Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa (2018): Season 1, Episode 2 - Conjecture - full transcript

Tonegawa Yukio.

The razor-witted number
two of the Teiai Group.

After pushing Kaiji to the brink,

his exceptional skills are turned
against him, leading to defeat.

As President Hyoudou Kazutaka's
right-hand man,

he proudly steps forward
to repent for his failure.

This is from before he met Kaiji...

In the shadow of the glory and the legends,

he serves as middle manager, suffering
and fighting in ways no one knows...

The small, unremarkable story...
of a remarkable man.

Middle Management Blues

Mr. Tonegawa

Agenda 02

The Teiai Group's king,

President Hyoudou, has directly commanded

one of his executives to concoct
a diabolical game of death...

That man is Tonegawa Yukio!

He assembles a project team

and immediately begins
the first planning meeting.

But the first day is full of slip-ups!

It's already hard enough to tell these
suited, sunglassed workers apart...

But then we have Yamazaki,
Kawasaki, Ogino, Hagio:

a full fusillade of confusing names!

Agitation! Irritation! Indignation!

Tonegawa makes the mistake of losing
his cool! In front of his men!

How the hell do I tell you apart?!

The men in black are, naturally, bewildered.

You're off to a terrible start, Tonegawa!

Meeting Room 3

And the next day...

He returns to Meeting Room 3!

Well, starting today, we'll be
discussing the core of this project,

the specifics of what kind
of game we'll be running.

To do that, the first and most
important thing we need is ideas.

More than anything else, we need ideas!

I want any clever or bright
suggestions that might make for

a diabolical diversion with which
to amuse the president.

Tonegawa decides to act like
nothing happened yesterday

and make a passionate appeal.




Absolute silence, like the bottom of the sea,

beyond the reach of both light and sound!

What's wrong? Why so quiet?

A bunch of people dressed in
black, not saying a word...

What is this, a wake?

I'll have you know, the president
is still alive and well!

I took the risk of using the president
as a punchline, and still no response!

"If I say something stupid,
it'll piss him off."

Maybe I've given them that impression...

Beset by the pressure Tonegawa radiates

and the overwhelming fear of
saying anything foolish...

As the intensity only grows more extreme,
the men in black all think...

"I want just to clam up."

Wait! Listen to me!

Unable to bear the tension,
Tonegawa is rejected by all the men!

Stonewalled! Ignored!

Tonegawa is totally isolated!

At this rate, we're going to end the meeting
without accomplishing a damn thing!

In that case...

Now, there's one thing
I forgot to mention...

As you all know, this project is a
proposal from President Hyoudou himself.

In other words, the success
of this project will

directly affect his appraisal of the team!

Psst... Psst... Psst...

And that doesn't apply exclusively to me.

After all, I intend to push!


If anyone contributes something
of note to this project,

I will be reporting it to the president!

Psst... Psst... Psst...

Tonegawa provides encouragement!
And then... even more!



And to prove that, I've memorized each
and every one of your names and faces!






















And you're... Hagio!

You're Ogino!

Or rather...

You're Ogino!


And you're Hagio!


That was perfect, Tonegawa-sensei!

Psst... Psst... Psst...

He notices the faintest rumbling.

A stirring in their hearts!

Do you people still not
realize what I'm saying?!

This is our chance!

An unprecedented chance for
us to move up the ladder!

Psst... Psst... Psst...

Tonegawa's passion overwhelmed
the men in black at first...

But now they're pushing forward!

Excuse me... may I?

Psst... Psst... Psst...

Finally, we have a hero
willing to blaze a trail.

Let's hear it, Saemon-saburou.

What about a game based
on rock-paper-scissors?

Psst... Psst... Psst...

Huh? Rock-paper-scissors?

Psst... Psst... Psst...

Well, I haven't thought about
the specifics of the game yet,

but I was thinking maybe some kind
of modified version of it might be fun.

Tonegawa thinks: "So give some ideas
as to what these modified rules should be!"

But if he says that, it would shatter the
atmosphere he's managed to cultivate!

They would all clam up again.
It'd all be for nothing.


I see!

Everyone knows the rules
of rock-paper-scissors,

so it'd be hard for any player to get the sense
that they're being cheated in that regard.

Hey, Ebitani.

Yes, sir!

Looks like we've already got one good idea.

Thank you, sir!

What else have you got?

Psst... Psst... Psst...

Here! Over here! I've got one!

What about a game of mahjong where
you gamble your own blood?

Now that's what I call diabolical!

How about a contest where
they face a wild animal?


Electrified jump rope!


A puzzle using the human body!


He praises!


Regardless of anything else, he praises!

Praise! Praise! Praise!


Even if the ideas are totally useless!

I've got another one!



I have another idea!

I remember an old game!

Listen to mine!

A landslide!

A landslide of suggestions,
all hoping to win the boss's approval!

They're all chirping now, like hatchlings!

Like little bulbul chicks,
begging their mother for food!

But that's good.


To get a lot of ideas out of a meeting,

first you need to cultivate an atmosphere
where it's easy to make suggestions.

And then you polish it off...


with a little humor!

Tonegawa-sensei! Tonegawa-sensei!

Who am I, Prince Shotoku?!



You're all talking at once...

