Deadliest Catch (2005–…): Season 13, Episode 8 - FUBAR - full transcript
The last moments of the fall season bring its biggest storm. Wild Bill struggles to pilot his new boat in big seas. Johnathan faces off with a massive swell in the perilous False Pass.
I'll tell you,
it is freakin' nautical.
It looks rainy, misty, snowy,
and the wind's picked up.
One mistake by me...
Somebody can get banged up.
But it's not gonna stop me.
You're doing whatever it takes.
To get the job done.
Oh, yeah!
What the...?
- Watch that, guys, watch, watch,
- watch, watch, watch it!
Get down!
Hold on!
* I'm wanted *
* wanted *
* dead or Ali-i-i-i-i-i-ve *
... captions by vitac...
Captions paid for by.
Discovery communications.
King season.
Was a lot of fun for me,
but you always want to be home.
And when you have lower quotas,
that adds to stress 'cause.
It's gonna be harder to get.
Narrator: after weeks at sea,
in one of the leanest.
Years on record...
It's always in your mind,
that now you got opilio.
That's a big one.
Unless somebody sabotages it.
- Narrator: the fall
- fishing season...
Slow down.
A little bit.
Nears its end.
Go see da-da.
There he is!
- And while some in the fleet
- have already begun.
Adjusting to life back home...
Jake: - did you miss dad?
Those still on the hunt.
Chase the remaining crab...
Hold on!
Into the deeper,
colder waters of the Bering sea.
We came out to what I thought.
Would be a walk in the park.
- Maybe a walk in the park
- in the wrong part of town,
but we got to get.
The hell out of here.
Narrator: captains press hard.
To reach their final quotas...
- In a nutshell, if we don't
- get the crab aboard,
we could be pinned down here.
For three or four days.
Narrator: as a storm.
Erupts across the grounds.
I've seen some
20-footers roll by.
Got to make the best of it.
This COD trip needs to work.
No questions. No excuses.
[ Seagulls crying ]
[ Shouts indistinctly ]
Narrator: 210 miles.
Northeast of Dutch harbor,
on the 107-foottime bandit...
Johnathan: first trip we're late.
And gnarly storm,
and now we come back.
To another storm.
I'm not gonna do this.
No more after this.
This whole opilio season,
I'm [bleep] Tired of it.
- Narrator:
- captain Johnathan hillstrand.
Looks to close out the final.
King crab season.
Of his 37-year career.
I want to go out.
In a Blaze of glory, baby.
- Narrator: after getting off
- to a late start...
- Everyone will be
- zeroed in on the crab,
and I'm gonna be out.
To pick up the crumbs.
Narrator: navigating.
Through lean fishing...
- No one ever said
- it was gonna be easy.
- Johnathan: I came out here
- to kick ass with my brothers,
not get our asses kicked.
We got a pretty bad.
Leak downstairs.
Narrator: and breakdowns...
Five gallons a minute,
you're gonna go down.
You're a sinking ship.
Narrator: all that now stands.
- Between him
- and the finish line...
We're gonna break.
The 200,000-pound barrier.
- Narrator: is a quick
- 5,000-pound haul...
It's supposed to blow 50 today.
It's already blowing 45.
Narrator: as long as he can.
Get through the 30-foot seas.
Johnathan: it's gonna be tough.
Right to the bitter end.
So this first pot.
Will tell us a lot.
But I just got to make sure
I don't hurt nobody.
Trying to get out of here.
Okay, guys, be real safe.
This wind's come up.
Really hard and fast,
so be careful, guys.
Come on, Freddy.
Get it, Freddy.
Okay, guys, we need 11.12 crab.
In each pot,
and we can go home.
We'll find out.
This is beautiful [bleep]
Crabbing weather right here.
[Bleep] crab!
Welcome aboard, boys,
welcome aboard.
Welcome aboard.
Johnathan: that might be 30.
Yeah, that's a good pot,
Last of 'em.
It's gonna be.
A good pile, though.
Yep, that works.
I could just haul ass,
pull the next one.
Wow. another good pot.
Oh, thank you, god.
Big numbers!
We're on the crab now, baby.
All day.
I'm pretty sure
I just seen way more than 11.
Go in that tank, brother.
We got three...
Yeah, baby.
Wow, baby.
[ Laughs ]
Ah, this one's even better.
Narrator: the captain will get.
The numbers to meet his quota...
Stack out in a hurricane.
And go home.
- And hopefully,
- it doesn't shut me down.
Before I have my pots on.
- Narrator: if the weather
- holds off.
Johnathan: it's not over.
Till it's over.
Let's do it!
Here we go, baby!
Thank you, god!
We're surviving.
At least we're pulling,
getting our crab done.
I just know there's not.
Very much relief in sight.
Let's go home!
Just got one more.
Narrator: with a brutal 10-hour.
Grind coming to a close...
It ain't over yet. We're headed.
Back towards false pass.
- Narrator: and to prevent
- dead loss.
By getting his crab.
In on time...
- Johnathan:
- out decision's made.
- This is what
- we got to deal with.
And we'll just.
Do what we can do.
- Narrator: the veteran captain
- is forced to take.
A perilous shortcut.
Known as false pass.
Johnathan: false pass is called.
False pass for a reason.
There's a sandbar.
It gets really shallow.
That's what wrecks you.
Trying to get home is gonna be.
An accomplishment in itself.
Narrator: 10 miles northwest...
On the 113-footsummer bay...
- I'll tell you,
- it is freakin' nautical.
You can see that it looks.
Rainy, misty, snowy,
and the wind's picked up.
- So, basically,
- I feel like an owl.
I'm hardly blinking here.
- I'm just kind of
- staring out the window.
It's gonna be a long one.
- Narrator: captain
- "wild" bill wichrowski.
Makes a final push.
To finish his season.
While in the thick.
Of 40-foot seas.
- We could probably
- get the guys out there.
And actually.
Running down my string.
It is a new boat.
In bad weather.
10 days ago...
Hey, heads up! Heads up!
Holy [bleep]
- ...unfamiliar with how
- his new boat.
Handled in weather...
- Bill: we're gonna go ahead
- and secure the deck.
And take a little break.
Narrator: the captain.
Was forced to shut down.
I think we're risking it.
A little bit.
It's a new boat.
I'm giving it a dry run.
Without the guys.
Out there taking the heat.
Now, with the seas.
Building again,
"wild" bill decides on a test.
Run before he begins his haul.
The human interaction with.
The throttles and the rudder...
See, there's a big one.
Back it off, just keep.
The nose into it.
You duck over the top.
There's some buoys off the bow.
Hardly had any spray on deck.
I just, I don't know.
I just, from what
I'm seeing right here,
- I think I got this
- son of a bitch whipped.
Narrator: satisfied with.
How the boat handles.
In the big swells...
I think what I'm gonna do.
Is put this thing.
On an auto-pilot course.
Away from my string for a second.
And go down.
And roust the cowboys.
Narrator: the skipper.
Rallies the troops.
To close out the king season.
Bill: hey, guys. We got a plan.
We're gonna essentially get what.
We need to take to town on.
- The only way this
- is gonna get screwed up,
- if we don't
- get that one-shot-one-kill.
