City Hunter (2011): Season 1, Episode 9 - Episode #1.9 - full transcript

Yun-seong and Jin-pyo's next target is Kim Jong-sik, the former Minister of Education and Young-joo's father. Yun-seong tries to cut himself out of Na-na's life in order to protect her.

Sir, wouldn't it be better to be direct
and say it was a fabrication?

Hey, that man...!

Who are you?

Na Na, grab Seo Yong Hak.

Don't come any closer.

I said don't come any closer!

S... Sir, calm down.
I'll protect you...

Shut up!
I told you not to provoke me.


You?re the one who saved me
during the sniper incident last time, right?


Get out.

Useless kid...

Boss! Yoon Sung!
Hurry, get in.

What do we do now?

When I was fighting City Hunter earlier,
I put a tracking device on him.

Where?s the car?

- Over there.
- Let's follow him!

Go faster.

Why did you save the girl?

You should have killed her
and captured Candidate Seo!

Boss, we don?t have much time.

We have to quickly finish up and leave.

Who are they?

The other people who were involved
in Operation Clean Sweep?

So it's...
Operation Clean Sweep...

I can see you expected this,
because of the enormity of your crimes.

Who are they?

I?m really sorry about that time.

I suppose you're here for revenge.

Okay, but take me to a safe place first.

Then I?ll tell you everything.

You?re going to betray your comrades
in order to save yourself.

You truly are a rotten man,
just as I thought.

Do you think you?ll survive
because those guys are coming?

Who are they?

Hold it.

They might have a hostage.

We have to get out of here.

You should know about guns more than anyone.

You should know that if I pull the trigger
this time, a bullet will really come out.

K... Kim Jong Shik.

Former Education Minister
and Chairman of the Myung Mun

University Foundation, Kim Jong Shik.

Kim Jong Shik...
And who else?

I... I?ll tell you.

I'm sorry...!

Hurry and get to the Prosecutor's Office.

I?m on my way to deliver Candidate Seo.

What are you trying to do?

Why did I have to take Candidate Seo
to the warehouse?

Finding that out is also your job.

This shirt... It?s a brand name from France.
It?s a really famous one.

Perfume smell.

Find out the brand of the perfume
and about the shirt right away.

[To Prosecutor Kim Young Joo]

What?s going on?
Who is that?

It?s the City Hunter again.

It?s Candidate Seo.

Is he dead?


Oh, my gosh.

Is he dead or alive?

Ask all hospitals to account
for their ambulances,

and the cops to look for an
abandoned ambulance.

Right away!

Why am I here?

Where?s Seo Yong Hak?

Did Yoon Sung do this?

Yeah... Seo Yong Hak
was delivered to the Prosecutor's Office.

What the he** are you doing?!

We found a suspicious looking ambulance,
but no one is here.

You dare defy me?

Please understand.
It was for both of our sakes.

Is this how you show your concern for me?

Yoon Sung.

Ahjussi, what?s wrong with you?

I?m going to make everyone around you
suffer for your defiance.

If you defy me,
you'll be punished.



Yoon Sung.

I?m sorry.

You dare ruin the plan like this!

I could have killed him.

Why did you hand him
to the prosecutor again?!

Because I don't want to create
another me!

If it weren?t for those five people,

I could have lived happily
with a mother and father like everyone else!

I want to kill those 5 people
more than anyone else!

But we have to stop at revenge
that asks for more blood.

After this is over, I want to live happily
with you, Father, and start over again.

I'm going to kill those guys
even if I have to go to hell to do it.

Are you still going to go against me?

Answer me.


Because that?s my revenge.

Even if you start a war with me?

War... even if I have to do more than that.

Don?t harm people precious to me.
I?m going to protect them.

Including you, Father.

The female agent whom Yoon Sung saved,
find out who she is.

Did you see his face?

No... I didn?t see his face.

He is tall, and I just saw his eyes.

What did his eyes look like?

His has big double-eyelids
and his eyes were...

Kim Na Na.

I can?t think of anything
because I?m in shock. I'm sorry.

Rest, then.

Where did he go?

I?m sorry, Ahjussi.
It was because of me.

No, no.

The boss is human too,
so he didn?t kill me.

By the way, the injury on your shoulder is
ripped open again. What are we going to do?