Am I supposed to be
Prince Shotoku or something?!

Prince Shotoku


Good, good...

I've taken control!

A little humorous lubricant has gotten
these rusty wheels turning again!

Now we just need to roll
out as a united front!

Who's that? Out of the way!

Do you want to get run over?!

Psst... Psst... Psst...

At that moment, Tonegawa is
struck by an ominous portent!

Psst... Psst... Psst...


He feels a chill like death
itself is approaching!


And fear!


Psst... Psst... Psst...

P-President Hyoudou!

The emperor has descended.

With the appearance of President Hyoudou,
the mood in Meeting Room 3 has changed.

The air becomes electric...
The mood... intense.

I just wanted to check on things.

Am I getting in the way?

N-No, sir! Of course not!

Well, how are things going, then?

W-Well, we've currently
come up with the themes...

An RPS-based game Killer cops and robbers
Blood-draining Mahjong Games of endurance
Clapping Game (Killer ver.) Infinite Old Maid
Wild Animal battles Full-Scale Board Game
Electrified jump rope Human Shogi
Dark poker Monopoly man
UNO Sky-high Rope Climb
Tag Human Body Puzzle
Real Werewolf

The broad ideas for what
to base the games around!

Ideas, eh?

And which are you going with?

Which of these ideas are you
going to choose in the end?


We were just about to decide that...

Just now?

The president is killing all
the momentum I had built up...

I need to find a way to get him out of here.

President, why don't you—

Have a seat?

Down we go.


Ebitani: Totally Clueless!

Ebitani: Totally Clueless!

Go on.


Not a single misstep can be made.

Extreme tension and fear
seize the men in black!

Psst... Psst... Psst...

Even Tonegawa will be done for,
should he fail here!

Now then, I'd like to hear what
each of you think are the winners

among the options we have so far.



Which is it?!

Tonegawa-sensei encouraged us
to suggest a bunch of ideas...

Blood-draining Mahjong
Clapping Game (Killer ver.)
Wild Animal battles
Electrified jump rope
Dark poker

But now that I look at them,

they're all a bunch of
random, half-baked suggestions!

Which one is actually good?!

What's wrong?! Answer already!

Y-Yes, sir!

Psst... Psst... Psst...

If I don't answer soon...

That's it!

What about a game based
on rock-paper-scissors?


Looks like we've already got one good idea.

I-I like... the rock-paper-scissors idea.

Rock-paper-scissors, eh?

Rejected! No rock-paper-scissors!

B-But you said it was a good idea before!

Shut up!


What about the human body puzzle?

That idea is not happening!

Out of the question! Untouchable!


Full-scale board game!

Wh-What is that expression
supposed to mean?!

It was an expression

that even Tonegawa, who had been President
Hyoudou's right-hand-man for years,

had never seen before!

What now, Tonegawa?!

Which is it?!


Is it good?! Is it bad?!


It's likely the latter...

That's definitely not a positive expression!

That one's rejected, too! Rejected!



Wh-What's that look for?!

Then which is it?!


If you think none of those are good,
which one do you like, Tonegawa-sensei?!




D-Damn you, Kawasaki...

Wait, Yamazaki? I forget which one this is!

The bastard!

H-He passed the time bomb to me!

Biting the hand that feeds you?!


You're just a man in black!
Why has this happened to me?!

An RPS-based game Killer cops and robbers
Blood-draining Mahjong Games of endurance
Clapping Game (Killer ver.) Infinite Old Maid
Wild Animal battles Full-Scale Board Game
Electrified jump rope Human Shogi
Dark poker Monopoly man
UNO Sky-high Rope Climb
Tag Human Body Puzzle
Real Werewolf

Wh-Which is it?

Which is the right answer?!

I don't know!

I have no idea!

He only has one chance.
There won't be another!

Screwing up here will mean the end!

The career he's led until now,
the trust, the support,

all of it will end!


Can you hear me, Tonegawa-se—

Shut up!

Quit yapping, dog.

You don't need to ask again!

This is my answer!


Wh-What are you doing?!


Not a single one of these
ideas is good enough!

The correct answer is to erase them all!

Psst... Psst... Psst...

That's right! The only way to
avoid making a wrong decision...

The only obvious correct answer...

Choosing not to choose...!!

is to not choose at all!

No way!

But you were so—

It's not that simple!

This project is too important to just
proceed on without serious consideration!

There has to be something more!
An outstanding idea!

That's right!

Not only does he avoid taking any risk,
he makes an appeal for more ideas!

A masterstroke to turn a
crisis into an opportunity!

Ultra C!

Ultra C!

Don't you agree, President?

See?! He's nodding in agreement...

The truth is, it was after 10 PM.

A time when the elderly
would generally be in bed.

Yes, and the king of Teiai,
Hyoudou Kazutaka...

is still an old man!

Old Man!

In the end, he's still an old man!

Old Man!!

I can't eat another bite...

This whole time, he was trying...
to not fall asleep?!

Meeting Room 3

Tonegawa is, once again,
starting over from scratch!

But hang in there, Tonegawa!

Don't give up, Tonegawa!

This is the story of a lone man who struggles
between his employer, the president,

and his own employees, the men in black...

Tonegawa Yukio: Middle Manager!

Next time: Surefire.
