Chicago P.D. (2014–…): Season 3, Episode 13 - Hit Me - full transcript
Lindsay goes undercover to find a rogue police officer who targets women at a local casino.
- Here you go, ma'am.
- Thanks.
Hit me.
- Oh!
- Yes!
Okay. Excuse me!
Can I get another drink over here?
This is unreal.
Do you want to take it up to the room?
Maybe later. I want to go out.
Gentlemen. Lady.
Thank you.
Eight, nine, thousand.
Thank you.
Ma'am. You've had a nice night.
I'd like to offer you a car home.
Aw, that's so sweet.
I'm actually okay to drive.
Where are you going?
The city. I want to spend some of this.
You're gonna drive?
How many whiskeys did you have? Seven?
Oh, now you're counting?
Yeah, when I'm dealing with
a drunk, I count drinks.
Find someone else that needs saving.
You know what? Knock yourself out.
You know why I pulled you over?
I have no idea, Officer.
You were swerving.
Oh, um... I didn't realize that.
Coming from the casino?
- Yeah.
- Where's the cash?
- Why?
- Look,
hand it over, we can
forget the whole thing.
Or I could throw you on top of the hood,
throw the cuffs on you, take
you in for drunk driving.
Drop the piece!
Patrolman, drop the gun, or I drop you.
Officer Watkins, huh?
You're a disgrace to the uniform.
And you're under arrest.
Pretty sure you know
the rest of the speech.
- You good?
- Yeah.
I guess I was just hoping it wasn't true.
How many girls you rob?
Were they all coming from the casino?
IAD's gonna rip you apart.
It's better to confess here. Trust me.
I don't know who we
grabbed, but he ain't a cop.
What are you talking about?
Ran his badge number.
Belongs to a Patrolman, Sam Mularz.
Who the hell are you?
I'm the guy who asked for an attorney.
We'll get him ID'd.
I'll get our witness down here.
Shouldn't you be out chasing pickpockets?
Oh, that stings. You still riding pine?
Well, splinters in my ass and soft hands.
Commander. Morning.
Sergeant Voight around?
Yeah. I'll buzz you in.
You lose this fight to a fireman...
I don't care if you are
doing it for charity...
You find your own way home.
So you'll give me a ride if I win?
That's a good point. Likely not.
Burgess. I heard the engagement's off.
Well, your voice sure carries, Sarge.
Sorry. Sucks, huh?
I'm fine. I'm fine.
Adam and I are both professionals.
It'll be like it never happened.
- Okay. Good.
- Yeah.
'Cause I've seen those
women go into a tailspin.
"I'm gonna be alone forever.
My eggs are drying up."
So I am glad you're not worried.
Except they do dry up.
And you owe me $20.
You're my rock.
Squad 212.
Intelligence wants you
to pick up a witness.
I will... I'll meet you
in, like, one second.
All right.
- Could I just...
- Mm-hmm.
I wanted to let you know I'm
putting a transfer order in.
I filled out... I filled
out my PAR form this morning.
This is exactly what I was talking about.
Never, ever date a fellow cop.
well, here we are, Sarge.
Burgess, if you put in a transfer order,
you have no idea what
you're gonna end up with,
what boss you're gonna be working for.
Yeah, no, I understand that completely.
If you could just sign off
on that, I'd appreciate it.
Are you okay?
Okay. You and me.
We're just... we're just gonna be in here,
and you are gonna feel
whatever you need to feel, okay?
- Okay.
- Okay.
Thank you.
Kristy Bradford: hit
three sevens on the slots
at the Marquise Casino last week.
Pulled over by a uniformed police
who demanded cash to let her go.
She resisted. He did this to her.
Yeah, just crushed the orbital bone
with, what we assume, the butt of his gun.
Broke two ribs. She's 22.
Yeah, why the hell wasn't
I looped in on your sting?
Internal Affairs confidential
matters brought us in.
They wanted it kept inside the unit.
We thought we were going after dirty cops.
You thought?
Well, the offender we have in custody
was impersonating the police.
He looked the part, but
he's not one of ours.
Okay, so you two start
working together on this.
Share files. Share information.
Just keep this airtight
till we know what's going on.
Yeah, tell them, commander.
We heard her.
I got a problem with fake cops.
So do you.
Have a seat.
We have Kristy Bradford
here to see Sergeant Voight.
Of course. I'm Detective Lindsay.
Would you follow me?
I'm sorry. I don't see him.
The man who attacked
me was... I can still...
I'm sorry.
Please don't apologize.
I was alone, and I shouldn't have been,
with all that money.
But you're supposed to trust the police.
He came up to the car, and
he was so friendly at first.
I don't understand.
If this isn't the man who attacked me,
then there are more like him out there?
And we're gonna find them.
He has my ID.
He said he'd come after
me if I came to the police.
I thought that you had him.
Gerard Garner.
Where's my lawyer?
First things first.
No, you ain't getting no
interview without a lawyer.
I'm not here to give an interview.
Just an offer.
It's good for 30 seconds.
We know you didn't rough up our witness.
This is her. Last week.
That means you must be part of a crew.
Another thing: I didn't
have any bullets in my gun,
and I merely asked that
woman for the money.
All in your favor.
So, from last night's incident,
since it was an undercover cop you robbed,
the only real victim
is the City of Chicago.
Give us the name of whoever's
behind this crew of fake cops,
and you walk.
As soon as we make an arrest.
Six seconds.
That's who put me on.
Yo, dude ain't right, man.
This lady right here...
He probably did this.
He went off script.
Bug's real name?
Clayton Howard.
He's the one in charge?
As far as I know.
Hey, Bug got me the badge and the car.
Gave me a phone.
Phone calls some dude on the floor
who's watching people.
