Departures (2008–…): Season 2, Episode 11 - Chile: Ups and Downs - full transcript
Despite Justin's difficulties with altitude sickness in India, they make their way up to 15,000 feet in the Altiplano of northern Chile. Justin gets sick and requires a hospital visit and oxygen. Beat down, he tries again, this time in the adventure mecca of San Pedro by biking down a mountain. They sleep in tents amongst the beautiful landscapes of active volcanoes, salt flats and pink flamingo reserves before heading to the mystical island of Chiloe. Here they experience life as it was one hundred years ago, and et strange and wonderful characters, including the moonshine-making Grandma Rosa and the mythological Filiberto, who gives Justin and Scott advice that may change their lives.
(upbeat music)
- [Justin] We've arrived in Chile.
We're gonna head North,
and get into some of the high altitude.
- [Scott] The plan for Chile is to start
right up at the very top,
head deep into the Andes mountains,
winding down through the Altiplano
to San Pedro and ultimately
hitting the island of Chiloe.
After traveling the world for a year,
Justin and I, we were charged
with a whole new energy.
- [ Justin] As I got further
away from my old life.
I started to realize that
this is where I need to be.
This is now my lifestyle.
One day, I hope to say
that I've seen the world
but that day is not here yet.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Well, we're back in South America.
Brazil has been taken care of,
now we have Chile to deal with.
- If you come to Chile from overseas,
you're more than likely
gonna end up in Santiago,
the capital.
To get a better idea of culture,
the idea was to come out here
to the coast to Valparaiso.
Valparaiso kind of represents
the beginning of Chile in a weird way.
I mean, it was one of the first places
that they actually established a city.
And so from here, you can kind
of say that Chile blossomed
out into the rest of the
country that it is now.
And I mean, it's still an important port
but it's also become this art hub
and you can see it everywhere.
- Hello.
- Hello.
(upbeat music)
- City of Valparaiso is
a really bohemian city,
so it's not surprising,
you're wandering around
and you see all this beautiful graffiti
these beautifully painted
homes and buildings
and things like that.
And then this guy here
he's just walking around
as a street entertainer.
He's kind of a walking carnival
and he's selling toys and noisemakers.
And I don't know, are
you buying something?
You know, Justin and I
have done a hell of a lot
more traveling this year.
You've gotta be able to travel
with people who you know
you can get along with.
(Chilean music)
In the end traveling
with Justin's, it's easy.
I mean, he makes it easy.
We're cool. And we never fight.
We never argue.
That's hard to say,
especially when your
travel's on for two years.
(Chilean music)
We're like best friends, you know
there's no other person on the world,
I'd rather have traveling
with me than him.
That's what makes us tick.
And tomorrow we'll head North
and we'll start Chile properly
start at the top and work our way down.
We've left Valparaiso, we've
left Central Chile behind
and we've come all the
way up to the far North,
to the city of Arica.
Everything has completely changed already.
I mean, visually speaking, we're now
on a very important port city.
We've got this desert
mountain scape behind us.
- We're standing here at sea level.
So flying in we'll work our way up
into those high altitudes,
pretty much to about 4,300 meters.
- Hopefully I won't get
altitude sickness this time
but I've been told that
it's the kind of thing
that can strike you at any time.
(upbeat music)
After this much travel,
we have a knack for
assembling the dream team
of what we need do accomplish,
the travel we wanna see.
- This man up here,
he's always the highest one in the group
because he's the mountain expert, Rafael.
He's always above us watching
over us, he's he mountain man.
This is our driver here, Juan.
The best driver in Chile.
Number one, right?
- Yes, yes. I number one.
- So we got the number one driver,
the number one mountaineer guide.
So what else do you need?
- Thank you. Thank you.
(Juan singing in a foreign language)
(Justin claps)
- Whoa whoa.
- All right Juan. Who needs a radio?
- Radio Juan.
- Radio Juan.
- Juan, I'm your die hard.
(upbeat music)
- What's our altitude now?
- Well, now we're in 4,600 meters high.
And we're looking at the
Cotacotani lakes, over there.
And over here we see the Payachatas.
- We spent the majority of the day
just getting to the Altiplano today.
So we're gonna have to stay the night
in a kind of a ranger station,
another sleep to acclimatize tonight,
and hopefully wake up tomorrow
fresh as a Daisy so...
- Uh yeah.
When you're in Fort Towson,
it's difficult to sleep.
- We're down to two now.
Justin joined Juan in the car.
We're the idiots. We're
the ones standing out here.
Let's get warmed up then.
- Hi quarters.
Where's Andre? Oh there he
is, always at the camera.
This is where we'll be staying,
got four bunk beds here.
It's tight, but still all
the body heat, keep us warm.
Right now I am lightheaded,
and just kinda like a little bit woozy,
I almost feel like I'm gonna pass out.
(soft music)
- I fell right asleep,
but by about maybe, three in the morning,
I couldn't sleep anymore,
I had this pounding headache,
so I just felt nauseous.
That's the altitude finally
kicking in, I guess.
- Not feeling too good right now.
My head is just pounding like crazy.
- There's just been a CB
radio, that's been picking up
like half signals that sound really funny.
Waking up with a headache
this bad, it's like,
you don't know if it's actually
just going on your head
or not.
- We're going higher
too, that's the sad part.
'Cause we're gonna go
climb higher and higher,
so yay.
- You know I sleep like
a baby (indistinct).
Juan is still sleeping outside.
Look at...yeah.
(bird chirping)
(soft music)
- Starting to come around now though.
I think a little bit of time
on your feet and an aspirin,
some water and you get out in the sun
and the fresh air and stuff.
And you're right yourself pretty quickly,
I'm already feeling pretty good.
(soulful music)
(upbeat music)
So we're standing kind of between
three major volcanoes here, right?
This is the one in the foreground,
that's Parinacota, right?
- That's Parinacota.
In Aymaran language Parina means
a flamingo, flamingo place.
- Do you think we'll be able
to climb one of these volcanoes
or get on top one of them?
- We just come from the sea level,
just from one day to another,
you are in 4500 meters high.
So that's too much, but if
you stay more time here,
for sure you can climb
up this mountian, yeah.
- Unless you've experienced
altitude sickness before,
there's nothing else like it, is there?
It's just a horrible feeling.
- Last night when I was laying there,
I felt my breath's getting shorter.
Hopefully tonight feel better,
won't be so bad tomorrow morning.
(birds chirping)
(cheerful music)
We see a stop sign,
and as soon as we stop,
these Llamas just came running up to us
and they just shoved their
heads right in the window.
And they just want food.
And they could smell the food we had,
they smell Andre's food.
(Llama snorts)
(Justin laughing)
Well I'm not giving them more
nuts if they act like that.
- [Scott] This is the beautiful
little town of Parinacota.
It's a very good example of
small towns in The Altiplano.
How many people live in this town?
- Well at the moment just
a few people live here.
And I guess no more than 50 people around
and some of the houses they're closed,
and it's kind of a ghost village.
There is a big family who lives here
but now they're in Arica.
So many people, they live to the city.
- It's kind of sad though,
that everyone's left.
