De verraders (2021–2022): Season 3, Episode 4 - Episode #3.4 - full transcript

During the mission, the candidates can show who they suspect. During a spectacular paintball race they make it clear who they would like to see disappear as soon as possible.

story: 105246301BRT
ep. 4
air: 2022-04-20

"Joep, you were murdered."

Then nice typhus for you,
you must be happy with silver.

Can I just just...
-The sweat was in my seam.

But don't let it happen again.
-OK, then really fuck you.

For real.
FRANK L.: How angry people get.

We have silver.
Buoys, well done. We have silver.

ESMEE: If you
would listen for a second?

This will be 'loco'.
I've finished the game.

ARAN: No, you can't, Esmee.

JAMIE: Esmee says to me,
"I'm going full on Dionne."

I find that really bizarre.

I'm razor sharp, believe me.

Yes, a Traitor. Yes, certainly.

FRANK E.: I saw by his face:

He just is.

I am a Faithful.

SYLVIA: I knew it.
- Fack.

JAMIE: Bunch of morons.
SYLVIA: I knew it.

STEFANO: I see the group
as a wounded animal...

which begins to thrash
and bite.

So my expectation is that this will make
them even more blind.

I'm in the mood for a bomb

subtitle: Red Bee Media

VO: A new day, a fresh breakfast.

Eleven Faithfuls began
a restless night last night.

Ten woke up again.

And the Traitors?

They are still three.

OK, I'm the very, very first.

I made it again, guys.

I'm still here.

Thank God.
- Girl, I really thought: I'm dead.

I think: OK, I had
some kind of catfight.

Yes, me too. The two kittens
are still in it.

But who do you think was
killed last night?

So I really have no idea.
-I think Jamie.

-Hello Hello.

SYLVIA: We're still here, honey.
I'm really going to give you a hug now.

Just us hugging each other.

That's right. Hey, hey.
-No, it's going to stand out.

STEFANO: You're still here.

I was in the group with the shield...

so I thought:
DIONNE: Yes, with the Armory.

Although I would...
-But maybe this time he...

that the Traitor
took a risk after all...

because I think the Traitor
is quite the risk type.

Who likes a little risk
here and there.

That they tried
to kill Jamie anyway.

I really hope not.

I say nothing.
-I trust you and you.

-Good morning.

STEFANO: Good morning.
DIONNE: Good morning.

number ONE prime suspect is Irene.

Irene, I was so afraid for me
and you.

'Keep your enemies close'.
If I stay close to Irene whom I

can i get the other two too.

Anyway, I was
really scared last night.

I don't think it's Esme.

Are you speculating
who is out?

I'm guessing someone who has
n't been to the Armory anyway.

DIONNE: I think so too.
-Have you been to the Armory?

Oh, of course, because you had...
Did you have the shield?

Yes, well...
Metaphorically speaking...

because I do notice that...

You're not going to say it.
-After that armory...

everything is a lot less scary.

Hello, hello.

Frank Evenblij.
Frankie was also allowed in the Armory.

But nice to have you here.
SYLVIA: Glad you're here.

FRANK: That's great to hear.
IRENE: Straight to the point:

Did you have a shield?

I don't really remember.
-How bad.

Why am I always so that I'm
all euphoric about it?

That I was going to share that right away.

STEFANO: But why did you
choose to show it?

Because I was so happy that I
could sleep so well...

'cause I went to bed completely carefree
and I came in here...

and i was just happy.
And yes, I may...

so me: Whoohoo.
I will never do it again.


IRENE: How cute you are.
-Look who we got there.

FRANK L: You're on the right track.
-I love this; This is my dream.

A big family.
-Aunt Irene, how are you?

Good day honey, very good.

DIONNE: Long Frank is one who
blows a lot with the wind...

but very good with everyone.
So it's not that noticeable.

He is suspicious to me.
-Who do you think, Frank?

I don't think anything anymore.

Oh my God.
-I'm here.

FRANK: Everywhere. No, it wasn't me.
ORTAL: Then who was first?

I just got in here.

Ortal gets
along with everyone, but really goes deep...

or it doesn't get really close...

so I'm going to
keep an eye out for that one.

Who will be gone then?
-I'm so afraid of Steven right now.

That he's out?

I actually feel pretty good.
I survived the night again.

So then, there I am.
So yes...

Let's go.
-Toine or Robbie we think.

Toine or Robbie? Yes?
FRANK L: Rightly so.

DIONNE: We don't miss that one.
-Jamie, Babette were in the

Esme was there.
-It doesn't say anything either.

Yes, because the risk of
killing him that he
has the shield.

DIONNE: Perhaps the Traitor
himself has a shield.


Isn't it bizarre that
at the exact moment we...

talking about someone
coming in?

ESMEE: Oh, you mean that?

I'm starting to find the game scary now

Oh girl, girl.

SYLVIA: Esmee and I did
n't really connect...

some kind of defense mechanism
that comes up...

a bit of that animal instinct.
-Good morning everyone.

I'm glad I'm here.

I wasn't even paying attention to Sylvia, you
dumb ass.

- Why of course?

You're my buddy, aren't you?
IRENE: When Toine comes in...

a very cool guest enters.

Ladies and gentlemen, 58 years old...
Here he is: Toine van Peperstraten.

Hey, Toine, hi, hi.

You don't see anything on him,
that's it.

That's why he's a Traitor.

But who aren't?

Robbie, now Jamie...
SYLVIA: Count it.

and Babette.
-You watch.

And someone else.

All my Traitors are there.

ESMEE: Oh, you say that out loud?

Do you also want to share it?