Looking for winners.
The phone connects to
a spotter at the casino.
Right. I never met him.
All right.
So, who else is in this crew?
I don't know.
Look, I only knew Bug.
Clayton "Bug" Howard.
He lives in Calumet Park.
He's got robbery, armed robbery,
strong-arm robbery, aggravated robbery...
I'll see if Kristy IDs bug.
All right, loop in our guy at the casino.
Anyone shady he flagged
the past two months.
We need to ID the spotter.
Take your time.
That's him.
Please tell me you've got him.
We're working on it.
I mean this.
No pressure if you don't
want to talk about it, but...
My cousin Matty said you were hot.
I told him I didn't see it,
to be honest.
But he... he wants your number.
I don't know.
This is him. Clayton Howard.
Although I got no idea why he matters.
Someone beat us here.
Mouse, did you send another
squad car as an assist?
We're at Howard's house
and there's another car on scene.
You got the plate?
Why do you need the plate off a squad?
Just... what's the plate?
It's Mary 84512.
That vehicle was downed two
weeks ago for maintenance.
What does that mean?
What are we doing here?
Just drop an anchor. We're rolling to you.
Always half in the dark with these guys.
I don't know.
They're in the house already.
I don't know. Dispatch must've sent him.
No, we kept it off the zone.
It's a big intelligence case.
Squad, 10-1, 10-1! Shots fired at police!
We are southbound on Western
chasing a Chicago police squad
license Mary 84512.
Mary 84512, copy.
Step on it.
- You want to drive?
- Just go faster, Roman.
Come on, Roman.
Roman? Roman!
Who is this guy?
Hold on!
2113 squad.
Roll us an ambulance. My partner's injured.
Offender is armed, on foot,
and wanted for the attempted
murder of a policeman.
Copy that, 2113. Backup on the way.
We got the grid locked down. BOLO's out.
Don't worry, we'll get him. All right.
- Hey.
- Are you all right?
I'm fine. Roman got it worse.
- They catch the guy?
- No. They're locking down a grid.
Platt's on her way. I mean, why the hell
didn't they tell us who we were chasing?
Hey, listen.
How are you doing, really?
With everything?
Fine. I'm fine.
How are you?
You're fine. Really?
'Cause I'm terrible.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I got... yeah...
I got to write on this, so...
That's two squad cars in two days.
Looks like he's running hurt.
Yeah. Check out the trunk.
Well, that's not department issue.
That blood on the barrel...
We know whose it is?
No, sir. We don't.
And we probably won't for a while.
How you doing, Patrolman?
Could've used a heads-up about who he was.
Person of interest.
It's always half a story with you.
We almost got killed.
Hey, hey, hey. Roman, back it up.
Or what? I'm talking to your boss.
I waved at the guy. He
emptied his mag in our car.
Officer Mularz?
- Hey.
- Yeah.
Detective Halstead.
I'm Detective Lindsay.
We're with Intelligence.
We got a couple questions about your badge.
That. I reported it lost two weeks ago.
It's embarrassing.
I got my suspension days coming.
How'd you lose it?
I work security at a club.
Strip club.
Girl comes in, wants
to see the girls dance.
- Says she got a thing for cops.
- Nice.
Wanted to see my badge.
And I came clean with this to my sergeant.
Yeah. Problem is, someone used your badge
for a robbery last night.
Oh, man.
I hate hearing that.
Every cop's worst nightmare, right?
Especially when a lady almost
gets her face bashed in.
15 minutes ago,
another person posing as a cop
opened up on two of our own,
and he's still out there.
Okay, I just reached the
point where I don't know
what this has to do with me.
- Are you involved?
- In robbing people?
That's right.
I ought to lay you out
right where you stand.
I'd advise against trying that.
Sam? Sam, come on.
You're jammed up with the department.
You need money. Your badge was used.
You know how easy it is to get a duplicate?
Sure. But why dupe yours?
I don't know. Because whoever's behind this
maybe knows I got open CR numbers on me,
and I'm an easy target right now.
Got you standing here in
front of me, didn't it?
Sam, we're not buying it.
Why don't you tell us what's going on here
before somebody gets killed.
This thing's going south real quick.
You guys want to keep talking?
It's gonna be through my union rep.
You all have a great day.
Clayton Howard.
Ran two of ours off the
road, then ditched his squad.
We're sitting on his apartment,
but he knows it's burned.
Investigative alert's out.
They're running a grid search.
Every copper in Chicago's
got his photo right now.
He'd better hid.
Prints on the car being processed.
It's CPD issue. Registered
to the 33rd district.
The other's to the 32nd.
How do you steal two squads
from two different districts?
Well, how about you do me
a little favor and find out?
Sergeant, that was the casino.
I think they found our spotter.
You two.
All right.
Hey, Timmons.
Commander sent me over to
help out with this mess.
You got a perimeter established?
Yeah, we got two blocks by two blocks,
and every available
copper's going yard to yard.
With your permission,
let's go four by four.
I'll make a call. We'll
get twice the units.
Yeah. Let's do it.
Hey, sergeant, looks like
you got plenty of bodies.
I'm thinking we can get
back in the car today.
What... are you out of your mind?
The guy took a swing at police.
It's an Intelligence case.
I'm sure they're on it.
Or not. We'll never know.
Oh, good, 'cause I was really
wondering what your opinion was.
You're gonna do this search.
Report to 103rd Street. Right now.
So, it's, like, over over?
I don't know. You're gonna have to ask her.
She gave the ring back.
Anyway, moving on, right?
Your guy. He came back.
How long was he here?
About two hours. Sitting at table seven.
Watching people play.
Sending text messages.
Yeah? You get his phone?
Yeah, we took his phone.