What about Na Na?
What happened to Na Na?

I don?t know.

I have to find out.

Yoon Sung.

Hey. Yoon Sung!
Hey, Man!

Yoon Sung!
Hey, Man!

Oh, no... Yoon Sung!
Yoon Sung!

This afternoon, Presidential
Candidate Seo was arrested...

I can?t believe someone like him
was running for president.


Excuse me...
You know Lee Yoon Sung, right?

Lee Yoon Sung?


If you?re not careful, your shoulder
could become permanently damaged.

This is your house?

You know another one of my secrets,
so you?re in more danger, Sae Hee.

I?m thankful, because I think you
called me here since you trust me.

Am I being weird?

You?re going to be sleepy because of the
medicine I gave you for your shoulder.

We have to get rid of the infection.

Are you okay now?


What about Na Na?
Did you find out anything?

Yeah. I heard she was treated for
minor wounds. She didn?t get really hurt.

That?s good.

She?s probably really in shock.

Try to eat some rice porridge
so you can take your medicine.

I think I?m going to have to leave
Na Na?s house.



I don?t know what he?s going to do to Na Na.

No way, not to Na Na...

That?s the only way to protect Na Na.

Hey, you...
Do you like Na Na?

Is that why you didn?t go after
Candidate Seo and saved Na Na instead?

Oh, so... if the exact same situation
happens again,

would you still save Na Na?

I don?t know.
I don't know either.

I?m just scared that something
is going to happen to Na Na.

I?m sorry, Yoon Sung.
If I hadn?t asked you to watch over Na Na...

[Kim Na Na]


Lee Yoon Sung?


Where are you?

I?m busy.
Hang up.

Hold on.

Are you hurt?


You probably haven't heard yet
about the big case today, right?

- Candidate Seo was...
- I said I am busy. Hang up.

What?s wrong... what?

I can?t take it anymore.

I?m worried about Na Na.

Are you crazy, with your health?

I?m going to see her for the last time.

Yoon Sung!

Yoon Sung.

Yoon Sung!

Yoon Sung, hey.
You can't.

I want to see him.

I?m worried about him.

Hey, Kim Na Na.

Do you know what time it is?

It?s past 2:00 a.m.

It's bad enough you shower
with the front door unlocked.

Just because you know some judo,

you think you can wander around
in the middle of the night?

Do you think I like coming out here
in the middle of the night?

I can?t sleep... and I?m worried,
so I came out to get some fresh air.

Why didn't you come back earlier,
instead of making me worry?

And why didn't you pick up your phone?
You kept me awake and put me in a bad mood.

Who made me worry
and come out in the middle of the night?

And now you're yelling at me...?

Just because you can?t fall asleep
late at night... don?t go outside.

Lock the front door.

And don?t trust your judo skills too much.

Be careful of strangers.

Just because the kimchi is delicious,
don?t just eat that.

And don?t just take care of Ddorong.
Take care of yourself, too.

The coffee that you make...

It's really good.

Do you want some?

Can you?

Just give me a second.

[Kim Na Na]

I?m going to protect you.

This is the only way.

The call cannot be connected.
Please leave a message at the beep.

Let?s see...

Oh, you?re recovering fast.

I think I?m a genius.

Ahjussi is going to take you back,
go in the car with him.

You?re not even going to give me breakfast
and just get rid of me?

Wow... Your manners suck.

Pretty Doctor, I made some delicious
radish soup. Eat some before you go.

Yoon Sung, let?s eat together.

Oh, by the way, what kind of relationship
do you have with Kim Jong Shik?

I think I heard you saying his name
while sleeping.

I wonder if the City Hunter knows.

Chairman of the Myung Mun
University Foundation, Kim Jong Shik...

His son... is Prosecutor Kim Young Joo.

What? Kim Jong Shik?s son
is Prosecutor Kim Young Joo?


There are some rumors that
their relationship is bad.

And some are saying that he didn?t want
to gain attention because of his father,

so he hid his family relations
within the prosecution department.

Even if their relationship is bad,
they?re family.

The arm always bends inwards.

This whole time
we?ve been handing the mice over to a fox?

Who would have guessed
that Kim Jong Shik?s son is Kim Young Joo?

