Criminal Minds (2005–…): Season 11, Episode 8 - Awake - full transcript

The team heads to Phoenix, Arizona to hunt a serial killer who tortures his victims using sleep deprivation. Hotch, Morgan, and Garcia continue their on going search for the dirty dozen.


Uhh! Aah!


You'd think this kid
would learn how to text by now.

Anyway, Reid says
his mom's doing much better

and he misses us.

That's great news.

Ohh. Good morning, JJ.

What's goin' on,
a little morning-after blues?

Wait, let me guess,
let me guess.

Date night.

Romantic dinner
and a movie.

Derek, I don't think
that's what it is.

Come on, come on, come on.
There was probably

a little wine involved
to set the mood

and then you finished it off
with a little hanky panky.

I'm way off, aren't I?

You're cute.

But the only action happening
at our house at 3 am.

Is a colicky baby.

Gas? I'm guessing
a lot of it.


I knew that.

I knew that.

Hi, I'm Tara Lewis.
It's great to officially meet you.

Same here. I've heard
so much about you.

So I'm assuming sleep
is a thing of the past at your house?

Uh, you know, everyone said
two was a game-changer.

We were expecting
twice the work, but wow.

Hey, Rossi.

Where's Hotch
and Garcia?

I thought
we had a case.

We do, but they're
behind closed doors.

Is this about
the network of hitmen?


Any update?

Nothing yet, but Hotch
has pulled out all the stops.

How's she doing?

She's got 4 hitmen
targeting her,

so she's
a little rattled.

Yeah, I heard something
about witness protection.

Let's hope it doesn't
come to that.

For how long?

Until we can produce
a viable lead.

You'll be here and an agent will be
assigned to you

until further notice.

This is horrible.

Witness protection wanted to
move you to another state.

I convinced them that
you would be safer here.

Thank you for that.

Um, ok, I need to go home and
get my creature comfort things.

Garcia, this starts now.

What do you--
what about Sergio?

I have plants
I need to water--

Make a list and I'll send someone
to pick up whatever you need.

Ok. Um...


Thank you. Oh--

who's getting the stuff?


Oh, he can't see that.

But I really need it.

Garcia. Let's get to work.


The Phoenix division
is requesting our help

with two recent abductions, one of
which has led to murder.

Ok. 5 days ago
the body of Steven Jackson

was discovered on a rural road
just outside the city.

He was reported missing
after missing several shifts at work.

Which brings us to our second victim,
Lance Coleman.

According to authorities,
3 days ago he was due home

in Phoenix from
a business trip in Tucson.

And security footage shows
him entering the airport,

but the flight manifest
says he never got on the plane.

It's as if these two

On average, over 90,000
people go missing each year.

54% of those are men.

Only 15% return alive.

Their preliminary M.E. report
shows deep ligature marks

and lacerations
on Steven's wrists.

He was likely restrained
for an extended period of time.

Which means the unsub
has a secure secondary location

where he holds them captive.

It says here Steven
suffered repeated burns

and contusions
all over his body.

Extreme torture.

The unsub's found an outlet
for his aggression.

No obvious signs
of sexual assault.

The torture could be
what's getting him off.

That makes sense.
He gets sexual gratification

from inflicting psychological
and physical suffering on his victims.

Well, this level of violence
suggests that it's personal.

Maybe it's about revenge.
These two crossed the unsub,

now he wants to make them pay.

Or at the very least,
he's using them as surrogates

for the true target
of his anger.

It's possible he was testing
to see just how much torture

Steven could take
before he'd break.

Well, Coleman's been missing
for over 72 hours.

If revenge is the unsub's

he could already be dead.

Unless we have reason
to believe otherwise,

we have to assume
Lance Coleman's alive,

and we need to find him.

Wheels up in 20.


Over here!


Oh, God!

Over here!

This is chopper 482.
We have a visual on Lance Coleman.