There's almost nobody here anymore.
- [Andre] And this happen
in almost all the village.
- This gentleman here is
the caretaker of the church
and we were able to track him down
and get the key so he can let us send in,
so we can kind of take a look around.
- This church from this 17th century,
the construction was
an Aymara construction
and it was painted for the Spanish.
(foreign language)
- Yeah like, remember we
talked about the, for example,
the Romans, because when
Christ, when he die,
he was for Romans, not for the Spanish.
So for them because they never
saw a European people before,
so they paint Spanish.
(foreign language)
- It's a superstition they have here,
this table is going around
with candles in the corners
and with the men, so the peoples,
when you see it outside the
church is somebody is gonna die,
so it's a bad sign.
- So the superstition goes that
this table actually can
walk outside of the church?
And if it does then that's a bad omen
that someone's gonna die.
- Yeah, right.
- So they've tied it to the church,
so it can't go anywhere?
If it were me, I would
tether it with something
more than just a piece of yarn,
and have it like chained
down to the ground.
It really sends you back into history.
This little village is only here
for the few passing
visitors that come through.
It certainly leaves behind an
interesting little ghost town
here to see. And there is still
some life that goes on here.
There is still 50 odd people,
that kind of run the
village and the school,
which operates still for
eight children who attend.
And I think that really
puts this whole place
into perspective of how much
it is hanging on by a thread.
(upbeat music)
Salar de surire, here is
this well ancient ocean
that's since dried up.
So this isn't snow, this is salt.
We're still sitting
around 44 or 4,500 meters
above sea level.
The bodies are starting
to adjust slow, but sure.
If this is the beginning
of our acclimatization
and we make it through tonight
then the next step is gonna
be to do these things.
And that's not being mister tough guy,
that's just saying, look, if
we can acclimatize to this
what's keeping us from getting
up on one of these volcanoes,
you know, let's go as far as we can.
It should be a pretty interesting place
when the sun comes up.
- Really short of breath,
head has already started
to start pounding in,
luckily I got some pills so
we get rid of my headache.
I'm making using every
stitch of clothing I have
to keep myself warm because it's cold,
but should be worth it.
(soft music)
We were able to conquer
the altitude last night.
And when you wake up
to this sort of stuff,
none of that even clicks in,
you don't even think about it.
Hearing you think about how
sick you were the day before,
how cold you were, it's
this kind of surrounding,
that's all worth the pain
and effort of getting here
in the first place.
When you wake up, unzip your tent,
and then you look at the salt flat
and steaming vents of hot water everywhere
and beyond that is just
these brown barren mountains
with nobody around.
(soft music)
I mean, you think back to some
of the stuff that we've seen
over the past year, even
little on the past two years
and the kind of landscapes,
we've seen nothing like this
and we've certainly haven't
been in an altitude like this
for this period of time.
It just opens your eyes up to
just how much is out there.
I mean, this is all on one Planet.
Who'd have known that
this was all one planet?
- I'm (laughs) not sure where Justin is.
Oh, he's back asleep.
I don't know how Justin's night went,
but obviously it wasn't
quite as good as mine.
I mean, I feel right as right
now and fully acclimatized.
I was hoping that we could
one up this elevation now
and explore some of these,
some similar volcanoes in the area.
Have you add water?
Do you want water? Do you need water?
- I need oxygen.
- I can't help you there.
I'm gonna grab something to eat.
Do you want some?
- [Justin] You mean
crepes with caramel on it?
- I'll see if it's on the menu.
He can't be that sick.
As ordered, crepe with caramel,
couple of chocolate cookies.
- Stop feeling like crap.
- Just not programmed for altitude.
No way to know, unless you
just come up and try it.
And he's like, Oh, I guess I'm not.
- I'm like, why can't I be
naturally gifted at something?
I was really hoping when I was younger,
if I could be naturally
gifted at anything,
that it'd be surfing.
I moved to Hawaii, and wasn't,
I'm not good at surfing.
Not at all.
Even at BMX I was, I can hold my own
but these little kids
would just like school me.
- Put it this way, dude, if
you don't ever find a thing
that you think that you're good at,
after all of these experiences
and travels and stuff,
at least you know you'll have exhausted
all of your resources.
In the end there'll be no regret.
You won't be able to say like,
"I wonder if I could
have climbed Everest."
Now you know, you wouldn't (indistinct)
(Justin laughs)
- I feel like the weak link.
I think if everybody wants
to go to high elevations
and I can't even, I can't even sleep.
I can sleep through the night
without getting headaches
and stuff so...
It was okay yesterday
when everybody felt bad,
but when I'm the only one feeling bad now,
I feel like I'm just
slowing everybody down.
- Justin, hasn't been feeling
a heck of a lot better
so Rafael just thought since
we are near the town of Putre
that we should pop into the clinic here
and just have him tested
and give him a little bit of oxygen.
(foreign language)
- I always go to the
hospital out of all of us.
- Every country?
- Every country
I go to the hospital.
(foreign language)
- Saturation of oxygen is very low,
your heart frequency is 114,
and you're not doing anything.
So your body needs more oxygen,
so it's going faster and
faster but it's not working.
(foreign language)
- [Rafael] Is Juan there?
- [Scott] Juan our
driver, he's an older guy.
- There's a couple of times I thought
he was having a heart attack.
I am not joking.
- And he's also very proud.
And like a lot of men his age, you know,
refuse to get medical help.
- The last two days he just
stop the van and sleep.
- [Scott] We should put him on here.
We should get him oxygen.
Even though he spends
a lot of time up here,
I think that maybe he's being affected
by the altitude as well.
- Juan, you don't have to (mumbling)
(all laughing)
- He's acting now.
- His heart is beating 130 pulses a minute
and oxygen in his body's only 60%.
So we've been able to
convince him to come in
and get a bit of oxygen just
by saying that we needed it
for camera, so he's doing
it for us for camera
but hopefully for his own good as well.
(foreign language)
- My levels are returning
to what they were
before I showed to the hospital.
Even though this little
bit of oxygen helps,
they're just saying that I
just need to get back down
to sea level.
Juan is well. His heart
rate's way out there.
You know, I feel bad for the guy
and he's been driving and I'm sleeping.
- Thank you Lord. My God.
(foreign language)
(cheerful Chilean music)
(foreign language)
- While we were here, there
was a bit of a procession
that went down the street in front of us
and then into the church behind me here.
It's a celebration of an anniversary
of a flood that happened on a
river, not too far from here.
And there was a church
there that got washed away
in the flood.
And the only thing that remained
was this figure of Christ.
So that was seen as somewhat of a miracle.
And so they celebrate
that here every year.
We just happened to be here
on this particular day.
(cheerful Chilean music)
- It's just been a hard couple of days.
Oxygen levels are way down,
my heart rate's way up.
Just tryna muscle through it,
but you know, it's just not,
hasn't been working out for me.
Went into the church
and just kind of sitting there
and just catching my breath
and it was real peaceful.
My heart rate just slowed right down.
May was the first time I
gave myself a chance to relax
and give myself a break, or
it could be a sign from God.