You always
talk about showing your colors, Toine...

Why don't you try some fire...
We've got to catch Traitors, right?

I know, but...

In my eyes Toine is just...

so cool, still that...
Don't give too much away.

He'd be a fucking good Traitor

Hey Robbie.
-Good morning.

Robbie, Robbie.
-Hello, hello, who are we missing?

Babette, Jamie, Carolina.

Only ONE seat left
and it's either Jamie or Carolina.

I had the honor of being the very last...

to appear at the breakfast table

That's nice.
-Jamie of Carolina.

OK, this is really...

It was quite a spectacle
when I entered.

SYLVIA: This is exciting.

I think you're getting a little...

drum solo.


That's Jamie.

Yes, drumming.
-That's a drummer.

Oh my God.
- 'We want money'.

And there it is.
You lovely Faithfuls...

everyone, you can all
trust me, the happy dog...

STEFANO: I notice very clearly
from Carolina that she thought:

Wait a minute, I've
been in a Jeep...

and I got caught up in something

He's really not happy about it at all.

But Carolina is smart.

And also quiet.
-He might feel...

how much I massaged that.
ORTAL: Pushed.

I'd like to
do some damage control...

and I do
n't feel safe with Carolina since tonight.

And I don't think any of us...

very clearly linked to Carolina

No that is right.
JAMIE: Shall I write it down?

STEFANO: You have my blessing.

I notice she
's starting to look right through me...

and I felt a kind of cold wind blowing
down my neck...

after the Round Table.

So this murder is really
in self-defense.

JAMIE: Blood on my hands,
but it feels so good.

Good morning Carolina.
-Oh my gosh, I knew it.

I knew it.
-I have an announcement for you.

Yes, I was afraid of it.

"Carolina, you were murdered."

TILE: I'm sorry.
-I knew it.

It is what it is.

Traitors, you played it
fucking well.

It's killing me,
but I know I'm getting out...

because I still feel
like I was close to it.

"Thanks darling."
-Thank you.

The very best.
-Yes, thank you.

CAROLINA: I'm really disappointed
because I wasn't finished yet.

So this is fucking way too early.

But I hope they...

finish piece by piece.

Extremely hard.

STEVEN: Carolina.
-Oh my god.

Why was Carolina killed?

It is precisely with her that I did not
mention Traitors and Faithful.

If only I had.

ESMEE: I had a bond
with Carolina.

But you can also kill her tactically.
-I also had a bond with Carolina.

Which would be a very smart move,
because you were close to her.

DIONNE: Huh, you were
at Carolina, weren't you?

They're so fucking me, fucking

TOINE: I think those Traitors
want to create chaos...

among the rest of the Faithful.
And that everyone looks at each other:

What do you mean Carolina, because the answer
to that is almost impossible to give.

ESMEE: Carolina gone?
Oh, you play this badly.

- You think I'm the Traitor, of

I'm still on you.

Carolina was the best at observing
and drawing a conclusion from it.

TOINE: In peace and quiet.

ORTAL: It certainly came as a shock.

Carolina people didn't expect.

That she was out,
that caused some commotion.

Do you have the shield?

Not really.

I think something falls
to the floor here.

Yes, guys.
- Did you have it in your boot?

ESMEE: It was very
clear, Ortal.

I wanted to wait
for everyone to arrive.

What's the reason for saying it?

Because I want to share that I am very happy
that I slept well.

"I just want to share
how happy I am."

And I think: She really wants
to show that she has a shield...

because she's a Traitor
and so she plays very...

happy with her shield.
Look at the chain.

Are you a Traitor?

TILE: Good morning.

I really only have ONE relevant
question for you...

before I tell the mission later

Which of this group would you
like to sideline today?

SYLVIA: Oh, how mean.
-I don't want to be offside.

Literally outside the game?
-Who can't participate.

The only one who controlled something or something.
-I sacrifice myself,because I
became a troublemaker.

SYLVIA: I'm joining in nicely.

ESMEE: Can I share a theory
about the mission?

I'm a little
familiar with your decision-making by now...

especially with the length.

You'll figure it out, I'll see the rest
of you later in Belgium.

Oh nice.
SINGING: Belgium.

Offside is not
that you don't participate.

You will probably get
a job.

But I'd like to go,
because I'm very curious.

But I'm not physically the fastest.

Not silly, but imagine if
the one who gets sidelined...

just run very far.
I'm sorry, but I have to run very far...

ORTAL: No, because he's
off the mission.

He stays here, but he
may get another assignment.

How long can we
do about this.

I think: Hurry up.
Now don't babble.

Make up your mind.

If it takes me too long,
I'll make the decision.

I'm willing to make my offside sacrifice
, though.

FRANK L.: What about Irene?
-I, fine.

Yes, done.
DIONNE: Let's do it this way.

All I'm saying is keep me
in the game, 'cause I'm sacrificing now.

No idea if it was smart or not,
but someone has to do it.

Maybe I'll get a very
important job, you don't know.

Gas up.
- As straight as possible.

yes gas



It was just a reckoning,
a liquidation.

I won't be there soon.

If the whole mess goes on me,
don't get carried away.

If the whole mess goes on me.
-No no.

But I don't suspect you either.
-Me neither.

But I don't even trust myself
in this game anymore.

STEFANO: When I notice that the big
group is going on someone...

then I'm sure that
's not a Traitor.

I think so too.
- That is now clear to me.

I just can't get enough
of this.

It's really so nice to see
how a group can be played.

I was
really fucked at that table last night.

FRANK Everyone looks crazy, because
no Traitor has gone home yet.

