Cimarron Strip (1967–1968): Season 1, Episode 16 - Fool's Gold - full transcript

Marshal Crown and his posse thwart a payroll robbery and capture or kill all the entire outlaw gang. The leader is sentenced to ten years in territorial prison, but Crown can't gather enough evidence to charge the youngest member. When the youth decides to stay in Cimarron, the marshal arranges for him to work with an reclusive horse trainer and the youngster takes to both the job and his new boss. His new loyalty is put to the test when the gang leader escapes from jail and returns to Cimarron seeking revenge.

(train whistle blowing)

(train whistle blowing
in the distance)

Well, here she comes.

Oh, it hasn't reached
the crossing yet.

Time for a couple of more moves.

It's yours now.

I know it, I know it.

Jim... I want you to watch this.

Your move again.

All right.

Uh, we'd better hurry, Jim.


Dulcey: Jim!

In here, Dulcey.

Mac, watch this.

And now, it's your move.

Jim, would you do me a favor?

If you see Francis
down at the station,

would you ask him to pick
up those packages for me?

It'd be a lot easier
for me to pick 'em up.

Come on, Mac.

There are times, Marshal Crown,

when I can think of a
very good use for this.

- Yeah.
- And I've figured it out.

The only way you could
beat me every time.

You cheat.


But how?

Okay, we're almost all set.

All right.

Deep breath, big smile.

Hold it.

Barber doesn't know the first
thing about shaving a man.

Why, even you'd do
better than he can.

Excuse me, Francis.

Ah, pictures.

Well, now, I'll
smile pretty for you.

- How's that?
- Come on, Mac.

Oh, I'm sorry.


We'll try again.

Hey, do you want me to
keep the folks back for you?

Yeah, I'd appreciate
that, thank you.

You ready?

All set.

Take another deep breath.

Big smile.

Hold it.



- She done, Francis?
- Oh, yeah.


When will the pictures
be ready, Francis?

As soon as you get back from
that New Orleans honeymoon.


How much are the
pictures gonna cost?


Payroll for fort
supply in Camp Cook.

Sign right there, Marshal.

What's the 96 cents for?

Second lieutenant's
salary for a month.

Okay, now it's your headache.

Well, thanks.

Payroll wagons will be
in to pick it up tomorrow,

next day at the latest.

I hope.

All right, boys,
let's clean it up.

- Oh, Harry?
- Yeah?

Have you got anything
for Dulcey Coopersmith?

Got two packages.

- Are you taking them?
- Mm-hmm.

You're gonna look mighty cute
carrying these down the street, Marshal.


Well, look at that.

Want me to give you a hand?

No, thanks, I
can do it all right.

Thanks for helping
with the picture, though.

My pleasure.

Staying in Cimarron?

Nope, just passing through.

Looking for a job?


Looking for gold.

Gold in the Cherokee Strip?

Why not?

I never heard of a trace of
it being found around here.

They never heard of gold in
California 'til they discovered it.

That's true enough.

So I aim to try here.

Like they say, gold
is where you find it.

Good luck.

I tell you, Darcy, them
bags was stuffed to busting.

I could almost feel that money
wanting to jump right out into my hands.

- Our hands, kid.
- Oh, yeah, yeah.

And I found out everything
you wanted me to know, right?

Yeah, kid, you did.

I'm learning pretty fast, huh?

Yeah, sure.

Here, kid, shake.

But not fast enough.

Remember, when a
man offers you his hand,

just don't take your
eyes off his other hand.

No hard feelings.

I gotta learn.

(gun cocking)

Fast enough?


Yeah, that's pretty good.

Now pull the trigger.


Go ahead, pull the trigger.

You know the plan.

Three men could pull
this off just as easy as four.

Split a lot more money.

Pull the trigger.

I would.


I was just trying to show
you how quick I learned.

With your head.

You learn in your bones and
you're gonna pull that trigger.


All right, we got a
hard night ahead of us.

Let's sack in for
a couple of hours.

