Cruel Summer (2021–…): Season 2, Episode 4 - Springing a Leak - full transcript

In Summer 1999, Megan wants to be adventurous and makes fake IDs for the gang; in Winter 1999, a burst pipe leads the Landrys and Isabella to a messy night at the Chambers house; Isabella wishes to help but is met with resistance.

Previously on Cruel Summer...

You would be okay if
I hooked up with Luke?

Yeah, go for it.

As soon as Principal Bowers
finds out it's me on the tape,

they're gonna revoke
my scholarship.

Everyone already believes
they saw me on that tape,

so let's make sure
that it stays that way.

- So you think Brent made the tape?
- Who else?

Is it the only tape?

- Yes.
- That's a lie.

- Are you okay?
- I just feel like an animal in a zoo.

Let 'em talk. Everything's
going to be okay.

Hey, just so you know, I'm still going
to have a job while I'm at school,

so I'll be able to help out.

No, I want you to enjoy college.

Take your foot off the
gas a little, let loose.

Let me be the
adult for a change.

This is
security footage.

No sign of either your
car or Luke coming home.

No comment.

Can you explain to me

why your fingerprints
were on the gun?

Did you want revenge on him
for breaking your heart?

We do the same
thing every summer.

Go to the marina,
hang out at the cove.

- Lather, rinse, repeat.
- That's a problem?

Well, there's no
surprises in Chatham.

I want to change things up,

live on the edge.


I don't know.

I'm just tired of
being Megan Landry,

boring, responsible
Honor student.

You want to be a bad girl?

Not like committing
crimes bad, but...

more like taking risks
and going on adventures.

Being... unpredictable.

You don't have to convince
me. Unpredictable's my brand.

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah! (echoing) ♪

I just read the coolest article
about White Hat hackers.

Is that like a fashion thing?


Basically, they look
for security holes

in big companies' systems and fix
them before hackers can get in.

That's... cool.

And the guy in the article went
to my same program at U Dub.

It's something that I could
do in college to make money.

It pays really well so I could help
out even more with Mom and Lily.

Are you gonna see Luke later?

- Crap!
- What was that?

- Do you want me to shut off the valve?
- I already did.

Hopefully it'll stop soon.

- What happened?
- Ah!

Old pipes. Guess
they just gave out.

I'll call the plumber.


Another bill.

You said you took Luke home,
but we all know now that you didn't.

So where did you go?

We drove around for a while.

Where did you end up?

The cabin.

The murder site.


Would've been nice
to mention that.


I still got
it, I still got it.

- Oh, man.
- We're getting good.

Guys, come here.

I want to go somewhere
different tonight.

Someplace fun.

Well, Woodstock would be cool

if it wasn't 3,000 miles away.

We could go to a club.

Um, well, the closest
thing we have to a club

would be the Brownsville
Pub, but that's a dive bar.

Do they card?

Yeah, I mean, it's a bar,

so you have to be 21 to get in.

That's dumb.

I mean, most countries don't
even have a drinking age.

Brent has a fake ID, but
he'd never let me use it.

I'm pretty
good at Photoshop.

Maybe I could figure
something out.

You want to make fake IDs?

Why not?

You're the computer genius,
maybe you could help.


I don't know, it's
kind of risky.


Okay. Yeah. Let's do it.

You're in?

Yeah, let me know
when you have the money,

then I'll schedule
the crew, okay?

Thank you.


And he wants payment
in full up front.

Um, okay.

We can tap the emergency fund?

It's gone.

Between the roof last
year and Lily's retainer,

the fund's empty.

I can't get another
loan from the bank.

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't want to stress you out.

Okay, you can't
have it both ways.

You can't lean on me
to help pay for things

and then keep me in the dark.

I mean, for once,
it would be nice

if you were the
grown-up around here.

I have like $900 in
my savings account.

That is for college.
I'll talk to Steve.

Megan: We can't ask him for help
every time something goes wrong.

He's your boss.

It was bad enough before,
it's ten times weirder

now that you're in a relationship
with him, and I'm dating Luke.

I don't like it any more than you
do, but I don't know what else to do.

I can help.

It's $5,000.

Where'd you get that?

My parents.

They gave me money so that I can
buy myself a Christmas present,


I want you to have it.

That's incredibly
generous, honey...

But we can't take it.

Look, there's nothing else that
I'd rather spend my money on.

You guys are family to me.

