Charmed (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 3 - Careful What You Witch For - full transcript
While Mel and Harry try to crack the Book of Elders, Macy struggles with the good and bad aspects of her demon side. Maggie competes with Jordan for a promotion. Macy ventures out alone and...
Previously on Charmed...
MAGGIE: Who the hell invited him?
It's a portal! But you need to jump!
to the command center.
MACY: Why would the Elders
put a portal in a closet
to SafeSpace Seattle
and take away our powers?
MEL: There's a shapeshifter out
there who looks exactly like you.
KATRINA: Look, I know you think
I'm some ditzy dime-store Wiccan.
I recognize a soul in distress.
MAGGIE: Why have you been so nice to me?
I guess I just find you formidable.
Part-time receptionist?
MAGGIE: We're gonna need constant
access to that command center.
Your powers are stripped,
leaving you untraceable.
Macy seems to have retained
her demon capabilities.
Haven't you heard?
There's a war going on.
We're coming for you witches! [SHRIEKS]
The Demon Overlord who
will unite us has come.
MAGGIE: Everyone thinks we're dead,
that we burned in a house fire.
No one can know we're
alive, or it's just
a matter of time before
that assassin tracks us down.
You were right...
The Charmed Ones are alive.
♪ ♪
MAGGIE: Good morning, visionaries.
Work for a cause, not for applause.
- Thanks.
Hey, make today so awesome
that tomorrow gets jelly.
SWAN: Morning, fellow dreamer.
Oh, Swan, I don't think those are...
Sorry. Stress-eating.
Why? What's going on?
SafeSpace has been violated.
Someone's been stealing
office supplies and keycards.
Oh, no.
♪ I've always liked to play with fire ♪
- _
- ♪ Play with fire ♪
Please, just tell me how
to get my powers back.
I'll do anything.
♪ Fire, fire ♪
♪ I've always liked to play with fire ♪
♪ Always liked to play with fire ♪
♪ I've always liked to play with... ♪
Oh, no.
HARRY: We saved one,
but we lost one.
Her name was Sara.
Que descanse en paz.
Rest in peace.
Maybe you should go home, hmm?
Get some sleep.
I can't.
I'm the only one here with powers.
Who's gonna save the next dying witch?
- MAGGIE: Seattle.
We have a problem.
[SIGHS] What now?
My orange keycard is being revoked.
They're only for management now.
How could you lose our only
way into the command center?
I didn't lose it.
The rules changed,
because someone goes through
legal pads like tissues,
and someone else has to have a
SafeSpace hoodie in every room.
- They're really soft.
- Okay,
you know what, my point is,
this puppy expires in 24 hours,
and then it gets deactivated.
Which means bye-bye, SafeSpace
and access to the switch room.
[SIGHS] Harry, any luck with Orbing?
No. My powers are still on the blink.
How did we just battle 20 demons
and we can't get through a simple door?
Well... we can, if someone
becomes an assistant manager.
You just started.
Do you really think you
can get a promotion?
Thanks for the vote of confidence.
And yes, I do.
We can't go on like this.
We need our magic.
And the answers are in that book.
So what's taking so long, Mel?
What's taking so long to
decipher a thousand-page tome
written in an ancient language?
Seriously? You want to
try cracking this thing,
have at it, sister.
Fine. I'm already doing
everything else around here.
Why not?
Are you all right?
My demon side is probably
what gives me my firepower.
And probably why the Book rejected you.
I tried using my powers
but it didn't work.
I should have known.
If the room's protected,
the Book will be, too.
I'm sure the Elders enchanted it
so it didn't fall into the wrong hands.
My hands?
Hi. Uh, double espresso, please.
You know, make it a triple.
You need to sleep.
I can't.
I never know when...
The assassin will be back.
In your dreams.
The fact that something
that looks like me is...
Torturing you...
It's not your fault.
I'm gonna help Mel figure out that book.
We will get our powers back.
The magic is still within us;
we just need to reclaim it.
Is it possible this code
is basically uncrackable?
