Chicago P.D. (2014–…): Season 3, Episode 10 - Now I'm God - full transcript

A doctor from Voight's past is under investigation when four of his patients are sent to Chicago Med for an overdose of chemotherapy.


- Hey, you have
a female attempted suicide?

- Yeah, she just came in.

- She's alive, barely.

Gas inhalation.

- We gotta get her to med
right now.

- Come on, let's go.

- What is it about?

- We need to be sure there's
nothing more going on here.

- That attempted suicide?

Dr. Charles...
he's not buying it.

- What's not to buy?
You heard the report.

- Today, three women,
all cancer-free,

overdosed on chemo.

- Clear.
- Clear.

- Do you think a doctor's giving
false diagnoses and overdosing?

- The police are on their way.

- Jessica pope, Carol shepperd,
Dani frank.

Each brought independently
to med

with no connection
between 'em

except an overdose of chemo
for a cancer they don't have.

I wanna know
who prescribed that stuff.

- 51 said
that the gas explosion

in Jessica's apartment
caused a flashover.

So there is nothing left
but char.

There's no phone,
no laptop, no datebook.

- No doctor's name.

- We talked
to Dani frank's girlfriend.

They hadn't been dating
that long.

She didn't know Dani's doctor.

But she did say that
Dani was doing better

until she took a turn,

and when she confronted
her doctor about it

he put her
on an experimental protocol

that was supposed to beat it.

- Sorry to interrupt.

A new patient just
rolled into the ed.

Unconscious, pancytopenic
just like the others.

Look, I don't know
if this is legal,

but, right now,
I really don't care.

That's her stuff.
Have at it.

- Thank you.
- All right.

- All right, Leah kamen,
42, lives in edgewater.

- She's a shift manager
at a telemarketing firm.

- Insurance card.
I'll call the company,

see if they got the name
of the doctor

who submitted the claim.

- Hey, is there any way
to trace the chemicals

in their system back
to a specific manufacturer?

- A mass spectrometry test
was performed on Jessica.

We can order the same
for the others.

There're only
a few manufacturers.

- Will you do it, please?
- Yep.

- Thanks.

- Uh, Leah has Dani frank,
Carol shepperd,

and Jessica pope
as contacts on her phone.

- All our victims
knew each other.

- Yeah, looks like that.

- Huh...
- Great. Thanks.

I got a name.
Dr. Dean reybold.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Hank.
- Hey...


What's going on?

- [Whispers]
Oh, man...

- Hank. Hank.

Hey, you can't go.

- The hell I can't.

- If you show up,
reybold is gonna shut down.

He doesn't know me.
I will take Jay.

We will find out if he's
the one overdosing these women.

- We'll look into the victim

and then talk to goodwin.

Just you and me.

- It's six years since I've
heard the name Dean reybold.

Six years since...

- I know.

- He was the last cancer doctor
Camille went to,

and if he's the one
doing this...

- if he's the one doing this,
we're gonna nail him.

[Dramatic music]

- I'm sorry to keep you

Uh, my receptionist said
you were here about Leah.

Brave woman.

- That's right,
and Dani frank, Jessica pope,

and Carol shepperd as well.

- Did something happen to them?

- In the last 24 hours,
they've all shown up

at Chicago med
flooded with chemo.

Dani's dead,

and the other three
are in comas.

- [Sighs]

[Clears throat]


They teach you...A lot about
the body in medical school,

but what they don't
spend enough time on

is teaching you
how to deal with loss.

You get attached
to your patients.

They're fighters,
and you fight with them,

but with oncology,
you rarely win.

- So, you treated
all of them?

- I did... i am.

- When was the last time
you met with these women?

- I would have
to check their files.

- Do you mind if we take
a look at those files?

- Uh, I don't,
but the state does.

I can't give 'em to you
unless you have a warrant,

but the moment you do,
they're yours.

I will hand them over

- Why don't we drop the whole

"I'm a fighter
for my patients" act,

all right?

We know you
mistreat your patients,

and we know you did something
to these four women.

- Yes, I helped them.

- By poisoning them?