I repeat, we have
a visual on Lance Coleman.

Help me!

Help me.

Wake up!

I said wake up.



Look at me.

Look at me.

We're just getting started.

♪ Criminal Minds 11x08 ♪
Original Air Date on November 18, 2015

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

♪ ♪

"You can chain me,
you can torture me,

"you can even destroy
this body,

but you will never
imprison my mind."

Mahatma Gandhi.

Hey. Uh, did you
want a cup?

Oh. Right, right.
The whole, um...


Yeah. I'm still nursing.

That's ok. Only 45 days,
3 hours, and 6 minutes left,

but who's counting?

You're really not
messing around.

No, you don't stand between
a woman and her caffeine.

Well, listen, when
your sentence is up,

First cup's on me.

Besides being residents
of one of the hottest--

and I'm sure they're all

but I'm talking Fahrenheit
here--cities in the country,

I can't find any connections
between the victims.

Garcia, what about
Lance's credit cards?

Any activity?

Uh, his last transaction
was a car service to the airport.

Besides that,
it's a ghost town.

Both vics appear
to be low-risk.

It speaks to the
unsub's confidence.

Steven looks like
he practically lived at the gym.

They couldn't be more
physically different.

Well, he definitely
lived the bachelor's lifestyle--

single, he rented
a studio apartment,

worked freelance
as an overnight security guard.

Lance Coleman
was the opposite.

He's a family man.

Been married to his wife
Karen for nearly 20 years.

And he also
owned his own business.

He would take weekly
commuter flights to Tucson

to meet with potential

Maybe the unsub's motivation
is business related, not personal.

Garcia, see if Steven ever worked
security for Lance's company.


All right, so how did he
get to these guys?

I'm leaning towards
a blitz attack.

These look like
electrical burns.

The unsub could be using
some kind of taser.

Both victims went missing
while traveling at night.

That speaks to the unsub's
knowledge of their schedules.

He may have stalked them
over an extended period of time.

Which is how he knew
the most opportune moment to strike.

There are no witnesses, no cameras.
They're simply gone.

He targeted these men
for a reason.

The sooner we find out why,
the sooner we find Lance.

Agent Hotchner?
Thanks for coming out.

Agent Webster, this is
Agent Jareau, Agent Rossi.

Welcome. Right this way.

So we checked
local hospitals

and accident reports.
No one matches Coleman's description.

What about Tucson?
Any leads there?

They're coming up
empty, too.

Have you been able to get ahold of
Steven Jackson's family?

His parents
live up north.

They're driving in
as we speak.

And Mrs. Coleman?

She arrived 5 minutes ago.
Figured you want to talk to her first.

I have you guys set up in here.
Right this way.

Thank you.

Hi, Mrs. Coleman?

I'm Agent Jareau.

Please sit.

I'm sorry.

Oh, you don't need
to apologize.

I haven't slept since...

That's understandable.

Mrs. Coleman, when was the last time
you heard from your husband?

3 nights ago.

Is that typical?

He hates being
away from us.

We have a rule
that he won't spend

more than two nights
away on business.

And did he ever
break that promise?

Not in 20 years.

At what point did you
realize he was missing?

Not until I woke up
and he wasn't there.

I called his cell.

I tried the hotel.

They said he was gone.

And that's when you knew
something was wrong.

This coming weekend

we were going to be
celebrating our anniversary.

He'd been planning
a getaway for months.

There's no way
Lance would have missed it.

What have you got, Garcia?

I'm trying to locate the last ping
of Lance's cell phone,

but I can't narrow it down
to an exact tower yet.

How is that possible?

Ping-a-cell 101. If I could direct
your attention to the map.

According to his last ping
at 11 pm,

the signal was bouncing off
a tower in Benson, Arizona.

But that doesn't fit
the timeline.

The security cameras
show him entering the airport

at 11:10 pm.

