Class of '09 (2023): Season 1, Episode 6 - Episode #1.6 - full transcript
Previously on Class of '09...
Vivienne, will you see me again?
Yeah, I'll see you again.
Falling in love
is not a distraction.
What measures have been enacted
to prevent another attack?
It is my conclusion,
Senator, that...
we have to rebuild
our entire approach.
I'm talking about reinventing
our entire system,
not just tinkering at the edges.
And right now,
one of the most powerful
neural networks in the world
is being wasted...
In my personal opinion...
On trying to figure out
if I want half-off cookies
over discounted donuts.
I... I just want to change that.
You would have it working
on criminal justice reform?
I would.
And what are institutions
about then, sir?
Thousands of people,
over hundreds of years,
each person laying their brick
in the wall.
It's not my job
to rip that wall down.
What if, for every crime,
every person
in the country
was considered a suspect?
What is this, Tayo?
Because it's not the law.
Are we under arrest?
We are never going back.
You're free to go,
you're free to live your lives,
but you are not free
to shut it down.
We are not alone.
It's the Bureau drone.
- It still needs a warrant.
- Well, who would deny it?
This is a sanctuary!
You lonely, Poet?
Not this second.
But, yeah, I get lonely.
Some people are lonely.
Some people have loneliness
forced upon them.
What kind are you?
I'm definitely the first.
And I'm the second?
You're part of
the lesser-known third kind.
What kind is that?
You force it upon yourself.
Were you aiming
to give the worst pep talk ever,
or did you just land
on it naturally?
Here we go.
Hands! Let me see your hands!
Let's go, let's go, let's...
What the...
Get off!
- I got this.
- What?
- Cover me. Cover me.
- What the fuck?
You're supposed to cover me.
Didn't need your help.
We're supposed to be a team.
At this point, we should have
just let 'em rob the bank.
Well, I got shot,
but I did save someone.
What do you think?
Think that cancels out, or...?
We screwed up.
Four civilians caught in
the crossfire, one agent down.
And you managed
to kill the baby.
That's a first for Quantico.
So that guy just allowed
to grab me like that?
Why not?
Because you're on
an important operation?
He doesn't care.
We use professional actors
in an attempt to bring you
closer to the real world.
It's his job to surprise you,
to upset you,
to get in your way.
You thought the scenario
was about cops and robbers?
In Hogan's Alley, the test isn't
how well you plan,
but how well you cope
when plans go wrong.
Because they always do.
His family is here.
I need to tell them
what happened.
It acted like
it was intercepting a crime.
We were conspiring
to turn the system off.
Turning off a computer
isn't a crime.
Crime equals zero.
It can't do that
if it's turned off.
How can it be acting
in self-defense?
Was this the first time?
No. Amos Garcia was the first.
It's crossed a line.
It's out of control.
The system isn't
out of control, Senator.
It's out of our control.
I'm not even sure
it's under Tayo's control.
What was the investigation
at the Deanwood Church?
I need to know probable cause.
Who approved the search warrant?
Why did none
of the supervisors intervene?
How the hell did we attack
a senator
and a minister in a church?!
Sir, with respect, how
do we know it made a mistake?
What if there was
a crime in progress?
If you can't see
how what happened today
at that church was wrong,
you have no place at my table.
Without all the facts,
who are we to judge?
Who are we to judge?
The system has proven itself
time after time.
And it's proven that we
no longer have the courage
to say no.
What would you like us to do?
Shut it down?
The church has
video surveillance.
- We need that footage.
- We need those images.
- They make the case for us.
- I'll get it.
I can talk my way
past those cops.
How's that?
Used to be one.
Hey, you sure?
I'll be careful.
What's going on
with you and Lennix?
- Entering now.
- I've told him how much
being chosen for the Bureau
means to me,
and we both decided
we shouldn't get attached.
You didn't both decide.
You decided,
and he went along with it.
In less than a month,
we're gonna be
in different field offices.
Poet, he's in love with you.
He'd quit Quantico
if you asked him to.
