Chicago Fire (2012–…): Season 11, Episode 14 - Run Like Hell - full transcript

An annoying floater takes a romantic interest in Violet. Ritter catches a local politician in a compromising position. Mouch and Severide help Trudy with an arson investigation.

First chemo session
is on Thursday.

I've been going out of my
mind, just the stress of it.

You and Cindy need anything,
I'm here for you, brother.

My older brother, who shoved
me into a fire just for kicks,

is now asking for
my life savings.

Family like that can be poison.

It's one of the
reasons to appreciate

having this 51 family.

This isn't my family,

and it's getting pretty damn
suffocating, to be honest.

No. No, no.

Hey, Kylie. It's Carver.


I'm not going to
make it in today.

I got the flu or something.


I had chemo, not knee surgery.

I can still use my
legs, Christopher.

I know. I know.
I know. I know.

It's just, you know, I
feel so helpless, you know,

watching you go
through all that.

You next to me is all I need.

You want anything
before I leave?

Here... juice, water?


I am pretty sure that the
doctor said no alcohol.

Also, it is 8 o'clock
in the morning.

I have cancer. I get
to do whatever I want.

I think you'll regret that
once the, uh, nausea hits.

Fine. Buzzkill.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


But I promise you, I
will get you everything

that you ask for
at the firehouse.

You better.

I mean, he gave, what,
less than an hour's notice?

What do you do when your
guys call in sick like that?

Unless they're
dying, they don't.

Well, Carver better
be at death's door.

I know he was spinning out
after his brother's visit,

and I'm trying to
cut him some slack,

but now this?


Any chance my floater
preferences got through?

You know the drill, Lieutenant.

Requests can only be put in the
day before the start of shift.

Girl can dream. Who we get?

Whoever's left.

So how'd it go with
the Tinder guy?

The super hot one,
not the architect.

We had fun.

Probably won't see
him again, though.

Oh. Why? What happened?

Nothing really. He
just wasn't a match.

Are you sure?

Because I thought I
was sure with Dylan,

but then I started to miss him.

- Who's Dylan?
- Did you reach out to him?

Uh, well, I liked one
of his Instagram posts,

and he liked one of mine.

Hey, hey. What's up, 51?

Muncell. You're our floater.

I thought you transferred
over to O'Hare.

Oh, not yet, but my name's
still in the running.

- Keeping the faith.
- Must be competitive.

Only three calls a week.
Who wouldn't want that?

Engine 51.

Automatic alarm.
519 West Fullerton.

Dodged that one, right?

Guy on your right.

Engine 51 to Main.

Uh, we are on scene
at 519 West Fullerton,

checking on that
automatic alarm.

- Copy.
- Hey, this your place?

No, I'm next door, but we heard

a loud bang a while
ago from inside,

like something went off.

Fire department!

Anybody in there?

Not showing smoke,
but I smell something.

Yeah, we got flames in the back.

And a victim!

- Let's go!
- 51 to Main.

I need an ambulance.

Let's go!

Copy, 51. Ambo en route.

Hey! Check her airway.

- It's clay.
- Yeah.

All right. Ritter,
hit these flames.

Copy that.

Engine 51 to Main,
uh, hold the ambo.

Copy, 51.

Calling all.

Ambo back to the house.

Fire department! Call out!

Whatever happened to art that
was nice to look at, huh?

Hey, Lieutenant?


You found the point of ignition.

- Space heater.
- Yep.

And paint thinner.

- Fumes ignited, and...
- Kaboom.

All right, um, I'll
finish this up.

Sweep the rest of
the building, please.


Fire department!

Call out!

Fire department.

Anybody there?

Hey, you folks all right?

Yeah, heard a window breaking.

Yeah, that was us. We
announced ourselves.

Didn't you hear the
explosion up front?

We thought that was outside.

No, that was in the studio.

Did you leave a
space heater running?

Oh no, my ballerinas!