The world is really small.

I should have looked into it.

What have I been doing?

Hey, how could you have known that?

It's okay, don?t blame yourself.

He looks like a promising prosecutor.
You did good, you did good.

It?s okay, you did good.

No. I?ve been lacking.

I was lacking...

It?s the boss.

Did you know

that you?ve been handing the five
over to his son?

Looking at your expression,
you?ve found out, too.

Kim Jong Shik, Lee Kyung Wan,
and Seo Yong Hak,

whom you handed over,
they?re all going to die at my hands.

A special agent who gets her gun snatched?

In addition, you became a hostage?

Are you being a good special agent?
A good bodyguard?!

I?m sorry. I never suspected Candidate Seo
would turn like that and use me.

This is the first time in Special Security
Agent history this has happened!

I can?t cover up for you anymore.

You, write a resignation letter
and wait at home for notification.


You?ve been fired from the job and
the paperwork will be official in one week.

Clean your desk out before you leave.

That way you don?t have to come back
when you receive the official notice.

Chief, please.

What do you mean "please"?

A special agent has to act
thinking of all possibilities.

You don?t have the basics down.

Does this make sense?

What did Agent Kim do wrong
that she?s being dismissed?

I really hate the chief!

Lee Yoon Sung!


Kim Na Na.

Oh, Prosecutor Kim.

How are you feeling?

I?m okay.
But what are you doing here?

I had something to ask you, Na Na.

What is it?

That day, the guy who pulled you up at the
broadcasting station, do you remember?


Did you see his face?

No, I just saw his eyes.

His eyes, didn?t they look familiar?

No, I don?t think... Why?
Did they look familiar to you, Prosecutor?

The blood spilled during the kidnapping,

and the blood spilled yesterday at the
broadcasting station, are being compared.

When the results come in, we can
find out if it?s the same person or not.

If it?s 100 percent positive match,
we can use it as evidence to prosecute him.


Oh, is that toy yours?

No, it?s Lee Yoon Sung?s...

Lee Yoon Sung gave it to me.

This is a kid?s toy.

Did the maid drop it?

Look at him!

Oh, my gosh.

My husband died
because of a malfunctioning helicopter!

It's because of you!
Bring him back!

You bastard!


In order to accept delivery
of the defective military boots,

you used bribery
to lower the industry standards, correct?


You bribed an official
at the Ministry of the National Defense,

whom you met through
Assemblyman Lee Kyung Wan, correct?

Yes, that's right.

You imported the fighter jets
made by the American company Maris,

even though you knew
they were defective, correct?


Someone sent in an anonymous letter

listing all charges of corruption
against you, Sir.

Everything was correct.

Do you have any idea who it was?

How would I know?

Okay, then.
Let?s continue.

While you were being pursued by the police,

you used a special agent as a hostage
and almost committed murder, correct?

Yes, yes.

So hurry up with the prosecution
and send me to a safe prison somewhere.


The City Hunter or whatever
wouldn't follow me there to kill me.

Do whatever you want to me.

I'll go along with it.

What is it?

That letter...

The fingerprint analysis results are back.

Who is it?

I asked who it was.

They said it?s Lee Kyung Wan?s.

Lee Kyung...

Lee Kyung Wan?
That bastard...

Because I didn?t get him a lawyer,
he wrote a letter against me? That...

Calm down.

They say
there?s no one you can trust in this world.

The citizens almost chose you as president
because they have no one to trust.

I?m going to ask one more thing.

The dog tags around your neck,
just like Lee Kyung Wan,

they're from elite special ops soldiers
who went missing in October 1983.

If you know something about that,
please tell me.

Twenty-one people died,
it?s a big case.

The president was involved,
it won?t be revealed.

I don?t know anything.

You really don?t know?

I said I don?t know.


That?s all for today.

I?m going crazy.

Information on those army tags
is blocked through 2030.

And we?re back where we started,
back where we started...

Prosecutor Jang, is there any way we can
access the blocked files from that case?

Wait until 2030.

What about the president?

[Republic of Korea Soldier,
Military Honors Ceremony]


Go Ki Woo.

The aforenamed is honorably discharged
from military service,

rank Private, First Class, due to an injury.

