Dawson's Creek (1998–2003): Season 5, Episode 1 - The Bostonians - full transcript

Joey begins her first day at Worthington University where she is struggling in her beginners writing class taught by Professor David Wilder who criticizes her first essay about her and Dawson. Audrey Liddell, Joey's brash new roommate from Beverly Hills, proves to be more of an annoyance than a friend with her wild and crazy personality. Dawson, who's continuing his studies at USC with an internship in Hollywood, begins his job on a shaky start when he meets Todd Carr, an arrogant, egocentric, hack film director who gives Dawson a hard time. Meanwhile, Jen pays Pacey a visit, who's lying low as he docks his yacht in Boston Harbor after sailing away the summer. At nearby Boston Bay College, Jen and Jack are invited to their first fraternity party. They persuade Joey to come along with Audrey who seems to get along with Jen and Jack, much to Joey's surprise. Also, Jen meets Charlie, a bass player. She is rude to him, insulting him away, but deep inside feels strongly attracted to him.

''And then, just like that,
they were kissing.

She didn't know how they got there.
She had no idea.

The thought of kissing this boy
hadn't crossed her mind in years...

... which was weird
because once upon a time...

... that was all she ever thought about.

And then, just like that, it was over.

He coughed.
She shuffled her feet.

And she laughed to herself.
lt had been one of those...


One of those moments where you
shuck your status as a mere mortal...

...and achieve, however briefly,
true greatness.

She had shared many
such moments with this boy.

But now he was leaving...

...and nothing would ever
be the same again.''

So, what do we think
of Joey's story, guys?

-lncredibly banal.

Tell us how you really feel, Alex.

lt's a Hallmark card about
a high school crush. Who cares?

l thought it was brilliant. The way
she described leading up to the kiss.

l was right there with her.
lt's like Joyce Carol Oates...

-...meets Judy Blume.
-You say that like it's a good thing.

Let's not knock Judy Blume.
Without her, my younger self...

...would never have been able
to decode...

...the random acts of madness
perpetrated by...

...that marvellous creature
known as the teenage girl.

So, Miss Potter, l've got some good
news and l've got some bad news.

Good news is class is over.
Today's torture has come to an end.

Bad news?

You are obviously a writer...

...which means the torture
has just begun.

All right, everybody. l will see you
next week. Alex, you're up next.

l can hardly wait.

Professor Wilder.

You don't like that C very much,
do you?

No, l don't. ln fact, l hate it.

l wondered if there's anything
l can do to make it less of a C.

Absolutely. You can rewrite it.

How can l do that?

This boy of yours,
does he exist in reality?

He does, actually.
He's coming for a visit this weekend.


-Why is that perfect?
-Well, it'll help you fix your story.

Fix it? l don't even know
what's wrong with it.

The problem with your story,
Joey Potter...

...is that it ends at the very moment
it should begin.

-Hey. It's me.

Hey. Are you at the airport?

Not exactly. No.

You want the good news
or the bad news first?

Not again.

Nothing. What is it?

Remember the internship
l was telling you about?

-The director? You got it?
-l did.

Dawson, that's great!
l'm so happy for you.

But that means you can't come
for the weekend.

I start today.

-Well, that sucks.
-I know.

l was kind of looking forward
to seeing you.

-Kind of?
-You know what I mean.

Well, l was kind of looking
forward to seeing you too.

-There's always next weekend.
-Which will turn into next month.

-Or next year.
-Then it'll be a card now and then...

-...when your wife remembers.
-We should say goodbye forever now.

-Yeah, we might as well.
-Drama queen.

l know.

-Well, listen, good luck today.

And l'll call you sometime
over the weekend.


Good morning, son.

Good morning. l'm here
for an internship.

ls that right? Do you
have an appointment?

-Today's my first day.
-First day. You nervous?

No. Not....

Well, yeah.

-What's your last name?
-Leery. L-E-E-R-Y.

Do you know where you're going,
Mr. Dawson Leery?

