Chicago Med (2015–…): Season 5, Episode 10 - Guess It Doesn't Matter Anymore - full transcript

A a former patient of Dr. Halstead's resurfaces. Upon Ethan's return, April deals with telling the truth or keeping her secret. Dr. Charles deals with the death of his wife.

I like to call it
exactly what it is

low ovarian reserve.

I'm the reason
we haven't gotten pregnant.

Look, I just want to
make sure I'm not the problem.

I don't even know
if I want a baby anymore.

Look, I don't know
what's going on between us,

but maybe it's a good thing
I'm going away.

You told me
to get out of your life.

We can figure

We aren't good
for one another.

I'm sorry, Natalie.

Hey, I'm alive.

Yes, sweetheart.

I want you to remarry.

She wants you to remember her
the way she is tonight.

But, Dad, I'm never gonna
see her again.

Do you want me
to come with you?

Nah, it's just a blood draw.

So, big day, huh?

First day of radiation.

3:00 in the basement.

So I'll stick around then.

You don't have to.

You don't have to.

You don't have to.




You going
to Lainey's thing tonight?

I haven't decided yet.

I mean, you were always
closer to her than I was.

You don't have to
tiptoe around me.

I mean, if you want to
go to the party,

you should go to the party.

Sure, of course.

Look, I'll, uh
I'll see you there.


Actually, Will?

I'd like us
to be friends again

if that's something
you want to, of course.


Yeah, I would.

I really hate to
break this up,

but I got a ped's burn
in treatment four.

Got it.
You, too, Will.

Mom's a little agitated.

Trainee thinks
she's on something.

I don't seem to have
my insurance card

with me here right now.

I know
I'm in the system, though.

You can look it up.
That's okay.

We can deal with it later.
Hi, Ms. Driscoll?

I'm Dr. Manning,
and this is Doctor

Dr. Halstead, yes.

I told you I was here before.

He's the one that saw me.

Of course, I remember.

So, uh, understand
Jesse here had an accident.

Yeah, he, umhe was
nuking some water

in the microwave
to make some oatmeal,

and I told him that
he shouldn't do that.

If I wasn't there with him

I'm sorry, Mommy.

You know, I just
turned around for a second.

I swear.
It's okay.

You are very brave, Jesse.

I can't believe
you're only six.

How about
we give Dr. Manning some

I'm sorry.

Just give her a little space
to examine

No, I need to
be here with him.

I'm so sorry, I'll get

That's okay.
No problem.


Uh, your finger's injured.

How'd that happen?

Oh, I must have done it

when I was trying
to get in my car.

How about we go next door?
I'll take a look at it.

II want to
be here with him.

We'll be right in there.

You can keep your eye on him
through the window.

How's that sound?



Baby, I'm gonna be right here.

All right,
you're doing so well, Jesse.

There you go.

All right, you can have
a seat on thethe bed there.

Let's take a look
at that finger.

I know.

Yeah, it's dislocated.

II had to
get us to the hospital.

My keys were locked in the car

and, uh, thought
I'd smash the window.

I finally realized I have
a spare in the kitchen drawer.


Tell me, you under the
influence of drugs right now?

What? No.


There are a number
of treatment programs

I can recommend if you're
struggling with addiction.


You didn't really
recognize me in there, did you?

Five milligrams of Oxy
eight times a day.

You said, "Should be fine.

No problem."

That was four years ago.

You wanna point the finger
at someone?

Try looking in the mirror.

3% to 4%
superficial partial thickness

on the shin, ankle, and foot.

All right, let's prep
to wash and debride.

Is it bad?

It is not as bad as it looks,
all right?

And if we take
really good care of it,

it'll be better in no time.

So when the accident happened
with the microwave,

where was your mommy?

Was she sleeping?

My mom works really hard.

It makes her tired.

I didn't want to wake her up.

It's all right, Jesse.

Well, you're right.

I saw you
a little over four years ago.

You were complaining
of postsurgical complications

with your left knee,

and you stated then
your pain level was a nine

on a onetoten scale.

I wasn't lying.

No, I'm not saying you were.

