Chicago Fire (2012–…): Season 10, Episode 5 - Two Hundred - full transcript


We started
our own microbrewery.

Mr. Dewitt was impressed.

Dewitt's offering us
our own brewing area.

We're donating it
to your paramedicine program.

Thank you, Chief!

You're asking me to help out
with the paramedicine thing.

I think you'd be great at it.

I want to bring the boys
back to Chicago.

That is the worst thing
you could do for them.

They've finally found
a place to call home.

Think I have
to move to Oregon,

take care of those boys.

I know it means
you're leaving 51.

We're right for each other.

I'm in love with you.

No, that's--that's great.

Yes, I will.

And if you'll just--
if you'll just text it to me.

Thanks so much. Yeah.

Hi, baby.

Oh, how are you?
How was your trip back?

Hey, there's so much
to talk about.

So that was Headquarters.
They're sending me a list

of the 20 most frequent
911 callers in our district.

That's amazing.
This paramedicine program

is actually happening.

Mouch and I are gonna
trial run it between shifts,

and it's exciting
and scary and exciting.

You look like
you don't think so.

No. It sounds great.

I just have something else
we need to talk about.

Oh. Okay.

I, uh--

I don't know how to say
this exactly, but...

I have to move to Oregon.


The social worker said
there's no real chance

I could ever bring
Griffin and Ben here.

And if I don't take
their guardianship,

they'll be split up,

placed into
separate foster homes.

They're both struggling
so much already.

Feeling alone,

that could destroy them.

So you're leaving.

I don't see it any other way.

I wish I did.

Sylvie, I was there in the
hospital when they were born.

I held them.

I just need to stay with them

I just need to stay with them
until Ben turns 18.

If I can get 'em into college,
that's all I'm trying to do.

Which means that you'll be
there for at least three years?

Oh, my God.



I want you to come with me.

Or we do long distance for now.
Whatever you want.


I want to make sure this
doesn't change anything

with us.

Yeah, no, um...

Whew, this just
is a lot to think about.

Yeah, I know.

Is he really
just up and moving?

For Andy Darden's boys?

Just seems a little sudden.

Nah, Casey was made for this.

If anybody's gonna step up
when a kid's in need, it's him.

Can't argue with that.

I just heard that Captain
Casey is leaving Chicago.


Spoke to him yesterday.

Still trying to wrap
my head around it.

How's 51 taking the news?

I'm sure there are gonna be
some people who feel like

the anchors have fallen away
from the boat.

Are you gonna
head over there?

That is a good idea.

I'll get you a coffee
in a to-go cup.

Why, thank you, ma'am.

I reached out
to all of you off-shift

to let you know about my move.

Even talked to Kidd,

who's kicking ass
over in Boston.

I know she appreciated it.

We were taught to perform
a size-up of a scene

before we move in.

That's why firefighters
don't run from the rig

straight into
burning buildings.

We walk with purpose, as we
gather information, right?

And yet, we're also taught,

when lives are on the line,

every second counts.

I wouldn't be rushing into this

if I didn't think
lives were on the line.

I want you all to know that.

You don't owe us
an explanation, Captain.

For Griffin and Ben.

We get it.

Been talking to the CFD
about a leave of absence,

so I can return in a few years.

Not sure they're on board.

But hey,

that's never stopped me before.

Truck 81, Squad 3,
Ambulance 61,

pin-in accident,
451 West Cermak.

Need to get that driver's
foot off the accelerator.

Hey, he passed out, Captain.

I don't want
to pry that door open

without these cars
being secured.

Sit tight, ma'am.
We'll get you out.



Think you could just climb
in through the passenger door,

C-collar the victim,
get her out?

Yeah, copy that.
Truck, Squad,

cribbing and struts!

All right, 81,
chock those tires.

Hey, maybe I pull
the Squad up

to the bumper of the front car,

so it doesn't move?
I like it.

Come on.

That's good.

Okay, hold it there.

Hey, ma'am, what's your name?

Okay, Carolyn.

Okay, I'm gonna
be coming through here,

put a collar on you,
and then take you out this way.

Just work with me
the best you can, okay?



It's okay. Got you.

Okay, we're clear.

Ready, one, two, three.



We're good.

Hey, Gallo.

I just want to say
that when we talked about

your commitment to Truck,
I had no idea--


when I lost my family,

it was a fire chief
that made sure

I didn't fall
through the cracks.