Imagine that.

Saying he would
have pulled the trigger.

He would, too.



Farmer's Almanac?

You fixing to be a sod-buster?

Yeah, well, a man's gotta...

know when to reap
his crop, Fargo.

And it says here this is gonna
be a perfect night for it, no moon.

Black as the devil's own soul.

You'd know.

Yeah, well, he's a
personal friend of mine.

The devil takes care of
his own, kid, remember that,

if you wanna stay a winner.

In this world.

Well, now, Hank, I don't know
about another one, do you?

I sure don't.

Maybe Hank's...

Maybe he's getting a
little nervous, a little old.

Worried about that other world.

Maybe you're right.

Now there's enough
fuse, but get rid of 'em fast.

- Right?
- Right.

Oh, kid?

Don't forget your gold.

All right, let's get moving.

What's the hurry?

We don't hit the
bank until 4:00.

We gotta walk these horses.

Might have to run
'em a little bit later.

Let's go.


How's everything? Quiet?

Nobody so much as cut
their eyes in this direction.

I'll relieve you at 5:00.

Fine, you can
sleep easy 'til then.

I intend to.


It's a long watch.

A man gets thirsty.

There's a water
trough right there.

And cold.

Would you send up a little
something from the Wayfarer?

I'll have Dulcey send
you over some hot chili.




(crickets chirping)

They got two guards.

One by the front door
and one by the side.


(water dripping)


You give us a minute,
Fargo, then move.


(lock unlatching)





(dog barking)

Get it done, get it done.


(door creaking)


(explosion blasting)

(explosion blasting)

(explosion blasting
in the distance)

(explosion blasting
in the distance)

(explosion blasting)

(explosion blasting
in the distance)

(explosion blasting)

(explosion blasting
in the distance)


Dulcey: Jim!

What is it, what happened?

You go back to bed.


- Wake up, everyone!
- (gunshot firing)

It's gold!

- (shouting)
- (gunshots firing)

(gunshots firing)


Come on!

Got something to show you!

It's gold!

Come on, I'm not gonna hurt you!

I just want to show
you something!

I discovered gold around here!

- (shouting)
- (gunshot firing)

shining bright as
the morning sun!



Just a second, I got
something to show you.

Look, it's gold, mister, gold!

Mountains of it, tons of it!

It's the 4th of
July for Cimarron.

- Now you just get up.
- It's all over the place!

More than I ever thought
I'd see in my whole life.

Francis, throw him in a cell.

More than I thought there
was in the whole world!

Wait a minute, what's
the matter with you?

You don't know what you're
talking about, kid, let's go.


You, you're the fella!

Didn't I tell you gold
is where you find it?

And I found it!

- Gold!
- Give me his hat and gun.

What's the matter
with you, people?

Wait a minute, wait a
minute, wait a minute.

Don't you understand?

(all shouting)

Jim: Mac.

- Mac!
- Hey.

You all right?

I'll be all right, Jim.

- Get Doc Kihlgren.
- Aye.

Hey, open up the bar, somebody!

The drinks are on me.

Come on.

- Oh, let him be, Francis.
- The kid found gold, he's a hero.

Yeah, it'll be the
making of Cimarron.

Well, the marshal
wants him in jail.

Oh, I'll buy the jail.

I got enough here to buy
the whole town of Cimarron,

maybe even the whole strip.

- Is that it?
- Yep.

It's dust...

- Spill it out, let's look at it.
- Come on, come on.

All right.

- Look at that, eh?
- (laughing)

- Gold is funny?
- That is.

It's fool's gold.

- Fool's gold?
- Iron pyrite.


Fool's gold?

All right, what's so funny?

The kid, he said
he'd found gold.

The kind the good Lord
meant to be found by a fool.

Foolish as a fox.

Who were they, how many
and where were they heading?


Jim, what are you gonna
hold him for anyways?

Spill it out and fast.

I thought it was
gold, I swear I did.

I'm not talking about
gold and you know it.

What are you talking about?