If I'm being honest...

then I find the Faithful at least
as guilty of what is happening...

as I am myself.

You don't suspect me, do you?

You don't suspect me either, do you?

ESMEE: We play this fucking well.

I'm hot on their heels.
-I don't get it.

I really don't fucking get it.
What has...

ESMEE: It just hits me
that it cost Carolina's head.

Because she's a fucking strong player
, she was fucking brilliant.

Conclusion is: The game is
made huge by our scheming...

but we have to see. That's why
it's good that I'm going to dim today.

I really agree with you,
but please watch with me.

And if my theory is correct
about possible missions...

do we have to spread out,
if there are two teams.

We will probably be
divided into two teams.

You have your eyes and ears open,
and I have mine.

So let's
meet again after the mission.

But can I trust you?
'Cause I really think it's going to suck.

I really feel like they are ripping off everyone
around me.

And if I'm next,
then I'm next...

that's fine, but I want
to get them, those motherfuckers.

Me too.

Tonight at that Round Table
, there must be ONE, really.

- That would be really nice.

But have we learned anything
from Carolina's murder?

Not much really, right?
JAMIE: I thought it was
a random choice.

She wasn't
on anyone remarkable at all.

ORTAL: No, but she was
watching people.

I don't know if I'm sharing it now,
but I do have an idea.

I did see her looking
at a certain person.


ORTAL: But she did
n't say it either.

don't think she said it ONE time.

JAMIE: So you watched her look?
-I think,I was watching everyone...

but I think they thought she
was dangerous.

ROBBIE: Carolina was mysterious,
she really didn't say much, you know.

Carolina could suddenly
make a comment sometimes...

but did not
show the back of her tongue.

She never gave a list
or a prime suspect.


I'm bluffing very hard now, that she
has thrown a look at people...

but I deliberately didn't mention any names yet,
because I can still go in any direction.

But I want to come up with theories.
-I have that too.

So I have now bluffed and now I think:
What next?

ORTAL: Robbie is on my list.

So do I, and I
just said that to Toine.

TOINE: I'm going
to pay attention to ONE thing today.

The Traitors don't talk to each other
'en plein public'...

because they see each other
in the evening, of course.

They are all separate from each other.
- We're not getting any further, I think.

That's going to be my thing today. I'm going
to watch out for those who don't talk to each other.

And I'd also like to say
that Carolina...

told me in confidence

that she's been watching Robbie

You are so mean...

I think that's a very good one.
-Yes, right? Nobody finds out.

That's a good one, do that.
Tell Steven and Sylvia...

then they will trust you more.
-Yes, because I have to come up with things...

I also have to pay attention. OK.

Awesome, fucking brilliant.

There are also many people who think
there are five.

But five is too many.

JAMIE: You stand there and watch
it, and people are just…

completely 'Piet panic' and I do
n't actually have to do anything.

All I do:

Robbie comes under suspicion
because Carolina was on Robbie.

Then I say: Come here...

I have to tell you...

It's the start
of a new day.

And you have to work.

-Because I hear your name everywhere all of a sudden.

It's the Frank-Frank group...

Toine who is a bit like this now...

They are looking...

so you can do two things:

You can defend yourself
against that group...

so I will definitely put my time and energy
into it, otherwise you're screwed.

But is it that bad?
-Yes. I know everything.

'As we speak' he is probably
saving his own ass...

making people think, Why
are you talking to me all of a sudden, Robbie?

Are you panicking? Good luck.


Bye Irene.

Nobody misses you.


It's really not that Irene does
n't get anything to do...

No, I don't think so either.
-But Irene is also suspicious.

Yes, of course.

Irene doesn't go into anything substantive.
She keeps bouncing the ball back...

and then it goes back to,
"Oh, is it about me looking up"?

I think she
's thrashing around too.

I have to talk today...

because I hear that I'm
under fire.

Someone planted that seed.
So someone suggested my name.

And that seed has
started to bloom in people...

and sit in the head.
-I know who did that.

Toine said: 'We started to analyse,
only the men.'

He says: 'Stefano is on
my list, but mwah.

So Tall Frank and Robbie.'

And he was kind of suggesting
that he went over to your side.

Oh, I think it's scary, guys.

This has been a mindfuck murder.
-Belgium. Oh no, almost.

Ortal, who do you suspect?
-Yes, who do you suspect?

All I know is that Ortal
suspects someone who...

what Carolina was looking at.

And I had been eyeing that for a while

And I saw Carolina
at the breakfast table...

and looked at that person at the Round Table .

I'd like to share it with you...

but I don't know
if that's a good idea.

Why not share it?
-Well, I'd like to share.

And I want it too...
OK, I'm just going to say it.

I have Carolina to...

Watching Robbie.
FRANK: Robbie is on my

With me too.
-And I think he...

the last few days, and I
didn't expect that from him...

shows two faces.
-I agree.

And also yesterday in your catfight
I thought: Robbie, Robbie...

Humans are quite malleable...

so i think it's
an easy fix.

I did not expect that.
It was a risk, but it's going well.

Several people see Robbie
as a Traitor.

Guys what is this?
-Where are we?

Is this a management, is this a...

I think this is a survival job.
-If we go horseback riding, I'll be very

-O, cards.

I think that's it.

It should be clear:
We are going to race.

But we also go paintballing.

-Oh no.

TIJL: Attention, Attention:

Make duos and choose a buggy.

Each buggy drives a total of
four laps.

The first two laps send...

one and shoot the other.

The last two laps
change the driver...

and shooter of place.

Now you may be wondering:

What exactly am I shooting at?
-On each other.

Indeed, on each other. Very well.
-Yes No.

