Deadliest Catch (2005–…): Season 15, Episode 15 - Devil's Cut - full transcript
A Cornelia Marie deckhand suffers a devastating blow that requires emergency surgery at sea by Casey. Meanwhile, Captain Sig is left behind awaiting news from home.
bill: I swear that this game
of crab fishing can be
the absolute biggest
emotional roller coaster
of any job you'd ever have
in your entire life.
-All right!
[ cheers ]
Pot to pot, string to string,
day to day.
It's a good day at work.
Bill: You can have some of
your best emotional highs...
[ chuckling ] it's packed!
...And you can hit some bottoms
you never knew you had.
What did the doctor say?
[ sighs ]
-look out!
-Oh, no!
Oh, yeah, it's bad.
Bill: To do this,
we have to endure.
Sean: This dude fought
for our country.
He's gonna show us
how tough he really is.
-There are no excuses.
I want to do my job.
If the job was easy,
everybody would do it.
Are you kidding me?
I got this.
captions paid for by
discovery communications
Just 132 miles northwest
of dutch harbor...
Down south is a desert.
Everybody else went way up
north, and we stayed.
...Left behind by the fleet
who headed north long ago
to cash in on the russian line,
the northwestern patrols the
southern opilio grounds alone.
Sig: I'm trying to be
enthusiastic here.
We've had one of the roughest
starts I can remember
for many different reasons --
electrical, personal.
[ chuckles ]
need to see some crab here now.
These southern waters have
barely put a dent in sig's
$1.8 million opilio quota,
leaving him scrambling
for any sign of life.
Sig: You ready?
First pot's coming up.
so, this is a tester pot
we threw out last night.
It's got about 14 hours
soaked on it.
If this thing hits crab,
you know,
we just bought
some real estate,
and that's what
we're looking for right now.
Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on.
Oh, no.
Narrator: Unfortunately for sig,
there's a good reason
no one is fishing
this close to town.
That -- that I don't like.
[ sighs ]
There's rumors
of fishing up north,
and it looks
real good up there.
But I have my reasons
for being down here.
Just two days ago...
I can be there in --
in the next day.
...Sig received tragic news
from June,
his wife and soulmate
of 21 years.
It sounds like my wife
has a form of cancer.
So, right now, we're waiting
for word to find out
how bad it really is.
We were planning on moving
our gear up north.
We heard there's much better
fishing up there.
because of the bad news,
I think it's best that we stay
as close to land as possible.
Oh, no!
We got to put these pots
on crab.
That's all there is to it.
It'll be a miserable day
if we don't.
Sig: You know,
these numbers are terrible.
But we're not going anywhere
until I know how my wife is.
[ exhales sharply ]
she's always been there for me,
and I will be there for her.
Until I hear from the doctor,
stick and stay and make it pay.
That's our motto.
396 miles northwest...
Well, long ways up here.
...The brenna a has arrived.
This is the furthest north
and the furthest west
I have ever been.
Getting close to where I want
to start setting.
Hopefully there's a lot of crab.
Got some ground to make up.
Feeling optimistic.
Showed up kind of late
to the party.
It's a nice big hot spot
up here.
A lot of company, but that's
generally what happens.
The biggest the pile of [bleep]
the more flies you attract.
Narrator: After striking out
down south, captain sean dwyer
elbows his way into the mosh
pit of the russian line,
looking to party on
the northern opilio grounds.
These boys got a long day
ahead of them.
Let's see how they do here.
Below deck, the crew gears up
for the coming set,
eager to make up for lost crab.
Brandon: Living like I'm back
in the military again,
so that's kind of exciting.
And, you know,
got myself a little bunk,
get to put up
the pictures of the family.
That's my life.
They are my life.
That's what I'm here for.
I do everything for them.
The brenna's newest crewman
is decorated
former marine and new hire,
greenhorn brandon ferris.
Brandon: That's iraq.
Went there a couple times.
Echo 25 infantry, baby.
So I know what it's like to do
all the gruntwork
and be a boot and a greenhorn
all over again, so...
Anybody in the marine corps
watching this,
you know what I'm talking about.
I'm a boot all over again.
I'm excited for it, though.
I'm ready.
I'm grateful as hell that sean
gave me this opportunity.
Here, it's kind of the same,
like camaraderie.
I can already tell
that's how it is.
You got a brotherhood.
I like that.
So I just got to work and prove
to sean
that I want to be here
and stay here.
It's gonna hurt and be painful,
but in the end, it's worth it.
Time to get her done, man.
Ready to plunder the deep?
We're ready.
[ chuckles ]
Off we go.
Back at it.
So, hopefully, we can get
these things dialed in.
Just up the russian line...
The north is a crazy place.
It's vast and desolate.
There ain't nothing up here
except for crab.
Man: Let's get it, boys!
Get me some crab!
...The cornelia marie continues
to bomb the russian line.
After getting our asses kicked
like ronda rousey did
twice in a row.
We feel like the flag looks
up there.
After taking every last blow
that arctic storm elsa
could muster...
[ beep ]
...Co-captains josh harris
and casey mcmanus
are still standing and still
dead set on nailing
their $1.23 million opilio quota
in a single trip.
Josh: I'm telling you, man,
we're the perfect combination
of lucky and good.
Well, now we're gonna find out
if we're good,
if we can stay
on top of them.
Josh: The guys are beaten
and battered,
but I'm pushing them
to the max.
We all love money.
They'll thank me later,
because we're gonna
fill this puppy up.
-We got three more to go.
Man: Hey!
Okay, let's go, let's go.
Jon: Ow!
[ groans ]
say that again?
You all right there, big dog?
Jon: Oh...
Got my hand smashed.
I'm kind of shaking it off,
but let's take the glove off
and see what we got,
'cause it [bleep] hurts.
