Criminal Minds (2005–…): Season 3, Episode 3 - Scared to Death - full transcript

The unit tracks a man working through his fears by working them out on others.

Please help me.

I can't feel my legs. Please.

I'm gonna die.


- It's been seven minutes.
- I'm done with this, okay?

- Is it worse than you thought?
- I can't breathe.


What are you doing? Just let me out!

Just let me out. Yes, it's worse!

Don't! Please!

Don't! Let me out!

Please! Let me out! Please!


Gideon left everything,
except the photographs.

He always said
those were like his family.

What should we do with all of this?

Come in.

- How is everyone?
- Adapting.

His resignation is official.

Jason Gideon is no longer
an agent of the Bureau.

Is he going to guest lecture?

No, he's gone.
His years of service are appreciated.

- We're looking for his replacement.
- That was fast.

The Bureau doesn't like to leave
posts empty for long. I'd like your input.

I appreciate that.

- Sir, we're gathering.
- Thank you.

Is everything okay?

Okay, we have four victims in Oregon.
Two male, two female...

- I got this.
- Sure.

I know that we've all been wondering
what this was all about.

And, you know,
I've known Jason for many years,

and I can tell you, I have no idea.
But it doesn't even matter.

What matters is we're here
and we're gonna continue.

Portland field office uncovered
a mass grave with three bodies

killed six months ago.
Nearby they found another body.

Causes of death range
from burning alive to asphyxiation.

- No sexual assault.
- Well, the torture is clearly sadistic.

But the lack of sexual preference

is gonna make it hard to tell
if the UnSub is male or female.

Typically female serial killers
stick to the same MO.

It looks like
this guy's all over the place.

The most recent victim
is Jenny Wittman,

asphyxiated, discovered yesterday.

- How long was she missing?
- She was never reported missing.

- What about the others?
- Only one.

One of four?

Rick Holland was reported
missing nine months ago,

but the search was called off.

The family discovered his car
at the train station,

but more importantly
they received e-mails from him,

saying that he needed time
to figure things out.

And his family bought that?

I guess the alternative is
too hard to accept.

Reaching out
could be a sign of remorse.

Psychopaths don't apologize
for their behavior.

- This guy's covering his tracks.
- Well, it's working.

So, three victims
he buried in one grave

and then only Jenny Wittman
in the other.

- You thinking it's a pattern?
- It's hard to tell.

If there is, it's one down and two to go.

The Taoist philosopher,
Lao Tzu, once wrote,

"He who controls others
may be powerful,

"but he who has mastered himself
is mightier still."

Can we go over what Portland found?

One female and two male victims

found buried together
in the same grave.

All 25 to 30.
All had been dead, six months.

That sounds like three different MOs.

Gary Taylor, the Phantom Sniper,
was all over the map, just like this guy.

He changed his MO as his need
to control the situation changed.

What about the fresh grave?

A female, 28, dead roughly 48 hours.
She was asphyxiated.

It's a good thing this guy's
dump site's been compromised.

As soon as the UnSub knows that,

he may feel pressure
that we're onto him.

Could push him to make a mistake.

Hey, you. Down here.

I knew that.

Good thing you're
handsome, Doctor.

Attention team members.

This killer guy continues
to stoop to an all time low of lows

by posing as his victims.

He's also manipulated
two of the families

into thinking that everything was okay,
even after they were reported missing.

One of the fake e-mails
was from their daughter.

She said she'd met this guy
and was taking him

to her favorite place, Australia,
for a couple of weeks.

The family contacted
the Australian authorities

after too much time had passed.

This guy sure knows a lot of
personal information about his victims.

How'd he get access
to their e-mail accounts?

The screen name was the same,
but the domain was different.

The families never noticed.

When I find more pieces of the puzzle,
you'll know. Garcia, out.

This guy's creative.
Let's review the details one more time

just to make sure
that we haven't missed anything.

You must be the BAU.
Special Agent Bill Calvert.

Hi, Jennifer Jareau.
This is SSA Aaron Hotchner.

These are Agents Morgan,
Prentiss and Dr. Reid.

- I appreciate your help on this case.
- So, you're from Boston?

The accent's kind of hard to miss
in Oregon, right?

We'd like to take a look around
Jenny Wittman's apartment.

I'd take you myself,
but I'm waiting to meet her family,

- so I'll have another agent drive you.
- Thank you.

I'll stay behind and work victimology.

Great. I could use some extra hands.
We'll call you if we find anything.

- So, I just set up here?
- Yeah, yeah. It's fine right here.