TIJL: That is,
photos of each other.

And those pictures hang...

above the track.

Anyone who gets hit...

can't go to the Armory today.

The rest do.

And the silver is earned
when you...

all your rounds...

completed within ten minutes.

And each buggy has exactly...

ten bullets.

OK: Teams form, coveralls on
and we meet at the buggies.

All right...
FRANK L.: Babette, shall we?

I think we're going to tip over.
-Long Frank.

Long Frank and Boss Babs.
-I think you can do this.

In fact, I think you
are the very best at this shooting.

are we going to do this? Are we a team?
-Yeah, teampie.

I didn't necessarily want to get into
that cart with Esmee...

but she proposes it and I think:
Yes, fine.

Maybe our courtship is back
on after this.

DIONNE: I hope so.

Let's go.

TIJL: Team Red, ready to go?

Three, two, one: Go.

Team Green, ready for the start?

Team Yellow, ready for the start?

Team Pink, go.

Team Blue, go.

Team Orange, go.

FRANK E.: In that thing with Stefano
was just a great adventure.

I loved it.

Not knowing that he
does not have a driver's license.

God damn.

We're gonna get that.
- Turn, turn.

Oh shit, sorry, sorry.

I think that's too linky.
I almost flipped over, too.

Yes Yes Yes.
-It was a hair's breadth...

or we would have drifted into an 85-metre-
deep ravine.

I drive.


Nice, Sil.

Just throttle.
Full throttle. Full, full, full.

Full throttle.

Gas, gas, gas.

STEVEN: Hitting Jamie with
a gun certainly wasn't lucky.

Is just 'gaming' experience.

Nice, yeah.

FRANK L. And gas on it.

Just as straight as possible?
-Yes, gas.

I like to blast.

Also because it is a bit more vicious.

That you really think: OK, I can shoot
whoever I don't want.

Calm, calm, calm.


I have Frank Evenblij...

shot straight through his forehead.

I have Frank Evenblij.
-Real? Woohoo.

STEFANO: That thing just jams.
FRANK E.: I was hit myself, I saw.

-I was hit.

It was a reckoning,
a liquidation.

Yummy Yummy.


-God damn it.

Should I push or should I help?
-Here we go.

I don't see anything coming yet.
-This is enough. No one is coming, OK.

OK, and let's pretend
it went super well.

Yes Nice.

Take a look. And keep
left in a bit...

then I'm going to try
to shoot right.

You can shoot at candidates.
Then who am I going to shoot?

I really want to hit Toine here.

Not too quiet. Not too loud.
Keep left, not too hard.

I have Tony.

And that felt insanely good.

I hit Toine.

Oh my...
-'What a drive'.

VO: Meanwhile everyone seems
to have forgotten Irene.

She stayed behind in the castle
and was busy with completely different things.

It's nice to lie here...

but of course I miss everything.

It's all going to be
scheming and talking to each other, all...

Jamie finds with very suspicious...

and he now has all the space
to incite everyone against me.

And I just don't know anything.

That is difficult.

I also hope that they will grant this,
because if they know this...

and maybe be very angry that I
really didn't do anything all day.

And that they will banish me out of anger .

That is of course also possible.

Enjoy, I can't enjoy
like this when I'm sitting...


Oh my god I was so happy.

My girly dream came true just:

I always wanted to be a
Formula 1 driver.


DIONNE: What a gun, boy.

Holy shit.


Are you OK? Yes.
-Yes you?

I get all choked up
when I think about it again.

Watch out.
-Watch out.

Watch out.
-Watch out.

Watch out.
- Guys, we have to get out of here.

Her leg got stuck where you did.

We took her.

FRANK L.: Take it easy.O.
Stop, stop, stop.

Brake, brake, brake.

DIONNE: Esmee and I were both
in shock.

The mission continues,
but Dionne and I: No.

I didn't dare
to drive anyway. Not really.

What are we out of, huh?



It goes pretty hard and fast.

Can you go a little softer?

I hit you.
-No, why?

That was not the intention.


FRANK L.: Well, I'll stop.

FRANK E: We're just talking about you.
-It doesn't go any further.

Is it inconvenient or can I join?
-No, you're welcome.

OK, lucky.
- As long as you keep your mouth shut.

It's always so silly when you
enter somewhere and it falls silent, isn't it?

STEFANO: For me, that shooting game is
not a personal thing.

I want everyone to be hit...

so no one
goes to the Armory...

so that we as Traitors
tonight at the Conclave...

having the ultimate freedom
to kill whoever we want.

These were all three hits,
I'm really sure.

So I just hope that all the pictures
get hit.

I'm going to keep left...

and see who hasn't got things yet.
Take it easy.

'There we go'.

And shoot, you have six.

Shoot, shoot, shoot.

ORTAL: So I'm aiming
for the picture of Robbie...

as my potential Traitor.

It's really cold-blooded,
but I think: I can get away with it.

You did shoot on the left.
- Goddamn.

You shot on the left, I said on the right.
-I shot Sylvia.

Oh really?
- That wasn't the intention . Or in

But I didn't succeed.

But he did see it.

Is that my hand?

Everyone was hit, I think.
-Babette, red bullet, see?

No way, I wasn't hit.
-It really was you.

Hello,Tijl.Hello pussies.
-Oh hi, Tyle.

First of all,Esmee,Dionne:
How are you?

I have no idea.
-We're a little done today.

But is it getting better?

Well, I say yes.
-Something. Sure.

TIJL: But there has been further racing
and fighting...

you didn't make it to those 10 minutes

No silver is paid out.

It's a tough game.

Now let's see
who's affected.