If you didn't believe me,

you shouldn't have
written a prescription.

You all were handing
these things out like candy,

and now that you've decided
there's a problem,

I'm left to fend for myself.

You think I like having to
score drugs out on the street?

It shouldn't have happened.

Maybe I should have
been, uh, more careful.

But I want to help you now,

and I'm sorry
I didn't recognize you.

I got high this morning...

instead of getting my boy
ready for school.

How can anything be
more important to me than him?

I'mI'm so ashamed.

It's all right.

We need to talk.

Shoot, Sexton.
I'm all ears.


What's with the cloak
and dagger?

Ethan is coming home
from deployment tomorrow.


I take it
you two haven't spoken.

Yeah, well,
he's been incommunicado.

It's Navy protocol.

Look, I have been
agonizing over this

for six weeks.

I don't know
what I'm gonna say.

How about,
"Ethan, so glad to see you"?

I mean, you and I agreed what
happened was a mistake, right?

Crockett, I kissed you.

Yeah, for like three seconds.

Because you stopped me.

I don't even know
what would have happened if

Don't make yourself crazy
over this.

Okay, I have to tell Ethan.

Dr. Marcel.

You're going to Baghdad.

Copy. Duty calls.

Come on.

You good, Dr. Sexton?
Yeah, yeah, I'm good.

Okay, with me.
33yearold male.

Side impact; highspeed
motor vehicle collision.

GCS 15.
Can you tell me your name?

Okay, Alex, I'm Dr. Marcel.

This is Dr. Sexton
and Nurse April.

We're gonna get you
patched up, okay?

Nice and easy, folks.

We go on my count.

One, two, three.

Nice and easy.


All right, got a deformity
of the left arm.

Good pulses.

Heart rate: 100.

Hurts to breathe.

Poor breathe sounds
in the left side.

Probable pneumothorax.
Chest, Mike.

April, April, help.

Hey, Alex, you gotta
lay down for us, okay?

Good call, Dr. Sexton.
It's your show.

Chest tube tray.

Wait, what are you doing?

One of your lungs
has collapsed.

I need to insert a tube
to reinflate it.

Oh, my God, you're gonna
put me under?

Just numb you up.

Give you something
for the pain.

100 of fentanyl,
10 CCs lidocaine.

Ultrasound to me.

I'm in.

Okay, I'm seeing some
free fluid.

Hang a unit of blood and plasma
and draw trauma labs.

Call upstairs for a panscan.
What's happening?

We're sending you upstairs
to get a clearer picture

of what's going on.

Once we get that sorted,

we're gonna have ortho set
that arm of yours, all right?

Alex, you're in
good hands here.

Just sit tight, bud, okay?

Excuse me, Lynne?

I just wanted to give you
an update on your son.

The debriding went well, um,

and Jesse's wounds
don't appear to be infected.

Um, will there be scarring?

Well, every
patient's different,

but, um, with proper care
and followthrough,

it should be greatly minimized.


How are you feeling?

I'm fine, um...

so what about scarring?

You just asked me that.

So, uh, tell me
what I need to do.

I want to
write it aall down.

Sure, um

you know,
I'm gonna go compare notes

with Dr. Halstead real quick,
and then I'll be right back.



In about an hour, my patient
will be ready to be discharged,

but I have to say,
I have some serious concerns

about his aftercare.


Jesse's wounds
will need constant maintenance.

He might even need pain meds,

and I just really don't feel
comfortable releasing him...

Into an addict's care.

I'm gonna go call
Child Protective Services and

Whoa, hold on.

Instead of discharging Jesse,

how about we admit him
to the PICU?

The hospital can act
as his guardian,

and I can help Lynne
get ready to take care of him.

But he doesn't
need intensive care.

That's against protocol.

If you recommend
inpatient care,

no one's gonna
secondguess your judgment.

I'm sorry, Will, but no.

I can't do that.

That kid is all she has,

I gotta do whatever I can
to keep her from losing him.


48 hours.

That is the longest I can
justify keeping him here.

Thank you.

But you're just
kicking the can, Will.

There is no way she's gonna be
completely clean by then.

Dr. Charles?