God said, "Maybe you
should come to church,
my lost little sheep",
but you know, he may make
a believer out of me.
- Juan (foreign language).
- (foreign language)
- Take care of yourself.
(foreign language)
- Thank you. Okay.
(foreign language)
(upbeat music)
- Rafael has been kind
enough to give us a ride
down to San Pedro.
He's gonna be driving us and
all of our gear down there.
And then hopefully be
showing us around the area
as well as he did up in Arica
and into the mountains of the Altiplano.
He didn't get rid of us so easily.
Justin is just stretching
his legs like we all are.
And a wooden standee of a beer
model kinda caught his eye.
And I think he's kind of
bargaining for a price on it.
We're short on room,
but you know, there's
always room for a lady.
- Hey we gotta use the
camera to our advantage.
People come all the time
asking to buy that girl,
so for that, Rafael's like,
"Just bring the camera,
he'll see the camera
and then he'll sell it."
So we need Andre to work some magic.
- The thing with Justin is
after you travel with him
for a while, you almost
never get surprised.
- This is the sign I wanna to buy.
- No, doesn't have a price.
He said even previously
guys has stopped here,
they recognize this Brazilian model...
- Rafael was dumbfounded.
- 10 thousand.
- [Scott] And I don't think
he really took it seriously.
- Ten thousand.
- Ten thousand.
(foreign language)
- Kinda getting the feeling
that Justin maybe has a thing
for Brazilian chicks.
It doesn't even faze me anymore.
It's just the fun that
you have being with him.
- What do you think?
So what's the deal. How much, 20,000?
- He want 20,000.
- 20,000.
- [Rafael] It's a lot
of money for that girl.
- All right. Deal.
♪ You're the train who carries me ♪
♪ Through the countryside ♪
- Put some socks on her.
♪ You're the African ginger tea ♪
♪ That brings me to life ♪
♪ And you're the one for me ♪
♪ You're the only one for me ♪
- [Scott] We drove a long way yesterday.
We covered at least 800 kilometers.
- And I've been drinking water.
I've been sleeping.
I stopped drinking alcohol.
They're not working. Is
there anything we can do?
- Well, there is one thing,
but it's not always working.
The people here, like the
Aymara culture and Ketra
they used to trim coca leaves,
which helps to acclimatize also.
- The same thing they make cocaine from?
- Yeah, it's the same, but
in very, very little amount.
- Like people use for years and years,
and it's really part of the culture.
Take a little like
this, put in your mouth.
So you put like...
- [Scott] Just put the
whole thing in your mouth
and just start chewing it.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- What the hell is that?
- Mix with the lips.
- It doesn't taste good at all.
- Oh, this is the last
chance to acclimatize, yeah.
So we go straight that mountain
which is 5,600 meters high.
We're gonna climb and bike down, so...
- [Scott] So we won't be there very long.
See, so you might be all right.
And you have the power of Coca leaves.
(all spitting)
- Last few days for me
have been real tough.
And for a while there,
I felt like I really was
letting everybody down
and everything just kind of stopped.
And I just felt bad because
I don't wanna be that person.
I don't wanna be the one
that lets everyone down.
We've got some bikes here
for this kind of terrain.
These wheels are a lot
bigger, the 29 inch wheels.
So they have more surface
area, they cover more
and you can roll over logs
and rocks and stuff like that.
So, (indistinct) bikes pretty
sweet, the altitude right now,
I think I got about two
or three hours in me
fore I start feeling the
immediate effects of it.
Got the bikes, the
mountain, got the altitude,
just gotta get that rush.
- We're about 4,700 meters right now
which is about 200 meters higher,
about 600 or so feet higher
than we were in Lauca.
Justin seems to be doing okay.
Everybody seems to be doing okay.
So we're gonna go as far as we can,
before we start to bike down.
(soft music)
- I'm always a struggler,
this body is not designed
for high altitude.
- This looks like as
high as we're gonna get,
5,000 meters above sea level,
we're gonna descend 2,500 meters or so.
I mean that's two and
a half kilometers down,
over the better part of 60 kilometers.
- You ready for this?
Are you ready?
- We'll see how it goes.
- This another effect of coca leaves.
(Justine yelling)
- It warms you up if you yell.
If you yell it warms you up.
So psyched to be up here.
You see the mountains,
you see volcanoes, light,
the wind, volcanic rock, good trip.
It just took a little bit
and I started feeling better
and basically my body kind
of recharged a little bit,
went up a little higher,
there I am mountain biking.
(upbeat music)
It was actually Rafael who suggested
trying some mountain biking.
Try was definitely the word.
I took a bunch of hard spills.
Rafael took a hard spill.
I think Justin stayed on
his bike the whole time.
I felt great because finally, you know,
I had the ability to do what I wanna do
and my body didn't slow me down.
(upbeat music)
- [Scott] And finally, we made
it down a few hundred meters
and we started to get on
some harder packed stuff.
And that was cool, that
was a really cool feeling.
By the time we found ourselves
more than halfway down
as the sun started to set,
we realized that Justin had
beaten his altitude sickness.
- If I wanna climb, I'm gonna climb.
If I wanna mountain biking,
I'm mountain biking.
And if I wanna climb a mountain
with a mountain bike on my
back, I mean, I can do that.
I needed that.
(soft music)
I don't want to but I have to.
My life is on the road and
this is not gonna work out.
And I'm gonna have to say goodbye.
And I don't know, maybe I got
things from Brazilian girls,
I wouldn't know, who knows?
And didn't we have a good
time while we're hanging out?
Shh. Don't answer that.
My life's on the road baby.
Rafael, are you gonna take care of her?
I kind of fancied a little bit,
a little bit more than
normal, but oh well,
she's a special girl right here.
You feel here?
- Yeah.
- In your heart.
- Yeah.
- As much as it was sad to see her go.
I think I left her in
good hands with Rafael.
It's true love.
I'm not the one. I'm not the one.
Maybe you're the one.
There wasn't much room
for her on the road.
I think it was best off she
said she stayed in Chile.
- Yeah.
- Take care, all right?.
- Send an email.
- Yeah, for sure.
- And good luck.
- Thank you.
Thanks for everything really.
Showing us the North
of Chile, up and down.
Think it was, was a great
feeling of accomplishment
for all of us, for having done it.
Having done the miles, done the altitude,
done the adventure of it.
Hopefully we did all right for ourselves.
It's something that I'm
glad Rafael was around for,
'cause I don't think we would
have done it without him.
(soft music)
There's a lot of Chile left
to see, it's a huge country.
So moving South again, we're
going to the edge of Patagonia.
We're gonna see the Island of Chiloe.
- We got to go.
- Oh.
We're crossing over to
the Island of Chiloe,
and Chiloe kind of lies
at the top of Patagonia.
It looks a hell of a lot
different than what we just saw
in Northern Chile and it's
actually a bit chilly.
Chilly, I didn't know
that joke was coming...
- That was horrible.
- Yeah, I didn't know.
- [Andre] That was terrible.
- It should be an
interesting place to visit.
It's certainly a hell of a
lot different than the desert
giving my nose a break,
getting some sea air
through my lungs and
everything is kind of nice.