Stefano was hit in the arm
by Team Green.

I think Team Green here too...

right next to Babette's beautiful head

SYLVIA: Almost neck shot.
-Team Red has Jamie here...

hit his most important drum muscle


Dionne was hit by team Green.

This is a rotten one.

Team Red.

Super professional.
SYLVIA: Hitman it was.

TIJL: Super professional,
something happened here once.

You also hit yourself.
-No, that was Babette.

And then here: Is this intact?

I certainly don't see anything.

TIJL: So this is intact.

Steven was hit by team Yellow.
Who do we have here?

SYLVIA: I wasn't hit. Yes.
TIJL: Unharmed.

Esme twice more.

Close to the head: red and yellow.

FRANK L.: Esmee did hit you.
TIJL: And finally...

Neither does Robbie.
- Robbie, what do you think you look like?

I see nothing.
-You're unharmed.

That means this trio...

to enter the armory.

TOINE: I'm not happy
with the mission at all. We missed the silver

I would almost say: That is secondary.

But most of all I'm disappointed that I
can't go to the Armory.

That three others go.

That they have the chance to sleep
very peacefully tonight...

So that mission failed completely.

Oh yes, I have
ONE more important result:

team Green had
the slowest lap times.

Salt on, quatsch.
That's not true at all.

May I know my time?

Your time will come.

We go back to the castle.
STEFANO: This is a dangerous

It could be easy
for the candidates...

to find out
that there might be...

there's someone in the shield's group
who's not quite right.

It just scares me...

that there is a Traitor
in such a small group.

ROBBIE: I'm terrified of this.

That Round Table?

I think you really are spared.

A lot of people find you...
-I hope enough people
come along...

on the vision Toine.
-Yes, of course.

What do you think of Lange Frank?
I'm leaning more and more towards him.

So do I. That's why I thought: Shall
I test it tonight at that table?

I'd test it,
but it's also dangerous for you.

He never talks about the game,
at least not with me.

And he never does that in a large group .

- Do I see him as a Traitor? Yes.

I am very afraid that someone
will go out with three votes.

That everyone is so divided
and then someone just takes a guess...

and coincidentally two more take
that guess and you're screwed.

Then soon another...
-Yes, a Faithful One.

FRANK L. What a mission, Robbie.
Well, well, well.

I thought it was fat.
-Me too.Action.

IRENE: Bye sweethearts.

It looks like you
're going to a ball.

What did you do?
STEVEN: It was fantastico.

I'm going to ask you all
how you liked it...

but are you curious what i

ORTAL: Yes, I'd love to. Pour
a glass of wine, I'm curious.

I'm almost afraid to say it...

but you were gone and there was
nothing left in the castle...

except the lady in the library...

with a table and towels,
'ting-tangling music'...

-How good for you.

So I got a massage,
I had a facial...

so I'm having the quietest day
in 30 years.

JAMIE: But where's the silver, come on.
-Have you no silver?

-Oh, we have to tell you that.

We should start with the fact
that we should toast that everyone
is still alive.

Because that was borderline.
-That was tight.

It was a very exciting... -
There was an accident.

I think: OK, listen, listen...

but I really wanted to know:
What's been scheming?

But everyone left very quickly.

As if they didn't care
at all about what I had done that day.

Everyone who talks all the time.
-I can't stand that chattering.

I also feel so strong,
now that I'm suddenly allowed to go to that Armory.

STEFANO: Honestly,
I think the shield...

very little matter tonight.

Because with three people...

FRANK L.: Are you safe anyway.
If you have the shield...

I wouldn't do it like Ortal
this morning.

Because that was real, we
questioned that so much.

But of course she's not stupid.

So it's strange that it's
wrong then.

VO: Three players are allowed
to go to the Armory...

and that means:
Three closed cabinets.

Will ONE of the Faithful
have a peaceful night?

Or will Ortal once again
give the Traitors free rein?

ONE in three chance
of me taking the shield...

and of course I
really want to have it again.

Yes, unfortunately.

I don't want to be killed or banished

so it would give me a good night


I walk into that armory...

and I really felt it:

I think: I'm going to get it.


And I open it
and to my great surprise:

Really, I just had it.

I think: Wow, I'm safe.

Now I can say anything I want...

and I'm going full in tonight.

We just need to catch a Traitor

FRANK E.: That's the best.
JAMIE: Really.

I still think Irene...

I'm going on Irene...

because I go on the one who once
gave me a vote.

She could be a good
Traitor in my eyes.

Someone also said today: 'You have to
pay attention to the people who never talk to
each other.'

JAMIE: That's a good one too.
never seen Tall Frank and Irene together.

JAMIE: Me neither.

I think: OK, if you don't know...
-Stefano wants to
say something very important...

Oh yes, huh?

He's seen something and a little
bit of a kind of look of...

that he...
BABETTE: Someone is going to expose?

I do have that feeling.

Wouldn't that be wonderful for us
on this day?

He says: 'I'm not going to say anything about
it, you'll notice it at the Round

I'm going to say something about Evenblij.
I have...

already lying in bed
connecting the lines tonight...

and I notice that he is really
playing me.

And I can really
prove that, I think.

And from my perspective...

I experience that the most
with Frank Evenblij.

FRANK L.: That's 100 percent...
-I want to disrupt that.

How are you?

I have my thoughts...

but I still want to
do my own thing.

And see if there are several people
on it.

BABETTE: But then you have to
say that in advance.

'Blurring in'. First I wait to
see what is being said.

BABETTE: But I can't go with
you if I don't know what you're thinking.

Then I'll say it, I think.

Yes, I would also like to explain.