Oh, yeah, it's bad.
Oh, it's [bleep] bad.
Like my dad says,
don't put your finger
where you wouldn't
put your penis.
Oh. Oh.
We got to go see casey
on this one.
Casey: What the [bleep]
happened to you?
I may or may not have
put my finger
in a compromised situation
during the set.
As the boat shifts, the
800-pound pot slides starboard,
crushing engineer
jon farrell's middle finger
between the crossbar
and the rail,
resulting in a blunt-force
impact powerful enough
to lacerate the finger
down to the bone.
that's meat, dog.
Or, in technical terms,
he smashed the crap out of it.
-No. Aah!
-That needs sutures.
-Oh, I know.
Come on.
Let's stitch this bitch up
so I don't lose you on deck.
Casey: Lidocaine.
Should we give him the good
stuff or the expired stuff?
In a rare moment of compassion,
casey will numb the wound
with a local anesthetic.
But he'll still get to jab
the bone-deep cut
with a 3-inch needle.
I always wanted to do that.
I seen that done on a tv show.
God, I'm shaking
like a leaf.
I'm getting nervous
letting casey do this now.
It's okay, bud.
I'm here for you.
Are you kidding me?
I got this.
I'll fix it
like I'm a professional.
Trust me.
All right.
Little, tiny poke.
Don't move
your finger.
Damn it!
Jon: Aah!
Narrator: 229 miles from
the nearest medic...
Don't move your finger.
Aah, you bitch!
...Captain casey prepares
to perform surgery
on the galley table...
-...Which is good or bad,
depending on whether
you're a patient or a diner.
Jon: Ow! Oh!
That was a good one.
-Whoa, oh, oh.
Jon: Sorry.
That's your skin.
Okay, you guys go away.
you're making me nervous.
Got to youtube
how to do stitches again.
[ laughing ] hang on.
You ready?
Getting a fairly good chunk
of the meat.
Let's make our suture
close properly.
Loop, through,
and pull.
Hey, I got it through.
Nailed it.
Narrator: Nine stitches later,
farrell is back
to full strength --
Casey did a pretty good job
stitching me up.
It's what
my best friend does.
I fix his boat,
he fixes my fingers.
the cornelia marie
can get back to fishing
after a quick bite to eat.
-Oh, it's cold.
-Want me to nuke it?
Yeah, please.
I'm so hungry.
That's all I was looking forward
to doing was eating,
and then
I smashed my finger.
narrator: 389 miles away...
Oh, man.
[ speaks indistinctly ]
...In the nearly deserted
southern opilio grounds...
This area's really, really
wrecking havoc on us.
These numbers are terrible,
and it's not what we want.
But we don't have a choice.
We're not going anywhere
until I know how my wife is.
Narrator: ...Captain sig hansen
and the northwestern crew
scrape up
what little they can find,
staying close to land
and a possible flight out.
This cancer business
has been driving me nuts.
Oh, my god.
I just [bleep] hate this.
[ telephone ringing ]
oh, heya.
June: Heya.
Hey, did you --
did you go in today?
What did the doctor say?
So nothing spread and there's
no more that they could find?
You're sure?
You are 100% sure?
[ chuckles ]
that's great news.
Either way, I can come home.
Snap a finger,
and I'll be down.
All right, love you.
I'll get off this thing.
I will. Okay.
Love you.
Well, that's a damn relief.
And she's right.
It's like everybody else
is counting on this season,
so yeah.
I needed to hear that.
Narrator: With good news
on the homefront...
We might as well go to where we
think there's stronger fishing,
and that's up north.
...Sig turns his bow and his
focus to the russian line.
We're gonna make a move here.
Just get these pots on the boat
and head up the line.
That means hauling and stacking
all 120 pots
so they'll be ready
for battle with the fleet.
I regret we didn't start there,
but it's just --
it was a different year,
different thing,
different circumstances
this year.
I just hope
there's no more surprises.
narrator: 386 miles northwest
on the summer bay...
Bill: We're 1,000 miles
to nowhere, baby,
and it took a lot of fuel
to get here.
I'm still not going like,
"we're here, we made it"
until we see some crab
in the gear.
Captain wild bill wichrowski
looks to regain footing
on the northern grounds
after being sidelined
by superstorm elsa.
I want to blow through
as much gear
as we can to get reestablished
and start harvesting.
I really want to have
these two tanks
filled up doing offload.
Yeah, be careful, guys.
this will all come together
and we can get these crab
caught and get out of here.
That's my motivational speech.
I'm a motivational speaker,
and I live in a van
by the river.
This is it, boys!
Man: Whoo!
Nick's on the rail.
Nick was tough enough
to stick it out
with his ankle
and ran the crane,
ran hydraulics
with crutches and a brace.
I know he missed
throwing the hook.
After injuring his ankle,
deck boss nick mcglashan steps
back into his key role --
keeping the crew on task
to stuff their tanks
before their next offload.
Come on, men!
Bill: Come on.
Give me some numbers.
I'm not a superstitious guy.
This is bull [bleep]
-oh, yeah.
-All right!
-Yeah, baby.
-Oh, yeah.
Man: Whoo!
Looks like we're starting off
with a bang!
stay with me, baby.
[ laughs ]
this is what we want.
You know, 100% better than
where we left.
And it's only getting
better pot to pot.
A new high.
Crab looks great.
The move is working out.
Just feeling good.
How'd that work out
for you guys?
How do you like me now?
[ cheers ]
do what you got here, man.
We're on the boat.
We're getting out of here
before you know it.
Man: Whoo!
Bill: Hopefully we get
the two tanks we need.
But anything can change
in a minute here,
so you got to take it
ile you can get it.
Coming in.
Ow, [bleep]
what'd you do, nick?
I don't know. I was trying
to throw the shots in
and I...
