Defiance (2013–2015): Season 2, Episode 12 - All Things Must Pass - full transcript

Pottinger captures Datak and Stahma. Nolan tries to save a wounded Tommy. Irisa puts Irzu's plan in motion.

Previously on

So did you get
to Mendocino?

Find your mother?
Yeah, and you threw
her away.

I don't understand.
How can you just do that?

I made a choice.
Protect Pilar,

the woman I love,
or protect her children.

Hello, my love.

You should have made me
a partner.

Irisa needs me.

She stole a terrasphere.

What would she want
with a terrasphere?

No idea, but a terrasphere
could level this town.

You tricked me.

The Kaziri is
controlling how you feel.

The Irisa you knew
is gone.

Hey. Hey. Hold on.

Our time apart...

Has been good
for your virility.

Oh, my virility
never waned.

But we cannot
make this a habit.

Well, who's to stop us?

The men of your crew

watch my movements carefully.

If they knew you and I
had been together...

They would feel

Oh, they should
feel threatened.

That's a problem.

How can I allow
you to return home

knowing you will seek
to punish our employees?

Well, they beat me
like an animal.

I gave the order.


If I were to promise to
forgive their filthy,
traitorous sins,

you would welcome
me back home?

Well, the sex was

But there
would be other
conditions as well.

Such as?

You agree to
never again lay
a hand on our son.

Well, as long as
he respects me...

As you wish.

I will continue to bathe alone
whenever I please.


I will oversee
all business operations

and make strategic
decisions as I see fit.

You will be in charge
of security and collections.

We will have an
equal partnership.

You planned this.

You made me think
I had successfully
seduced you.

Your intent was to
addle my thinking

with the fruit
of your chivo

and trick me into
agreeing to your
ridiculous demands!

My demands
are more than fair.

I will not be

I will not be manipulated!

I will not have my wife
pretending she's
smarter than me!

I'm not pretending, love.

Get out! Get the
three-hells out!

Get the three-hells

I told you...

What are you
doing here?

It's my office.

I may not be anyone's
idea of a lawman,

but I did help you people
drive off a Volge army.

Thank you. So what
are you gonna do?

Just sit here and drink?

What if Amanda's
assistant, Ben,

comes out of his coma?

Don't you want to
be sober to
interrogate him?

Now you seem like
a nice kid.
I'm not a kid.

So I'm gonna give
you some free advice.

When you're addressing
a stranger,

it's a good idea
to keep a civil tone.

This job is not just
about shooting Volge.

It's about justice.

Justice is about
what's right.

And after the day I've had,
it's good and right
I get drunk.

Good news for you, kid,

is my daughter gets restless.

Two, three weeks,
we'll blow outta this town

and you can have that
shiny little badge
all to yourself.

I figure about 15 klicks
till the stasis net.

I'm not gonna
make it, Nolan.

I'm loving that
positive attitude.

Look, that knife
missed any major
arteries, okay?

We'll get you back to

get you patched up.
You're gonna be okay.

But the world's not.

Are going to fire
on Earth.

This whole
planet's gonna
be gone...

Find the man
in her diary.

I know this guy.

Traveling solicitor
for the Irathient tribe.

Irisa showed us
a picture of him. She...

She told us to
kill him any time
we saw him.

She sounded scared.

Irisa would only be
scared of him if she knew
he could stop her.

Somehow the two of
them are linked.

Slow down!

It's time to
seize the ship.

Remove the keys.

One for each
of us.

Kaziri will be
harmless, so long as
we remain apart.

Once we do this...

We can never
again be together.

How long was I out?

Five minutes.

Of course, the original recipe
calls for quinoa patties,

but I had to substitute
for farro.

I do hope you enjoy
the hollandaise sauce.

I use white wine vinegar
instead of lemon juice.

Just a... Just a dash
of turmeric.

Mmm. It's delicious.

It is?

It's not too salty?
No. It's perfect.


It's been a long time
since someone cooked
a meal for me.

I'm hardly a chef.

I tried to teach myself
how to cook

when I was
stationed in Prague.

My first triumph,
boiled potatoes.



Kenya and I,
when we were little,

we found a book
that had these photographs

of old European cities.
Prague looked magical.

It is. You can feel it
when you walk down

those winding
cobblestone streets.

I think that's probably why
it survived all those
old-world wars.

Hmm. I wish I'd seen it.

Well you can.

I'm serious.

I have access to maritime
travel through the Republic.

It can be done.

Anything can be done if
you put your mind to it.

This moment
is living proof.

Keep away from
the others.

This way.


Hi. You look good.

How's the kids?