- On the rail
- and [bleep] it around.
- Getting it in the box,
- 'cause where we screw up.
- Is when I have to take it
- out of gear.
And the boat gets pushed off.
Narrator: to maintain control.
Of the boat in rough seas,
bill's counting on the crew.
Not to miss with the hook.
- If you guys can be smooth so
- I have to take it out of gear,
- get in the block,
- and get right back on it,
we should have no problem.
Keep an eye on your buddy.
Even if you don't like the guy,
keep an eye on him.
It's [bleep] as [bleep]
Out there right now.
It's not safe.
I take... I don't know.
We got to get it done,
but safety's out the window.
For me, as a manager,
I can see it in their eyes.
They're like, "oh, my god.
Huge tides and 60-knot winds."
The busy work's tougher,
but I just have to.
Get them through it.
And get these pots on board.
And hopefully get.
That number in the tank.
- Turning on the first
- one here, boys.
Let's get her done.
Just be careful.
Here we go.
Get it, hunter.
Go, go, go, go, go [bleep]
When things at the rail.
Don't go smooth,
I have to take it out of gear.
And lose my forward momentum.
And my steerage.
Whoa [bleep]
Hurry the [bleep] up!
[ Groans ]
This is exactly what
I told them not to do.
We can't see the crab.
What the...?
- Watch that, guys. Watch, watch,
- watch, watch, watch it!
Get down!
Hold on!
Narrator: on thesummer bay...
Man: [bleep]
Hurry the [bleep] up!
Bill: what the...?
- Watch that, guys. Watch, watch,
- watch, watch, watch it!
Get down!
Hold on!
All right.
You all right?
We had one come over the top.
And just go boom.
- Right in the middle, and it
- looked like pick-up sticks.
- Narrator: captain "wild" bill
- was forced to take the boat.
Out of gear after.
A failed hook toss...
Get down!
Hold on!
Exposing thesummer bay.
To a 25-foot rogue wave.
It's very real.
I can get somebody hurt,
but it's not gonna stop me.
- You know, I've been
- doing this [bleep]
Since '78, '79.
I'm a boat owner now.
I need this thing.
To work for me.
Ha-ha! yeah, baby!
- A lot of volume.
- hopefully, there's some keepers.
I don't see a whole lot.
Of big legs in there.
I think.
We're gonna get it.
26 keepers.
That'll help.
It's very doable as long.
As we don't miss with the hook,
do stupid [bleep] at the rail.
There's no room for error.
Concentrate, boys.
- You know, I'm telling the guys
- what I need them to do.
I need to do the same thing.
I need to just keep this bow.
Where it has to be and then.
Keep the water off deck.
That's the quest...
Crab and gear and nobody.
Getting banged up.
Narrator: as bill closes in.
On the last of his crab,
1,800 miles southeast.
In Seattle, Washington...
For me, it was pretty nice.
To get up there,
and it was real nice to.
Be able to go back to work.
- Narrator: after finishing
- atop the fleet,
in a thin fall season...
- Yes, my habits
- are getting better,
but going into opilios now,
I would feel pretty foolish.
To go up there, push my luck.
- Narrator: captain sig Hansen
- is already worried.
About the upcoming.
Winter fishery.
You're much farther north.
I mean, that's where.
The heart attack happened.
In the first place.
Narrator: last winter...
Watch out!
Oh, man!
Oh, come on!
Narrator: sig endured.
One of his most stressful.
Opilio seasons to date...
- I don't understand why it hurts
- so much right here.
Narrator: nearly succumbing.
To a heart attack.
- Woman:
- you had the widow maker.
You got to learn how.
To respect your body better.
Hopefully, that'll...
- You know,
- that'll show the doctor.
That I was in the right place.
'Cause if you don't.
Show improvement,
you know, he can give you.
The "denied" stamp.
And I'm not going anywhere.
Narrator: without medical.
Clearance from his cardiologist,
the skipper's opie season.
Could be over before it begins.
- Sig: all right, well, let's go
- see what the doc has to say.
Woman: put your arm up here.
For me, please.
Thank you.
And I'll get your finger here.
Thank you.
Your blood pressure.
For today is 119/84.
That's a good pulse.
Yes. all looking solid.
Dr. McCabe will talk to you.
If he's concerned about it.
Thank you, ma'am.
You're welcome.
Hey. welcome back.
How you doing?
I'm good.
How was your trip?
The trip was good.
- It was fun.
- yeah.
But we had tremendous fishing,
so that was fun.
- Then it makes it easier.
- yeah.
Any chest pains.
- No.
- no?
Didn't have.
Any chest pains.
I'm down - to about a pack.
- But, you know,
- if you got a lot of stress.
And you have people.
Breathing down your neck,
and all of a sudden,
you do toss your comfort thing,
- I don't know if I can do it
- all at the same time.
I mean, I hear you. Um...
It's just making.
Excuses, I know.
- Um...
- so bad.
It's depressing.
- You know, you just
- got to recognize.
That it's probably.
The most important aspect.
In terms of your heart health,
is getting off those cigarettes.
We'll get there - eventually.
I believe that.
I can go fishing, right?
I would say that if you're.
Developing bad habits.
On the boat...
- You're smoking more,
- you're drinking more,
whatever, then that's.
Worth thinking about.
But if that's.
Not the case...
- If you're, you know,
- just doing your work.
And feeling good.
And so forth,
then I'm completely.
In support of that.
I think it's also.
Encouraging that.
When you were out.
On the boat before,
you were doing really well.
You know, 'cause you've.
Sort of stress-tested yourself.
So, I don't have...
I'll do it in the...
I don't have an issue there.
Do it in the right manner.
Yeah. yeah.
That it's where.
You feel whole,
- it's where you feel comfortable,
- back in your element.
So it was, yeah,
it was, like, happy.
It was unicorns and rainbows.
For Alaska,
it's pretty hard to do.
[ Laughs ]
Okay, thank you, doctor.
Narrator: coming up...
Johnathan: this is crazy.
- I didn't think we were
- gonna be doing this.
Another big one.
Oh, yeah.
Hang on, guys.
It's gonna get way worse.
Just ride them out.
Narrator: 1,800 miles southeast.
Of the fishing grounds,
in Seattle, Washington...
- Woman: all right, so let's
- take a look here.
- -Okay.
- -can you see?
- -Mm-hmm.
- -'cause I've got a little glare.
On this thing.
Narrator: a second.
Bering sea skipper.
- Is paying a visit
- to the hospital...
And then, there's.
Your little baby.
For a different.
Kind of checkup.
Oh, my gosh.
The heart,
the baby's head,
and backbone and little leg.
Narrator: captain Jake Anderson.
And his wife, Jenna,
are getting a first glimpse.
Of their unborn child.
That's your baby, Jake.
So here's the heart.
Let me just zoom in.
Nice, strong heartbeat.
What a beauty.
So I will - step down the hall.
And see if Dr. wittman.
Is ready.
Okay. thank you.
I'll be right back.
You're welcome.
That was really emotional.
It really made it real.
Sitting here looking at it,
listening to the heartbeat.
It was awesome.
The baby is alive.
And healthy, heart beating.
So cute.
