Dead of Summer (2016): Season 1, Episode 4 - Modern Love - full transcript

Deb decides to push the masquerade ball to boost camp morale; after too many strange things take place during preparation, Alex, Cricket, and Amy investigate; Joel finds himself in a peculiar situation.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Dead of Summer"...

Blair: No one knows anything about him.

You only want him 'cause
you can't have him.

We have a connection.

Sykes: Someone didn't
want us to find this.

Joel: What's with the box?

It's a reminder.

I had a bad dream last night.

There were these people wearing masks.

I think they were
doing some kind of ritual.


It appears we were wrong. It's her.

[Footsteps approaching]

Andrea! You are going
to ruin my flooring.

Oh, look at you. What did you do?

Look, Mommy. Look what I did.

Mrs. Walker made us
draw pictures of ourselves.

Oh? A self-portrait? Show Mommy.

This is your picture?

But... But it's a boy.

I am a boy.

[Chuckles softly] Don't be silly.

You are my little beautiful Andrea,
and you always will be.

You can't hide what you are.

Oh. Look who decided to join us.

Morning to you, too.

Hey, how come you don't
shower with your cabin?

I was out for a run this morning,
and I saw you leaving the bathroom.

Why do you care? You got a crush?

Any news on Amy?

- Nothing.
- I'm sure she's fine.

Really? You're a doctor now?

"Friday the 13th Part VII."


Jason gets hit by
lightning in the opening.

Not only is he fine,

but he comes back to
life, better than ever.

Yes, because supernatural
monster rules apply to Amy.


[Sighing] Yeah. I figured.

Well, I've got mail.




What do I do with Blotter's?

Do what he was gonna do... smoke it.


♪ ♪

Hey. Come on, you guys. Enough
moping around, all right?

Look what I found.

- [Laughter]
- Summer of '83!

- Summer of '83.
- Wow.

- [Speaking indistinctly]
- Oh, no! Oh, man.


Look at you. Wow.

Cricket, so cute.

- Cricket: Oh, I look
- [speaks indistinctly]


Joel: Oh, what was her name again?

Um, Andrea, and she was a total bitch.

- She wasn't that bad.
- I don't remember her at all.

She had pretty good taste in music.

Joel: Wonder what happened to her.

She's fine.

Amy is fine.

She's gonna make a full recovery.

In fact, the doctor said

she's well enough to come back to work.

One day? After being hit by lightning.

"Friday the 13th."

Let's just welcome her
back with some camp spirit.

I'm gonna push the schedule up a bit.

Tonight will be the masquerade ball.

All right, let's go make some masks.

♪ ♪

Sykes: I'm not sure

what a post-lightning
strike regimen should be,

but my mom makes a mean chocolate shake.


Vanilla? I knew I
should've gone vanilla.

No. It's just... What is this?

Forgotten bit of local history.

A cult trying to summon
something from the lake?

Dark history.

It's just some research that I'm doing.



Nothing. It's crazy.

Tell me.

When I got hit, right
before I fell in the lake,

I think I saw a face.

Like that.

I told you it was crazy.

No. You're just shook up.

You didn't see this face. Or anything.

- How do you know?
- Because crap like this

doesn't actually
happen in the real world.

Then why are you so
interested in all this?

I'm interested in
people who would believe

crap like this
happens in the real world.

Anyone like that might be...

You know what?

How about you focus on your recovery,

and I'll focus on the police work?

Come on. Let's get you back to camp.

♪ ♪

Damon: Teacher wants
us to check our work.

Make sure we didn't miss anything.

Sykes is on our ass. How
we gonna get back into camp?

We'll find a way.

[Water splashing]

[Splashing continues]

You can't hide what you are.

You can't hide what you are.

Jessie: Dry off...


Whatever you think you saw,

you're not gonna say anything about it.

And why is that?

I found this lying around.

Didn't know you had a
court date coming up.

Does Deb know you lied
about that on your application?

Are you threatening me, "Andrea"?

Just making it clear
we both have a secret.

You keep mine. I'll keep yours.

And it's "Drew."

I'd watch my back if I were you...


- Wow.
- [Laughs] That's amazing.

Ooh. Check this out.

Damn. She was always hot, even
in her crazy hippie getup.

[Screams] No!

Oh, my God. That mask.

What about it? Deb said it
was just an old piece of junk.

Wait. You've seen it?

Yeah. She had it in her cabin.

What'd I miss?

I think I'm losing my mind.
You remember my dream?