Quentin's so loyal.
He's been very comforting.

He's the reason I'm free.

And Christie?

I haven't been to see her yet.

Little afraid.

Considering what I...
Yeah. Yeah.
What you tried to do.

I never told her.

I told all the kids that
you were, uh, killed.

By raiders, right?

Did I fight back?

Like a wildcat.

Did I take any
down with me?

Two. Plugged 'em
right in the head.

Always was a good

Next time you
tell the story,
make it three.

Three's my
lucky number.

Oh. I don't think I'll
be telling that story again.

May I kiss you?
I just wanna see.


Thank you.

Quentin says you're okay
these days. Is that true?

Uh, you're
not still sick?

Never been better.
'Cause if you're not,

just please promise me that
you'll get some help.

I know people that
you can talk to and...

I'll see you soon.

How'd it go?

Really, really well.

I'm ready.
Let's go see your sister.

Stahma? Stahma!

Are you all right?

Where are we?

I have no idea.

It's a simple

Take the upcard or pass.
Are you gonna take all night?

Why? You have plans?

Guess not.
Pushy, pushy.

I'm gonna get
something to eat.

Can I trust you
not to peek?

I'm a hallucination
induced by an EGO
implant in your neck.

So are the cards.
Why would I bother?

Didn't answer the question.
Of course I'm not
gonna peek.

Oh, bloody hell.

What's wrong?
Shrill got into the food.

It's all ruined.

Oh, honey,
that's too bad.

"Too bad?"
That's all you've
gotta say?

Datak is not due back
for another three weeks.

We're gonna starve to death.
I don't eat.

Well, I'm sorry,
but it's true.

I am gonna die
down here.

Maybe we should climb
back up to the surface.

Do you know the way?

Through all those winding
tunnels? Because I sure
as hell don't.

We have to keep moving.
It's our only shot.

We'll find our way topside,
and go somewhere far away,

where no one's ever
heard of Defiance.

You can set up shop.
Heal people.

You can do it...
Shut up.

But if I end up
eaten by shrill or
impaled on a stalagmite,

I will hold you
personally responsible.

Oh, oh, oh.
Well, nice language, Lev.

Do you kiss your mother
with that mouth?

Our employees did
not do this.

Of course they did!

They would never
keep us prisoner.

They would have
killed us immediately.

They'll wish they'd
killed me when their
mouths are stuffed

full of their
own jondura.

Does that make
you feel better?

Fantasies of revenge?

What has revenge
ever gotten you?

Time in prison?

Getting kicked out of
your own home,

forced out of
your own business?

You will
never learn, will you?

"Oh. Foolish Datak.
Never learned to think.

"Can't control his temper

"Can't take a piss
without his wife there to
shake his Huch afterwards."

All of this is true.
The day I learn,

the day I change,
is the day you lose
your purpose!

I have plenty of purpose.
I have a thriving business.

A business you stole!
Stolen by a treacherous wife!
A business you abandoned...

Abandoned due to your own
When I escaped Reverie,

I should have drowned
you like the unfaithful
rodent you are.

Unfaithful? I wasn't
unfaithful enough.

I should have left Defiance
with Kenya Rosewater
last year!

I wish you had.
I'd have tracked
you both down

and buried you both
in a cozy grave for two.
I would have

slayed your throat...
Oh, who's harboring revenge
fantasies now, darling?

...first and left you
for the worms in
Edmund Field.

The truth is, you
have no power over me.

You kept me locked up
and I came back.

You beat me
and I got back up.

You took my
business and I adapted.

You cast me out of my bed,
but you still opened
your legs for me.

Do you want to know why?

Do you wanna...
Do you wanna know why?

Three female Sensoths.
Lipstick, perfume,
bows in their hair.

And they asked me,
do I want to play?

Naturally, I haul ass out
of there as fast as I can.

But Daddy Sensoth,
he gets the wrong idea.

He comes after me
with a punishment stick.

Hey, Tommy. Wake up. Hey.

That's it.
I need you to stay with
me, okay, buddy?

I'm just gonna have
a look at you, that's all.


All right. Tommy. Hey.
You're losing too much blood.

We're gonna have to do
something about that,
all right?

You stay with me.
All right.

Irisa, stop. Come on.
I'm serious.

I need to talk to you.
We can talk later.


Will you marry me?

It's not funny. Irisa.

I love you.

More than anyone
I've ever loved in my life.

And I don't
ever want to spend any
time apart from you.

I wanna make you my wife.
And I wanna be your husband.


Because that's what you do.
When you love someone,

and you know they're the one,
you make a commitment.

You don't want to marry me.
Yes, I do.