It doesn't make sense.
What makes even less sense

is that 5 minutes later,
the signal was bouncing

off a tower in Drexel
Heights 50 miles away.

That's impossible.

Yeah, this is what I'm saying.

The signal is tower hopping.
It's giving a false read.

Because the cell tower
was full.

The signal will automatically

bounce to the next available tower
even if it's out of the city.

That means the unsub's
hunting ground

may be far bigger
than we thought.

The brutality the victim
experienced was immense.

He suffered facial fractures,
burns, and extensive bruising.

Have you
determined C.O.D.?

I haven't finalized
my findings,

but preliminarily I'd say
he died from cardiac arrest

induced by electric shock.

Still trying to figure out
what caused these.

Look at him. This is
complete overkill.

Well, the fact that the unsub
is stepping up his method of torture

could mean he's getting

It's possible
he's ex-military.

It would explain his knowledge
of multiple torture techniques.

Or the guy used Google.

Trust me, I've seen
all sorts of crazy stuff.

Well, that wouldn't be
the first time

someone used the Internet
as a killing manual.

Well, typically
these type of tactics

are used to get
a confession or information.

What caused these?

It appears at some point
during the torture,

the killer staples
his eyelids open.

That is sadistic.

It might be symbolic.

The victims could have
turned a blind eye

to something that
affected the unsub.

And now he's punishing
them for it.

The worst part is, it was done
while this guy was still alive.

This unsub wanted Steven to anticipate
and witness his own torture.

Open your eyes.

You know where she is.

I swear, I don't know
what you're talking about.

Tell me.

Please just let me go.

No! No, please!

I need the location.

Ok. Ok. I'll tell you.

I'll tell you.


No! Oh!

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Steve was a good guy.

Hope you find the psycho
who did this.

We have every intention.

Have at it.

Let me know if there's
anything else you need.

Thank you.

Well, no signs of a struggle
or forced entry.

The unsub didn't
abduct Steven from here.

According to his supervisor,

he was supposed to start
his shift at 3 am.

So his drive would have
been about an hour.

The alarm is set
for 1:15 am.

That's about right.

Single guy. I'd say 15
minutes, max, to get ready.

Well, he's a security guard.

Which means he wears
a uniform every day,

so he wouldn't have to
think about wardrobe choices.

Which puts us
at 1:30 am.

So he brews a pot of coffee,
pours a cup.

Sports fan. Probably checked
last night's scores

before he headed out
at 1:45.

Keys are gone.

His car was missing
from his parking stall.

Then the unsub
must have intercepted him

at some point
between here and work.

Which begs the question,
what did he do with Steven's car?

According to DMV records,

Steven Jackson
drove a '91 Mustang.

Older model, so no GPS.

I went ahead and issued
an APB on his car.

Hopefully we get a hit soon.

Hey, baby girl, you're on speaker,
what's up?

Ok, I did some spelunking and found
that after Coleman missed his flight,

he used not his personal
but his company credit card

to foot the bill
for a rental car.

Well, it's about an hour and a half drive;
He probably figured

he'd make it home
before his wife woke up.

Can you track down
the rental car's GPS?

I already meowed
up that tree.

It is disabled.
But I am piecing together

the GPS history
as we speak.

That's why
you're the best, mama.

Oh, don't I know it.

He could have taken a number
of different routes back to Phoenix.

Highway 77, 87, or 10.

Well, he would have
taken the fastest route back.

That'd be Interstate 10.

Ok, what if he's
abducting them off the road?

This could be about road rage.

A perceived slight while driving might
have made them a target.

An extreme case of road rage that
leads to abduction and murder.

But if that's true,
the victims' cars

would have been abandoned.
Both are still missing.

What if they're

Think about it--
the unsub lies in wait,

he blitzes the victim
at an intersection,

and then he drives off
in their cars.

So these victims
weren't targeted,

they were picked
at random.

Wrong place,
wrong time.