-Absolutely no idea.
-Straight back, two lefts and a right.




Try not to get lost in there.

Heads up.

You guys are hot.

-Give me the phone.

-l'll call Tobey to tell him you said that.
-l can look.

Yeah, but you can't touch.
l like Tobey. Tobey's good people.

l like Tobey too.

lt just so happens
that we're kind of doomed...

...to the loneliness of
a long-distance relationship.

Well, it's still better than the loneliness
of the no-distance relationship.

-That doesn't make any sense, does it?
-No. No, it didn't.

Look, you need to get some,
and soon, all right...

...before you achieve
born-again virgin status.


l'm serious. lt's been too long.

The last guy you were with was Henry.
Last year was a total wash for you.

Tell me about it.

You're more fun when you're
with a guy. Watching you...

...twist yourself up in little knots
of anxiety. lt's highly entertaining.

-Thanks. Good to know. lt's--
-Look out!

-Heads up!
-My goodness!

Nice throw.

Thanks, man.

Hey, there's a party tonight
over at the Sigma Ep House.

You guys should go.
Everything's free: Punch, beers, shots.

Cool. Yeah, we'll be there.

Rock on, dude.

'' Cool, we'll be there''?

Yeah. Yeah, it'll be fun.

-You might meet someone.
-Yeah, right.

l'm gonna meet the love of
my life at a college frat party.

You didn't think he was hot?

Sure, in a dumb-guy-with-a-dream
kind of way.

Nicely put.


Can l ask my favourite roommate
in the whole wide world...

...the hugest
of all possible favours?

Sure. As long as it doesn't involve me
leaving this room.

-lt involves me leaving this room.
-Zach is here.


-The one with the tattoo of his frat?
-No, that was Tom.

-What happened to Tom?
-Bad kisser. H.O.B.

-Hair on back. Gross.


We can't go on like this.

Couldn't you just go to the library
for a little while?

Do you have any idea
how much time l've spent...

...''sexiled'' in the library already?

-lt's barely October.

Pretty please?

And just so you know...

...l'm totally planning on making myself
scarce once your beau gets here.

First of all, he's not my beau.
second of all, he's not coming.

-Dunston's not coming?


-Something came up.
-Hey. Do you need me right now?

lf you need me,
l will totally get rid of Zach.

l mean, you may not
be aware of this yet...

...but l'm pretty awesome
like that.

That's okay. l have to go talk
to Professor Wilder anyway.

And that's what you're wearing?

What's that supposed to mean?

Joey, Professor Wilder
is gorgeous.

Audrey, l'm going to see him
about a paper, not to hit on him.

ls this all for Professor Wilder?

And worth every minute,
if you ask me.


-What are you doing?
-Escaping the hordes.

You don't understand.
l could be there for hours.

-Must be nice.
-What do you mean?

Having freshman girls swoon
over you all the time.

Don't worry. l go home and have
the wife and kid bitch me out...

...for a couple of hours.
Keeps me grounded.

So l presume
you wanted to see me.

l wanted to ask you about my story.

lf you must.

lf you must ruin a perfectly
glorious day...

...with a question about
schoolwork, go right ahead.

You said this story should start
where it ended...

...but the problem is
nothing happened after that.

The two people went
their separate ways.

lt doesn't matter. Where do you
want the story to go?

See, writing is about making choices,
Joey. And you copped out.

You stopped before you had
to make a choice.

l mean, l don't even know
what the kiss meant.

lt was just a kiss.

That doesn't mean anything to me.
Make a choice.

What was it? Was it sweet?
Was it friendly?

Was it passionate?

Was it, '' l want to lay you down
and do ungodly things to you''?

Or was it goodbye?

l'll be right back.

-Hey, you! Hi.

Oh, God, they said you were young,
but l had no idea.

Weren't you at Kate Mantilini's
last week? No?

Caf? des Artistes. You were with
Greg and Mickey and those UTA guys.

No. Okay, forget it. We don't know each
other. Come in. Something to drink?