He get any calls?
Not since we detained him.
Ah. What's up, gentlemen?
Agh... what happened here?
He ran. Fell down the stairs.
Hmm. Give us a minute with him, would you?
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
- So?
- Look, guys,
it's like I told them already, okay?
I'm a card counter. I'm not a spotter.
Come on, that's all I do. That's it.
There's no way I'm involved
with any of these robberies.
Okay, well, I guess you're their problem.
Wait, wait. Guys, hold up. Wait.
I mean, what if I can help you out?
I mean, I know you're looking
for someone down there.
A shady guy, watching
all the action, right?
That's who you're looking for, right?
Show us.
Well, he's not here today.
Wait. No, no, no, no, no, no.
You bring a video from yesterday,
and I can show him to you, okay?
I will point him out.
Yesterday. 5:00 p.m.
Table seven. Big guy.
High school football
ring on his right hand.
What? I'm observant.
Yeah, yeah, that's him.
All right, we're gonna need a screen shot.
So I ran the spotter
through Faces of the Nation.
Now, what came back is Franklin Haynes.
He did two stints for armed robbery.
LKA puts him in Bucktown.
Known associates?
Well, none other than
Mr. Clayton "Bug" Howard.
Franklin Haynes! Chicago PD!
Here lies Franklin Haynes.
Everything he knew about
this crew died with him.
Yeah, we're still
waiting on the ballistics,
but the blood on Howard's
shotgun is a match for Haynes.
They're cleaning house.
Whoever runs this crew
knows we're closing in.
- Officer Mularz?
- Lawyered up.
We're going through those channels
to set up another interview.
You got nothing to connect
him to the other guys?
Not yet.
But you like him.
- We do.
- Hmm.
All right, where are we at locating Howard?
Oh, we're still searching.
Must've found a good
hiding spot within the grid.
The GPS units that were in the
stolen squads... they're gone.
And that's not easy to do.
It's like a Russian doll down there.
It's a box inside a box...
Inside a box.
So we got nothing off the cars?
They were from two different districts,
but both squads were sent
to the same motor pond
in Area South a month ago.
It could be Clayton Howard's got a hookup
inside the motor pool.
You two.
Hey, you got your head on straight?
Yeah, it's just...
I'll be honest. I didn't see it coming.
You know? I feel like I let her down.
That's not what I asked.
Yes, sir. My head's on straight.
Sergeant. Lawrence is clear.
You checked backyards, under cars?
There's a trailer behind
one house, but no one's home.
It's locked up.
Then Lawrence is not clear.
Well, what am I supposed to do?
Crack open someone's private property?
Hey. Hey, you need to calm down.
You're still alive, right?
I'm not worried about
what could've happen to me.
I'm worried about you.
You the shift supervisor?
I am. You got a problem with your vehicle?
Two of them, actually. We were wondering
if you can tell us where
we can find these cars.
Give me a second.
You want a french fry?
No, thanks.
The cars were stolen off your lot.
They were signed out, Detective.
- Show me.
- Right there.
Officer Sam Mularz. I remember her.
Yeah. Yeah, she's real pretty.
Came in with her partner.
Big guy. Black guy.
He signed out a car two weeks before that.
That's not her name. That's a stolen badge.
Black officer... is this him?
Yep. One and the same.
Do you have cameras in here?
We need anything you got on the partner.
I got a match on the female partner,
on one Elizabeth McKenney.
She's got priors.
Shoplifting and resisting arrest.
You got an address?
Right there. Off Western.
Send Burgess and Roman? Or is he still...
benched until his feelings get unhurt?
No, he's fine. Send him.
Ms. McKenney?
If this is about the
stereo, I turned it down.
Bitch is crazy, and you
can tell her I said that.
It's not. Can we come in?
Ah, it's so messy in here right now.
I'd be embarrassed.
Clayton Howard!
Stay down!
Stop! Police!
2113, I'm a 10-99 unit
requesting immediate backup.
Offender entered a
building on 119th and Union.
I'm in pursuit.
Copy, 2113. Backup on the way.
119th and Union.
Ugh! Ah!
You okay?
You like beating up women, Bug?
Girl you put in the hospital last week...
She seems to think you do.
Thought you enjoyed it.
She should've gave it up.
Blood on the shotgun we
found in your stolen squad
is a match for Franklin Haynes.
Sounds like you know everything.
I don't.
the badges...
Where'd you get them?
You don't know that part?
That's the best part.
Maybe I'll enjoy it as much as you.
Where'd you get them?
Oh, my God. This is great.
Let me tell you something.
That uniform you put
on? I take it seriously.
My father... he wore that uniform.
Men I know died in that
uniform protecting this city.
All the times I been pulled over by cops,
frisked by cops,
shoved down on the
sidewalk face-first by cops,
lied to by cops,
knocked around by cops,
ripped off...
by cops...
all those times.
Too many to count.
It gives me great pleasure to serve one up.
I want a deal first.
Takes a name to get a deal.
Otherwise you're just shaking your ass.
Detective Martin Watts.
Works in robbery, burglary.
The look on your face just
made that so much better for me.
Watts gave you the badge and the cars?
He gave me the blueprint.
The badge and the cars
was just the first step.
The whole thing was his idea.
Watts arrested both Howard
and Haynes on burglary charges.
Instead of pushing their
cases, he put them to work.
And our first offender?
No, they don't look connected.
Watts turned out Howard,
and then he must've brought in his friend.
Watts was the catching detective
for anything out of the casino.
He could've buried anything he wanted.
We can't stitch up a cop on
a tip from a repeat offender.
You think I want to go after one of ours?
I mean, girls got robbed and beaten.
We don't know how many. We
don't know who else got hurt,
because the guy in charge
was investigating himself.
