Crusoe (2008–2009): Season 1, Episode 12 - The Traveler - full transcript

Friend or Foe?--Friday (Tongayi Chirisa) and Crusoe (Philip Winchester) are out searching for food when a ship's rocket explodes above them in the air. Crusoe and Friday set out to see if a ship has arrived at the island and they are disappointed when they see the ship retreating from shore. Crusoe sees many men struggling to swim to shore off of a capsized small boat and he rushes to save one man. After bringing him ashore, Crusoe is surprised to see that it is Mr. Blackthorn (Sam Neill). Friday struggles to trust Blackthorn's intentions. Anna Walton and Mia Maestro also star.
what are you doing?


Why? What's wrong?

Nothing. I'm just replacing
parts before they wear out.

Ah. That is a
very good idea.

It is a very long way
to fall from up there.

(CHUCKLES) Yes, it is.

What would you
like to eat today?

I don't know.
Surprise me.

But, Friday, no parrot.
That's just wrong.

What's wrong with parrots?
They are very beautiful.

Yes, it's very beautiful
to look at, but not to eat.

So, you rather I shoot
a pigeon, then?

Yes. Or several.

But pigeons are also
very beautiful.

If you like gray.

Yes, I think it's
a very nice color.

Okay, then, pigeon it is.
Or a gray parrot.

Gray parrot?






What happened?

Gravity. It's new.

No, no, Crusoe,
I meant that.

That, my friend,
was a ship's rocket.

From where?


Shipwreck Beach.

Is it the Spaniard?

I don't think so.

He swore
he'd bring a rescue ship.

That's an English flag.

Oh, they've seen the reefs.
They're turning away!

Crusoe, look!

This man's drowned.

And this one was smashed
against the rocks.

Friday! Look!



I'm afraid
we're too late again.


It looks like you have
healing hands.

Good Lord.


This can't be.


It's Mr. Blackthorn!

It's Jeremiah Blackthorn!


How is he?

CRUSOE: He raved all night.

I think his fever's
broken. He's asleep.

Does he know you?

I don't think so.

He kept talking about Susannah.
He must have news of her.

He kept saying her name.




Mr. Blackthorn.


You're on my island,

We pulled you from the water.

Your landing boat ran afoul
on a dangerous shoal.

But your boat turned
about just in time.

Where is my ship?

She's gone, sir.

And after what they saw,
they'll assume you've drowned.


I'm sorry, sir, but my wife,
Susannah, how is she?

As well as ever.

So, we took on a pilot in Barbados.
He said he knew the islands.

But two days into the journey,
he took to his bunk

and that was
the last use we had of him.

So how did you find me?

By the map that I got
from your Spaniard.

Surprisingly accurate, for a
piece of shrunken old leather.

Old leather?

You know the map?

Crusoe knew the owner.

Well, I could read it
well enough,

but obviously not well enough
to find a safe harbor.


If they think there's any
chance that you're alive,

they'll certainly search much harder
for you than they ever did for me.

Believe me, Robinson.

There has never been a search like
the one there's been for you.

Everyone failed. And finally I
decided to take it upon myself.

And I thank you for that, sir.

(CHUCKLES) No, no, no. No need to thank me.
No need for thanks.

You had a touch of scurvy.
Comes with a long sea voyage.

Nobody seems to know what causes it,
but fruit seems to be the cure.

Well, it's the reason the sergeant
called for an early landing,

and look where that got us.





King James is gone. Abandoned his
throne and fled the country.

And what of
Judge Jeffreys?

Captured trying to
follow him.

Fell ill,
died in the Tower.


So, I've no enemies
left in England.


Thank God my father's lived
to see this day.



He was a good man.

I promised him.

I promised him
he'd see me again.

And he will,
but not in this world.

Courage, Robinson. Courage.

It's just one less rock for
Susannah to lean on, that's all.

She's a very independent
woman, you know, your wife.

I offered her my house as a permanent
home, but she chose other lodgings.




I expect you'd like to
view some lunatics.

We've got some
good ones out today.

Try throwing this.

Have you never seen a
lunatic eat a lemon?

It's well worth the money.

I'm not here for a show.
I'm here for Susannah Crusoe.


Not much to look at,
I'm afraid.

We have to
keep her like this.

Take off
her restraints.


This is my father. Perhaps you'd
like to tell him how you refused me?

Are you here to help me,
or to do me further harm?

Because I have been
a trusting soul,

and you can see
how I've paid for it.

Trust me or don't, it's your choice.
But I knew your husband.

Where is he?

Have you stayed faithful,

I have.

Then you still have his heart.
Wherever he is.

What is that you're
making now?

It's like a sedan chair.
To get you to the tree house.

What's the point of a sedan chair when
you only have one servant to carry it?