I don't know,
something popped in my arm.
I don't know.
Let's just get this one done,
and I'll come up.
I'm gonna make it.
Narrator: While tossing
60 pounds of line into the pot,
nick throws out his right arm.
Just trying to make it
through this string.
bill: He's only using one hand.
He never uses one hand.
He's not even moving his arm.
What the hell, nick?
-Push! [bleep]
And I wanted to go to town
with two tanks of crab.
I see that plan
kind of going...
528 miles northwest of dutch
harbor, on the russian line...
Yo, I know it's cold out.
Get loose, stay warm.
Ooh, codfish.
It's good.
Narrator: ...After setting
his first string of crab pots
in the north,
brenna a captain sean dwyer
reloads his bait tanks
with a haul of cod.
Sean: The plan today is to rip
through the cod gear,
get the bait primed up,
and then rally
through the strings
we set up north here
Man: Whoo!
Brandon picked that up
pretty quick.
Greenhorn brandon ferris may
be new to the crabber grind,
but after four years
in the marine corps,
he's got plenty of experience
enduring pain and suffering.
My hands are still waking up.
It'll take a few more pots.
This is a really big opportunity
for brandon --
three kids and a wife
that are depending on him --
and he is hungry.
He wants this job.
And if he can learn that fast
on all of this stuff,
he's gonna have
this thing dialed in
by the end of the season
no problem.
[ brandon groans ]
I don't know what's --
what's going on.
Go down there
and check it out.
[ brandon groans ]
so you felt
something pop?
You don't have to talk.
I'm sure
it hurts to breathe.
Where at?
Just point.
In the back?
-Behind the ribs?
let's grab some ice packs.
There's some of those gel packs
out in the refrigerator.
-[ exhales sharply ]
-let's start icing you down.
Just a few hours before their
critical first opilio haul,
brandon's injury
leaves the crew shorthanded.
We're out here
four-manning it.
A little slower,
take a little longer.
We'll give him some inflammatory
stuff and ice him down
and see if it's --
pain goes away.
If it doesn't,
then we have a problem.
Just four miles southwest...
Going over.
...On the northwestern...
We're way up the hill, and
there's a lot of boats up here.
There's a lot of lights
in this area.
...After a 392-mile steam
to the north...
-Going over.
Narrator: ...Captain sig hansen
joins the fight.
I know there's crab around,
There wouldn't be this many guys
working the area.
I just hope they haven't
scooped them all up.
Narrator: With more than
half the fleet
storming the remote
freezing waters...
...Sig and his crew
prepare to scrap
for their share
of the pay day.
Yeah, we moved up north.
We're gonna try and get
these pots off in a hurry.
Sounds like the weight average
per crab is, like,
a third more
than down there.
We'll see what we get
when we haul.
Sig: I haven't fished up here
in a few years.
This is no place
to be monkeying around.
So if we find crab that's great,
that's the question.
oh, no!
You all right?
Can you tell me
what's happening, mandy?
Yeah, they're trying to get
the cricket hook down.
They're --
-is it stuck in the roller?
It's just stuck
in the roller, yes.
Sig: Oh, yeah.
Man: Watch out.
I don't think
I've seen that before.
How did you manage that?
Just when you think
you've seen it all.
While pulling a pot to the rail,
the picking hook
slips off the bridle,
slingshotting the 15-pound
steel bar into the air.
Fortunately, it snagged
on the end of the crane
instead of cracking
a deckhand's skull.
Sig: I'm just glad
it didn't hit anybody.
If it comes down,
that's not gonna feel good.
It's gonna hurt you
and knock you out.
To continue setting...
...The crew has to retrieve
the hook 12 feet above the deck.
-Is it in the pot now?
They're still trying
to pull it down.
They're trying to
pull it down.
You can try
to get lucky.
They're using the crane.
Karl's debating on throwing
the hook up there.
One shot, one kill.
That was [bleep] sick!
-You like that, sig?
-[ laughs ]
-...And modest.
All right.
We can resume.
-So, we're good, right?
-All good.
-We can continue?
-Yep. Back in action.
[ buzzer ]
going over!
Sig: I mean,
this is fairly simple.
There's either something here
or there's not.
120 miles from the russian line
on the summer bay...
Somebody want to throw
the hook?
who's throwing the hook?
Man: Aw...
I've seen old ladies
throw their purses harder.
Push out!
There you go.
Everybody's moving at like
quarter speed.
...Captain wild bill's crew
is feeling the effects
of a punishing grind...
5-2-5. 525.
...Sorting crab from a string
of loaded pits.
Fishing's really good.
That takes the pain away
a little bit.
But there's something
really wrong with my arm.
Bill: Nick got hurt.
I don't have my key part
of my machine.
We don't have that
motivating guy out there
that gets faster and faster
as the night goes on.
Deck boss nick mcglashan
is hobbled by injuries
to his ankle and now his arm.
You know, I got to wait for
these guys to get done sorting.
And without their leader,
the rest of the crew struggles
to pick up the slack.
The remainder --
we need 24,100 crab
to get what we need
for st. Paul.
Narrator: With an offload
in tee days...
The door's stuck!
...Bill is still 50 full pots
away from stuffing his tanks.
[ indistinct talking ]
There it is.
There it is.
There's so much crab,
the door's stuck.
I think I should
get some stuff on,
maybe go help move totes around
or something.
Just got to find a way
to keep these guys moving.
captain's on deck.
Gentlemen, go over.
To motivate the crew...
All right, here we go.
...Bill pitches in and
does two jobs -- sort crab...
All right, 133.
All right.
...And drive the boat.
[bleep] boy.
Bill's coming down every pot
and helping us on deck.
Bill: You got plenty
of hanging bait on you?
Kyle: We understand
it's his livelihood.
He wants to see it get done
and get done tonight,
get down right.