- That's what chemotherapy is,

You poison cancer cells.

If you don't understand
the most...

- I understand
exactly what you did.

- You know what, we're gonna be
back with a warrant.

Thank you.

- You know I'm happy to help
in any way I can.

- Thanks for coming.

- A little notice
would have been nice.

- We're moving like
a bullet train on this one.

- Well you pulled me out of
a jerk-off awards banquet,

so I can't complain.

Got a locker room
I could use to change?

- Whatever you need,

- Uh, sarge, is there
anything more on the...

- burgess,
you remember detective stark

from area central,
violent crimes, don't you?

Lead detective
on Roman's shooting?

- Right.
It's good to see you, detective.

I just wanted to say again

how useful I can be
to your investigation...

- did something change
since I took your statement,

or did you
actually see something?

- Okay, the victim's ex-wife
said she saw a gun.

I mean, there's evidence
of her being beaten with it.

- The hospital report's

and officer Roman underwent

a painful medical procedure
to help this woman's child.

So their relationship is...

- Okay, what is
your agenda here?

from where I'm standing,

you look like you want
to do anything

but help a jammed-up cop

who wears the same badge as you,

- I have statements
from officers

who canvassed neighbors,
yards, and alleys,

and no gun has been found.

Stay out of my investigation.

- Hey.
- Thanks.

- The guy's a prick.
What's the word?

- I'm on ice
till they figure this out.

I shouldn't even be
talking to you.

- What can I do?
- You heard him.

I'll see you later.

- Burgess.


Get over here.

- What?
- You're on your own today.

- What?
- No partner. No assignment.

I want you out there
patrolling wherever you want,

and if that happens to be
in a neighborhood

where a gun went missing,

I don't know
anything about that.

- Thank you, sergeant.

- We'll need documents,

If the doctor ordered medicine
overseas, the source country.

Every piece of evidence counts.

I need proof that reybold
acted with criminal intent.

I need evidence he knew his
actions could result in harm,

but he acted anyway.

Until you have that...
No arrests.

Is that clear?

- Let's do it.

[Tense music]

♪ ♪

Antonio, atwater.

[Paper shredder whining]

- Chicago pd!

Ma'am, step away
from the shredder.

I need you to step away
from the...

come on, come on, come on.
Set it down.

Set it down.

- Sergeant,
we're holding one here

shredding documents.

- It's just preemptive.
They're just looking for...

- sergeant.

- Where's the warrant?

So you came here
with a hastily written

and narrowly defined
search warrant to what?

Upset my clients' patients?

- Your client has been
diagnosing patients

with cancer they don't have
to fleece them

with treatments
they don't need.

I'd say he's the one
upsetting them.

- This is absurd.

I have the highest cure rate
in the midwest.

My patients are every...

- Dr. reybold.

Shredding client files.

- I have nothing to hide,

- You two know each other?

- I treated sergeant voight's
late wife.

- Don't say another word.

- You know who doesn't
shred files?

Innocent people.

- Hank, you know me.

I held your wife's hand
when she...

- Dr. reybold.

- Camille's death
was hard on me too.

- Don't you say her name.
You hear me?

- Back up, sergeant.

- She was such a fighter.

She would not
want you to do this.

[Ominous music]

- You're under arrest.
- Hank...

- On what grounds?
- Obstruction of justice.

We can pick him up
at the 21st.

Cuff him.
- Get up.

- Don't say anything
until I get there, Dean.

- Hands behind your back.
- Shut it down.

- Copy that.

[Somber music]

♪ ♪

- I told the detective
there was a gun.

I don't know
what more I could do.

- So that night...

Ritchie took off on foot
after Roman shot him,

but no car registered to him
was found here the next day.

So I checked with uber.
He doesn't have an account.

No cabs came here,

and his monthly El pass
doesn't have him on it all day.

So...I'm wondering,

did, maybe,
somebody drive him here?

- Denny.

- Ritchie's brother.

- Ritchie had a couple duis
and had his license yanked.

So, Denny,
he drove him around.

- Okay, do you think
that Denny could have

stayed when he came here?

Waited for ritchie to come out?