There are no servants
and masters here.

I'll carry one end,
and Friday the other.


You think Friday's a savage?

Well, what do you call him?

This truly is a new world, Mr. Blackthorn.
I have so much to show you.

So, how far is
this tree house?

Half a day's walk. Or an hour if
you run, and swing on the rigging.

Well, I don't think
I really want to run.

But I think I'm strong
enough to walk, so...

And you can educate me
further, as we go along.

Please tell me again.

Your children are well. Susannah is well.
She never gave up faith in your return.

And her situation
is safe?

As secure as
I could make it.

Forgive me for asking you to repeat it, it's
just that I've longed to hear those words.


Without civilized company, I'm
sure I would feel the same.

I went years
without a companion.

Then one morning, I saw a single
human footprint in the sand.

Was it his?

I have no idea
whose it was.

But it gave you
reason to hope.

Actually, it frightened
the wits out of me.


I wouldn't dare surrender myself
to the Spanish Guarda Costa.

I might risk the French.

But then, the first English flag that
we saw was flown by a pack of thieves.

We were lucky to
escape with our lives.

(PANTING) Robinson. Robinson.

I'm not as recovered
as I thought.

But you've made it.
We're there.

Magnificent, Robinson.

And to think you built this
all by yourself.


I'm astonished.


Once this starts moving up,
don't look down.


Now, when you get to the top, take
this lever and move it back down.

And it's, uh, safe?

Trust me.



CRUSOE: It's all right,
keep going.

You're almost there.


It's not quite as grand as you're used
to, but it will keep out the rain.

You know what you've done, here, Robinson.
You have civilized a wilderness.

(CHUCKLES) Hardly.
I've merely adapted to it.

I took what I could scavenge from the
wreck and I turned it to my purpose.

So those sails?

They're from the ship.

I can raise and lower them to
keep out the sun and the rain.


And these old timbers
around the edge, here,

they're attached to
pulleys and counter-weights.

I can hoist them into place
in the blink of an eye.

It'll stop anything
short of a cannonball.

And you've running water?

Yes. Powered from a
wind pump on the roof.

Well, these are marvels of
a kind, Robinson. Marvels.


That's Dundee. Ship's dog.


Another thing I scavenged
from the wreck.

Where's the wreck now?

That's long gone. I took what I
could, but the storms broke it up.

But still, you seem to
lack for nothing here.


If only that were true.

CRUSOE: It looks as if nature's
marksman struck again.

You will notice that
these are not parrots.

Well, no, but they'll
make a fine meal.

So you've met
my benefactor.


Crusoe, he's not the
same man you told me about.

What do you mean?

He shows one face to you,
and to me, another.

But he's barely spoken to you.


It's ridiculous.

Friday, that man has sailed
halfway around the world.

He's risked his life
and his fortune to save me.

Ask yourself why, Crusoe?
He's not your father.

Well, no, not in blood,
but in spirit, he is.

Why don't you try
and get to know him.

Why don't you let him
try to get to know you.

So, Robinson.

Mr. Blackthorn.

I came here to find you,
and I'm delighted I did.

Now, I find myself stranded with you.
I wasn't expecting that.

(CHUCKLES) At least I can bear
my own exile a while longer,

knowing how Susannah's
been safe in your care.

This was posted
in the London Gazette.

"Robinson, born Kreuznauer. Beware false
friends. Your children are in danger."

Imagine the torment
that's caused me.

False friends?

There's Adam, there's Percy...
I'd never doubt one of them.

No, your only false friend is the one who's
placed this mischievous piece of nonsense.

An old priest came. I don't
know what they talked about.

Then Father placed this notice
in the London Gazette.

Why the Gazette?

It's where Robin would
look for news.

"Robinson, born Kreuznauer. Beware false
friends. Your children in danger."

It's in every issue.


Why didn't you tell me
about this?

We tried to. Your brother said
you'd turned your back on us.


Where are the children?
Have you signed them over?

I'll steal them
from his house.

What's that?

My note of your address.
I don't need it anymore.

I remember that home you rigged up
in the warehouse on Swan Street.

With the bed roped up to the ceiling,
and the chair you made from a barrel.

Susannah thought I was mad.

You haven't changed.

(SIGHS) She managed
to keep up the rent.

No, well, I advised her
to give the place up.

Now, you advise me.

What happens to us next?

(SIGHS) Well, I had a difficult
time learning a simple lesson.

Learn patience
and trust in providence.

We fend for ourselves
until a rescue ship comes.

And I know that it will.

I know I should be worried
about my affairs at home,

but at the moment,
I'm just grateful for my life.

That is how it
should be.

Ah, Friday.

Mr. Blackthorn.

Crusoe says I should
get to know you.

Since we may be sharing this
island together for some time.

