Dark Matter (2015–2017): Season 2, Episode 8 - Stuff to Steal, People to Kill - full transcript

A Blink Drive test goes awry, propelling the Raza to a parallel reality.

Previously on "Dark Matter"...

Alicia Reynaud.

Business magnate, venture capitalist,

ruthless criminal... Bad news.

We're going after her.

This is just a fact-finding mission.

Once we find out what
this card does and how,

get out of there.

With the Blink Drive,

you just disappear from one place

and reappear somewhere else.

Initiating Blink Drive.

Something's wrong.

What the hell is happening?

I'm detecting micro-breaches
throughout the ship.

Weapons and shields are down.

Nav systems are offline.

Engines are damaged, both
FTL and sub-light.

Rerouting power from damaged sections.

Our weapons and shields are up.

Nav systems are online.

Sub-light engines are
back, and working on FTL.

Well, that didn't go
exactly as planned, did it?

Yeah, but was it a
successful test of the Blink Drive?

No, we fell well short
of our target destination.

How short?

We only traveled 1.2 miles.


Guys, we could've walked.

What happened?

I'll have to run a thorough diagnostic,

which may take some time.

The Drive may also
require repair and adjustments,

which could also delay our next attempt.

Next attempt?

Are you kidding me?

We barely survived the first one.

No, once we figure it out,

that device will allow
us instantaneous travel

anywhere in the universe.

We can't give up.

What is that?

It's a distress call from Regulus-12.

Devon and Nyx are on that station.

Take us back.

Approaching the station.

Are you receiving any
other transmissions?

Just the one.

It appears to be on a loop,

broadcasting at
recurrent 3-minute intervals.

Other than that, oddly, none.

Why is it so dark?

What the hell?

The station appears to
have come under attack.

Devon and Nyx...

Take us in.

I can't.

The bays are damaged and
are now exposed to atmosphere.

We need to get in and
help the survivors.

I'm sorry, Two. I don't
believe there are any.

What's that?

They're ships.

I'm detecting three in all.


Hang on a sec.

That looks like...

It can't be.



It's the "Raza."

What the hell was that?

It just disappeared.

How is that possible?

The residual negative
energy I'm detecting

suggests they're in
possession of a Blink Drive

not unlike our own.

Well, a fully functioning one.

I don't know what the hell's
going on, but I've had enough.

Get us out of here.

What was that?

A third Mikkei destroyer
just dropped out of FTL

and opened fire on us.

Can we jump?

FTL engines are still down.

The damage to the Blink
Drive is impeding our ability

to restore them.

Get down to system
control and disengage it.

Get us up and running.

Let's buy them some time.

You got it.

We're about to have more company.

The other two Mikkei
ships are closing fast.

Hold your fire. Divert
all power to the shields.

This is the "Raza."
We are standing down.

Please respond.

This is the "Raza." Please respond.

We are not your enemies.

We are allies of your
Commander Truffault.

We're not looking for a fight here.

- This is Commander Truffault.
- Truffault?

What the hell are you trying to pull?

What's going on?

Why are your ships attacking us?

We're attacking you
because we're at war.

What are you talking about?

You've decimated a
dozen of our outposts,

destroyed three of our ships,

and now you claim you
don't know what's going on.

The fact that you're
even talking to me suggests

there's something
wrong with your Blink Drive,

otherwise you'd be long gone by now.

How does she know about the Drive?

I don't know.

Either you surrender and let us board,

or we blast you to bits

and pick through
your scattered remnants.

Commander, I don't know what's going on.

Your delay tactics won't work.

The second we pick up
readings of a jump attempt,

we will annihilate you.

Again, awaiting your decision, "Raza."

All right, I promise you no resistance,

provided you can
guarantee the safety of my crew.

Turn over the Drive,
and you have a deal.

Done. "Raza" out.

Five, how's it looking down there?

Stand by.

It's not good.

The Blink Drive is fried.

What about the FTL engines?

We'll have to re-route
through another access port.

That will take some time.

- How long?
- Approximately 30 minutes.

Good. Keep working on it.

