Covert Affairs (2010–2014): Season 2, Episode 4 - All the Right Friends - full transcript

While in Argentina attempting to exchange a spy, an assassin attacks Annie and the spy, Carlo Reni. Forced on the run, Annie and Carlo have to evade arrest and figure out who set them up before the assassin can catch up with them.

This is how any properly
executed spy-exchange
should go.

You take delivery of the
prisoner at the airport.

In this case,
one Carlo Reni, Italian AISE,

recently arrested by the
FBI, for domestic spying.

Yes, Dorothy.
AIIies spy on allies.

You will fly to the
designated exchange
location in Argentina.

Which, by the way,
is gorgeous in the summer.

But it's summer here now,
meaning... Well, you'll see.

You will land at a lovely
little bit of paradise in
the middle of nowhere.

Ninety miles as the crow flies
northeast of Buenos Aires.

Perfect for the quiet,

slightly frosty exchange
of foreign operatives.

You will then
make the exchange just as
you made the pickup.

You'll be on the ground
all of five minutes,

and everyone returns home.

That's how it's done.

So, Annie Walker,
have yourself a lovely flight.

You speak Italian.

Nordic forehead

and lovely
Mediterranean eyes.

You have a drop of
Italian in you, maybe.

I'm American.

But before that.

Before that,
I was American.


And you?

Darker features,
which suggest Southern Italy,
which is rare for a spy.

But your dialect
is actually Romano.

Roma, of course.
There's no South in me.

Below Roma,
it's mostly peasants.

And I am not a spy.
I'm a journalist.


It is very hard
for an Italian to talk
without his hands.

Forget it.

Maybe I will
have some peanuts.

Sit tight. I'll be back.

Whoa. I said, sit tight.

That's not something
I'm good at. Sit tight.

Fine. Stay close.

So, how does a woman
Iike you end up in
a dirty trade like this?

Is it God? Country?

Apple cake?

Excuse me?

God, country, apple pie.

Cake is better.
Or panna cotta.

God, country,
and panna cotta.

We're on the ground.

Welcome to sunny Argentina.
How was your flight?

But not hard on the eyes,
I'm told.

I didn't notice.

Oh, of course not.
Neither would I.

Where's our contact?
We're here alone.

Yeah, dealing with weather.
Hurricane force winds
in the South Atlantic.

They've been forced
to land in the Falklands.

The Falklands?
That's 250 miles from here.

Well, you're in paradise
with a handsome Italian.

Adapt. Overcome.
Make small talk.

That's your advice?

Sorry, Late night.

They do expect
to be wheels up

hopefully, within two hours.
Weather permitting.


Excuse me?
I've got to go.

Don't be a stranger.

Really, Carlo?

There's nothing
around here for miles.

Where do you think
you're going?

What are you going
to do, run all the way
to Buenos Aires?

If I have to.

No, no, no, no, no.
I'm not going back to Italy.

There are people there
who are very anxious
to silence me.

You're saying there's
something worse than the
CIA waiting for you?

Oh, you don't believe me.

My job is
to deliver you safely.
That's what I'm going to do.

You know,
I've changed my mind.

There's nothing Italian
about you.



Come on.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You don't have a gun?

My agency is no doubt
talking to your agency
right now.

Consulting with
the Argentineans

and developing a safe
and smooth exit for us.

We'll be fine.
Come on. Let's go.

This is a disaster.
This was a favor, Joan.

A professional courtesy.
I'm aware of that.

Based on personal assurances
and our long friendship.

May I suggest you
take a breath, Jorge?

No, Romano.
I will not take a breath.
And I take exception to that.

I was made assurances
this would be a simple

Two allies.
Simple exchange.
30 minutes, tops.

Now, I have two international
spies and an assassin
loose in my country.

And we have every intention
of rectifying that...
Really? How?

I won't be snapped at.

We're each in a
predicament here.

Ay, Dios m?o.
What predicament are you in?

Gentlemen, please.
My hands are tied, Joan.

It would be one thing
had we shared the details

with our
departments of State.

But I was asked not to.

What are you saying, Jorge?

I like my job.
I plan to keep it.

If I catch either operative,
I will arrest them
as foreign spies.