Wittman's place is on the fourth floor.

- Can you get in there?
- I'll meet you guys up there.

- Don't do that.
- Why isn't it moving?

- I don't know. Don't. Stop it. Don't.
- What? What's the problem?

- Don't do that!
- Why not?

Because there are
six elevator-related deaths per year,

not to mention 10,000 injuries
that require hospitalization. Chill out.

They sound like
pretty good odds to me.

What, are you scared, Reid?

- You're scared, aren't you?
- I'm not scared.

I don't want to be in an elevator
with you, to be honest.

What if I push that?
What if I push that?

Whoa, whoa, okay.

Hit the... Hit the... Yeah.

- Push it! It's not a...
- Push, pull, push, pull.

I'm doing it. Nothing's happening.

Pry... Pry the... Pry the door open.
Just... Yeah.

It's stuck, man.

- No, no, no. Not today. No, not today.
- Hotch.



Was that the alarm?
Are you guys okay?

I'll get back to you on that.

FBI was already here two days ago.
Didn't find anything.

We're from
the Behavioral Analysis Unit.

What's that mean?

That means
that we study human behavior,

we don't just look at evidence.

It helps us to determine why this killer
chose this particular victim.

The place has a lived in feel to it.

Looks like she spent
most of her free time here.

No messages
on the answering machine.

Hey, guys, come take a look at this.

There's bath products
all around the tub,

- but she never turned this shower on.
- What makes you say that?

It's got nothing but boxes inside.
She used it for storage.

Did anything ever strike you
as odd about Jenny?

You know what?

When she moved in here
two months ago

she walked up and down those stairs
a hundred times.

- She wouldn't use the elevator.
- I don't blame her.

so we know Jenny didn't like

tight spaces or the elevator.

- What else do we know?
- We know that he preys on people

that are new to the city,
with no strong social ties.

And Jenny fits the model.
She's an easy target.

And he's betting
that she won't be missed.

We have been over
the details of this case so many times,

- I could recite it in my sleep.
- Nothing like being prepared.

Sorry to interrupt, but I just spoke
to Jenny Wittman's family.

Did they give you any insight?

They weren't what you'd call close-knit.

It was like she wanted a fresh start,
struck out on her own.

Yeah, Garcia couldn't come up with
any connection between the victims.

Different socioeconomic backgrounds,
levels of education and areas of work.

But they all had relocated to Portland,
without any family or friends.

One divorced, the rest single.

They did have that in common.
New to the city and they all lived alone.

That describes me to a T. I transferred
to this field office a month ago.

I'm 30, single, and don't have much of
a social life since I work so much.

I need to go over whatever evidence
you found at the other victims' homes.

And then I would love to pick your brain

about how you got settled into the city.


So this guy, he burns them,
hangs them, smothers them.

Why does he kill
so many different ways?

That's exactly
what we're trying to find out.

please don't turn off the light.

- Stop whining.
- I'm scared.

One more word out of you
and you know what's coming!

Mommy, please don't get the belt. No!

No, Mommy, please! No! Please!

Patrick, I'm so sorry
to have kept you waiting.

I didn't know that Kelly
had gone home for the day.

It's no problem.
I've got plenty to keep me busy.

Thanks for coming in so late. Does
this time work better for your schedule?

Yeah, after class is great.

This is our fourth session.

Tell me about the progress
you think we've made.

I thought about what you said.

I want to move onto the next phase.

I recognize these
names from your website.

How many specialists work
with the Goodman Institute?

Fifteen. We're looking for
another who can make house calls.

- For agoraphobics?
- Some patients know what's best,

but they can't find the courage
to go through behavioral therapy.

I figured it's what I had to do
to get over it.

- I've got nothing to fear but fear itself.
- That's what they say.

So, what was the first thing
you did when you moved here?

Found the best coffee in town,
then moved within walking distance.

Okay, so you got established,
got comfortable in your surroundings.

- Joined a gym.
- Right. Okay, so where else is there?

Doctor. Dentist. Dry cleaner.

You think he goes to these places
to find his victims?


There's something
around every corner.

Well, we only have to canvass
four neighborhoods.

I had to stop
going to camp after that.

And you never learned to swim?

No, I couldn't. I had a panic attack
every time I got near the water.

Well, look at you now.
You're doing just fine, Patrick.

Yeah, I guess so.

Our bodies knew water
before they knew air.

It's really the most natural thing
in the world.

It's not gonna hurt you.

I've never been this close
and felt so calm.