With all my heart.
I'm different.

Yes, you are.
But that's why I love you.

I'll only end up hurting you.

You're right.
You know I am
quick to anger.

I regret my words earlier.

I regret my failure to
make you a full partner.

But never have I
regretted our marriage.

I believe I can change.
I want to. For you.

You say all this
now, shackled,

and probably about to die.

But the truth is,

you will never put me
or anyone else before

That will never change.

There we go.

We'll give it some
time to set and then
we'll head off.

Don't talk, kid.

I want to thank you.

Nah, you don't have
to thank me.
Yes, I do.

You saved my life.

Ah. Don't thank me yet.

the bleeding's stopped.

You're one tough kid.

I'm not a kid.

No, sir, you are not.

You know what I'll miss
most about Defiance?

The hot lady mayor?

You have the weirdest

I'm a manifestation
of your subconscious thoughts
and desires.

You can stop
talking now.

Does any of this
seem familiar to you?

This certainly does.
Meh, take a look.

There is only
one thing on this
planet that can do that.

Holy Christmas.

You know, you
don't have to do that.

I enjoy it.

It's the one time in life
where you can actually

put things back
the way they used to be.

You know we should
head into work.

See if there's any word
on Tommy.

I've given us
the rest of the day off.

I have a gift for you.
A surprise.

Well, I don't like

Come on.

Where are we?

Oh, my God. This is Kenya's.

She was wearing it the night
she was murdered.

How did you?

I found the people
who killed her.

Come on.
I'll show you.


What makes you
think that they killed Kenya?

- That is a monstrous lie.
- Their Sensoth Raiga

came to me
seeking assistance.
Raiga. Well that explains

Turns out he's
rather keen on bringing down
the House of Tarr.

Raiga Suhon is a liar.
Do you have proof of
anything he said?

He gave me a
laundry list of crimes...
If you do I'd like to see it.

They've both committed...
Clearly Raiga is the one
who killed your sister.

Amongst them...
He's trying to pin the blame
on us.

The murder of your
sister, Kenya.

Shut your mouth!

Stahma poisoned her.

I wanted to give
you the chance

to carry out justice
any way you see fit.

I'll be outside.


Sweet Christie.


Look at you.
All grown up.

So beautiful.

I thought you
were dead.

I wish they still
made ice cream.

I would love to
take you out for
ice cream.

I like sugar bread.

There's a place
over in the market.

They serve tangbark tea.
It's almost like coffee.

Let's go there.

I don't want to seem clingy.

But I spent the last
several years on a
Votan religious sanctuary,

sort of a cross between
a monastery and a
work farm.

Physical contact was

and I haven't been
hugged in a very long time.

Could you...

Would you please?

Is it true?
Of course not!

Your fancy mayor is wrong!

Trying to impress you
with repugnant lies from a
disgruntled employee!

Let me help you understand.

Your sister was having
an affair with my wife.

This is not the
right moment.

Which is why I
forced Stahma
into killing her.

Please don't do this.

Oh, she feared for
her own life

and she had no choice
in the matter.

Will you stop?
Stop it!

Amanda, please.

all citizens of Defiance.

This is the Earth Republic.

We have assumed
control of the town.

- Keep it moving.
- Get 'em in the truck.

- This way.
- That one full, sir?

Bring another one in.
Follow me.
Yeah, come on.

Oh man.
You got hit.

Nah, not my blood.

You, stop right there.

What's with all
the E-Rep?

I don't know.
They just started
rolling in.

People are saying
Datak Tarr sold us out.

Did he win the election?

Then that's exactly
what he did.

Sorry to leave you
in the lurch.

It's all right.
It's Irisa.
You have to. Here.

No, I'm not taking
your money.

You gotta go find her.

Protect her.
And that takes cash.


Nolan, remember
when you first came
to Defiance,

how outraged I
was that they made
you lawkeeper?

I'm still outraged.


I'm gonna miss you.

Tell you what,

as soon as we get this whole
"end of the world"
thing sorted out

and get Irisa
back to normal,

not only am I gonna
pay you back,
with interest,

but I'm gonna take you out
and get you good and drunk.

I don't think I've ever
seen you good and drunk.

Not a pretty sight.

Well, you kid yourself.

You're not that
pretty sober.

I loved Kenya.

Don't insult me.

In the name of
Rayetso I am
telling you the truth.

I had one thing in
this mess of a world.

One person who
I could depend on.

One person who I loved,

and who loved me back,

She was my baby sister.
And you took her away
from me.

You have every
right to take my life.

Pull the trigger.

I knew Kenya
better than anyone
in this world.