We got to play this really carefully.
Antonio, you got eyes on Watts' vehicle?
Mouse, any movement on his phone?
Last ping was inside the house.
He hasn't moved in over an hour.
Sarge, you got movement upstairs.
Chicago PD!
- Clear.
- Clear.
Watts, if you're up there,
come on down, now, nice and slow.
It's just me. I'm coming down.
What the hell's going on?
He came home and he was looking for Jenni.
Jenni is...
Our daughter.
She's out with friends.
But he said he had an active case,
and he took his gun.
His shotgun.
Oh, my God.
- Sarge?
- Yeah.
It's not about money now.
I found this stash.
It was hidden in a panel in the bedroom.
All right, he knows we're closing in.
Whatever's going on...
He's a good man.
Do you know where he'd go?
Martin Watts, he's one of ours.
Suspected of armed robbery, battery,
and first degree murder.
Been on the job 20 years.
He's armed and trained,
and he's not gonna be happy to see us.
We believe he's barricaded
in one of those RVs.
We sealed off a one-block perimeter.
No one comes in or out until he's in cuffs.
All right, SORT, you hang
back until I give the signal.
There's no need to spook him.
IAD, you're here to observe.
He's all yours once we got him.
All right, I know this isn't easy.
But if he makes a move,
don't hesitate.
Let's do it.
Me and Watts worked the
same district for 11 years.
I know him better than any
negotiator HQ's gonna send.
So let me bring him in.
Let me do this.
If it puts you in danger, Trudy...
Hey, Watts! It's Trudy.
Are you alone in there?
I'm alone and I'm armed.
Okay, well,
you're making everybody
a little tense out here,
so why don't you come on out,
and we'll all relax, okay?
You need to back up!
I can't do that, Watts.
I'm coming in.
I'm coming in now.
It's just me.
Coming in.
Put down your weapon.
Put it down!
Putting it down. Putting it down.
Okay, I'm just...
I don't know what your goal is,
but no way am I walking out of here.
Either I take care of
this, or one of yours does.
How did we get here?
You remember I got shot?
The bullet lodged in my spine.
They put me on medical.
I'm making half a city wage
trying to remember how to walk.
I get back on the job and
I'm right back to it...
chasing dirtbags in foreign cars
who pull down my salary in a night.
I was... I was owed more.
Everybody gets hurt.
I got shot, too.
- Remember?
- Yeah.
And the brass gave me a desk
and they made it very clear
that that was my one and only choice.
And all I wanted to do was be out there.
Can I please have a drink?
But now,
I got a whole building to protect.
And that was my reward,
because I didn't let it break me.
It... it doesn't happen all at once.
It's inch by inch,
until one day, you're
alone with a bag of money,
and you just... you reach in,
and you're just so far
from where you started.
There's no way back.
Okay, okay.
Just breathe, okay?
It was my plan,
but at the end, I worked for them.
I tried to shut it down.
But... but Howard...
he just came back at me.
He said he wanted two cars.
He tried to cover our tracks.
A man's dead.
I didn't pull the
trigger, but that's on me.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Virginia and your daughter...
They do not deserve this.
You cannot do this to your daughter.
You cannot.
You... you drank all my booze. I need...
Could you get another
bottle? It's in the...
the cupboard.
- Heck yeah.
- Okay.
But I'm gonna need your ankle piece first.
I'm sorry.
Come on, before the cameras get here.
Always check the ankle piece.
What was his name?
From the academy?
Hammered that into us.
I still feel him standing over me.
Officer Llewyn.
- Llewyn.
- Mm.
Stood too close to the females.
That whole time, all I could think was,
that could be any of us
sitting in that chair.
How easy mistakes pile on each other.
You wanted to see me?
Yeah. How you feeling?
When I asked you to sit on that house,
I thought it was one thing...
Turned out it was another.
And I didn't intend to
put you in a bad situation.
And I apologize.
That it?
That's it.
So, a real cop was behind this?
he hadn't been a real cop for a long time.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I...
- Yeah, sorry.
Certainly earned your paycheck today, huh?
- I'll say.
- You all right?
Yeah, I'm good.
Yeah. Uh...
Anyway, I'll see you.
You know, Sergeant Platt
and I are pretty close.
She loves you.
Yeah, we'll call it a
mutual admiration society.
She and I were talking,
and... I don't have to be coy here.
She told me that you're transferring out.
Yeah, that's right.
Because it's that difficult
to see him at work every day?
Because I feel really
guilty about calling it off.
But it needed to be called off.
So... there's plenty of
other places I can work, Erin.
Yeah, no, I hear you.
But you know that when Platt
signs off on that paperwork
and takes it to the commander,
she's gonna want to know why.
You know how hard it is
already to be a female cop.
And this will follow you around.
You. Not him.
For the rest of your career.
And I'm telling you, you have a
really bright one ahead of you.
Just think about it.
I'm really sorry.
I got to go.
All right. Two Bison Tail Porters.
They're my favorite new craft brewery.
They sent over two free cases.
It's kind of bitter, though, right?
- What up?
- Tony!
Hey, heard your middleweight
got injured today.
You're gonna have to forfeit, huh?
Actually, I was thinking
I might offer my services.
No. No, no way.
Why not? I trained for this.
You trained for Roman.
Right. I'm looking at
you out of peer pressure,
just to be clear.
- Screw it. I'm in.
- Ohh.
- Let's box.
- There, you all heard it.
That was binding.
You're gonna be needing this.
Hey, Adam. This is Bryn.
And I was just telling Bryn
that you're kind of licking
your wounds a little bit.
Well, it turns out that so is she.
So, you know.
So, you're a cop?
I am.