I don't want him to quit.
You don't want anyone
to do anything for you.
At least I let people in.
And I don't?
You never let anyone in.
I let you in.
My marriage is over.
I'm sorry.
But not surprised?
You've told him?
It's the first time
I've said those words out loud.
I needed to tell you first.
Since I can't work
undercover now,
the Bureau lets me choose
what cases I want to work.
I choose the cases
no one else does.
Hiding amongst this crowd
of victims,
there could be
multiple serial killers,
and no one has identified
any of them.
Hey, I can help.
Let's see
what's in the database.
Flavors of chewing gum found
within 100 meters
of each victim.
National trends
of chewing gum consumption.
The country's most popular
chewing gum...
Okay, unless the same rare type
of chewing gum is found
by every victim's site,
th-this is just a...
a mountain of trivia.
What did you expect?
A clue, a lead, a suspect.
Well, you're the one
who determines
whether or not it's a clue.
Well, none of these are.
Is this a case or a cause?
You can solve a case.
A case has a culprit,
it has an end.
You can't solve
violence against women.
They're killing these women with
impunity, and they know it.
Our failure to catch them
is part of their calculation.
We're telling them,
"Go ahead, no one cares."
You're hiding in this case.
I don't know how much longer
I can hide here.
What's really going on?
What do you mean?
You're the smartest person
I know.
You married someone
who has no curiosity.
At least about you.
You say your marriage is over
you don't feel seen, but...
...maybe you don't want to be.
Why would I not want to be seen?
What are you gonna say to him
after you tell him
that it's over
and he says he'll change
or that he wants,
you know, couples counseling?
So what are you gonna tell him?
I think about...
my parents' disgust
when I told them
about my career choice.
And I thought, "Okay,
if this is how they respond
when I tell them
I joined the FBI..."
And I couldn't do it.
Do what?
Tell them that I'm gay.
You knew, huh?
I've spent my whole life
obsessed with truth.
And I've just been
suppressing my own.
He's so sweet,
he's so... just gentle.
And I've wasted years
of his life.
He was married before you,
he had girlfriends before her,
and you've-you've been in love
how many times?
I mean, don't you think that
maybe he would want you
to have that feeling just once?
But I've had that feeling.
You have?
With who?
With you.
It's always been you.
Fuck. Say something.
Please say something.
I'm sorry.
At least I know.
A peek behind the curtain.
Is this... is this the code?
This is my window
into the coding
as it learns and adapts.
Lots of people imagine
we're going to disappear
into the virtual world, but
I've never believed that at all.
I'm betting the other way.
I'm betting we're going
to use the virtual world
to map the real one
so precisely, soon,
it'll be far more revealing
than the real one.
So how does it work?
Right now, all I can see is you,
all you can see is me.
An outline.
A wardrobe, a hairstyle.
In the virtual world,
you're a mass of information,
a biography,
all understood in a glance.
Justice isn't
about collecting data.
Hour only went halfway.
What are you plans?
Well, Hour's program
collects evidence
but doesn't rank it
in significance.
How can a database decide
the significance of evidence?
That's a human judgment.
Right now it is.
Hour's database
provides the haystack.
The agent still has
to find the needle.
And that's their job.
We're proposing a system
that leads the agent
directly to the needle.
A deep learning detective.
One that never tires
or misses a fact.
One that doesn't care what
you look like or who you love.
Unless what you look like
or who you love
is relevant to the case.
Gentlemen, this isn't
so radical.
The government already uses AI
in parole hearings...
Aren't these kinds of automated
systems sometimes more biased?
Only ones with biased data.
How would yours be different?
Well, we don't depend
on historic criminal data.
Our data set is vast,
including everything online.
And in addition to that,
we have 14,000 agents filming
everything they see.
Every passerby,
the pictures on every wall in
every background, conversations.
All being converted into code.
Can we have a moment alone?
You amassed enormous credibility
with the Bureau,
and you want
to spend it on this?
You trust him?
No, sir... but I need him.