- [ Door opens ]
- woman: Are we ready?
The doctor is ready for you.
- -Hello.
- -hello.
How are you?
Good. and you?
- -Good.
- -nice to see you.
- Did you get to see
- some good pictures of the baby?
- -Yeah.
- -we did.
- And then, you had
- your blood work done...?
Tuesday. yeah.
Okay. we don't have the...
- You didn't get
- any results, did you?
Jenna: unh-unh.
Not that I'm aware of.
They haven't sent me.
An e-mail, like, so...
So... so, this ultrasound.
Was measuring.
That fold in the back.
Of the baby's neck.
That's called.
The nuchal translucency,
and that was.
A little bit thick.
So the cutoff is 3.5,
and it was 3.9.
It could be just something.
That's gonna go away with time.
It could be.
Indicative of something.
Like down syndrome.
How many ultrasounds do you do.
Where the baby has a 3.9?
Or 3.5?
It happens. It happens.
Like, a lot?
Not that many.
Should our level.
Of concern be...
- It's probably gonna
- be another week.
- Until you get
- that blood work back.
- That's gonna give us
- a lot of information.
- Because, otherwise, you're gonna
- be really stressing out.
- Yeah, I'm not having
- any fun anymore.
I know.
- Narrator: until
- the blood work comes in,
Jake and Jenna will have.
To wait for a diagnosis.
Everything else.
Looked fine.
Um, let me go give them a call,
and I will be right back.
Okay, thanks, - Dr. wittman.
[ Door opens, closes ]
God, that's scary.
Jenna: the baby's.
Gonna be okay.
I'm supposed to be.
Telling you that, I think.
Either way,
no matter what happens,
the baby's - gonna be fine.
[ Sighs ]
We can face whatever.
Comes our way.
Narrator: 1,900 miles northwest,
on the 110-footbrenna a...
1.5 miles.
Roger that one.
Fishing COD,
we're getting 10 a pot.
Or less on average.
But it could be.
Just coming on.
To the bite right now.
In this area.
Narrator: $12,000 in the hole.
For bait and fuel...
I just hope.
Fishing picks up.
Narrator: captain Sean dwyer.
Needs this trip to pay off.
And carry his business.
Through to opilio season.
I need 50,000 pounds.
To break even.
Probably only got 10,000.
Or 12,000 pounds on.
But the clock's ticking.
I don't have that much time.
To come out here.
And mess around.
- I got to get these fish
- to the dock.
Narrator: with 33 hours left.
Before the fish.
Start going bad...
Sean: the next pot.
Is 50 yards off the bow.
When you're ready.
Narrator: Sean is counting.
On these pots to produce.
Sean: here we go, boys!
Have to find that rhythm.
And hope it pays, or else,
I'm gonna be losing.
My [bleep] ass here.
Man: this isn't looking good.
No table!
No table!
Nothing there.
Got to go make money.
So mama can buy new shoes.
And this ain't gonna do it.
One fish, two fish.
Not enough fish.
Just got to see what happens.
Is it a good one?
There's no COD.
I think if you went.
By the pound today,
so far, we're catching.
More octopus than COD.
We don't have.
A market for octopus.
As much as I like.
To haul gear,
what's the point if.
You're not making any money?
I'm not doing this for pride.
I'm doing this for the money.
Come out here and lose money,
then I'm just taking away.
From my king crab profits.
Narrator: at a crossroads...
So, yeah.
Call the big boss.
See what my mom has to say.
- Narrator: the young skipper
- puts in a call.
To his business partner.
And mother, Jenny dwyer.
It's her business,
too, you know?
[Line ringing]
Hello. how's it going?
Just hauling COD pots.
Fishing's not very good.
Jenny: oh, really?
Yeah, it's pretty poor.
It's, like, you know,
a 10 average, if we're lucky.
I think we've covered costs,
but we're not making.
Any money right now.
- Okay.
- so...
Right. okay.
Um, you know...
Okay. you said so.
That's the plan.
I'll give you a call later.
Love you, too. Bye.
My mom's looking at this.
From a business standpoint.
And the fact is, we've covered.
Our expenses... barely.
This just isn't cutting it.
Go down on deck and let the boys.
Know the plan here.
Oh, hey.
Yeah. well, we're not.
Making any money.
And last thing I want.
Is to lose money.
What I'm getting at is,
we're done.
You guys are pretty happy.
About that, huh?
Narrator: not wanting to put.
The family business at risk...
Let's stack it up.
Yeah. let's do it.
Sean cuts his losses.
And gets ready to head in.
I just broke the door handle.
We got to cover.
Our expenses.
Looks like I'm gonna be spending.
Money on the boat in town.
Narrator: 220 miles.
Northeast of Dutch harbor...
Aboard thetime bandit...
So it's of the essence.
We get through here real quick.
And get safely.
On the other side.
Gonna bring all the crab in.
Narrator: to protect.
His $300,000 payday.
From excessive dead loss...
It still looks like we might.
Not be home free yet.
We're never home free,
you know, coming through here.
- Narrator: captain
- Johnathan hillstrand.
Has chosen to take.
A shortcut back to port...
False pass is sketchy.
You know, a lot.
Of boats can't do it.
Narrator: the notorious.
Straight known as false pass.
Johnathan: you never know what.
The pass is gonna do to you.
You get extreme tide.
Up against the extreme wind.
And extremely shallow,
it could ruin your day.
- Narrator: in addition
- to navigating a tight,
shallow channel.
Threaded by sea buoys,
Johnathan must contend.
With strong tides.
And shifting sandbars.
If he veers off course,
thetime bandit.
Will run aground,
threatening the crew.
And his 30,000 pounds of crab.
- Johnathan: look at this
- right here.
- See all the white water
- right there?
Right out here,
it's all white water.
It's 'cause of the storm.
That was out here,
left the big swells.
And stuff, I think.
See all that white water, Eddie?
Narrator: the wake of the storm,
combined with high tides,
makes it even more difficult.
To thread this needle.
Johnathan: we got to go through
'cause it's gonna get worse.
So we don't go through now,
- we ain't gonna be able
- to go through.
We got crab on.
I got to go. We got to go.
Breaking on through.
To the other side.
Between them right now.
Yeah, should be headed.
At them now, guys.
I got the green and red here.
Coming around.
Last thing we need is worry.
About hitting a sandbar.
It's gonna get way worse.
Riding them out.
Narrator: with 15-foot waves.
Breaking across.
The shallow bottom...
We need to see.
Some cans real quick.
Or else I can't go.
Any further forward.
Narrator: captain Johnathan's.
Line of sight is limited.
I got to get a visual.
- Well, the red one's
- right here about 11:00 now.
Green one's right there.
So we got to turn.
More to your port.
- Johnathan: okay, keep
- talking to me, Eddie.
- Yep. kind of a little
- bit more port.
Right here.
Right here, straight ahead.
Oh, I see red. Yep.
Hang on, guys.
- Ride the waves straight out,
- brother.
Keep it?
Yeah. more port?
[ Rumbling ]
This is crazy.
I didn't think we were.
Gonna be doing this.
Red's about 10:00 now.
Yep. come to port.
If you run just about like that,
you'll be good. A big one.