We're about to have some company.

I've placed the
sections outside the air lock

and the mess hall under lockdown.

This is as much for their protection

as it is for yours.

Do not attack unless engaged.

And I need you all to stay out of sight.

We need to draw this out,

buy some time to make repairs.

Once we get the FTL up and running,

we'll make the jump.

They said they'd open fire if we tried.

I'm counting on the
fact that they won't...

Not with their own people on board.

Two out.

Shouldn't you be with Five?

She doesn't require my assistance.

Besides, I've made a
surprising discovery

that I think you should know about.

I've detected an anomalous distortion

in the area of the ship's exit
point into normal space.

Right, because we used the Blink Drive.

But likely not in the way
in which it was intended.

A slight variance in the temperature

of the cosmic microwave background

suggests a highly unusual possibility...

We may have inadvertently traveled
to a parallel universe.


The multiverse theory of quantum physics

posits the existence of alternate worlds

running parallel to our own...

Divergent time streams
that may differ slightly

or even significantly

than the reality that we inhabit.

They can theoretically be accessed by...

Punching a hole through space-time.

It would explain a lot...

Mikkei's unusually aggressive actions,

Commander Truffault's knowledge
of the Blink Drive,

and, of course,

the other "Raza."

The rest of the crew will
no doubt have a hard time

believing this.

The rest of the crew is
not who I'm worried about.

Are you done?

If you want to run a scan, I
can give you the coordinates.

I have no interest in
either proving or disproving

your lunatic theory.

I'm here for the Drive.

I'm sure you have someone on board

who'll be able to confirm it's genuine.

I gave you the device.

I held up my end of the deal.

And so will I.

I guarantee the
safety of you and your crew...

until delivery to Central,

at which point my superiors will
decide what to do with you.

I'm afraid it's not
gonna be that simple.

Oh, no?

This section of the
ship is under lockdown.

My crew is armed and hidden.

We won't be going down without a fight.

I will just have to
return to my ship, then.

Making it back might be a problem.

Looks like we're at an impasse.

Have your men withdraw.

You stay.

Once our FTL is operational,
we will make the jump,

and we will drop you off at
the nearest space station.

You got what you came for.

Granted, it's damaged,
probably irreparably,

but it's possible to
study its components

and reverse engineer a working model.

You know that.

Uh, yes?

Are you sure?

Sorry, Commander. They
said it was urgent.

This is Commander Truffault.

I'm in the middle of something.

Yes, okay.


How is that possible?

And you're sure?


Thank you.

We've just received reports

along with visual confirmation

that the "Raza" has
just launched an attack

against a Traugott research facility

over 300 light-years from here.


I believe you mentioned something
about us being allies.

You gave her the Drive?

I didn't have a choice.

It wouldn't have been
much use to us anyways.

So we're stuck here
in some other universe,

with other versions of
ourselves roaming around

just doing God knows what.

Not necessarily.

The Blink Drive got us here.

Theoretically, it can get us back.

We don't have one anymore.

But we know who does.

If we want to get home,

we've got to go after the other "Raza."

As the Galactic War enters
its second month,

the unprecedented death
toll continues to rise.

And while no one has
claimed responsibility

for the bombing on the
diplomatic summit of Eos-7

which sparked current hostilities,

unconfirmed reports from within
the League of Autonomous Worlds

are said to point the finger squarely
at Ferrous Corporation

or agents operating on their behalf.

Ferrous Corp has
steadfastly denied the charges.

The allegations are ridiculous.

Ferrous Corp lost
people in that attack as well,

and we believe the evidence will show

it is the work of anticorporate rebels.

Regardless of whether or
not they were behind the attack,

there's no denying that Ferrous Corp

has come out ahead in
the conflict to date.

How goes it?

I'm almost done...

for whatever that's worth.

I don't understand.

Well, we'll have the FTL up and running,

but that won't get us back home.

But this ship is our home.

I mean back to our reality.

What difference does it make?

Whether here or there,

there's nothing for us but this ship...

and each other.


Anyway, what are the others doing?

The space station's data
hub is still operational,

so they're researching this reality

and their alternate selves.