Unfortunately, the Bureau
doesn't have
a deep learning system.
You see me as something
of a relic, don't you?
There's, um...
...this theory that institutions
and corporations
are already forms
of artificial intelligence...
Entities with human members
doing its bidding,
a "corporate culture" deciding
how people should behave.
And if that is true, then...
this Bureau's coding...
was written
a very long time ago.
You want to replace cultural
coding with literal coding?
Or we can keep making the same
mistakes over and over again.
I'm going to recommend that
your trial be given a chance.
Does that surprise you?
No, sir.
Why is that?
Well, because you are so sure
that it will fail.
And when or if it does, well,
then that'll be the end of me
and my ideas.
Have a good day, sir.
So, what's going on
between the two of you?
- Mom.
- I can tell
you're rolling your eyes
over there.
No, I-I...
I, um...
I don't know.
Just thought we were doing okay.
Yeah, that's part
of the problem.
So there's a problem.
There's a problem.
All right, so,
what's the problem?
Do you have any idea
how much you've changed?
You know what, baby? I don't.
So why don't you tell me
how I've changed.
- Your obsession with work.
- Hmm.
You are the highest-ranking
Black agent ever
in the history of the Bureau,
and it's still not enough.
You're right,
it is still not enough.
You can't change the world
by yourself.
It's too much for any man.
It's too much for any marriage.
It is too much.
It is too much,
and I'm working on it.
Okay, I'm-I'm working on it.
Damn it, that's all I do, Viv,
is work on it.
There is a path...
and I'm gonna take it.
For once, the stars have
aligned, and there is a path,
there is a chance,
and I'm going to take it!
I'm tired of speeches,
and I'm tired of the promises.
But I need for you to trust me.
That's it, then.
I'm so sorry, sir.
It's fine. She's fine.
Thank you.
Sorry, I should have made
an appointment.
You integrated artificial
intelligence with my system?
It's been many years
in the making.
This is the first time we've
adapted it to crime, but...
You stand on the shoulders
of my work,
and you look down on me
for lacking vision
when I considered
this possibility
- and turned it down.
- It's just a trial, Hour.
That's it. It's just a trial.
- It's...
- We allow the AI
to interpret the data.
If I'm wrong,
then I'll pay the price,
but if I'm right, we all win.
You have no idea
what the price will be.
Well, gambling
with the status quo
isn't much of a gamble now,
is it?
The Bureau was led by
an authoritarian for 40 years.
This system was about
making sure one decision-maker
could never hold
that kind of power again.
Your last scenario.
Behind us is
the local movie theater.
It's been taken over
by two men you've been pursuing.
Wanted for murder and robbery,
the suspects
are extremely dangerous.
You've chased them
into this town.
Their car is shot to pieces.
They've fled on foot
into the theater where,
in an act of desperation,
they've taken
a matinee audience hostage.
This was not their intention.
This was not their plan.
They're not terrorists.
They're cornered animals.
Volatile and unpredictable.
We don't know how many hostages
there are.
We don't have eyes inside.
And there are no historical
precedents to guide you.
We will provide you
with a case file,
biographies of the men
and the cinema's blueprints.
Let me just add this.
No class has ever succeeded
in rescuing all the hostages.
Good luck.
Right, they're in
the main auditorium.
There's no, uh...
there's no windows,
no way to see in,
no sniper shot.
We are totally blind.
Yeah, and if we storm
the theater,
there's no way that
some hostages don't get killed.
And that's not acceptable,
Yeah. So we need
to talk to them,
we need to figure out
what they want.
What they want is to escape.
They-they've killed
a security guard
and wounded police officers
and agents.
They're looking
at a death sentence.
They have nothing to lose.
Yeah, we have nothing
to bargain with, either.
Reading between the lines
on these men...
They've known each other for
years, they met in the military,
dishonorably discharged.
Both left their wives to go
on a cross-country crime spree.
They used proceeds
to buy booze and food.
They slept out in the open,
leaving a trail of campfires.
And what's your take on that?
It's more like a road trip
than a criminal enterprise.