Oh, yeah.
Here's the big one.
- Straight ahead. It's right there
- off your bow, John.
- Okay. I'm trying
- to come around, guys.
- That wave just knocked me
- into next week.
We got two white waters coming.
I got to punch it.
Keep going.
Keep going. Port.
Oh, yeah.
We're almost out.
It's the big set. Hold on.
About a 15-footer.
It's gonna slap us hard, guys.
Hang on.
Don't mind us.
We're just moving through.
Let's get on through, bitch.
[ Rumbling ]
Here we are.
We made it, guys.
The sea buoy's right there.
- We made it!
- -yeah!
- That was
- a super job, Johnny.
That was [bleep] awesome.
[Bleep] damn!
Narrator: with.
False pass behind them,
thetime banditheads to port.
For the last king crab offload.
Of Johnathan's career.
Holy [bleep]
I hate this [bleep] place.
[Bleep] you, sandbar!
- No. thank you for
- letting us get through.
Namaste. namaste. Namaste.
My brother taught me something.
Namaste over on this side.
And not go through there again.
Yeah! going home!
With sig and Jake maxed out,
Johnathan blows by to take.
The top of the leader board.
In his farewell season.
Be real careful going up there,
and don't let the flag.
Touch the ground,
and bring me back the other one.
The ugly storm...
I'm done with that.
And that poor, little flag.
Has got nothing left of it.
Our flag is looking.
So torn up right now.
We flew it.
For not even two days,
and, I mean, that's how rough.
It was out there.
- Johnathan:
- started out with eight flags.
You can actually go through.
A flag every couple of hours.
It just shreds.
But, anyway, but we're proud.
To fly the American flag,
'cause we're American.
That's awesome.
That's beautiful.
We want to go out.
With pride, dignity.
Whoo, America!
God bless America.
Narrator: 210 miles northeast.
Of Dutch harbor...
On thesummer bay...
It's coming.
It's coming. Yeah.
- Yeah, so we're just
- punching really hard here.
To get this crab on board.
Hopefully, we can do it.
And get home.
- Bill: we're getting
- our ass beat for this,
but I'm so damn close.
To this thing, I can taste it.
- Narrator:
- ...In one final push...
Two to go.
- Narrator: captain
- "wild" bill wichrowski.
Looks to put.
His king season to rest.
Been a hell of a season.
For fishing in the beginning.
We've had to put more money.
Into the boat.
Than we definitely anticipated,
and we can hope.
That we do okay on opies.
And we worked out.
All of our bugs.
I'll tell you what,
I've had easier seasons.
I've had easier root canals.
And jail time than this season.
But we got it.
- -Yeah!
- -yeah!
We're done!
Thank god!
First official season for.
Thesummer bayin the bucket.
Narrator: after more than.
Two punishing weeks.
On the grounds...
Yeah! whoo!
New boat, new life, new brand.
Narrator: bill successfully.
Caps off his first season.
As a new boat owner.
We see a little bit of money.
Here on the mightysummer bay.
Man: let me see some.
Celebration, Ronnie!
- -Whoo!
- -i know it's been hell.
Getting here.
Appreciate you.
- -Yeah!
- -yeah!
[ Cheering ]
Narrator: for their efforts,
each deckhand will.
Bring home 40 grand.
Let's get out of here.
Before we get our ass kicked.
Yeah, baby!
We're done!
Narrator: 110 miles southeast,
in king cove...
- Johnathan: well, that wasn't
- very easy, was it?
Everything tried to stop us.
Narrator: overcoming a late.
Start and big weather...
But we made it work.
We're off-loading.
At the cannery.
That pretty much wraps up.
Kind crab right there.
- Narrator: captain
- Johnathan hillstrand.
Is off-loading.
The last of his crab.
- We got a couple million dollars
- worth of crab.
With our lease rates.
And everything,
not too bad for a couple months.
Narrator: with 204,000.
Total pounds delivered...
- -Hell, yeah.
- -all right.
Each crewman will net.
A $48,000 payday.
So, all in all,
we had a great season.
Slow and sure won the race.
It wasn't easy. There wasn't.
One thing easy about it.
That's for damn sure.
Now I'm ready to go do opies.
Narrator: across the dock...
Sean: COD fishing...
Can't say we didn't try.
Narrator: failing to produce.
On his first ever COD trip...
Sean: right now, I'm just gonna.
Get my paperwork together,
go up to the office.
And see how much we caught.
- Narrator: captain Sean dwyer
- and thebrenna a.
Make their final delivery.
Of the fall season.
See if we made money.
Or lost money.
- -Ah.
- -I'm back.
Ooh, what's the number?
What it be?
We made 500 bucks.
After expenses for this trip.
- -Seriously?
- -yep.
2 bucks an hour.
2 bucks an hour.
$2.10 or something.
Like that, probably.
- -I got to find a new profession.
- -yeah.
But you know what?
We didn't lose money on this.
We came out on top, baby!
First round's on me.
[ Laughter ]
- Narrator: as the remaining
- men in the fleet.
Prepare to make.
Their journey home...
Mandy: who's here, bull?
Is that Clark?
[ Knock on door ]
Captain sig and his family.
Have already settled in.
Hi, Clark.
How are you doing?
- -Good to see you.
- -good. Good to see you, too.
Oh, take it easy.
Yeah, you just got clean.
Come here.
Joining them.
Is newly-minted greenhorn...
- How you doing, sig?
- good to see you.
I'm all right.
And Mandy Hansen's.
Longtime boyfriend,
Clark pederson.
Sig: the big, tough.
Crabber has returned.
- Yeah, if you guys don't mind,
- I'm gonna talk to Mandy outside.
- For a little bit,
- if that's all right?
First you want to steal my boat.
Now you want to steal my kid?
[ Laughter ]
- Could I talk to you outside
- for a little bit?
Oh, my god.
Oh! they're doing it.
[ Laughs ]
Oh, my god!
[ Laughter ]
They got engaged.
* flickers in a moment *
[ cellphone ringing ]
Hello, this is Jake.
This is Dr. wittman.
I'm sorry it took me.
So long to get to you,
but I just got the results,
and it's negative.
No down syndrome.
It was all negative.
You're kidding me?!
I'm not.
* and the ties that bind *
* are the ones.
We pray will keep us *
and I know the gender,
but I'm not gonna tell you.
- -Aah!
- -oh!
Jenna: oh, my god.
* a thousand miles *
* a billion stars between us *
bill: like any season,
things change.
But, all in all, I'm pretty.
Excited to have the new boat.
Thesummer bay'sbeen.
Going above and beyond.
* I've took this boat ashore *
* followed the northern star *
* so I can get back to *
* the places where you are *
Sean: I wish we'd made.
Money COD fishing,
but can't say we didn't try.
But we'll come back.
And hit it hard next time.
Get ready for this.
Winter season.
* we break our backs *
* for the ones.
That we call family *
- Johnathan: I've worked
- for this company.
For 25 years with my brothers.
All of a sudden, you're old...
Old man...
Thinking about.
A beach somewhere.
* I'll raise.
These calloused hands *
* to lift this heavy eye *
* so I can get back to *
* the places where you are *
Johnathan: I got to finish.