Would the Elders do that to us?
Where did you find this image of Mel?
That's a symbol of the sentinel.
An ancient, orphic figure
rumored to live on the astral plane.
The astral plane?
A series of cosmic planes or dimensions
where souls live out
their karmic destinies.
The sentinel is the keeper
of all wisdom and knowledge.
Then let's go find the sentinel.
Well, were it that easy...
These letters on the hands: B-O-E.
Book of Elders?
Or O-B-E.
Out-of-body experience.
Mom used to talk about
astral projections
as a kind of out-of-body experience.
She'd meditate in a prayer circle,
drink some kind of special tea...
All the elements are here...
The prayer circle, the
sentinel, the O-B-E.
All that's missing is...
The tea.
What if these images
are the ingredients?
And the numerical codes
are the measurements.
Of course.
Let's see what the Elders have left us.
♪ You and I, we love to play ♪
♪ We get along... ♪
Miss Formidable.
Maggie, right?
How's the adulting going?
Not gonna lie, it's...
- it's pretty stressful.
- Hmm.
Well, you wouldn't know it.
You wear it well.
Oh. I wish I didn't
have to wear it at all.
I'm sorry about that...
Meltdown I had in your
boxing gym the other day.
Ah. No, no. You're good.
If you want to see real meltdowns,
you should come to my
Thursday night class.
Med students. Now, that's...
That's some serious cray.
Uh... wait, you're applying
- for the management gig?
- Yeah.
- Why?
- I... I just...
I thought the boxing gym
was your full-time thing.
[CHUCKLES] I got a lot
of full-time things.
Always got to be hustling, you know.
You, too?
Jordan, I really...
Neally need this job.
My sisters and I are starting over,
like, from scratch...
and they're really
counting on me to, um...
- To get this.
- So you want me to just...
put this back?
Make it that much easier for you?
You would do that?
Uh... no.
You're not the only
one with bills to pay
- and dreams to finance, Miss Maggie.
- Okay,
well, you don't have
to be a jerk about it.
I'm the jerk?
You just asked me to bow out of a job.
This is real life,
Maggie, not sorority row.
You want the job...
You need to fight for
it, like everyone else.
Point taken.
Just know I play to win.
See you in the ring.
MEL: Okay, we already have
blue lotus, skullcap, cinquefoil.
All we need now are the
stems of Psychotria viridis
- and white vinegar.
- And a human anchor.
A what, now?
One of the dangers of
visiting the astral plane:
your spirit can be severed
from your physical being
unless a human grounds you
to the real world.
We need a guide tethered to the "here,"
so we don't get lost in the "there"?
Please, no.
The woman's a charlatan.
And I think she's kind of into me.
Well, all the better.
We need her to say yes.
Who else is gonna commit to
five hours of meditation?
Anything I can help you with?
Why have you been avoiding me?
No, no, no, no.
I can't lose another one.
- Hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey. Hey, it's okay.
It's okay. I'm...
I'm here to help you.
- Who are you?
- I was kidnapped.
I managed to escape,
but they're after me.
Look out!
Don't bother.
These demons have us in some kind of
magical Faraday cage.
No signals, no powers.
You're a witch, too?
- Yeah.
- I'm so sorry.
This is my fault.
It's-it's okay.
Don't worry.
Help will come soon.
So... what is it you seek?
We have to articulate it
before we go on our journey.
A deeper desire?
Perhaps an urgent question
you need answered.
We've lost our power.
And we need to get it back.
We all feel a bit powerless these days.
The universe doesn't always
give us what we want,
but it always gives us what we need.
Let's hope so.
I was at a bar for a friend's birthday.
One of those demons must have
slipped something in my drink.
The last thing I
remember, I was dancing,
and then I woke up in this cell.
Are there more here?
Like us?
I don't know, but I heard them talking.
They're gonna sacrifice us
for this demon called "the Overlord."
The Overlord.
The Demon Overlord who will
rise up and unite us has come.
Hey, what's your name?
Abigael, we have to get out of here.