FRANK E.: No Robbie,
we're just talking about you.

It doesn't go any further.

Is it really inconvenient
or can I join you?

FRANK E.: No, you're welcome.
If you just keep your mouth shut.


It's always so silly when you
enter somewhere and it falls silent, isn't it?


I hear the names.

I hear Robbie's name going around,
but I won't.

No, that was a...

I may now want
as a diversionary tactic...

on Long Frank.

I'm really going...
I'm really going on...

On Toine?
But a lot goes on Toine.

-That's why. It's him.
He is the Traitor.

Together with Frank Evenblij
and together with Sylvia. It is him.

It's him. Irene is sitting on Toine.

Giel sat on Toine,
Carolina sat on Toine.

Joep sat on Toine.
He really is that tough.

And Ortal, silent one, tell me?
-No, I'm not going to say anything right now.

BABETTE: They're going for a swim...
-Are you bringing a bottle?

What happened down there?
-Little. Nothing actually happens.

I am very annoyed by it.
-Yes, I see it in you.

I think: Why isn't anyone saying anything?
-Is everyone holding their cards to their

ORTAL: Sorry, is it private?
I wanted to say something.

FRANK E.: Yes, come on.
ORTAL: For me it was important...

to drop the name Robbie after all

That I'm going to banish him.
With Frank and Frank...

because I want to win souls.

I know they're kind
of targeting me.

I'm going on Robbie.
-OK, and why?

I've been getting zero
information for a long time...

and very vague answers from Robbie.

And that I find suspicious.
-I find this interesting to

But I do
n't really know myself...

I think maybe it's
a good idea...

because if a lot of people
have that information...

And I'm still staying in it myself...
-I honestly don't know...

who all are going,
but I want to have shared that.

FRANK L.: You know what I'm going to do?
I'm going to listen at the Table.

I'm not going to say what I'm going to do.
-No, sure.

TOINE: I go into this Round Table
with two feelings:

One: I'm going to survive it.

Second: I still wouldn't
know who I'm voting for.

ESMEE: I've spoken to everyone and
I really hope they go on

because then a Traitor goes out.
Please, guys, believe me.

I'm going into that council chamber pretty confident ...

and I'm really going to say who I've
been from day ONE...

don't trust.

adjusting my role as a candidate.

I am from motivated boy
who wants to join the group...

turning into an
independent, strong player...

who can no longer be fooled.

The silver pot is...


12 kilos.

We started with Gil...

the one without his knowing...

his last supper
with you.

Then the rather fierce
hunt for Stella began.

She is now working on
her second chapter.

Then the innocent Joep was

Then it was Aaron's turn...

who fought for what he was worth...

but to no avail.

Carolina followed...

and now you're sitting here with...

thirteen men at the table.

You are all so convinced
of your own right.

I know there is a lot going
on in the group right now.

Who can I give the floor?

I'd like to start.

TILE: Stefano.

And I really want to start
by apologizing...

to everyone.

I really wanted to participate
in this game...

because I think I'm good
at reading people...

good at thinking differently...

good at seeing through things.

And yet I got too
carried away.

And things are slowly
becoming clear to me.

Just after the distribution...

I ended up in my first league

And in that bond I

Steven, to vote for you.

During that day
I was persuaded...

to go for Stella too.

The next day...

I wanted to do it differently.

I was
going to name a name...

which had not yet been mentioned.
Just to see what happens.

And yet again,

I was convinced...

that it was wiser
to go with the group...

and vote Aran out.

And I must say that both times...

for me,that 'omprating'
took place...

in your presence:

Frank Evenblij.

And I can only conclude...

than you have been
the person thrice...

trying to change my mind .

And I want to end that after tonight

Bam,holy shit.

He does a Jamie Westlandje,
only better.

FRANK E.: It's very funny...

because Tijl opens: 'You are
all convinced that you
are right.'

That's not me at all.

I always got
carried away...

but I've been saying all this time:

If there is another name,
I also agree.

I just want to...
-No, I can finish it too.

It was exactly the same with Aran

Eventually it turned out that the bond got

and because Aran was voted out yesterday
with many more votes.

While I can honestly say
with my hand on my heart...

that I have not spoken further about Aran .

Honestly, I swear on everything that
didn't happen.

I find it very easy...

the moment you already know
that people are going along with the plan...

to shout, "Another name
is fine."

That's a really good way...

to be immediately cleared
of accusation.

FRANK E.: But I wasn't the one
who suggested it.

STEFANO: Besides...
-You're dropping something that isn't right.

So I don't care
what the plan is anymore.

I feel it's bothering you...

that I want to make my own plan.

Not at all, I'm just
suggesting to play the game.

I feel bad about it
because it's...

I do it out of enthusiasm. I know, of
course, that I am not a Traitor

so i can honestly
say to people...

this is how i do it and i do it
to play the game that way.

And if anyone doubts that,
even if it's a game...

I feel personally touched.

SYLVIA: I have the exact same thing
that I think:

I'm really going by my instincts now.

Maybe I should start paying attention
to people...

that don't really stand out.

Because that's what I'm starting to notice:

That you don't notice.

Nice of you to say that,
because people who don't stand out:

What are you actually doing...


Oh, I didn't see that one coming.

I'm playing the game.

I really don't understand
what you are doing.

I'm also watching:

Traitors do
n't have much to discuss during the day.

You sit next to each other
at the table...

but you are never
spotted together anywhere. You two.

U.S. two.
-Oh we.

You also turn very red all of a sudden.
-I get a red head...

and I feel attacked.
At that moment I think:

I have to take advantage of this
because I now have a podium.