If want to keep our jobs,
we want to make sure
it's our livelihood, too.
Just having this little window
head of me here, you know?
[ laughter
and indistinct talking ]
we need to do it and do it now
and get out of here.
I'm not really doing much
down there,
but everybody's going faster.
Yeah, baby!
Narrator: 10 miles northwest
on the brenna a...
This definitely reminds me
of the military.
It's got, like, that feel of,
like, you know, camaraderie
with the guys.
I feel bad leaving them
down there, but injuries happen.
Narrator: ...Injured greenhorn
brandon ferris
wraps up a five-hour shift
at wheel watch...
Come up here and help how I can
while I heal up.
Narrator: ...Giving the rest
of the crew a break
before hauling their first
northern opilio string.
Got a lot riding on it.
It's a good job, you know?
Got the family back home --
three kids, wife.
So I'm gonna take these guys
watches happily
and let them rest,
and then, hopefully, I can get
back out there with them.
All right, brandon.
Grab a nap, and you can do
some driving for the boys later.
I can tell brandon wants
to be back out there.
He's gonna be a good fisherman.
He's got a long career
ahead of him,
and we don't need to start it
with herniated discs
or anything like that.
Anyways, well, we are at the top
of "by russia with love."
and we hauled, like,
140 crappy pots
before we came up here,
500 gallons of fuel.
So I'm hoping
it's worth the move.
About to find out.
Ooh, ooh!
It's packed!
[ chuckles ]
ooh, that's a full table.
Those poor guys.
Man: Come on, boys.
Go! Let's go!
Come on!
Go fast, go fast.
The heavy sort is tedious
with one man down.
Pretty excited.
Pretty out of breath.
Takes a lot more work when
it's only four guys out here.
Hauling shorthanded turns
what should be an energetic
feeding frenzy
into an exhausting grind.
Man: Hopefully brandon
gets back up to speed.
Definitely felt like they had
my back when I was out there.
'cause I'm not there helping,
they have to work harder
'cause I'm up here.
Pretty disappointed.
Just five miles southeast...
Oh, way up to the northern area,
more virgin territory.
Now, we're a little late
to the party,
but better late than never.
...Still five hours before dawn,
the northwestern cuts
through the frigid waters
on the russian line.
[ coughs ]
we're hoping to see
some volume here with the...
I didn't get a half hour
to wake up. See?
Could you make me a coffee?
Thank you.
-You're welcome.
All right,
see my pot.
Narrator: After enduring
low numbers close to town,
a positive prognosis
about his wife's cancer
sent captain sig
steaming north...
First pot here,
I want to get it up.
...Aiming to get his
opilio season back on track.
I mean, we made
the long haul up here.
it's gonna pay off.
We were a little late
to the show,
but as long
as we're getting crab,
it should be all right.
Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on.
This week's "salty take"...
Yeah, absolutely.
...Is not for the squeamish.
[ retches ]
yeah, she bled through,
all right.
Oh, we're gonna wash that thing
off really well.
I'm gonna scrub it off.
[ groans ]
okay, we're done.
I think it looks pretty good,
dude, really.
If this gets infected,
you're only gonna be able
to count to 19.
Narrator: Farrell's gonna need
all his fingers
if they're gonna
catch the wizard.
Narrator: 524 miles north
of dutch harbor...
We're looking forward to see
what's in these pots.
I mean, we made
the long haul up here.
it's gonna pay off.
...After a delayed start waiting
for his wife's cancer diagnosis,
captain sig hauls
his first pot
on the jam-packed
northern opilio grounds.
Sig: We were a little late
to the show,
but as long
as we're getting crab,
it should be all right.
Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on.
-Oh, yeah!
[ chuckling ]
that's pretty good!
That's some big pots.
-Oh, my god.
-I'm [bleep] counting it.
[ indistinct shouting ]
-hell yeah!
-There's way too many!
Man: Whoo!
Now, that's got a day's soak
on it, so it's tremendous.
And we're getting
something done.
Numbers are decent.
We can make this work.
-Holy [bleep]
Sig: Threes and fours are a buck
and a half,
two and a half,
three and a half. That's fine.
At the end of the day,
you're putting crab on the boat,
and we were not doing that
down south.
Narrator: The 392-mile
northern bet is a winner,
and every full pot brings sig
closer to a return trip south
back to what matters most.
When I look at June,
and I see how she handles
this cancer business,
her attitude
is just so positive,
and, you know,
I think that's commendable.
She really is like a rock,
you know?
She'll pick you up
and remind you
and give you a little nudge.
"okay, just keep going,
move forward."
man: Yeah!
We're fishing now.
You know, that's something
that I think is
a really special quality,
and you don't find it
in a lot of people.
[ cheers ]
sig: Pretty lucky guy.
[ chuckles ]
-Hell yeah!
The captains who gambled
on the northern opilio grounds
continue to reap their reward.
It's a good day at work.
Narrator: The cost is steep.
But on the bering sea,
nothing worthwhile is ever easy.
Feel a little tender,
sore still,
but gonna help out how I can.
-There he is.
Big dog.
[ laughs ]
hey, brandon.
Don't hurt yourself.
Let's ease back into it.
He's out on deck.
He's a part of the team.
He's back with his squad.
This dude fought
for our country.
He's gonna show us
how tough he really is.
[ cheers ]
Yeah, that's the last one.
All-in-all, we did it.
We finished the trip.
We got the two tanks we needed,
and we're heading in to offload.
Thanks, guys.
Go ahead and clean up.
Man: Pack her up!
Getting too full.
It's time to go.
My brother, we need
to get you taken care of.
I'm gonna have to take nick
to the clinic.
Ah, he's probably
[bleep] done.
He's going home.
You go to the clinic,
you get a plane ticket.
That's pretty much
the way it is.
