Dark/Web (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Chapter Five - full transcript

I wasn't always this scary.

I've played a lot
of roles in life--

kid sis, daddy's girl,
immigrant, valadictorian,

activist-- --keep the
internet free, motherfuckers.

Oh shit.


Hands in the fucking air.

I got her.

I blame the internet.

Mom didn't know what it was,
so she left me along with it.

She never realized her
10-year-old daughter

was living 10 different
lives on any given day.

They say mine's the
last generation that

will remember an analog world.

Those are the days.

I guess you could say the
internet ruined my life,

or maybe she saved it,
one of them at least.

She told me I was smart,
rebellious, creative,

and that I liked tits--

all the things my Stepford
family wanted least.

She let me be myself
and keep that self

a secret, what could be better?

I wasn't ready to
commit to her though,

not yet, not while I still had
one foot in the analog world.

So I slogged through
the Ivy League

thing, the corporate brown-noser
thing, and even the wife thing.

God, what was I thinking?

The fallout from divorcegate
led to a lot of new roles--

anarchist, emo
coffee shop singer,

psych patient, psych outpatient,
meditator, medicator,

coke seller, coke abuser,
rehabber and vegan.

But I always came back to this.

Now I use my power for
the greater good, sort of.

Exploiting suits pays big.

Downside, I'm making
suits unexploitable.

Don't feel great
about it, I know.

The hacker chick thing is kind
of a Y2K cliche but whatever.

It's a role that
suits me, and I look

hot in black this
felt like home.

I was in control,
I call the shots,

I was surrounded but anonymous.

I watched the world
outside my window

slowly fall apart
safe from my perch.

Something's going on.

World's on fire,
maybe it always was.

The only difference is now
people can't ignore it.

Someone's out there blowing
things up like a balloon,

and it's about to pop.

Maybe that's a good thing.

And just when I thought
the world couldn't get any

shittier, it didn't.

I met a girl.

What the fuck did
you do with Molly?

We didn't do anything with her.


She was our friend, she needed
our help, she contacted us.

Shut up.

Tell me where she is.

We don't know where she is.

Stay back--

We're trying to find her--




Get the fuck off of me!

Tell me where she is!


You gonna kill me?

Stop fighting.

Stop screaming and listen to us.

Nobody's killing anyone.

And if you care about Molly,
you'll help us find her.







I'm not surprised.

She loved to write.

She was always
sending me new stuff.

Were they all this twisted?

Molly was drawn to that stuff.

She was working
through her shit.

We both were.

Wah, wah.

We all have issues.

I knew I recognized you.

You're that chick who got famous
over those nudie pics, right?

Exactly how do you know
so much about Molly?


We were in love.

Had a real good thing,
then she disappeared.

Molly was gay?

News to me.

Makes sense.

Totally nothing wrong with that.

I'm sure she appreciates
the validation.

How did you find this place
if you never even met Molly?

I had her name, her email.

That's usually enough for me.

I spent two weeks just being
angry after she flaked on me.

But it was weird though.

Something just wasn't right.

So I went through
our old convos,

and those last two weeks
was just different.

She'd sign in less.

She'd send sad shit
and say she was joking

when I called her out on it.

I remember her saying some
vague shit about her job,

and how she couldn't
tell me everything.

She seemed scared.

I love conspiracy, but it
wasn't like her not to show.

So I did what I do.

I started prying.

It wasn't until this week that
her email account became active


And I knew something
bad happened to her,

and she needed my help.

We're trying to find her, too.

Make sure she's safe.

I'm sorry I tried--

It's OK.

I just want to
talk to her again.

Hey, can I put this down now?

My arms are really sore.


Finding this place is easy.

It's the other stuff
that's just fucked.

Other stuff?

Her job.

What's happening there?

Citadel, the security firm.

Private military
contractor, if you

believe their fancy website.

They've got their fingers in
a whole lot more than that.

Like what?

Sophisticated surveillance

the kind of
technology that makes

a girl like me real skittish.

They think it's the key
to stopping cyber-terror,

clean up the dark
parts of the net.

But it's actually
just a shady way

of monitoring what
people are doing.

People like you, hackers.

Worse than me.

But Citadel's my hero.

I got the names of
three other employees,

all normal, clean evals.

As of last week, one's
AWOL, one's dead,

and one's in the loony bin.

God knows what they're doing to
them or what they did to Molly?

That's insane.

Who would want to hurt Molly?

She's harmless.

She's a smart girl.

And she's got a conscience.

Higher-ups don't
like that combo.

Whatever Molly's stumbled
into, it's dangerous.

Someone clearly thought
she knew too much.

And what were you doing here?

Same as you, looking for clues.

The police are
useless these days,

so I tracked her address
this morning and broke in.


Credit card.



Listen, we don't
have a lot of time.

What do you mean?

Look around.

Scary shit's going down.

Templar's fucking everyone.

Banks are crashed.

Police force is neutered,
power grid shutdowns--

It's just a matter
of time before

some trigger-happy
asshole hacks a new plant.


There are people out there
dismantling the world,

and they're just
getting started.

If Molly really
did know too much,

I'm guessing some of these
people are after her, too.




So I can confirm that
at various points,

she has had crushes on
JTT and Mr. Gregory.

Our physics teacher?


Oh God, gross.

Yeah, that's amazing.

What's that?

Wow, I remember those faces.


Ms. Solis used to drive
me home from school

whenever mom didn't
bother showing up.

She'd always try and
make up these excuses.

She was a terrible liar though.


She was a sweet lady.

She was.

I didn't even send flowers.

What is this?

What's happening?

Ethan, are we horrible?

Am I horrible?

Be honest.

Sam, come on.

Look at this stuff.

This girl, our friend,
was all alone and clearly

going through stuff.