So l gotta tell you.

You are a fantastic writer.


How can you tell?

lt's my job, sweetie.

-lt's what l do.

l should tell you, l'm a huge fan
of Todd's, especially his music videos.

-That one he did for Janet Jackson--

Todd is an effing genius.

-The leading visualist of his time.

The videos were
a great stepping stone...

...but now we're all about features.
He's shooting Damage, Inc. right now.

-That comes out next summer, right?
-That's right.

And it's my job to find him
his next gig.

l'm trying to talk him into doing
a feature version of 7th Heaven.

-The TV show?
-Yes. What do you think?

l think that's, you know, weird.

Exactly. The plan is to do it
with more of a serious edge...

...like what they did with
The Brady Bunch Movie.

-And that's where you come in.
-l don't get it.

David, your sample was perfect. You
have the right voice for this project.

-Excuse me?

-My name's Dawson.
-Dawson Hartley.

Dawson Leery.

Who's Dawson Hartley?

l have no idea.

Oh, Dawson Leery. Right.

-Right. What have l read of yours?
-Probably just my r?sum?.

-David Hartley is here.

Who is this?

The new intern.

What about Bora Bora?
What do we know about Bora Bora?

-ls Bora Bora in the Caribbean?
-No. French Polynesia.

Maybe he's gone Kurtz.

-Brando. Apocalypse Now.

Yeah. Maybe he's become the leader
of this ragtag band of expatriates...

...from some tropical island
you can't even find on a map.

Or maybe he's back in Capeside.
Or Boston.

Wherever Pacey is,
l hope he's happy.

And if l'm lucky, Audrey is just about
finished with her latest conquest, so....

Sounds like that girl has a really
promising future in porn.

You know what? You laugh,
but it's true.

l never know what kind of seedy
little vignette l'm about to walk into.

Yeah, it's pretty much
the same thing here.

You never know who Grams is
gonna bring home from Bingo.

So can we count on you tonight
or what?

l don't know. Are we frat party
kind of people?

ls there any evidence of us functioning
well at these kind of events?

Which is precisely why we should go.

Look, it's a new year, guys, okay?

l mean, we need
to spread our wings...

...challenge any preconceived notions
we had of college.

And, most importantly,
we need to reinvent ourselves.

-What's gotten into him?
-A cute boy invited him.

-Shut up.

Bye. See you.


People! lt has just been
brought to my attention...

...that thanks to the incompetence
of my crew...

...l'm not gonna make my date.

This saddens me.
This depresses me.

You people are a disgrace
to the industry in which you toil.

Call yourselves a film crew?

James Cameron would have had you
taken out back and shot by now.

l, on the other hand...

...will simply make you the subject
of scorn and derision.

Who are you and
why are you staring at me?

-l'm the new intern.
-What can l do for you, new intern?

Heather gave me this script,
said to give it to you.

She said it was important,
and you need to read it between shots.

Crap. l'm sure of it.

Heather doesn't have the best taste.
She's pretty hot though, huh?

-Can't argue with that.
-What's your name?

-Do me a favour.

-Sure. Anything.
-Read this. Let me know what you think.

-Go over there. Use my chair.

-Let me know when you're done.
-All right.

All right. Where were we?

Oh, yes. Call yourself
a special effects expert?

l don't see any missing fingers
at all.

There's more talent in my
goddaughter's fourth grade art class...

...than there is on this entire set!


Have you ever had an orgasm?

Excuse me?

Have you ever had an orgasm?

Not something l particularly
like to discuss with a near-stranger.

Me? A near-stranger?
l am your roommate, Joey.

As such, l reserve the right to raise
such topics as oral sex...

...feminine hygiene and orgasms.

Speaking of which, l don't think
l ever had one in high school.

l thought l did, you know?

But Zach convinced me otherwise.

-lt's a shame we had to break up.
-You broke up already?

Yes. He tried to talk me
into a threesome.

l may be easy but l'm not sleazy.
We're through.

l'm sorry, l guess.

lt's hard work finding the right boy.