- Maybe.

Denny's... he's a good guy.

- What's that
supposed to mean?

- Just... just that...

- Is there anything else
I should know, Callie?

- No.

[Metal clanks]

- You know, I don't know
if you remember,

but when Camille used to see you
in your office...

and this is...

When she was at her lowest
from the pain of chemo...

well, you'd take her hand

and tell her she should
just treasure every moment

because life is so fragile.

[Ominous music]

♪ ♪

You better start
enjoying every moment.

- Two years ago,

Dr. reybold told me
I had bone cancer.

He said it would be tough,

but we'd get
through it together.

The kind of chemo
he gave me,

it rots your bones.

- I couldn't stay at my job.

I can't play
with my children,

be with my husband.

Dr. reybold kept reassuring
that this chemo was gonna work.

- I was alive.
It was a miracle.

- A year ago,

my teeth started falling out.

Six months ago,
it took my leg.

- And now you're telling me
it was all for money?

[Somber music]

♪ ♪

- What have you got?
- I made you copies

of the patient files
we could salvage.

42 out of 57 patients.
All women.

All poisoned
with chemo they did not need.

All willing to testify.

Is this enough?
- For fraud?

- For homicide.

- You want him
to stop practicing today?

I go in front of a special
grand jury with fraud charges,

and the department
of professional regulations

will pull his license
the minute I do.

And when his lawyer
sees what we have,

he'll roll.

Look, you turn up
new information after that,

we can go back
for another bite at the apple

and use the fraud case
as evidence.

He stops practicing

the minute I walk in.

How's your sergeant?

- He'll be a lot better
with a homicide conviction.

[Door opens]

- [Sighs]

[Cell phone buzzes]

- Voight.


[Indistinct chatter]

- Hey.
You made a deal?

What kind of deal?

- It's a year's
license suspension...

- are you kidding me?
- Five years probation,

$14 million in resti...
- no jail time?

- You think these women want
to get dragged through a trial?

- I think those women
want justice.

I do!

- If he loses,
he could appeal for years.

How many of them
have that kind of time?

- He didn't just
defraud people, Dana.

He murdered them.
- But we can't prove it.

The judge advised us to take
this based on the evidence.

State's attorney agreed.

Until you get me new evidence...

My hands are tied.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Hey.

I need your help.

- Well, at first blush,

classic psychopath.

Prey on the weak.

All these women are marginalized
by age or race

and physically or emotionally
removed from any support.

- Well, we know
from phone records

four of these women
knew each other,

and from there,

we discovered
they met in a chat room,

compared notes.

They agreed to meet with him,
and as best we can tell,

confront him about his methods.

So my question is:

How could he have managed
to pull them in for more rounds

if they were already

- Cancer diagnosis
has so much uncertainty.

People are looking for a guide

through the process,

someone they can trust.

- A savior.

- Hmm.

And if they walked away,
what would they have?

control their victims

to get that charge
they crave.

Telling a healthy woman
she has cancer,

oh, there's a thrill.

Probably where he started.

He does that,
doesn't get caught,

so he escalates
to the next stimulus...

treating her,
becoming her champion.

I wager heavily
we look into this guy's past,

there's mistreatment by women.

Now he flipped it.

"I used to be subject.

Now I'm god."

- Would you be willing
to testify to that?

- [Scoffs]

In order to take the stand,
you know, I gotta...

I get fully formed diagnosis,

Speak to him directly.

- Well...

He ain't pleading insanity...

And I promise you

his lawyer's not gonna
let you anywhere near him.

[Knock on door]
[Door opens]

- Dr. Charles... sorry.

I just wanted to let you know
that Jessica pope...

She didn't make it.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

- The thing about psychopaths...

Love to hear themselves talk.

- Yeah?
- We picked up footage

of your car outside Callie's
house the night of the incident.

- You mean the night
your partner killed my brother.

- Yeah, and I know
you drove him there.

- So?
- So I don't think you left.

I think you followed him,
and when he bled out

you took his gun
so he'd look innocent.

And because of that, a good
police officer is gonna go down

for something he didn't do.
- You guys are incredible.