We need to take the coils
out of this mattress.
♪ ♪
Aren't you a little old to be applying
for an assistant manager position?
Aren't you a little young to be applying
for an assistant manager position?
Well, I'm 20, if you must know.
- I'm 25, since you asked.
- I didn't.
But really?
You just... you seem
more mature than that.
Ever since my growth
spurt in sixth grade,
everyone thinks I'm... 30.
But the upside is, I never get carded.
Impressive accomplishment
for the résumé.
- Ooh, would you like a copy?
- What?
No, I... I wasn't...
You were a Big Brother?
Military for four years?
Paid for college.
Gym helps pay for law school...
At night.
Wow. That's impressive.
And you? Got anything
besides Homecoming Queen
or Longest Keg Stand at
Delta Gamma Whatever?
That's really off base.
I mean, I happened to
be both of those things,
but that does not mean
you have me pegged.
I've seen things, Jordan.
Things that would make a grown man cry.
Even a very grown one... like you.
MAN: J-Man!
You're up first.
Mm. Mm-hmm.
Make sure you've filled out these I-9s
and background checks
before your interview.
Background check.
Back away from the door.
♪ ♪
Blend in.
Macy, demons.
12 o'clock.
We have to get out of here.
That was way too close for...
Abigael, I can get us
out of here really fast,
but we're gonna have
to trust each other.
- Cover your eyes.
- Well, what...?
- Put it on.
- Okay.
[SIGHING]: Okay.
Okay, hold on.
[WHISPERING]: When is it gonna kick in?
Maybe we should drink some more.
I think we found it.
The astral plane.
What's happening, Harry?
Time and space overlap.
Sounds from other
dimensions bleeding through.
Of course. Why didn't I think of that?
Hey, be careful.
They can't hear you.
They're apparitions.
Excuse me.
Is he an apparition, too?
Are you talking to me?
Are you the sentinel?
You can see me?
I have not seen another soul
in hundreds of years, and...
Not a living soul.
But... if you're up here,
things must be pretty bad down there.
Harry Greenwood, and...
We need to talk.
Before you say anything,
I have to tell you something.
Well, I can't tell anyone anything.
My interview is in ten minutes,
and my competition happens
to be the most interesting
man in the world,
who's also handsome and-and charming...
Maggie, stop talking!
That was a bit harsh.
What did you do?
You went out on a mission
alone and brought back
a complete stranger? Are you insane?
I didn't have a choice.
She would have died.
Isn't that why the Elders
established this place...
As-as a safe haven for witches?
Okay, so what's your plan
for your new bestie, then?
An air mattress in your room?
I don't know, but she has powers.
She can help us.
Maggie, I can't keep doing this alone.
[SCOFFS] Don't you think I'd
rather be out there helping you,
instead of dealing with
this job-hunting crap?
They want to do a background
check on me, Macy.
- You cannot let them.
- Yes, I know!
But I have, like, four
minutes to figure this out.
You need a spell. Something...
Yeah, well, there's no background
check spell that I'm aware of.
ABIGAEL: Have you... have
you tried a Malleaorum?
Uh, an influencer spell.
Sorry. I don't mean to pry.
It's just, they're very
effective at influencing people.
Tell me more.
♪ ♪
Says here you were a meal
distribution specialist,
delivering platters of
nutritious substances.
Sounds a lot like a, uh...
Waitress? Yeah, um,
for six whole weeks.
I-I learned a lot
about customer service.
A cappella group cocaptain.
I know how to harmonize
with my coworkers.
No college education?
I'm taking a gap year,
you know, to avoid academic burnout.
And, frankly, isn't life
an education, Zach-Man?
I'm all for looking
for core competencies
in unusual ecosystems, but...
This résumé doesn't exactly
scream "management."
Hey, would it help if I knew Latin?
A dead language?
[SIGHS] Finge cor.
Muta mentem. Alia eventa mihi.
Shape the heart, change the mind,
give me results of a different kind.
But not buried.
Carpe diem, am I right?