OK, come outside with me.

We'll get you checked out.

No, thanks. I'm fine.

I'm glad to hear it,
but there's smoke

in the air and chemicals, and...

I'm fine. Promise.

Do I know you?

No, you don't.

Hey. Hey!

You can refuse treatment,

but I need you to sign a
release before you leave.

I'm not leaving because
I was never here.

You got that?

And if you tell anyone
otherwise, you'll regret it.

Yo, catch a fire?

A tiny one. Put it
out with one hand.

But during my sweep, it
was the strangest thing.

I caught this couple
hiding in a closet,

you know, like they'd
been canoodling.

You've been hanging out
with Herrmann too long.

- "Canoodling"?
- Yeah.

And the guy,

he was real annoyed I
found them like that.

- Well.
- He said,

you tell anybody I was
here, you'll regret it.

Then he took off.

That's weird.

What's even weirder
is I feel like

I've seen his face before,
and it was almost like

he expected me to recognize him.

What did Herrmann say about it?

Didn't tell him.

It had nothing to
do with the fire,

which wasn't a big deal anyway.

Why drag people's
personal drama into it?

"You'll regret it."

That's right out of a bad movie.


- The wonders of
Vietnam are many.

Whether you want to explore
and take in new sights,

sounds, and flavors, or
simply relax and play...

- How do I get one of these?
- Have a heart attack.

- Vietnam is rapidly becoming
more popular among tourists

from all over the world.

How goes the ambulance life?


I only had one patient
puke on me last week.

Still got something
against green apples, huh?


That's quite the
memory you have.

Well, when it comes
to you, Violet,

I got a brain like an elephant.

I could never forget.

Wow. Um...

uh, I'm... I'm way behind
on inventory, and...

- Oh, jeez.
- So I better get out of here.

Yeah, go. We'll
catch up later.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Looking for me, hon?

Uh, actually, point me
to Lieutenant Severide.

Oh, uh, I think he's
out on a call or...

Something I can pass along?

Yeah, would ya?

Somebody's been setting
small fires at Jackie's

apartment building,
the Prescott.

You... you know
my friend Jackie.

Anyway, the place
is kind of nice,

so the residents all have sticks

up their sunshine spots.

They want to handle
it internally,

but they're not equipped,
is what Jackie thinks.

I tend to agree.

So sure, the fires are small,
but we've got multiple floors.

We've got the smell of smoke

randomly popping up
throughout the building.

And OFI is backlogged,
so they said

they'd get to it
when they get to it.

Yeah, they're understaffed
and dealing with major blazes.

This needs an actual

and I know Severide has
a real nose for this.

So tell him the
address is in here.

Jackie's phone number...
He needs anything,

she'll jump right on it.


I just... I think it
would be beneficial

if I run point on this.

If you had seen me solve the
mystery of the broken couch

last year, let's just say
there would be no hesitation.

Baby, this is a friend
I'm doing a favor for.

I understand.

Are you sure you're up for this?

I am sure.

OK then.

But you're...
you're going to run

all this stuff by
Severide, right?

Hey, uh, Ritter,

Herrmann said you rescued
a little ballerina today.

- OK, here we go.
- Was she threatening you?

I heard you had to disarm her.

Ha, ha.

- Hey, Mouch.
- Hey.

Do you know who this is?

Sure. That's Don Ramsey.

Who's Don Ramsey?

Well, he used to be a
big shot at headquarters,

king of the pencil pushers.

Then he left the CFD
to go into politics.

He's a politician?

Crack open a newspaper
once in a while, Ritter.

Don Ramsey is your
city treasurer.

Oh, well, guess that's
why he looked so familiar.

Leave a message.
I'll get back to you.

Carver, it's Kidd.

Just, uh, I wanted to check
in, see how you're doing.

Text me when you get this. Let
me know you're still alive.

Don Ramsey, R-A-M-S-E-Y?

I guess so.

Is this the guy?