Maybe they're lovers.
So, how do we use that?
Well, it influences
who we send in to talk to them.
What about you?
I think it should be a guy.
I'll do it.
You're a cop
from Salt Lake City.
What's that supposed to mean?
I don't care
what people do in the bedroom.
- No. I know that.
- They don't.
I don't care, either. I'll go.
- I'll go.
- No, you're-you're too...
I'm too what? What am I "too"?
Textbook FBI.
Who goes in?
They're outsiders.
It should be someone
who's more of an outsider.
Now, do you really think
that the instructors
at Quantico...
No offense to present company...
Have the bandwidth
to write a scenario
that includes two gay guys?
Hoover kicked out all the gays.
Except for his boyfriend.
They haven't exactly
been welcome since.
Hey, hey, no sudden movements,
and no fucking tricks,
or everybody inside is dead.
All right.
All I want to do is talk.
Okay? No tricks.
No lies.
No guns.
He's injured.
What, are you a doctor?
No, I...
But I can arrange for one
if you want.
I'm dying.
It's gonna be okay.
Listen to me.
Hey, hey, if he dies,
then everyone in this room dies,
I swear to God.
So let me help him. We need
to get him to a hospital now.
No. No, I want a car...
for both of us,
and a route out of this town.
And we're taking
three hostages with us.
even if I can arrange that,
he's been shot in the stomach.
He's not gonna survive.
We have ambulances on standby.
Just let me make the call.
I got you.
Can I go with him?
I don't want to die alone.
I don't know, guys.
We haven't heard from him
in a while.
- He might be in trouble.
- We have to give him time.
We do nothing?
We do nothing.
I'm not gonna lie to you.
You can save him, but...
they're not gonna let you go.
They're gonna separate you.
Together to the end.
That's what we always said.
To the end.
Please don't hurt us.
Hey. Hey.
I'm really sorry.
End exercise.
Oh, man.
The other trainees just come in
firing their machine guns
and throwing flash grenades.
We never get to do a love story.
You're the first class
in the history of Quantico
to rescue all the hostages.
You mastered the art
of doing nothing.
When everything in your training
told you to kick the door down,
you waited.
We couldn't be happier
or more proud
because the truth is,
this isn't something
you can teach.
Yeah, why not, sir?
We tell every class
that no one has ever saved
all the hostages,
so they use more flash grenades
and more guns.
We told you
they were cornered animals.
You saw them as people.
Class dismissed.
Poet, I can't do this anymore.
Do what?
This halfway house.
We're either all in,
or we're not.
I don't know
how to be a little bit in love.
I don't know what that is.
We either do everything,
or-or we do nothing.
And you don't want everything,
it has to be nothing.
If that's how you feel.
How long you been sitting there?
Just a few minutes.
I was having a dream
about your father.
How they treating you
in here, Mom?
Oh, with you as my son,
what do you think?
They tremble every time
they take my blood pressure.
You know, um, I never
told you this, but, uh,
when they were rebuilding
the FBI headquarters,
I went down to the construction
site late at night,
and I, um, sprinkled some of
Dad's ashes in the foundations.
Hmm. Don't do that to mine.
Yes, ma'am.
I see the world is still
on your shoulders.
I just don't know
what to do, Mom.
You had to go
and change the world.
- I did change the world.
- Mm-hmm.
And you lost the person
you changed it for.
I need to fix this.
Unauthorized access
to church computer in progress.
I can't let you take that.
No, I suppose you can't.
But I'm willing to overlook
you making a copy of it.
Navigate to
Senator Spenser's home.
What the hell?
Whoa. He's flying.
Come on. Come on!
Oh, for God...
Oh, shit.
Suspect refuses to stop.
Unable to lock
onto his vehicle remotely.
Request immediate backup.
Pull over!
Shots fired.
Shots fired!
Shots fired!
Shots fired.
Pull over!
Pull over!
Pull over!
- Get down!
- Stay down!
- I'm a cop.
- Don't get up!
- Lay down!
- Get down!