In commendation of his love of the military,

we hereby appoint him an
Honorable Veteran of the Republic of Korea.

Thank you.

Every night I was on duty,
I would make this pledge to myself:

?Mother, I?m on duty right now,
in this dark night."

"Please sleep peacefully."

"Mi Sun, your oppa is on watch for tonight."

"Please don't allow your heart to waver
while I?m in the army, and dream about me.?

Even though I?m standing here,
having lost a leg,

I still do not regret
having joined the military.

I wanted to have an outstanding career
in the army, but my time here was cut short.

It is my greatest regret,
that I couldn?t leave behind a brave legacy.

If not for the City Hunter,
we might have elected a president

responsible for rotting the soldiers' bodies
with defective boots.

Our young men sacrifice their youth
to serve and protect this country.

Please, I ask all those
who are serving in the government...

Instead of thinking of it
as sending others' sons to the army,

please protect the beautiful youth
of our Republic of Korea.

That is my request to you.



Thank you.


Great job.

Mr. President, hello.

Oh, it?s been a while.
You?ve been well, yes?


Mr. President.

Mr. President.

I?m Prosecutor Kim Young Joo,
from the Seoul Prosecutor's Office.

Kim Young Joo... Kim Jong Shik?s son.

What are you doing here?

The event today is private.

I had to see you, Mr. President. I realize
I'm imposing on you, but I had to come.

What is it?

Top secret files from October 1983,
on elite soldiers who are missing in action,

are locked until 2030.

Please allow us access to those files.

Even though I?ve asked the director
and the chairman, I?ve been rejected.

So, as a last resort,
I?ve come to ask you.

October 1983,
soldiers who are missing in action...

Yes. Lee Kyung Wan and Seo Yong Hak
are both definitely involved in that case.

If that case can?t be accessed,

we have no other leads
on the City Hunter investigation.

It?s not my call to allow access
to top secret government files.

I?ll discuss it
with the other departments involved.

Thank you.
I?ll be waiting for a positive answer.

You better do well.

Is your leg okay?

Lee Yoon Sung.
What are you doing here?

You can go ahead.

The team told me to come,
to congratulate a co-worker?s brother.

Oh, really?

By any chance, do you know
a Korean American named Steve Lee?

He owns a deer ranch in Wyoming.

Steve Lee?

I don?t know him.

I?m a little busy.

Why are you abusing me like this?!

Is this training?
This is torture!

Don?t talk and just follow along.

Learning how to fall
is part of the lesson, okay?

This isn?t teaching,
you?re just throwing me around angrily.

Then should I do a move
where you remain in one position instead?


A special agent has no blood or tears.

They can?t make any mistakes.
They?re a bulletproof shield.

Even if the person they're guarding
takes them hostage, they can?t say anything.

That?s what I?m so angry about.

Just... throw me until you?re
not angry anymore. Do it...

You?re really going to...
Why are you...?

Instead of Kim Na Na, I?m going to be your
trainer temporarily, so stay really focused.

Are you sick?
You look sick.

No, I think I have indigestion.

Temporarily? Until when?

She might not be able to come back,
if HR decides she?s to be fired.

For having her gun taken yesterday?

Isn?t that too much?

It?s a huge error
having your gun taken while out in action.

It was a mistake hiring a female agent
in the first place.

I only hired her
because of her family relations.

But she only dirtied the name
of special agents.

Agent Kim Na Na put her life on the line
and did her best.

You say that like you saw her in action.

I saw it on the news.

Did her best?


Flipping someone over, it?s a technique of
using little force to flip over someone big.

Hold them like this...

Lee Yoon Sung, what is this?


I learned that from Agent Kim Na Na.

Professor Kim.

Can I have the USB back that I lent you
with the government backup files?

Hold on.


It?s a present for a girl, right?

It has a pink ribbon on it.

Who is it? Girlfriend?

Did someone introduce you to her?

Or hunting? Booking?

I keep secrets really well.

In the Communications Network Team,
I'm known for being the most heavy-lipped.

It looks heavy from the outer appearance
too. Very thick...

[Kim Na Na]


Um, Lee Yoon Sung.
Can you come home for a little bit?

I?m busy.

Are you really busy?

What the...?
What's wrong?

Thank you.

Oh, you?re a Blue House special agent,
following your father's path.

