Crusoe (2008–2009): Season 1, Episode 3 - Sacrifice - full transcript

Robinson recalls his marital past to explain why his wedding-band is so precious to him. It got lost while helping Friday trying to deal with a tormenting nightmare about a skull, which he believes to be the very one they find. The ritual cave yields a riddle-box, which they solve. It sets them on a treasure hunt-trail which proves perilous but leads to the tomb. There lurks more danger.



I have seen a woman.

I know.
Many, many women.

No, no. I mean just now.


Down on the beach.

Right here,
right here.

There's no footprints.

She went on the water.

Where's her boat?

No boat. She walked.

On the water?

Yes, right there.

This wasn't a dream you were
having, by any chance, was it?


Crusoe, there's a reason
for all of this.



There is no water again.

Maybe we should
find another spring.

I've seen them all.

None of them is pure
like this one.

None of them?

I was sick for a month.
The dog almost died.

I think I know what it is.

Something floats around
in here and gets stuck.

Watch out for the spirit
in the rocks.


The spirit in the rocks.

It can take the hand
of a man right off.




I'm sorry, Crusoe.
I could not resist.

Thanks a lot.
I'm stuck now.

I am sure you are.

No, Friday. Really, really.


Ow, ow! Stop, stop.

Sorry, sorry.


My ring's gone.

My wedding ring.

How am I supposed
to get it back?

Wait for it to wash out.

Not gun powder.

A wedding ring is a sacred object.
It means something.

Look at it this way.

The gold came
from the earth,

and the earth
took it back.

You don't understand.
You've never been married.

But I've have had
many, many women.

It's not about many women.

It's about one.

We make a vow.

That is different.

The word of a man
can be sacred.



Right? Ready?

No need to run.

Speak for yourself.


Where is the rest
of the gun powder?

We should run.
Run, run, run!


Do you think that
cleared it, Crusoe?


That must be what
was blocking it up.

What do you think?

I do not know.

It came from up there.
Let's have a look.

We are not
the first ones here.

Well, at least we got
our clean water back.

It's bitter.


Is it a tomb?

FRIDAY: I think
it is a water shrine.

Maybe this belongs
to the water gods,

and I can swap it
for my wedding ring.

Do not joke about it,




Give the box.


We should make that safe.


CLERIC: As long as
you both shall live.

Robinson Crusoe,

wilt thou have this woman
to thy wedded wife?

To live together
after God's ordinance

in the holy estate
of matrimony?

I will.

Wilt thou love her,
comfort her,

honor and keep her,
in sickness and in health,

and forsaking all others,
keep thee only to her

as long as you both
shall live?

I will.


Did you hear him?

He jumped in too early.

Didn't he just.



They swore a bond
to rush it through.

But the marriage is legal.


Why do you ask?

Concern for their souls.

You did not
see her face, Crusoe.

I was not scared
until I saw her face.

What does she look like?



What you had
is called a nightmare.


This is the only side
with wax on it.

She was there.
She led me to the beach.


In a dream, Friday.

She is trying to
tell me something.

I need to find out
what it is.

We believe that work is the
life of the spirit in the body.

When that spirit sleeps
or dies, the soul roams.


Crusoe, you dream
of Susannah, yes?

Sometimes I do, yes.

That is your two souls
coming together.

Even though
you're worlds apart.

I learn from you, Crusoe.

Why will you not
learn from me?

She was as real to me
as Susannah is to you.

Like I said,
it was a nightmare.

Now will you please help me?


This has got to
be the way in.

There are slots like this
on every side.

Maybe they have to be
opened in a particular order.

Right. The cube
has six faces.

Six times 5, times 4,
times 3, times 2, times 1.

Seven hundred and twenty different
ways to try and open it.

What about we throw it off the side of
the tree house and see what it does?

All the sides have
different colors.





Red and white.

That is the order.

How did you
figure that out?


Yellow is for the sun.

Blue for the sky.

Green is for the waves
of the water.

Brown is for the air.

And red...

Red is for the blood
of the animals.

And white

is for death.


It is her.

Why would a dead woman
bring me down to the beach?

Every time I close my eyes,
she brings me down here.

She's a dream,
not a ghost.


English superstitions.

Wandering spirits.

Someone does them some
terrible wrong in this world,

and they walk the Earth until
the body is laid to rest.

Then I have
seen a ghost.


But in your dreams.

Why don't you dream
of something useful?

Look what the tides brought.

You can laugh.

You disturbed her. But I
am the one she has chosen.

All right, I plead guilty.
But what can I do about it?

How do you
lay a spirit to rest?

Those are just stories.

And you are a rational man. Tell
me, Crusoe, what can we do?

You know,
this doesn't look so bad.

We could patch it up, use
it to collect rain water.

Maybe she is the one
who turned our water sour.


I've heard of people adding water to
spirits, but never the other way round.

And soon it will be
all the water on the island.

What do you mean?

She took your wedding ring
for a reason.