- There's a lot of mystique to this Island
and there's a lot of stuff
like warlocks and black magic
and like serpents of the
earth and water and stuff.
So it's kinda neat, it's
kinda different, you know,
you never hear about that
kind of stuff in the desert.
We're gonna check it out
and see if we come across
any of these warlocks.
When you're on an Island like Chiloe,
it would be a real waste
for us to stay at a hotel
or even a hostel.
So the Santana family's been kind enough
to offer us a place to stay.
So the first thing that we've gotta do
is help out a little bit.
This is a familiar site from
Jordan to the Cook Islands,
where meals are prepared under the ground.
(cheerful music)
The mixture of all these
different types of food,
there's usually so much
flavor to this food.
- This is a new process.
I guess it's similar to
what (indistinct) did
by throwing earth on top, but
this is a bit more controlled.
So not so much dirt gets
down into where the food is.
It's just cut pieces of sod so
that the dirt stays together.
- While this is cooking
why don't yo go get yourself
a drink or something.
- Sure. Something to kill the time.
Cause it's smells too good.
Watched pot never...
A watched ground never steams
or something, I don't know.
- Ah. Work on that one. Work on that.
♪ You're a long way from home ♪
♪ And you're standing there all alone ♪
♪ With a half full (indistinct) ♪
♪ From the day you tryna have ♪
- [Justin] Best part when
you stay in a nice house
like this you get a nice meal.
I'm not a big fan of seafood,
so I don't know if this is gonna be better
than anything I've ever
tasted, I don't know.
- Now you see you finally got your clams,
you were asking for.
- Ah, lucky me.
(Scott laughs)
(Justin laughs)
Everybody is looking at me.
(foreign language)
- This is where I shine.
(foreign language)
(all laughing)
(foreign language)
- See, you don't get it.
- Why?
- 'Cause she said you
didn't eat your clams.
- You kidding me? You kidding me.
- Andre gets it.
- What is that? Is that cheesecake?
(foreign language)
(both laughing)
- Enjoy your dessert.
- Is that cheesecake?
But I love cheesecake.
(upbeat music)
- One of the most well-known Chilotes,
is a gentleman here on Chiloe,
who has started up kind of a museum slash,
I don't know art display, I guess.
- This manta ray looks like
an old disheveled looking newspaper.
- It kind of started when he discovered
5,500 year old human remains.
And they're thought to be the
very first humans on Chiloe
and the bones were since taken
to The University of Chile.
Since that point, he started to collect
all kinds of different
rocks, fossils, skeletons,
and in some cases, bird
and animal remains.
- Is that a deer? It got hit by a truck.
- It's a one of a kind
museum, that's for sure.
- I think he just filled
that one up with bones, dude.
- In your trip here if
you didn't see anything,
come here and you'd see it.
It's not gonna be alive,
but it's still pretty cool to
see it's amateur taxidermy.
In this case they just
sort of stuffed some bones
or some cotton in it,
put it on your shelf,
and charge admission.
Sounds like a good idea.
So you're not gonna find
this anywhere else in Chile,
that's for sure.
Here in Chiloe, there's
a special type of liquor.
that's only available
in the town of Cianci.
We've asked for a few places
that actually serve this liquor,
but the directions that we've been given
have just led us to this house.
We just kind of expected a pub or a bar
or a brewery or something.
Ending up on someone's front
porch, not what I expected.
(foreign language)
- Is it okay if we try?
(foreign language)
- Salute.
(foreign language)
And you?
(foreign language)
- Cheers.
- And another one.
Yeah, it doesn't take
long with this glass.
- It's good.
I mean, it's not like drinking
homemade Mongolian liqour.
- She's got a closet in the back here
that she wants to show us.
It's one of my grandma,
actually she jars fruit and like cherries
and beets and pickles and
all that kind of stuff
but she didn't have this, a
whole cellar full of booze.
- You know, some people have a wine cellar
but few grandmas have
their own liquor store
in the back of her house.
Imagine discovering
that your grandma has it
like miss liquor.
- I (mumbling) I wonder
what's in these buckets.
These buckets, I think this is what's,
this is the product here.
Yeah i shouldn't be snooping.
(indistinct) is snoop.
Oh, she got like raspberries in there.
(foreign language)
- Thanks grandma.
Oh yeah.
(foreign language)
- You know how most grandmas
are like, "Eat, eat",
this grandma is like,
"Drink, drink, drink",
so we better not let her down.
- We won't break her
beautiful poor old heart.
- This is raspberry.
- Wow.
- Which one's your favorite so far?
- I haven't had the green one yet.
- Hey Rosa. Can I have the green one?
(foreign language)
- She's like, "Yeah help yourself.
Eat the cookies right off of the tray.
It's fine. You're at grandma's house."
(Justin coughs)
- It's got some bite.
- Yeah. It has a bit more
bite to it, doesn't it?
- We should probably get out of here
before we drink her out
of a house and home.
- Yeah.
- We don't want that to happen to her.
Thank you.
(foreign language)
- Oh, grandma's house just got fuzzy.
(upbeat Chilean music)
- Remember this address.
- [Justin] When we first went to Chiloe,
we were really excited about learning
all this mythology that surrounds Chiloe,
and there was a lot of it.
We are gonna to this museum,
and we're gonna go learn
about these mythological
creatures and solve this mystery.
(indistinct chattering)
(foreign language)
- [Scott] We've been
told that Filiberto here
is kind of the resident
expert on Chilote mythology.
(foreign language)
He started to take us around
and there's signs in Spanish.
He's speaking a lot of Spanish
which we understand almost none of,
we're just following this
guy through his maze of woods
back here.
(foreign language)
- Part of this is actually
from a real animal.
Hopefully the real ones don't
have stick-on Google-y eyes
like this one.
(foreign language)
(Justin and Scott laughing)
- Shut up.
- I'm not afraid, are you afraid?
I'm actually afraid that this bridge
is actually gonna break.
(foreign language)
- This is a (foreign language)
We can go in.
You wanna to see the house of the...
I don't know,
like this is obviously for
children, but it's just,
I still can't put my finger
on exactly what this is.
Like if there's some mythology here
there's some, you know, history,
there's almost like little morals
and life lessons and stuff.
(foreign language)
- I'm just getting more and more confused.
Like coming here to trying
to figure out the methodology
was the whole point of this.
And then it ended up
becoming more about photos.
- This is it for children
and you learn nothing.
When we first got to Chile,
we found out that Valparaiso
was the center point
from which the rest of Chile developed.
- Apparently there's a UFO here.
I have no idea what that
has to do with mythology.
- We're pretty close to the highway,
I think it's just a hubcap from the truck.
But after being in Chiloe you realize that
Chiloe is really the heart of Chile.
It kind of represents the most dynamic
the most pure of Chilean culture I think.
This guy spent a fortune on Google-y eyes.
And despite the confusion with Filiberto,
one thing became clear.
Everyone on this Island
seems to be doing exactly
what they wanna be doing.
They figured out how to continue doing
what makes them the happiest.
And Filiberto seem pretty
excited to tell us something
before we left.
