.
Let's do that.
No, we got rid of this up six to start.
- You really get to see
how much of a unique place,
Antarctica is for the
humanistic qualities,
and the aspects of everyday
life that goes on here,
in order to to uphold a base here,
and to have as normal
of a life as possible,
for those who have to stay
here for long periods of time.
- I Keep on getting
eliminated but the bat,
I'm back in the game so--
- [Scott] From a Russian board game,
to an entire Russian church brought here,
piece by piece from Siberia.
They've done everything they can,
to really make this place feel like home.
- We are trailing behind by one,
but you're luck in change real quick
and hot gave a dice.
- [Scott] Take them out,
time to play catch up.
- We're doing good.
- Things are all tied up again.
- Give one.
[ALL] No one, no one, no one.
- [Scott] I finished.
All of my players are safely at home now.
So because Justin and I are teammates
I'm now rolling for him.
(dice rolling)
(speaks foreign language)
- Here it is.
(dice rolling)
- Yes.
- One, two, three, four, five, six.
- Finished.
(man screaming)
- [Scott] If there is a feeling
of celebration going on,
it's because Sasha of the guys over there,
is having a birthday today.
- Beers, Arctic fish
and we got a little something
extra for him too so.
- So you don't eat the whole thing.
- And everyone's sitting here
watching me like an idiot.
And it's a lot of work
for a little bit of food,
again, it's worth it.
I don't know. First of all, the last time,
I'm going to have an Arctic fish.
Because there's a birthday,
we would like to leave a gift.
- Thank you.
- Old Russian tradition, you
have to drink a whole glass.
- [Scott] I don't think a whole glass.
- Here we go.
(Russian guitar music)
- This is a song about Russian motherland,
about our places, about our railways,
about a man and his horse.
(speaking Russian)
- The problem is,
nobody knows what this song is about.
It's about a horse
which represents Russia.
Wage represents the love in Russia.
To actually have a chance to come in,
and live this life or
stay here for a week,
has been an amazing experience.
And the hospitality here has been like,
Oh What is ours is yours.
Most people get to visit Antarctica.
And that we actually got to live it.
And there's a huge
difference between that.
And I think that's what
made our trip so far,
really amazing for all of us to be here,
and stay here with the scientists,
with the scientists,
with the people of Chile,
you know, to experience
it through their eyes.
Something that, you know,
not too many people get to.
Well, it wasn't quite nuked properly.
Then there's part of it is ice cold.
And part of it is warm.
(glasses clinking)
(Russian guitar music continues)
- Good bye my cousin.
(upbeat music)
- [Scott] Hooked up with Antarctica 21,
an expedition company that
charters a Russian ship,
to take us all the way down
the peninsula of Antarctica.
(upbeat music continues)
I can't wait to finally
reach the mainland continent,
and maybe claim a piece
of it for ourselves.
- Okay. When, we are up to the ship,
remain sitting on the boat.
And we will give you the instructions.
sailors grip to whoever is there,
on the guide that went for you.
And it's very, very nice today.
So it will be a piece of cake basically.
- Welcome aboard the Gregory Mikhail.
But she's built tough and
comes complete with a crane.
- This is our home for
the next couple of days,
living on a boat.
You feel wind out here.
- And imagine once we get her to open C2,
it's only going to get worse.
- Hello?
Come in.
- The love boat.
- Get the fuck out.
- All right
- No love in this room.
(radio chatter)
- [Scott] This is the guy in charge.
This is the captain.
- How are you doing?
- Good.
- The weather?
- [Scott] what's the most
dangerous part sailing,
navigating through Antarctica?
- will we be getting into
the Bradfield straight,
this evening?
- Yes. Yes.
- Hopefully we'll be safe.
- You will See.
(upbeat music)
- Can I have a look at the engines?
See what powers this bad boy.
What does this tell you?
- It has a big engine.
(engine roaring)
- There's two main engines,
this one and the one beside it.
(engine starting)
- That's the key.
- The sea is angry today my friends.
Thanks to a flying to fray base.
We got to avoid the worst
part of a trip to Antarctica.
I've got to fly right
over the Drake passage,
which is notoriously,
the most hectic piece
of water in the world.
However, we didn't get
away with it scot free.
- [Scott] From King George Island,
across the brand's field straight,
which is nicknamed the mini Drake,
for good reason because it's known,
to have a lot of turbulent water,
and we sure as hell felt it.