That opie season coming up.
- And one more time
- with my brothers.
* a thousand miles *
* a billion stars between us *
it is freakin' nautical.
It looks rainy, misty, snowy,
and the wind's picked up.
One mistake by me...
Somebody can get banged up.
But it's not gonna stop me.
You're doing whatever it takes.
To get the job done.
Oh, yeah!
What the...?
- Watch that, guys, watch, watch,
- watch, watch, watch it!
Get down!
Hold on!
* I'm wanted *
* wanted *
* dead or Ali-i-i-i-i-i-ve *
... captions by vitac...
Captions paid for by.
Discovery communications.
King season.
Was a lot of fun for me,
but you always want to be home.
And when you have lower quotas,
that adds to stress 'cause.
It's gonna be harder to get.
Narrator: after weeks at sea,
in one of the leanest.
Years on record...
It's always in your mind,
that now you got opilio.
That's a big one.
Unless somebody sabotages it.
- Narrator: the fall
- fishing season...
Slow down.
A little bit.
Nears its end.
Go see da-da.
There he is!
- And while some in the fleet
- have already begun.
Adjusting to life back home...
Jake: - did you miss dad?
Those still on the hunt.
Chase the remaining crab...
Hold on!
Into the deeper,
colder waters of the Bering sea.
We came out to what I thought.
Would be a walk in the park.
- Maybe a walk in the park
- in the wrong part of town,
but we got to get.
The hell out of here.
Narrator: captains press hard.
To reach their final quotas...
- In a nutshell, if we don't
- get the crab aboard,
we could be pinned down here.
For three or four days.
Narrator: as a storm.
Erupts across the grounds.
I've seen some
20-footers roll by.
Got to make the best of it.
This COD trip needs to work.
No questions. No excuses.
[ Seagulls crying ]
[ Shouts indistinctly ]
Narrator: 210 miles.
Northeast of Dutch harbor,
on the 107-foottime bandit...
Johnathan: first trip we're late.
And gnarly storm,
and now we come back.
To another storm.
I'm not gonna do this.
No more after this.
This whole opilio season,
I'm [bleep] Tired of it.
- Narrator:
- captain Johnathan hillstrand.
Looks to close out the final.
King crab season.
Of his 37-year career.
I want to go out.
In a Blaze of glory, baby.
- Narrator: after getting off
- to a late start...
- Everyone will be
- zeroed in on the crab,
and I'm gonna be out.
To pick up the crumbs.
Narrator: navigating.
Through lean fishing...
- No one ever said
- it was gonna be easy.
- Johnathan: I came out here
- to kick ass with my brothers,
not get our asses kicked.
We got a pretty bad.
Leak downstairs.
Narrator: and breakdowns...
Five gallons a minute,
you're gonna go down.
You're a sinking ship.
Narrator: all that now stands.
- Between him
- and the finish line...
We're gonna break.
The 200,000-pound barrier.
- Narrator: is a quick
- 5,000-pound haul...
It's supposed to blow 50 today.
It's already blowing 45.
Narrator: as long as he can.
Get through the 30-foot seas.
Johnathan: it's gonna be tough.
Right to the bitter end.
So this first pot.
Will tell us a lot.
But I just got to make sure
I don't hurt nobody.
Trying to get out of here.
Okay, guys, be real safe.
This wind's come up.
Really hard and fast,
so be careful, guys.
Come on, Freddy.
Get it, Freddy.
Okay, guys, we need 11.12 crab.
In each pot,
and we can go home.
We'll find out.
This is beautiful [bleep]
Crabbing weather right here.
[Bleep] crab!
Welcome aboard, boys,
welcome aboard.
Welcome aboard.
Johnathan: that might be 30.
Yeah, that's a good pot,
Last of 'em.
It's gonna be.
A good pile, though.
Yep, that works.
I could just haul ass,
pull the next one.
Wow. another good pot.
Oh, thank you, god.
Big numbers!
We're on the crab now, baby.
All day.
I'm pretty sure
I just seen way more than 11.
Go in that tank, brother.
We got three...
Yeah, baby.
Wow, baby.
[ Laughs ]
Ah, this one's even better.
Narrator: the captain will get.
The numbers to meet his quota...
Stack out in a hurricane.
And go home.
- And hopefully,
- it doesn't shut me down.
Before I have my pots on.
- Narrator: if the weather
- holds off.
Johnathan: it's not over.
Till it's over.
Let's do it!
Here we go, baby!
Thank you, god!
We're surviving.
At least we're pulling,
getting our crab done.
I just know there's not.
Very much relief in sight.
Let's go home!
Just got one more.
Narrator: with a brutal 10-hour.
Grind coming to a close...
It ain't over yet. We're headed.
Back towards false pass.
- Narrator: and to prevent
- dead loss.
By getting his crab.
In on time...
- Johnathan:
- out decision's made.
- This is what
- we got to deal with.
And we'll just.
Do what we can do.
- Narrator: the veteran captain
- is forced to take.
A perilous shortcut.
Known as false pass.
Johnathan: false pass is called.
False pass for a reason.
There's a sandbar.
It gets really shallow.
That's what wrecks you.
Trying to get home is gonna be.
An accomplishment in itself.
Narrator: 10 miles northwest...
On the 113-footsummer bay...
- I'll tell you,
- it is freakin' nautical.
You can see that it looks.
Rainy, misty, snowy,
and the wind's picked up.
- So, basically,
- I feel like an owl.
I'm hardly blinking here.
- I'm just kind of
- staring out the window.
It's gonna be a long one.
- Narrator: captain
- "wild" bill wichrowski.
Makes a final push.
To finish his season.
While in the thick.
Of 40-foot seas.
- We could probably
- get the guys out there.
And actually.
Running down my string.
It is a new boat.
In bad weather.
10 days ago...
Hey, heads up! Heads up!
Holy [bleep]
- ...unfamiliar with how
- his new boat.
Handled in weather...
- Bill: we're gonna go ahead
- and secure the deck.
And take a little break.
Narrator: the captain.
Was forced to shut down.
I think we're risking it.
A little bit.
It's a new boat.
I'm giving it a dry run.
Without the guys.
Out there taking the heat.
Now, with the seas.
Building again,
"wild" bill decides on a test.
Run before he begins his haul.
The human interaction with.
The throttles and the rudder...
See, there's a big one.
Back it off, just keep.
The nose into it.
You duck over the top.
There's some buoys off the bow.
Hardly had any spray on deck.
I just, I don't know.
I just, from what
I'm seeing right here,
- I think I got this
- son of a bitch whipped.
Narrator: satisfied with.
How the boat handles.
In the big swells...
I think what I'm gonna do.
Is put this thing.
On an auto-pilot course.
Away from my string for a second.
And go down.
And roust the cowboys.
Narrator: the skipper.
Rallies the troops.
To close out the king season.
Bill: hey, guys. We got a plan.
We're gonna essentially get what.
We need to take to town on.
- The only way this
- is gonna get screwed up,
- if we don't
- get that one-shot-one-kill.
- On the rail
- and [bleep] it around.
- Getting it in the box,
- 'cause where we screw up.
- Is when I have to take it
- out of gear.