The bank.

The safe was blown apart.

- The bank?
- They get the payroll?

Wait a minute, I don't know
anything about no bank.

- Honest...
- Now, you don't like to me, kid.

Look, I thought I'd found gold.

I was just celebrating
and that's the truth.

Well, if they get away, you're
not gonna have much to celebrate.

Jim, I just saw
Bailey at the livery.

He saw three men heading
south across the railroad track.

Francis, put him on ice.

And then get a
posse of four men.

I'll do that, Jim, you're
not leaving me out of this.

Are you sure you're up to it?

I've got a score to
settle with one of them.

- Meet you outside in five minutes.
- Right.

If I don't come back with him,

start oiling your tongue, or
I'm gonna loosen it for you.

I don't know anything
about no bank, Marshal!

I swear, I don't!


All right, all right.

It's gonna stay nice and cozy.

Be a lot cozier in our pockets.

Yeah, Hank, especially if
a posse catches up with us.

Three cowboys looking for work,

thousands of dollars
in each pocket.

Why don't you use your head?

But how long we
gonna have to wait?

Well, I figure we can drift
back here in about three months,

a nice three-way split.

You plan to cut the kid out?

You mean we ain't
meeting him in Abilene?

Oh, now, Hank, I
figure if we did that,

we'd be doing that
boy a real bad turn.

He's got to learn.

Don't trust nobody, huh?

That's right.

I mean, we meet him, well,

he's gonna trust us

and pretty soon he's gonna
wind up just trusting, oh, anybody.

And after a while he' s
gonna trust somebody

and they'll shoot
him in the back.

You wouldn't want to see that happen
to a nice boy like that, would you, Hank?

Real high-minded,
ain't you, Darcy?

Might say you're
saving the kid's life.


Yeah, I like that, Fargo, I
think that's just what I'm doing.

Start saving our own, huh?



Fresh track.


Old Rimrock Trail.

Unless they doubled back,

there's no place for them
to go but straight through.

Hi-yah, get!

(horse neighing)

(horse whinnying)

- You all right, Hank?
- Yeah.

How's the horse?

Stepped in a
hole, broke his leg.

All right, we're not too far from
where we pick up the fresh horses.

Slip the saddle.

I'll take that.

You ride double with Fargo.



He's got a broken leg.

There's nothing else I can do.

You use your head.

There's a posse
behind us by now.

One shot, they'd be all over us.

But I can't leave him like that.

All right, Hank.

You want to die for a horse,
you just pull that trigger.

(horse whinnying)

Go ahead, two shots aren't
gonna sound any louder than one.

Believe him, Hank.

Besides, a two-way cut's a whole
lot bigger than a three-way cut.

(horse whinnying)

(horse neighing)

Come on, come
on, let's get going.

Get up!

(horse whinnying)

Get over, boy.

Whoa, boy.

Don't go getting skittish on me.

Whoa, feller.

This is liable to sting a
little bit, but it's just alcohol.



It's good for a man's innards

and it's just what
the doctor ordered for

cleaning up that old
sore on your back.

That's a boy.

Hey, you're getting so you're
smarter than most people.

You know what's good
for you, don't you, feller?

That ought to hold you.

Shoot, you'll be as good
as new in a couple days.

Get this holder off.

That's a nice-looking string
of ponies you got there, mister.

Yeah, I reckon they'll do.

Here's how you boys
could use a good horse.

I'd say more like three.

I don't knows I can
spare three of them.

I'd let you have one, though.

We wasn't exactly figuring
on buying 'em, mister.

Why don't you just cut
us out three good horses,

slap our saddles on 'em and
we'll figure it's a good trade.

You get to stay alive
and we get the horses.


(horse whinnying)


Leg's broken.

A man who'd leave a horse
like that ought to be hung.

They'll be riding double.

They can't be too far ahead.

Aye, and they need fresh mounts.

They might be heading
for old Grimes' place.

If they know the country.

We'll have to gamble they do.

(gunshot firing in the distance)

They found that horse.