I don't know where I'd be
if it wasn't for him.

I think it's great
those boys are gonna

have you in their lives.

If there's anything
I can do to help,


you let me know.

I will.

Hey, how you doing with
this Casey situation?

If you need some time
before we start up--

Oh, no.

Really, I just
want to get started.

It's very sweet of you to ask.
Anything I can do.

They just emailed me
a list of a dozen names.

We have to show the CFD
the value this has.

I'm so glad
to hear you say this.

I gotta admit, I'm excited.

I came onto Molly's late.

This, I've gotten to be
a part of from the inception.

A big part.

I'll fill up the ambo,
pick you up at 11:00 tomorrow.

Oh, no, you don't have to
pay for the gas.

Nah, nah, my treat.

Hey, how are--how are you
feeling since you and Eric--

Oh. I--I'm fine.

Thank you for asking.

I would much rather
talk about anything else.

Is that the brew crew?

Cara. Hey!
What brings you by?

A favor on behalf
of Mr. Dewitt.

He has been so great about
letting us use your brewery.

He's a generous guy.

"Shout Out Chicago,"
the magazine,

is doing a profile on him

of what a central figure he is
to the brewing scene in Chicago

and the success of Bare Moon,
that kind of thing.

Oh, very cool.
I was hoping

you'd be willing
to talk to their reporter

about what an important mentor
he is to you all.

Of course.
Yeah, we'd be glad to.

Thank you.

I was hoping
to schedule something

for Wednesday morning,

so that Mr. Dewitt isn't,
you know--


I was going to say working.

Oh, yeah, of course--
We'll help in any way we can.

I will text you the details.

She's--she's just 200.

What does that mean?
100 times two?

Twice as cool.



Thanks for doing this.

Oh, we install these for
new moms and dads all the time.

How are you?
Yeah, good.

Baby seat.


Mm, can't believe
how fast time flew by.

You should be
near the due date, huh?

That obvious?

Oh, you look great.

We have a Caesarian
scheduled for Friday.

Right after next shift.

I didn't know you could
pick the date like that.

Takes the worry out of it.


Okay, thank you.

Yes, I'll email it right away.

Thank you again.

What's up, Chief?

I just wanted to come and

shake your hand in person.

You know, when I first met you,
I knew within a day

that you were the kind of man
who would

put everybody else's needs
in front of his own.

I don't know about that.
Yes, you do.

It's one hell of a thing
you're doing for those boys.

You'd do the same thing
in my shoes.

So, um, are you talking
to the fire service

over there in Oregon?

That's what I was doing
when you knocked.

Got a couple leads.

Turns out, with those
big forest blazes,

there might be some openings.

You need a reference,
you have them give me a call.

I will.

Have you seen Herrmann?

App floor, I believe?

All right.

I still got one more shift
after this one, Chief.

Ah, right.

Then I will be back for that.


Hey, Chief.



You got that
Bad News Boden look.

I received a call
from Headquarters.

Assistant Deputy Commissioner
Adam Perry.

Do you know him?

He's in charge
of major discipline.

Is this about that
ambulance call a few weeks ago?

Boy would have died.
All I know is

he's on his way here
to speak to you.


Be cool.

Assistant Commissioner.

You Lieutenant Herrmann?
Yes, sir.

You mind if
we have a moment alone?

Of course.

I understand you own Molly's?


The bar, Molly's.


Yeah, I need to ask a favor.

This isn't about the--

About what?
Never mind.

Um, yes, of course.

It's the best bar in Chicago.

How can I help?

Yeah, well my son's
birthday's coming up,

and he and his friends
want to get rowdy.

I know it's last minute,

but I was hoping that maybe
we could rent out the patio

for this Saturday night.

For you?

Yeah, free of charge.

Half price off drinks.

How many are coming?

20 or so.
Yeah, no problem.

Brennan's gonna be thrilled.


Hey, Boden.

Oh, you're home!

How was shift?
Yeah, good.

So, what can I do for you?

Uh, nothing.

Uh, yes, you thirsty?
Some water?

I got my tea right here.


Where's your book?
I'll get that for you.

What are you doing?

What? What?

You're fussing over me
like I'm an egg about to hatch.

Well, I mean--

Joe, Joe, Joe.

Sit down.

Your anxiousness
is making me anxious.