She had a gift for
knowing what people need.

It was a business.

She didn't love you
any more than she loved
Rupert the miner.

Or Datak.

Your love was not returned.

Before you die,
I want you to know that.

To protect my liro...

No. Don't kill her.
...from shame, I willingly
accept the...

If you have to,
kill me, too.


I can't live without her.

Amanda. No.

What? You didn't?

I don't want to
talk about it.

All right. I'll, uh,
I'll have them shipped
off to Reverie.

No. If the Tarrs
go missing,

there will be
a power vacuum.

The crime lords
will go to war,

and blood will be shed
on the streets.

If we're gonna get rid
of them, we have to
plan it properly.

Sorry, I...
I don't understand.

Is that really
the reason?

You thought serving up
my sister's killers

in some abandoned silo,

handing me a gun
to execute them,

you thought that
would make me happy?

I thought I was
giving you closure.

Clearly I misjudged you.

I'm sorry.

You didn't
misjudge me.

Hey, hey.
Where are you going?

I wanted to shove that gun
into Stahma Tarr's mouth

and pull the trigger.
I wanted it bad.

But what does that
say about me?

I'm sorry for Kenya.

I didn't understand
how you felt.

Plenty of regret
to go around.

What you said was brave.

I think it appealed
to something human in her.

Kept us both alive.
Thank you.

You're welcome.

Did you mean it?

Taking a bullet is easier
than living with the knowledge

that I've lost you.

So you've given up.

I haven't been
good to you,

and you're right.

I probably won't
be able to change.

Not enough.

Perhaps if we
each changed a little.

I married well.

Yes. You did.

The Kaziri's been activated.

It has to be Irisa.

Both keys are
inside of her.

I have to go up
and stop her.

The Kaziri will
the planet, Lev.

All life will be extinct.

Except for the ones
who are saved.

You could climb
into one of these pods.

She'll save you.


The Kaziri arkbrain
is female.

The Kaziri is also
a concatenation of
arkbrain fragments.

Just like the "EGO"
device inside of my neck.

Is this the Kaziri that I'm
speaking with right now?

Did you just hack
my imaginary wife?

She's speaking
through me, Meh.

Trying to carry out the
instructions our people

programmed into her
3,000 years ago.

Oh, is that all?
Well then, by all means, yes,

genocide ho.

Her goal is to create
a Votan paradise
for the worthy.

You can join her.
She'll protect you

from all the humans
above who want you dead.

There is a place
for you in the paradise.

Yeah. You see,
that whole us versus
them mentality

doesn't fly with
me anymore.

You can tell the
Kaziri to take her

instructions and shove
them up her virtual ass.

I can't allow you
to leave here.

If you could stop me,
you already would have.

Goodbye, Lev.

Like stealing
sugarbread from children.

Ah, a game of Ivali.

Six-Face or Cards-Over?

I come as a friend.

You are not
welcome here.

Turning a fellow gambler away
from a game of Ivali,

that is not the
Castithan way, Raiga.

I've come to beg
your forgiveness.

Slitting my friend
Ozin's throat...

I was living by
rules from a world that
no longer exists.

I've come for a fresh start.

Cold ale.
Spicy corn nuts.

And the company of
old comrades.

We will gladly
take your money, Datak.

Remember when we
used to play Ivali

in that muddy back
alley off Urdu Street?

Stondak bringing his
girlfriends to watch.

You were quite the
swordsman in your day, Ston.

Raiga could see his own
feet back then.

I want you to know,
I bear no grudge.

You betrayed our
family because you feared
for your lives.

I understand. You did
what you felt you had to.

But since I emerged unscathed,

I would have been happy
to leave it at that.

My wife, on the other hand,

well, she's less forgiving.

It's part of what makes
her such a strong leader,
I suppose.

You see, I've never been
partial to poisons.

I've always felt
like it was "women's work."

But this wonderful paralytic
that my wife has concocted...

Well. It is too
brilliant to ignore.

It's made from
Rudash oil.

Applied to the gloves,

the cards...

And you.

Let's go home.

Son of a bitch.
I can see the stasis net!

We're close, Tommy.

Someone's coming!
Watch your backs!

What happened?

Oh, God.

Oh, no. No.

How, Nolan?

There's something
inside Irisa.

Did Irisa kill him?

She's not herself.

Did Irisa kill Tommy?


Wake up!

Irisa's father?

On your feet.

Where are we going?

To find Irisa.

My daughter needs
your help.

Well, I want nothing more
to do with your
freakshow daughter.

She kissed me a few weeks
back and infected me with

She kissed you?

And now I can't think
straight anymore.