- They're getting near.
- Yeah.

All right, get to shooting.

- What?
- The horses.

Well, it's not gonna do us any
good to pick up fresh horses

if we leave fresh
horses for them.

You get that bunch
up there, Fargo.

Come on, Hank.


(gun cocking)

Close that gate!


(horse neighing)

Forget him!

- We need those horses!
- Get the gate closed!

Come on!

(horses neighing)

(gunshot firing)

(horses neighing)

(gunshot firing in the distance)

(trigger clicking)

Here they come.

(gunshots firing)

Know something, Fargo?


We might be better off
alive in territorial prison

than dead in this barn.

You quit easy, don't you?

Well, I was just thinking.

We've got the payroll
all stashed away.

Nobody knows where
it is except you and me,

and nobody's gonna find it.

We could serve
our time and get out.

We got a pretty little
spot of cash to pick up.

(gunshots firing)

- When?
- Oh, five years.

- Maybe more.
- (gunshots firing)

Of course, if we were alive,
we'd have a chance to break out.

We couldn't do that if
we were dead, could we?

(gunshot firing)

(gunshots firing)

(trigger clicking)

Now it's only a
two-way split, ain't it?

Wrong, Fargo.

Just one way.


(gun cocking)

(gunshot firing)

(gunshot firing)

(gunshot firing)

(gunshot firing)

Hold your fire.

Come on.

Don't shoot!

I'm the only one left,
I'm unarmed, don't shoot!


(handcuffs clicking)

The third one's in there, dead.

That accounts for everybody
and everything, except the payroll.

You want to tell me where it is?

Yeah, I didn't think you would.

He was going to shoot my horses.

A man like that
ought to be hung.

Yeah, but not shot, Grimey.

The law will look after him.

You got an extra
mount I can borrow?

I scattered 'em.

I'd rather be dead than let the
likes of him kill a horse that I raised.

You picked on the wrong man.

Old Grimey prefers
horses to men.


Well, maybe that's because
he smells so much like one.

Well, I'd rather smell like a horse
than a polecat like you any day.

I never met up with
a horse that'd lie

or steal or kill people.

Well, you gonna need some help

rounding up your stock?

No, I'll manage.

I get along a lot
better by myself

than I do with other
people helping me.

Well, Marshal, what are you
gonna do about that payroll now?

As long as I got you, I don't have
to worry about the payroll right now.

It's not going anywhere.


He'll ride double with you.

The army pay wagon.

Well, there's two things
a soldier's never late for.

Chow and payday.


Good morning, Captain.

You catch him?

He's all that's left.

And the payroll?

I figured I'd let him keep it.

The man's in jail, he ought
to dream about something.

Marshal, this isn't
anything to joke about.


Dulcey, will you
bring them down?


Well, you know what I mean.

Oh, yes.

It'll take a month to
replace that payroll,

and soldiers with empty
pockets can cause a lot of trouble.

I don't want any
more trouble, Captain.

I've had enough.

So I guess we
better pay them off.

Pay them off with what?

You said that...

Thank you, Dulcey.


Here you are, Captain.

Have your soldiers
try these on for size.

What did he take?

A sack full of paper.

A fool's payroll.


Too many eyes saw that
money go into the bank.

I figured it was better not to leave
it where it was supposed to be.

Aye, Tricky Jim.

All right, throw him in a cell.



Nobody makes a fool out of me!

I'll kill you, Crown!

Nobody makes a fool out of me!


All right, Crown, you hear me.

You hear me.

I'm gonna kill you.

Well, you're gonna
have to stand in line.




- I thought you'd never talk.
- Shh.

Getting lonely.

What happened?

It doesn't matter.

Sometimes you win,
sometimes you lose.

There's just one thing
you don't ever do, kid.


What I just did... You
don't ever lose your temper.

A man does that, he's...

loses his sense

within himself.

Like you sure wasn't.

Now listen to me.

I think they'll be sending me
to territorial prison pretty soon,

but you, they'll let go.