Oh. Okay.

Okay, so here's the thing.

51 doesn't have the best
track record with pregnancies.

Donna Boden,
she had to deliver Terrance

in the passenger seat
of a fire truck.

And then well, Herrmann
was stuck in a jailhouse riot

when Kenny was born.
And God, then the whole thing

with Dawson was just such--
Hey, Joe!

Joe, look at me.


This pregnancy
has been worry-free, right?

Yeah? I feel great.

I feel--feel better than great.

You gotta stop worrying.



Okay, you can get me
a glass of water.


Oh, you know,
actually, I think--

I think the baby wants some
Ben & Jerry's from the freezer.

Then the baby
gets Ben & Jerry's.

Yeah, yeah,
that's what you wanted, right?

Yeah, I felt that. Felt that.


I come bearing gifts.

Oh, you didn't have to.
Well, full disclosure,

I do have another favor to ask
of my power trio.

As part
of the interview tomorrow,

there's gonna be a photoshoot.

Yeah, I figured,

why not get
your pictures in there?

You're all so photogenic.

Thank you, thanks.

I mean,
being a firefighter, it must

keep you in really good shape.

Well, I'm a paramedic,
but yeah, yeah.

You guys in, or--

Yes, we're in.

Well, great. Thanks so much.

Well, enjoy your round, and

I will shoot you guys
the details later.


She is something.

I told the guy from PGE
you'd be here Saturday.

He needs to check the meter
or something.

Yep, I'll handle that.

What are you guys
doing for groceries?

We still got
some stuff in the fridge.

I want to make that
chicken parm you showed me.


We'll hit the Safeway
when I get there and stock up.

Can't wait.

See you in a few days.

See you, Griffin.

He's excited you're coming.

I hope so.

Seriously, zero pressure.

But I want you to come.

It's just--

what you have to understand is

I've moved away
for a relationship before,

and I've run away
from a different one, and--

It's just--

I'm still
coming to grips with it.

Who's ready to rock and roll?


How's it going, boss?
Hey, buddy.

Talk later?

Of course.

♪ She was calling out
in German ♪

♪ From a balcony in London

♪ I caught a whiff
of the dragon ♪

♪ Hanging ten off the wagon

♪ I was ice fishing
on a lake of red wine ♪

♪ Carry the lantern high

♪ Oh, oh

♪ Hey, hey

♪ Carry the lantern high

♪ Hey, hey

♪ Carry the lantern high

♪ Hey, hey

♪ Carry the lantern high

♪ As we go into the night

Okay, so this is Joan.

She has early indication
of dementia,

but so far she's been
responding to medication.

She live alone?

Uh, her sister is
a couple houses over.




Can you hear me?


Oh, these are expired meds
for neuropathy.


Her pulse is weak.

Blood sugar is good.
Blood pressure's low.



I'm Sylvie Brett, a paramedic.

This is Randall McHolland.

H--How did I--

Did you take medication?


Um, from my, um--

So Joan, this is old
medication for nerve damage.

It puts you to sleep,

especially if you took it
on an empty stomach.

I thought it was, um,
for my, uh--

You know what?
Let's get you to Chicago Med

and have a doctor
take a look, at you.

Is that all right?

No ambulance charge.

And you really need
to throw away old medication

after you stop using it.

I'm so embarrassed.

Hey, we're just glad
we could be here.

Oh, um, does my hair
look okay?

You look great, Joan.

Now let's get you healthy.

There we are.

Hello, I'm Kylie Estevez,

Deputy District Chief Wallace
Boden's assistant.

I've known Wallace
a long time.

The definition of grace.
He's the best.

How can I help?

I was hoping to look at
the Department Regulations

and Guidelines manual.
Unless it's too much trouble.

No, I've got the Regulations
binder right here.

And I'll be right back
with the CFD Guidelines.

How many years
you want to go back?

Just the last couple
would be great.

You need a table,
knock yourself out.

Thanks so much.

And where do you think
the future

of microbreweries is going?

Gobbled up by the big boys

or left to fend
for themselves in

an ever-diversifying market?

The thing of the matter is,

who tastes it?

What Mr. Dewitt is saying
is the customer

is the ultimate arbiter
in where the industry is going.

Exactly, a beer drinker
who's interested in taste,

say, over alcohol content
will go the extra mile

to buy the brand they love.