(foreign language)
(soft music)
- [Scott] We're the first ones here,
waiting for our ferry off the Chiloe.
Time to move on, there's
still more Chile to see.
There's a place that Justin
and I have always wanted to go.
Right now we're kind of
in the middle of Chile
and this is the closest the
water gets to this place.
But it's a cost thing,
so we're gonna leave it to chance.
- [Justin] We've arrived in Chile.
We're gonna head North,
and get into some of the high altitude.
- [Scott] The plan for Chile is to start
right up at the very top,
head deep into the Andes mountains,
winding down through the Altiplano
to San Pedro and ultimately
hitting the island of Chiloe.
After traveling the world for a year,
Justin and I, we were charged
with a whole new energy.
- [ Justin] As I got further
away from my old life.
I started to realize that
this is where I need to be.
This is now my lifestyle.
One day, I hope to say
that I've seen the world
but that day is not here yet.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Well, we're back in South America.
Brazil has been taken care of,
now we have Chile to deal with.
- If you come to Chile from overseas,
you're more than likely
gonna end up in Santiago,
the capital.
To get a better idea of culture,
the idea was to come out here
to the coast to Valparaiso.
Valparaiso kind of represents
the beginning of Chile in a weird way.
I mean, it was one of the first places
that they actually established a city.
And so from here, you can kind
of say that Chile blossomed
out into the rest of the
country that it is now.
And I mean, it's still an important port
but it's also become this art hub
and you can see it everywhere.
- Hello.
- Hello.
(upbeat music)
- City of Valparaiso is
a really bohemian city,
so it's not surprising,
you're wandering around
and you see all this beautiful graffiti
these beautifully painted
homes and buildings
and things like that.
And then this guy here
he's just walking around
as a street entertainer.
He's kind of a walking carnival
and he's selling toys and noisemakers.
And I don't know, are
you buying something?
You know, Justin and I
have done a hell of a lot
more traveling this year.
You've gotta be able to travel
with people who you know
you can get along with.
(Chilean music)
In the end traveling
with Justin's, it's easy.
I mean, he makes it easy.
We're cool. And we never fight.
We never argue.
That's hard to say,
especially when your
travel's on for two years.
(Chilean music)
We're like best friends, you know
there's no other person on the world,
I'd rather have traveling
with me than him.
That's what makes us tick.
And tomorrow we'll head North
and we'll start Chile properly
start at the top and work our way down.
We've left Valparaiso, we've
left Central Chile behind
and we've come all the
way up to the far North,
to the city of Arica.
Everything has completely changed already.
I mean, visually speaking, we're now
on a very important port city.
We've got this desert
mountain scape behind us.
- We're standing here at sea level.
So flying in we'll work our way up
into those high altitudes,
pretty much to about 4,300 meters.
- Hopefully I won't get
altitude sickness this time
but I've been told that
it's the kind of thing
that can strike you at any time.
(upbeat music)
After this much travel,
we have a knack for
assembling the dream team
of what we need do accomplish,
the travel we wanna see.
- This man up here,
he's always the highest one in the group
because he's the mountain expert, Rafael.
He's always above us watching
over us, he's he mountain man.
This is our driver here, Juan.
The best driver in Chile.
Number one, right?
- Yes, yes. I number one.
- So we got the number one driver,
the number one mountaineer guide.
So what else do you need?
- Thank you. Thank you.
(Juan singing in a foreign language)
(Justin claps)
- Whoa whoa.
- All right Juan. Who needs a radio?
- Radio Juan.
- Radio Juan.
- Juan, I'm your die hard.
(upbeat music)
- What's our altitude now?
- Well, now we're in 4,600 meters high.
And we're looking at the
Cotacotani lakes, over there.
And over here we see the Payachatas.
- We spent the majority of the day
just getting to the Altiplano today.
So we're gonna have to stay the night
in a kind of a ranger station,
another sleep to acclimatize tonight,
and hopefully wake up tomorrow
fresh as a Daisy so...
- Uh yeah.
When you're in Fort Towson,
it's difficult to sleep.
- We're down to two now.
Justin joined Juan in the car.
We're the idiots. We're
the ones standing out here.
Let's get warmed up then.
- Hi quarters.
Where's Andre? Oh there he
is, always at the camera.
This is where we'll be staying,
got four bunk beds here.
It's tight, but still all
the body heat, keep us warm.
Right now I am lightheaded,
and just kinda like a little bit woozy,
I almost feel like I'm gonna pass out.
(soft music)
- I fell right asleep,
but by about maybe, three in the morning,
I couldn't sleep anymore,
I had this pounding headache,
so I just felt nauseous.
That's the altitude finally
kicking in, I guess.
- Not feeling too good right now.
My head is just pounding like crazy.
- There's just been a CB
radio, that's been picking up
like half signals that sound really funny.
Waking up with a headache
this bad, it's like,
you don't know if it's actually
just going on your head
or not.
- We're going higher
too, that's the sad part.
'Cause we're gonna go
climb higher and higher,
so yay.
- You know I sleep like
a baby (indistinct).
Juan is still sleeping outside.
Look at...yeah.
(bird chirping)
(soft music)
- Starting to come around now though.
I think a little bit of time
on your feet and an aspirin,
some water and you get out in the sun
and the fresh air and stuff.
And you're right yourself pretty quickly,
I'm already feeling pretty good.
(soulful music)
(upbeat music)
So we're standing kind of between
three major volcanoes here, right?
This is the one in the foreground,
that's Parinacota, right?
- That's Parinacota.
In Aymaran language Parina means
a flamingo, flamingo place.
- Do you think we'll be able
to climb one of these volcanoes
or get on top one of them?
- We just come from the sea level,
just from one day to another,
you are in 4500 meters high.
So that's too much, but if
you stay more time here,
for sure you can climb
up this mountian, yeah.
- Unless you've experienced
altitude sickness before,
there's nothing else like it, is there?
It's just a horrible feeling.
- Last night when I was laying there,
I felt my breath's getting shorter.
Hopefully tonight feel better,
won't be so bad tomorrow morning.
(birds chirping)
(cheerful music)
We see a stop sign,
and as soon as we stop,
these Llamas just came running up to us
and they just shoved their
heads right in the window.
And they just want food.
And they could smell the food we had,
they smell Andre's food.
(Llama snorts)
(Justin laughing)
Well I'm not giving them more
nuts if they act like that.
- [Scott] This is the beautiful
little town of Parinacota.
It's a very good example of
small towns in The Altiplano.
How many people live in this town?
- Well at the moment just
a few people live here.
And I guess no more than 50 people around
and some of the houses they're closed,
and it's kind of a ghost village.
There is a big family who lives here
but now they're in Arica.
So many people, they live to the city.
- It's kind of sad though,
that everyone's left.
There's almost nobody here anymore.
- [Andre] And this happen
in almost all the village.
- This gentleman here is
the caretaker of the church
and we were able to track him down
and get the key so he can let us send in,
so we can kind of take a look around.
- This church from this 17th century,
the construction was
an Aymara construction
and it was painted for the Spanish.
