Defiance (2013–2015): Season 3, Episode 12 - The Awakening - full transcript

Nolan, Amanda, and Irisa search for a way to stop invulnerable Kindzi from waking and transporting more Omec to Earth. Datak seeks escape from a deadly Omec compound. Stahma implores Alak for forgiveness before it's too late.

Previously on Defiance...

I didn't see Nolan.

Someone took him.

But he's alive, I can feel him.

I have chosen this human
as my enchanted. My pet.

My mother. You know
where she is, don't you?

I do not.

She comes anywhere
near me or my son, I'll kill her.

You're going to help me hunt.

What is that?

A control stem.

What's this thing on your neck.

Did the Omec do
something to you?

Yes, they did.

What's that?

A vaccine.

You underestimate me, daughter.

You have broken my heart.

You left me no choice.

Your strength will become my own.

It is time to awaken and seize
the world we were long ago promised.

It is time for our
Dread Harvest to begin.

It doesn't look infected.

Any pain or numbness here?

I don't think so. No.

Okay, then.
Wiggle your piggies.

Piggies are what
you call toes, not fingers.

Is English your first language?


Then don't correct me.

Is English your first language?

If you have to keep track,

you can't call yourself fluent.

Wait, you know I
don't like needles.

Then hold your ankles

and think of Charles de Gaulle.

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Yewll, please.

- Here.
- Good.



Yewll, what in
the three hells are you doing?


Answer me, you shyster!

A shyster is
a disreputable lawyer.

I'm a disreputable doctor.

They're controlling her.

They stuck
an implant in her neck.

She can't help herself.

Doc, this isn't you.

You have to fight back!

I've been trying.

Unfortunately for all of us,
I was engineered for slavery.

I'm sorry.
It's humiliating.

Oh, Meh.

I do wish I could spare you

the terrible pain
of embarrassment.

I'm sorry, Datak.
You don't deserve this.

None of you do.

Deserve what?

Deserve what?


Deserve what?

Eyes out for Kindzi.

You see her, shoot to kill.

Any idea what she wants?

Nope, but I do know
she's got blood on her hands.

T'Evgin's blood.
And I'm gonna make her pay.

Kiddo, you're with me.

I want to circle back
to the mines,

see if we can
pick up her tracks.

Nolan. My husband
is missing.

We're kinda busy
right now, Stahma.

I'm afraid the Omec
daughter has hurt him.

What does Kindzi
have against Datak?

What do you know?

She wants me dead.

T'Evgin was protecting me,
but now he's disappeared.

Datak went to Doctor Yewll

looking for a weapon
to kill an Omec

and now he's gone as well.

I know how you
feel about me, Amanda.

How you all feel.

I would not come to you

if I were not
genuinely frightened.

Stahma, T'Evgin's dead.

Are you sure?

We were there.



I'm gonna go get her now.

What the hell was that?

There are many of them.


In sleep pods,
aboard their ship.

Thousands upon thousands
of sleeping Omec.

T'Evgin wanted them to coexist
peacefully with the people of Earth.

With him gone

leadership will fall to Kindzi.

Under her command, the Omec

will attempt
to conquer this planet.

Enslave us.

Ultimately, consume us.

Come on.

Those meteor flashes?

I think it is
just the beginning.

Thousands of Omec
and you didn't tell us?

T'Evgin threatened me.
I had no choice.

Bullshit! You could
have come to me.

We might have had
a chance to stop them

before it became
a full-blown invasion.

If you had not invited
the Omec into this town,

given them our gulanite,

perhaps we would not
be in this position in the first place.

Don't you dare put this on me.

It is the truth.

What are you doing with me?

No. Don't, please.


The sun feels good.

Why am I so weak?

You've been asleep a long time.

You'll feel better
once you've eaten.

Don't worry.

It'll be over soon.

What will be over?

Please don't leave me.

Don't leave me!

Please. Please.

I have children.

So do I.

And they are hungry.


Where is
the All-Father?

T'Evgin was murdered.

BY Whom?

He was betrayed by a concubine.

One of the lessers.

A traitor among her own people.

His death must be avenged.

It will be.


I have taken T'Evgin's strength,

I am the All-Mother now,

and I will do whatever it takes

to protect the Omec race.

Enemies all around us.

This is the curse of our people.

I must grow strong.


What do you got?

Doc Yewll.

What's she doing here?

Oh, Christ.

That poor woman.

You're gonna kill Kindzi?