Hey, Zach, is it
really necessary to do
that background check?
I just... I would hate for the company
to waste all that time and money.
Look at you.
Cost cutting already.
MEL: So, how exactly
did you end up here?
LeeAnn and I had two boys,
Owen and Walter.
They got smallpox.
Then so did my wife.
The Elders came to me
in my hour of grief.
They offered me a deal.
My wife and kids could
live if I agreed to serve
as their sentinel, protecting
The Book of Elders.
But if it's true they're gone,
then I'm stuck.
It's a beautiful garden.
It's an empty garden.
Oh, sure, the occasional
spirit passes through,
but they can't see me.
Do you like Scotch?
HARRY: We're sorry for your predicament.
But we've been trying to decipher
The Book of Elders,
and it led us to you.
We need your help.
Who are "we," exactly?
The Charmed Ones.
Harry is our Whitelighter.
Our world is in chaos.
Demons are attacking witches.
My sisters and I are the only ones left
who can stop this.
But we've lost our powers.
Then you have come to see me
to help you get them back, have you?
Can you do that?
Drink with me.
Now get out of here.
Excuse me?
Just touch your anchor over there,
and when you awake,
you'll be fully empowered.
We can't thank you enough.
Just remember,
nothing in life
or death
is without consequence.
[CHUCKLES]: Wow, we just meditated
for five hours.
How is it for you?
Let you know shortly.
my powers are working.
This witch is back, baby.
How about you?
Let's find out.
Sharper than ever.
I'll straighten up. See you inside?
She has no idea what just happened?
MACY: Sorry about the blindfold.
Small ask, considering you saved me.
I am curious what all
the secrecy is about.
Abigael, I know this might be hard
for you to talk about, but...
Can you tell me what the
Overlord looked like?
Uh, tall.
Slicked back hair.
And he, uh...
He wore a green ring on his right hand.
The one he kept striking me with.
Are you looking for him?
More like hunting him.
He's been trying to unite
the four demon families against us.
He is the reason
innocent witches have been slaughtered.
Well, we know where he is.
We have to go back there, destroy him.
We barely made it out of there alive.
If we attacked that place,
we'd-we'd need an army of
seriously powerful witches.
Or just... the Power of Three.
I heard you. I heard you say her name.
Maggie. And you're Macy.
I heard a rumor that you're still alive.
I-I prayed for it to be true.
[WHISPERING]: It's you, isn't it?
You're the Charmed Ones.
You're alive.
I'm in the Charmed Ones'...
Uh, command center,
I guess you'd call it.
Command center.
This must be The Book of Shadows.
Oh, no, that's not...
You're not a witch.
You're a demon, aren't you?
Answer me.
Can I give you a hand with anything?
I can't thank you enough
for that powerful session.
How much do we owe you?
I feel bad charging you.
I enjoyed myself.
Can I get you a coffee or something?
Or something.
Come on.
Since the first moment we met,
there's been a connection here.
You and me.
Look me in the eyes.
Tell me I'm wrong.
You're not wrong, but...
Everyone I've ever cared about
has suffered as a
result of being with me.
I'm not sure that this is a good idea.
There's only one way to find out.
What's going on?
What's happening?
Get them off of me!
- Help!
- Harry!
Help me!
Please help me!
- We've got most of them.
- MEL: You're okay.
Your hair.
Harry, what is going on?
I don't know.
Why can't you just heal her?
I can't heal worms, Mel.
Maybe this is the consequence
the sentinel was talking about.
Oh, God. What have we done?
Give me one good reason
I shouldn't destroy you right now.
It's not what you think.
I'm a witch.
I swear.
And a demon.
Like you, Macy.
I don't believe you.
I was the product of an affair.
A love child or a bastard,
depending on who you ask.
I've spent my whole life feeling
like I never really belonged.
Too witchy for the demon world and...
Too demon-y for the witch world.
I'm sorry. I should have told you.
What's that?
Is that a tracker?
A tracker?
He must have put it there.
The Demon Overlord.