A couple days, a week.

I'm not too sure about that.

- Crown thinks...
- Yeah, I know, I know.

He connects you with me, I
thought he would, he's nobody's fool.

But he can't prove anything.

You just keep your mouth
shut and act innocent.

I won't crawl, Darcy.

I'm with you.

I'll take what's coming.

Three cheers.

That's a big help.

What do you want me to do?

I want you to grow up.

I want you free and I
want you in Cimarron.

I got a little score to settle.

With this town and
with Marshal Crown.

You can help me.


Any way I can.

All right, you just
keep your ears open.

Keep your eyes on Crown.

I'll wait.


Just wait for me to bust
out or get killed trying.

If I get killed, then you
can do my job for me,

but... not until then.

What job?

Kill Crown.


I'll tell you what, kid.

You do that for me and I'll
put in a good word for you...

with the devil.

(train whistle blowing)



Now, are you done, Francis?

No, I want to get a closer shot

and get a better angle
on those payroll banks.

(train whistle blowing
in the distance)

Oh, is that goodbye to Darcy?

Yep, he's on his way
to the territorial prison.

He'll be doing ten
years in the mines.

- Be good for his soul.
- Mmm.

What's going on here?

It's for an article for
a St. Louis Magazine.

It's gonna be called
"Clown's Crev...

Crown's Clever Contrivance."

And the photograph
is gonna be captioned,

"Deputy standing
with fool's payroll."

Well, why don't you
call it MacGregor's...

No, never mind.

Why don't we call it what?

Yes, Marshal Crown?

I'm not going to say.

I just put a man on the
train who wanted to kill me.

I don't want another one running
around town feeling the same way.

At times, Marshal Crown,
it's a feeling I would enjoy.




That Darcy fella,
he's gone, ain't he?

For a long time.


I thought you didn't have
anything to do with him.

I didn't.

Didn't know anything
about the army payroll?

Not a thing.

Never saw Darcy before.


First time in that cell.

And what difference does it make
to you whether he's gone or not then?

- Well...
- Well, what?

What's that got to do with you?

- Nothing.
- Nothing?

Oh, you're a beauty.

All you need is a halo
and a pair of wings.


You lie like a master, kid.

Can you prove that?

If I could prove it,

you'd be on that train
with Darcy by now,

out of my hair and
out of this town.

Well, I ain't gonna be
leaving this town, Marshal.

- You that fond of Cimarron?
- No.

But I gotta set someplace.

I'm not gonna leave here with
folks thinking the way you do.

That flash powder is
enough to blind a man.

I'm gonna get myself a job,

stay out of trouble
and prove I'm innocent.

You might find that hard
in Cimarron, getting a job.

I'm sure I will, the way the
marshal's been badmouthing me.

That's not gonna
stop me from trying.

You know...

you could half believe the kid.

I know what you mean.

Five more minutes with him
and he'd have convinced me.

You think he does want a job?

I don't know what to think.

Oh, that kid has got me all...

What is it?

Well, maybe we
should get him a job,

so we can keep an eye on him.

With who?

- How about Grimey?
- (laughing)

Well, he's always
looking for a hand.


And he sure has a
hard time keeping 'em.

Well, yeah, that he does.

But he does owe me a favor.

Hey, listen, that stagecoach
goes right past his spread.


You tell that driver to stop off and
ask Grimey to stop by and see me.

- Hmm?
- Mmm.



- Dulcey, this is terrific.
- Mmm.


Stage driver said you
was wanting to talk to me.

I do, Grimey, I sure do.

Why don't you sit down and
have some breakfast first?

No, I'm fatter than
the town dog as it is.


Well, I want you to do
me a favor, will you?

I'll be glad to if I can.

I got a man I want
you to put to work.

Well now, that'd be a
favor to me if he'll work.

He will.

- Kid?
- Yeah.

You said you'd do
an honest day's work.

Now, will you?

Just get me one and see.

All right.

Come on.