That is 1,000% the guy.

And let me guess.

That's not the
woman he was with.

Not even close.

"As your treasurer, I
promise to serve you

with prudence, fortitude,
and integrity."

Sure thing, buddy.

Ritter, you found yourself
a pretty juicy scoop

on a big-time politico.

Well, that's his
personal business,

and I do not want
any part of it.

So let's just keep this
between you and me, all right?

Copy that.

Ixnay on Don
Ramsey's canoodling.

Gallo! Drills on
the apron. Move.


Hey, Vi.

You got a towel in there?

Hey. Um, yeah.

Lieutenant Kidd, she's
a real taskmaster.

I haven't drilled that
hard since the academy.

Oh, yeah. Well,
she's on a mission

to run the best fire
company in the CFD.

Got to go hard.

So listen, um,

you like going on walks or...

Guess so. Yeah.

Awesome, awesome. Yeah.

Dinner and drinks are
so expensive these days,

you know?

So I... I was thinking,
maybe you and I could

take a stroll after shift,
get to know each other?


I meant walks, like, in general,

not right now, though, when
it's, like, 3 degrees outside.

Oh, well, we could go
to Water Tower Mall.

It's indoors.

Right. Uh...

OK, I'm... I'm sorry,
Muncell, but...

Oh, call me Paul.

OK, Paul.

The thing is, um,

I'm really not interested
in dating right now.

So thanks, but no.

All right.

Well, if you change your mind,
you know where to find me.

- On the couch.
- OK.

Kylie said you wanted
to see me, Lieutenant?


Um, that art studio called.

Doherty said that you
were talking to some guy.

He cut out the back?

Yeah. He refused treatment.

We get a release signed?

Yeah, no. I tried, but...

Eh, that's OK.

Did you get his name, at least?
I can drop it in the report.

Uh, he didn't give one,

just bolted out of there
before I could ask.


All right, minor
incident like this,

I doubt that they'll ever
even follow up, so, um,

don't sweat it.


I know he's not a
world-class communicator,

but nothing, not even a text?

I left him a
voicemail yesterday,

and it's just been crickets.

What are you hoping to hear?

I don't know.

I guess I want him
to be really sick

so I don't have to worry about
him, if you know what I mean.

I do.

If you want to check
on him, you should,

and get to the bottom of it.

Yeah, I think I better,

no matter what the outcome.

This was the most recent fire.

And there are similar
spots like this

on almost all the floors.


- Interesting.
- What?

I don't want to say too much.

Of course.

Um, I'm going to do my thing.

I might talk to some of the
residents, if that'd be OK.


I'm in 4F if you
need anything else.

Morning, sir.

I'm looking into
some recent fires.

Someone already
came by about that.


OK then.

Are you a cop?

Uh, no, ma'am, I am not.

I'm very busy today
with my plants.

Oh, I sure hope you catch him.

I've been nervous to leave
my apartment after dark now.

- I'll do my best, ma'am.
- Good luck.

Thank you.

What are you doing?


Hello, sir. I'm with the CFD.

You have a warrant
for that camera?

Well, no, but...

Illinois is a two-party
consent state.

You can't just put
up surveillance

in a private building.

Let me guess.


Let me guess. You
don't have a warrant.

I will respectfully withdraw.



What are you doing here?

I came to check on you.

And clearly, you're not OK.

I'm good. I... I just...

You know you left
me high and dry...

No notice, no call, no text.

I was sick. I told Kylie.

Do not lie to me.

You are not sick.

I know the visit from
your brother was rough,

but this isn't the
way to handle it.

I have given you as
much slack as I can,

but, Carver, I am out of rope.

If I can't trust you,
I can't work with you.

It's that simple.

You either show up next shift,

ready to be straight with me,

or you are done at 51.

Making your floater drink alone?

He said he was meeting someone.

So what did Kidd have to
say about Carver's no-show?


I mean, she barely
left her office.