It is possible he used
a similar ruse like Gary Lee Sampson,

who posed as a hitchhiker
and preyed on good samaritins.

Probably waves down
a passing car.

Hi. Hi, sir.
Thank you.

I don't mean to--

and appears lost
or incoherent.

I had an accident
down the road.

I was hoping you could get me to
a phone or something.

Claims his car broke down,
his phone is dead.

He needs directions
or a ride.

Thank you so much,

I really
appreciate it.

And the next thing you know,
you're looking down the barrel of a gun.

And the good deed
is punished.

I told you
I wouldn't miss it.

Oh, my God! Honey!

Oh, I was so worried!
I thought--


Everything's going
to be all right.

Why didn't you just tell him?

What are you
talking about?

You should have given him
the location.

You don't have
to do this.

Just let me go.

just let me go.


I have a family!
Don't do this to them.

You have children?


Yes, my daughter.

She's 12.

Oh, God, please,
I'll do anything.

Crime scene techs are
done, so it's ours.

They just made
a positive ID.

It's Lance Coleman.

Well, he definitely
amped up the torture.

It looks like this time,
the cause of death

was a single gunshot
to the head.

We profiled
he's a sadist.

He would have inflicted as much
pain as possible,

not end the torture
so abruptly.

Well, he decreased the time
he held on to the victims,

but he definitely increased
and accelerated the torture.

Then it's not about
pain for the thrill;

he wants something
from them.

But if that's true,
maybe Lance gave the unsub

what he wanted and he was
no longer of use to him.

It's possible Steven's
death was an accident.

Yeah. He died before the unsub
was finished with him.

We need to deliver
the profile.

The unknown subject
we're looking for

is a sadistic

which means that
he's aroused sexually

and emotionally
by causing pain

in the service of
eliciting information.

The unsub gets off
on the fact

that his victims
put up resistance.

It allows him to push
the torture even further.

We think he's
a white male,

in his thirties
to early forties

who's physically fit enough to
subdue male victims.

He's goal-oriented,
driven by rage,

which makes him extremely brutal
in his torture methods.

This unsub exerts power
and control over his victims,

making them feel
completely helpless

until they give him whatever it is
he's looking for.

Based upon his
systematic torture,

it's possible the unsub is suffering
from some sort of PTSD.

Given the sheer amount
of work and effort

he puts into
torturing his victims,

we think there's a deep-seated
personal reason

for what the unsub
is doing.

It's possible he appears unassuming
with limited social skills,

which is why he chooses
to hunt at night.

He plays on his victim's
good will and sympathy

before he blitzes them
and abducts them from their vehicles.

Because of
the escalating torture,

we believe this unsub
is becoming

both increasingly
desperate and volatile.

This unsub is driven
by a compulsion,

a need-based desire.

Because these men
are surrogates,

there's a good
chance his victims

will never be able to give the unsub
what he ultimately wants.

Understanding his motivation
will be the key to finding him.

Thank you.

Drink. Drink.

Drink. Drink.

Why are you doing this?

Where's the tattoo?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Did you burn it off?

I never had any tattoo!

Please just let me go.

I think you have
the wrong person.


Do you know why
you're here?

No, no, no, please don't do this!
Please don't do this!

Please don't do this!
No, no, no, no, no!

Ballistics confirm
the gun used to kill Lance

was the same one registered
to Steven Jackson.

I've got men canvassing
gas stations, rest stops,

any place where
the unsub might have

come into contact
with the victims.

So far, no solid leads.

Hey, tell me
something good, boo.

I managed to partially
piece together

Lance's GPS history,
and I've got him on a route

that takes him
right up Interstate 10.

That's the exact same
route the first victim

would have taken
to work.

Lance Coleman wouldn't
have been on that highway

if he hadn't missed his flight.

So this is where both
victims' paths crossed with the unsub.

This must be the nexus.

I10's one of the most
traveled roads in the country.

It stretches
from California to Florida.