Is this not how you people
introduce yourselves?

Well, yes, it is,

You'll forgive me if I
approach this in small stages.

I am a forgiving man, Mr.
Blackthorn, but up to a point.

Anyone care to do
some fishing?

Ah, so you have
a rod and line?

I will teach him
how we use a spear.

There you are.


Wait for the cannon.


Your crew didn't abandon you.

They sailed around the island
to find a safe harbor.

I say we give Crusoe three days to
make his way to us, if he's alive.

And I say, if he doesn't turn up,
we go ashore and hunt him down.

All the charts you made.

We don't need them anymore.

Crusoe, this is madness. It takes at
least two days to cross this island.

Someone needs to run ahead
and signal to the ship.

This is a nervous crew
in strange waters.

They'll take one look at you and
they'll break out their muskets.

Okay, fine. Then you go. And
I'll bring your Mr. Blackthorn.


You have discussed it
with him.

He promised not to slow us down.
And he's a lot stronger now.

That man shuns my company.

He's afraid of you.

He is not afraid of anything, Crusoe.
He's lying to you.

The only black men he's ever known
have been servants and slaves.

That's it.

Well, that is his problem.
Do not make it into mine.

Did you find anything?

No, I think I'll just wear
the rags I'm standing in.

Is this a bullet hole?

Arrow hole. Spoils of war.

Your man doesn't trust me,
you know.


He just doesn't know you
like I do.

Well, he ought to
get to know me better.


Now, I insist on carrying
my share of the load.

Well, there won't be much.
We travel light.

I'm no invalid.

And I'll be
no man's passenger.


What should I carry?

CRUSOE: You can take my bag,
on the bench.

CRUSOE: Friday! It's time to
say goodbye to this place.

Going off the cannon shot, it sounds as
if they found their way to Mary Port.

As de facto governor
of this island,

I've taken it upon myself
to name all of its features.

Mary Port, for my sister and
because it's a fair haven.

And she welcomes
all sailors.


CRUSOE: How's your stamina,
Mr. Blackthorn?

I must have breathed away
the dust of a thousand books.

(CHUCKLES) I hope you have
got a head for heights.


Because we can't cross
the river, it's infested.


Flesh-eating fish.



What stories you will have
for your children, Robinson.

CRUSOE: Quite frankly, sir, some of them
are stories I'd quite like to forget.

Don't worry,
I'll rig you a safety line.




Mr. Blackthorn!

No, Crusoe!

I am closer!


Then go!

CRUSOE: I'll steady the rope.








You always show up at the most
inappropriate times, don't you?


Listen, boy, I can't take
you to London with me.

Not after the life
you've come to know here.

You've been a good friend,
but I can't be that selfish.

Goodbye, boy.








Mr. Blackthorn.

(CHUCKLES) I know.



FRIDAY: Crusoe, we have to go.



And as the second son,
I inherited nothing.

Now, there was a young woman
that I'd hoped to marry.

But I had no prospects,
nothing to offer.

So, that's when I traveled the world
in search of some scheme or another.

All I could think of was finding
a way to secure my future.

Anyway, I finally found a venture
that would pay me money,

but that was when the news came from
England that my brother was dead.

And that's how you
came to inherit?

He had no wife, no children,
so the fortune passed to me.

I had to return
to manage it.

A terrible great beast
is a fortune.

You'd think it would be a
wonderful thing, wouldn't you?

But no, no, no.

Instead, it imprisons you captive
for the rest of your life.

And as my ship
entered the Pool of London,

I could feel responsibility
fall on me like a heavy cloak.


And after that, my days
were no longer my own.

What about the young woman?

I found her married to a young
man without a penny to his name.

But were they happy?

No. I made sure of that.


Not really. I jest.


Crusoe, you said not to
bring the charts.

Just the Bible.

Where's the other bag?

If it's a Bible you want,
there'll be one on the ship.

It's not just a Bible.

I will go get it.

No, Friday, it's too late.
I can't believe this.

What did I do?


There's nothing else for it.

We'll have to
go round the swamp.

That is at least
half a day.

(SIGHS) I should never have
brought us this way.

Who built all this?

No one knows.

Friday, this is a lot
wider than I remember.

get across last time?

We jumped.


Took a run...

Couldn't we just
wade across?

CRUSOE: I think it's volcanic.
The water is acidic.

Well, you might as well
say it, Robinson.

Say what?

You have to take the long way
because you're saddled with me.

No one's a burden, here.
We're in this together.

CRUSOE: No, no, wait!



Throw the kit.




You sure?






BLACKTHORN: Robinson? This Bible
of yours, tell me the story.

Well, in the beginning,
God created the heaven...

No, no, no, no.
You know what I mean.

It is his father's.