And when she did, it was to
run drills for two hours.


You think he's in hot water?

What happened to,

"let truckies worry about
truck and focus on engine"?

I tell you and the
boys that, all right?

I'm the lieutenant.

I have to, you know, be in
tune with the whole house.


Over here.

Have a seat.

Uh, thanks, but, uh,

Brett and I are going
to get our own table.

- Oh.
- Girl talk 'n stuff, you know.

Well, she's not here yet,

and I can do girl talk
as good as anyone.

Muncell, I... I thought
I was pretty clear.

I'm not dating right now.

Psh, men, am I right?

Can't take no for an answer?

Girl talk.

- You good?
- Vodka on the rocks, please.

Muncell asked me out, again.

So, uh, he's got
a thing for you?

Look, if he asks again,
you can say we're together.

He'll back off for sure.

I don't think he'll
be trying again.

I was... I was pretty
harsh this time.

But thank you.

I... I actually do
appreciate that.



You're back.

You disappointed?


You doing OK?

I'm back to 100%.

Glad to hear it.

Morning, Lieutenant.


I want to run a Denver
drill after breakfast.

- North apron.
- We'll get it set up.


- Need a hand?
- Sure.

- Get up here.
- Whoo.

You know Trudy thinks
you hung the moon, right?

You don't need to
prove anything to her.

She loves you.

I know that, but...

being married to Trudy is
like chasing a moving train.

You want to hitch a ride?

You got to run like
hell to keep up.

There's no getting complacent
with a woman like that.

I think I know what you mean.

Come on. Let's solve this.


They're all suspicious.

How do you have my phone number?

Thought we had an
understanding, Darren.

- What are you playing at?
- What?

You were supposed to keep
your mouth shut, so how is it

your lieutenant mentioned
me in his incident report?

"Unidentified adult male was
present but fled the scene."

Yeah, unidentified.

I never gave your name.

So what's your angle?

- My angle?
- Yeah, what are you after?

You think you got some
kind of leverage now?

You going to show the report
to the newspapers, to my wife?

Look, man, whatever
happened in that back room,

- I don't care.
- Nothing happened.

Again, I don't care.

You know what I do for a living,

so you know what
kind of reach I got.

Anyone ever finds out that
I was the unidentified man,

I will ruin you...
You, your lieutenant,

and this whole firehouse.

Do you understand?

Hey, Lieutenant, do you
mind if I head inside

for a couple minutes?

Yeah, Carver and
I can finish up.


I appreciate you coming
by the other day.

For what it's worth,

you would have had every
right to drop me on the spot,

so thank you for this chance.

And I know earning your trust
back is going to mean more

than showing up on time
and working my ass off,

but I am ready to do
whatever it takes.

I want to be here.


But I do want to
say, Lieutenant,

all... all due respect,

you know about my
past and my family.

I've been more honest with you

than almost anyone
else in my life.

And I hope that
counts for something.

It does.

That's why you're still here.

But honesty is not
a one-time thing.

Like I said,

it's the only way to work
together moving forward.


Thank you, Lieutenant.


What's going on?

Don Ramsey just paid me a visit.

He's got my name,
my phone number,

a copy of the incident report.

Are you serious?

He's losing it,
totally paranoid,

terrified that I'm
going to out his affair.

- But you aren't.
- It doesn't matter.

He won't trust me.

And what happens if word
gets out some other way?

Somebody on the street could
have seen him coming or going.

He'll think I'm
the one who talked.

And he's threatening the
whole firehouse over this.


I got to spill
everything to Herrmann.

If he ends up in the crosshairs,

he deserves to know why.

This guy, he thinks he's, like,

God's gift to
12-and-under rec hockey.

"Uh, leave the skating
lessons to me."

Says he doesn't want Javi
to develop "bad habits."

Who the hell does
this guy think he is?

Skating is skating. I'll
teach my son if I want to.

I hate guys like that.