I'm sorry, um
you weren't answering my pages,

and I've got a patient
who needs a consult.

Isn't Dr. Kwon on call?

Yeah, but he's busy
on the floor.

Um, I brought the chart.
Maybe you could review it here.

Um, her EKG and her blood work
came back normal.

No indications
of cardiac syncope.

She's been diagnosed
with panic disorder?

she was prescribed fluoxetine.

Been on it for about two weeks.

So she had another
panic attack.

But how do we know
if her regimen is effective?

II guess I thought that
maybe you could speak with her.

Ms. Curry, antidepressants
often take several weeks

to kick in, right?

So I would tell Ms. Patel that
you understand her frustration,

to be patient, and stick with
the prescription.

Anything else?

Yes, um, panic attacks
have triggers, right?

Negative words oror thoughts.


Well, there's this theory
that by repeatedly vocalizing

those triggers, you can
decouple them from their power.

Like cognitive defusion.
There's an app.

you record your anxieties,

and the app then turns them
into songs.

I think it's admirable
that you want to

do everything you can
to help your patients,

but offering up gimmicks
in an emergency setting

I justI really don't
see the benefit.

You know,
the best care for Ms. Patel

is with
her regular psychiatrist.

So I suggest that
you discharge her,

and that you follow up
with whoever that might be.

Okay? Okay.

How's he doing?

Yeah, well,
no solid organ entry,

but I'm not liking this
free fluid in his abdomen.

Hmm, well,
his blood pressure's steady.

Doesn't seem like
he's actively bleeding.

Could be nothing,

or it could be a bleed
we can't see on CAT scan.

Let's get Mr. Minguez in
for a diagnostic laparoscopy.

See if we can find out
what's bleeding and how badly.

Well, couldn't we
just watch and wait?

And risk an open procedure
if he goes downhill?

I don't think so.
Surgery's the only play.

Wait, you're not gonna
lay out his options?

He might not need surgery.

Well, you saw
how he acted earlier.

He's afraid of going under,

We give him an out
and he'll take it.

No, he needs this.

We don't know what he needs.

It's a surgery
to see if he needs surgery.

As much as I value
your input, Nurse Sexton,

I am the surgeon,
and this is the plan.

All right, if you'll excuse me.

Wait, youyou want to
keep my kid here?

No, no, no, no.

She said that
I could take him home.

So that's what I'm gonna do.
I'm doing that.

Whoa, whoa
hhere's the story, um...

If you insist
on discharging your son,

we're gonna be left
with no other option

than to call
Child Protective Services.

Child serwhy?

You're not currently capable
of taking care of your child.

I told you,
this was the only time

that this has ever happened.

Lynne, you know I'm right.

Is there anyone else
we can call?

Jesse's father?
An aunt or uncle?


It's just us.

Oh, my God.

My baby's gonna be
taken away from me.

Not if we get you
in a better place.

You said you've attempted to
get clean before.

What treatments have you tried?

Uh, methadone andand NA,

and, uh, cold turkey.

Nothing works.
Ever tried a detox protocol?

That's a month in a facility.

Who's gonna
take care of my kid?

What if we sped things up?

It's called rapid detox.

Yeah, now,
I normally wouldn't suggest it,

but we don't have much time.

We push you through withdrawal
under sedation

to manage the symptoms,
and in 24 to 48 hours,

you'll be down the road
to treating your addiction.


The last time
I went through that,

it almost killed me.

It is not without risk,

but I don't know what I can do
to keep you together.

Can I say goodbye to my son?
Of course.

Hold up.


Looks like we're gonna
stay here for a couple days.

What? No!

It'll be fun.

Remember, like...

When we had that leak
in the bathroom?

We had to go
stay in that hotel.

What was that secret
handshake wewe made up?

That's it.

Well, you be good
for the doctors, okay?


So they're really gonna
stick a camera inside me?

It's a lot less dramatic
than it sounds.

That's what they told my dad

when he needed
a new heart valve.

He had a stroke
under anesthesia.

Never woke up.

Alex, I am so sorry.

You know, this procedure
is minimally invasive,

very safe, and Dr. Marcel
is a great surgeon.