So are you.

In all the best ways.

But we will find a way.

We always do.

Yeah. In the meantime, we can't
stay here tonight, so pack a bag.

I'm sure Steve will let us stay
with him till we sort it all out.


What town do you
want to be from?

Hmm, Seattle. That's
where U Dub is.

Where I hope I'll be next year.

Where do you want to go?

Film school,

so USC or NYU.

All the great directors
went to one or the other.

George Lucas, Spike Lee.

It's cool how into
filmmaking you are.

People mostly don't
understand it,

but it makes me happy.

I get to create my
own little world.

Check it out.

Wow. That
looks amazing.

The watermark is missing,
but it's impossible to copy.

We'll see about that.


How did you do that?

Being a computer
nerd has its advantages.

I get to create my
own little world.

There is nothing
nerdy about you.

You're amazing.

Okay, work your magic.

We make a pretty awesome team.

Megan, this is real
life, it is not fiction.

But, yeah, it doesn't look good.

When was the last
time you saw Luke?

Early that Saturday morning.

And you haven't been back
to the cabin since then?


Is there anything else about
that night you haven't told me?


Are you sure?

Because we cannot afford
any more surprises.

I need to be prepared
for whatever is coming.

No, that's it.

I wish I could rewind to that night
and not see my mom kissing my dad.

Don't waste another
second on it.

When something bad happens,
put it in the rear view,

move forward.

So, like, denial?

I mean, it's worked
for me so far.

Look, tonight is
gonna be amazing.

You and Jeff are crazy cute.

He's excellent at Photoshop.

That may be one of the geekiest
things I've ever heard.

I know, I know.

But I feel like I can
really be myself around him.

Like I can with Luke.

Can I borrow this?

Of course.

It's just one night.

I really, really
don't want to go.

I just don't want to be
around Brent right now.

Not after everything
with the tape...

I'm so sorry.

He had no right
to do that to you.

Sex is supposed to be private.

Not blasted out in public.

Yeah. In front of
the whole town.

You could've told me, y'know.

That you and Luke
were having sex.

Your first time...

that's special.

It was.

Ohh... that tape...

I can't believe you saw that.

I wish there was
something I could do

to make it all disappear.

Me too.

Thank you.

For not making me
feel worse about it.


Raymond Chandler.

So proud of that.

were you born, Ray?

Uh... February 5th, 1978.


Fresno, California.

But I live in L. A. now.
It's where the work is.

Hmm-mm. Don't improvise.

If you say too much, it
sounds like you're lying.

Watch this.

Hi, I'm Rob Ludlum,
born in Ames, Iowa.

May 28th, 1977.

I like fast cars
and beautiful women.

What did she just say?

I'm just, I'm trying to
add some personality to it.

Just take it.

I am Liz George from
Seattle, Washington.

Born June 25th, 1978.

That's how it's done, boys.

There you go.

What about you?

Yeah, Patty Highsmith does
not need a dress rehearsal.


They look so real.

You're the Photoshop master.

Thanks, Liz.

All right, go time.

- Everyone remember what you're supposed to say, okay?
- Yep.

So, we're just gonna
smile and pretend

that the Christmas party
and the tape never happened.

Should give us, like,
nothing to talk about.

There's always the weather.

Yeah, cloudy with a chance of
"Brent's a total douchebag."

You should've taken the money.

Wait, Megan, I was
joking. I just...

I don't know, I feel like
it shouldn't be complicated.

I know, but... money
is always complicated.


Hi. Hey.

Thanks so much, Steve,
we really appreciate it.


- No Lily?
- She's at Olivia's for a sleepover.

We're sneaking you into
my room later for a sleepover.

Uh... Brent!

Come downstairs and welcome
your guests, please.

I don't know, he's, uh, otherwise occupied
or something. Please make yourselves at home.

Hey. Are you okay?



Uh... Wayne Bright pulled
out of the Northland deal.

What? Why?

Because he said he
can't do business

with people that don't
share his values.

That tape.

- You had nothing to do with...
- It doesn't matter, it's done.

And when someone like
that spikes a deal,

it sends a message to other
potential investors, so...

we're dead in the water.

FYI, Brent's on the warpath.

My dad's making him work for him next
semester instead of going to school.

Really? 'Cause of the tape?

Yeah. I told you I was
gonna get it handled.

God, talk about a
Christmas miracle.