That's because you've admitted
you need help.

That's the hardest part.

All we've got to do now is
get a hold of this fear.

I thought we'd be in a laboratory
or something.

Behavioral therapy is most effective
in a natural setting.

You get a feeling
for what it's really like.

- How're you doing?
- I'm kind of sweaty.

That's perfectly normal.
Do you need a second?

No. No. Let's do it.

Okay, we know
this guy used Wildwood Trail

as his personal graveyard
for six months.

That site's been blown for him now,

which means that he's been forced
to change part of his MO.

Which won't be easy for somebody
who thrives on being in control.

The reason that he's gotten away
with these first three murders

is that he's been meticulous
at every stage,

from how he chooses his victims
to their torture and their burial.

To us, his victims appear
to be non-specific.

Other than being new to Portland,

all they seemed to have shared
was a torturous death.

But you think the UnSub chooses them
for another reason, too?

We think so.

The tortures lack a sexual
component, which is incredibly rare.

I think it's more about,
not necessarily about exerting power,

but more like overcompensating
for a lack of it.

This guy craves control.

And he's coming
from a place of weakness,

trying to demonstrate strength.

Now, we see this a lot
in UnSubs who have been abused.

The lack of sexual assault

could be as simple as
the fact that he's impotent,

- something that he's trying to hide.
- A man this obsessed with control

most likely feels powerless
in his everyday life,

so he would crave stability, security.
He's most likely married.

If he is impotent, he could keep up
appearances by adopting children.

And someone this methodical
has every moment planned.

If he is captured,
he'd most likely take his own life

rather than give up any sort of control.

The victims'
lack of defensive wounds

suggest that they willingly
put themselves in danger.

So, someone of authority, or otherwise
easily trusted, put them up to this.

Also the victims' families

were led to believe
their loved ones were alive and well

through e-mails
written by this murderer.

He's calculating
and he's intelligent.

And we're gonna have to do something
that he's not expecting.

- Like what?
- Like warn his potential victims.

- You're doing great.
- Just keep telling me that.

Okay, this is good.

How's it feel?

Deep breaths.

No, I'm done. I'm done.
This isn't gonna work.

- Is it worse than you thought?
- I'm not ready.

Don't! Help me! No! No!


- Is it worse than you thought?
- Please.

We've found the remains
of four victims in Wildwood Trail.

Two women, two men, all in their 20s,
all transplants to Portland.

Because the victims
have this in common,

we are confident that the person
we're looking for

latches onto people new to the city.

He chooses them because
they make for easier targets.

If you are young and new to Portland,
or if you know someone that is,

please call the number on your screen
for more detailed information

about how to stay out
of a dangerous situation.

We believe the person
that we're looking for

is able to fit into many surroundings...

His poor dog has been like this all day.
Lucy, it's okay, it's okay.

Ma'am, you're saying
your tenant, Patrick Walker, 28,

moved to Portland for grad school
and he's been missing for how long?

Since this morning.

I know that that sounds crazy,
but Patrick sticks to a routine.

I tease him that
he's more predictable than I am.

Jogs while I'm watching
the morning shows,

walks to class
with his backpack after that.

He's always home for lunch.
That's when he walks Lucy.

You're in his apartment right now.
Does anything look out of the ordinary?

Is his backpack there still?

- Yes.
- Okay, then we know he's not at class.

- Why would he just leave like this?
- I don't know.

What is the point of having
family dinners if you're not here?

I was with a patient.

At some point you knew you'd be late.
You should've called. It's not that hard.

You didn't pay Jessica's tuition.
I wrote them a check.

She's taken a bath,
she's brushed her teeth,

I read her books.

She's asked for you
three times already.

- Your dinner is going to get cold again.
- Damn it.

- Don't curse at me.
- I can't do anything right?

What do you want me to do? Eat?

Is this it? Is that what you want?
Does this make you happy?

Is this what you like?

What's wrong with you?
What are you doing?

- Is that what you want?
- What's wrong with you?

Why were you yelling at Mommy?

- It's late, Jessica.
- Is it because she always yells at you?

That tricks your body
into thinking it's still daytime.

Your melatonin production
is interrupted.

Mela what?

You grow in your sleep.
And you can only do that if it's dark.

I don't like the dark.

There's nothing to be afraid of.
It's for your own good.

Don't, Daddy.
Don't turn off the light. Please.

Good night.

Local police IDed the body.
It's Patrick Walker.

He's got deep abrasions and bruising
on the neck and shoulders.