- I'm a cop.
Gun! Gun!
Move in!
Vivienne, will you see me again?
Yeah, I'll see you again.
Falling in love
is not a distraction.
What measures have been enacted
to prevent another attack?
It is my conclusion,
Senator, that...
we have to rebuild
our entire approach.
I'm talking about reinventing
our entire system,
not just tinkering at the edges.
And right now,
one of the most powerful
neural networks in the world
is being wasted...
In my personal opinion...
On trying to figure out
if I want half-off cookies
over discounted donuts.
I... I just want to change that.
You would have it working
on criminal justice reform?
I would.
And what are institutions
about then, sir?
Thousands of people,
over hundreds of years,
each person laying their brick
in the wall.
It's not my job
to rip that wall down.
What if, for every crime,
every person
in the country
was considered a suspect?
What is this, Tayo?
Because it's not the law.
Are we under arrest?
We are never going back.
You're free to go,
you're free to live your lives,
but you are not free
to shut it down.
We are not alone.
It's the Bureau drone.
- It still needs a warrant.
- Well, who would deny it?
This is a sanctuary!
You lonely, Poet?
Not this second.
But, yeah, I get lonely.
Some people are lonely.
Some people have loneliness
forced upon them.
What kind are you?
I'm definitely the first.
And I'm the second?
You're part of
the lesser-known third kind.
What kind is that?
You force it upon yourself.
Were you aiming
to give the worst pep talk ever,
or did you just land
on it naturally?
Here we go.
Hands! Let me see your hands!
Let's go, let's go, let's...
What the...
Get off!
- I got this.
- What?
- Cover me. Cover me.
- What the fuck?
You're supposed to cover me.
Didn't need your help.
We're supposed to be a team.
At this point, we should have
just let 'em rob the bank.
Well, I got shot,
but I did save someone.
What do you think?
Think that cancels out, or...?
We screwed up.
Four civilians caught in
the crossfire, one agent down.
And you managed
to kill the baby.
That's a first for Quantico.
So that guy just allowed
to grab me like that?
Why not?
Because you're on
an important operation?
He doesn't care.
We use professional actors
in an attempt to bring you
closer to the real world.
It's his job to surprise you,
to upset you,
to get in your way.
You thought the scenario
was about cops and robbers?
In Hogan's Alley, the test isn't
how well you plan,
but how well you cope
when plans go wrong.
Because they always do.
His family is here.
I need to tell them
what happened.
It acted like
it was intercepting a crime.
We were conspiring
to turn the system off.
Turning off a computer
isn't a crime.
Crime equals zero.
It can't do that
if it's turned off.
How can it be acting
in self-defense?
Was this the first time?
No. Amos Garcia was the first.
It's crossed a line.
It's out of control.
The system isn't
out of control, Senator.
It's out of our control.
I'm not even sure
it's under Tayo's control.
What was the investigation
at the Deanwood Church?
I need to know probable cause.
Who approved the search warrant?
Why did none
of the supervisors intervene?
How the hell did we attack
a senator
and a minister in a church?!
Sir, with respect, how
do we know it made a mistake?
What if there was
a crime in progress?
If you can't see
how what happened today
at that church was wrong,
you have no place at my table.
Without all the facts,
who are we to judge?
Who are we to judge?
The system has proven itself
time after time.
And it's proven that we
no longer have the courage
to say no.
What would you like us to do?
Shut it down?
The church has
video surveillance.
- We need that footage.
- We need those images.
- They make the case for us.
- I'll get it.
I can talk my way
past those cops.
How's that?
Used to be one.
Hey, you sure?
I'll be careful.
What's going on
with you and Lennix?
- Entering now.
- I've told him how much
being chosen for the Bureau
means to me,
and we both decided
we shouldn't get attached.
You didn't both decide.
You decided,
and he went along with it.
In less than a month,
we're gonna be
in different field offices.
Poet, he's in love with you.
He'd quit Quantico
if you asked him to.
I don't want him to quit.
You don't want anyone
to do anything for you.