That would mean jail.

You're being a fool.
I'm sorry, Joan.

You would do the same
if you were in my shoes.

Signal's gone.

Huh. Both signals.

That was interesting.

What do you want to do?

I have a feeling
our domestic colleagues
at the FBI

haven't been
completely forthright
with us about our Mr. Reni.

I'm on it.

Open a back channel?
No, not yet.

Liaise with the DOD?

I have a different
duty for you.
You're to see Arthur.

We're in the
middle of an op.

And Jai is
going to handle it.
Annie's in good hands.

Arthur's waiting for you.

I had a try-out
with AC Fiorentina.
Yeah, mid-field.

I hurt my knee, and they
still wanted to sign me,
We need to keep moving.

but not enough money
I don't want
to lose the light.

Oh, well, we need a plan.
I have a plan.

I don't trust your plan.
Well, I don't remember
asking you to.

I know the perfect place.

I have friends in
a little beach town outside
Mar del Plata. Italian.

Well, Napolitan.
But they're good people.

She makes a stuffed
calimari with squid ink.

It's very good.
We're going this way.

It's protocol.

Yeah. Which already
saved your life once.

Yeah. I realize your boss
requires a blind allegiance
and slavish devotion. Okay?

We don't have time for this.
But, I know for a fact

that your agency is
in league with the people
who are trying to kill me.

You're like
a dog with a bone.
You understand?

And I know that
I'm absolutely right.
You're not right.

Not this time.

Now, please?
To where?

I'm going to
take you to a safe
Iocation in Buenos Aires.


Once there, I check in.
If everything is okay,

I'll take you to
the Italian embassy.


Don't worry.

By tonight,
you'll be home safe in Italy,
and all this will be over.

I don't know how people
Iike you sleep at night.

I know you felt
you owed me, sir,
but a promotion?

This would be a substantial
change in your life.

A staff. Your own office
on the seventh floor.

Whoa. A view.

A bump in grade
means a bump in pay.
A significant one.

you're going to offer me
a new parking space.

Two spaces down from mine.

Two spaces south is the DDI.
He's not going anywhere.

Two spaces north...

Office of
Congressional Affairs?

We think you'd be perfect.

You want me in OCA?

We want you to run OCA.

Charlie's going green badge.

He's got kids to
put through college.

Now, plus, it's time
for newer blood.
Younger blood.

Well, that would mean...
Yes, Auggie.

You'd be overt.

I could never go
in the field again.

Yeah, that's right.

Once you step in front
of the cameras, it's...

I remember when I did it.

It was a big step.

You'd be one of three
public faces for the CIA.

The DCI, me, and you.

And here,
I thought I was in trouble.

No, this is
a hell of a opportunity.

A career maker.
And, honestly

we're not exactly
pulling you from the field.

The DCI, and I agree.
We both think you are
the right man for the job.

I'm speechless.
Well, you'd have
to work on that.

You can't be
speechless in this job.


You'd start next week.

So, you need to give it
some serious thought.

Carlo Reni was
arrested by the FBI

two days ago for reading
the trash at the Bureau of
Land Management here in DC.

He said he was
investigating a story for...

I know, I know.
He stuck to his cover.

I know this.
Tell me what I don't know.

The FBI, had him
all of five hours

before the Italian AISE
offered up a trade.
Did you know that?


Which means, of course, he...
His own agency blew his cover.

He knows something.

He said he was only
in the country for five days
before he was arrested.

Where was he before that?

Well, a lot of traveling.
Mostly South America,
working his cover.

Before that,
some Middle-East visits.

He was kicked out of Iran
for publishing articles

Iibelous and unfavorable
to the government,
quote, unquote.

What does
Persia House say?

He was kicked out for
his story. Ostensibly.

They have him
on a watch list.

Get Genaro.
I want a face-to-face.


Good meeting?
Interesting meeting.

What can I do?

I want confirmation
that there is a jet on the
ground in the Falklands.

I want to know
whether or not
we're being played.

I can do that.

And someone, please,
find out who the
opposition is.

If we have
a hitter in the field,
I want to know who it is.

And this is probably
where you steal some
hapless peasant's vehicle.

His only
worldly possession.

this is where I buy it.