(foreign language)
- Yeah like, remember we
talked about the, for example,
the Romans, because when
Christ, when he die,
he was for Romans, not for the Spanish.
So for them because they never
saw a European people before,
so they paint Spanish.
(foreign language)
- It's a superstition they have here,
this table is going around
with candles in the corners
and with the men, so the peoples,
when you see it outside the
church is somebody is gonna die,
so it's a bad sign.
- So the superstition goes that
this table actually can
walk outside of the church?
And if it does then that's a bad omen
that someone's gonna die.
- Yeah, right.
- So they've tied it to the church,
so it can't go anywhere?
If it were me, I would
tether it with something
more than just a piece of yarn,
and have it like chained
down to the ground.
It really sends you back into history.
This little village is only here
for the few passing
visitors that come through.
It certainly leaves behind an
interesting little ghost town
here to see. And there is still
some life that goes on here.
There is still 50 odd people,
that kind of run the
village and the school,
which operates still for
eight children who attend.
And I think that really
puts this whole place
into perspective of how much
it is hanging on by a thread.
(upbeat music)
Salar de surire, here is
this well ancient ocean
that's since dried up.
So this isn't snow, this is salt.
We're still sitting
around 44 or 4,500 meters
above sea level.
The bodies are starting
to adjust slow, but sure.
If this is the beginning
of our acclimatization
and we make it through tonight
then the next step is gonna
be to do these things.
And that's not being mister tough guy,
that's just saying, look, if
we can acclimatize to this
what's keeping us from getting
up on one of these volcanoes,
you know, let's go as far as we can.
It should be a pretty interesting place
when the sun comes up.
- Really short of breath,
head has already started
to start pounding in,
luckily I got some pills so
we get rid of my headache.
I'm making using every
stitch of clothing I have
to keep myself warm because it's cold,
but should be worth it.
(soft music)
We were able to conquer
the altitude last night.
And when you wake up
to this sort of stuff,
none of that even clicks in,
you don't even think about it.
Hearing you think about how
sick you were the day before,
how cold you were, it's
this kind of surrounding,
that's all worth the pain
and effort of getting here
in the first place.
When you wake up, unzip your tent,
and then you look at the salt flat
and steaming vents of hot water everywhere
and beyond that is just
these brown barren mountains
with nobody around.
(soft music)
I mean, you think back to some
of the stuff that we've seen
over the past year, even
little on the past two years
and the kind of landscapes,
we've seen nothing like this
and we've certainly haven't
been in an altitude like this
for this period of time.
It just opens your eyes up to
just how much is out there.
I mean, this is all on one Planet.
Who'd have known that
this was all one planet?
- I'm (laughs) not sure where Justin is.
Oh, he's back asleep.
I don't know how Justin's night went,
but obviously it wasn't
quite as good as mine.
I mean, I feel right as right
now and fully acclimatized.
I was hoping that we could
one up this elevation now
and explore some of these,
some similar volcanoes in the area.
Have you add water?
Do you want water? Do you need water?
- I need oxygen.
- I can't help you there.
I'm gonna grab something to eat.
Do you want some?
- [Justin] You mean
crepes with caramel on it?
- I'll see if it's on the menu.
He can't be that sick.
As ordered, crepe with caramel,
couple of chocolate cookies.
- Stop feeling like crap.
- Just not programmed for altitude.
No way to know, unless you
just come up and try it.
And he's like, Oh, I guess I'm not.
- I'm like, why can't I be
naturally gifted at something?
I was really hoping when I was younger,
if I could be naturally
gifted at anything,
that it'd be surfing.
I moved to Hawaii, and wasn't,
I'm not good at surfing.
Not at all.
Even at BMX I was, I can hold my own
but these little kids
would just like school me.
- Put it this way, dude, if
you don't ever find a thing
that you think that you're good at,
after all of these experiences
and travels and stuff,
at least you know you'll have exhausted
all of your resources.
In the end there'll be no regret.
You won't be able to say like,
"I wonder if I could
have climbed Everest."
Now you know, you wouldn't (indistinct)
(Justin laughs)
- I feel like the weak link.
I think if everybody wants
to go to high elevations
and I can't even, I can't even sleep.
I can sleep through the night
without getting headaches
and stuff so...
It was okay yesterday
when everybody felt bad,
but when I'm the only one feeling bad now,
I feel like I'm just
slowing everybody down.
- Justin, hasn't been feeling
a heck of a lot better
so Rafael just thought since
we are near the town of Putre
that we should pop into the clinic here
and just have him tested
and give him a little bit of oxygen.
(foreign language)
- I always go to the
hospital out of all of us.
- Every country?
- Every country
I go to the hospital.
(foreign language)
- Saturation of oxygen is very low,
your heart frequency is 114,
and you're not doing anything.
So your body needs more oxygen,
so it's going faster and
faster but it's not working.
(foreign language)
- [Rafael] Is Juan there?
- [Scott] Juan our
driver, he's an older guy.
- There's a couple of times I thought
he was having a heart attack.
I am not joking.
- And he's also very proud.
And like a lot of men his age, you know,
refuse to get medical help.
- The last two days he just
stop the van and sleep.
- [Scott] We should put him on here.
We should get him oxygen.
Even though he spends
a lot of time up here,
I think that maybe he's being affected
by the altitude as well.
- Juan, you don't have to (mumbling)
(all laughing)
- He's acting now.
- His heart is beating 130 pulses a minute
and oxygen in his body's only 60%.
So we've been able to
convince him to come in
and get a bit of oxygen just
by saying that we needed it
for camera, so he's doing
it for us for camera
but hopefully for his own good as well.
(foreign language)
- My levels are returning
to what they were
before I showed to the hospital.
Even though this little
bit of oxygen helps,
they're just saying that I
just need to get back down
to sea level.
Juan is well. His heart
rate's way out there.
You know, I feel bad for the guy
and he's been driving and I'm sleeping.
- Thank you Lord. My God.
(foreign language)
(cheerful Chilean music)
(foreign language)
- While we were here, there
was a bit of a procession
that went down the street in front of us
and then into the church behind me here.
It's a celebration of an anniversary
of a flood that happened on a
river, not too far from here.
And there was a church
there that got washed away
in the flood.
And the only thing that remained
was this figure of Christ.
So that was seen as somewhat of a miracle.
And so they celebrate
that here every year.
We just happened to be here
on this particular day.
(cheerful Chilean music)
- It's just been a hard couple of days.
Oxygen levels are way down,
my heart rate's way up.
Just tryna muscle through it,
but you know, it's just not,
hasn't been working out for me.
Went into the church
and just kind of sitting there
and just catching my breath
and it was real peaceful.
My heart rate just slowed right down.
May was the first time I
gave myself a chance to relax
and give myself a break, or
it could be a sign from God.
God said, "Maybe you
should come to church,
my lost little sheep",
but you know, he may make
a believer out of me.
- Juan (foreign language).
- (foreign language)
- Take care of yourself.
(foreign language)
- Thank you. Okay.
(foreign language)
(upbeat music)
- Rafael has been kind
enough to give us a ride
down to San Pedro.
He's gonna be driving us and
all of our gear down there.