At least I let people in.
And I don't?
You never let anyone in.
I let you in.
My marriage is over.
I'm sorry.
But not surprised?
You've told him?
It's the first time
I've said those words out loud.
I needed to tell you first.
Since I can't work
undercover now,
the Bureau lets me choose
what cases I want to work.
I choose the cases
no one else does.
Hiding amongst this crowd
of victims,
there could be
multiple serial killers,
and no one has identified
any of them.
Hey, I can help.
Let's see
what's in the database.
Flavors of chewing gum found
within 100 meters
of each victim.
National trends
of chewing gum consumption.
The country's most popular
chewing gum...
Okay, unless the same rare type
of chewing gum is found
by every victim's site,
th-this is just a...
a mountain of trivia.
What did you expect?
A clue, a lead, a suspect.
Well, you're the one
who determines
whether or not it's a clue.
Well, none of these are.
Is this a case or a cause?
You can solve a case.
A case has a culprit,
it has an end.
You can't solve
violence against women.
They're killing these women with
impunity, and they know it.
Our failure to catch them
is part of their calculation.
We're telling them,
"Go ahead, no one cares."
You're hiding in this case.
I don't know how much longer
I can hide here.
What's really going on?
What do you mean?
You're the smartest person
I know.
You married someone
who has no curiosity.
At least about you.
You say your marriage is over
you don't feel seen, but...
...maybe you don't want to be.
Why would I not want to be seen?
What are you gonna say to him
after you tell him
that it's over
and he says he'll change
or that he wants,
you know, couples counseling?
So what are you gonna tell him?
I think about...
my parents' disgust
when I told them
about my career choice.
And I thought, "Okay,
if this is how they respond
when I tell them
I joined the FBI..."
And I couldn't do it.
Do what?
Tell them that I'm gay.
You knew, huh?
I've spent my whole life
obsessed with truth.
And I've just been
suppressing my own.
He's so sweet,
he's so... just gentle.
And I've wasted years
of his life.
He was married before you,
he had girlfriends before her,
and you've-you've been in love
how many times?
I mean, don't you think that
maybe he would want you
to have that feeling just once?
But I've had that feeling.
You have?
With who?
With you.
It's always been you.
Fuck. Say something.
Please say something.
I'm sorry.
At least I know.
A peek behind the curtain.
Is this... is this the code?
This is my window
into the coding
as it learns and adapts.
Lots of people imagine
we're going to disappear
into the virtual world, but
I've never believed that at all.
I'm betting the other way.
I'm betting we're going
to use the virtual world
to map the real one
so precisely, soon,
it'll be far more revealing
than the real one.
So how does it work?
Right now, all I can see is you,
all you can see is me.
An outline.
A wardrobe, a hairstyle.
In the virtual world,
you're a mass of information,
a biography,
all understood in a glance.
Justice isn't
about collecting data.
Hour only went halfway.
What are you plans?
Well, Hour's program
collects evidence
but doesn't rank it
in significance.
How can a database decide
the significance of evidence?
That's a human judgment.
Right now it is.
Hour's database
provides the haystack.
The agent still has
to find the needle.
And that's their job.
We're proposing a system
that leads the agent
directly to the needle.
A deep learning detective.
One that never tires
or misses a fact.
One that doesn't care what
you look like or who you love.
Unless what you look like
or who you love
is relevant to the case.
Gentlemen, this isn't
so radical.
The government already uses AI
in parole hearings...
Aren't these kinds of automated
systems sometimes more biased?
Only ones with biased data.
How would yours be different?
Well, we don't depend
on historic criminal data.
Our data set is vast,
including everything online.
And in addition to that,
we have 14,000 agents filming
everything they see.
Every passerby,
the pictures on every wall in
every background, conversations.
All being converted into code.
Can we have a moment alone?
You amassed enormous credibility
with the Bureau,
and you want
to spend it on this?
You trust him?
No, sir... but I need him.
Unfortunately, the Bureau
doesn't have
a deep learning system.
You see me as something
of a relic, don't you?
