#DUPE# (1992–…): Season 2, Episode 3 - No Need for Worries! - full transcript

Oooooh, this is delicious!

Ouch! Ow! Ouch!

Here, Miss Ayeka.

Be careful. It's hot.

Oh, thank you very much.


Are you all right, Miss Ayeka?


What's the meaning of all this flirting?

Wh-What are you talking about?

It-It's just you thinking too much, Ryoko.

Well, I hope so.

Yes, it is. That's what it is, absolutely.

My, it's delicious.

Damn it! That Ayeka
seems to have gotten so close

to my Tenchi somehow.

You can't be too careful with her, really.

Oh, I see. It's born, finally.

I don't think I've ever
seen you around here before.

Have you come to pay respect to the shrine?

I, Sasami, have come to find my elder sister.

So your name is Sasami?

Cute name, isn't it?




What's wrong, Tenchi?

You look like you've just seen a ghost.

Have you been tricked
by a fox or something?

Maybe I have.


Tenchi, the girl you saw,

she may not be a phantom
nor a raccoon in disguise.

How do you know that just by
hearing the story from me, Grandpa?

Yes. It's an easy guess for someone
like me who has had appropriate training.

Wow, is that so?

Hmm? Now I see her in my mind's eye.

Oh, she has her hair tied on both sides.

Wow, Grandpa! That's exactly what I saw.

And she has some freckles on her cheeks.

Yeah, that's right.
She did have some freckles.


She'll show up here very soon!

What?! Really?!

So you like to cook
and are good at it, Sasami?

Yeah. I cook all the time.

Just as I told you.

Oh, I know you.

You know each other?

Hey, you've grown to be quick, Tenchi.

How come Sasami is here?

Sasami is the little sister of Ayeka,

and she's come to take Ayeka home.

Oh, so Ayeka's your sister.


Dear sister!

Sasami, how did you get here all by yourself?

So this is the end of my holiday.


"Good-bye, Ayeka and Mihoshi."

Oh, you can't imagine how happy I am!

Now I can finally go home!

I'm happy for you, Mihoshi.

Now, go ahead, have some drinks,
and eat as much as you want.

You and Ayeka are our
guests of honor tonight.

Thank you so very much.

Oh, don't mention it.

Miss Ayeka...

Hey, Ryoko, is that all you can eat?

Yes. I don't have much
appetite tonight, somehow.

You must have eaten
too much sweet potatoes.

But I have the craving for sour things.

Sour things?

Ryoko, could it mean
that you are pregnant?

Well, it looks like your
tummy has grown bigger, too.

Then that must be it!

You know what causes pregnancy, don't you?

Well, yes.

Wow! I can't wait to see the baby!

The baby is born.

The baby from Tenchi and me.

Well done, Tenchi!

I've always thought you
were rather slow to mature,

but now I'm so happy to see
you've grown into a healthy man.

I'm so proud of you, Tenchi.

Congratulations, Tenchi.

I'm happy for you.

It's a misunderstanding!

Ryoko, why do you have to
tell such a trumped-up story?

Ooh, you don't have to be so embarrassed...

Tenchi... Papa.

Then, I'm a great-grandfather now.

Ooh, my first grandchild, darling.

Miss Ryoko!

You can't prove that egg is yours, can you?

H-How cruel of you to say such a
thing about the egg I labored for.

She's right. It's cruel to say
such a thing. Oh, poor Ryoko.

Ayeka is trying to pick a quarrel with us

just to chill out the
happy feeling we all share.

Don't you see you're annoying Lord Tenchi?

You just don't understand how men are.

He is pleased, happy inside.

I'm not!

I will not be convinced unless I see proof!

Tenchi and I made love,
and this egg here is born.

It's as simple as that, if you want proof.

Made love?

We'll see what kind of
egg it is if we break it.

Oh, no, you fool, stop it!

Stop it, please, Ayeka!

The egg... The egg is smashed.

M-My first grandchild.

My dear, our first grandchild is born.

Well, she's not the typical
kind you normally would expect,

but she's healthy and energetic
looking, just like Tenchi...

What of that thing looks
like me, I'd like to know?!

Here, see? You look exactly like each other.


My, you are right.

Tenchi, you make sure you raise her well.


Are you hungry?

Would you like this?

She needs a name, doesn't she?

I know! What about Tenko,
being a child of Tenchi and Ryoko?

It's not my child!

Oh, sorry. That's right.