I thought it looked cool

how he was running around and protecting
people, doing a job not everyone can do.

That's a very eye-catching necklace.

Oh, this?

I was at the scene during the sniper attack.
The person who saved me dropped this.

Was it the person called City Hunter?

I don?t really know.

Oh, if you came here

because you misinterpreted
things between me and Yoon Sung, I...


Yoon Sung.

You came?

You?re living together.

Do you love that girl?


I've always said that a strong denial
is actually an affirmation.

When I shot at Seo Yong Hak,
you saved that girl.

You foolish boy...
I told you not to love anyone.

Heed my warning.
Because of you, she could die.

Did he leave?

He didn?t leave misinterpreting
our relationship, did he?

I tried to tell him, but...

Don?t worry about it.

I?m just worried that you got stuck
in an awkward situation.

Because I have so many girls,

it's been a while since my father
paid attention to things like that.

The boss went to Na Na?s house?

He sent a scary warning.

"I?m going to kill Kim Jong Shik right away,
so follow me..."

"Or else I?m going to do something
to Na Na..."

I?m going to have to move my things out

Oh, no!
Because of me, Na Na too...

This is Na Na?s.

Let?s find Kim Jong Shik first.
It?s urgent.

Yoon Sung, take your medicine.

I hacked into Kim Jong Shik?s
secretary's computer.

Kim Jong Shik isn?t in Korea right now.

He?s currently in Zurich
for the World Collegiate Conference

He is?
That?s good.

He?ll come back to Korea in 5 days.

We have to find out
if he has committed any wrongdoings.

- If there aren't any...
- There is.

There is, there definitely is.
There is.

How do you know that, Ahjussi?

If I say there is, there is.
Don?t question an adult.

Take your medicine before it cools down.

Take it before you continue.

Make... me... coffee...

You?re working in the coffee shop where you
worked before, because you might get fired?

What am I going to do if I really get fired?

I didn?t tell you everything,
but I?m in a tight situation.

You should have argued
that it was an uncontrollable situation.

You?re right.
An uncontrollable situation...

Why didn?t I think of that then?

Da Hye, you?re quite smart.

I?ll talk with the chief, too.

Instead of worrying about you...
This is too much!

Da Hye, how is the studying going?
Is Lee Yoon Sung teaching you well?

Study time is torture.

If I look at his sparkling eyes,
my eyes hurt.

His ears are so perfect.

When I look at him from head to toe,
it feels like my neck is going to break.

What do I do?

Then change to Go Ki Joon.

I heard in Daechi-dong,

he's famous for guessing
what the exam questions are going to be.

You might as well just tell me
to close my eyes and just sleep.

What?s wrong with Go Ki Joon?

He?s actually taller.

He?s only taller.

Ahjussi, pack my things for me first.
I?ll go after getting treated.


Hurry up.



The shirt that the City Hunter was wearing
has never been imported into Korea.

It?s only sold overseas?

And the perfume smell it had...

It's a limited edition scent,
Chanel?s Bath and Body Shower Gel.

As soon as the employee smelled it,
she knew recognized it right away.

It's a product
produced in limited quantities.

It's often out of stock,
so there's a waiting list.

I got the waiting list.

We eat working nights and have snacks...

There?s no way to make my waist smaller.

[28. Lee Yoon Sung]

Lee Yoon Sung.

When I first saw him, he was with
Lee Kyung Wan?s girlfriend, Kim Mi Hee.

The day Seo Yong Hak met Hudson
at the hotel, he was also there that day.

The video played at the debate
was filmed at the hotel that day.

He said he doesn't know Steve Lee,
but the toy at that house...

looks like the same one that Kim Na Na had.

The night Seo Yong Hak
almost got kidnapped,

Lee Yoon Sung never went home
and wore my clothes that Sae Hee had.

That night, the City Hunter was shot...
so he had to change clothes.

Then... Sae Hee.

I have to go somewhere.

Sae Hee.

Young Joo.

Why was Yoon Sung wearing my clothes?

Huh? What is this that you?re asking me
out of nowhere?

The day Seo Yong Hak was elected
as his party's presidential candidate

and nearly got kidnapped,

Lee Yoon Sung came here
and you gave him my clothes. Right?