And I'm off in LA,
making videos about which

stupid flower wreath you
should wear at Coachella.

I should have helped her.

I should have shown up to
her mom's fucking funeral.

She-- She had no one.

We're here now.

Go us.


Just a bunch of old stories.




I'm gonna need more
time with this.

I can't believe you're
doing all this for somebody

that you've never even met.

We were in love.

People don't have to meet
for that to happen anymore.

You talked online
for two months,

and you were already in love?

You obviously don't have
any lesbian friends.

Molly didn't communicate
like everyone else.

I'm the same.

We made each other
feel connected.


What's that?

Oh my god, is that you?

Jeez, you were such a dork.

Shut up.

And is that your
other friend, Sam?

It was junior prom.

We thought we were
so cool, big rebels.

Gonna get out there
and change the world.

Were you close?

Ethan and Molly ran yearbook.

Sam and I were just
there for extra credit.

And then Molly and I had
some classes together.

We had the same
stupid sense of humor.

When is the last time you spoke?

I can't even remember.

We all went our separate
ways for college,

and then Molly's dad got busted.

Do you know about that?


She kind of disappeared.

Did you reach out,
after it happened?

Well, I assumed that it was
better not to mention it.

It destroyed her.

I'm sure she would have
appreciated hearing from you.

As I got to know
Molly, I'd always

think this is the perfect
girl that could have

made all that shit bearable.

Anyway, where's the fun in
getting what you want, right?


What is that?


That's weird.


This story, "Zero."

It's the same one that she
sent me a couple days ago,

but the date means that she
wrote it in high school.

Except the names, the hospital--

they're all different.

How's that possible?

It must be an original.

But why would she change it now?

Hey, Sam.



This is super cheesy.


Yeah, and I forgot
you don't need anybody

when you've got that around.

Shut up.

It's an email from Molly.

She sent us another story.

Thank god she's still alive.

Or someone wants us
to believe she is.









I'm sorry I'm late.

Gosh, I can't believe
we're finally doing this.

You look gorgeous.

That's very sweet of you.

Would you like
something to drink?

I'll have what you're having.

So, you're new to the app?

I never would have thought
this would be something

that I was into.

I think it's something I
really want to explore.

Do you know anyone
who's done this before?


Which is something I
want to ask you actually.

Have you done this before?



OK, great.

I promise I'll take
good care of you.



I feel special, like I
was chosen, you know.

Why did you choose me,
amongst all the others?

I don't know.

I guess I was drawn to you.


Still, you should put
more on your profile.

Did you end up stalking me?

A bit.

I hope you didn't find
anything too awful.

Nothing's ever too awful.


I had a really
great time tonight.

Me, too.

So are we going to do this?


Yes, absolutely.

When's good for you?

How's tomorrow?


Is there a problem?


No, not at all.

I'll see you tomorrow.


I'll see you then.





I was worried you may
have gotten cold feet.

I'm a little nervous.

Don't be.

Come in.

Come in.



I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm just-- I just
feel, I feel like--

I know, I know.

If you're having second
thoughts, it's OK.

No, no.

I want to do this.


I want to do this,
for you, for me.

I've come to like you.

I want this.

So maybe we should
just relax a little,

not take things so seriously.


That'd be good.




You ready?






You're so nervous.

Take these.

These will help you relax.

They make everything
easier, yeah.







I'm so glad you're here.



How do you feel?

I feel good.

Real good.

I haven't felt this
connected to anyone, ever.

I feel the same way.

Do you ever think about life?

All the time.

Do you feel like
it's getting worse?

The emptiness grows larger
and larger every year,

so much coldness and
evil in the world.

I find myself growing
bitter, apathetic.

I want to do something
good for the world.

But anything I do, it
doesn't make a difference.

I'm just another cancer
cell on this planet,

worthless, taking up
space, not worth saving.

I don't know what's worse--

not knowing my purpose
or this emptiness.

The world's a bad place.


But I finally realized
something, my purpose.

I can be something
for somebody, for you.


Do you still feel empty?


I want you inside me.








Thank you.















Ethan, what is this?

Why did she send this to us?

I don't know.

It's OK.

Hey, yeah--

Hey, guys, guess what!

Oh, god, please don't make out.


I mean, I'm sorry.

You got to see this.

Come on.

"Hacked," the one
that she sent to Sam,

she wrote it in college.

But this one's different.

Molly's changing the stories.

Yeah, well, hot off
the presses, she

just sent us the mother lode.

Read at your own risk.

Spoiler alert, Sam eats Ethan.

I know this.

It's old.

There it is.




She wrote it in 1999?

That doesn't make any sense.

There were references--
modern music and restaurants.

There must be some reason
she went to the effort

to change all this.

And the ending's
different, a lot different.

Molly still believed in
happy endings in 1999.

Didn't we all?

So which one has the clue,
the happy one or the--







Maybe Molly can tell us herself.

How the hell did
you figure that out?

Long story.

Live from Neptune.

This is Molly Solis.

I'm 28, Aquarius.

Is anyone watching?

I'm almost done Christmas
shopping for everyone

at the off--


It's gonna be a good year.

What do we think?




This is Molly Solis.

It's December 24th,
Christmas Eve.

Maybe I'm being crazy and
paranoid, probably am,

but I feel like I
should get this down.

What happened to her?

Let me start at the beginning.

It looks I got myself
into something,

something really bad.


(SINGING) I've been
waiting for someone

like you to pull me
through another 24.

I've been waiting
for better weather

to show me what
this life is for.

Oh, yeah.

Oooh, yeah.

I've been seeing the
good times coming,

but I've been watching
the bad ones, too.

I hope you see that
it doesn't matter what

you're going to choose to do.

But you see--