She made our water bad
for a reason.

Already, we are at the
mercies of the skies.

Now, what makes you think
she will stop at one spring?


You see it,
do you not, Crusoe?

Just because I appreciate a ghost story,
doesn't mean I believe in ghosts.

It's the same as
your wandering spirits.

Do you not believe that when you dream
of Susannah, she dreams of you?

Don't you think I want to?

It would comfort me to think it,
but that doesn't make it so.

I will shore up
the entrance.

Then I want to see
those pictures again.

And I will look out
for your ring,

since it seems to be
so important to you.

We took a vow.

So long as you
both shall live.

Then you do not need the ring.


But since I don't have the woman at the
moment, I'd at least like the ring.

That is not much
of a substitute.

I'm sorry this is
of so little interest to you.

You know better than that,

I saw the skull woman
again last night.

I think her spirit is
set on tormenting mine.

I do see Susannah,
and I see the children.

But not with your
same kind of spirits.

Unless of course
they've come to torment me

for ignoring all the signs
I was given in this world.

CRUSOE: Even Susannah's father
could see them.

You should have heard his first
words to his new son-in-law.

You people chose the
wrong side in the civil war.

Don't imagine the king
will forget it.

Ah, that was 30 years ago.

A blink of an eye in the
great scheme of things.

I know you don't
approve of me, sir.

I don't disapprove of you,

I was just hoping
she'd make a better choice.


Thank you.

You understand what I mean.
Things could turn.

My daughter could
wake up one morning

to find the father of her children
is an enemy of the crown.

I'm a merchant, sir,
that's all that I am.

City merchants. A well-known
nest of Republicans.

And first against the wall
if James gets the throne.

What hope have you then?

I'll still have Susannah.

And I'll still drop you.

The moment you dissent, our
families fall out of favor.

I can hardly be blamed for something
that happened before I was even born.


You should break with your family
and make some new friends.


And if this

rather generous dowry
makes that possible,

I shall consider it
money well spent.

I swear to you, sir, that I won't
touch a penny of Susannah's dowry.

But I will hold it
in trust for her security,

just in case I should ever fail
her as badly as you expect me to.


What was that?


How long was I
talking to myself?

I merely left you to your
most devoted audience.

Look at this.

FRIDAY: These drawings
tell a story.

What do they say?

You made a joke about the box
belonging to the water god.

There is a knife

and a high priest.

She was a human sacrifice.

I need to lay
her soul to rest.

I accept it.

Why can't you? We just don't
believe in the same things.

We do believe in the same things.
Just in different ways.

That is what
you will not accept.

You only recognize God
if he speaks English.

Hey, that's not fair.

All I'm saying is that
a man is made of two parts,

body and soul.

Your soul has a life
beyond the body.

What do you say, Crusoe?

I can't argue with you.

(CHUCKLES) I know.

What do you want to do?

Whatever she wants of me.

Well, good luck
finding that out.


She has brought me
this far.

Put something in your Bible
to remember us by.

Even if I help you, that doesn't
mean I've changed my mind.

These people are
not of the island.

Indians from the mainland,

and stuck here like me.

I think I understand
her now.

Look, Crusoe. Her body
was given to the sun.

Her head to the Earth

and her heart to the sea.

To what purpose?

Sacrifice to water.

The spirit imprisoned
in the spring.

Hold this.

How about this?

We take what's left
of her to the beach.

And we throw it in the sea
where her heart is.

She showed you where, right?

But her skull and
her heart need to be

with the bones
to complete her.

Now we have
to find her bones.

Yes, but the skull has to
be hundreds of years old.

The bones are
long gone by now.

Not if we can
find the tomb.

Look, Crusoe.

I have to lay
her body to rest.

Just like your
ghost stories.

What do you think
will happen if you do?

I free her spirit,
she stops tormenting mine.

The water will
be sweet again.

And you, my friend, might
even get your ring back.

It means that much to you?

What it means to me
does not matter.

Where do we start?



Not the first thing I had in mind
when I woke up this morning.

Some days are like that.

I think
we're in a watercourse.

This should lead us
straight to the holy place.

What if it doesn't
lead through?

Well, we'll have to find
another way up the mountain.

You should feel good about this.
It is a holy mission.

(CHUCKLES) Where I come from,
seeing God makes you a holy man.

Seeing a skull-faced woman
makes you a lunatic.



It's not a trap. It's a sluice
gate to control the flow of water.

Something must
have set it off.

I did not touch anything.

It's all right,
I figured it out.

Can we go now?

Now I know how it works.

These people knew things.

Like how to
slaughter women?

Says the cannibal king.

One day, I'll have to explain
to you what that means exactly.


Did you hear something?

Like the wind.

I have been thinking about
Susannah and your children.

What about them?

I know you worried
about leaving them.

But you said that they had their
godfather for protection.

This is true.

Godfather sounds like
a powerful man.

Mr. Blackthorn
certainly is that.

CRUSOE: I remember
what he did for me.