- If you have that gun, Denny,

you need to turn it over
right now.

Otherwise, you're looking at...
- are you arresting me?

- Mm-mm, not yet.

- I don't have a gun.

I got nothing more
to say to you.

- Thank you.

- Whoa.

You're that doctor
from the news.

I'm sorry.

Dr. Daniel Charles,
Chicago med.

Man, they sure are going after
us these days, aren't they?

You out on bail?

I mean, why are they even
charging you in the first place?

Can you explain that to me?

Must be so hard to distance
yourself from cancer patients.

- When you got into

did you expect
to save everyone's life?

- Hmm...

But to lose patients
over and over,

watch them get diminished
by illness...

- The U.S. is so far behind.

I have a series of cocktails
that are revolutionary.

Other doctors don't approach
my methods or my numbers.

That's what should be
on the news.

- That should be on the news...
[Both chuckle]

And, of course, I mean,

they never questioned
your therapies, right?

I mean, wh...
- [Chuckles]

Did they have a medical degree?
- Exactly.

- Did they cure cancer?

That shuts 'em up.

You know, bottom line,

they're afraid
for their lives,

and they come to understand

I'm the only one
who can save them.

- What a lovely watch.
- It's beautiful, right?

Yeah, I got a guy,

uh, Howard, on south wabash.

This retails 75,000 easy.

He gave it to me for 45,000.

- Whew.
- [Chuckles]

If you're interested I can,
uh, give you his info.

He can hook you up.
I mean, look at this thing.

- Wow, gorgeous.

Really gorgeous.
- Yeah.

[Rock music]

♪ ♪

- Hey.

- Hey.

- What do you know
about the brother?

- Whose? Ritchie's?
- Yeah.

- I didn't deal with him.
- I did some digging.

He has two parking tickets
written on Callie's block.

- Yeah, he'd drive ritchie.

- When ritchie was in jail.

Did Denny and Callie
have a thing?

- How would I know?

- There's something
going on there.

She seemed
very protective of him.

So I'm just trying
to figure out who to go at next.

- So Denny took the gun.
- Yeah.

- If he did, he'd have
thrown it in the river.

Here we are.
Same place we started.

- [Scoffs]
That's defeatist.

- No, that's realist.

This is defeatist.

- Thanks.


- [Sighs]

- Hank, I miss Camille.

- Hmm.

- I mean, my whole life
till I was 14 was bunny.

You know?

When she was sober.
When she wasn't.

I didn't know

that moms could be kind.

Or brave.
Or unselfish.

She didn't even like me
when you first brought me home.

You remember that?
- Yeah.

- She already had her hands
full with Justin,

and I showed up and I just
doubled her trouble.

We were hellions.

I remember this one day
I came home...

Iron maiden t-shirt,
skirt up to here, you know,

and she's just waiting for me
in the living room.

She has a dress
from Marshall field's.

She told me that...

You saw something in me
that was worth sacrificing for,

and so she would too,

and she used her Christmas money
to buy me that dress.

- I have an idea.

Reybold met with our victims

three weeks before they
showed up dead or in comas.

You have the accounts receivable
for his office?

- Here and here.

- The victims met with reybold
on December 10th,

and... there.

December 11th...

An order came into the office
for chemo for each victim.

- How much?
- Twice as much as they got

every other time before.

- On the 11th?

'cause in reybold's schedule,

he has our victims
getting treated

on December 14th,

the 16th,

and the 17th.

And then he had
another order for chemo placed

December 22nd

for three times
the usual amount.

And he's got them all listed
for appointments

right after that.

- Wait, what was the last order?

- January 2nd.

That's right before
they came into med,

and it's seven times
the usual amount.

- How did he get that past
the insurance companies?

They'd never approve seven times
the normal amount of chemo.

- Did he even bill it
to insurance?

- No.

So his office
ate the payments?

- Or he paid for it himself.

If you're gonna order
enough chemo to kill someone,

that would be murder.
- Is this enough?

- His signature on the invoices

proves intent
with physical evidence.

Keeping it off the books
is a cover-up.