He knew we'd try to escape.
Maybe you were bait.
To get to you?
And my sisters.
The Charmed Ones.
I'm so sorry, Macy.
- I'll leave right now.
- It's o...
It's okay. He can't find us in here.
And even if he did find us,
demon powers don't work down here.
But your sisters...
Are up there.
♪ Wild ♪
♪ Wild ♪
♪ Make me wild ♪
♪ Just walking around ♪
Hello, visionary. How can I hot...
Um, help you?
I'm looking for a friend.
- ♪ Make me smile ♪
- ♪ I cannot remember... ♪
Oh, hey. Just wanted to let you know
that my name is Maggie, and I
am the new assistant manager.
Okay, good to know. Thanks.
Hey, if you have any questions
at all, you just let me know.
Maggie, new assistant manager.
SafeSpace Seattle.
Hey, guys. Maggie.
New assistant manager.
♪ Smile ♪
♪ Smile, smile ♪
♪ Make me smile ♪
- ♪ Wild, wild, wild smile ♪
What-what, uh, what's going on?
You're closing the studio?
I needed the gig to cover the rent.
SafeSpace ain't cheap.
I-I-I feel horrible.
Don't, don't.
You told me you play to win,
and you won.
Fair and square.
You are formidable, Maggie.
Jordan, I'm...
I'm really sorry you...
Sorry. I have to go.
Maggie. Maggie.
[GASPS] Oh, my God.
- You scared me.
- Sorry.
I was looking for you.
One of the demons from
the four bloodlines is here.
In SafeSpace.
It's him.
He's the Overlord.
MAGGIE: Oh, my God.
Well, we can't just take
him on here in SafeSpace.
People could get hurt.
Which is why we need
to lure him downstairs.
To the command center?
Then what?
We vanquish him.
We need to go back to the sentinel.
If this is the cost...
The torment of a human soul...
No. That price is too high.
But without powers, how many
countless witches will die?
Damn it, Harry.
Why would the Elders do this to us?
Force us to make an impossible choice?
Unless maybe that's the point.
It's all a test.
The Elders were fond of cruel dilemmas.
Perhaps this is what we're
supposed to struggle with.
Making the struggle even worse
by allowing me to get close to her.
So if this is some sick leadership test,
do the Elders want us to sacrifice
the one to save the many?
Or perhaps it's about moral character,
and they want us to sacrifice our powers
to save an innocent life.
You have to choose, Mel...
Between our powers and her life.
The path to power is not about strength,
it's about wisdom.
I have an idea, Harry.
It's a crazy one and
requires a leap of faith.
Well, I'm all ears.
Orb us to the roof.
Harry, our minds went
to the astral plane.
What if we're still there?
And none of this is real?
The precipice between
the here and the there.
- But what if you're wrong?
But what if I'm right?
You're Butch.
- I'm Sundance.
- Okay.
SENTINEL: You solved it.
The test...
Was to figure out it was a test.
So, we never actually
left the astral plane.
- Mm.
- And Katrina?
None the wiser.
The Elders take sick
pleasure in torturing us,
even from the grave.
To be fair, The Book of Elders contains
the greatest secrets and
spells in all of witchcraft.
Old magic.
Dead magic.
Healing magic.
Dangerous magic.
So does that mean that you
can't give us back our powers?
Can you translate the Book?
But you can.
Use this cypher to decipher the Book.
Use it wisely.
Your family.
Good luck to both of you.
Come see me again sometime, eh?
Can't believe we just meditated
for five hours. [CHUCKLES]
Did the universe give
you what you needed?
I think it did.
Abigael, listen to me.
You have to calm down.
I don't know, but he's
here in SafeSpace.
I'll make you a deal.
Take me to Abigael.
And when I kill you, I'll make it quick.
If you're lying to me...
MACY: Let her go.
Callum, who cares about
that little witch?
Look what's here.
The Book of Elders.
You can have it.
The Holy Grail.
Your demon powers are no good down here.
But witches' powers are.
And I happen to have both.
What are you doing?!