I'm gonna go see
if they found anything else in the water.

I know his landlady called you
about this guy missing,

but what makes you think
this is related?

Fits the profile of our victims. He's the
same age, lives alone, new to the city.

But he wasn't
buried like everybody else.

No, you found the UnSub's dump site.
He couldn't go back to the trail.

It forced him
to do something different.

They found a rope
at the bottom of the river,

but that's probably
been there for years.

A couple feet out they found this.
It's a shepherd's crook.

Lifeguards and rescue workers
use them.

- I bet he didn't use it for safety.
- No. Officer, thank you.

We haven't seen any evidence
of a struggle with the other bodies,

this is the first one.

Do you remember any open cases
involving suspicious drownings?

Since I've been in Portland
we've had two or three.

I can call the office,
get the files to your other agents.

- Maybe they can make a connection.
- Thank you.



Hey, that landlady Prentiss spoke to
was right to be worried.

We just found Patrick Walker
dead in a river.

And it was exactly
what you predicted,

he found a new place
to dump the body.

Fire, hanging, asphyxiation.
Now we've got a drowning.

I think it's someone
who's afraid of drowning.

What do you mean?

Yeah, it hit me
when Morgan freaked out

when we were stuck in the elevator.

- You got stuck in an elevator?
- I freaked?

That's not important. Here's what is.

If you look at
the MOs of the victims,

what do they all have in common?

They could all be classified
as "anxiety disorders."

It's right out of
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual.

It lists five subtypes of phobias.

Most of these
are environmental and situational.

- Exactly.
- So, it's all about fear.

These people are
being killed by their fears.

Please help me.


So, Hotch is even more
intense now that Gideon's gone.

- Yeah, I've noticed.
- Do you think that's gonna change?

I certainly think we'll find out.

- What about you? Are you okay?
- I'm great.

- Do you want to talk about it?
- What's there to talk about really?

- Gideon?
- Oh, no.

He left a letter explaining everything.

Just like my dad did
when he abandoned me and my mom.

- He addressed it to you.
- Yeah.

Gideon stood toe-to-toe with some
of the sickest people on this planet.

I think that took a lot of courage, right?


So, why'd he do this?

It's addressed to me, but I'm not
the only one that he abandoned.

But why is it addressed to you?

I think you need
to read that letter again.

- I have an eidetic memory, Emily.
- Yeah, I know and an IQ of 187.

But what do you remember
about your father?

- What do you mean?
- He gave you 10 years before he left.

And yet you've erased
all those memories.

And it's too painful, I get it,
but then Gideon leaves.

I think you need
to read that letter again

and ask yourself why of all the people
he walked away from,

did he only explain himself
to one person.


How are you
adjusting to the city?

Did I actually move to Portland?

I wouldn't know it since I've only seen
the four walls of my apartment.

I also work at home.
Blessing and a curse.

It must be hard.

I haven't even had time
to hook up my cable.

Morgan said this is the laundromat

closest to Patrick Walker's
apartment building.

So, we have washers and dryers
and we have a bulletin board.

- Snack machine.
- Yeah.

I don't think
he's luring them with pretzels.

- Baby-sitter, buy a car...
- Look at this baby.

Participate in
a controlled research project

and you'll receive 100 bucks
to get over your anxieties.

You only have to attend two sessions.

Two hours of your time, 100 bucks.
Easy sell.

Just one stub's taken.

Patrick Walker just joined
a pretty sweet boxing gym,

but that's about it.
You guys find anything?

I think we should go
to Victim Number Two's coffee shop

and see if any of these
are hanging around.

If all of our victims saw these fliers,

we just figured out
how he casts his net.

Let's do it.

Have you told anyone
that you're going to therapy?

I can't talk to my family about it.
They'd just tell me to get over it.


Tell me what kind of situations
cause you to feel anxious.

Well, over the holidays

I'm supposed to go
on a cave diving trip to Mexico.

Cave diving. That's pretty advanced.
You've scuba dived before?

Oh, yeah. I got certified when I was 15.

But there's no fear of the water.
So, drowning is not an issue?

I can go below the surface
within 50 feet.

As long as it's open water, I'm okay.


But the idea of going near a cave,
it really puts me in a panic.

What do you start to think about?

The walls, you know, they get smaller.

And then they fall on top of me.

And then it's dark and I can't breathe.

So, when you're down
in the imaginary cave,

you become trapped
and you can't get to the surface?


You're essentially talking about
being buried alive.

Can you help me?

The core of any phobia
is the feeling that we're losing control.