If I can get the women
from the fraud case to testify

he dosed them personally...

I think we can convince a jury.

- That's all I need to know.

- Thank you...Thank you.

You know, I've devoted
my whole life to healing,

but healing is more than
finding the right medication,

more than establishing
the right treatment program.

No, it's connecting

with our patients wholly
and never giving up,

making them believe that
a full recovery is possible too.

- Yeah, is that how it went
with Jessica pope?

What about Dani frank?
Carol shepperd?

- Back off.
- Leah kamen?

What about their healing?

I guess they had a different
treatment program, huh, doc?

- Uh, this... this isn't...
- turn around.

You're under arrest
for the murder

and attempted murder
of four patients.

That's not too tight, is it?

Come on.

[Crowd murmuring]

Party's over, folks.

- These 42 patients

already had their day
in court, your honor.

Dr. reybold took a plea
and was sentenced.

Case closed.
- Except it's a straight line

from the fraud to these murders,
and drawing that line...

- will unnecessarily
prejudice the jury.

What happened to the patients
in that case

is irrelevant
in the current proceeding.

- Irrelevant?
Because the fraud victims

didn't die and my victims did?

- Your honor...
- pull it back, Ms. Shelby.

- Dr. reybold murdered four
women to cover up his fraud.

The jury needs to hear this

so that they can understand
the whole story.

- But they'll be
unduly prejudiced if they do.

The bottom line is:

The fraud victims
can't testify.

- Too prejudicial?
Not relevant?

- It was an uphill battle.

- So not one of the victims
can testify

that reybold dosed
our four women personally?

- Three...The medical examiner

just ruled Jessica pope's death
a suicide.

- Put me on the stand.

- Why?
Do you have cancer?

- I can walk a jury
through all of this.

- Sure, then green
will rip you a new one

when she brings up Camille

and your motive
for going after him.

- I'm the lead investigator
on this case.

If you don't put me
on the stand, she will,

and you won't have
set the table for it.


- If you go off script
one time,

you will lose this case
for us.

It is too big a risk.

I'm putting Erin on
to talk about the investigation.

There is no way
you are testifying.

- If Denny's anything
like his brother,

he would have thrown that gun
into the river like Roman said.

- Denny's not like ritchie

He's had the same job
for ten years.

I mean, those parking tickets
by Callie's house...

only brush with the law
he's ever had.

I bet my life he took that gun
to protect ritchie... and Callie.

- So go talk to him.
- I can't.

I have been
in this guy's face before.

He won't roll for just me.
I mean, I-i need...

to hold over him or...

- I know what you need.

- Wait, what?
- Me.

Bobby, watch the desk.
I'm doing some field work.

- Okay.
- Are you coming or what?

- Yeah.

- Hey.

'Sup, Denny?

- This is harassment.

- I'm gonna paint you
a picture here, Denny.

You lie to an officer,

that's impeding
an investigation.

You make a false statement
on the record,

that's obstruction of

You keep a gun,

that's withholding evidence
in a murder.

- You brought your mom?

What, 'cause you couldn't prove
I did any of that on your own?

- We have proof that you
drove your inebriated brother

to a residence where he
committed aggravated battery,

and then he threatened
a police officer,

which led to his death.

You know what you can
be charged with?

Accessory to murder.

- Whatever.

You're just saying things
to try and trap me.

- No, you will be charged

as an accessory
in your own brother's death.

Felony murder.
That's two to five years.

And not in county.

Come on, the way I see it,

you've been trying to help
everybody else.

Your brother.

If I were you, I'd start
thinking about helping myself.

- Where's the gun, Denny?

- That gun turns up, the city
does nothing for Callie.

She quit her job
to take care of Andrew.

Ritchie left her flat broke.

She deserves better.

- There's a reward

for information leading
to the whereabouts of the gun.

That reward could...

Take the turn of a check
made out to anonymous.

If you tell the detective
in charge everything you saw...

all of it...
and that gun turns back up,

well, that check could end up
in the hands of a nice woman.

25,000 dollars' worth.

- And I wouldn't be charged
with anything?