Highway serial
killer's paradise.

Garcia, run our profile
against the HSK database.

Check for any potential
suspects connected specifically to I10.

I'm on it.

How much are you
willing to bet

that whatever that
unsub is looking for

is somehow connected
to this highway?

What do you want from me?

I don't know what
you think I did.

I can help you.
Just--just give me a chance.

Unchain me! Now!

Hey, come back here.

I said stop!


I am a fan. What about it?

You want your victims
to stay awake and alert

for what you're about
to do to them.

So you give them

Wow, astronomical
levels, apparently.

Wait, how did you...

Oh, yeah, sorry.

Wait, why would
he do this again?

Well, there are
a variety of reasons.

The caffeine would
open up their arteries,

which would increase
their nerve sensitivity,

and in turn, enhance
their pain levels.

Sleep deprivation.

So the torture isn't
about his anger,

it's a reflection
of what he's going through.

He wants them to stay awake.

You will tell me
where she is.


We just received news
of another abduction.

David Whitfield.
Reported missing an hour ago.

His employer confirmed
that he clocked out

at 1:30
yesterday morning.

But according to his roommate,
he never made it back home.

Where does he work?

An old auto factory
off Interstate 10 near Canton.

Fits the geographic profile
and the timeline.

This guy has
a precise M.O.

How much of the interstate

is isolated enough
for abduction?

A couple of gas stations,
a diner, and a few rest stops.

Nothing really pops out.

Not to mention,
there are far more

secluded stretches
of interstate.

Why does he keep coming back
to the same area.

♪ You make me happy
when skies are gray ♪

♪ you'll never know, dear
how much I love you ♪

♪ please don't take
my sunshine away ♪

Play it again, daddy.


We've been playing it
since we hit the road.

Please? Please?

♪ You are my sunshine ♪

Will you sing with me?

No, honey, you know
daddy can't sing.

You can try. Please? Please?

♪ You'll never know, dear ♪

♪ how much I love you ♪

♪ please don't take
my sunshine away ♪

Hey, daddy.
You're my sunshine.

- Green for go.
- Hey, mama, listen up.

We need you to focus
on a particular stretch

of interstate 10
between Chandler and Phoenix.

Look for any accidents
involving male drivers

on that stretch
of highway.

Keep it coming.

We know the unsub's
keeping his victims awake,

so look for any accidents

where the drivers
fell asleep at the wheel.

Uh, ok,

I am not finding any sleep-related
incidents within that radius.

We know that the time of abduction
is important to him.

Widen the search
to take in any accidents

that occurred between
1:30 and 2:00 am.

Despite on the I10,
there's like an accident every 45 seconds,

I've got zilch.
Ok, we know this was

a recent trigger, so expand your
search parameters

to look at incidents
reported within the last few months.


What did you find?

I don't know
if I found anything.

I found a report
citing sleep deprivation,

but it's not an accident,
it's a child abduction.


Here we go. I managed
to find the original

police report
from 3 months ago.

Ok, a 43-year-old
William Taylor

was driving I10
near Chandler, Arizona.

It was late,

around 11:30.

He was with his 5-year-old
daughter Tatiana.

They were returning
from a dance recital.

It says here, he just worked
a double shift at the salvage yard

which he owns.
He was super sleepy.

He pulled off around
midnight to a rest stop.

He attempted to close
his eyes for 10 minutes,

woke up hours later
and his daughter was missing.

I can't imagine--
a parent's worst nightmare.

There's your trigger.

He's torturing them
for answers

about his daughter's

Yeah, in his mind, he believes his
victims were involved.

Garcia, any
viable suspects?

Uh, no, the police canvassed
the whole rest stop,

and they came up empty.
There's still no leads.

Hold on.

According to Taylor,

there was a man
with a skull tattoo on his hand

who knocked on his window
moments before he fell asleep.

The guy told Taylor...

I just wanted to let you know
your taillight is out.