Can I use your shower? I was
going to before the pipes burst.

Yeah, of course. The clean
towels are in my bathroom,

and Alma made up guest
beds for you guys.

She also made those crispy
potatoes that you love.

Oh my God. Wait, really?


I missed those.

She said to tell you hi.

That's very sweet.

- Have a good night.
- Thanks!


That was so easy!

Be cool. And breathe.


May 28th... what's your sign?

My sign?

Yeah, like the Zodiac.
Your sign, dude.


Beat it, kid.
Your sidekick too.

Okay, they're ready for us.

That's the letter
Luke sent to his dad

saying he was running away,

going to see family in Virginia.

We found your
fingerprints on it.

You always said you didn't know
Luke was planning to leave.

So how do you explain this?


Luke told me that
he was running away.

And yet you never mentioned
it, in all the times I asked.

- I was protecting him.
- By lying.

- Sheriff...
- You've lied about dropping him off at home,

you lied about knowing he was
leaving, and now the letter.

How about you start
telling the truth?

Why did Luke run away?

I don't know. He was scared.

- Of what?
- I don't know.

- Of who?
- We're done here.

Feels more like we're
just getting started.

If you want to question my client any
further, you have to place her under arrest.

Let's go.

It smells like sweat and beer,
but, like, in a good way.

I guess the guys got busted.

Their loss.

Well, should we...?

Hell no.

Come on. Let's go.

This is even better
than I expected.

Louder. Cooler. More...


Cuba Libre, please.

Wanna make that two?


Yeah. Yeah, she'd love one.

I would?

You don't have to
drink it. Just hold it.

It'll make you look old.


Already taken care of.

Eww, he's, like, 30!

And sweaty.

In all the wrong ways.

Thank you.

Wait, what's in this?

Rum and Coke. With lime.

It was the first
drink I had with Lisa.

We were in Barcelona.

My God, we thought that we
were, like, so sophisticated.

- Hemingway used to drink them.
- Really?

I love The Sun Also Rises.

It should be mine too. With you.

To firsts.

All right, come on,
I love this song.

Five grand. In cash.

She just whipped it out like it was no
big deal, like it was nothing to her.

She was trying to help.
It came from a good place.

I mean, I know. I know, but...

I don't know, it
just felt awkward,

like we're charity or something.

Come on, that's the
last thing she intended.

How do you know?

We talked about it.

Behind my back?

No. No, it was
nothing like that.

She felt bad, she
wanted a friendly ear.

We talk sometimes...
It's no big deal.

You talk about me?

Megan, we
talk about everything.

We're friends, all right?


Can you try not
to worry so much?

It's all gonna work out.

No, it's not, but okay.

You sound like Isabella.

- What did I do?
- Nothing, nothing.

You didn't do anything.

I guess I just shouldn't expect
either of you to understand.

I work my ass off for
a year waiting tables.

And then a pipe bursts, and
in seconds, that money's gone.

And it's not even
enough for the repair.

I get it.


A window gets smashed here
and it's fixed overnight,

like nothing happened...
It's the same for Isabella.

If something goes wrong, then
somebody just writes a check.

What's going on?

Nothing. Nothing,
just forget it.

They're really gonna leave
us out here in the cold?

It's like 70 degrees.

This one's on you, dude.

You never could take direction.


What are we supposed to do now?


We wait.

So, you, um...

You and Megan been...

hanging out?


We used her computer
for the IDs.

She has a great set-up.

I mean, I knew that she
was good with all that,

but seeing her in action...

she's got mad skills.

To you, maybe.

You suck at numbers.

I'm dyslexic, you moron.

And you still copied
off me in math.

I got pretty good grades too.

Hey, man, it's cool that
you and Megan are...

you know, hanging out or...


For real.

Hey, what are you doing in here?

I was just, um...

I was just seeing if
you had any more tapes.

I wondered what
happened to this.

Where'd you find it?

Uh, Luke's bathroom closet.


Must've gotten mixed
up in the laundry.

Find anything else?


When did you leave it there?

I don't know.

Some time last summer, probably.

Probably or definitely?

Wait, I'm sorry, what...
What are you getting at?


No, Megan, this is from before.

Look, um, if there's
been some overlap,

or if you still have feelings
for Luke or something,

you should tell
me and I'll deal.

Are you really asking me that?

Yeah, I guess I am.

You know...

I've let this whole town call
me a slut and a lousy friend.