- You're the grieving brother.

Why would we charge you
with anything?

- In your review
of Dr. reybold's books,

you found no evidence he
billed any insurance companies

for these treatments.
- No.

- Well, who did pay
for these treatments?

- Dr. reybold himself.
From his personal account.

- Personal.

Which allowed him
to overdose patients...

- objection.
- Overruled.

- To overdose patients
without raising a red flag

with the insurance companies.
- Yes.

- No further questions.

- Could Dr. reybold
have been helping patients

get the care they needed?

For instance,
if three patients came to him

and said they were having
financial difficulties

but wanted to stay alive...

What kind of doctor might pay
for those treatments himself?

- A really remarkable one.
That's for sure.

- Thank you.
That's all.

- My conversation
with Dr. reybold

coupled with
a look at his history

led me to a clear diagnosis
of psychopathy.

The psychopathic mind
lacks fear, remorse, empathy.

In essence, it can't connect to
or care about others.

That's Dr. reybold.

- But he's a doctor.

Doesn't that suggest
empathy or caring?

- Well, you'd be shocked
how many functional psychopaths

are in the world,

you know, attracted to power,

his success rates,

the therapies only
he can administer,

belittling his patients
to keep them under his control.

"I'm the one
with the medical degree,"

he would say to his patients.

- You know this how?

- Because he told me.

- I renew my objection.
This entire conversation...

- was a spontaneous admission
that has already been ruled on.

- Agreed.

Continue, Ms. Shelby.

- So Dr. reybold
would ask his patients

if they had a medical degree?

- And made sure they knew

he was the only one
who could save them.

Those are actual words
from our conversation.

- Thank you, Dr. Charles.

- Well, let's talk
about that conversation.

Was it at your office?
- No.

- At the court?
Ordered by a judge?

- Nope.
- Did Dr. reybold know

he was being interviewed?

- As I said before,
it was not an interview.

It was two doctors striking up
a conversation.

- Where did this conversation
take place?

- In a coffee shop.
- Near your house?

- No.
- Your office?

- No.
- In fact,

it was 8 miles
from either of those places.

- Didn't measure.

- Do you know
how many coffee shops

are between your house
or office and there?

- I don't.

- 37.

37 other coffee shops,

and you rolled
into this particular one,

two blocks
from the defendant's house?

To stalk him?
- Objection.

- Sustained.

- Were you paid
by the prosecution

for your services,
Dr. Charles?

- I was not.

- You're an unpaid agent
of the police.

- No one told me
to speak with Dr. reybold.

I walked into that coffee shop

and I saw this...


And my curiosity
got the best of me.

- That works out well for state,
doesn't it?


Ever socialize with members

of the intelligence unit,
Dr. Charles?

Perhaps at a bar called Molly's?

- I have.
- So they're friends of yours?

- My report on Dr. reybold
is an unbiased analy...

- that wasn't the question.

- I know them through work

and would be very proud
to call them my friends.

- No further questions.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Look, get a continuance.
My team and i...

- I already used up my goodwill
with this judge.

- Then put Antonio
on the stand.

He'll testify to the paper trail
of the money.

- The damage has been done.

They'll make those payments
look like something else.


- So tell me
what you need to win.

- I need the patients
from the fraud case back in.

I need 42 people
on a witness stand

to say he dosed them

or any eyewitness

that can put that needle
in reybold's hand.

Can you do that?

- Maybe.

If you put me on the stand.

All three victims were
in contact with each other,

comparing notes.

We know this from
their phone records.

After their December 10th
meeting with Dr. reybold,

they agreed
to an experimental treatment

which, in actuality,

was simply
twice the usual dose of chemo.

The following week, he upped it
to three times the amount.

By the time they wound up
in the hospital,

it was at seven times.

- Because they confronted him
about what he did,

and he was afraid
of being exposed.

- Objection.
Counsel is testifying.

- Sustained.

- In your investigation,

did you find it suspicious

three patients met with
the doctor one day...

- objection.

No one knows what transpired
in this meeting.

- That's because everyone in
that meeting besides Dr. reybold

is dead or in a coma.