Today I got
in the car with Ortal.

We talked a lot
about Carolina.

And he was killed last night.

And she has me, with Ortal today...

set on an even clearer track...

on Robbie.

ROBBIE: On me?
FRANK L.: She was
convinced that you are a Traitor.

My heart rate shoots up,
I really felt it in my throat.

FRANK L.: And that confirmed everything
I already thought...

I've been
keeping an eye on you today too...

and I've been watching Carolina

also look at her eyes.

And they occasionally lead to you.

ROBBIE: I'm paralyzed by stress.

I don't want to be the child of the bill

of a pair of venomous Traitors.

It actually
came to my attention today...

that my name is called.

I want to know who
plants that seed.

Toine van Peperstraten...

the line leads to you.

You are someone who
sometimes approaches me...

to go along with something.

I was still stuck with
Joep's story.

It would be easy...

to kill Joep when he is on
Toine and Toine is a Traitor.

But maybe that's just
what the Traitors do.

That we then cross out Toine...

but that you are a Traitor.

Actually I'm just angry,
I'm just upset, out of my game.

Why, Robbie? what is this?

I think Robbie's words
demand a response from me.

First of all I'm very surprised...

about the seed I
would have planted.

And the other thing that was just mentioned
by you, Jamie.

I also paid close attention today:
Those Traitors are not going…

'en plein public'
in conclave with each other.

They have a turret for that.

That's unfortunately because you
didn't participate today, Irene, with the assignment...

there is indeed much less

FRANK E.: But do you consider Irene a
suspect because you didn't
see her today?

Yes, I wanted to keep an eye on Irene today

I was thrilled
not to be there...

And now I see you throwing the ball at me too...

and you are my main
thought from day ONE.

But why?
You don't answer clearly...

who you sit on,
you keep it in the middle.

And now that you're bouncing it right back at me

i know you know...

that I see you.
FRANK L.: Wow.

STEFANO: The joke is that everyone is
starting to realize...

that they are sewn
where they stand.

And all the names that pass by,
also now...

that's pretty much
all the Faithful...

but not the three
they really need.

'And another one'.

Goddamn, unbelievable...

You boy...


IRENE: I would....

STEFANO: The joke is that everyone is
starting to realize...

that they are sewn where they

And all the names that pass by,
also now...

that's pretty much
all the Faithful...

but not the three they really

FRANK E.: May I say something more?
TIJL: Sure, Frank.

Because I know something
100 percent sure. And that is:

That I really don't know.
I really don't have a clue.

Yesterday there was much more consultation,
sharing of names...

that has changed after yesterday.
Now everyone at the table says: I'll see.

I understand very well. I think
I prefer to play the game together...

with a few people I trust,
whether that's true or not.

I want to pick up on that.

Normally you would say:
I'm going with the group...

but i'm willing to drop a bomb.

And maybe I'll be
killed tonight...

but then I shake that tree.
The name I write down is:


I suspect you, because you go
through the game so easily...

and no one is talking about you.
SYLVIA: And inconspicuous.

STEVEN: And the killers in the series,
they're just the quiet types.

And I just like a
commotion. Let's make some noise.

Something has to be done,
so that's why I'm writing you down.

To my mind, this is
the first Round Table Conclave...

where we really kinda...

make points.
TOINE: Name man and horse.

TIJL: Good, good, good...

Let's start with
Old Dutch shaking the tree.

You can go banish.

Grab your paper, grab your pen...

don't look left, don't look right.

Write down the name of the person
you want to ban.

All you have is your head.
It drives you crazy.

And I just wanna bust those motherfuckers

I have a few names...

and it's becoming increasingly clear
who the manipulators are.

And I'm going to keep to myself...

and choose, that's really my plan.

TIJL: Steven?

No surprise, huh.
You don't know who to trust.

And then you have to
do crazy things every now and then...

to cause a stir.
TIJL: Obviously. Irene?

Toine: My main suspect
from day ONE...

I didn't dare until now.

TIJL: Long Frank?
-From moment ONE...

I had my doubts
and they were confirmed.

Robbie is a Traitor.
TIJL: Ortal?

I'm very curious if it's you
and I hope so. I'm writing you down...


TIJL: Mr. Evenblij?
-As I just stated...

I just don't know very well.

And I let myself be guided a little
by the things I heard.

So unfortunately Robbie,
I have to go for you.

TIJL: Babette?
-I don't know it all right now.

I'm returning Irene's vote,
sorry Irene.

Eye for an eye tooth for a tooth.
TIJL: Toine?

Yes, assuming a man
is a Traitor...

I thought: That's possible...

none other than the always sweet
and positive...

Frank might be.

Huh, Toine? I
panic a little when people call my name.

SYLVIA: It's going to be exciting.
TIJL: Dionne?

I'm actually going to vote...

what my feelings are

I called his name in the Jeep

because I sincerely suspect

Long Frank.

FRANK L. And fucking Dionne,
who suddenly thinks:

I'm going with that too.
Well, this isn't going well at all.

TIJL: All right, three bans
in the name of...

Tall Frank and three...

for Robby.


Just because I want...

I stick to the name I intended
to write today.

I give my vote to you:

Frank Evenblij.

TIJL: And with that, the battle
between Robbie and Lange Frank continues...


Like I said...

I'm paying attention to the people
who don't stand out to me...

so my vote goes to you:


TIJL: The main suspect himself speaking

It takes way too long.
I'm curious.

Toine, not with a 'TW'.

TILE: Jamie?

I said I wanted you...

parking, Irene.

Yet I want to banish you:


TIJL: The game was
played differently tonight.