But you
would have stolen it.

Let me drive.
I know the way.

In Italy,
a woman never drives.
The man drives.

We're not in Italy.

Fine. Get us lost.

We're not lost.

It's only a matter of time.

Got a signal. I think.

At least that's what NGA
tells me. But they might be
playing with me.

it's in customs' hold.

Passengers and crew
are still aboard.

Can we get
eyes on the ground?
I'm working on it.

What about Genaro
at the Italian Embassy?

I'm making arrangements.

Word is, he'd like to
speak with you, too.

Anything on our hitter?

One possible.

A Helmut Drum.

He arrived in Buenos Aires
on a flight from London
yesterday morning.

Former Chechen separatist.

Noted involvement
in death squads.

Ties to the usual
unsavory suspects.
Mostly eastern Europe.

It's believed
he's independent.

European ties,
Anglo appearance

makes him
a good commodity
in certain markets.

And now, he's in Argentina.

He fits Annie's description.

I profiled this guy
for the UK desk.

He is not
a true believer anymore.

He is all about the money.
He's the real deal.

Let's give Annie
a heads up.

Already tried.
Can't reach her.

Try again.

This wouldn't happen
if you had let me drive.

I would kill
for a macchiato.

Speaking of which,
any idea who
wants you dead?

Now you want to know.
It might be helpful.

People in your line of work.
Maybe people you know.

I don't know
people like that.

And I don't work
with people like that.

You keep saying
you're not a spy.

And yet,
consider the circumstances.

I admit to making
certain parties unhappy.
It's the nature of my work.

The only thing
we have in common.

I'm not the one with
an assassin after him.

The free press
has its enemies.
In your country and mine.

I'll give you
one thing, Carlo.

Whatever you are,
you talk a good game.

I'll give you that.

Alternator belt.
It's not pretty,
but it will hold.

Another thing I'm not.

If I found you a macchiato,

you think that might
jog your memory
about who's after us?


But no caramel
or whip cream.

It's coffee.
It's not an apple pie.

Look. Internet.
I could check my blog.

Perfect journo cover.

We both know there's
nothing on your blog.

No? Let's go.

I'll show you what
I've dedicated my life to.

Why people follow my work.
Even Americans.

How many people in Argentina
do you think are logged
onto your blog right now?

My guess is, only you.

I happen to have
a devoted following
in Tierra Del Fuego.

Who's ever after us
will be watching it.

As soon as you log on,
they'd have us. So, no.

And as far as
the Argentinean authorities
are concerned,

you and I are both spies.

They find us,
we go to jail.

Jail doesn't scare me.

It's censored press
that scares me.

Come on. Treat time.

Ooh. Milanesa. Eggs, crumbs,
a little rub, quick fry.


Argentine beef.
The second best in the world.

One of the reasons
I love Argentina.

I prefer Parrillada.

Oh! Parrillada. Bene.



I know the saucer
is not heated,
but when in Argentina...

You like me.

I can tell.

No, we have what
we Romans call simpatia.

You feel it, too, yes?

It's the common space.

The mortar
between the bricks.

The words
between the words.

Courage. Passion.


This is

maybe you and me.

You are either
the best operative
I have ever seen,

or the absolute worst.

I can't make up my mind.

I couldn't do
what you do.

I trust people.
They trust me.
It's how I do my job.

Me, too.

People trust me.

Lots of people trust me,
in fact.

And what does
the CIA ask you to do
with this trust?

Today, they're having me
protect and deliver
a foreign operative.

You know what?
Treat time is over.
Let's go.

You know, Carlo,
you have us wrong.

You've got me wrong.

I need to use the...

Without assistance.

Oh, no.

I promise.
On my mother's grave.
I will not run away.

Your mom's not
really dead, is she?

Polic?a Federal.
That's a good thing, yes?

That's not a good thing.
What are they doing here?

Well, it's Argentina.
They're probably...

Get down.

What are you doing?

Carlo, I need you to be
quiet right now.

Grab something.

And this is where
I'm not supposed to argue?

Do you see him?

No. Maybe the
polic?a got him.

I doubt it.

How did he find us?

I don't know.

Here you go.

I'm very worried, Romano.
I'm exposed here.