(upbeat music)
- [Justin] The weather is now
working with us right now.
The weather has made for
some really rough waters.
Therefore the Zodiac
cannot come up to the boat.
Our first attempt at our first landing,
has been called off.
- So the zodiac was just jumping,
one meter at the higher level.
Then going down one meter
and it's just really,
too difficult to get
on and off the zodiac.
- It'll change just that quickly.
- Just crazy, we were about to go.
We went to the scouting.
Zodiac was acceptable and now
just start increasing again,
and then with us well.
- It's up to Antarctica.
Isn't it?
- Plus we will try again.
We always try.
- Very warm, I can wait it out.
- [Scott] Lets play the waiting game.
See if that window opens again.
we're waiting.
We're waiting for Antarctica.
I'm getting my first real look,
at the continent of Antarctica.
- [Justin] We are a few
days into this expedition,
this scenery, it's a good dream almost.
It's so surreal.
It's hard to comprehend.
- [Scott] The weather is finally,
allowing us to make a landing.
We're going to take the
opportunity while we can.
The windows open.
- We waited for a while,
and it took almost 24 hours,
to get actually out in the water.
(boat engine running)
We've had some problems
landing on some of the islands.
Their conditions have been a
little treacherous at times,
but at the same time it's been gorgeous.
This is port LA Croix.
This is our first chance
to get off the boat,
and come to one of these little islands.
And when you come to this island there's,
tons of penguins everywhere.
That is absolutely a huge thing.
in the first place you won.
You'll see really neat designs.
We'll have penguins that's what I noticed.
It's pretty, pretty sweet.
These gentoo penguins on Port La croix,
in this area they're in smaller numbers.
There is few hundred of them here.
(penguin braying)
In parts of Antarctica they'll
get into bigger numbers.
It's a relatively small Island.
So there's relatively small population.
When you watch these
penguins, do you watch them,
and they are nursing right now.
You'll notice that
there'll be stealing rocks,
from each other to build these nests.
- [Scott] Time is short.
We only get a certain
amount of time per place,
but allows us to be able to move on,
and explore a bit more,
and hopefully make another landing,
while the weather's good.
This is a pretty sizeable Island,
but Wiki Island has this
enormous glacier here,
and getting up to it.
The closer you get, the higher it is,
and the bigger it seems.
- [Justin] The funny thing is
this water looks so appealing.
You just want to jump in, look at that,
but you know, it's cold.
You don't even want to
put your hand in it.
- [Scott] This is Livingstone Island.
So we're getting to look at
our first real colony of seal.
(Seal grunts)
These are elephant seal,
and they are one of the few ones,
that actually group
together, they are big.
- They can get up to about 3.5 tons.
Big bulls.
The babies within 22 days,
they can quadruple their size,
because the milk they drink has 30% fat.
(Seal grunt)
- Not the most gorgeous
creatures in the world.
They look and sound like group
of like rude, nasty old men.
(seals growling)
(Seal grunting)
- I like how they scratch themselves.
They scratch their heads, the
one back there, was yawning.
He fanned his mouth.
- Leave them be,
it doesn't look like
they're going to get up,
to too much more today anyway.
- Hi guys, work on those manners.
(Seal grunt)
- [Justin] I've seen a
lot of beautiful things,
in the last two years.
Everybody asked me, what's
your favorite place?
What's the most beautiful place?
So getting this question all the time,
everything is beautiful.
Everything is amazing to see.
And last year we started
off in our home country,
and went to as far as you could go North,
and gone to the Arctic circle.
And now this time we've
pushed it all the way South
and we're in the Antarctic.
- [Justin] We definitely
grabbed the right ship for this.
At this point, we're going
through the ice field.
- We're just entering the Lemaire channel.
Just, when you think Antarctica
can't get any better.
This has gotta be the most
photogenic place on earth.
The water is black and almost
has a consistency like oil.
And it just has these
perfect reflections of
these massive rock walls.
These mountains that come
right to the ocean and
most of that ice has
broken off and is floating
all around you in chunks.
It is just spectacular.
All that horrible crossing
of the Bransfield Strait,
was worth it for this.
- That's awesome.
- Just caught sight of
our first leopard seal.
- They are very rare to see.
Its on a big chunk of ice hanging out.
- The ones that are on
their own like that,
can be particularly nasty.
It's a good thing.
We're on the boat and not
on land with the thing.
Its such a ridiculous miracle that,
all kinds of different animals,
and birds can survive here.