Do you see
what's going on here?

That Charles Dewitt
is plastered again?

No. Well, yes.

But no.

Look at her.

Cara's clearly
making a move on Gallo.

He's too self-involved
to even see it.

A photo.

How you taking all this?

I'm okay.

I mean, I understand
why he has to go.

No buts.

I just have a lot
to think about.

Excuse me.

You guys know where I could
find a dude named Herrmann?

You found him.
Oh, great.

Listen, my dad you said
you were letting my friends

tear it up
on your patio Saturday?

Oh, right.

You're Brennan.

Yeah, just want to
make sure you're stocked.

It's a bar.

Well, I mean, really stocked.

Like, whatever your keg
sitch is back there,

you gotta double it.

Man, I gotta go to school.

What birthday
is this for you?

What are you,
the narc police?


See you Saturday.

Engine 51, Truck 81,
Squad 3, Ambulance 61,

structure fire,
5212 South Western Ave.

Hey, how many people
are in there?

We were having daily mass.

There's at least 30 inside.

It's an inferno.
All right.

Head to the ambulance.

They'll get you some oxygen.

Squad, Truck,
there are at least 30 inside.

Herrmann, grab two lines.

We have five minutes
to knock this fire down

and evacuate victims,

or we have to back out
and go defensive.

Squad, let's go! Let's go!

Ritter, lead out.
Let's go!

Let's go, let's go!

Keep moving! Keep moving!

Way to go.

Come on, everybody get outside.

Slow down.

Hey, take it easy!
Take it easy!

I got you!

Stay low, stay low.
We're gonna go this way.


Severide! Look out!


Let's grab one of these pews.

Yeah! Yeah, yeah!

One, two...

Will it hold?

We're out of time either way!

We're gonna run across that

and get you out, okay?

Let's go! Stay between us!

Come on.

Yeah, yeah, let's go.

I can't believe it.


Using a church pew
for a bridge?


This might be our last
firefight together.


I'm coming right back.

Three years,
it'll go by like nothing.

I'm gonna miss you, man.

Fire's out.

Get going on overhaul.

You heard the Chief.

Grab pike poles
and let's get back to work.

Copy that!

Aw, man.

Will you look at that?

The hell was that
poor cat doing in here?

That's Willow.

She was our rectory cat.

Just showed up one day
and never left.

Hey, Father,
you can't be here.

It's just so tragic.

Our congregation
was growing, finally.

I thought we were
on the verge of a revival.

You can rebuild, Father.

Make it stronger than before.

Isaiah said,
"The bricks have fallen,

but we will rebuild
with smooth stones."

You really can't
be in here, Father.

It's not safe right now.

I'm sorry.

I just had to see.

I understand.


Chief! I have something
you're gonna want to see.


Okay, so you see,

the District Chief's Office
is supposed to be

in the centermost house
in the district.

That way you can get around
to each house efficiently.

Which was...Firehouse 90.


Two years ago, they closed
Firehouse 82, right?

And with that house gone,

that makes the new center
of the district here,

which means
the nearest firehouse is...


You discovered this
on your own?


I'm sure that DC Hill
is not gonna be very happy

with any of this,
but it is gonna force her hand.

Well done, Kylie.


51 needs you, Chief.

Needs us, okay?

I got big problems,

which means
we got big problems.

I don't like
the sound of that.

We got 20 underage kids

coming to Molly's patio
expecting to booze it up.

When? How?

The ADC in the charge
of major discipline

hit me up for his son.

Now, I think that he knows
that I stepped in it

with that ambo call
a few weeks ago,

and now he's--
he's leveraging it against me.

We could get shut down

if the liquor authority
shows up.

Not "if," "when."
I mean, these dumb-dumbs,

they're gonna be posting it
all over social media.

We're cooked.
Get us out of it!

That's not true.

One's hairier than the other.

Tony, look at me.
I'm dead serious.

Peaches and nectarines
are the same fruit.

Not true.

This is what you guys
have been arguing about?

Yeah, my Papa
had a peach farm.

That didn't sell nectarines.

Well, I am not exactly
up on random fruit facts,

but gotta side with Tony
on this one.

Well, then you're on
the side of ignorance.

He's coming.

Uh, uh, he's coming.

Uh, the baby's coming.
The baby's coming!

Rig's out of service.
Everyone, let's get to Med!