Now you will pay, Demon Overlord.
It's you... isn't it?
Daemon victus sale. Daemon victus sale.
It appears as though
we've missed something.
So that was the Demon Overlord.
Now he's gone, thanks to Abigael.
And this salty dagger.
Salt speeds up a demon's desiccation.
First thing tomorrow, we figure out
how to decode the Book,
figuring out how to get our powers back.
And... now that we have the keycard...
you can work on the Book
anytime, day or night.
Well, I don't know about you ladies,
but I could certainly do
with a celebratory cocktail.
You read my mind, Har.
- Bye.
Nice to meet you, Abigael.
Same to you.
You coming, Macy?
I... In a minute.
So what now?
Funny you should ask.
I have a plan.
Assistant manager.
I have to say, Mags, I didn't
think you had it in you.
They really showed no mercy.
Well, I pity anyone who
comes up against you.
Um, I think I left my bag upstairs.
I'll catch up with you guys.
♪ Come for me when I'm alone ♪
A drink.
♪ Collecting debts ♪
- ♪ That I don't owe ♪
- Hey.
♪ Follow me down where
the waters run deep ♪
♪ I'll let you drown
in the worst of me ♪
♪ Am I looking ♪
♪ For revival? ♪
♪ Am I dressed in others' sin? ♪
♪ Hold my breath ♪
♪ Until I'm honest ♪
♪ Will I ever breathe again? ♪
So, Wembley?
That's where you're headed?
Yeah, I have some relatives there
who'd be kind enough to let me in.
I kind of wish you could just stay here.
Is that crazy?
No, it's wonderful.
Well, I guess this is goodbye.
Oh, just before we vanquished
Callum, he said something.
Did he?
Yeah. Um...
"It's you, isn't it?"
That's-that's what he said.
Who knows?
I think he would have said
anything to stay alive.
Goodbye, Macy.
MACY: I trusted you the first time.
I will not make that mistake again.
Wait! That green scar on your leg.
The assassin. No.
Whatever it is,
the thing that came for you,
it came for me, too.
MAGGIE: Who the hell invited him?
It's a portal! But you need to jump!
to the command center.
MACY: Why would the Elders
put a portal in a closet
to SafeSpace Seattle
and take away our powers?
MEL: There's a shapeshifter out
there who looks exactly like you.
KATRINA: Look, I know you think
I'm some ditzy dime-store Wiccan.
I recognize a soul in distress.
MAGGIE: Why have you been so nice to me?
I guess I just find you formidable.
Part-time receptionist?
MAGGIE: We're gonna need constant
access to that command center.
Your powers are stripped,
leaving you untraceable.
Macy seems to have retained
her demon capabilities.
Haven't you heard?
There's a war going on.
We're coming for you witches! [SHRIEKS]
The Demon Overlord who
will unite us has come.
MAGGIE: Everyone thinks we're dead,
that we burned in a house fire.
No one can know we're
alive, or it's just
a matter of time before
that assassin tracks us down.
You were right...
The Charmed Ones are alive.
♪ ♪
MAGGIE: Good morning, visionaries.
Work for a cause, not for applause.
- Thanks.
Hey, make today so awesome
that tomorrow gets jelly.
SWAN: Morning, fellow dreamer.
Oh, Swan, I don't think those are...
Sorry. Stress-eating.
Why? What's going on?
SafeSpace has been violated.
Someone's been stealing
office supplies and keycards.
Oh, no.
♪ I've always liked to play with fire ♪
- _
- ♪ Play with fire ♪
Please, just tell me how
to get my powers back.
I'll do anything.
♪ Fire, fire ♪
♪ I've always liked to play with fire ♪
♪ Always liked to play with fire ♪
♪ I've always liked to play with... ♪
Oh, no.
HARRY: We saved one,
but we lost one.
Her name was Sara.
Que descanse en paz.
Rest in peace.
Maybe you should go home, hmm?
Get some sleep.
I can't.
I'm the only one here with powers.
Who's gonna save the next dying witch?