And the boat gets pushed off.
Narrator: to maintain control.
Of the boat in rough seas,
bill's counting on the crew.
Not to miss with the hook.
- If you guys can be smooth so
- I have to take it out of gear,
- get in the block,
- and get right back on it,
we should have no problem.
Keep an eye on your buddy.
Even if you don't like the guy,
keep an eye on him.
It's [bleep] as [bleep]
Out there right now.
It's not safe.
I take... I don't know.
We got to get it done,
but safety's out the window.
For me, as a manager,
I can see it in their eyes.
They're like, "oh, my god.
Huge tides and 60-knot winds."
The busy work's tougher,
but I just have to.
Get them through it.
And get these pots on board.
And hopefully get.
That number in the tank.
- Turning on the first
- one here, boys.
Let's get her done.
Just be careful.
Here we go.
Get it, hunter.
Go, go, go, go, go [bleep]
When things at the rail.
Don't go smooth,
I have to take it out of gear.
And lose my forward momentum.
And my steerage.
Whoa [bleep]
Hurry the [bleep] up!
[ Groans ]
This is exactly what
I told them not to do.
We can't see the crab.
What the...?
- Watch that, guys. Watch, watch,
- watch, watch, watch it!
Get down!
Hold on!
Narrator: on thesummer bay...
Man: [bleep]
Hurry the [bleep] up!
Bill: what the...?
- Watch that, guys. Watch, watch,
- watch, watch, watch it!
Get down!
Hold on!
All right.
You all right?
We had one come over the top.
And just go boom.
- Right in the middle, and it
- looked like pick-up sticks.
- Narrator: captain "wild" bill
- was forced to take the boat.
Out of gear after.
A failed hook toss...
Get down!
Hold on!
Exposing thesummer bay.
To a 25-foot rogue wave.
It's very real.
I can get somebody hurt,
but it's not gonna stop me.
- You know, I've been
- doing this [bleep]
Since '78, '79.
I'm a boat owner now.
I need this thing.
To work for me.
Ha-ha! yeah, baby!
- A lot of volume.
- hopefully, there's some keepers.
I don't see a whole lot.
Of big legs in there.
I think.
We're gonna get it.
26 keepers.
That'll help.
It's very doable as long.
As we don't miss with the hook,
do stupid [bleep] at the rail.
There's no room for error.
Concentrate, boys.
- You know, I'm telling the guys
- what I need them to do.
I need to do the same thing.
I need to just keep this bow.
Where it has to be and then.
Keep the water off deck.
That's the quest...
Crab and gear and nobody.
Getting banged up.
Narrator: as bill closes in.
On the last of his crab,
1,800 miles southeast.
In Seattle, Washington...
For me, it was pretty nice.
To get up there,
and it was real nice to.
Be able to go back to work.
- Narrator: after finishing
- atop the fleet,
in a thin fall season...
- Yes, my habits
- are getting better,
but going into opilios now,
I would feel pretty foolish.
To go up there, push my luck.
- Narrator: captain sig Hansen
- is already worried.
About the upcoming.
Winter fishery.
You're much farther north.
I mean, that's where.
The heart attack happened.
In the first place.
Narrator: last winter...
Watch out!
Oh, man!
Oh, come on!
Narrator: sig endured.
One of his most stressful.
Opilio seasons to date...
- I don't understand why it hurts
- so much right here.
Narrator: nearly succumbing.
To a heart attack.
- Woman:
- you had the widow maker.
You got to learn how.
To respect your body better.
Hopefully, that'll...
- You know,
- that'll show the doctor.
That I was in the right place.
'Cause if you don't.
Show improvement,
you know, he can give you.
The "denied" stamp.
And I'm not going anywhere.
Narrator: without medical.
Clearance from his cardiologist,
the skipper's opie season.
Could be over before it begins.
- Sig: all right, well, let's go
- see what the doc has to say.
Woman: put your arm up here.
For me, please.
Thank you.
And I'll get your finger here.
Thank you.
Your blood pressure.
For today is 119/84.
That's a good pulse.
Yes. all looking solid.
Dr. McCabe will talk to you.
If he's concerned about it.
Thank you, ma'am.
You're welcome.
Hey. welcome back.
How you doing?
I'm good.
How was your trip?
The trip was good.
- It was fun.
- yeah.
But we had tremendous fishing,
so that was fun.
- Then it makes it easier.
- yeah.
Any chest pains.
- No.
- no?
Didn't have.
Any chest pains.
I'm down - to about a pack.
- But, you know,
- if you got a lot of stress.
And you have people.
Breathing down your neck,
and all of a sudden,
you do toss your comfort thing,
- I don't know if I can do it
- all at the same time.
I mean, I hear you. Um...
It's just making.
Excuses, I know.
- Um...
- so bad.
It's depressing.
- You know, you just
- got to recognize.
That it's probably.
The most important aspect.
In terms of your heart health,
is getting off those cigarettes.
We'll get there - eventually.
I believe that.
I can go fishing, right?
I would say that if you're.
Developing bad habits.
On the boat...
- You're smoking more,
- you're drinking more,
whatever, then that's.
Worth thinking about.
But if that's.
Not the case...
- If you're, you know,
- just doing your work.
And feeling good.
And so forth,
then I'm completely.
In support of that.
I think it's also.
Encouraging that.
When you were out.
On the boat before,
you were doing really well.
You know, 'cause you've.
Sort of stress-tested yourself.
So, I don't have...
I'll do it in the...
I don't have an issue there.
Do it in the right manner.
Yeah. yeah.
That it's where.
You feel whole,
- it's where you feel comfortable,
- back in your element.
So it was, yeah,
it was, like, happy.
It was unicorns and rainbows.
For Alaska,
it's pretty hard to do.
[ Laughs ]
Okay, thank you, doctor.
Narrator: coming up...
Johnathan: this is crazy.
- I didn't think we were
- gonna be doing this.
Another big one.
Oh, yeah.
Hang on, guys.
It's gonna get way worse.
Just ride them out.
Narrator: 1,800 miles southeast.
Of the fishing grounds,
in Seattle, Washington...
- Woman: all right, so let's
- take a look here.
- -Okay.
- -can you see?
- -Mm-hmm.
- -'cause I've got a little glare.
On this thing.
Narrator: a second.
Bering sea skipper.
- Is paying a visit
- to the hospital...
And then, there's.
Your little baby.
For a different.
Kind of checkup.
Oh, my gosh.
The heart,
the baby's head,
and backbone and little leg.
Narrator: captain Jake Anderson.
And his wife, Jenna,
are getting a first glimpse.
Of their unborn child.
That's your baby, Jake.
So here's the heart.
Let me just zoom in.
Nice, strong heartbeat.
What a beauty.
So I will - step down the hall.
And see if Dr. wittman.
Is ready.
Okay. thank you.
I'll be right back.
You're welcome.
That was really emotional.
It really made it real.
Sitting here looking at it,
listening to the heartbeat.
It was awesome.
The baby is alive.
And healthy, heart beating.
So cute.
- [ Door opens ]
- woman: Are we ready?
The doctor is ready for you.
- -Hello.
- -hello.
How are you?
Good. and you?