Joan, of course,
you know I'm sympathetic.

This piece of cake
we planned has turned
into a disaster for me.

Keeping this on the sly
has been a total mistake.

I can't do it anymore.
I have to go vertical
with this, Romano.

Well, let's not lose
our heads, dear.

I don't know,
I'm very confused.

I need to tell my boss.
I need to tell the
State Department.

I have to
read them in on this,
or it will be my ass

in a very nasty
and very permanent way.

Joan, listen to me.
I won't let you go down.

I promise.

We are all
on the hook here, dear.

Not just you.
We are in this together.

I don't know about that.

Okay, look.
I understand your concern.

Just give me a few hours.

It's all going to work out.

I guess.
If you think it will work.



Genaro fell for it.
He's dirty.

We're being played.
I'm sure of it.

Pleading we're
in this together? Right.

there was a problem.

Annie busted through
a police barricade.

There's a country-wide
APB out on her.

What do you want me to do?

Change directives.
Let's move on an extraction.

Take your clothes off.

Pardon me?

There's no way that hitter
could have known where
we were. Take them off.

For heaven's sakes.
I'll step outside.

No, that...

When you were in custody,
did anyone come to visit you?

Yes. One person
from the embassy.
So, what?


He didn't say his name.

Did anyone else
have access to where
you were or your things?


You didn't
check your clothes.

No. Why would I?

That's how
the hitter found us.

He must have planted it
on you when you met.

Get dressed.
We're on foot from here.

Are you kidding?

Get dressed.
Take it off. Run.

Come here. Stop. Go there.

It's for your own good.

Yeah. Sure. Whatever.

You know,
I bet you've never had
an Italian boyfriend.

Oh, which would
change my life forever,
no doubt.

You joke. But you ask
any woman, she'll tell you.
We know things.

You, however.
You're a lost cause.

Are you really this person?

I'm trying to keep us alive,
and you're interested
in my boyfriends?

What? I'm trying to
help your love life.
Because the only...

You want to help me?
Tell me who is trying
to kill you.

Well... I'm...
Unless a woman
shouldn't know these things.

I think it's about a story
I've been working on.

About the OCU.

The Italian oil conglomerate?

Yes, exactly.
And the Italian government.

It's a conspiracy?

My sources are
connected to certain
government officials.

It's about the oil rigs
here in South America.

I need to get you
to a safe house.

They say follow the money.
Well, I followed the money,
and here I am.

They know
I'm close to publishing.
I have corroboration.

How they bribed and extorted
to get their share of the
San Jorge Oil fields.

But they want to stop me.
They need to stop me.

I am not a spy.
I'm a writer.

I've been working
on this story for two years.

Someone wants
me back in Italy to
stop me from publishing.

The Italian Embassy
may not be the place to go.

But we can't go to
the US Embassy, either.

It's complicated.


Where are you?
We're in the city.

You are not safe.
The local authorities
have your descriptions.

Not surprising.

We're working
on an extraction.

You are not to go
to the Italian embassy.

Yeah. I already
figured that out.

Are either of you injured?

No. We're good.
But the package may not be
what we thought it was.

Well, I don't think anyone
is who we think they are.

Either way, your safety
is what's important.

Auggie's working
on a possible exit.


Highly probable,
though still in the
formative stages.

I need you to get to
the US President's Line
terminal at the Wharf.

US President's Line.
Buenos Aires or La Cotta?

Buenos Aires.
Berth 28.

I'll have more information
when you get there.
Just get there and be safe.

And there's another detail
you need to be aware of.

Annie, we've discovered
that two of Carlo's contacts

have turned up dead
in the past 24 hours.
Both were employed by OCU.

He told me he's working
on a story about OCU.

Their names are
Rinaldo and Vasquez.

Keep your head down.
Get to the wharf.
We'll get you out.


Rinaldo and Vasquez.
Does that mean anything?

Two of my sources. Why?

They're dead.

We have to get to the wharf.
My agency is going to try
and get us out of here.

No, but...


Carlo, I'm sorry.
I know this is hard.
But we have to move.

I'm responsible.
They put their faith in me,
and now, they're dead.

The police are
Iooking for us.

It will all be for nothing
if you get caught
and go to jail.