- MAGGIE: Seattle.
We have a problem.
[SIGHS] What now?
My orange keycard is being revoked.
They're only for management now.
How could you lose our only
way into the command center?
I didn't lose it.
The rules changed,
because someone goes through
legal pads like tissues,
and someone else has to have a
SafeSpace hoodie in every room.
- They're really soft.
- Okay,
you know what, my point is,
this puppy expires in 24 hours,
and then it gets deactivated.
Which means bye-bye, SafeSpace
and access to the switch room.
[SIGHS] Harry, any luck with Orbing?
No. My powers are still on the blink.
How did we just battle 20 demons
and we can't get through a simple door?
Well... we can, if someone
becomes an assistant manager.
You just started.
Do you really think you
can get a promotion?
Thanks for the vote of confidence.
And yes, I do.
We can't go on like this.
We need our magic.
And the answers are in that book.
So what's taking so long, Mel?
What's taking so long to
decipher a thousand-page tome
written in an ancient language?
Seriously? You want to
try cracking this thing,
have at it, sister.
Fine. I'm already doing
everything else around here.
Why not?
Are you all right?
My demon side is probably
what gives me my firepower.
And probably why the Book rejected you.
I tried using my powers
but it didn't work.
I should have known.
If the room's protected,
the Book will be, too.
I'm sure the Elders enchanted it
so it didn't fall into the wrong hands.
My hands?
Hi. Uh, double espresso, please.
You know, make it a triple.
You need to sleep.
I can't.
I never know when...
The assassin will be back.
In your dreams.
The fact that something
that looks like me is...
Torturing you...
It's not your fault.
I'm gonna help Mel figure out that book.
We will get our powers back.
The magic is still within us;
we just need to reclaim it.
Is it possible this code
is basically uncrackable?
Would the Elders do that to us?
Where did you find this image of Mel?
That's a symbol of the sentinel.
An ancient, orphic figure
rumored to live on the astral plane.
The astral plane?
A series of cosmic planes or dimensions
where souls live out
their karmic destinies.
The sentinel is the keeper
of all wisdom and knowledge.
Then let's go find the sentinel.
Well, were it that easy...
These letters on the hands: B-O-E.
Book of Elders?
Or O-B-E.
Out-of-body experience.
Mom used to talk about
astral projections
as a kind of out-of-body experience.
She'd meditate in a prayer circle,
drink some kind of special tea...
All the elements are here...
The prayer circle, the
sentinel, the O-B-E.
All that's missing is...
The tea.
What if these images
are the ingredients?
And the numerical codes
are the measurements.
Of course.
Let's see what the Elders have left us.
♪ You and I, we love to play ♪
♪ We get along... ♪
Miss Formidable.
Maggie, right?
How's the adulting going?
Not gonna lie, it's...
- it's pretty stressful.
- Hmm.
Well, you wouldn't know it.
You wear it well.
Oh. I wish I didn't
have to wear it at all.
I'm sorry about that...
Meltdown I had in your
boxing gym the other day.
Ah. No, no. You're good.
If you want to see real meltdowns,
you should come to my
Thursday night class.
Med students. Now, that's...
That's some serious cray.
Uh... wait, you're applying
- for the management gig?
- Yeah.
- Why?
- I... I just...
I thought the boxing gym
was your full-time thing.
[CHUCKLES] I got a lot
of full-time things.
Always got to be hustling, you know.
You, too?
Jordan, I really...
Neally need this job.
My sisters and I are starting over,
like, from scratch...
and they're really
counting on me to, um...
- To get this.
- So you want me to just...
put this back?
Make it that much easier for you?
You would do that?
Uh... no.
You're not the only
one with bills to pay
- and dreams to finance, Miss Maggie.
- Okay,
well, you don't have
to be a jerk about it.
I'm the jerk?
You just asked me to bow out of a job.
This is real life,
Maggie, not sorority row.
You want the job...
You need to fight for
it, like everyone else.
Point taken.
Just know I play to win.
See you in the ring.