Once we can understand
and accept that,

we can conquer what frightens us.

I think you can get over
this fear in just one session,

and never feel this way again.


If you can come back to the office later,
we can get started.



These fliers have all been hanging

in places where our victims
could've seen them.

- What do you see?
- Look at the date.

- Friday, August 25th.
- That was last summer.

If he's been
luring victims for that long...

There could be more victims
that we missed.

We need to go back
and check the rest of that trail.

About 20 feet down the trail.

How did we miss this before?

The trail's 40 miles long.

Eight graves. 12 bodies.

So, he didn't stick to a pattern
and we have 12 more victims.

- Guy had a busy year.
- Baby girl, there's nothing to know.

I hit a couple
of buttons. It got stuck.

That's it. What do you want?

- And?
- Okay, I freaked out. A little bit.

Look here, you little busybody.

I know you traced that number for me
five minutes ago, so give it up.

Yes, changing the subject.
It's listed as the Goodman Institute.

- What the hell's that?
- I have beyond Googled this thing.

To the untrained eye
it looks totally legit,

'cause someone
went to great lengths

to make the website decent.
The articles are well-written,

but as my brilliant
and bespectacled eyes can see

- they all lead to dead ends.
- Then what is it?

A bogus business that claims

to be the leading researcher
in behavioral therapy.

There's no tax records,
no business license,

no evidence it actually exists.

It's supposed to be run
by a guy named Dr. Barry Goodman.

It says here he's renowned
in curing fears and phobias.

And get this.
He has an online questionnaire,

asks all kinds of things about phobias.

So, these victims fill it out
and he plucks them off the screen.

Garcia, get that over to Hotch.

- Way ahead of you, fraidy cat.
- Of course you are.

Now, it's only a basement,

but it's cool and dark
so it's gonna feel like a cave.

I'll definitely take basement
over cave right now.

You feeling relaxed?

Yeah, that cup of tea
really helped calm me down.

Come on. It's okay.

Just remember, your state of mind
gives you all the power.

You're in complete control.

Let's just do this
before I change my mind.


I feel a little bit dizzy.

It's perfectly normal to
feel uneasy during the process.

Change can be uncomfortable.
Just walk toward me.

You're very brave, Missy.

What are you doing?
Please. No!

Oh, look at that.

You wet the bed again.

I'm sorry.

Now they'll all see.

Stop! No! Stop!

- I've had enough.
- No!

No, don't. Let me out.

What are you doing?
Dr. Howard?


I'm scared. Please. Please.

I want to come out.

Oh, God, no.


Oh, God.
Please. Please. Oh, God.

Look at this, guys, he calls them
"phobias" instead of anxiety disorders.

Yeah, this guy's either an amateur
or he studied psychology in the '80s.

His phrasing of the questions
are clinical. This guy's a professional.

He's able to pick the perfect victims.

"Are you close to your family?
Easy making friends?"

Answer yes,
and you're spared the torture.

We've figured out
how he chooses his victims,

but how does that get us
his real name?

All right, let's review.
JJ, can you get Garcia?

I think the guy's a real psychiatrist.

Also afraid of being alone,
so he's most likely married.

- May have adopted children.
- Why?

Because the tortures
lack a sexual component.

- Right, he might be impotent.
- Hey, guys.

Also, if he's desperate
for a sense of community,

he'd definitely have kids.

Okay, I'm crossing
Portland doctors with adoptions.

And given the obsession
to control his victims with torture,

he might've been abused.

Okay, juvenile records
are gonna be sealed,

so you've got to give me a minute.

He uses antiquated terms,
like phobias,

so he's most likely in his 40s.

And the Creep of the Moment
award goes to

one 43-year-old
Dr. Stanley Howard, psychiatrist.

- This guy was killing his own patients?
- No, Stan Howard's smarter than that.

That's why he created Goodman
and the research ruse.

He's married to Jane Howard,
has one eight-year-old daughter, Jessica.

- He started a center for abused kids.
- Probably because he could relate.

One good deed's
not fortifying his karma sufficiently.

It looks like
his practice shut down last year.

Right about the time the killing started.

He still has a lease
on his old office building.

City permits were pulled
due to renovation,

but, what do you know,
they've been delayed.

Yikes, his bank records show
a seriously depleted savings account.

So, he's keeping up appearances.

- Where's the building?
- 427 Cedars Avenue.

That's not far from here.

All right, let's go check the building.
You two...

- Talk to the family. Got it.
- Thanks, Garcia.