I'm sure he is, but it's

it's just hard
not to think about.

If you have any questions,
I can track him down.

I just
is this really my only option?

Howhow's she doing?

Okay for now.

Got the
dexmedetomidine flowing.

Ativan at the ready.
She still rousable?

Hi, Lynne.

I need you
to swallow this pill.

What is it?

Naltrexone, to prevent you
from relapsing.

Will, what are you doing?

Starting her
on a rapid detox protocol.

Has this been authorized?

You said
we were all kosher here.

Asha, don't worrywe are.

Really, Will?
Rapid detox?

Plenty of clinics
are doing this, Nat.

We're not off
the reservation here.

Does she understand
the risks?

She does.

Even if
she gets through this

even if
the procedure's a success

addiction is not something
that can be cured rapidly.

There are a host of triggers

that Lynne's gonna
have to overcome.

Of course, and this will be
a head start.

Get her past the cravings,
the withdrawals

I don't know.

I can't be the reason
she loses her kid.

I gotta make this right.

The hell'd you do?

My patient just backed out
of his laparoscopy.

Alex was concerned
about the procedure.

I just answered his questions.
But he already consented.

Because you made him believe
he didn't have a choice.

And you may be okay
keeping people in the dark,

but you can't just assume
that I am.

"In the dark"?
What are we talking about here?

Our patient or Ethan?


I just want to make sure
Alex knows his options.

He has no options, April.

This procedure gets riskier
every minute we wait.

When we're rushing this man
to the OR in shock,

it's on you.


you wanna tell me
what's going on

with you and Dr. Marcel?

There's nothing going on.

Hey, I can't have my sister
and my mentor

slugging it out every day.

Give it up.

Dr. Sexton?

If you're looking
for something to do,

Dr. Lanik
has a forearm laceration

that needs stitching.

Thank you.

Maybe something you wanna
talk about with a girlfriend?

I kissed Crockett.


Itit was a mistake.

I hadI had just found out
some really bad news.

I was feeling worthless, I

What news?

Ethan and I have been

trying for a baby...

and I found out...

that I may not be able
to have any.



Come here.

I'm sorry, Ms. Patel.

So that's it?
You're sending me home?

Medically speaking,

there is no reason
to keep you in the hospital.

You're telling me
there's nothing you can do?


no, no, there is one thing
we can try.

It'sit's not
a proven therapy,

but it's been working for me.

All right, what
whatever gives you anxiety,

you speak it into this app,

and it turns those words
into a song.

Thethe theory is that
when you sing it back,

you uncouple the words
from the influence

that they had over you.

Disrupt the cycle
of negative thinking.

Iwhat do I say?

Oh, I don't know, anything.
Anything that stresses you out.

Am I good at my job?

I think I am,
but it's hard to know.

Good, okay.

Great, now sing it back.

No, II can't do this.

II feel stupid.
No, that was good.

Just try it.
No, II don't want to.

Oh, God.

All right, yeah, no.
We can try that later.

You know what,
if taking my antidepressants

is all I really need to do,
then I'm just gonna do that.

No, no, I wouldn't
take your meds offschedule.


God, I just want to
get out of here.


Look at you.
Come on, give it to me.

Give it to me, huh?

Working that gown.

They let you wear
whatever you want during chemo.

Well, the good news

radiation goes by
a lot quicker.


The badthey don't got
those plush LaZBoys.


we can't go in together

Heard you were down here.

Hey, Doctor Singh.

I didn't know you sat in
during these things.

I'm here to see Ben,

I wanted to do this in person.

Is it okay that Maggie's here?


I reviewed your bloodwork,
and it seems...

that whatever jumpstarted
your immune system

to fight off the measles
had the added benefit

of putting your cancer
in remission.


You're kidding, right?

No, I'm not.

Congratulations, Ben.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, Ben.

I'm so happy for you, Ben.

Thank you!

Yes! Come on!

Let's go!

This is the best day ever.

Thank you, Dr. Singh.

Okay, I'm, um
I'm really sorry

that I couldn't
do more for you.

I'll manage.

Hey, Priya, are you okay?