Grimey, this is Bud Mahoney.

He'll be glad to work for you.

He will?

Sure he will, won't you, kid?

Whatever you say, Marshal.

You're not only good
with horses but tolls, too.

- I am?
- Sure you are, aren't you?

Don't matter.

I'll teach him what to do.

Come on, son.

Thank you, Grimey.

Thank you, Marshal.

I'll prove you wrong about me.

You do that.


Nice corral.

Good-looking barn, too.

It could stand a little fixing
up with some whitewash.

Take good care of your stock.

Well, I like horses...

a whole lot better
than I do most people.

I ain't got no bunk house so
you can stay in here with me.

She's a might untidy.

A might.

Nothing that a lick and a
promise won't take care of

if you have a mind
to clean her up.

Oh, uh...

There's some beans and fat
back on the stove if you're hungry.

I'm gonna go out and water
and grain the old ponies

and you get yourself settled and
then we'll ride out on the mountain,

see if we can locate some
ponies that got run out out there.


I should have stood in jail.


Do the books balance, lass?


It's worrying me.

It's never happened before.


How was your trip?

Oh, dusty.

Hot but fruitful.

I acquired two excellent
horses from Mr. Grimes

and at very good
prices, I might add.

Mac, did I overhear you right?

Have you been
dealing with Mr. Grimes?


Well, let me tell you
something about him.

I'd say that he was
one of the sharpest

horse traders in six counties.

So don't tell me
that you outbid him.

Have you forgotten
I'm a Scotsman?

Well, I wouldn't say I
cheated Mr. Grimes,

but I drove a very
astute bargain.


Well, I'll bet you,
without even looking,

that one of those nags out there
is a tall lantern-jawed gray roamer.

Aye, and a fine piece
of horseflesh it is.

Well, how did you know?

Well, nobody but Grimey himself

has been able to sit on that
horse for over two minutes.

You mean he deceived me?


You were the one that was driving
the hard bargain, now weren't you?


Hey, well, tell me something.

How's Grimey and the boy?

How are they getting along?

Well, all right, I suppose.

How do you like that old...

Is the boy making
himself useful?

Grimes keeps him busy,
if that's what you mean.

He didn't look particularly happy
and I for one don't blame him.

Do you know what I intend to do?


First thing tomorrow morning,
I'm taking that gray beast back.

Well, you won't be the first.


Yeah, I guess old Grimey,

he must have sold that
horse about ten times

to people who thought that
they were outsmarting him.

Well, he'll take it
back, though, won't he?

Oh, sure he will.

Mac'll get his money back.

But with it, he'll get a long lecture
about being honest with his fellow man.

Yeah, that Grimey,
he's a character all right.

But sometimes he makes
a lot of good horse sense.

Do you think it will do the Mahoney
boy some good, working for Mr. Grimes?

Oh, sure it will.

If that boy's gonna amount to anything,
he's gonna learn something off Grimey.

He'll learn a lot more off him

than he will off those hard
cases at the prison mine.



Hey, Darcy!

Got your name in a magazine.

Here, take a look.

"Fool's Payroll."


They ain't never gonna
let you forget that, Darcy.

Yeah, I guess not.


(anvil dinging)









(horse neighing)

You're a pretty fair
hand with a rope, boy.

Where'd you learn that?

Cow outfit down in Texas.

Used to work night
hawk for the Bermuda.

Night hawk, huh?


Did you quit that job,
son, or did you get fired?



A man can't get rich
"nursemaiding" horses.


A man has to get rich, does he?

Well, no, doesn't
have to, wants to.

How come?

Well, you know.

To get someplace, to
make something of yourself.


You don't talk much, do you?

Yeah, I talk quite a bit.

To my horses.

Just that I ain't used
to being answered.

Well then, just
figure I'm a horse.

Well, now, if you was,

I reckon you'd be smarter
than most men are.

Then again, maybe
you wouldn't be.

No, I reckon not.

More than likely, you'd be a
big old gangly yearling colt,

and they ain't got
no brains at all.