It really sucks.
I want to do my job,
but my body's saying no.
I don't know. I guess we won't
find out till we go to town.
[ breathing heavily ]
bill: I swear that this game
of crab fishing can be
the absolute biggest
emotional roller coaster
of any job you'd ever have
in your entire life.
-All right!
[ cheers ]
Pot to pot, string to string,
day to day.
It's a good day at work.
Bill: You can have some of
your best emotional highs...
[ chuckling ] it's packed!
...And you can hit some bottoms
you never knew you had.
What did the doctor say?
[ sighs ]
-look out!
-Oh, no!
Oh, yeah, it's bad.
Bill: To do this,
we have to endure.
Sean: This dude fought
for our country.
He's gonna show us
how tough he really is.
-There are no excuses.
I want to do my job.
If the job was easy,
everybody would do it.
Are you kidding me?
I got this.
captions paid for by
discovery communications
Just 132 miles northwest
of dutch harbor...
Down south is a desert.
Everybody else went way up
north, and we stayed.
...Left behind by the fleet
who headed north long ago
to cash in on the russian line,
the northwestern patrols the
southern opilio grounds alone.
Sig: I'm trying to be
enthusiastic here.
We've had one of the roughest
starts I can remember
for many different reasons --
electrical, personal.
[ chuckles ]
need to see some crab here now.
These southern waters have
barely put a dent in sig's
$1.8 million opilio quota,
leaving him scrambling
for any sign of life.
Sig: You ready?
First pot's coming up.
so, this is a tester pot
we threw out last night.
It's got about 14 hours
soaked on it.
If this thing hits crab,
you know,
we just bought
some real estate,
and that's what
we're looking for right now.
Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on.
Oh, no.
Narrator: Unfortunately for sig,
there's a good reason
no one is fishing
this close to town.
That -- that I don't like.
[ sighs ]
There's rumors
of fishing up north,
and it looks
real good up there.
But I have my reasons
for being down here.
Just two days ago...
I can be there in --
in the next day.
...Sig received tragic news
from June,
his wife and soulmate
of 21 years.
It sounds like my wife
has a form of cancer.
So, right now, we're waiting
for word to find out
how bad it really is.
We were planning on moving
our gear up north.
We heard there's much better
fishing up there.
because of the bad news,
I think it's best that we stay
as close to land as possible.
Oh, no!
We got to put these pots
on crab.
That's all there is to it.
It'll be a miserable day
if we don't.
Sig: You know,
these numbers are terrible.
But we're not going anywhere
until I know how my wife is.
[ exhales sharply ]
she's always been there for me,
and I will be there for her.
Until I hear from the doctor,
stick and stay and make it pay.
That's our motto.
396 miles northwest...
Well, long ways up here.
...The brenna a has arrived.
This is the furthest north
and the furthest west
I have ever been.
Getting close to where I want
to start setting.
Hopefully there's a lot of crab.
Got some ground to make up.
Feeling optimistic.
Showed up kind of late
to the party.
It's a nice big hot spot
up here.
A lot of company, but that's
generally what happens.
The biggest the pile of [bleep]
the more flies you attract.
Narrator: After striking out
down south, captain sean dwyer
elbows his way into the mosh
pit of the russian line,
looking to party on
the northern opilio grounds.
These boys got a long day
ahead of them.
Let's see how they do here.
Below deck, the crew gears up
for the coming set,
eager to make up for lost crab.
Brandon: Living like I'm back
in the military again,
so that's kind of exciting.
And, you know,
got myself a little bunk,
get to put up
the pictures of the family.
That's my life.
They are my life.
That's what I'm here for.
I do everything for them.
The brenna's newest crewman
is decorated
former marine and new hire,
greenhorn brandon ferris.
Brandon: That's iraq.
Went there a couple times.
Echo 25 infantry, baby.
So I know what it's like to do
all the gruntwork
and be a boot and a greenhorn
all over again, so...
Anybody in the marine corps
watching this,
you know what I'm talking about.
I'm a boot all over again.
I'm excited for it, though.
I'm ready.
I'm grateful as hell that sean
gave me this opportunity.
Here, it's kind of the same,
like camaraderie.
I can already tell
that's how it is.
You got a brotherhood.
I like that.
So I just got to work and prove
to sean
that I want to be here
and stay here.
It's gonna hurt and be painful,
but in the end, it's worth it.
Time to get her done, man.
Ready to plunder the deep?
We're ready.
[ chuckles ]
Off we go.
Back at it.
So, hopefully, we can get
these things dialed in.
Just up the russian line...
The north is a crazy place.
It's vast and desolate.
There ain't nothing up here
except for crab.
Man: Let's get it, boys!
Get me some crab!
...The cornelia marie continues
to bomb the russian line.
After getting our asses kicked
like ronda rousey did
twice in a row.
We feel like the flag looks
up there.
After taking every last blow
that arctic storm elsa
could muster...
[ beep ]
...Co-captains josh harris
and casey mcmanus
are still standing and still
dead set on nailing
their $1.23 million opilio quota
in a single trip.
Josh: I'm telling you, man,
we're the perfect combination
of lucky and good.
Well, now we're gonna find out
if we're good,
if we can stay
on top of them.
Josh: The guys are beaten
and battered,
but I'm pushing them
to the max.
We all love money.
They'll thank me later,
because we're gonna
fill this puppy up.
-We got three more to go.
Man: Hey!
Okay, let's go, let's go.
Jon: Ow!
[ groans ]
say that again?
You all right there, big dog?
Jon: Oh...
Got my hand smashed.
I'm kind of shaking it off,
but let's take the glove off
and see what we got,
'cause it [bleep] hurts.
Oh, yeah, it's bad.
Oh, it's [bleep] bad.
Like my dad says,
don't put your finger
where you wouldn't
put your penis.