Think they know better
'cause they used

to play high school varsity.

Hey, you know what?

You know what you should do?

You should pull Javi
out, start your own team,

and whoop this guy's sorry ass.

You're damn right, I should.

Does anyone else feel
like Herrmann has been

more talkative recently?

Yeah, he keeps asking about
the possum by my house.

That thing's still
hanging around?

Well, I've been feeding it.

Yeah, usually Herrmann
is first to bail whenever

dating talk comes up,
but even last shift,

he asked me about the
breakup with Dylan.

You spring chickens won't
understand this for a while,

but when a man of our
vintage faces hard times,

he remembers that life
is really about family

and the people around you.

Herrmann's just trying
to invest in your lives,

show he cares.

Let him in.


Hey, babe.


Yep. No, no, no problem.

We will be ready.

They're having a town hall
meeting at the Prescott

tomorrow at 11:00 sharp.

Trudy would like the
case wrapped up by then.

Let's get back to it.

Hey, Lieutenant.

- You got a second?
- Hey.

Uh, no, that won't work either.

She's got a chemo
appointment then.

I just want to make sure that...

I just want to make
sure that she can see

the oncologist before
her next, uh, dose.

Yeah. Yeah, I can hold. Yeah.

Hey, Ritter. What's up?

Don't worry about it.
You got your hands full.

You and Watson crack it yet?

Or is Mouch the Sherlock
in this situation?

We're getting there.

- I saw Carver was in today.
- Mm-hmm.

He's got that box checked.

Attitude seems good, too.


I don't know.

Truck 81, Ambulance 61,

person down, 198
West Saint Paul.

Quick! Before more
of them come off!

It's over this way.

Over here.

Please! Get me
out of this thing!

Get me some ice
and a Ziploc bag.


Hey, my name's Stella.

- What's your name?
- Theo.

Theo, we're going to have
your hand out of there

in no time.

I just need you to stay
still and breathe, OK?

All right.

Grinder, Sawzall, tool bag, go.


Get it?

Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God!
- Hey, it's OK.

The doctors at Med will be
able to sew that back on,

- no problem.
- For real?

Oh, yeah. Believe it or not,

they do it all the time.

Now, Theo, I have to ask,

why'd you stick your
hand in a snow blower?

I was waxing the chute.

It makes the snow go out easier.

Oh, I'm impressed.
That's a pro move.

I can do more driveways
in less time that way.

Oh, you running a little
neighborhood operation?

Yeah, I'm saving up for a PS5.


- Gallo, cut the auger axle.
- Yeah.

Carver, help him hold it steady.

- You got it.
- Thanks.

Please, be careful!


Let's get that
finger on ice, huh?

Right this way.


I think I'm too close.

Is something wrong?

It's all good. We're
almost there, Theo.

I've seen you make cuts
down to a millimeter.

You've got this.
You've got room.

All right.

Got it.

Give me some space.

All right. OK.

Here we go, nice and easy.

There we go.

I know that looks scary,
but it's a really clean cut.

There's a good chance
the doctors will be able

to put that right back on.

You'll be right back
to "Call of Duty."

Here we go.

Almost there.

All right.

There you go.

Theo, honey, it's
going to be OK.

No more snow blowing.

A shovel was good enough
for your grandfather.

It is good enough for you.

You can ride with us, ma'am.

All right, let's pack it up!

Thank you.

Did you get a chance
to talk to Herrmann?

I couldn't do it.

He's got plenty to
worry about these days.

I can't dump this on him, too.

So what are you going to do?

I'm going to handle it myself.

- Hey, guys.
- Hey.


I can't believe Engine
didn't catch a run today.

Hey, you guys had
an extrication?

Kid stuck his hand in a snow
blower, chopped off a finger.

Oh, nice.

You remember which one?

- I don't.
- Mm.

That's all right.
Thanks, anyway.

Hey, see you next shift.


See you then.

Before we get into the agenda,

we have an update
regarding the recent wave

of fire-based vandalism.