Wow, you must have so many crazy stories.
I got some crazy stories.
Look, Bryn...
I'm just not...
No problem.
- Thanks.
Hit me.
- Oh!
- Yes!
Okay. Excuse me!
Can I get another drink over here?
This is unreal.
Do you want to take it up to the room?
Maybe later. I want to go out.
Gentlemen. Lady.
Thank you.
Eight, nine, thousand.
Thank you.
Ma'am. You've had a nice night.
I'd like to offer you a car home.
Aw, that's so sweet.
I'm actually okay to drive.
Where are you going?
The city. I want to spend some of this.
You're gonna drive?
How many whiskeys did you have? Seven?
Oh, now you're counting?
Yeah, when I'm dealing with
a drunk, I count drinks.
Find someone else that needs saving.
You know what? Knock yourself out.
You know why I pulled you over?
I have no idea, Officer.
You were swerving.
Oh, um... I didn't realize that.
Coming from the casino?
- Yeah.
- Where's the cash?
- Why?
- Look,
hand it over, we can
forget the whole thing.
Or I could throw you on top of the hood,
throw the cuffs on you, take
you in for drunk driving.
Drop the piece!
Patrolman, drop the gun, or I drop you.
Officer Watkins, huh?
You're a disgrace to the uniform.
And you're under arrest.
Pretty sure you know
the rest of the speech.
- You good?
- Yeah.
I guess I was just hoping it wasn't true.
How many girls you rob?
Were they all coming from the casino?
IAD's gonna rip you apart.
It's better to confess here. Trust me.
I don't know who we
grabbed, but he ain't a cop.
What are you talking about?
Ran his badge number.
Belongs to a Patrolman, Sam Mularz.
Who the hell are you?
I'm the guy who asked for an attorney.
We'll get him ID'd.
I'll get our witness down here.
Shouldn't you be out chasing pickpockets?
Oh, that stings. You still riding pine?
Well, splinters in my ass and soft hands.
Commander. Morning.
Sergeant Voight around?
Yeah. I'll buzz you in.
You lose this fight to a fireman...
I don't care if you are
doing it for charity...
You find your own way home.
So you'll give me a ride if I win?
That's a good point. Likely not.
Burgess. I heard the engagement's off.
Well, your voice sure carries, Sarge.
Sorry. Sucks, huh?
I'm fine. I'm fine.
Adam and I are both professionals.
It'll be like it never happened.
- Okay. Good.
- Yeah.
'Cause I've seen those
women go into a tailspin.
"I'm gonna be alone forever.
My eggs are drying up."
So I am glad you're not worried.
Except they do dry up.
And you owe me $20.
You're my rock.
Squad 212.
Intelligence wants you
to pick up a witness.
I will... I'll meet you
in, like, one second.
All right.
- Could I just...
- Mm-hmm.
I wanted to let you know I'm
putting a transfer order in.
I filled out... I filled
out my PAR form this morning.
This is exactly what I was talking about.
Never, ever date a fellow cop.
well, here we are, Sarge.
Burgess, if you put in a transfer order,
you have no idea what
you're gonna end up with,
what boss you're gonna be working for.
Yeah, no, I understand that completely.
If you could just sign off
on that, I'd appreciate it.
Are you okay?
Okay. You and me.
We're just... we're just gonna be in here,
and you are gonna feel
whatever you need to feel, okay?
- Okay.
- Okay.
Thank you.
Kristy Bradford: hit
three sevens on the slots
at the Marquise Casino last week.
Pulled over by a uniformed police
who demanded cash to let her go.
She resisted. He did this to her.
Yeah, just crushed the orbital bone
with, what we assume, the butt of his gun.
Broke two ribs. She's 22.
Yeah, why the hell wasn't
I looped in on your sting?
Internal Affairs confidential
matters brought us in.
They wanted it kept inside the unit.
We thought we were going after dirty cops.
You thought?
Well, the offender we have in custody
was impersonating the police.
He looked the part, but
he's not one of ours.
Okay, so you two start
working together on this.
Share files. Share information.
Just keep this airtight
till we know what's going on.
Yeah, tell them, commander.
We heard her.
I got a problem with fake cops.
So do you.
Have a seat.
We have Kristy Bradford
here to see Sergeant Voight.
Of course. I'm Detective Lindsay.
Would you follow me?
I'm sorry. I don't see him.
The man who attacked
me was... I can still...
I'm sorry.
Please don't apologize.
I was alone, and I shouldn't have been,
with all that money.
But you're supposed to trust the police.
He came up to the car, and
he was so friendly at first.
I don't understand.
If this isn't the man who attacked me,
then there are more like him out there?
And we're gonna find them.
He has my ID.
He said he'd come after
me if I came to the police.
I thought that you had him.
Gerard Garner.
Where's my lawyer?
First things first.
No, you ain't getting no
interview without a lawyer.
I'm not here to give an interview.
Just an offer.
It's good for 30 seconds.
We know you didn't rough up our witness.
This is her. Last week.
That means you must be part of a crew.
Another thing: I didn't
have any bullets in my gun,
and I merely asked that
woman for the money.
All in your favor.
So, from last night's incident,
since it was an undercover cop you robbed,
the only real victim
is the City of Chicago.
Give us the name of whoever's
behind this crew of fake cops,
and you walk.
As soon as we make an arrest.
Six seconds.
That's who put me on.
Yo, dude ain't right, man.
This lady right here...
He probably did this.
He went off script.
Bug's real name?
Clayton Howard.
He's the one in charge?
As far as I know.
Hey, Bug got me the badge and the car.
Gave me a phone.
Phone calls some dude on the floor
who's watching people.
Looking for winners.
The phone connects to
a spotter at the casino.
Right. I never met him.