- -Good.
- -nice to see you.
- Did you get to see
- some good pictures of the baby?
- -Yeah.
- -we did.
- And then, you had
- your blood work done...?
Tuesday. yeah.
Okay. we don't have the...
- You didn't get
- any results, did you?
Jenna: unh-unh.
Not that I'm aware of.
They haven't sent me.
An e-mail, like, so...
So... so, this ultrasound.
Was measuring.
That fold in the back.
Of the baby's neck.
That's called.
The nuchal translucency,
and that was.
A little bit thick.
So the cutoff is 3.5,
and it was 3.9.
It could be just something.
That's gonna go away with time.
It could be.
Indicative of something.
Like down syndrome.
How many ultrasounds do you do.
Where the baby has a 3.9?
Or 3.5?
It happens. It happens.
Like, a lot?
Not that many.
Should our level.
Of concern be...
- It's probably gonna
- be another week.
- Until you get
- that blood work back.
- That's gonna give us
- a lot of information.
- Because, otherwise, you're gonna
- be really stressing out.
- Yeah, I'm not having
- any fun anymore.
I know.
- Narrator: until
- the blood work comes in,
Jake and Jenna will have.
To wait for a diagnosis.
Everything else.
Looked fine.
Um, let me go give them a call,
and I will be right back.
Okay, thanks, - Dr. wittman.
[ Door opens, closes ]
God, that's scary.
Jenna: the baby's.
Gonna be okay.
I'm supposed to be.
Telling you that, I think.
Either way,
no matter what happens,
the baby's - gonna be fine.
[ Sighs ]
We can face whatever.
Comes our way.
Narrator: 1,900 miles northwest,
on the 110-footbrenna a...
1.5 miles.
Roger that one.
Fishing COD,
we're getting 10 a pot.
Or less on average.
But it could be.
Just coming on.
To the bite right now.
In this area.
Narrator: $12,000 in the hole.
For bait and fuel...
I just hope.
Fishing picks up.
Narrator: captain Sean dwyer.
Needs this trip to pay off.
And carry his business.
Through to opilio season.
I need 50,000 pounds.
To break even.
Probably only got 10,000.
Or 12,000 pounds on.
But the clock's ticking.
I don't have that much time.
To come out here.
And mess around.
- I got to get these fish
- to the dock.
Narrator: with 33 hours left.
Before the fish.
Start going bad...
Sean: the next pot.
Is 50 yards off the bow.
When you're ready.
Narrator: Sean is counting.
On these pots to produce.
Sean: here we go, boys!
Have to find that rhythm.
And hope it pays, or else,
I'm gonna be losing.
My [bleep] ass here.
Man: this isn't looking good.
No table!
No table!
Nothing there.
Got to go make money.
So mama can buy new shoes.
And this ain't gonna do it.
One fish, two fish.
Not enough fish.
Just got to see what happens.
Is it a good one?
There's no COD.
I think if you went.
By the pound today,
so far, we're catching.
More octopus than COD.
We don't have.
A market for octopus.
As much as I like.
To haul gear,
what's the point if.
You're not making any money?
I'm not doing this for pride.
I'm doing this for the money.
Come out here and lose money,
then I'm just taking away.
From my king crab profits.
Narrator: at a crossroads...
So, yeah.
Call the big boss.
See what my mom has to say.
- Narrator: the young skipper
- puts in a call.
To his business partner.
And mother, Jenny dwyer.
It's her business,
too, you know?
[Line ringing]
Hello. how's it going?
Just hauling COD pots.
Fishing's not very good.
Jenny: oh, really?
Yeah, it's pretty poor.
It's, like, you know,
a 10 average, if we're lucky.
I think we've covered costs,
but we're not making.
Any money right now.
- Okay.
- so...
Right. okay.
Um, you know...
Okay. you said so.
That's the plan.
I'll give you a call later.
Love you, too. Bye.
My mom's looking at this.
From a business standpoint.
And the fact is, we've covered.
Our expenses... barely.
This just isn't cutting it.
Go down on deck and let the boys.
Know the plan here.
Oh, hey.
Yeah. well, we're not.
Making any money.
And last thing I want.
Is to lose money.
What I'm getting at is,
we're done.
You guys are pretty happy.
About that, huh?
Narrator: not wanting to put.
The family business at risk...
Let's stack it up.
Yeah. let's do it.
Sean cuts his losses.
And gets ready to head in.
I just broke the door handle.
We got to cover.
Our expenses.
Looks like I'm gonna be spending.
Money on the boat in town.
Narrator: 220 miles.
Northeast of Dutch harbor...
Aboard thetime bandit...
So it's of the essence.
We get through here real quick.
And get safely.
On the other side.
Gonna bring all the crab in.
Narrator: to protect.
His $300,000 payday.
From excessive dead loss...
It still looks like we might.
Not be home free yet.
We're never home free,
you know, coming through here.
- Narrator: captain
- Johnathan hillstrand.
Has chosen to take.
A shortcut back to port...
False pass is sketchy.
You know, a lot.
Of boats can't do it.
Narrator: the notorious.
Straight known as false pass.
Johnathan: you never know what.
The pass is gonna do to you.
You get extreme tide.
Up against the extreme wind.
And extremely shallow,
it could ruin your day.
- Narrator: in addition
- to navigating a tight,
shallow channel.
Threaded by sea buoys,
Johnathan must contend.
With strong tides.
And shifting sandbars.
If he veers off course,
thetime bandit.
Will run aground,
threatening the crew.
And his 30,000 pounds of crab.
- Johnathan: look at this
- right here.
- See all the white water
- right there?
Right out here,
it's all white water.
It's 'cause of the storm.
That was out here,
left the big swells.
And stuff, I think.
See all that white water, Eddie?
Narrator: the wake of the storm,
combined with high tides,
makes it even more difficult.
To thread this needle.
Johnathan: we got to go through
'cause it's gonna get worse.
So we don't go through now,
- we ain't gonna be able
- to go through.
We got crab on.
I got to go. We got to go.
Breaking on through.
To the other side.
Between them right now.
Yeah, should be headed.
At them now, guys.
I got the green and red here.
Coming around.
Last thing we need is worry.
About hitting a sandbar.
It's gonna get way worse.
Riding them out.
Narrator: with 15-foot waves.
Breaking across.
The shallow bottom...
We need to see.
Some cans real quick.
Or else I can't go.
Any further forward.
Narrator: captain Johnathan's.
Line of sight is limited.
I got to get a visual.
- Well, the red one's
- right here about 11:00 now.
Green one's right there.
So we got to turn.
More to your port.
- Johnathan: okay, keep
- talking to me, Eddie.
- Yep. kind of a little
- bit more port.
Right here.
Right here, straight ahead.
Oh, I see red. Yep.
Hang on, guys.
- Ride the waves straight out,
- brother.
Keep it?
Yeah. more port?
[ Rumbling ]
This is crazy.
I didn't think we were.
Gonna be doing this.
Red's about 10:00 now.
Yep. come to port.
If you run just about like that,
you'll be good. A big one.
Oh, yeah.
Here's the big one.
- Straight ahead. It's right there
- off your bow, John.