My throat...

I can't...

II can't...

I need the response team
out here!

Hey, Priya, can you hear me?
Dr. Lanik's on his way.

Okay, I need epi.

It's okay.

You're gonna be okay.

What the hell happened?

II don't know.

Dr. Halstead!
Lynne's seizing.

She's going through

Push another five of Ativan.
I already did.

Seizure's not breaking.
BP's spiking 180/100.

She needs
a propofol bolus, Will.

We gotta snow her.
All right, do it.

Gotta protect her airway.


Jesse, what are you
doing here?

Why is she shaking like that?

Put him on a mask.

Belly's distended and tender.

Heart rate's up to 120.

BP's 91/76.
What happened?

He's in hemorrhagic shock.

Two units
on the rapid transfuser.

Can we still scope him?
No, too unstable.

We have to open him up.
Open up the hybrid room!

Let's move.

How's your patient?

Oh, uh, she had another
panic attack,

but, uh, she's stable.

Dr. Lanik
just ordered repeat labs.

She had another one?

Any ideas on the trigger?

Dr. Charles, I'm really sorry.

II couldn't send her home
with nothing.

So II had her
try the singing.

And you think that that's why
she had another episode?

Yeah, well, she
she got really anxious,

and then she took
another antidepressant,

and II don't know.

I think this is my fault.

Wait, wait, wait
she took a second dose

on top of
her regular prescription?

When exactly did she do that?

Maybe 20 minutes
before she collapsed.

But panic attacks are
typically an immediate response

to a stressor
not timedelayed.

And an extra antidepressant

wouldn't provoke
a toxic response anyway.

Look, why don't we add an FBC
and tryptase to her blood work?

More tests?
Whatwhat are you thinking?

Eh, II don't know yet,
but I'm not positive

we're looking at
panic attacks here.


Your mom told me
that you kept some

of your favorite books
in here.

Why don't you pick one out
for us to read?

Why was that doctor
sticking something

down my mommy's throat?

To help her breathe.

It's 'cause of that stuff
she takes, isn't it?

Have you ever
heard of a bad habit?

So I used to bite my nails
all the time,

and that's a bad habit.

And sometimes
it's really hard to stop

when you're so used to
doing it.

My mom has a bad habit,
doesn't she?

And it's making her sick.

Is that why I have to
stay here tonight?

Well, it's a little more
complicated than that, Jesse.

'Cause I can
take care of her.

I know what to do.

You have Narcan
in your backpack?

My mommy gave it to me.

And you know how to use it?

If I find my mom
and I can't wake her up,

I tilt her head back and squirt
one of these in her nose.

I've done it before.

You have?
A couple times.

You don't need to
worry about my mom

'cause I can take care of her.

Please don't
take her away from me.

Lot of blood.

What's that grey patch?
Ischemic bowel.

Can we salvage that?

If we got in here
three hours ago.

All right, let's get control
of this bleeding.

April, hemostat times two.

Dr. Sexton, clamp under me.

Marty, how we looking?

A little tachycardic,
but pressure's holding.

Field's oozy.

Hang another unit
of blood and plasma.

Got it.

Mesentery's clamped off.

You ever resect a bowel before?

Lucky you.

GIA 80 to Dr. Sexton.

Let's get to work.

How do you feel?

Like a rotisserie chicken.

Listen, Maggie...

I wanna apologize for earlier,

when I got the news
about my cancer,

I just...

I went a little wild.

For good reason.

But still, it was selfish,

given where you are
in your fight.

I don't want to go out
and celebrate.

Not until we both
can declare victory.

How lucky am I
to have found you?

You give me hope, Ben.

How do you feel?

My throat is sore...

But overall...

I'm sorry, I'm so hoarse.

Could I have some
water, please?

Of course.

Thank you.


You see that?

Hand's pretty darn steady.

Is there a chance
this detox might work?

Excuse me, Ms. Driscoll.

I'm Sharon Goodwin,

executive director
of patient services here;

and this is Madeline Gastern
from Child Protective Services.

What's going on?

I regret
to inform you, Lynne,

that the department
will be taking

medical custody of your child

until we can determine
your fitness as a parent.