Doesn't it make sense
to interrogate her?

I'll interrogate the other two.

She's got this coming.

What the hell?

Get back to the car! Go!

I don't understand.

How could commander T'Evgin,
a conqueror of many ages,

be murdered by
weapons such as these?

Are you calling me a liar?

Every conqueror has a limit.

Even T'Evgin.

The Casti whore poisoned him.

He died in my arms.

And I ate his heart.

Any more questions?

I meant no disrespect,


I don't understand.

When we were in the mines,
two bullets took her down.

Maybe she's been
eating her spinach.

I don't know. I emptied my gun
into her. I shot her in the head.

Damnedest thing.

The ga-po-li-RAAZE ritual.

The what ritual?



I've been studying
up on my Omec history.

It's a funeral tradition.


When an Omec commander dies,

his children eat his vital organs
and gain his strength.

So now Kindzi's as
strong as her father was?

Well, assuming
the book's accurate, yes.

T'Evgin comes from
a long line of commanders.

He survived countless wars.

So now his unhinged,
unstoppable daughter

is at the head of
ten thousand Omec.

We gotta get up to that ship.
Cut 'em off at the source.

How are we gonna do that?
Sprout wings?

I dunno, I suggest
we find a way.

We have a situation.

Thirteen people
reported missing in 24 hours.

Omec. No.

Doc Yewll.

They were all on their way
to doctor's appointments.

A bad tooth, broken wrist,
pregnancy check-up.

They never returned home.

That's why Yewll
was in the field with the Omec.

Wait. Why would she
be working with the Omec?

It makes no sense.

I suggest we find
her and we ask her.

In the meantime,
kiddo, you and Berlin

do a block-to-block search.

Sweep the streets.

Find those missing people.

You okay?

I'm fine.

There's no way out.

There's always a way out.

You know I once spent
six months locked in a cage.

And that was... That was worse
because I was alone.

You know who rescued me?

Joshua Nolan.

I know they call him
"The Butcher", but...

I just think he's amazing.

Yeah, he's swell.


Nolan rescued me once,
and he's gonna do it again.

You know how I know that?

I don't really care.

I know that because of faith.

Faith is a very
important quality

for a long-term prisoner.

Faith gets you
through the rough patches.

And faith keeps
despair far, far away.

Do you suppose
faith will prevent me

from pissing into your cage?

Please don't do that.


Not yet.

People are scared.
They're staying inside.

If I see any Omec, they're gonna
be sorry they picked this town.

I heard T'Evgin, before he died.

The rest of the Omec
aren't like Kindzi.

Well he's wrong.

You saw those Omec.

They were eating a person.

We don't know what
Kindzi's telling them.

Maybe there's another way
beside shooting them, one by one.

Like what?

Maybe we can to talk to them.

You're serious.

Okay. Well, if you can
figure out how to say,

"Please don't eat me,"
in Omec, let me know.

You heard Nolan.
Shoot to kill.

We need more food.
Bring out another one.

You might wanna
keep your voice down.

The key to effective
mass murdering

is to keep your victims
in the dark as long as possible.

Do not lecture me.

Sure thing, Boss.

Please, no!

Let's go, Jormir.



Please don't let
the Enchanters take me.

Please! No! Please!

Please don't!

Don't. Please don't!

You, Castithan.
I recognize you.

You're Stahma's mate.

I'm also the last person
you'll see before you die.

Your meat does not seem
as tender as your wife's.

Surely this isn't about meat.
It's about revenge.

Am I right?

Revenge against the Votan races
who rose against the...


and pushed you back
to your home planet

like a bunch of
scared little bitches.

And then there's that
unfortunate incident with your arks.

I will not rise to bait proffered
by a funny caged animal.

Tell me.

Millions of Votans and humans
inhabit the Earth.

How will ten-thousand Omec,
even with a space ship,

successfully conquer them all?

And once conquered,
how will you control them?


The people of Earth will not surrender
their planet without a fight.

How many Omec fatalities
will you suffer along the way?

How many can you afford to lose

before your race
can no longer sustain itself?

3,000? 4,000?

Probably less, when one
factors in all the in-breeding.


Are you going to eat him?

I want this smug piece
of white meat to understand

that words have consequences.

I am going now to
seek out your wife.

Before she dies
sobbing and alone,

I will let her know it was
your words that killed her.

You go near her,
I swear you'll suffer.

The more threats you make,
the emptier they sound.