Which actually makes
a rather nice segue into our next topic.

Which is...?

-l'm afraid for you, Joey.
-What are you talking about?

l'm afraid that you're not having
the proper college experience.

-l appreciate the concern, but--
-No, it's just....

You study, you know, a lot.

-You never want to go out with me--
-Look, Audrey.

Everybody's college experience
is different, okay?

Some people like to drink
and screw around, and that's fine.

But some people want to study
and get an education...

...so one day they get a job
and don't have to work retail...

...in the small town
from whence they came.

That's not it, Joey.

-Oh, it's not?
-No. lt's like....

l don't know.
lt's like you're afraid to have fun.

-Why would l be afraid to have fun?
-Because if you did...

...you might meet someone you liked.

lf you met someone you liked,
you might have to let go of the past.

Look, l know that you're sad...

...your special guy couldn't come
this weekend.

l get that. l'm highly intuitive.

But maybe-- Maybe
that's a good thing, you know?

Maybe that's a sign.

You know, no offence, Audrey...

...but you really don't know
that much about my life.

And whose fault is that, l wonder.


Oh, you again.

You're not gonna
get rid of me so easy.

l can't believe my brother sold me
down the river to the likes of you.

Yeah, well, Dougie Witter's no match
for my feminine wiles.

Tell me, what's the latest scuttlebutt?

Bora Bora, where apparently
you've gone Kurtz.

l hypothesized, however,
that you were in fact here.

But l think that everybody likes
to imagine a far more exotic locale.

-And Joey?
-Joey likes to imagine you're happy.

-Which l am.

l think you'd be even happier
if you came out with us tonight.

-l appreciate that, but--
-Okay. All right.

But, see, every Sunday, Grams insists
that we all have dinner together.

lt's me and Jack and Joey.
l know, it's annoying...

...but it's also kind of sweet.

Which pretty much sums up
my Grams.

But-- So l just want
to put it out there...

...if you feel like a home-cooked meal,
l'll keep the light on for you.

-Got it?
-Got it.

ls Dawson in town?

No. No, he got this internship
he couldn't pass up.

See? There's a guy who has
the right idea.

He's out there doing his own thing,
moving forward, not looking back.

-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Come here.

-Thanks for dropping by.
-Of course.

And, you know, keep on keeping on
our little secret here, huh?

l will. But not forever.

See you.

So is this okay?

-What did l miss?
-Your friends were just filling me in...

...on your shockingly sordid
romantic history.

Thank you both so very much. l'm
assuming l can skip the introductions.

Let me get you up to speed.
Jen is my new best friend.

And Jack will heretofore be known
as Joey's very cute guy friend.

Oh, no, no. He's Joey's
very cute gay friend.

-No. Really?
-Pretty gay.

And there's nothing
we can do about this?

Look, l have been kissed by two
of the finest female specimens...

...this world has to offer.
lf that didn't do it....

Both of you girls
have kissed this boy?

That is just so unfair.

-So are we going or what?

We just have to wait for Audrey.

We do?

She's one cool chick, Jo.

-She is?
-Okay, people. Let's do this.

So, what's the verdict, intern?

Well, it's pretty much as you feared.

-lt's crap.
-What's wrong with it?

-There's a monkey in it.
-Really, a monkey? That's awful.

Well, it doesn't matter.
l'll probably end up doing it anyway.

-Because Drew Barrymore's attached.

Yeah, but the script sucks.

Then l'll fix it. Writing's not that hard.

What do you wanna be when
you grow up?

-What else? A director.

-What are you doing about it?
-USC Film School.

Film school's for pussies.
What are you really doing about it?


l made a documentary
last year about A.l. Brooks.

-He was a pulp director from the '50s.

l could show it to you if you want.

No, thanks.


-Look, you're like, what, 1 8?

Chances are it's bad.

lf l agree to look at it
and it does suck...

...l have to come up with some BS
so you don't feel bad.

And if on the off-chance it's actually
any good, what do l need that for?