And then hopefully be
showing us around the area
as well as he did up in Arica
and into the mountains of the Altiplano.
He didn't get rid of us so easily.
Justin is just stretching
his legs like we all are.
And a wooden standee of a beer
model kinda caught his eye.
And I think he's kind of
bargaining for a price on it.
We're short on room,
but you know, there's
always room for a lady.
- Hey we gotta use the
camera to our advantage.
People come all the time
asking to buy that girl,
so for that, Rafael's like,
"Just bring the camera,
he'll see the camera
and then he'll sell it."
So we need Andre to work some magic.
- The thing with Justin is
after you travel with him
for a while, you almost
never get surprised.
- This is the sign I wanna to buy.
- No, doesn't have a price.
He said even previously
guys has stopped here,
they recognize this Brazilian model...
- Rafael was dumbfounded.
- 10 thousand.
- [Scott] And I don't think
he really took it seriously.
- Ten thousand.
- Ten thousand.
(foreign language)
- Kinda getting the feeling
that Justin maybe has a thing
for Brazilian chicks.
It doesn't even faze me anymore.
It's just the fun that
you have being with him.
- What do you think?
So what's the deal. How much, 20,000?
- He want 20,000.
- 20,000.
- [Rafael] It's a lot
of money for that girl.
- All right. Deal.
♪ You're the train who carries me ♪
♪ Through the countryside ♪
- Put some socks on her.
♪ You're the African ginger tea ♪
♪ That brings me to life ♪
♪ And you're the one for me ♪
♪ You're the only one for me ♪
- [Scott] We drove a long way yesterday.
We covered at least 800 kilometers.
- And I've been drinking water.
I've been sleeping.
I stopped drinking alcohol.
They're not working. Is
there anything we can do?
- Well, there is one thing,
but it's not always working.
The people here, like the
Aymara culture and Ketra
they used to trim coca leaves,
which helps to acclimatize also.
- The same thing they make cocaine from?
- Yeah, it's the same, but
in very, very little amount.
- Like people use for years and years,
and it's really part of the culture.
Take a little like
this, put in your mouth.
So you put like...
- [Scott] Just put the
whole thing in your mouth
and just start chewing it.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- What the hell is that?
- Mix with the lips.
- It doesn't taste good at all.
- Oh, this is the last
chance to acclimatize, yeah.
So we go straight that mountain
which is 5,600 meters high.
We're gonna climb and bike down, so...
- [Scott] So we won't be there very long.
See, so you might be all right.
And you have the power of Coca leaves.
(all spitting)
- Last few days for me
have been real tough.
And for a while there,
I felt like I really was
letting everybody down
and everything just kind of stopped.
And I just felt bad because
I don't wanna be that person.
I don't wanna be the one
that lets everyone down.
We've got some bikes here
for this kind of terrain.
These wheels are a lot
bigger, the 29 inch wheels.
So they have more surface
area, they cover more
and you can roll over logs
and rocks and stuff like that.
So, (indistinct) bikes pretty
sweet, the altitude right now,
I think I got about two
or three hours in me
fore I start feeling the
immediate effects of it.
Got the bikes, the
mountain, got the altitude,
just gotta get that rush.
- We're about 4,700 meters right now
which is about 200 meters higher,
about 600 or so feet higher
than we were in Lauca.
Justin seems to be doing okay.
Everybody seems to be doing okay.
So we're gonna go as far as we can,
before we start to bike down.
(soft music)
- I'm always a struggler,
this body is not designed
for high altitude.
- This looks like as
high as we're gonna get,
5,000 meters above sea level,
we're gonna descend 2,500 meters or so.
I mean that's two and
a half kilometers down,
over the better part of 60 kilometers.
- You ready for this?
Are you ready?
- We'll see how it goes.
- This another effect of coca leaves.
(Justine yelling)
- It warms you up if you yell.
If you yell it warms you up.
So psyched to be up here.
You see the mountains,
you see volcanoes, light,
the wind, volcanic rock, good trip.
It just took a little bit
and I started feeling better
and basically my body kind
of recharged a little bit,
went up a little higher,
there I am mountain biking.
(upbeat music)
It was actually Rafael who suggested
trying some mountain biking.
Try was definitely the word.
I took a bunch of hard spills.
Rafael took a hard spill.
I think Justin stayed on
his bike the whole time.
I felt great because finally, you know,
I had the ability to do what I wanna do
and my body didn't slow me down.
(upbeat music)
- [Scott] And finally, we made
it down a few hundred meters
and we started to get on
some harder packed stuff.
And that was cool, that
was a really cool feeling.
By the time we found ourselves
more than halfway down
as the sun started to set,
we realized that Justin had
beaten his altitude sickness.
- If I wanna climb, I'm gonna climb.
If I wanna mountain biking,
I'm mountain biking.
And if I wanna climb a mountain
with a mountain bike on my
back, I mean, I can do that.
I needed that.
(soft music)
I don't want to but I have to.
My life is on the road and
this is not gonna work out.
And I'm gonna have to say goodbye.
And I don't know, maybe I got
things from Brazilian girls,
I wouldn't know, who knows?
And didn't we have a good
time while we're hanging out?
Shh. Don't answer that.
My life's on the road baby.
Rafael, are you gonna take care of her?
I kind of fancied a little bit,
a little bit more than
normal, but oh well,
she's a special girl right here.
You feel here?
- Yeah.
- In your heart.
- Yeah.
- As much as it was sad to see her go.
I think I left her in
good hands with Rafael.
It's true love.
I'm not the one. I'm not the one.
Maybe you're the one.
There wasn't much room
for her on the road.
I think it was best off she
said she stayed in Chile.
- Yeah.
- Take care, all right?.
- Send an email.
- Yeah, for sure.
- And good luck.
- Thank you.
Thanks for everything really.
Showing us the North
of Chile, up and down.
Think it was, was a great
feeling of accomplishment
for all of us, for having done it.
Having done the miles, done the altitude,
done the adventure of it.
Hopefully we did all right for ourselves.
It's something that I'm
glad Rafael was around for,
'cause I don't think we would
have done it without him.
(soft music)
There's a lot of Chile left
to see, it's a huge country.
So moving South again, we're
going to the edge of Patagonia.
We're gonna see the Island of Chiloe.
- We got to go.
- Oh.
We're crossing over to
the Island of Chiloe,
and Chiloe kind of lies
at the top of Patagonia.
It looks a hell of a lot
different than what we just saw
in Northern Chile and it's
actually a bit chilly.
Chilly, I didn't know
that joke was coming...
- That was horrible.
- Yeah, I didn't know.
- [Andre] That was terrible.
- It should be an
interesting place to visit.
It's certainly a hell of a
lot different than the desert
giving my nose a break,
getting some sea air
through my lungs and
everything is kind of nice.
- There's a lot of mystique to this Island
and there's a lot of stuff
like warlocks and black magic
and like serpents of the
earth and water and stuff.
So it's kinda neat, it's
kinda different, you know,
you never hear about that
kind of stuff in the desert.
We're gonna check it out
and see if we come across
any of these warlocks.