Let alone penguins,
all kinds of different
species of penguins.
The seals, leopard seal, the Weddell seal.
The fur seal the whales
that are swimming out in,
anywhere here, Oh look
at all these penguins.
I don't know if you can see that are not.
- [Scott] Our trip in
Antarctica is coming to a wrap,
and because of luck and fate,
we actually made it here.
- [Justin] Its another year in the books,
I still got to thank
Scott, for calling me up,
and saying do you want to do this?
And he really changed my life.
- [Scott] When I think back,
I can't even remember now,
what the original reasons were
to travel in the first place.
I mean, I know I wanted
to leave it all behind.
I wanted to get away.
I wanted to see the world.
Truthfully at the time I had
no idea what I was in for.
We all have a limited number
of days on this planet.
Every day that I get to see
a new part of this world,
I feel lucky.
None of which moments I think,
encapsulate that more than
arriving in Antarctica.
The last frontier of
mankind on this planet.
- [Scott] This is the continent.
This is the landing
we've been waiting for.
To finally touch down on he
last great continent on earth.
This is part of the peninsula.
So it is a part of the main
continent of Antarctica.
No more islands, this is the real deal.
- This continent, they don't claim, right?
No one claims that it's just,
it's all up in the air who owns it.
Nobody really owns it.
So let me just claim a piece
of this island for ourselves.
- Antarctic treaty says that
no claims are recognized,
or denied so.
(piano music)
- [Scott] Coming to a
place like Antarctica,
you might think that
there's nowhere else to go.
It was in a weird way.
Exciting, but almost depressing thinking,
how can this be taught?
Where else in the world is there?
- How the hell do you run
with the camera in your hand?
I don't care.
I got saved X.
- This is it.
This is our piece of
Antarctica right here.
I Scott Wilson hereby claim this section,
which I will soon Mark out
with footprints in the snow,
to be our piece of Antarctica.
- I second that motion.
- Official handshake.
- Official handshake.
That makes it official.
Are you kidding me?
Do you guys think that--
- Just in case we need to
claim a piece of a continent.
That's unclaimed.
Andre, if you don't mind.
like full
- Welcome to departures
continents or Island,
or whatever you want to claim this as.
- This might work, oops.
- As Country didn't really
come that prepared, are we?
- The flag was enough.
That will work
- Andre is not in the continent right now.
So he needs a passport and visa to get in.
Andre I trust you brought your passport.
- [Andre] I didn't.
- Customs is big tear for that.
- The flag is not bad
because they don't know,
how long have you been
keen on your pocket for it?
That's actually I'm
actually quite impressed,
and embarrassed for you for
carrying that for a long
for carrying that for so long.
But the departures,
the D is actually supposed
to be capitalized.
I don't think there's
a period of 10 of us.
- You haven't even watched
the show, have you?
- How am I supposed to watch a show?
When you visit living here?
- There is a period,
and there is a lowercase D.
- No it's not, its capital.
- No.
we've seen, done a lot already.
And this is like the icing on the cake.
How do you top this?
How do you venture off to another place,
knowing that you just
came from Antarctica,
the one place where it's
the hardest place to get
to in this world.
And I think this trip
kind of goes to show,
the extremes that we're willing to go to,
the places that we're willing to see.
- That's the head.
Okay, a little too big.
- [Scott] Since we came to fray station,
you know, hanging out with the Russians,
and hanging off the Chinese.
All of a sudden I've been inspired to go
to Russia and go to China.
You know, I got a taste of it.
Now I want more than that.
- [Justin] These are the
reasons we're out here.
This is the reason we travel.
This is the reason I don't
think it'll ever get old.
Well, you in control of our content,
you have right to do whatever it takes,
to maintain this plot of land.
Use force but remember
there's no military force.
So there you go.
- [Scott] He looks like Colonel Sanders.
- I promise I will claim this land,
and make sure that
nobody ever comes there.
I will guard this whole place.
- [Scott] By traveling,
my eyes have been opened
to parts of the world that,
I didn't even know existed,
to problems in the world,
that I didn't know existed.
It takes a lot of
commitment from everybody,
but every day pays off
for any of the struggles,
and for the stress of being on the road,
can't have the sweet without the sour,
the sour isn't travel.
the sour is all the
points in between that,
that just seemed like
little lows and they're not.
They're they're little
learning experiences.
The day it stops paying off,
I go home retire my passport