Why do they always seem so normal?

- Who are you?
- Hi, I'm Emily and this is Jennifer.

Okay, you never open the door
unless you know who it is.

Hello, ma'am, we're here from the FBI.

- Where is your husband?
- He's with a patient.

No, he shut down his practice
a year ago.

Excuse me?
No, that's not possible.

He wouldn't do something like that
without talking to me first.

He referred his patients
to other doctors

- and allowed his license to expire.
- What's happening?

Has Stan been acting strangely lately?

He's had some issues
since his mother died last year.

He refused to go to her funeral,
but they were never close.

Stan always said it was because of her
that he became a psychiatrist.

This is 427 Cedars Avenue.
Where's the office?

He wasn't luring victims
to an empty lot.

Hey, Prentiss, we're at the office.
The building's gone.

Right. All right.

What do you mean, it's gone?

We need to figure out
where Stan's been going every day.

- I don't know.
- Where would he go, Mrs. Howard?

My family has
commercial property downtown.


Please. No. No, no.

Is it worse than you thought?

Yes, please.
You don't have to do this.

I'm gonna be okay. I'm gonna be okay.

Just... Please!

Just help me out.
I promise I won't tell anyone anything.

You just pull me out. Please.

- Is it worse?
- Yes. Help me out. Please.

Help me out, please. Help!

There are no tenants in this
building. These must be fake names.

It helps with the ruse.
Goodman's on the fifth floor.

- It's clear.
- Back area's clear.

Missy Cassell was the last person
to sign in.

- When was that?
- Hours ago.

All right, let's split up. Calvert,
you and Reid take the west side.


- It definitely looks like he's still here.
- He's not gonna go quietly.

Stan Howard, FBI.
Stay right where you are.

- Morgan.
- What?

Slow down. Tell Reid
and Calvert that we found him.

Reid, it's Morgan. We got Howard.

Call the fire department,
he's going to the roof.

Dr. Howard, I'm Aaron Hotchner.
I'm with the FBI.

- Don't ask me to come down.
- We found at least 15 people dead.

It's over.

They sacrificed themselves for science.

You know this is the easy way out.

If you come down,
we'd like to talk to you.

You know you'll never
get over your fear

by killing yourself or your patients.

Most people go into law enforcement
because they want to help others.

Tell us where Missy is.

I think your greatest fear
is that you can't save everyone.

It is worse than I thought.

We found Missy Cassell's
car in a parking lot next to the building.

Howard's is around back.

Before he jumped
he said that my biggest fear

was not being able to save everybody.

Hotch, this guy wasn't well in the head,

- you know that.
- I know. I know that.

But what I think he meant
was that she's here somewhere.

I went through all of his journals
and I found Missy's.

- What did it say?
- She was going on a cave diving trip.

She wasn't scared of the water,

but she was terrified of the walls
crumbling down on her.

- So, what's she afraid of?
- Being buried alive.

Guys, look at the dirt under his nails.

She's got to be close, guys.

Is there a basement
in this building?


Guys, over here. Over here.
Right here. Hold that. Reid.

- Oh, my God.
- Be careful, that's her head.

- Let me get her arm.
- Careful. Ready?

- Yeah.
- Not too hard.

Not too hard.
She might be stuck.

I got her arm.

- Got her?
- Yeah.

All right. Here we go.
One, two, three.

Come on. I got her.

- Tell them to call paramedics.
- I got her.

- Oh, my God.
- Missy! Missy!

- Okay, faint heartbeat.
- All right, clear the area.

It's okay. It's all right.
We're here to help you. It's okay.

It's okay. You're gonna be all right.
We're here to help you.

You're gonna be all right.

River of darkness

My heart is broken

I can't find my way

Eleanor Roosevelt once said,

"You gain strength, courage
and confidence

"by every experience in which
you really stop to look fear in the face.

"You must do the thing
which you think you cannot do."

I can't sleep.

You want
me to turn off the light?

No. I wanna be able to sleep.

- What's the matter?
- What's the matter with you, Hotch?

You're sitting here doing work
when you'd normally take a break.

Please don't tell me
it's about Gideon leaving.

You know we made a deal
a long time ago

- not to profile each other.
- Am I wrong?

You know, Hotch, today was
a huge, huge victory for all of us.

I mean, I never thought I'd say this,

but we're doing just fine
without Gideon.

Hotch, what's keeping you up tonight?

Haley's left.

And I don't know if she's coming back.

River of darkness

My heart is broken

I can't find my way

I can't find my way