I don't understand.

You promised not to do this

if I went through the detox.

Lynne, I didn't do this.

You lied to me.

Why did you lie to me?


You called in
Protective Services.

We had a deal.
The terms changed.

When did that happen?

When Jesse told me that

his neglect was not
just a onetime occurrence.

That kid's living situation
is far more dire

than your patient
led you to believe.

Dr. Halstead.

Charge nurse asked me
to tell you

your patient, Lynne Driscoll,
just left AMA.

So how is he?

We'll keep him under
observation for about a week,

but he should be fine.


Oh, yeah, so I am gonna go
check on some paperwork...

uh, down in the E. D.

Excuse me.

Look, Crockett, about today
I am sorry.

Come on.

I shouldn't have
pushed so hard.

You were just trying to do the
best thing for your patient.

I've been thinking about it,
and, um...

I think maybe you were right.

Sometimes people don't
need to know everything.

I don't think
I should tell him.


Uh, "systemic" what?

It's a genetic condition.
Completely manageable.

Okay, but what about
my panic attacks?

Shortness of breath,
elevated heart rate,

loss of consciousness

all symptoms of panic attacks
and mastocytosis.

Except mastocytosis
can actually be made worse

by taking antidepressants.

So the fluoxetine was not only
not treating anything,

but that extra dose you took?

Probably what made you pass out
in our waiting room.

Oh, but mmy stress is real.

Probably just
good old fashioned

jobrelated stress.

Look, we're going to check in
with your psychiatrist,

but in the meantime,
what we want to do

is swap out
your antidepressants

for antihistamines.


Uh, thank you.

You bet.

What are you doing?
Deleting this app.

It doesn't work.

Mastocytosis should have been

on my differential
from the start,

but I got so focused
on this app that I

I totally missed it.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

Look, you came up
with a creative idea

to solve a tricky problem.

It didn't happen to work, but,
I mean, look at it this way

if you hadn't of tried it,
Priya would have gone home

thinking she still had
a panic disorder.

Because she rejected
my bad idea.

Like you said,
it's just a gimmick.

You can't
sing away your problems.




I thought you were
coming home tomorrow!

I shipped out early.

I wanted to surprise you.


Mission accomplished.

Baby, I, um

look, I didn't like
how we left things.

I've been
thinking about it a lot

over the last six weeks.

Me too.



you and I,
we've been working so hard

and trying to start a family,

and I think
I got caught up in planning

and I forgot what the objective
of the mission really was.

I'm sorry, I didn't...

want to make it
sound like a briefing.

It's okay.

But you...

But you need to know...

That I...

I love you...

and I love your passion

and your loyalty.

And I don't want to go

another six weeks without you
in my life.


April Sexton...

Will you marry me?

This a good silence?

Before I answer that, um...

I need to tell you something.

It might change your mind.



I got tested...

and I don't think
I can have kids.

I'm sorry.
Baby, no.

No, I'm sorry.

But, hey, that's okay.

Look, I love you
no matter what, okay?

We'll figure this out together.

I love you so much.

So much.

So is that a yes?




I'm glad
you came out tonight.

You know, I figured CeCe
probably would have approved.

Oh, yeah.
Sure she would have.

All right, thank you all
for coming tonight.

I'm gonna miss you all
so much.

We'll miss you too, Lainey!

All right, all right.

Up next, Dr. C!

Let's make some noise!


Seriously, you're gonna sing?

He's gonna sing?

Aa friend of mine told me

that, uh, you can't
sing away your troubles.

Well, I guess
we're about to find out.

A little help?

Dr. Halstead?

35yearold female.
Found down, unresponsive.

Looks like an OD.
No response to Narcan.

She's shocked
and epi'd once already.

On my count.

One, two, three.


Continue CPR.

Crash cart!

She's in Vfib, no pulse.
Charge to 200.

Lift up.
All right, let's go.

We are not losing her.


No pulse.
Continue CPR.

Another round of epi.

Let's go.


Come on, Lynne.


It's been 11 minutes now
without one.

11 minutes?


pronounce her.

Time of death: 20:43.