I managed to salvage it from the wreck
before another storm broke it up.

I have told him
he will see his family soon.

He will no longer have to keep the
locks of hair to remember them by.

Ah, yes,
now I understand.

It's not really mementoes. It's
more of my family history.

The story of the Crusoes.

My father wrote it all in.

Well, I'm sorry.
I feel responsible.

No, no, it's all right. You had no
way of knowing. And Friday's right.

It's nothing that I can't replace.
Except the documents.


Birth notices and death
certificates, that sort of thing.

Many of those?

I don't know, really.
I never counted.

Anyway, it's just bits of paper.
That's all we're talking about.

SUSANNAH: This is where
the priest said he'd meet us.

Thank you for coming with me.

You're the only friend
I have.

You said you knew Robin,
but you didn't say how.


Father Gallerne?
Father Gallerne?

I'm Susannah Crusoe.

Can you explain
this to me?

What is it?

The parish records for the baptism
of my husband, Robinson Crusoe.

But all it says is,
"Robinson, son of a stranger."

Is this not your hand?

James Crusoe was a poor man.

And Alice Crusoe was
a virtuous woman.

Only a virtuous woman could do what
she did, and not carry a stain.

What did she do?

She bore a son and heir
for a rich man.


For money?

In return for James's start
in the merchant trade.

But the rich man died
before the child was born.

So they raised him
as their own.

Robinson, son of a stranger.

That's what I wrote
in the book.

But there is a certificate
with the true father's name.


Only Alice knew.

It was Blackthorn, wasn't it?

But he had a brother. Yes?

The brother from whom
he inherited everything.

If this certificate ever appears,
you know what it would prove.

Jeremiah Blackthorn has
no right to his fortune.

The Crusoes are
the true heirs.


CRUSOE: Remember how I told you
I named places on the island

after things that
matter most to me.

Mary Port.
Susannah's Bay.

Fat Crab Beach.


I named this place
four years ago.

And since this is the only chance
I'll get to show it to you.

These are the
Blackthorn Falls.

I've always remembered
what you told me.

Beauty fades, friends betray
and memories disappear.

But you had hopes
for a greater posterity.

These falls have been here
since the dawn of time,

and they'll bear your name
until the end of it.



Pilot, open this door!

You've signed on to do a job of work,
and by God, I'll see you do it!

What's his excuse
for this?

"He's sick," he says.

I told you not to pay him
a penny up front.

He's spent it on rum,
and stashed it aboard!

Well, he's got one more day to drink
himself sober and steer us home.

Or we're taking our chances by
the sun and he can swim for it!

What's all that racket?

Still no pilot.

Still no Crusoe?

Yes, yes. You see, he's right there.
Dancing on the beach.

He's been doing it all day. I
just chose not to mention it!

I wouldn't worry
too much.

I mean, how long has this man
been a castaway for?

He's not going to be in any fit
state to give us trouble, is he?

The Spaniard suggested

Well, Spaniards.

They exaggerate.
It's in their temperament.

Trust me, Crusoe is either dead, or he's
half starved and riddled with disease.

On the other hand,

he's been living on lean meat and
fruit in a land of tropical sunshine.

So if he is coming our way,
I'd like some advance warning.


Someone's alive out there.

Let's get down to the beach.
Prepare a welcome.

Once more?

Why not?

if they did not hear that,

they are either dead or deaf.

Or departed.

You think?


I think not.

This way, right? Has to be.
I believe it is.


Did you see his face
when I showed him the falls?

I did.

What's wrong?

I can tell when
a man is feeling guilty.

Guilty? Why would
he feel guilty?

I do not know, Crusoe.

But every good thing that you have done
for him makes him feel a little worse.

Why is that?

BLACKTHORN: Friday's right.

If God could
grant me one wish,

it would be to deserve
the opinion you have of me.

Robinson, I am not the man you imagine.
No man could be.

And I'm sorry.

Well, we can discuss this
later, on the voyage home.

Now, if there's a shore party
waiting for us on the beach,

I might ask you to wait
and stand back.

Could you do that for me?

Yes, of course.
But why?

They don't know you.
I need to talk to them first.

Otherwise, there could be a
misunderstanding with Friday.

They might make the same mistake
I did and see him as a savage.

And the last thing I'd want is for
someone to get shot by accident.


Wait here. I'll signal
you to come forward.

I can promise you this will be
your last day on the island.

Wait for my signal.

You're not happy?

I have my reasons.

I want you to come to England.
Mr. Blackthorn is my friend,

and he's the person who is
going to take us there.

So, if you have a problem, you
should probably tell me now.

Even though there is a
problem, no problem.

Right, gentlemen,
come along.

Well, look at you.

Had you written off
as drowned, for sure.

Is that Crusoe?

Kill the savage first.