Everywhere I go, people
whisper behind my back,

all so that you could
keep your scholarship.

And now you think I'm
sneaking around with Luke?

- Really, Megan?
- I'm sorry, I just...

The stuff with the pipes has
me so stressed out, I'm...

I don't care.

How far do I need to go to
prove my loyalty to you?

When what?

Do you need me to kill for you?

Isabella, I...

- Oh, thank you.
- Thank you.

Uh! That burns.

Yeah. You get used to it.

My old boyfriend and I
used to do body shots.

- What's that?
- So basically,

you lick the person's neck,
then you put salt on it,

and then they take a shot,
hold it in their mouth,

and then you kiss,
lick their salty neck,

so that way you
both get the shot.

Ooh! That sounds sexy.

And kind of disgusting.


I'm gonna get some water.

Can I get a water? Thanks.

♪ It makes me sick to see
that you don't trust me ♪

♪ When deep inside you
know I hold you dear ♪

♪ I wanna spend my time making
love under the covers... ♪

Hey! We have to go!

- No way, it's too early.
- Now. Sheriff Myer's here.

Come on.

This is a big game, I'm
really counting on 'em...

Heard you're grounded.

Yep. Thanks to my pitiful
snitch of a brother.

Oh, right, 'cause it's my fault
you did all that pervy shit?

Newsflash, dildo...
It's all your fault.

"Dildo." That's new.

Oh, hey, movie star.

Can you try not
to be an asshole?

That's literally
impossible for him.

You're a frigging predator.

Oh, I love it when
you call me names.

It is super hot.

- You wish.
- Are you serious?

I used to think this
whole thing was an act,

that you were just super
damaged and overcompensating.

But I am done making
excuses for you.

You've gone too far this time.

God, when are you guys gonna get over
this? It's not that big of a deal.

Are you for real?

You should be lucky you're not
going to jail right now, Brent.

Get off your high
horse, you slut.

- Slut?
- I mean, if you hadn't been looking for sloppy seconds

and banging Luke behind
Megan's back, none of this...

- Hey! Hey!
- none of this would have happened.

Enough. Sit down. Sit down.

Let's try to have a nice meal.

You knew Luke was running away
and you never said a word?

How could you let
Steve suffer like that?

I was...

I was trying to protect Luke.

Was he in some kind of trouble?

He was really freaked out.

He wouldn't tell me much,

just that he had to
get away for a while.

I wish you would have told me.

This is too much for you
to carry on your own.

Luke showed me the letter
when we were at the cabin.

I was supposed to put
it in Steve's mailbox

after I dropped him off
at the train station.

When I got back to the
cabin after work...

he wasn't there.

For months after he left,

every time the phone rang,

I thought it was
going to be him.

I think Brent owes
Isabella an apology.

And Luke too.


Brent, come on.

I'm sorry.

It was wrong, what I did.

Feel free to keep going.

Megan, he apologized.

Some genuine remorse
would be nice.

Uh, hey, let's just
have a nice dinner.

Yes, I agree.

No. No, not until Brent admits

that he filmed girls
without telling them.

Do we have to do this now, here?

Wait... there's
more than one tape?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, he's
quite the filmmaker.

You must be so proud.

Excuse me?

Did you know?

I found out a couple
days ago, yeah.

Your mother...

your mother would be
so ashamed of you.


I can't believe
you're not more upset.

Okay, you know what?

Brent made a serious
lapse in judgment,

and he has been punished.

End of story.

He filmed these kids without
their knowledge, Steve,

without their consent.

That is more than a lapse in
judgment, that is criminal.

I need you to not question my
parenting in front of my children.

I'm handling it.

By letting him
coast a few months?

Let's talk privately. Come on.

No, no. The kids
can handle this.

Brent's just lucky he's
not facing charges.

I had Jack back off, which is why it's
not going on his permanent record.

Well, maybe you shouldn't have.

Maybe some real, lasting
consequences are just what he needs.

Since when are you
the morality police,

since Keith got you pregnant
and you didn't marry him twice?

Don't talk to her like that!

Guys, let's... let's
just calm down.

Are you defending him?

- It's not Luke's fault.
- Can you stay out of this?

It has nothing to do with you.

At least I take
responsibility for my actions.

I don't just sweep things under the
rug to protect my social status.

You're gonna
regret that one, Debbo.

Steve: Well...