All right.
So, who else is in this crew?
I don't know.
Look, I only knew Bug.
Clayton "Bug" Howard.
He lives in Calumet Park.
He's got robbery, armed robbery,
strong-arm robbery, aggravated robbery...
I'll see if Kristy IDs bug.
All right, loop in our guy at the casino.
Anyone shady he flagged
the past two months.
We need to ID the spotter.
Take your time.
That's him.
Please tell me you've got him.
We're working on it.
I mean this.
No pressure if you don't
want to talk about it, but...
My cousin Matty said you were hot.
I told him I didn't see it,
to be honest.
But he... he wants your number.
I don't know.
This is him. Clayton Howard.
Although I got no idea why he matters.
Someone beat us here.
Mouse, did you send another
squad car as an assist?
We're at Howard's house
and there's another car on scene.
You got the plate?
Why do you need the plate off a squad?
Just... what's the plate?
It's Mary 84512.
That vehicle was downed two
weeks ago for maintenance.
What does that mean?
What are we doing here?
Just drop an anchor. We're rolling to you.
Always half in the dark with these guys.
I don't know.
They're in the house already.
I don't know. Dispatch must've sent him.
No, we kept it off the zone.
It's a big intelligence case.
Squad, 10-1, 10-1! Shots fired at police!
We are southbound on Western
chasing a Chicago police squad
license Mary 84512.
Mary 84512, copy.
Step on it.
- You want to drive?
- Just go faster, Roman.
Come on, Roman.
Roman? Roman!
Who is this guy?
Hold on!
2113 squad.
Roll us an ambulance. My partner's injured.
Offender is armed, on foot,
and wanted for the attempted
murder of a policeman.
Copy that, 2113. Backup on the way.
We got the grid locked down. BOLO's out.
Don't worry, we'll get him. All right.
- Hey.
- Are you all right?
I'm fine. Roman got it worse.
- They catch the guy?
- No. They're locking down a grid.
Platt's on her way. I mean, why the hell
didn't they tell us who we were chasing?
Hey, listen.
How are you doing, really?
With everything?
Fine. I'm fine.
How are you?
You're fine. Really?
'Cause I'm terrible.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I got... yeah...
I got to write on this, so...
That's two squad cars in two days.
Looks like he's running hurt.
Yeah. Check out the trunk.
Well, that's not department issue.
That blood on the barrel...
We know whose it is?
No, sir. We don't.
And we probably won't for a while.
How you doing, Patrolman?
Could've used a heads-up about who he was.
Person of interest.
It's always half a story with you.
We almost got killed.
Hey, hey, hey. Roman, back it up.
Or what? I'm talking to your boss.
I waved at the guy. He
emptied his mag in our car.
Officer Mularz?
- Hey.
- Yeah.
Detective Halstead.
I'm Detective Lindsay.
We're with Intelligence.
We got a couple questions about your badge.
That. I reported it lost two weeks ago.
It's embarrassing.
I got my suspension days coming.
How'd you lose it?
I work security at a club.
Strip club.
Girl comes in, wants
to see the girls dance.
- Says she got a thing for cops.
- Nice.
Wanted to see my badge.
And I came clean with this to my sergeant.
Yeah. Problem is, someone used your badge
for a robbery last night.
Oh, man.
I hate hearing that.
Every cop's worst nightmare, right?
Especially when a lady almost
gets her face bashed in.
15 minutes ago,
another person posing as a cop
opened up on two of our own,
and he's still out there.
Okay, I just reached the
point where I don't know
what this has to do with me.
- Are you involved?
- In robbing people?
That's right.
I ought to lay you out
right where you stand.
I'd advise against trying that.
Sam? Sam, come on.
You're jammed up with the department.
You need money. Your badge was used.
You know how easy it is to get a duplicate?
Sure. But why dupe yours?
I don't know. Because whoever's behind this
maybe knows I got open CR numbers on me,
and I'm an easy target right now.
Got you standing here in
front of me, didn't it?
Sam, we're not buying it.
Why don't you tell us what's going on here
before somebody gets killed.
This thing's going south real quick.
You guys want to keep talking?
It's gonna be through my union rep.
You all have a great day.
Clayton Howard.
Ran two of ours off the
road, then ditched his squad.
We're sitting on his apartment,
but he knows it's burned.
Investigative alert's out.
They're running a grid search.
Every copper in Chicago's
got his photo right now.
He'd better hid.
Prints on the car being processed.
It's CPD issue. Registered
to the 33rd district.
The other's to the 32nd.
How do you steal two squads
from two different districts?
Well, how about you do me
a little favor and find out?
Sergeant, that was the casino.
I think they found our spotter.
You two.
All right.
Hey, Timmons.
Commander sent me over to
help out with this mess.
You got a perimeter established?
Yeah, we got two blocks by two blocks,
and every available
copper's going yard to yard.
With your permission,
let's go four by four.
I'll make a call. We'll
get twice the units.
Yeah. Let's do it.
Hey, sergeant, looks like
you got plenty of bodies.
I'm thinking we can get
back in the car today.
What... are you out of your mind?
The guy took a swing at police.
It's an Intelligence case.
I'm sure they're on it.
Or not. We'll never know.
Oh, good, 'cause I was really
wondering what your opinion was.
You're gonna do this search.
Report to 103rd Street. Right now.
So, it's, like, over over?
I don't know. You're gonna have to ask her.
She gave the ring back.
Anyway, moving on, right?
Your guy. He came back.
How long was he here?
About two hours. Sitting at table seven.
Watching people play.
Sending text messages.
Yeah? You get his phone?
Yeah, we took his phone.
He get any calls?
Not since we detained him.
Ah. What's up, gentlemen?