You solved the case?


The Prescott is a building
as old as Chicago.

Some might say it has
many tales to tell.

If these walls
could talk, right?

Well, they can.

Refurbished in 1954 to install
central heating and air,

the building's
floors were connected

by a vast network of
air conditioning vents.

Now, what connects

these char spots?

Each one occurred
just outside a vent.

The smell of smoke randomly
throughout the building,

charred spots on the carpet

from sparks distributed

It's almost as if someone

who doesn't like
all those flyers

ripped them off the
board, lit them on fire,

and dropped them

into her air conditioning vent.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I saw the evidence in
your apartment, ma'am.

There are too many
flyers. Everyone says so.

New rules and regulations
and new codes...

Ooh, don't do this,
don't do that.

How could you?

No one wants this many flyers.

We're going to need
your keys, Irene.

Fine, but you'll be
hearing from my lawyer.


You are taking me
home right now.

Thank you.

I'm looking for Don Ramsey.

Do you have an appointment?

I don't need one.

Just tell him
Darren Ritter is here.

That is not how it works.

Mr. Ramsey's schedule
is set weeks in advance.

Uh, that's OK, Jenny.

Come on in.

What are you doing?
This is where I work.

Yeah, and the firehouse
is where I live.

Those people are my family.
You threatened my family.

- OK, just take it down a...
- Get this through your head.

I do not care what happens
in your private life.

I'm all about minding
my own business,

but you're going
to mind yours, too.

You got that?

Forget you ever met me,

'cause you make trouble
for my lieutenant

or my firehouse,

I don't care if
you're the president.

I'll come for you.

Say you understand.

I understand.

That's how I used to
study in English class,

reading the backs of my eyelids.

It's like the words are
swimming on the page,

making me seasick.




Did you get what I asked
for at the firehouse?


I did.

Are you ready?

- Are you sure?
- Stop teasing me.

OK. So get this, all right?

There's this floater
at the firehouse.

He keeps asking Violet out.

So Gallo, what does he do?

He offers to be
her fake boyfriend.

- No.
- Oh, yeah.

Oh, the two of them again.

That sounds like trouble.

You telling me.

So... oh, things on the truck,

they still seem a little tense,

but they caught the
best call today.

Somebody chopped their
finger off in a snow blower.

- Ew.
- Yeah.

- Gross.
- Yeah, it was a snow...

You... you don't have
to tell me everything.

OK, fine.

But listen, you are going
to want to hear this one,

all right?

Brett was dating
this guy, right?

And he was, like,
really handsome...

Well, have you DMed Dylan yet?

I did, but he didn't respond.


You were the one that said
you wanted to keep it casual.

I know, but I messed up.

I think you might need
to make a stronger move

if you really want to see him
again, like a statement move.

Like what?


Well, I have the best news.

My transfer went through.

I ship out to O'Hare next week.

"Ship out"?

It's a hell of a commute, yeah.

So I just wanted to swing
by, say my goodbyes.

Yeah, you probably
won't see much of me.

I hear the airport brothers
really fly together,

so this is your last chance

to buy your favorite
floater a drink.

Yeah. Uh, congrats!

Let's get a beer.

Um, what just happened?

Um, it was... it was just, um...

Well, Muncell has been
asking me out, so it was...

It was just, um, a thing.


Club soda.

I'm not your mom.

I'm not going to
police your drinking.

I know you're not.

She'd probably pour me a double.


I appreciate the way you had
Gallo's back on that call.

It meant a lot. I could tell.

He'd do the same for me.

Any of you guys would.

I said some things a
couple of shifts ago about

not wanting to get too
close to the 51 gang,

that I thought it
was suffocating.

Oh, I remember.

It wasn't true, and
I am sorry I said it.

I want to be at 51.

I need this family.

Glad you're here, Carver.


I got your message
about Van Meter.

What's going on?


What are you going to do?