Trusted lieutenant,

go greet the new arrivals
and lead them here, to feed.

Where are you going...


To avenge our father's death.

Stay away from her!



Doesn't look like she's
been here for a while.

It's okay.

No. It's not.

Come on.
Let's go track her down.

What's the point?

How 'bout survival?

They keep coming, Nolan.

More and more of them. And we have
no way of stopping them.

By my last count
there's six, plus Kindzi

against the entire town.
We can beat them.

Can we?

Of course we can.

Hell, it wouldn't feel like home

if we weren't on
the verge of annihilation.

No, this time it's different.

This time it's on me.

I'm so stupid.

Amanda don't...

I believed him.

We all did.

Yeah, but I got on the radio
and I vouched for him.

I... I urged
people not to judge him

on the sins of his ancestors.

I asked them to
give him a chance.

The stasis nets needed power.

And you had to protect the town.

You did not create
this situation.

I was warned repeatedly.

I knew we were dealing
with dangerous predators, I...

But I thought I knew better.

I thought I could win them over.

And I just opened
the door to the Omec

and let them come in
and help themselves.

If you hadn't,
Rahm Tak would have killed

every human being in Defiance.

Well, that would
have been preferable

to what the Omec
have in store for our planet.

I give up.

When Irisa and I
got back to Defiance,

and I saw those
stasis nets down,

and the streets were empty,

I knew this town was on
the brink and I didn't know why.

I didn't know what had happened,

but when I was
climbing those stairs,

I was praying one thing.

One thing only.

That you were
still behind that desk.

Because I knew that if you
were still in charge,

that Defiance had a pulse.

Now, if we're gonna
beat the Omec,

and we are gonna beat the Omec,

then this town is
gonna need our mayor.

I'm gonna need her.

Thank you.

You're welcome.


My brothers and
sisters are still hungry.

You want me to burp them?

Bring me a native of Earth.

A native, of Earth. Now.

Coming right up.

Stupid Indogene.

You. Ginger.

Wait, why me?
Why am I next?

That guy was
here before me! No I wasn't!

He was
here first! No, I wasn't!

You should be
taking him first! You liar!

Take him!

Hey, leave the ginger.

Take me instead.

I do not wish to sit
penned up like livestock.

I prefer to get this over with.

Hurry up, shape-taker!


Why not?

Because I can't
bear to see it, okay?

Let's go!

I'll be right there!

I might not be able
to say no to the Boss,

but I sure as hell
can say no to you.

Come on, Red.

Wait, wait.

You're not fooling anyone.


All this false compassion.
The crocodile tears.

You play at having a heart,
but it's a convenient fiction.

You're a conglomeration
of stem cells.

A machine that learned
to mimic emotion

through careful observation.

- That's not true.
- No?

You'd like me and all these people
around me to believe

that this ordeal is a deep
burden upon your soul,

but the truth is,
you don't have a soul!

You're wrong!
You're empty!

A golem!


You really want out of
this cage, don't you?

Meh, I'm sorry.

I just can't take the waiting.
It's torture.

If there's anything left of a
friendship between us, please...

Please, end this for me.

Ride baby, Ride baby

What you gonna do?

With that sun
shining down on you...

Daddy's bringing you...


Please don't be angry.

Why would I be angry?

She insisted on coming.

Okay. I don't wanna hear it.

It's time you both talked.

That's not for you to decide!


Hey. You had no right
to bring her here!

Not here. Okay.

This was Christie's house!

The yelling upsets him.

Me too.

I needed to see you.

Well, you've seen me.

Now get out.

Your father is missing.

Come on, Enchanters.

Come and take
a taste of Datak Tarr.

Datak got one!

There, there.

Well, that shouldn't cause
any unwanted attention.

Will he be all right?

A little TLC,
a little protoform, he'll be fine.

I think the female Omec
has taken him.

Oh, yeah?
Why would she do that?

Kindzi wants me to suffer
before killing me.

Maybe you shouldn't
have had sex with her father.


Please do not attack me.

Not right now.

Oh, I'm sorry.
That was great.

Great show.

Did you practice
in front of a mirror?

Stop it!

It occurs to me, Mother,
that if the Omec

really are trying to get to you

through your family,

well then you've led them
straight to my front door!

To Luke's front door!

Did you not think of that?

You know,
Pilar was right about you.

You're a classic narcissist.


Bring the baby!

You're right.

I was upset.
I did not think clearly.

We have to go somewhere safe.