Agh... what happened here?
He ran. Fell down the stairs.
Hmm. Give us a minute with him, would you?
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
- So?
- Look, guys,
it's like I told them already, okay?
I'm a card counter. I'm not a spotter.
Come on, that's all I do. That's it.
There's no way I'm involved
with any of these robberies.
Okay, well, I guess you're their problem.
Wait, wait. Guys, hold up. Wait.
I mean, what if I can help you out?
I mean, I know you're looking
for someone down there.
A shady guy, watching
all the action, right?
That's who you're looking for, right?
Show us.
Well, he's not here today.
Wait. No, no, no, no, no, no.
You bring a video from yesterday,
and I can show him to you, okay?
I will point him out.
Yesterday. 5:00 p.m.
Table seven. Big guy.
High school football
ring on his right hand.
What? I'm observant.
Yeah, yeah, that's him.
All right, we're gonna need a screen shot.
So I ran the spotter
through Faces of the Nation.
Now, what came back is Franklin Haynes.
He did two stints for armed robbery.
LKA puts him in Bucktown.
Known associates?
Well, none other than
Mr. Clayton "Bug" Howard.
Franklin Haynes! Chicago PD!
Here lies Franklin Haynes.
Everything he knew about
this crew died with him.
Yeah, we're still
waiting on the ballistics,
but the blood on Howard's
shotgun is a match for Haynes.
They're cleaning house.
Whoever runs this crew
knows we're closing in.
- Officer Mularz?
- Lawyered up.
We're going through those channels
to set up another interview.
You got nothing to connect
him to the other guys?
Not yet.
But you like him.
- We do.
- Hmm.
All right, where are we at locating Howard?
Oh, we're still searching.
Must've found a good
hiding spot within the grid.
The GPS units that were in the
stolen squads... they're gone.
And that's not easy to do.
It's like a Russian doll down there.
It's a box inside a box...
Inside a box.
So we got nothing off the cars?
They were from two different districts,
but both squads were sent
to the same motor pond
in Area South a month ago.
It could be Clayton Howard's got a hookup
inside the motor pool.
You two.
Hey, you got your head on straight?
Yeah, it's just...
I'll be honest. I didn't see it coming.
You know? I feel like I let her down.
That's not what I asked.
Yes, sir. My head's on straight.
Sergeant. Lawrence is clear.
You checked backyards, under cars?
There's a trailer behind
one house, but no one's home.
It's locked up.
Then Lawrence is not clear.
Well, what am I supposed to do?
Crack open someone's private property?
Hey. Hey, you need to calm down.
You're still alive, right?
I'm not worried about
what could've happen to me.
I'm worried about you.
You the shift supervisor?
I am. You got a problem with your vehicle?
Two of them, actually. We were wondering
if you can tell us where
we can find these cars.
Give me a second.
You want a french fry?
No, thanks.
The cars were stolen off your lot.
They were signed out, Detective.
- Show me.
- Right there.
Officer Sam Mularz. I remember her.
Yeah. Yeah, she's real pretty.
Came in with her partner.
Big guy. Black guy.
He signed out a car two weeks before that.
That's not her name. That's a stolen badge.
Black officer... is this him?
Yep. One and the same.
Do you have cameras in here?
We need anything you got on the partner.
I got a match on the female partner,
on one Elizabeth McKenney.
She's got priors.
Shoplifting and resisting arrest.
You got an address?
Right there. Off Western.
Send Burgess and Roman? Or is he still...
benched until his feelings get unhurt?
No, he's fine. Send him.
Ms. McKenney?
If this is about the
stereo, I turned it down.
Bitch is crazy, and you
can tell her I said that.
It's not. Can we come in?
Ah, it's so messy in here right now.
I'd be embarrassed.
Clayton Howard!
Stay down!
Stop! Police!
2113, I'm a 10-99 unit
requesting immediate backup.
Offender entered a
building on 119th and Union.
I'm in pursuit.
Copy, 2113. Backup on the way.
119th and Union.
Ugh! Ah!
You okay?
You like beating up women, Bug?
Girl you put in the hospital last week...
She seems to think you do.
Thought you enjoyed it.
She should've gave it up.
Blood on the shotgun we
found in your stolen squad
is a match for Franklin Haynes.
Sounds like you know everything.
I don't.
the badges...
Where'd you get them?
You don't know that part?
That's the best part.
Maybe I'll enjoy it as much as you.
Where'd you get them?
Oh, my God. This is great.
Let me tell you something.
That uniform you put
on? I take it seriously.
My father... he wore that uniform.
Men I know died in that
uniform protecting this city.
All the times I been pulled over by cops,
frisked by cops,
shoved down on the
sidewalk face-first by cops,
lied to by cops,
knocked around by cops,
ripped off...
by cops...
all those times.
Too many to count.
It gives me great pleasure to serve one up.
I want a deal first.
Takes a name to get a deal.
Otherwise you're just shaking your ass.
Detective Martin Watts.
Works in robbery, burglary.
The look on your face just
made that so much better for me.
Watts gave you the badge and the cars?
He gave me the blueprint.
The badge and the cars
was just the first step.
The whole thing was his idea.
Watts arrested both Howard
and Haynes on burglary charges.
Instead of pushing their
cases, he put them to work.
And our first offender?
No, they don't look connected.
Watts turned out Howard,
and then he must've brought in his friend.
Watts was the catching detective
for anything out of the casino.
He could've buried anything he wanted.
We can't stitch up a cop on
a tip from a repeat offender.
You think I want to go after one of ours?
I mean, girls got robbed and beaten.
We don't know how many. We
don't know who else got hurt,
because the guy in charge
was investigating himself.
We got to play this really carefully.
Antonio, you got eyes on Watts' vehicle?