Oh. Oh.
We got to go see casey
on this one.
Casey: What the [bleep]
happened to you?
I may or may not have
put my finger
in a compromised situation
during the set.
As the boat shifts, the
800-pound pot slides starboard,
crushing engineer
jon farrell's middle finger
between the crossbar
and the rail,
resulting in a blunt-force
impact powerful enough
to lacerate the finger
down to the bone.
that's meat, dog.
Or, in technical terms,
he smashed the crap out of it.
-No. Aah!
-That needs sutures.
-Oh, I know.
Come on.
Let's stitch this bitch up
so I don't lose you on deck.
Casey: Lidocaine.
Should we give him the good
stuff or the expired stuff?
In a rare moment of compassion,
casey will numb the wound
with a local anesthetic.
But he'll still get to jab
the bone-deep cut
with a 3-inch needle.
I always wanted to do that.
I seen that done on a tv show.
God, I'm shaking
like a leaf.
I'm getting nervous
letting casey do this now.
It's okay, bud.
I'm here for you.
Are you kidding me?
I got this.
I'll fix it
like I'm a professional.
Trust me.
All right.
Little, tiny poke.
Don't move
your finger.
Damn it!
Jon: Aah!
Narrator: 229 miles from
the nearest medic...
Don't move your finger.
Aah, you bitch!
...Captain casey prepares
to perform surgery
on the galley table...
-...Which is good or bad,
depending on whether
you're a patient or a diner.
Jon: Ow! Oh!
That was a good one.
-Whoa, oh, oh.
Jon: Sorry.
That's your skin.
Okay, you guys go away.
you're making me nervous.
Got to youtube
how to do stitches again.
[ laughing ] hang on.
You ready?
Getting a fairly good chunk
of the meat.
Let's make our suture
close properly.
Loop, through,
and pull.
Hey, I got it through.
Nailed it.
Narrator: Nine stitches later,
farrell is back
to full strength --
Casey did a pretty good job
stitching me up.
It's what
my best friend does.
I fix his boat,
he fixes my fingers.
the cornelia marie
can get back to fishing
after a quick bite to eat.
-Oh, it's cold.
-Want me to nuke it?
Yeah, please.
I'm so hungry.
That's all I was looking forward
to doing was eating,
and then
I smashed my finger.
narrator: 389 miles away...
Oh, man.
[ speaks indistinctly ]
...In the nearly deserted
southern opilio grounds...
This area's really, really
wrecking havoc on us.
These numbers are terrible,
and it's not what we want.
But we don't have a choice.
We're not going anywhere
until I know how my wife is.
Narrator: ...Captain sig hansen
and the northwestern crew
scrape up
what little they can find,
staying close to land
and a possible flight out.
This cancer business
has been driving me nuts.
Oh, my god.
I just [bleep] hate this.
[ telephone ringing ]
oh, heya.
June: Heya.
Hey, did you --
did you go in today?
What did the doctor say?
So nothing spread and there's
no more that they could find?
You're sure?
You are 100% sure?
[ chuckles ]
that's great news.
Either way, I can come home.
Snap a finger,
and I'll be down.
All right, love you.
I'll get off this thing.
I will. Okay.
Love you.
Well, that's a damn relief.
And she's right.
It's like everybody else
is counting on this season,
so yeah.
I needed to hear that.
Narrator: With good news
on the homefront...
We might as well go to where we
think there's stronger fishing,
and that's up north.
...Sig turns his bow and his
focus to the russian line.
We're gonna make a move here.
Just get these pots on the boat
and head up the line.
That means hauling and stacking
all 120 pots
so they'll be ready
for battle with the fleet.
I regret we didn't start there,
but it's just --
it was a different year,
different thing,
different circumstances
this year.
I just hope
there's no more surprises.
narrator: 386 miles northwest
on the summer bay...
Bill: We're 1,000 miles
to nowhere, baby,
and it took a lot of fuel
to get here.
I'm still not going like,
"we're here, we made it"
until we see some crab
in the gear.
Captain wild bill wichrowski
looks to regain footing
on the northern grounds
after being sidelined
by superstorm elsa.
I want to blow through
as much gear
as we can to get reestablished
and start harvesting.
I really want to have
these two tanks
filled up doing offload.
Yeah, be careful, guys.
this will all come together
and we can get these crab
caught and get out of here.
That's my motivational speech.
I'm a motivational speaker,
and I live in a van
by the river.
This is it, boys!
Man: Whoo!
Nick's on the rail.
Nick was tough enough
to stick it out
with his ankle
and ran the crane,
ran hydraulics
with crutches and a brace.
I know he missed
throwing the hook.
After injuring his ankle,
deck boss nick mcglashan steps
back into his key role --
keeping the crew on task
to stuff their tanks
before their next offload.
Come on, men!
Bill: Come on.
Give me some numbers.
I'm not a superstitious guy.
This is bull [bleep]
-oh, yeah.
-All right!
-Yeah, baby.
-Oh, yeah.
Man: Whoo!
Looks like we're starting off
with a bang!
stay with me, baby.
[ laughs ]
this is what we want.
You know, 100% better than
where we left.
And it's only getting
better pot to pot.
A new high.
Crab looks great.
The move is working out.
Just feeling good.
How'd that work out
for you guys?
How do you like me now?
[ cheers ]
do what you got here, man.
We're on the boat.
We're getting out of here
before you know it.
Man: Whoo!
Bill: Hopefully we get
the two tanks we need.
But anything can change
in a minute here,
so you got to take it
ile you can get it.
Coming in.
Ow, [bleep]
what'd you do, nick?
I don't know. I was trying
to throw the shots in
and I...
I don't know,
something popped in my arm.
I don't know.
Let's just get this one done,
and I'll come up.
I'm gonna make it.