Why would l wanna be jealous of some
kid who makes better flicks than l do?

They're ready for you, Todd.

Welcome to Hollywood, Dawson.

Oh, man.

-l'm sorry. Are you okay?
-Yeah, l'm fine.

-Worthington, right?
-Yeah. You too?

You're in my economics class.
You're C-1 0.

-What did you call me?
-Row C, seat 1 0.

That's where you sit every day.

You do this thing with your hair
when you take notes.

You kind of tuck it behind your ear.
lt's kind of cool.

Okay, l'm pretty much officially
creeping you out, aren't l?

No. No, not at all.


Do you wanna go inside
and talk for a few minutes?

Fewer decibels. And l promise
not to head-butt you ever again.

Actually, l should probably
return to my friend.

Oh, sure. Okay.

-Well, it was nice talking to you.
-You too.

See you.


Would you like to see my stereo?

-Where is it?
-lt's up in my room.

l bet you've got black-light posters
up there too, don't you?

Yes, l do. Who told you?

l think l'm gonna pass.

-Because l'm not gonna sleep with you.

Well, how do you know?

We could get up there,
you could change your mind.

Yeah. l really don't think so.


So have you given any thought
about joining a fraternity?

lt's not really my scene.

-You got something against family?
-Not particularly, no.

Forget about what you've heard.
Being Greek is about being family.

lt's about having family at school.
You join my house, you're my brother.

No one messes with you
four years of your life.

You make a commitment to me,
l'll take care of you.

You're my boy. You're me.

-What's your name, kid?

Jack? Think about it, Jack.


And the Russian judge
gives him an 8.5.


...everywhere l look...

...all the way down
to the frigging interns.

Screw you.

Excuse me. ls there something
you'd like to share with the group?

-No. Forget it.
-That's what l thought.

Keep your comments to yourself
next time, kid. Okay? Great.

Now, where was l?

Hey, Todd, what l said
was ''screw you.''

You should be ashamed of yourself.
Not because you treat people badly.

You have an amazing privilege...

...and you don't even take it seriously.

You make movies. You get to do this
for a living, and you don't appreciate it.

This movie's gonna suck. l know that,
you know that, the crew knows that.

And your next movie's
probably gonna suck too.

Somebody gave you the keys to
the kingdom, and you're blowing it.

l feel sorry for you. lf l ever get here,
l'm gonna do things differently.

You got balls, kid.

Now get off my set. You're fired.

Right. Now that's out of the way....

Joey, you have got to come sing
with the band.

lt's like karaoke
except with real music.

lt's so much fun.

-Maybe later.

Are you okay?

l'm fine.

You were right, you know.

About what?

About me being stuck in the past.

Here l am,
a college freshman...

...and if l actually let you get
to know me better...

...you would realize that
that's a fairly big thing.

And here l am working
my ass off reading, studying...

...churning out papers....
Learning, you know?

Falling in love with this city,
which is amazing.

Yet there's still part of me
that's 1 5 years old...

...still stuck back in Capeside.

Still in love with this boy
from down the creek...

...who only sees me as a friend.


He was my high school boyfriend.

And saying goodbye to him...

...was maybe the hardest
thing l've ever done...

...because l knew that no matter
how much we loved each other...

...no matter how much we promised
to stay true to each other...

...it just wouldn't work.

We'd end up hurting each other. So...

...l cut the cord
and l said goodbye.

And it's really hard sometimes.

Because l know he's
out there somewhere...

...falling in and out of love
with these...

...girls that aren't me.

You must think that l'm this
great big slut or something, huh?


...l'm just trying to live life,
you know, and have fun.

And if l feel like kissing
some boy....

Then so be it.


No regrets.

This was a really good conversation,
Joey Potter.

l hope there's more to come.

Me too.

Just a sec.

Hey, Dawson. lt's me.
l wanted to call you.

l'm at this party with Jack and Jen
and my crazy roommate.

And guess what, l'm having
a pretty great time.