It was the day
that the king died.

And my real troubles began.

The king had a fit on Friday.
Did you hear?

Uncle, I've something
I need to ask you.

Increase your loan?

Would you mind?

Not at all.

Is it a business opportunity or is
there another child on the way?

The truth is, I'm not finding
many business opportunities.


Let's hope for
a boy this time.


You've always been so kind and taken
an interest in me, but there's...

There's nothing
I can do to repay you.

I've no family and it pleases
me to be a friend of yours.

That's all.


WOMAN: The king is dead!

MAN: The king is dead.

You hear that?

MAN: Long live the king!

Long live the king.


Is that daylight?


It opens up.

That's a relief.

Not exactly.

Should we go back?
Find a different way?


I thought you'd say that.

It is not too bad.

If it was 2 feet off the ground,
you would not think twice.

Well, let's do it then.


Crusoe, are you there?

I'm right behind you.


It is fine.

If you just
look at the path.

What's to worry about? We're only
2 feet off the ground, remember?


Just watch that bit.

Crusoe? Crusoe?

It's all right.
I'm okay, I'm okay.


Something's just
occurred to me.

What's that?

This bridge is really old.

Don't worry.
It's really solid.

Okay, I have an idea.

How about we walk
faster and talk less?

That works for me.

This was such a bad idea.



We'll find another way
off this mountain,

even if we have to
sprout wings and fly.

If we have to sprout wings
then we have no reason to.

I see what you mean.

Is there human sacrifice
in England?

We executed Charles I.

I don't know
if that counts.

Well, what is the difference?

None at all, if it's
your head on the block.

For 11 years,
England had no king.

No king?
That is unnatural.

Is this the end of it?

I think so.

What is this?

Where'd these
people come from?

I'm just glad
they went.

Whatever road they took,
let's find it.

It's got to be better
than the way we came.



The altar.


It is not just the altar.

If the picture is correct,
it is also her tomb.

There is something here.

That's a lid.

Yes, yes.


I liked this one.

We'll make another one.

These joints,
they're perfect.

You can't get
anything in to move it.

Maybe we are not meant to.

I'd say this tomb is
much older than the skull.

They had to have
a way of opening it.

So they could
put the bones in it.

I've got it.


The box!

The pictograms!

And the altar.

What now?

Good question.

The one constant
is these symbols.

There must be a way
to tie them together.

Ah-ha! Interesting.

It's a key.

They're all keys!



I need a skull.


There's no slot for water.

They are not
making this easy.

Doesn't make sense. There's five slots.
There's got to be a sixth.

Crusoe, are you praying?

Praying I've got the right answer.
Pass me the key.


You will have to
teach me that prayer.

It's not a miracle,
it's water pressure.

It's acting on a counterbalance
point on the inside.

Come on, give me a hand.


What a horrible way to die.

Alone and unloved.

FRIDAY: Someone must
have loved her.

I don't see much
evidence of that.

If you do not give up
something you love,

it is no sacrifice.

Now that's something
I understand.

I should gather the bones
and we should go.


What was that?

It's no wind.

I'll help you.

All right. Ready?

Let's find another road
off this mountain.




Where did that come from?

Let's go back. Just back away.
We'll go this way.


Okay, they're just wild dogs.

They're more afraid of us
than we are of them.

Well, they hide
their terror really well.

They do not
want to let us go.

They don't want anything,
they're just dogs.

Where are they from, Crusoe?
Where are they from?

Spanish navy.

They put dogs on the islands
to decimate the wildlife.

Makes it harder
for pirates to get food.


We have never come
across them before.

All right. Do you have
another explanation?

Maybe they are here
to protect the bones.

Well, why don't we just
give them back then?

No, Crusoe.

Well, if you're right,
then they'll leave us alone.

No, Crusoe.


There is only one
other choice.


You ready?

Go! Go!

Go, go, go!



I see a problem.

We can't go across that.

We have no choice.


Go, go!


We can trap them.
Stop. Stop.

You close the sluice gate.
I'll hold them off.

With what?

With this. Close the door.

Crusoe. It is closing.

Crusoe, now!

You all right?


Those were dogs, right?

Whatever you want
them to be, Crusoe.

On the way out, you didn't, by
any chance, happen to see...

No, no, I did not
see your wedding ring.


Did you hear that?

Let us finish this.

I don't see it.
Stop. I don't see it.

Maybe it did not
get through.

What are you
willing to bet?

That was one
determined dog.

This has to be done with
reverence, not with haste.

How about some
hasty reverence?

If we do this right,
then it will be over.

I hope your spirit woman
appreciates this.

Listen to me.

Hey, Friday!




What just happened?

Should have caught it
and trained it.

Could have been
a friend to Dundee.

It would have
eaten Dundee.



We did a good thing
today, Crusoe.

Just helping
out a friend.

It was more than that
and you know it.

You will be rewarded.

I'd settle for a ship,
and a compass to sail it by.

Friday, the water's clean.