Narrator: While tossing
60 pounds of line into the pot,
nick throws out his right arm.
Just trying to make it
through this string.
bill: He's only using one hand.
He never uses one hand.
He's not even moving his arm.
What the hell, nick?
-Push! [bleep]
And I wanted to go to town
with two tanks of crab.
I see that plan
kind of going...
528 miles northwest of dutch
harbor, on the russian line...
Yo, I know it's cold out.
Get loose, stay warm.
Ooh, codfish.
It's good.
Narrator: ...After setting
his first string of crab pots
in the north,
brenna a captain sean dwyer
reloads his bait tanks
with a haul of cod.
Sean: The plan today is to rip
through the cod gear,
get the bait primed up,
and then rally
through the strings
we set up north here
Man: Whoo!
Brandon picked that up
pretty quick.
Greenhorn brandon ferris may
be new to the crabber grind,
but after four years
in the marine corps,
he's got plenty of experience
enduring pain and suffering.
My hands are still waking up.
It'll take a few more pots.
This is a really big opportunity
for brandon --
three kids and a wife
that are depending on him --
and he is hungry.
He wants this job.
And if he can learn that fast
on all of this stuff,
he's gonna have
this thing dialed in
by the end of the season
no problem.
[ brandon groans ]
I don't know what's --
what's going on.
Go down there
and check it out.
[ brandon groans ]
so you felt
something pop?
You don't have to talk.
I'm sure
it hurts to breathe.
Where at?
Just point.
In the back?
-Behind the ribs?
let's grab some ice packs.
There's some of those gel packs
out in the refrigerator.
-[ exhales sharply ]
-let's start icing you down.
Just a few hours before their
critical first opilio haul,
brandon's injury
leaves the crew shorthanded.
We're out here
four-manning it.
A little slower,
take a little longer.
We'll give him some inflammatory
stuff and ice him down
and see if it's --
pain goes away.
If it doesn't,
then we have a problem.
Just four miles southwest...
Going over.
...On the northwestern...
We're way up the hill, and
there's a lot of boats up here.
There's a lot of lights
in this area.
...After a 392-mile steam
to the north...
-Going over.
Narrator: ...Captain sig hansen
joins the fight.
I know there's crab around,
There wouldn't be this many guys
working the area.
I just hope they haven't
scooped them all up.
Narrator: With more than
half the fleet
storming the remote
freezing waters...
...Sig and his crew
prepare to scrap
for their share
of the pay day.
Yeah, we moved up north.
We're gonna try and get
these pots off in a hurry.
Sounds like the weight average
per crab is, like,
a third more
than down there.
We'll see what we get
when we haul.
Sig: I haven't fished up here
in a few years.
This is no place
to be monkeying around.
So if we find crab that's great,
that's the question.
oh, no!
You all right?
Can you tell me
what's happening, mandy?
Yeah, they're trying to get
the cricket hook down.
They're --
-is it stuck in the roller?
It's just stuck
in the roller, yes.
Sig: Oh, yeah.
Man: Watch out.
I don't think
I've seen that before.
How did you manage that?
Just when you think
you've seen it all.
While pulling a pot to the rail,
the picking hook
slips off the bridle,
slingshotting the 15-pound
steel bar into the air.
Fortunately, it snagged
on the end of the crane
instead of cracking
a deckhand's skull.
Sig: I'm just glad
it didn't hit anybody.
If it comes down,
that's not gonna feel good.
It's gonna hurt you
and knock you out.
To continue setting...
...The crew has to retrieve
the hook 12 feet above the deck.
-Is it in the pot now?
They're still trying
to pull it down.
They're trying to
pull it down.
You can try
to get lucky.
They're using the crane.
Karl's debating on throwing
the hook up there.
One shot, one kill.
That was [bleep] sick!
-You like that, sig?
-[ laughs ]
-...And modest.
All right.
We can resume.
-So, we're good, right?
-All good.
-We can continue?
-Yep. Back in action.
[ buzzer ]
going over!
Sig: I mean,
this is fairly simple.
There's either something here
or there's not.
120 miles from the russian line
on the summer bay...
Somebody want to throw
the hook?
who's throwing the hook?
Man: Aw...
I've seen old ladies
throw their purses harder.
Push out!
There you go.
Everybody's moving at like
quarter speed.
...Captain wild bill's crew
is feeling the effects
of a punishing grind...
5-2-5. 525.
...Sorting crab from a string
of loaded pits.
Fishing's really good.
That takes the pain away
a little bit.
But there's something
really wrong with my arm.
Bill: Nick got hurt.
I don't have my key part
of my machine.
We don't have that
motivating guy out there
that gets faster and faster
as the night goes on.
Deck boss nick mcglashan
is hobbled by injuries
to his ankle and now his arm.
You know, I got to wait for
these guys to get done sorting.
And without their leader,
the rest of the crew struggles
to pick up the slack.
The remainder --
we need 24,100 crab
to get what we need
for st. Paul.
Narrator: With an offload
in tee days...
The door's stuck!
...Bill is still 50 full pots
away from stuffing his tanks.
[ indistinct talking ]
There it is.
There it is.
There's so much crab,
the door's stuck.
I think I should
get some stuff on,
maybe go help move totes around
or something.
Just got to find a way
to keep these guys moving.
captain's on deck.
Gentlemen, go over.
To motivate the crew...
All right, here we go.
...Bill pitches in and
does two jobs -- sort crab...
All right, 133.
All right.
...And drive the boat.
[bleep] boy.
Bill's coming down every pot
and helping us on deck.
Bill: You got plenty
of hanging bait on you?
Kyle: We understand
it's his livelihood.
He wants to see it get done
and get done tonight,
get down right.
If want to keep our jobs,
we want to make sure
it's our livelihood, too.
Just having this little window
head of me here, you know?