Kicking up their heels.

Feeling their oats.

And just as greedy as any man
that ever walked on two legs.

You know, a colt

find hisself a big
pile of green fodder

and he'll stick his head in it

and he won't quit eating 'til his
belly's sticking out like a poison pup.

Then he'll bellow like a baby
from the pain of his greed.


Gonna get someplace.


don't you know that nobody,
rich or poor in this world,

ever gets any place
but to his grave.

Don't matter where
a man gets in life,

it's how he makes the trip.

Now, ain't that right?

Well, ain't it?

I thought you wasn't
used to getting answered.

I ain't.

Maybe I'm getting spoiled.

Anyhow, you gotta admit
that I'm right about one thing

and that's where a man gets.

Yeah, I guess so.

Tell me, boy.

How you planning
on making the trip?

I can't say.

But whatever it is, I
hope it takes a long time.

As long as you
got that door open,

why don't you go talk to that
big gelding that scraped his leg?





Grimey, how come?

How come what?

You never asked me if I was
tied in on that bank robbery?


Somebody's trimmed
this horse's foot already.


Oh, yeah, I done the best
I could with what I had.


Last night.

It was too late to round up any
more ponies, too early for sleeping.

So I figured I'd get the horses
a hand ready for shoeing.

Hey, you did a
pretty good job of this.

Got her smooth.

Level across the
bottom of the hoof.

Take just a shade more off here
and it'll be doggone near perfect.

Here, hand me that brass.

I didn't have one
of those myself,

so I couldn't get it done right to
where the frog hits the ground.

Oh, you know quite
a bit about horses.

I'm just learning.

And fast.


Give that a couple of turns.

Be ready to shape
that shoe in a minute.

You figure I was
tied in with Darcy?

You know, a man lives
around horses long enough,

he gets to thinking like one.

You don't worry none about
what happened yesterday,

you don't fret about what's
gonna happen tomorrow.

You sort of...

well, sort of lives for today.

The Marshal does.

I reckon the whole town
of Cimarron feels the same.

You know, son,

when I look at a horse to buy,

I don't pay no attention to what
other people tell me about him.

I just look at what I
see with my own eyes.

I look at his eyes,

at his teeth,

at the way he's stuck
together and the bone.

You show me a
horse with good bone,

I'll buy him every time, even if the
good Lord hisself badmouths him.


I was wondering, boy.

Could I count on you
staying with me for a spell?


if you want me to.

I reckon I do.

Good bone.

Good bone.

Some mail on the telegraph.

Is it important?

Well, I'll open it and see.

Oh, can't you see this
is an important game?

Not as important as this.

"To all US Marshals:

Sam Darcy has escaped
from territorial prison."


- He'll be headed this way.
- Looking for you.

Sure he will.

He promised he would.

Now, could be he'll get wind
of where the kid's working

and stop off and see
someone else first.

- Old Grimey.
- Yeah.

I better ride out and warn him.

Darcy doesn't care
much for Grimey, either.

Well, there's no rush, Jim.

You've got time
to finish this game.

Maybe I do, but Grimey doesn't.

Francis, would you take over?


Jim: Grimey!


Grimey: Come in!


Well, what are you gawking at?

Ain't you ever seen a
man take a bath before?

Staring at me like I'm
some naked female.

Don't just stand
there, say something.

You ain't no naked
female, that's for sure.

Well, this place certainly has
gone through a lot of changes.

Well, a man's got a
right to make a change

every now and then, ain't he?

You never come all the
way out here just to say hello.

What's on your mind?

And close that
dad-bleedin' door.

I ain't dressed for the draft.

Darcy's escaped.


You figure he'll come out
here looking for me, huh?

You and the kid.

Where is he?

He's up at the high camp,
getting in a string of ponies.


I thought I'd take him
back to town with me.

When a man goes gunning for you,

it doesn't make sense to have
some extra help hanging around.

Now, what's the kid
got to do with Darcy?