Aren't you the least
bit curious to find out

what path life may have taken

had circumstances been different?

No, because I'm happy with
how things turned out.

And I have a bad feeling that...

in this universe, I
wouldn't want to know.

This is Lieutenant Kal Varrick

reporting from the "Raza."

I've already uploaded the
virus that will sabotage the engines.

Once we drop out,

the ship will start broadcasting
a subspace signal

which should facilitate tracking.

The "Raza" 's security
mechanism is an android.

Verbal shutdown
command... Three-tango-five,


Get to her fast,

because if she perceives
an insurmountable threat,

she's programmed to
wipe the ship's data stores.

Now, if all goes according to plan,

I'll be...

Hey, what the hell?

Sources within the Mikkei combine

accuse Ferrous Corp of
hiring outlaw mercenaries

to aid in their war effort,

most notably the fugitive ship "Raza."

Believed to be among the crew

are Marcus Boone and Portia Lin,

both wanted on galactic warrants

for terrorism and mass murder.

Recently, Lin has been tied to an attack

on the headquarters of
Dwarf Star Technologies,

which claimed the lives of
over 200 company personnel,

including that of CEO Alexander Rook.

What have you learned?

That we're about as
popular in this reality

as we are in our own.


I think I may have found a
way to get to the other "Raza."

How do we do that?

By sending them an invitation.

You think they'd trust us?

Not us...

This reality's version of me...

Emperor Ishida Ryo of Zairon.

I told you I didn't want to see you

until you finished clearing
those crates.

I did finish.

So we don't have to
worry about booby traps?

No, because I spaced everything.


You said it yourself...

Probably more
trouble than they're worth.

Why didn't you just
question the prisoners?

What prisoners?

You didn't.



What am I gonna do with you?

That's your call, boss.




Ryo... it's been a while.

It's good to see you, Portia.

What do you want?

You less so.

I've been presented with an opportunity

that may be of interest to you.

Do tell.

I will, when we meet to discuss.

Now is good.

I can't risk anyone intercepting

our subspace communications.

Then forget about it. We're busy.

We got stuff to steal... People to kill.

Well, the "Raza" can
get anywhere in an instant.

You can make time.

And trust me... for this,
you're going to want to.



We're coming to Zairon.

No, Zairon is no longer safe.

There are spies everywhere.

I'll send you the coordinates
in a separate data burst.

Why do I get the feeling
that guy hates me, huh?

Am I imagining it?

No, you're definitely not imagining it.

Do you think they'll show?

Oh, sure.

Whether it will be to
meet with you or kill you,

that remains to be seen.

There's no room to dock,

so we'll be taking the "Marauder" in.

It looks like there's a
pocket on the lower levels

that still has life support.

If you spot any trouble,
just give us a heads-up.

You got it.

Ryo, what have you got for us?

What is this?

What do you want?

For starters, I'll take that coat.

Quick in-and-out... We
get the Drive, and we go.

Yeah, well, I wasn't planning

on hanging around to
check the place out.

I'm a little curious
about other me's gun collection.

Some other time, then, huh?

Make it quick.

Got it.


What'd you do?

It wasn't me.

They're engaging the engines.

Oh, shit.

We're gonna...


How'd it go with Ishida?

We've still got business
on that space station.

Yeah, well, we got business
right here too.

Neiman's orders.

We need to clear up
some misunderstanding

on a mining colony.

What kind of misunderstanding?

Mm, the usual.

You coming?

In there.

Yeah, yeah.

Duplicates of us.

Duplicate "Raza."

May I make an educated
guess as to what's going on?

No, you may not.

- Four?
- Yes?

We've been contacted
by Commander Truffault.

She wants to know how it went.


The ship jumped. They're gone.

So your friends were unsuccessful?

That remains to be seen.
They're still on board.

What about Lin and Boone?

We have them.

Far from ideal.

Okay, Emperor...

coming to you.

All right.

Hey, how you doing?

Excuse me.

Let me do the talking.

Don't I always?

You with Ferrous Corp?

We're their representatives.