Thanks, thanks,
thank you, thank you.

Like you said, Taylor might have
been suffering

from sleep deprivation

It's likely he was in
a micro sleep

and he imagined the man
with a skull tattoo.

And like any parent would be,
the unsub is riddled with guilt.

And in his mind, he wasn't able
to protect her and keep her safe.

And now in his
delusional state,

he believes
each of his victims

is that man with
the skull tattoo.

He's forcing his victims

to take responsibility
for his own guilt.

If he hadn't fallen asleep
at that rest stop,

his daughter might
still be with him.

So he forces his victims
to stay awake

as he wishes he had.

Work and home
address just sent.

I'll let Hotch know.

Where's my daughter?
I don't know!

Tell me!
No, no!


Where's your head
at right now?

I--I just don't understand
what happened a week ago

that turned a grieving father
into a killer.

It could have been the stress
from the case.

All the leads went
cold and the guy just snapped.

And the not knowing's
the worst part.

Hotch, you're on speaker.

There's something
you should know--

the police found
Tatiana's body.

Please, don't do this,
I'm begging you!

Where's my daughter?!

William Taylor,
step out of the vehicle

with your hands
where we can see them.

I got him.
That's the man

with the skull tattoo.
He's right there.

That is not him, William.

Damn it, why aren't you
listening to me?

That man has
my daughter!

No, he doesn't.
Yes, he does.

And I'm going to find
her and I'm not going

to let him get away
from me again.

All right, William,
William, listen to me, ok?

You and I both know
they found Tatiana.

They found
my little girl?

Yes, a week ago. William,

you were there.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

You remember the volunteers,
the search party?

William, think back.

Tatiana's remains
were found in the desert

not far from the rest stop.

No, no, no, no.
That was not her.

She's still out there.

Think about Tatiana,

Think about what
she would have wanted.

♪ ...when skies are gray ♪

♪ you'll never know, dear ♪

♪ how much I love you ♪

♪ please don't take
my sunshine away ♪

Hey, daddy,
you're my sunshine.

She's alive, and I'm going
to find her.

"Guilt is perhaps the
most painful companion of death."

Coco Chanel.

Oh, sorry.

Wow. Kids really
are game-changers, aren't they?

Yeah, how is it that
I wake up more exhausted

than when I went to bed?

Why don't you try to get some
shut-eye before we land?

Oh, trust me, I've tried,
it's not happening.

Hey, Rossi.

I remember Reid
told me once,

uh, I think it was
something like this--

Hey, Morgan,

you know electronics emit a
sleep depriving type of blue light

that prevents you from
falling asleep at night.

Yeah, I remember that.

I actually think
it was more like--

Well, studies show

that we need between
seven and nine hours of sleep a night.

Works like a charm.


What do you think happened
to William's daughter?

the police report assumed

that because he didn't have
child locks on his truck,

that she wandered off
into the desert for some reason.

You know, I saw where
they found the body.

There's no way she could have
found her way back to the road.

Well, the way the temperatures
drop in the desert at night,

she didn't stand a chance.

Yeah, but, Hotch,
you should have seen this guy.

I mean, up until
the very end,

he was adamant
that a guy with a skull tattoo

abducted his daughter.

Well, the unsub with a ghost
in his mind is always dangerous.

Unless it wasn't
all in his mind.

Ugh, it's really
coming down.

Haven't you had
enough of that thing?

You know, once we get
to grandma's house,

she's going to make you
put it away.


Well, you better save
some of that battery.

According to the GPS,
we have another...

two hours
ahead of us.

I think we should wait out
the storm until--

Didn't mean
to startle.

Just wanted to let you know
your taillight is out.

It is?

Yeah, I was
driving behind you

back on the interstate.
Saw you pull over at the rest stop,

figured I'd give you
the heads up.

I appreciate it.

Thank you.

You have a good
night, ma'am.

== sync, corrected by elderman ==