Joe Cruz is having a baby!

Get out of the way, jackass!

Excuse me. Hi.
Um, I'm Joe Cruz.

My wife Chloe's having a baby.

This way.



Any updates?

Chloe's been in labor for

five hours at least,

as far as we know.

Hey, guys.


They told me we
weren't allowed--

weren't allowed to come out
into the waiting room.

But I said, "Unless you want
15 firefighters

in the Maternity Ward hallway,
you better let us out."


This is my family out here.

And I wanted you all
to be the first

to meet this little man.

It's Mr. Brian Leon Cruz.

We're calling him Otis.


Hey, Otis.

Okay, that's it. Everyone out.


See you, guys.
Let's go.

We're going, we're going.

Good, you're here.

So, uh, party bus is gonna
be here in like an hour,

so I just want to make sure
that everything's set up

and it's ready to go.

Uh, yeah, the patio
is reserved, and, uh--

Locked and loaded with kegs
coming out the yin-yang.

Excuse me.

Who's the owner
of this establishment?

I am.
Okay, good.


I've got two dozen
uniformed narco cops

headed over here.

We need to requisition this bar

for a gang surveillance unit,

so I'm gonna need access
to this entire area.

Well, ma'am--

Sergeant, um, I'm afraid
that I can't do that tonight.

I'm afraid you
don't have a choice, pal.

I'm also gonna have

drug-sniffing dogs on-site,

so I'm gonna need
bowls of water aplenty.

Who are you?

Uh, leaving.

Oh, hey, Brennan,
listen, man, um,

I need you to tell the driver
of the bus

that he's gonna have to make
a little detour.

I'll get back to you
in a minute, all right?

You are a lifesaver, Judy.

I was not gonna be a party
to that nonsense.

No problem.

Um, I gotta go find
a bus to pull over.

See ya.

Good deal.

Oh, great.


Sneak preview.
What's this?

"Shout Out Chicago"
has an early mockup

of the magazine cover,

and I thought you
might want a sneak peek.

Ooh, cool.

That's amazing.

I know.

You look so cute.

It's so cool.


Never been on
a magazine before.

Nope, that's great.

Thank you.

There's a firehouse in Portland

that wants me
to start right away.

Turns out they're so desperate
for firefighters,

one call from Boden
got me the spot.


Maybe you should
come out this winter,

give me a hand.

Forest fires?

I'm game.

Time to learn
some new tricks.

Mind if I steal you?

Yeah, of course.


Van Meter!

I didn't think
they let the Arson Unit

out of the office
before midnight.

Well, every now and then.

You were at
that church fire yesterday?


You notice a dead cat?


I did. That was weird.

Cats usually
make it out of fires.

It was soaked in gasoline.

Some sicko doused it,

set it on fire,

and tossed it into the church.

That was your origin point.

I'm sorry to take you away
from Molly's.

I'd rather be with you.

I just want you to know,

I want to stay together.

Me too.

I'm not moving to Oregon.

I--I absolutely see
why you have to go, but

I'm clear-eyed on
why I need to stay.

I just got this paramedicine
program up and running,

and in one day I saw
how much good it can do.

And I built it,

you know, from the ground up.

And it's--it's mine,

and I just--

I have to see it through.


you don't have to explain
more than that.

I get it.

But you and me,

I want to--I want to
keep being you and me.

That's why we have
plane tickets and FaceTime,

and there's
an end date in sight.


Sylvie, half the reason

that I know I can do this
for Griffin and Ben

is 'cause I know
I have you supporting me.

Whether that's right here

or halfway across America.

Nothing's gonna change.

You better hurry.
You're gonna miss your flight.

I know, I know.

Just wanted to see you here
one last time.

Ah, you guys heading out?


Looks like you're heading in?

My Deputy District Chief
office is now at 51.

Thanks to Kylie.

That's great news.

Yeah, it is.

Ambulance 61, man down
from unknown causes.

That's us.

All right, you better call me
as soon as you land.



You don't get to leave without
saying one last goodbye.

I'm gonna speak for everyone.

For over ten years,

you made this firehouse
a very special place.

Everyone you met along the way
got to call you friend.

Everyone you worked with
on this shift,


we got to call you brother.

This place
will never be the same.

I thank you for your kindness

and generosity

and passion for this job.

You will be dearly missed,

I love you, man.