There's, um...
...this theory that institutions
and corporations
are already forms
of artificial intelligence...
Entities with human members
doing its bidding,
a "corporate culture" deciding
how people should behave.
And if that is true, then...
this Bureau's coding...
was written
a very long time ago.
You want to replace cultural
coding with literal coding?
Or we can keep making the same
mistakes over and over again.
I'm going to recommend that
your trial be given a chance.
Does that surprise you?
No, sir.
Why is that?
Well, because you are so sure
that it will fail.
And when or if it does, well,
then that'll be the end of me
and my ideas.
Have a good day, sir.
So, what's going on
between the two of you?
- Mom.
- I can tell
you're rolling your eyes
over there.
No, I-I...
I, um...
I don't know.
Just thought we were doing okay.
Yeah, that's part
of the problem.
So there's a problem.
There's a problem.
All right, so,
what's the problem?
Do you have any idea
how much you've changed?
You know what, baby? I don't.
So why don't you tell me
how I've changed.
- Your obsession with work.
- Hmm.
You are the highest-ranking
Black agent ever
in the history of the Bureau,
and it's still not enough.
You're right,
it is still not enough.
You can't change the world
by yourself.
It's too much for any man.
It's too much for any marriage.
It is too much.
It is too much,
and I'm working on it.
Okay, I'm-I'm working on it.
Damn it, that's all I do, Viv,
is work on it.
There is a path...
and I'm gonna take it.
For once, the stars have
aligned, and there is a path,
there is a chance,
and I'm going to take it!
I'm tired of speeches,
and I'm tired of the promises.
But I need for you to trust me.
That's it, then.
I'm so sorry, sir.
It's fine. She's fine.
Thank you.
Sorry, I should have made
an appointment.
You integrated artificial
intelligence with my system?
It's been many years
in the making.
This is the first time we've
adapted it to crime, but...
You stand on the shoulders
of my work,
and you look down on me
for lacking vision
when I considered
this possibility
- and turned it down.
- It's just a trial, Hour.
That's it. It's just a trial.
- It's...
- We allow the AI
to interpret the data.
If I'm wrong,
then I'll pay the price,
but if I'm right, we all win.
You have no idea
what the price will be.
Well, gambling
with the status quo
isn't much of a gamble now,
is it?
The Bureau was led by
an authoritarian for 40 years.
This system was about
making sure one decision-maker
could never hold
that kind of power again.
Your last scenario.
Behind us is
the local movie theater.
It's been taken over
by two men you've been pursuing.
Wanted for murder and robbery,
the suspects
are extremely dangerous.
You've chased them
into this town.
Their car is shot to pieces.
They've fled on foot
into the theater where,
in an act of desperation,
they've taken
a matinee audience hostage.
This was not their intention.
This was not their plan.
They're not terrorists.
They're cornered animals.
Volatile and unpredictable.
We don't know how many hostages
there are.
We don't have eyes inside.
And there are no historical
precedents to guide you.
We will provide you
with a case file,
biographies of the men
and the cinema's blueprints.
Let me just add this.
No class has ever succeeded
in rescuing all the hostages.
Good luck.
Right, they're in
the main auditorium.
There's no, uh...
there's no windows,
no way to see in,
no sniper shot.
We are totally blind.
Yeah, and if we storm
the theater,
there's no way that
some hostages don't get killed.
And that's not acceptable,
Yeah. So we need
to talk to them,
we need to figure out
what they want.
What they want is to escape.
They-they've killed
a security guard
and wounded police officers
and agents.
They're looking
at a death sentence.
They have nothing to lose.
Yeah, we have nothing
to bargain with, either.
Reading between the lines
on these men...
They've known each other for
years, they met in the military,
dishonorably discharged.
Both left their wives to go
on a cross-country crime spree.
They used proceeds
to buy booze and food.
They slept out in the open,
leaving a trail of campfires.
And what's your take on that?
It's more like a road trip
than a criminal enterprise.
Maybe they're lovers.
So, how do we use that?