Where you woke up and
couldn't find your boots?

Those people in the woods, doing
a ritual, wearing masks?

They looked like that.

So what? It was a dream.

Then why does Deb have one
of those masks in her cabin?

And how come I still
can't find my boots?

[Cheers and applause]

♪ ♪

You can't hide what you are.

You can't hide what you are.

You can't hide what you are.

♪ Heaven loves ya ♪

♪ The clouds part for ya ♪

♪ Nothing stands in your
way when you're a boy ♪

♪ Clothes always fit ya ♪

♪ Life is a pop of the cherry ♪

♪ When you're a... ♪

Great news, sweetheart. They
had your size in yellow.

Want to try it on?

Sure, I guess.

♪ ♪


What's taking so long? Are you okay?


What is it?

There's blood.


It's okay, sweetheart.

It's okay. It's a good thing.


You are now a woman.

This isn't supposed to
happen to me. I'm a boy.

I thought we were over that.

Mom! I'm a boy.

You need help.

- [Water running]
- Drew?

Drew? Are you okay?

I mean, why'd you run
off like that? What's wrong?

Nothing. I just needed some air.

In the bathroom?

It was nothing.

Look, I-I know that you're
new to camp and our traditions,

but this masquerade
ball is actually kind of fun.

Especially if you have a date.


What do you say?

You can't hide what you are.


- What happened in the bathroom?
- He was just kind of...

looking right through
me, and then he just bolted.

Well, maybe he saw something, too.

I mean, it has been going around.

Now you're indulging this?

My grandfather...

I saw him the other
night through my window.

But he died when I was 10.

So you were thinking about your grandpa.

And you were thinking about your friend.

And you had a bad dream.

It's more than that. It's this place.

- What are you talking about?
- This lake.

What if something is
making us see these things?

- Y'all been smoking too much weed.
- I haven't smoked anything.

I'm not supposed to say this,

but Garrett's been looking
into it, he found stuff.

There were all these crazy
cultists here a hundred years ago.

A dreams is a dream. A lake is a lake.

You guys are freaking
yourselves out over nothing.

Hey, guys, I'm not
going in that lake anymore.

Look what I found. This place is a dump.

- Oh, my God.
- What?

These are my boots.

Dr. Martin: Well, we've had
a breakthrough, Mrs. Dalton,

and your child wants
to share it with you.

Okay, Andrea.

I'm listening.

That's just it. Um...

I don't want you to
call me that anymore.

I'm not Andrea.

That's your name.


My name is Drew.

No. It's Andrea.

Your father, rest his
soul, and I gave it to you.

You gave it to me without knowing me.

My name is Drew.

- You're fired.
- Mrs. Dalton...

How many thousands of
non-insurance-covered dollars

have I given you over
the past five years?

- We're done.
- Mom, please.

Why are you doing this now?

I can't pretend anymore.

So you think you can
just choose your sex?

You can just choose to be a boy?

It's not a choice, Mom. I've told
you that a thousand times.

I held you when you
were born. I raised you.

You are a girl.

I am a boy.

Oh, please, Andrea.


It's Drew.

Can you say it? Just once?

I-I'm still that baby
you held in your arms.

This doesn't change that.

You could be happy for me.

Or you could... you could
love me for who I am.

Who you are is Andrea.

And as long as you're in my
house, you will be Andrea.

That is who I gave birth to,

and that's who you'll be
for the rest of your life.

[Indistinct talking]

Blair: I just don't really see

there being a
logical explanation for this.

Cricket: Well, there is no
logical explanation for it.

It showed up on the shore.

There's no way that
it couldn't have been,

you know, just a dream.

If my dream was real, that
means the mask was real,

which means Deb might not
be who she says she is.

- Deb? Really?
- Hey.

She's the camp director.

Satanists don't go
around advertising it.

You're really starting
to sound like your mom.

Deb is not Satanic.

If she was, isn't Cricket right?

Wouldn't she hide it? Exactly.

How do we know she didn't
put something in Blotter's acid?

Maybe she gave me the same thing

so that I wouldn't remember my dream.

[Mask thuds]

What do you think?


Drew? Drew!

I'll be right back.

Cricket: I don't
know what's going on here,

but we need to find out more about her.

I think I can help.

♪ ♪

Alex: Joel's camera.

That's his personal footage.

Mm. So sweet. So naive.

So Joel's obsessed with
Deb. He films her all the time.