It was raining and his clothes were wet.

It didn?t rain that day.

You draw a circle with your finger
when you?re lying. That hasn't changed.

Were you with him?

It?s a little awkward
talking to my ex-husband about my new man.

You, did you treat Lee Yoon Sung like
you did when I got hurt chasing a criminal?

Lee Yoon Sung got hurt?

Then he probably went to the hospital,
why would I treat him?

You don?t have to tell me.

I can find out.

[Biohazard Waste]

It would have been bad,

if I had thrown away your
bloodstained clothes in the biohazard waste.

Take it.

I?m in your debt several times over.

Why do you keep helping me?

I feel bad for animals that lose their way.

You look like you lost your way.

I gave you some medication to
prevent infection, so you might get sleepy.

Don?t drive.

Thank you.

Yoon Sung. Do you know?

When you moved into this house,
I finally saw you truly laugh.

Laughing without thinking about anything...

Laughing because you liked it...

Laughing because you were happy...

This house was really good for you.

Who cares if a house is as big as a mansion?

Every day,
it?s about punishment and revenge...

Why are you falling?

What is this doing here?

Did you pack everything?

Yeah, yeah.

Did you get treated?

I?m a little sleepy from the anesthetic.

I found this.
Why don't you drink it?

I?m not going to drink this.

Just drink it, why are you holding onto it?

I?ll drink it later.

Na Na doesn?t know
that you?re the City Hunter, right?

No, I don?t think she has noticed anything.

That?s good, that?s good.

Ahjussi, you go first.

I have to at least say my last goodbyes
to Na Na before I leave.

Take a taxi back then, I?ll take the car.


Sit down and rest.
You look like you're going to fall over.

- If I left something behind, you bring it.
- Yeah, I?ll call you.

It's probably not.

It?s not.

I said I?ll make you japchae*
with only meat, (*cellophane noodle dish)

so I?ll make it for you.

It?s more delicious
if you put all of this in.

Can I have half a pound of beef
to make japchae?

Yes, Customer.

He?s already here.

His car isn?t here.

He must be really tired
to be sleeping here.

Lee Yoon Sung, wake up.

Lee Yoon Sung, let?s eat.

What are you doing?

I had to cough.

I was afraid I?d wake you.

Come eat.

You kept talking about japchae
with only meat. Try it.

I can?t guarantee the taste, though.

You?re not going to eat?

Forget about that time.

I played with you
because you?re so prideful and stiff.

But if you act like this, it?s no fun.

Lee Yoon Sung.

We kissed once
and you're looking at me differently now.

There's not much to you after all.
You're easy.



You're so easy, it's no fun.
I've lost my taste for it.

You don?t have to say it like that.

The person you saw me as
the first time is right.

I?m that kind of person.

I moved my things out.

You can live here as long as you want.
I won?t ask you to move out.

Let?s at least say hi
when we see each other at the Blue House.

That way, we won?t feel awkward.

I can?t love.

That?s my fate.

You came back quickly.

I thought
you were going to eat dinner together.

Na Na was probably surprised
that you moved all your things out.

By the way, did you collect all this knowing
Kim Jong Shik was one of the targets?

Why did you bring that?

It was on the sofa with all your stuff,
so I brought it.

But, that?s Na Na?s.

Why did she collect these?

Arrested on charges of embezzling
Child Welfare funds,

Former Assemblyman Lee Kyung Wan,

has been moved to MiRae Hospital
for treatment of angina.

According to the doctors,
he can be treated with medicine.

Citizens who heard news about his transfer,
are gathering outside to protest,

causing a commotion
at the entrance to the hospital.

- Father...
- The Child Welfare funds

- What?
- were allocated for...

He went there
to kill Lee Kyung Wan right now!


Yes, I?ll tell him.

Prosecutor, Lee Kyung Wan said he has
something to tell you about the 1983 case.

He wants you
to go to the hospital right now.

What? Lee Kyung Wan
is finally going to open his mouth?

Let?s go.

Oh, my gosh.
He?s so young.

Oh, dear.

Oh, my gosh.
So sad...


I?m Prosecutor Kim.

He even stole money from poor people.

He got what he deserved.

He killed policemen, too.
Two of them.

What did they do wrong?