We have to move. Now.

Uh... Uh...


I need to talk
to the editor, please.

How did you know?

Where else
would a writer go?

A writer?

We are still in danger.

And I am still
responsible for you.

When did you decide that...
We don't have time for this.

We need to get to
the extraction point.

I am glad. I really am.
But I have to do this.

You need to trust me.

I do trust you.

But I trust this, too.

Look. If I'm going
to get killed, Annie...

Which, at this point,
is fairly probable,

then, I have to
get my story out.

I have to.
I made promises.

And I want to
keep those promises.

How do you know
they'll print it?

I don't.

But it's not the
battles won, Annie.

It's the battles waged.
You can understand that.

If you are
who I think you are.

Make it quick.

You think
I have an ulterior motive.

Frankly, yes.

We all have motives.

We're told that
in our training.
To expect it.

You think mine are suspect
due to my circumstances?

No, sir.
Due to my circumstances.

You're in
a public relations battle.

And I'm the feel-good
hit of the summer.

That's ballsy, Auggie.
Good for you.

I have my reasons, sure.

And yes,
I am fighting for my career.
So, what? It's irrelevant.

There is never
a clean game board,
Auggie. Never.

It gets more complicated
the higher you climb.

Up or down. Yes or no.
Your decision. Your terms.

The hell with me or what
I may or may not need.

And I wouldn't worry
about me too much
if I were you.

I still have a few
teeth in my head.


Who would I answer to?

The DCI and me.

And what about perks?

What do you have in mind?

Say I wanted an extraction
in a foreign country.

I thought you were going
to ask for a wet bar.

His people are working
on the same story.

He's got a reporter
in the San Jorge Gulf.

And I also got a name.
I know who visited me
when I was in custody.

Genaro. Romano Genaro.

He's Italian Intelligence.

He's gets a cut
on any oil extracted.
Potentially millions.

I knew I was
making someone in the
government unhappy.

Someone pulling strings.
I didn't know until now.

He's in for a big surprise.

What's the best way
to the wharf?

Genaro is our man.
He's been assisting the
Italian oil conglomerate

OCU in coercing oil leases.

Carlo Reni's investigations
were about to uncover
that and name names.

That's why Genaro was
so anxious to keep this
off the official channels.

So much for
professional courtesy.

Reni is not a spy.

But Joan, this doesn't change
the facts on the ground.


Your operative crashed
through a police checkpoint

and assaulted
a local policeman.

I'm bringing her in.

Do not threaten me.
This is my operative at risk.

And this is the
business we're in, Joan.

Now, you do your job.

I'll do mine.

Sometime, somewhere,

we will have
future business.

Do not think for a minute
that your harming
one of my people

will not have a deep impact
on our relationship.

What's he doing here?

Someone at the newspaper
must have tipped him off.


I'm going to un-cuff you.
Give me your word.


I want you
to stay right here,
and I'll be back.

No, no, no.
What are you going to do?

Keep you safe.

Your people are not coming.
They're coming.

No. The minute
things became complicated,
you became dispensable.

It's easier to
just let us die.

You're wrong. The people
I work for don't think
of me as dispensable.

Or you.

They'll be here. Come on.

You okay?

That's our ride.

We have
a visual on them.

The extraction team
has them in sight.

Local police
are on the scene.
Standing by.

My compliments.

Eluding my men.
Staying alive.

But this is the
end of the road.


Miss, you and Mr. Reni

will leave my country
as quickly as possible.

Tell Joan
I look forward
to our next time.

I will. Thank you.

We're five by five.
Both packages on board.
Over and out.

Mr. Genaro, would you
care to add anything
to your statement

regarding the attack
on a US operative
in Argentina?

He offered you the job,
didn't he?

Looks like
you're his boy now.

Good luck with that.

I am

big enough to eat my words.

I'm going home and
I'm publishing because
of the CIA.

I may have to rethink
some of my positions, but...

Italian men are impressive.

Come to Italy.
I'll show you Roma.
My mother will cook.

Your mother?

I'm a good Italian son.

Maybe another time.


One new message.

Welcome home,

Look, find me
when you get a moment.
We need to talk.

I have some news.

Hope you had a good night.