- Okay. I'm trying
- to come around, guys.
- That wave just knocked me
- into next week.
We got two white waters coming.
I got to punch it.
Keep going.
Keep going. Port.
Oh, yeah.
We're almost out.
It's the big set. Hold on.
About a 15-footer.
It's gonna slap us hard, guys.
Hang on.
Don't mind us.
We're just moving through.
Let's get on through, bitch.
[ Rumbling ]
Here we are.
We made it, guys.
The sea buoy's right there.
- We made it!
- -yeah!
- That was
- a super job, Johnny.
That was [bleep] awesome.
[Bleep] damn!
Narrator: with.
False pass behind them,
thetime banditheads to port.
For the last king crab offload.
Of Johnathan's career.
Holy [bleep]
I hate this [bleep] place.
[Bleep] you, sandbar!
- No. thank you for
- letting us get through.
Namaste. namaste. Namaste.
My brother taught me something.
Namaste over on this side.
And not go through there again.
Yeah! going home!
With sig and Jake maxed out,
Johnathan blows by to take.
The top of the leader board.
In his farewell season.
Be real careful going up there,
and don't let the flag.
Touch the ground,
and bring me back the other one.
The ugly storm...
I'm done with that.
And that poor, little flag.
Has got nothing left of it.
Our flag is looking.
So torn up right now.
We flew it.
For not even two days,
and, I mean, that's how rough.
It was out there.
- Johnathan:
- started out with eight flags.
You can actually go through.
A flag every couple of hours.
It just shreds.
But, anyway, but we're proud.
To fly the American flag,
'cause we're American.
That's awesome.
That's beautiful.
We want to go out.
With pride, dignity.
Whoo, America!
God bless America.
Narrator: 210 miles northeast.
Of Dutch harbor...
On thesummer bay...
It's coming.
It's coming. Yeah.
- Yeah, so we're just
- punching really hard here.
To get this crab on board.
Hopefully, we can do it.
And get home.
- Bill: we're getting
- our ass beat for this,
but I'm so damn close.
To this thing, I can taste it.
- Narrator:
- ...In one final push...
Two to go.
- Narrator: captain
- "wild" bill wichrowski.
Looks to put.
His king season to rest.
Been a hell of a season.
For fishing in the beginning.
We've had to put more money.
Into the boat.
Than we definitely anticipated,
and we can hope.
That we do okay on opies.
And we worked out.
All of our bugs.
I'll tell you what,
I've had easier seasons.
I've had easier root canals.
And jail time than this season.
But we got it.
- -Yeah!
- -yeah!
We're done!
Thank god!
First official season for.
Thesummer bayin the bucket.
Narrator: after more than.
Two punishing weeks.
On the grounds...
Yeah! whoo!
New boat, new life, new brand.
Narrator: bill successfully.
Caps off his first season.
As a new boat owner.
We see a little bit of money.
Here on the mightysummer bay.
Man: let me see some.
Celebration, Ronnie!
- -Whoo!
- -i know it's been hell.
Getting here.
Appreciate you.
- -Yeah!
- -yeah!
[ Cheering ]
Narrator: for their efforts,
each deckhand will.
Bring home 40 grand.
Let's get out of here.
Before we get our ass kicked.
Yeah, baby!
We're done!
Narrator: 110 miles southeast,
in king cove...
- Johnathan: well, that wasn't
- very easy, was it?
Everything tried to stop us.
Narrator: overcoming a late.
Start and big weather...
But we made it work.
We're off-loading.
At the cannery.
That pretty much wraps up.
Kind crab right there.
- Narrator: captain
- Johnathan hillstrand.
Is off-loading.
The last of his crab.
- We got a couple million dollars
- worth of crab.
With our lease rates.
And everything,
not too bad for a couple months.
Narrator: with 204,000.
Total pounds delivered...
- -Hell, yeah.
- -all right.
Each crewman will net.
A $48,000 payday.
So, all in all,
we had a great season.
Slow and sure won the race.
It wasn't easy. There wasn't.
One thing easy about it.
That's for damn sure.
Now I'm ready to go do opies.
Narrator: across the dock...
Sean: COD fishing...
Can't say we didn't try.
Narrator: failing to produce.
On his first ever COD trip...
Sean: right now, I'm just gonna.
Get my paperwork together,
go up to the office.
And see how much we caught.
- Narrator: captain Sean dwyer
- and thebrenna a.
Make their final delivery.
Of the fall season.
See if we made money.
Or lost money.
- -Ah.
- -I'm back.
Ooh, what's the number?
What it be?
We made 500 bucks.
After expenses for this trip.
- -Seriously?
- -yep.
2 bucks an hour.
2 bucks an hour.
$2.10 or something.
Like that, probably.
- -I got to find a new profession.
- -yeah.
But you know what?
We didn't lose money on this.
We came out on top, baby!
First round's on me.
[ Laughter ]
- Narrator: as the remaining
- men in the fleet.
Prepare to make.
Their journey home...
Mandy: who's here, bull?
Is that Clark?
[ Knock on door ]
Captain sig and his family.
Have already settled in.
Hi, Clark.
How are you doing?
- -Good to see you.
- -good. Good to see you, too.
Oh, take it easy.
Yeah, you just got clean.
Come here.
Joining them.
Is newly-minted greenhorn...
- How you doing, sig?
- good to see you.
I'm all right.
And Mandy Hansen's.
Longtime boyfriend,
Clark pederson.
Sig: the big, tough.
Crabber has returned.
- Yeah, if you guys don't mind,
- I'm gonna talk to Mandy outside.
- For a little bit,
- if that's all right?
First you want to steal my boat.
Now you want to steal my kid?
[ Laughter ]
- Could I talk to you outside
- for a little bit?
Oh, my god.
Oh! they're doing it.
[ Laughs ]
Oh, my god!
[ Laughter ]
They got engaged.
* flickers in a moment *
[ cellphone ringing ]
Hello, this is Jake.
This is Dr. wittman.
I'm sorry it took me.
So long to get to you,
but I just got the results,
and it's negative.
No down syndrome.
It was all negative.
You're kidding me?!
I'm not.
* and the ties that bind *
* are the ones.
We pray will keep us *
and I know the gender,
but I'm not gonna tell you.
- -Aah!
- -oh!
Jenna: oh, my god.
* a thousand miles *
* a billion stars between us *
bill: like any season,
things change.
But, all in all, I'm pretty.
Excited to have the new boat.
Thesummer bay'sbeen.
Going above and beyond.
* I've took this boat ashore *
* followed the northern star *
* so I can get back to *
* the places where you are *
Sean: I wish we'd made.
Money COD fishing,
but can't say we didn't try.
But we'll come back.
And hit it hard next time.
Get ready for this.
Winter season.
* we break our backs *
* for the ones.
That we call family *
- Johnathan: I've worked
- for this company.
For 25 years with my brothers.
All of a sudden, you're old...
Old man...
Thinking about.
A beach somewhere.
* I'll raise.
These calloused hands *
* to lift this heavy eye *
* so I can get back to *
* the places where you are *
Johnathan: I got to finish.
That opie season coming up.
- And one more time
- with my brothers.
* a thousand miles *
* a billion stars between us *