But as great as it is,
it's not completely great.

And that's because of you.
You're not here.

l said it was okay that
you didn't come this weekend...

...but it's not okay,
because l miss you.

There was this guy tonight,
and he was hitting on me.

At least, l think he was.
He was perfectly nice. And l--

l blew him off. And l'm not sure why.
But l'm pretty sure it's because of you.

l've spent these past few months acting
like you were gonna show up one day...

...but you're not. You are out there
following your dream...

...which is what l want for you.

-Hurry up! Come on!
-ln a minute.

Dawson, l think it's time
that l let you go.

And it's really hard for me to do

...l know a part of me
is gonna be in love with you...

...for the rest of my life, but....

This running in place
and this daydreaming...

...it's just not healthy for either of us.

And so this is me cutting the cord.

This is me doing what l should
have done three months ago.

l'm saying goodbye, Dawson.

Call me back.



-No, what?
-No. Not interested.

'' No, not interested'' in what?

ln whatever it is
that you're selling, pal.

Okay. l didn't even say anything.

Well, you were about to.

-l was?

You were about to give me
your best opening line.

Something like, '' Hey, girl.''

Which is neither clever
nor charming.

Then you were probably gonna
follow it with the classic:

'' Hey, you know what would
look really good on you? Me.''

People actually say stuff
like that in real life?

Well, just so you know,
l'm not that guy.

For all l know, you could be the kind
of guy who cruises frat parties...

...because he knows he can capitalize
on the dearth of sensitive types...

...which is even worse, man,
because it's sneaky.

Okay. A, you're crazy...

...which is not entirely unappealing.

And B, l'm not that guy either.

-Well, then what are you doing there?
-l'm in the band.

We got paid 50 bucks to play,
and 50 bucks is 50 bucks, lady.

You guys--
You guys were actually good.

Thank you.

So, what are you doing here,

l mean, besides making a sport
out of scowling into your beer there.

Hey, scowling can be fun.

Well, look, l've gotta go
pack up my gear.

lt was wonderful sharing
this moment with you. Really.

Look, just so you know, all right?
All l was gonna say was:

'' Hi, my name's Charlie.
What's yours?'' That's all.

And then l was hoping
maybe we'd talk a little...

...and l'd find out you're the girl
who doesn't...

...usually come to parties
like these.

And that would explain
why the cutest girl in the whole place...

...is alone by herself
in the corner.

Because you're right.
Most of the guys here are creeps.

And the girls are even worse.

And, God, l hope they don't procreate,
but they will.

And we're just gonna have to do
our best. And fight the good fight.

And make sure their kind
doesn't take over the world.

That's all.



My name's Jen.

Well, it's nice to meet you, Jen.

l'm sorry.

What are you so smiley about?

-Shut up.

So? How'd your first day go?

First and last, actually.

l just got fired from a job
that doesn't pay anything.

Well, there are worse things.

Not at the moment there aren't.

Where you from, kid?

l'm from Capeside.

lt's a small town in Massachusetts.

-Okay, sure. l'm from Boston originally.


-All my friends are in Boston right now.
-How come you're not with them?

Because this was a dream.


How's it matching up
against the reality?

lt's weird. lt doesn't.

Why don't l call you a cab?


Okay, Jen.

Are you gonna tell me his name
or am l gonna have to kill you?

Let's try and not wake
the dragon lady here.



Charlie, okay?
His name is Charlie.

-Charlie's cute.

ln a dumb-guy-with-a-dream
kind of way.

-Charlie's not dumb.
-Someone's smitten.

Would you shut up?

Oh, man, if there are cookies
in these cupboards...

...l will devote my life to God
and his teachings.

Music to my ears, Jennifer.

-Sorry, Grams.

Nonsense. l can sleep
when l'm dead.

So how was your party?

-All right.
-Jen met a boy.

Charlie. And he's not dumb.

Well, praise the Lord
and pass the sugar.

Well, l'd say it's about time.

That's nice.



Hold on.



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