We're here to speak on their behalf.

Yeah, there ain't nothing to talk about.

We're declaring independence.

You know Ferrous Corp isn't
gonna let that happen.

Well, maybe we need to
show them we're serious...

Willing to kill for our freedom...

starting with you two.

Push comes to shove, most
would be willing to kill

for their freedom.

Willing to die... That's another matter.

Now, trust me,

there'll be plenty of
time for both later.

Right now we just want to talk.

After you.


Hey. What's up?



Um, you know...


- Hi.
- Hi.


Maybe this isn't a good time.

What are you talking about?

We got maybe 20
minutes before they get back.

That's kind of tight, isn't it?

Are you serious?

20 minutes would be a record for you.


Okay, look...

Yeah, I've had a bad day,

and maybe we can just, uh...

pick it up again tomorrow, all right?



Can't believe you still fall for that.

Later, loser.


You tested the device

without making the proper adjustments.

You didn't account for
temporal displacement.

That's why you and the
rest of your crew are here.

Instead of going from point A to point B

in your reality,

you punched a hole through space-time

and ended up here,

where our Ishida reclaimed his throne.

Something you obviously haven't done...

not yet.

Mind you, I don't know
how you're gonna do that

without the Blink Drive.

Well, how did he do it?

Little help from his friends.

Go on.

I can vent the atmosphere in there,

stand here, and watch you die.

I'm shaking.

Try me.


After Eos-7, the corporations
backing Pyr pulled out.

They had bigger things to worry about,

so we took advantage

and helped Zairon destroy their fleet.

And they welcomed
you back with open arms.

Did I have allies in the palace?

You made a deal with
a couple of old friends,

members of the royal court

who you knew you could still trust.

Your stepbrother, Hiro, was one of them.

That came back to bite you in the ass.


He started lobbying
for democratic rights.

But you put an end to that.

The Ryo we know can
make the hard decisions

and exploit the right opportunities.

What's holding you back, hmm?

I know what you're thinking...

Ferrous Corp is too busy fighting a war

to worry about some insignificant
mining community.

But you're wrong.

They're gonna come down on you hard,

because if they don't,
it'll send a message

to every other
insignificant mining community

that Ferrous is weak and
can't keep its own house in order.

We won't be intimidated.

You don't understand.
We're not here to...

What the hell?

I said you could do the talking.

I didn't say anything
about the shooting.

Time to move.

Let her go.

- What, you mean alive?
- Yes, alive.


What the hell is your problem today?

"Raza," this is the "Marauder."

So do we spank them?

Affirmative. Prep it.

- We're on our way back.
- Prep what?

The nuke.

This mining colony's about
to learn the hard way,

you don't mess with Ferrous Corp.

"Raza," this is the "Marauder."

- Yeah?
- Stand down.


I'm ordering you to stand down.

And what have I told
you about giving me orders?

I don't know what the hell you think...

Shut up.

We are not dropping a
nuke on this facility.

Why not?

Because there's another
way to deal with this situation.

Sure, but we don't
have time to shoot them all.

A way that doesn't
involve anyone getting killed.


Hey, do I need to remind
you we have a job to do here?

And we will get it done,

but not by destroying this
colony and everyone in it.

Corso, do you copy?

Corso, do...


Something's up.

What do you mean?

You're acting strange.

What happened on that space station?

What did Ishida say to you?

I'll tell you back on the ship.

You'll tell me now.

- Hello.
- Huh?

Oh, hey.

As this ship's service android,

it's my duty to inform the
crew of any impending danger.


In this case, it's the nuclear
missile we just launched

that's headed
towards the planet's surface,

where the "Marauder"
is presently located.


Can you override its nav systems?

Unfortunately, I can't.

Oh, man.



Good night, Portia.

You shifty son of a bitch.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

What's up?

You launched that nuke

while she was still down on the planet

Yeah, The Android told me.

That little snitch.

I'm gonna have to
re-jig her neural interface...

but yours first.


Hello, lover.

I'll never forget the first
time I ever punched you.

You told me I hit like a girl.

You do.