Well, then, what shall we name her?


Oh, good morning, Ryoko.

Her name is Ryo-Ohki.


Oh, I remember, that's the
name of your spaceship, Ryoko.

Oh, I'm impressed you remember that.

That means...

You must really like
the name Ryo-Ohki, Ryoko.


So this is your spaceship, Sasami?

Well, I guess it's time to
say good-bye. I'll miss you.

I'll be glad to escort you
out halfway, if you want.

Hmmph! Without a ship?

You needn't worry.


Don't you cry!

I'll let you eat as much as you want later.

So it's just as I suspected.

She is a child of Ryo-Ohki,
isn't she? The new Ryo-Ohki.

What do you mean, Miss Ayeka?

I'll show you!

So Ryo-Ohki is a spaceship?

Well, let's get going now!

Not with you, I assure you.

Oh, it would be such a help.

I hear things are not as quiet
as before around here nowadays.

Yippee! Ryo-Ohki is coming with us halfway.

Sasami! Miss Mihoshi! We are leaving.

Wait for me, Ayeka.

Please don't leave me behind!

I'm counting on you to beat up the
space pirate when you see one, okay?

Has she completely forgotten
that I am the space pirate?

I guess so.

Be good!

Well, we can't see
Tenchi's place anymore.

L-I could have.

Did you say something, Ayeka?

Oh, uh, no, nothing.

I bet you were remembering
Tenchi, weren't you?

Well, I...

You're blushing, Ayeka!

So, you were in love with Tenchi?

What are you talking about, Sasami?

What, really, you were, Miss Ayeka?!

M-Mihoshi, you, too?

Otherwise, how come you have
things like this in your luggage?

L-It's just a souvenir picture.

Ooh, come, come now.

You don't have to be so shy about it.

Why don't you make up your mind and say it?

You should now. Go on, say it!

Oh, you're impossible.

Don't stare at me like that, please. L-I just...

Excuse me.

- Oh, no! Lord Tenchi!
- Excuse me.

Have I done anything wrong?

Oh, Lord Tenchi!

Ayeka, you have tons of
suitors back home, don't you?

Just leave Tenchi to me, then, and... Huh?

Lord Tenchi.

I am Ayeka, the first
princess of the Jurai royal family.

I have a duty of supporting the
Jurai royal family, to lead it to prosper.

I understand.

I just can't stay on Earth forever.

I know.

I enjoyed every minute I spent on Earth.

I close my eyes, and I can
remember all those things,

the beautiful autumn
leaves I watched with you,

the delicious sweet potato you gave me.

Miss Ayeka...

Hey, don't you think
you've talked enough, you two?

I will never forget you, Lord Tenchi.

Nor will I.

Lord Tenchi.

I... The feelings I have for you...

No, nothing.

That's enough, Tenchi.

Miss Ayeka, please take care of yourself,

and stay well when you go back home.

L-I thank you very much.

Farewell, Lord Tenchi.

Be good forever and ever.

L-I did the right thing.

We proceed to prepare
the final acceleration now.

Preparation completed.

Your instruction, please, Princess Ayeka.

Depart for Planet Jurai.

Yes, Ma'am.

Oh, what's that carrot for?

That's the carrot Ryo-Ohki
was eating a few minutes ago.

Well, now we can go
home, sweet home, Tenchi.

What's this?

What is going on?

What? Red alert!

What is the matter?

Ryo-Ohki is rapidly approaching this ship!

Get out of the way, Ayeka!


Why does it have to be this way?

Wow, it's delicious.

Really, I'm so glad I'm still alive.

Now we'll be grounded
here on Earth for quite a while.

If only Sasami hadn't
found that carrot up there.

Here, Miss Ayeka.

Be careful. It's hot.

Oh, thank you very much.

Hey, hey, hey, hey! You, Ayeka, there!

What do you think you're doing?

Hmmph. Nothing, as
you can see clearly, Ryoko.

Nothing, huh?

It's none of your business anyway.

Here, Tenchi.

I'll have the next one.

Okay, okay.

- Sasami.
- Sasami.

The monster sealed in the cave
underneath the Masaki Shrine...

it's been said, brings bad luck.

Hey, Ryoko, aren't you listening?

Sorry! I broke the seal.

- What?!
- How is it looking?

Wow! This is...

Next episode is: "No Need for Monsters!"

The baddest trouble in
the universe resurrected!

It's unquestionably scary!