- You honor.
- One more time,

and you're in contempt.

- [Sighs]

Could the amounts the patients
received have been lab mistakes?

- No, Dr. reybold's signature
was on every order.

- Well, what about
a dosing error?

- His staffer testified

that Dr. reybold personally
administered those doses.

- But the staffer cut a deal.

- That doesn't mean
it wasn't the truth.

- Objection.
Improper opinion.

- Sustained.

- What about any
other witnesses who...

- asked and answered.

- Yes, Ms. Shelby,
move on.

- Your honor, someone has to
speak for these victims.

- You don't speak.
You ask questions.

And if nobody else
saw the doctor dosing...

- someone else did.


I saw Dr. reybold
dose a patient.

My wife.

I saw Dr. reybold
dose my wife Camille

who died of cancer
under Dr. reybold's care

six years ago.

- Sergeant voight...
- I'm a witness.

I saw him dose a patient.

- The state has
no further questions

for this witness.

- Well, I have a few.

Losing your wife to cancer

must have been very painful,

Can you talk
about your wife's illness?

- Camille was referred
to Dr. reybold

when her ovarian cancer

He recommended
an aggressive course

and then a second round
when that didn't get it all.

She was cold all the time...

Couldn't keep food down.

Memory went in and out.

She was depressed.

She fought as hard
as she could, but...

- She sounds brave.

- She was.

- [Sighs]

You're still in mourning

over your wife's death.

Isn't that what this is

- No.

- How gratifying would it be

to help convict Dr. reybold?

- It would be very gratifying.

- No further questions.
- For all his victims.

- I said no further questions.

You answered exactly
as I expected you to.

- Redirect?

What other victims

are you referring to,
sergeant voight?

- Objection.

- Ms. green
questioned my witness

about one prior patient,
Camille voight.

Now she opened the door

to the other 42 patients
he treated.

- She's right.

- What other victims?

- Helen Graham...

Nia felten...

Priya Parvati...

Anne gamerman...

And 38 other people

this doctor diagnosed
with cancer they didn't have

and treated with chemo
they didn't need.

- And how do you know this
to be true?

- Because he said so himself
in court under oath.

- Objection.
- Overruled.


- Dr. reybold confessed

to personally poisoning
42 patients,

ruining their lives,

terrifying them
and their families,

and he did it all for a payout,

and he admitted to all of this

as part of a deal he made

with the state of Illinois,
copping to fraud.

- This deal, sergeant voight?

- That's the one.

- The state would like
to enter into evidence

case number 111 496

and amend its witness list
by 42 people.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- They have a verdict.

- Hour of deliberation.

That's probably good, right?

- Camille would be proud
of you.

- You too, kiddo.

- On the count
of narcotic induced homicide

of Danielle frank...

- We find the defendant

- On the count of narcotic
induced attempted homicide

of Carol shepperd...

- We find the defendant guilty.

- On the count of narcotic
induced attempted homicide

of Leah kamen...

- We find the defendant guilty.

- Defendant is remanded
into custody until such time

as a sentencing hearing
is scheduled.


- Hank, your wife
did not suffer needlessly.

You have to believe me.
The cancer did come back.

I never harmed Camille.

These patients,
I was their only hope.

They got years because of me.

You can't put someone away
for saving lives.

You can't!

I wasn't harming them.
I was helping them.


- Look, you're swimming!
You're swimming!

That was so good.
Did you see that?

- [Laughs]

- I'm swimming!
- You sure are.

- Whoo!

He's gonna get you.

- How did that feel?
- Swimming!

- You sure were.
He was holding on to my suit.

That's awesome.

- S!
- [Murmurs]


What's the t say?

Tuh, tuh, tuh, tuh.

What's this letter?

- U.
- U.

You want dad to open a present?
Let dad open a present.

Give it to dad.
Give it to dad.

This is for dad.
- Here, mommy, you can film.

Okay, you gonna help me?

- Yeah, I can help you.
- Help me.

- Hi, honey.
- There's mama.

- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.

- I love you.
- I love you.

[Somber music]

♪ ♪