Somewhere she won't
think to look for us.

Pack a bag.

I'll hurry Andina along.

Damn fade So well behaved

Better to be a princess
than a bird in a cage

What a load of bull! Ha!

Mama's gotta prove...

What's the matter, Officer?
Was I speeding?

Step out of the roller, Doc.

I'm, uh, actually
making a house call

out to Freddy
the Liberata's place.

Kind of in a rush here.
Oh, yeah?

How is old Freddy these days?

He's got a high fever, vomiting.

Might be the Irath flu.


Some of your patients
have been going missing.

Quite a few in
a short span of time.

I've had a lot of
no-shows lately.

Might be some connection. Now, if you'll
excuse me, I have a life to save.

What was that?



I want an explanation now.

I value my patient's privacy.


What's going on?

Why are you working with them?

I heal everybody, regardless
of race, color, or creed.

What about that poor woman in
the field? The one they were eating?

How were you
helping to heal her?

Nolan, look.
What is that?

- What's on the back of your neck?
- That's just a mole.

I should... I should really
have that looked at.

Ow! Ow!
Ow, ow, ow, ow.

That really...

That really hurts!

Oh, thank God.

What was that thing?

An Omec control stem.

Give me that.

Please, Amanda.

Looks like Momma
got her groove back.

Was this your endgame?


All this.

What are you talking about?

You showing up here,

accidentally putting
Luke and me in danger.

I... I wasn't thinking.

No, that's not it.

You're always thinking.

That's what makes you
so exhausting to deal with.

Yes, Favi Stahma?

Put the baby in the roller.

No, you know, stay put, Andina.

My mother will be leaving alone.


I didn't get it
at first, but now I do.

See, you figured that we'd have
no choice but to go with you.

As usual, you found
a way to exploit a crisis

and turn it into
your own advantage.

I would never intentionally
put our family in danger.

Our family is a fraud!

The fine clothes on your back,

the plentiful food
in your belly.

There was nothing fraudulent
about that, was there?

The record albums, your own car.

You never wanted for anything.

Petek Keev.

Protek Keev.

For God's sake.

In the name of family,

you made me beat
the living crap out of that kid.

He was a despicable little runt.

He was my friend.

If we had not forced your hand,
you would have been mocked.

I was seven years old!

Old enough to uphold your liro!

Petek Keev was
an innocent little kid!

With jekking asthma!

But because he was
in the Yuke liro,

I was supposed to
knock his teeth out?

And when I finally did,

when I couldn't stop crying

because of what you
made me do to my friend,

to my friends.

You laughed at me.

Your father laughed.

I did not.

Don't blame Dad!

You control everything
that happens in this family.

At one time, yes.

But I lost control of my life

the day that you and Christie
were kidnapped.

Since then, the harder
I fight to regain control,

the less remains.

I love you, my son.

I want you to love me back,

I want your respect.

But I understand
the nature of loss.

Sometimes it is inevitable.

I'm sorry I came.

It was never my intent
to put my family in danger,

but I understand why you would
suspect the worst of me.


Mom, I wanna believe you mean it

but you never mean
anything you say.

Good bye.


Mom, don't.

Just stop, okay?
Look it's...

It's dangerous out there.

I will be fine.

What should I do?
Should I...

Should I go after her?
Should I stop her?

That's what she wants me to do.

Do you want an honest opinion?

Yeah. Of course.

Forget your mother.

Think about Luke.
He's in danger if we stay here.

No! Please!

Let me go!


Okay. Okay.

Can we... Can we just
talk about this?

No. No.


Dear God, if you are real,

I'm sorry that I
didn't believe in you.

But I swear,
I believe in you right now.

I knew you'd come.

None of these are Kindzi.

She's still out there somewhere.

With more on the way.

You weren't in control
of your actions.

So what?

People died. Because of me.

I know the feeling.

Now get over it and move on.

We got a war to fight.

Yours is the last bag
to move, Favi.

Thanks, Andina.

I don't...

I don't know what
I would've done without you

these past few weeks.

You shame me.

I'm sworn to your family.

I'm yours always.


I'm sorry. It's, um...

It's too soon.

No, the fault is mine, Favi.



Just call me Alak.

I'm a patient person, Alak.

I can wait.

Your mother's come back.




All right. Your turn.

My father is dead
because of you.

He's dead because
you murdered him.

Quiet, Casti whore!


What is that I hear?





Nice try.



Leave him alone!




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