When you're on an Island like Chiloe,
it would be a real waste
for us to stay at a hotel
or even a hostel.
So the Santana family's been kind enough
to offer us a place to stay.
So the first thing that we've gotta do
is help out a little bit.
This is a familiar site from
Jordan to the Cook Islands,
where meals are prepared under the ground.
(cheerful music)
The mixture of all these
different types of food,
there's usually so much
flavor to this food.
- This is a new process.
I guess it's similar to
what (indistinct) did
by throwing earth on top, but
this is a bit more controlled.
So not so much dirt gets
down into where the food is.
It's just cut pieces of sod so
that the dirt stays together.
- While this is cooking
why don't yo go get yourself
a drink or something.
- Sure. Something to kill the time.
Cause it's smells too good.
Watched pot never...
A watched ground never steams
or something, I don't know.
- Ah. Work on that one. Work on that.
♪ You're a long way from home ♪
♪ And you're standing there all alone ♪
♪ With a half full (indistinct) ♪
♪ From the day you tryna have ♪
- [Justin] Best part when
you stay in a nice house
like this you get a nice meal.
I'm not a big fan of seafood,
so I don't know if this is gonna be better
than anything I've ever
tasted, I don't know.
- Now you see you finally got your clams,
you were asking for.
- Ah, lucky me.
(Scott laughs)
(Justin laughs)
Everybody is looking at me.
(foreign language)
- This is where I shine.
(foreign language)
(all laughing)
(foreign language)
- See, you don't get it.
- Why?
- 'Cause she said you
didn't eat your clams.
- You kidding me? You kidding me.
- Andre gets it.
- What is that? Is that cheesecake?
(foreign language)
(both laughing)
- Enjoy your dessert.
- Is that cheesecake?
But I love cheesecake.
(upbeat music)
- One of the most well-known Chilotes,
is a gentleman here on Chiloe,
who has started up kind of a museum slash,
I don't know art display, I guess.
- This manta ray looks like
an old disheveled looking newspaper.
- It kind of started when he discovered
5,500 year old human remains.
And they're thought to be the
very first humans on Chiloe
and the bones were since taken
to The University of Chile.
Since that point, he started to collect
all kinds of different
rocks, fossils, skeletons,
and in some cases, bird
and animal remains.
- Is that a deer? It got hit by a truck.
- It's a one of a kind
museum, that's for sure.
- I think he just filled
that one up with bones, dude.
- In your trip here if
you didn't see anything,
come here and you'd see it.
It's not gonna be alive,
but it's still pretty cool to
see it's amateur taxidermy.
In this case they just
sort of stuffed some bones
or some cotton in it,
put it on your shelf,
and charge admission.
Sounds like a good idea.
So you're not gonna find
this anywhere else in Chile,
that's for sure.
Here in Chiloe, there's
a special type of liquor.
that's only available
in the town of Cianci.
We've asked for a few places
that actually serve this liquor,
but the directions that we've been given
have just led us to this house.
We just kind of expected a pub or a bar
or a brewery or something.
Ending up on someone's front
porch, not what I expected.
(foreign language)
- Is it okay if we try?
(foreign language)
- Salute.
(foreign language)
And you?
(foreign language)
- Cheers.
- And another one.
Yeah, it doesn't take
long with this glass.
- It's good.
I mean, it's not like drinking
homemade Mongolian liqour.
- She's got a closet in the back here
that she wants to show us.
It's one of my grandma,
actually she jars fruit and like cherries
and beets and pickles and
all that kind of stuff
but she didn't have this, a
whole cellar full of booze.
- You know, some people have a wine cellar
but few grandmas have
their own liquor store
in the back of her house.
Imagine discovering
that your grandma has it
like miss liquor.
- I (mumbling) I wonder
what's in these buckets.
These buckets, I think this is what's,
this is the product here.
Yeah i shouldn't be snooping.
(indistinct) is snoop.
Oh, she got like raspberries in there.
(foreign language)
- Thanks grandma.
Oh yeah.
(foreign language)
- You know how most grandmas
are like, "Eat, eat",
this grandma is like,
"Drink, drink, drink",
so we better not let her down.
- We won't break her
beautiful poor old heart.
- This is raspberry.
- Wow.
- Which one's your favorite so far?
- I haven't had the green one yet.
- Hey Rosa. Can I have the green one?
(foreign language)
- She's like, "Yeah help yourself.
Eat the cookies right off of the tray.
It's fine. You're at grandma's house."
(Justin coughs)
- It's got some bite.
- Yeah. It has a bit more
bite to it, doesn't it?
- We should probably get out of here
before we drink her out
of a house and home.
- Yeah.
- We don't want that to happen to her.
Thank you.
(foreign language)
- Oh, grandma's house just got fuzzy.
(upbeat Chilean music)
- Remember this address.
- [Justin] When we first went to Chiloe,
we were really excited about learning
all this mythology that surrounds Chiloe,
and there was a lot of it.
We are gonna to this museum,
and we're gonna go learn
about these mythological
creatures and solve this mystery.
(indistinct chattering)
(foreign language)
- [Scott] We've been
told that Filiberto here
is kind of the resident
expert on Chilote mythology.
(foreign language)
He started to take us around
and there's signs in Spanish.
He's speaking a lot of Spanish
which we understand almost none of,
we're just following this
guy through his maze of woods
back here.
(foreign language)
- Part of this is actually
from a real animal.
Hopefully the real ones don't
have stick-on Google-y eyes
like this one.
(foreign language)
(Justin and Scott laughing)
- Shut up.
- I'm not afraid, are you afraid?
I'm actually afraid that this bridge
is actually gonna break.
(foreign language)
- This is a (foreign language)
We can go in.
You wanna to see the house of the...
I don't know,
like this is obviously for
children, but it's just,
I still can't put my finger
on exactly what this is.
Like if there's some mythology here
there's some, you know, history,
there's almost like little morals
and life lessons and stuff.
(foreign language)
- I'm just getting more and more confused.
Like coming here to trying
to figure out the methodology
was the whole point of this.
And then it ended up
becoming more about photos.
- This is it for children
and you learn nothing.
When we first got to Chile,
we found out that Valparaiso
was the center point
from which the rest of Chile developed.
- Apparently there's a UFO here.
I have no idea what that
has to do with mythology.
- We're pretty close to the highway,
I think it's just a hubcap from the truck.
But after being in Chiloe you realize that
Chiloe is really the heart of Chile.
It kind of represents the most dynamic
the most pure of Chilean culture I think.
This guy spent a fortune on Google-y eyes.
And despite the confusion with Filiberto,
one thing became clear.
Everyone on this Island
seems to be doing exactly
what they wanna be doing.
They figured out how to continue doing
what makes them the happiest.
And Filiberto seem pretty
excited to tell us something
before we left.
(foreign language)
(soft music)
- [Scott] We're the first ones here,
waiting for our ferry off the Chiloe.
Time to move on, there's
still more Chile to see.
There's a place that Justin
and I have always wanted to go.
Right now we're kind of
in the middle of Chile
and this is the closest the
water gets to this place.
But it's a cost thing,
so we're gonna leave it to chance.