[ laughter
and indistinct talking ]
we need to do it and do it now
and get out of here.
I'm not really doing much
down there,
but everybody's going faster.
Yeah, baby!
Narrator: 10 miles northwest
on the brenna a...
This definitely reminds me
of the military.
It's got, like, that feel of,
like, you know, camaraderie
with the guys.
I feel bad leaving them
down there, but injuries happen.
Narrator: ...Injured greenhorn
brandon ferris
wraps up a five-hour shift
at wheel watch...
Come up here and help how I can
while I heal up.
Narrator: ...Giving the rest
of the crew a break
before hauling their first
northern opilio string.
Got a lot riding on it.
It's a good job, you know?
Got the family back home --
three kids, wife.
So I'm gonna take these guys
watches happily
and let them rest,
and then, hopefully, I can get
back out there with them.
All right, brandon.
Grab a nap, and you can do
some driving for the boys later.
I can tell brandon wants
to be back out there.
He's gonna be a good fisherman.
He's got a long career
ahead of him,
and we don't need to start it
with herniated discs
or anything like that.
Anyways, well, we are at the top
of "by russia with love."
and we hauled, like,
140 crappy pots
before we came up here,
500 gallons of fuel.
So I'm hoping
it's worth the move.
About to find out.
Ooh, ooh!
It's packed!
[ chuckles ]
ooh, that's a full table.
Those poor guys.
Man: Come on, boys.
Go! Let's go!
Come on!
Go fast, go fast.
The heavy sort is tedious
with one man down.
Pretty excited.
Pretty out of breath.
Takes a lot more work when
it's only four guys out here.
Hauling shorthanded turns
what should be an energetic
feeding frenzy
into an exhausting grind.
Man: Hopefully brandon
gets back up to speed.
Definitely felt like they had
my back when I was out there.
'cause I'm not there helping,
they have to work harder
'cause I'm up here.
Pretty disappointed.
Just five miles southeast...
Oh, way up to the northern area,
more virgin territory.
Now, we're a little late
to the party,
but better late than never.
...Still five hours before dawn,
the northwestern cuts
through the frigid waters
on the russian line.
[ coughs ]
we're hoping to see
some volume here with the...
I didn't get a half hour
to wake up. See?
Could you make me a coffee?
Thank you.
-You're welcome.
All right,
see my pot.
Narrator: After enduring
low numbers close to town,
a positive prognosis
about his wife's cancer
sent captain sig
steaming north...
First pot here,
I want to get it up.
...Aiming to get his
opilio season back on track.
I mean, we made
the long haul up here.
it's gonna pay off.
We were a little late
to the show,
but as long
as we're getting crab,
it should be all right.
Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on.
This week's "salty take"...
Yeah, absolutely.
...Is not for the squeamish.
[ retches ]
yeah, she bled through,
all right.
Oh, we're gonna wash that thing
off really well.
I'm gonna scrub it off.
[ groans ]
okay, we're done.
I think it looks pretty good,
dude, really.
If this gets infected,
you're only gonna be able
to count to 19.
Narrator: Farrell's gonna need
all his fingers
if they're gonna
catch the wizard.
Narrator: 524 miles north
of dutch harbor...
We're looking forward to see
what's in these pots.
I mean, we made
the long haul up here.
it's gonna pay off.
...After a delayed start waiting
for his wife's cancer diagnosis,
captain sig hauls
his first pot
on the jam-packed
northern opilio grounds.
Sig: We were a little late
to the show,
but as long
as we're getting crab,
it should be all right.
Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on.
-Oh, yeah!
[ chuckling ]
that's pretty good!
That's some big pots.
-Oh, my god.
-I'm [bleep] counting it.
[ indistinct shouting ]
-hell yeah!
-There's way too many!
Man: Whoo!
Now, that's got a day's soak
on it, so it's tremendous.
And we're getting
something done.
Numbers are decent.
We can make this work.
-Holy [bleep]
Sig: Threes and fours are a buck
and a half,
two and a half,
three and a half. That's fine.
At the end of the day,
you're putting crab on the boat,
and we were not doing that
down south.
Narrator: The 392-mile
northern bet is a winner,
and every full pot brings sig
closer to a return trip south
back to what matters most.
When I look at June,
and I see how she handles
this cancer business,
her attitude
is just so positive,
and, you know,
I think that's commendable.
She really is like a rock,
you know?
She'll pick you up
and remind you
and give you a little nudge.
"okay, just keep going,
move forward."
man: Yeah!
We're fishing now.
You know, that's something
that I think is
a really special quality,
and you don't find it
in a lot of people.
[ cheers ]
sig: Pretty lucky guy.
[ chuckles ]
-Hell yeah!
The captains who gambled
on the northern opilio grounds
continue to reap their reward.
It's a good day at work.
Narrator: The cost is steep.
But on the bering sea,
nothing worthwhile is ever easy.
Feel a little tender,
sore still,
but gonna help out how I can.
-There he is.
Big dog.
[ laughs ]
hey, brandon.
Don't hurt yourself.
Let's ease back into it.
He's out on deck.
He's a part of the team.
He's back with his squad.
This dude fought
for our country.
He's gonna show us
how tough he really is.
[ cheers ]
Yeah, that's the last one.
All-in-all, we did it.
We finished the trip.
We got the two tanks we needed,
and we're heading in to offload.
Thanks, guys.
Go ahead and clean up.
Man: Pack her up!
Getting too full.
It's time to go.
My brother, we need
to get you taken care of.
I'm gonna have to take nick
to the clinic.
Ah, he's probably
[bleep] done.
He's going home.
You go to the clinic,
you get a plane ticket.
That's pretty much
the way it is.
It really sucks.
I want to do my job,
but my body's saying no.
I don't know. I guess we won't
find out till we go to town.
[ breathing heavily ]