The table now seems to be full of suspects

But Robbie, I have to ask you...

to take a seat in the illustrious place

SYLVIA: This is exciting.

TIJL: To tell us the truth

Oh my God.
TIJL: Are you a Faithful...

or are you a Traitor?

I put my dick on the chopping block

to choose the attack
on Robbie...

so stand there and say you're
a Traitor.

And and and...

Poor Robbie.
-A lot of sand has been thrown in the eyes

Especially during this
Round Table.

And then I thought: It can't be right?
That he is also a Faithful.

I am a Faithful.

STEVEN: I knew it.
DIONNE: 'I knew it'.

Fuck hell.
STEVEN: I knew it.

FRANK E.: I just feel bad for
Robbie. It's all part of it...

I accept it,
but I don't like it.

Robbie, I'm sorry.
FRANK L.: I was firmly

ESMEE: I'm sorry, Robbie.
STEVEN: I told you.

I'm not going to talk to anyone,
I'm fucking pissed.

I feel terribly guilty.
I'm crying a lot.

A very dirty game is being

TIJL: The counter was at five...

before you started this Round Table

You sent number six away.

STEFANO: This one feels really
, really good.

I look at all the Faithful
and I think:

You are nothing but
henchmen of the Traitors.

TIJL: And tonight the
Traitors string...

number seven on their sword.

What the fuck.
-O How terrible.

Sleep tight.

JAMIE: This is ONE big chicken coop
and everyone is on top of each other...

and Ortal, Stefano or Jamie
are simply not mentioned.

The three of us really sit there
like a bunch of bosses. Really unbelievable.

ROBBIE: I've been betrayed
by Traitors...

and I have been betrayed by
three Faithful ones.

I think that's very bad.

It's such a shame. It's such a shame.

It's so, so sad.

FRANK L. Shit, I
said it all wrong.

I was convinced of it. Yes.
IRENE: Are you devastated?

I knew it wasn't him.
JAMIE: I want a table like that...

look, test what I feel...

and I didn't feel it with him,
and I still feel it with you.

But I still want to talk to you,
and I couldn't today.

No, that's why. But I want that too.

It's not fun at all,
we get screwed like that.

We are being screwed up so unbelievably .

Shall we
talk to Jamie later?

'Cause I really do trust Jamie...
-Me too.

and I really trust you too, I think.
-You can really... I swear...

But really on your blue...
brown eyes...

-Because otherwise I'll be dead tomorrow.

Jamie has to come, because I'm
afraid you're going to kill me.

Normally in everyday life you just trust people...

until something happens
that makes you stop trusting them.

Here it is: You don't trust
anyone at all...

until you can prove you can
be trusted.

I'm really scared...

And you trust me?

I trust you, I think you
are not a Traitor.

I was clueless all day...

and I sat at the table and I think:

Which people do you never see?
And I thought:

have never seen Sylvia and Lange Frank together.

So I'm looking at Tall Frank
and I'm looking at Sylvia...

I see them looking at each other... Yes.
JAMIE: Really?

And I'm an actress, I know how
to observe...

and I know how
to interpret human behavior.

I see them looking at each other...

with that miniscule smile of...
JAMIE: Really?

We're all good,
we're on the right track.

JAMIE: Long Frank and...

I have...
-But wait a minute...

please let me finish it.

If I'm okay with this
and I'm dead tomorrow...

then ONE of you is a Traitor.

STEFANO: The Traitor just betrayed himself at the table.

Frank, huh? Short Frank.

I think so, yes.
I think it's gorgeous...

how I
try to tell at the table...

what I think
happens to that group all the time.

And it just happens at the table...

literally in front of everyone.

And they just don't get it.

Every time there is ONE who
shouts very loudly that he doesn't know...

but it's his choice
that goes out every time. Every time.


TIJL: In the most exciting Round Table

Robbie got no fewer than four
bans to choose from.

And he was a Faithful.

So far, the Traitors manage to
stay under the radar...

and that's great. If this continues...

then there might be
three Traitors in the final.

Very curious...

who will be the next victim
of the bloodthirsty trio.

'We got another one.'

JAMIE: That's too bad.

You, boy.


I notice that our plan
is really going the way we want...

and that feels really good.

We sat at the Round Table
and all three of us are not mentioned.

How handsome is that?

I have a nice news.

Jamie Westland has a bond...
Well, how nice.

-With Babette and Frank Evenblij.

And who do they suspect?

Long Frank, but also Sylvia...
ORTAL: Babette and Long Frank.

because they saw a kind of nod at the table
to each other...

But you know what Sylvia is like.
-I saw that too. That was just...

Good news, because you see
what happens at the table.

We're about the only three
that are never mentioned.

-Just what we need...

because there are two or three
more right now...

which has a higher suspect priority
priority than we do.

So if those three get out sooner
we do...

then we are in the majority.

JAMIE: I feel invincible,
the euphoria prevails.

I think the three of us
can go a long way...

if we make the right decisions

Imagine, just thinking out loud,
you kill Babette...

then Irene becomes suspicious.

Then the focus goes on
that and that causes so much commotion...

Look, as far as I'm concerned,
something happened today:

Silver has come to us.

Three silver bars have been screwed up...

and I think:
Then you are actually done.

Because if you keep money
out of our pot...

That just can not be.
-That's not allowed.

No, because we go for that money.
So that should really be punished.

Are we out?
-I think so.

Can I write something else:
"Don't touch our silver"?

As fun as the killing is...

every time I feel
a little bit worse.

I just hope that one day I'll
be a normal person again...

for a lifetime
of functioning in this way:

That's no fun for me either.