Grimey, you're
not trying to tell me

that that kid had nothing
to do with the bank robbery.

Now, I ain't talking
about what the kid was,

I'm talking about
what the kid is now.

Oh, don't be all...

There ain't a colt born
that sometime or other

doesn't run wild for a while.

A few of 'em turn outlaw,
most of 'em turn out all right.

It depends on how they're handled
and how they're gentled down.

You trying to tell me that
that kid has gentled down?

Maybe forever?

That's what I'm a-saying.

Well, maybe.

There's a lot of changes
taking place here.

Look, Marshal.

I'll stake my life on that boy.

Is that good enough for you?

That's good enough for me.

We'll both stake
our lives on him.

But not on Darcy.

I'll be sending out a deputy.

He can stand guard
until Darcy's corralled.

Chances are, he'll probably
come looking for the kid

before he comes
looking for you and me.



I sure didn't expect to be
seeing you again this soon.

Well, like I said, kid,
devil takes care of his own.

Seems to.

Well, you're looking good.

Looks like you've been
doing what I told you to do,

working honest,
wrangling horses.

For the old man, too.

I think that's kind of funny.

Crown got me the job.

You like it?

Well, you know.

I figure it's what
you told me to do.


They trust you?

I'm not sure.

I think maybe Grimes does.

Crown, I don't know.

Well, Grimes can wait.


Yeah, that...

that doesn't bother
you, does it, kid?


The idea that we
gotta kill the old man.


No, of course not.

I didn't think it would.

Anyway, he can wait.

Crown is the one I want first,
so we gotta make him trust you.


That's easy.

You're gonna turn me in.


So you go into town, you get
Crown to come out here with you

and it's gonna look like I'm
lying here right by these ashes.

When he draws down on me,

I'm gonna just shoot him in the
back from those bushes over there.


Well, I guess I better
get started, huh?

- You got it all straight?
- Sure.

Don't worry about it,
I'll get Crown out here.

You can trust me.

Yeah, I trust you.


(horse approaching)


Hold it a minute, I
got a surprise for you.

All right, come on in.


(horse whinnying)


Jim: Kid!

Marshal, I was just
coming to get you.

It's Darcy.

- You see him?
- Yeah.

He's up at the high
camp, sleeping.


He's supposed to be.

- Supposed to be?
- Yeah.

I take you up there with me

and you get the drop on
him, thinking he's asleep

and then he steps out
and shoots you in the back.

Well, old Grimey, he
sure knows his colt.

- What?
- Nothing, kid.

- Come on, let's go.
- Wait a minute.

The high... high
camp's that way.

You don't trust
a man like Darcy.

We'll check up on old Grimey
first, make sure he's safe.

Then we'll head
up to the high camp.


(horse whinnying)



Is it bad?

I been worse.

During the war.

Had more lead in me
and less meat on me.



Darcy, huh?


Kill him.

Before you kill anybody...

let's try and do something
to keep me alive.

I got a chance if we
can get a doc out here.

I'll get one.

Wait 'til we get
you up on the bed.




You stay right here.

(birds chirping)




Is he dead?


He always said the devil
takes care of his own.

Yeah, he might be finding
that out right about now.


You mind trying to
see that I don't find out?


Uh, he's gonna be all right.

He's strong as an ox.

- He's just too mean to die.
- It appears that way.

Well, now, all you gotta do is to
change the bandages every day

and keep that wound
good and clean.


Doc, take a look
around this place.

You don't have to tell him
anything about keeping things clean,

does he, Grimey?


Dadgum, Marshal.

You should know to make a man
laugh when he's hurting this bad.

Well, it's good for
your circulation.



figure I ought to take
what's coming to me

and admit what you already know.

I was in on that bank robbery.

I don't believe you.

- ♪♪
- Huh?

But I was.

You know that.

You're a convincing liar...

but if what you're
saying is true,

oh, you'll get what's
coming to you, double,

working with that
old horse thief.

So long, kid.

I hope I see you
around for a long time.