Come on. Amy's
right. This is his private...

Okay. What's up with the box?

Not so sure. But in
looking through this stuff,

seems like she brought
it back from the woods.

What's in there?

[Door closes]

- What the hell?
- [Clears throat]

What are you doing with my camera?

Hang on. It's okay.

No, this is not okay.

I-It's not you, Joel.

It's Deb. She's been... suspicious.

Look, I know you like her,

but how much do you
really know about her?

You're wacked.

♪ ♪

You've never told anyone, have you?

That you're gay.


I get it. It's scary, but I...

I'm here for you... to help you.

What are you afraid of?

Disappointment. Take your pick.

Well, there's another look.


Here. Check it out.


I always knew that I was... different.

But I never knew how to talk about it.

But then I came to
camp, and I met someone.

I didn't have to tell her I was gay.

She just understood
that I was different.

And her response was
to give me that tape.

Bowie lives how he wants to live.

He does what he wants, and he
doesn't care what people think.

Listening to Bowie gave
me the courage to come out.

And everyone just accepted you?

Of course not.

But Cricket did.

She was the first person I told, and...

that was enough.

Knowing that

there's just one person out
there who supported me...

it... it gave me the
strength to face everyone else.

Be my date to the masquerade ball.

You can trust me.

I accept you.

No matter what.


Well, think about it.

I'm here for you, whenever you're ready.

[Door opens, closes]

How was that midday shower today?

What do you want?

I go running every day.

Love to clear my head out in nature.

And I always come across
the most beautiful sights.

So you know what I did?

I took Joel's camera to
record some of that beauty.

It's really incredible what
you can see out here...

loons skimming the
lake, elks feeding on grass...

freaks taking secret showers.

Why are you doing this?
I thought we had a deal.

Yeah. You thought that.

I told you to watch your back.

We have a problem. Joel
was chatting up Deb again.

I heard him say he was gonna meet her
at her cabin after the ball starts.

What is he doing?

I don't know. But we got
to save him from himself.

Her box. We got to get it.

She's clearly hiding something.
Maybe the answer's in there.

Or we call in real help... Sykes.

Yeah, you go call your boyfriend.

We're not waiting around.

Come on.

♪ ♪


You're leaving?

Is it because you're freaked out?

Because you're not alone.

You're not the only one seeing things.

You can talk to us. We understand.

No, you don't.

Good night, Mom.

Beth: Good night, Andrea.

♪ ♪

- [Knock on door]
- Andrea?

You didn't tell me you got an "A"...


♪ ♪

[David Bowie's "Ashes
to Ashes" plays]

[Indistinct conversations]

Want to dance, Deputy?


Come on.

I, um...

I'm here on... on business.

Business? What business?

Amy: There you are. Come with me.

Drew... He's so freaked
out, he's leaving camp.

Please. He's leaving because
nobody likes him.

Really, Jessie? Do you
always have to judge everyone?

Do you have to be everyone's friend?

You used to be everyone's
friend, too, Jessie.

[Indistinct singing]

Cricket and Alex are in
Deb's cabin. We got to go.

What's Deb got to do with this?

You know how you told
me you were worried

about people in this
world who believe crazy crap?

♪ ♪


Hey, it's okay.

[Shuddered breathing]

Deb, Deb, Deb, Deb, Deb.


[Door opens]

♪ ♪

[Footsteps approaching]

Right on time.


Uh, are you gonna show me?

Open it.

Come with me.

♪ ♪

Relax. I come in peace.

That tape I had of you?

I never had it. I made
the whole thing up.

You pushed me.

I was scared.

But I was never gonna
tell the other counselors

about your letter. Really?


[Breathes deeply]

You and me, we're kind of the same, huh?

Both scared.

You're scared of Deb
finding out about your DUI?

The DUI...

It's complicated.

There are...

Um, you know what? It's
just one part of it.

What else happened?

Let's just say I spent my
life trusting the wrong people.

Are you really gonna take the bus?

You came back here for a reason.


You loved it, didn't you?

Yeah. I don't know.

Look, it was so long ago, I
don't even really remember.

Well, I loved it, too.

Probably for the same reasons you did.

My... home life sucked.

And I'm guessing yours did, too.

Look, when I was a kid, um...
camp was the only place

where I was never scared,
where I could be myself.

You know you can, right?

You don't get it.

Like, I'm not trying to hide who I am.

I'm try... I'm trying to be who I am.

I'm not talking... I'm
not talking about being "Drew."