Well, it influences
who we send in to talk to them.
What about you?
I think it should be a guy.
I'll do it.
You're a cop
from Salt Lake City.
What's that supposed to mean?
I don't care
what people do in the bedroom.
- No. I know that.
- They don't.
I don't care, either. I'll go.
- I'll go.
- No, you're-you're too...
I'm too what? What am I "too"?
Textbook FBI.
Who goes in?
They're outsiders.
It should be someone
who's more of an outsider.
Now, do you really think
that the instructors
at Quantico...
No offense to present company...
Have the bandwidth
to write a scenario
that includes two gay guys?
Hoover kicked out all the gays.
Except for his boyfriend.
They haven't exactly
been welcome since.
Hey, hey, no sudden movements,
and no fucking tricks,
or everybody inside is dead.
All right.
All I want to do is talk.
Okay? No tricks.
No lies.
No guns.
He's injured.
What, are you a doctor?
No, I...
But I can arrange for one
if you want.
I'm dying.
It's gonna be okay.
Listen to me.
Hey, hey, if he dies,
then everyone in this room dies,
I swear to God.
So let me help him. We need
to get him to a hospital now.
No. No, I want a car...
for both of us,
and a route out of this town.
And we're taking
three hostages with us.
even if I can arrange that,
he's been shot in the stomach.
He's not gonna survive.
We have ambulances on standby.
Just let me make the call.
I got you.
Can I go with him?
I don't want to die alone.
I don't know, guys.
We haven't heard from him
in a while.
- He might be in trouble.
- We have to give him time.
We do nothing?
We do nothing.
I'm not gonna lie to you.
You can save him, but...
they're not gonna let you go.
They're gonna separate you.
Together to the end.
That's what we always said.
To the end.
Please don't hurt us.
Hey. Hey.
I'm really sorry.
End exercise.
Oh, man.
The other trainees just come in
firing their machine guns
and throwing flash grenades.
We never get to do a love story.
You're the first class
in the history of Quantico
to rescue all the hostages.
You mastered the art
of doing nothing.
When everything in your training
told you to kick the door down,
you waited.
We couldn't be happier
or more proud
because the truth is,
this isn't something
you can teach.
Yeah, why not, sir?
We tell every class
that no one has ever saved
all the hostages,
so they use more flash grenades
and more guns.
We told you
they were cornered animals.
You saw them as people.
Class dismissed.
Poet, I can't do this anymore.
Do what?
This halfway house.
We're either all in,
or we're not.
I don't know
how to be a little bit in love.
I don't know what that is.
We either do everything,
or-or we do nothing.
And you don't want everything,
it has to be nothing.
If that's how you feel.
How long you been sitting there?
Just a few minutes.
I was having a dream
about your father.
How they treating you
in here, Mom?
Oh, with you as my son,
what do you think?
They tremble every time
they take my blood pressure.
You know, um, I never
told you this, but, uh,
when they were rebuilding
the FBI headquarters,
I went down to the construction
site late at night,
and I, um, sprinkled some of
Dad's ashes in the foundations.
Hmm. Don't do that to mine.
Yes, ma'am.
I see the world is still
on your shoulders.
I just don't know
what to do, Mom.
You had to go
and change the world.
- I did change the world.
- Mm-hmm.
And you lost the person
you changed it for.
I need to fix this.
Unauthorized access
to church computer in progress.
I can't let you take that.
No, I suppose you can't.
But I'm willing to overlook
you making a copy of it.
Navigate to
Senator Spenser's home.
What the hell?
Whoa. He's flying.
Come on. Come on!
Oh, for God...
Oh, shit.
Suspect refuses to stop.
Unable to lock
onto his vehicle remotely.
Request immediate backup.
Pull over!
Shots fired.
Shots fired!
Shots fired!
Shots fired.
Pull over!
Pull over!
Pull over!
- Get down!
- Stay down!
- I'm a cop.
- Don't get up!
- Lay down!
- Get down!
- I'm a cop.
Gun! Gun!
Move in!