I know reputation is
everything to you,

but this is what you get

when you prioritize "the
Chambers name" over your family.

I hope it was worth it.

- Floor it!
- What happened?

- Sheriff Myer was in there, I think he saw us!
- Luke, go!

♪ I don't really care
about what you think... ♪

Were you drinking?

Maybe. Rum and coke.

And tequila.

What? All of them?

You drank? Seriously?

- Yep.
- Like a boss.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

I would've liked to have
seen that, your first time.

Wait, but maybe we
still can. It's early.

The night doesn't have to end.

Go on, go, Luke! Go!

Maybe we should
take Isabella's offer.

Absolutely not.

As a loan.

We'll pay it back.

I already owe her too much for
helping me keep the scholarship.

- Hello?
- Go back to where you came from,

you stanky dirty ho!

Just a stupid prank call.

It could be Luke.

Or Steve.

- Hello?
- Cheating bitch!

What did they say?

Just... calling
Isabella horrible names.

Oh, that stupid tape,
it's ruining everything.

This cover story's putting a
lot of pressure on both of you,

your friendship.

Are you sure it's worth it?

Better be.

It's my future.

Are you and Steve gonna be okay?


I don't know.

Love isn't always enough.

You also need to see the
world in the same way.

- Here you go.
- Thanks.

Okay, to the best
cocktail sensei

a girl could ask for.

Tonight has been
truly unforgettable.

It's only the beginning.

Hey, uh, who are you

and what have you done
with my friend Megan?

I'm still here. I'm
just living in the now.

It looks
really good on you.

Wanna go for a walk?

I thought you'd never ask.

Have you ever heard
of a body shot?

We'll get you
in next time, Raymond.

You might be the only
other person in our grade

who knows who
Raymond Chandler is.

Oh, The Big Sleep is a classic.
It's one of my favorite books.

It's so unfair that we
didn't get to use your ID.

It was perfect.


the whole thing was worth it,

just to spend time with you.

The dance floor, it
wasn't, like, that big,

but it didn't matter because
the drinks were so strong

and Megan was on fire.

Sorry. Yeah?

Wish you would have gotten in.

Me too. Sounds like a blast.

Yeah, it was.
Yeah, we had fun.

- Jack?
- Debbie.

What's going on?

I have a warrant.
For Megan's computer.

Why do you want my computer?

We have reason to believe it
contains evidence of fraud.


I... No, wait, no.

You can't just go
through my stuff! Wait!

Then he kissed me.

How was it? Did your whole body
light up like a pinball machine?

Um, not exactly, but
I can't wait to do it again.

That's my girl.

So, what happens
next? Do I call him?

- Do I wait for him to call me?
- Hmm-mm, no.

Just try to enjoy the moment.

Look, I mean, you
snuck into a bar,

drank like a pro, and
then kissed a cute guy.

Doesn't get much
better than that.

True. It
feels pretty amazing.

I don't want the night to end.

You should sleep over.

I'd love to.

As long as you don't
snore when you drink.

Oh, Megan! Boom!

The Sheriff took my
computer this morning.

Yeah, he had a warrant.

There's stuff on it.

It'll be really bad
if they find it.

I did. Twice.

Took every precaution I
could think of, I just...

I don't know if I
got the code right.

Hey, try that one.

Maybe it'll give us some insight

into what she was up to the
day before Luke's murder.

Crap! There's some
kind of virus on here.


Hey. I guess you
convinced the plumber?

Never called him.

Steve sent them.

His way of trying to apologize.

Anything good?

Uh, no, no, just junk mail.

I've just received
some information

that sheds a whole
new light on things.

You've been playing it fast
and loose with the truth

ever since Luke disappeared,

but let me paint
a picture for you.

On January 1st, Luke
disappeared without a trace,

and you were the last
person to see him alive.

He ran away.

That's your version of events.

His letter backs it up.

The letter with your
fingerprints on it?

Because I was helping him.

Were you?

Or was it just
part of a cover-up?

Do you have a point? 'Cause so far
this just sounds like a fairytale.

Luke was the love of your life.

But by all accounts,

your relationship was never
the same after the sex tape.

Too many secrets, too many lies.

And it only got worse when you
found out you were pregnant.

Sheriff, I need to...

I believe you and Luke
went to the cabin.

You told him you were pregnant

and he rejected the
idea of a baby with you,

a future with you.

So you killed him.