I'm talking about being a
jerk. I remember you, Drew.

This cool, aloof,
like, holier-than-thou guy?

That's not the kid from '83.

Thought you said I was a bitch.

To me. You short-sheeted
my bed, remember?

Mm. Well, you were an easy target.

I can't make you come back.



I hope you do.

♪ ♪

What is it?

It's Joel. Deb was
leading him into the woods.

Okay. Everyone take it easy.

Back to the party. I got this.

Thank you.

It's all right.

I know it sounds
crazy, Deb being involved...

I don't know if Deb's involved or not.

But I do know something
is going on here.

Now, get back.

What do you know?

- Amy, please...
- No, you know something.

The map, that journal
you've been reading...

They all mean something.

What are these crazy
people trying to do?

The best that I can piece together, I...

They're trying to
awaken some sort of demon.

But I worry less
about crazy people's motives

than I do about stopping them.

You ever think it's possible...

that maybe some of it could be real?

I don't rule out anything, Amy.

But I don't let the
ghost stories scare me.

Does anything scare you?

People who believe them.

Now, go back to the
party. I'll find Joel.

♪ ♪

Joel: [Breathing heavily]

Deb, why are you bringing me out here?

Turn off the camera.

You wanted to know the truth?

♪ ♪


"Dharma Bums"?

It was given to me by
someone I loved very much.

I wanted to share it with
you because you remind me of him.

He taught me a lot.

Said, um...

"Life is a series of moments,

moments that don't happen to you

but moments that, if you are...

brave enough... you can create."

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[David Bowie's "Modern Love" plays]

♪ I know when to go out ♪

♪ And when to stay in ♪

♪ Get things done ♪

♪ I catch a paper boy ♪

♪ But things don't really change ♪

♪ I'm standing in the wind ♪

♪ But I never wave bye-bye ♪

♪ But I try ♪

♪ I try... ♪

♪ Terrifies me ♪

♪ Church on time ♪

♪ Makes me party ♪

♪ Church on time ♪

♪ Puts my trust in God and Man ♪

♪ God and Man ♪

♪ No confessions ♪

♪ God and Man ♪

♪ No religion ♪

♪ God and Man ♪

♪ Don't believe in modern love ♪

♪ Modern love ♪

♪ Modern love Modern love ♪

♪ Modern love Modern love ♪

♪ Modern love Modern love ♪

♪ Modern love Modern love ♪

♪ Modern love Modern love ♪

♪ Modern love Modern love ♪

[Door closes]

What the hell is this?

Honey, we need to talk.

I brought Dr. Martin in to help.

I was... I was wrong to fire her.

We need help.

I'm wearing a skirt.

I mean, everything is fine, right?

Everything is far from fine.

Listen to your mother. She
has something to say.

What? What could she
possibly have to say?

Last night, I know you snuck out.

I went into your
room, you weren't there,

and I followed you.

I saw you.

I saw you... Drew.

What did you call me?

Your name. It's Drew.

I know that now.

You're a boy.

You are a boy.

[Crying] I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

♪ ♪

♪ Modern love ♪

♪ Modern love Modern love ♪

You want to get out of here?

♪ Modern love Modern love ♪

Amy: Garrett!

[Indistinct whispering]

[Whispering continues]

Sykes: Hey!



[Whispering continues]


♪ ♪



What's going on?

♪ ♪


What happened?

The teacher's gonna be happy.

Uh... I... I have to go.

To... To the bathroom.

Hey, Mom, I'm home.


♪ ♪

Beth: "I'm sorry, Drew.

I accept that's who you are.

But I can't accept that my
daughter Andrea wasn't real.

She was.

And now she's gone.

I miss her with all my heart.

And seeing you every day is
a reminder of what I lost.

It's too much.

I hope one day you'll understand."

♪ ♪


Hey, is everything okay?

Do you... Do you
remember when you told me

you felt like we knew each other before?

We did.

This tape that... that you gave me?

I gave it to you six years ago.

No, Andrea gave me that tape.

Th-That's right. That...
That's what you knew me as.



It was me.

But I wasn't Andrea. I was Drew.

I'm sorry. Are you crazy?

No, no. No, I'm not crazy.

Look, I... I needed you to know.

So you're...

Who are you?

This is who I am.

So, Andrea's gone?

No. No, there was never an Andrea.

This is who I always was.

Look, you... you
said you could accept me,

no matter what, and...



♪ ♪

[Footsteps approaching]