You hit like a super-fit, well-trained,
scary, scary girl.

For months, Corso's been secretly
gunning for you two,

and I'm the only
reason you're still alive.

Well, then I'm sure we
can both appreciate the irony

of you standing over me with that knife.


You're on the wrong side of this.

Corso just tried to kill
Wexler and me down on that planet.

He launched an orbital nuke

while we were still on the surface.

Where is Wexler?

He's back on the "Marauder."

Wexler, it's Tash. Come in.

He can't respond right now.

Why not?

Because he's unconscious,
but let me explain.

Do we really have to do this... again?

As this ship's service android,

it's my duty to
protect the crew from harm...

and, on occasion, each other.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

You know why our Two
and Three aren't like them?

Because of you.

I don't know exactly what happened,

but in this reality, you
weren't there to save my life.

There was no mind wipe, and...

everything turned out different.

Sorry to interrupt,

but a Mikkei cruiser just
dropped out of FTL.

It launched a shuttle
which should be arriving shortly.

Lock us down.

Any word from your people?

Not yet.


Something's wrong.

- Shut down.
- No.

Do I have to shoot her?


Bridge is secure.

We have the "Raza."

"Raza," this is Two.
What's your situation?

I would best describe your
current situation as dire.


What the hell's going on?

Oh, please, this is just a
preemptive double-cross.

- I thought we had a deal.
- We did...

a deal you never had any
intention of honoring.

We both know that.

So here's the new deal...

The lives of your people
in exchange for the Drive.

Look, this universe or your own...

What difference does it make?

I mean, what the hell is
waiting for you back there?

Our own mess.

The lives of your people for the Drive.

What's it gonna be?

- The shuttle just docked.
- Good.

Sergeant, as soon I
confirm we have the Blink Drive,

you can bring the
prisoners down to the air lock.

Roger that.

What is this?

Commander, this is the bridge.

Something's wrong. We're
locked out of all controls.

No, that's impossible.

Sorry about this, Commander.

I assume you had to take out our android

to get control of the "Raza."

That's fine. We've got another one.

And you just let her on board your ship.

Commander, we're powering weapons.

Wow. Didn't expect that.

Looks like you just took
out their aft shield generator.

All right, they're in no position
to take on one "Raza,"

let alone two.

So what's it gonna be?

That's my coat.

Not anymore.

Where's Truffault?

We already sent her back to her ship.

I got to say,

I can't believe you
work with that bitch.

Hmm. Well, ours seems
a little bit nicer...

a little.

Oh, by the way,

you'll find your crew
members tied up in the mess.

There you are.

I'm happy to see you're
up and running again.

Thank you.

I understand you've
decided to return to your ship.

My presence on this
"Raza" would be redundant.

Besides, my loyalty is to my crew...

and to Portia in particular.

I owe her a debt of gratitude.

For what?

For making me what I am.

Stand by.

The Blink Drive is...


I've completed the nav calculations.

We're good to go.

You sure this is gonna work?

Returning us to our
original point of departure

should be relatively straightforward...

Outside of the
theoretical possibility of an overload

that could destroy this ship.

But the chances of that are so remote,

they're hardly worth mentioning.

And yet you did.

Let's do this.

All right, everybody, get ready.

No pops, no sparks, no alarms...

Looks promising.

I'm detecting something...

A small vessel.

It appears to have just detached itself

from the outer hull.

Give us a visual.

It's the "Marauder."

That's not our "Marauder."

Android, prepare to intercept.

I'm sorry, Two.

It appears this "Marauder"
was FTL capable.

Who the hell did we just
bring back with us?

We're within range of
Regulus-12's data hub.

Stand by.

Nice job, Kid.

The station is broadcasting normally.

It worked.

All right.

Set a course for the station.

Let's go get our people.


Any word about Devon?

Nyx says she waited for him for hours,

and he never showed.

- Huh.
- He's not answering his comm.


Sounds to me like he decided to move on.

Why would he do that?

He wouldn't leave
without at least saying good-bye.

How do you know?

I mean, I'm sorry,

but did any of us really know the guy?