Mouse, any movement on his phone?
Last ping was inside the house.
He hasn't moved in over an hour.
Sarge, you got movement upstairs.
Chicago PD!
- Clear.
- Clear.
Watts, if you're up there,
come on down, now, nice and slow.
It's just me. I'm coming down.
What the hell's going on?
He came home and he was looking for Jenni.
Jenni is...
Our daughter.
She's out with friends.
But he said he had an active case,
and he took his gun.
His shotgun.
Oh, my God.
- Sarge?
- Yeah.
It's not about money now.
I found this stash.
It was hidden in a panel in the bedroom.
All right, he knows we're closing in.
Whatever's going on...
He's a good man.
Do you know where he'd go?
Martin Watts, he's one of ours.
Suspected of armed robbery, battery,
and first degree murder.
Been on the job 20 years.
He's armed and trained,
and he's not gonna be happy to see us.
We believe he's barricaded
in one of those RVs.
We sealed off a one-block perimeter.
No one comes in or out until he's in cuffs.
All right, SORT, you hang
back until I give the signal.
There's no need to spook him.
IAD, you're here to observe.
He's all yours once we got him.
All right, I know this isn't easy.
But if he makes a move,
don't hesitate.
Let's do it.
Me and Watts worked the
same district for 11 years.
I know him better than any
negotiator HQ's gonna send.
So let me bring him in.
Let me do this.
If it puts you in danger, Trudy...
Hey, Watts! It's Trudy.
Are you alone in there?
I'm alone and I'm armed.
Okay, well,
you're making everybody
a little tense out here,
so why don't you come on out,
and we'll all relax, okay?
You need to back up!
I can't do that, Watts.
I'm coming in.
I'm coming in now.
It's just me.
Coming in.
Put down your weapon.
Put it down!
Putting it down. Putting it down.
Okay, I'm just...
I don't know what your goal is,
but no way am I walking out of here.
Either I take care of
this, or one of yours does.
How did we get here?
You remember I got shot?
The bullet lodged in my spine.
They put me on medical.
I'm making half a city wage
trying to remember how to walk.
I get back on the job and
I'm right back to it...
chasing dirtbags in foreign cars
who pull down my salary in a night.
I was... I was owed more.
Everybody gets hurt.
I got shot, too.
- Remember?
- Yeah.
And the brass gave me a desk
and they made it very clear
that that was my one and only choice.
And all I wanted to do was be out there.
Can I please have a drink?
But now,
I got a whole building to protect.
And that was my reward,
because I didn't let it break me.
It... it doesn't happen all at once.
It's inch by inch,
until one day, you're
alone with a bag of money,
and you just... you reach in,
and you're just so far
from where you started.
There's no way back.
Okay, okay.
Just breathe, okay?
It was my plan,
but at the end, I worked for them.
I tried to shut it down.
But... but Howard...
he just came back at me.
He said he wanted two cars.
He tried to cover our tracks.
A man's dead.
I didn't pull the
trigger, but that's on me.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Virginia and your daughter...
They do not deserve this.
You cannot do this to your daughter.
You cannot.
You... you drank all my booze. I need...
Could you get another
bottle? It's in the...
the cupboard.
- Heck yeah.
- Okay.
But I'm gonna need your ankle piece first.
I'm sorry.
Come on, before the cameras get here.
Always check the ankle piece.
What was his name?
From the academy?
Hammered that into us.
I still feel him standing over me.
Officer Llewyn.
- Llewyn.
- Mm.
Stood too close to the females.
That whole time, all I could think was,
that could be any of us
sitting in that chair.
How easy mistakes pile on each other.
You wanted to see me?
Yeah. How you feeling?
When I asked you to sit on that house,
I thought it was one thing...
Turned out it was another.
And I didn't intend to
put you in a bad situation.
And I apologize.
That it?
That's it.
So, a real cop was behind this?
he hadn't been a real cop for a long time.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I...
- Yeah, sorry.
Certainly earned your paycheck today, huh?
- I'll say.
- You all right?
Yeah, I'm good.
Yeah. Uh...
Anyway, I'll see you.
You know, Sergeant Platt
and I are pretty close.
She loves you.
Yeah, we'll call it a
mutual admiration society.
She and I were talking,
and... I don't have to be coy here.
She told me that you're transferring out.
Yeah, that's right.
Because it's that difficult
to see him at work every day?
Because I feel really
guilty about calling it off.
But it needed to be called off.
So... there's plenty of
other places I can work, Erin.
Yeah, no, I hear you.
But you know that when Platt
signs off on that paperwork
and takes it to the commander,
she's gonna want to know why.
You know how hard it is
already to be a female cop.
And this will follow you around.
You. Not him.
For the rest of your career.
And I'm telling you, you have a
really bright one ahead of you.
Just think about it.
I'm really sorry.
I got to go.
All right. Two Bison Tail Porters.
They're my favorite new craft brewery.
They sent over two free cases.
It's kind of bitter, though, right?
- What up?
- Tony!
Hey, heard your middleweight
got injured today.
You're gonna have to forfeit, huh?
Actually, I was thinking
I might offer my services.
No. No, no way.
Why not? I trained for this.
You trained for Roman.
Right. I'm looking at
you out of peer pressure,
just to be clear.
- Screw it. I'm in.
- Ohh.
- Let's box.
- There, you all heard it.
That was binding.
You're gonna be needing this.
Hey, Adam. This is Bryn.
And I was just telling Bryn
that you're kind of licking
your wounds a little bit.
Well, it turns out that so is she.
So, you know.
So, you're a cop?
I am.
Wow, you must have so many crazy stories.
I got some crazy stories.
Look, Bryn...
I'm just not...
No problem.