MEL: Okay, we already have
blue lotus, skullcap, cinquefoil.
All we need now are the
stems of Psychotria viridis
- and white vinegar.
- And a human anchor.
A what, now?
One of the dangers of
visiting the astral plane:
your spirit can be severed
from your physical being
unless a human grounds you
to the real world.
We need a guide tethered to the "here,"
so we don't get lost in the "there"?
Please, no.
The woman's a charlatan.
And I think she's kind of into me.
Well, all the better.
We need her to say yes.
Who else is gonna commit to
five hours of meditation?
Anything I can help you with?
Why have you been avoiding me?
No, no, no, no.
I can't lose another one.
- Hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey. Hey, it's okay.
It's okay. I'm...
I'm here to help you.
- Who are you?
- I was kidnapped.
I managed to escape,
but they're after me.
Look out!
Don't bother.
These demons have us in some kind of
magical Faraday cage.
No signals, no powers.
You're a witch, too?
- Yeah.
- I'm so sorry.
This is my fault.
It's-it's okay.
Don't worry.
Help will come soon.
So... what is it you seek?
We have to articulate it
before we go on our journey.
A deeper desire?
Perhaps an urgent question
you need answered.
We've lost our power.
And we need to get it back.
We all feel a bit powerless these days.
The universe doesn't always
give us what we want,
but it always gives us what we need.
Let's hope so.
I was at a bar for a friend's birthday.
One of those demons must have
slipped something in my drink.
The last thing I
remember, I was dancing,
and then I woke up in this cell.
Are there more here?
Like us?
I don't know, but I heard them talking.
They're gonna sacrifice us
for this demon called "the Overlord."
The Overlord.
The Demon Overlord who will
rise up and unite us has come.
Hey, what's your name?
Abigael, we have to get out of here.
We need to take the coils
out of this mattress.
♪ ♪
Aren't you a little old to be applying
for an assistant manager position?
Aren't you a little young to be applying
for an assistant manager position?
Well, I'm 20, if you must know.
- I'm 25, since you asked.
- I didn't.
But really?
You just... you seem
more mature than that.
Ever since my growth
spurt in sixth grade,
everyone thinks I'm... 30.
But the upside is, I never get carded.
Impressive accomplishment
for the résumé.
- Ooh, would you like a copy?
- What?
No, I... I wasn't...
You were a Big Brother?
Military for four years?
Paid for college.
Gym helps pay for law school...
At night.
Wow. That's impressive.
And you? Got anything
besides Homecoming Queen
or Longest Keg Stand at
Delta Gamma Whatever?
That's really off base.
I mean, I happened to
be both of those things,
but that does not mean
you have me pegged.
I've seen things, Jordan.
Things that would make a grown man cry.
Even a very grown one... like you.
MAN: J-Man!
You're up first.
Mm. Mm-hmm.
Make sure you've filled out these I-9s
and background checks
before your interview.
Background check.
Back away from the door.
♪ ♪
Blend in.
Macy, demons.
12 o'clock.
We have to get out of here.
That was way too close for...
Abigael, I can get us
out of here really fast,
but we're gonna have
to trust each other.
- Cover your eyes.
- Well, what...?
- Put it on.
- Okay.
[SIGHING]: Okay.
Okay, hold on.
[WHISPERING]: When is it gonna kick in?
Maybe we should drink some more.
I think we found it.
The astral plane.
What's happening, Harry?
Time and space overlap.
Sounds from other
dimensions bleeding through.
Of course. Why didn't I think of that?
Hey, be careful.
They can't hear you.
They're apparitions.
Excuse me.
Is he an apparition, too?
Are you talking to me?
Are you the sentinel?
You can see me?
I have not seen another soul
in hundreds of years, and...
Not a living soul.
But... if you're up here,
things must be pretty bad down there.
Harry Greenwood, and...
We need to talk.
Before you say anything,
I have to tell you something.
Well, I can't tell anyone anything.
My interview is in ten minutes,
and my competition happens
to be the most interesting
man in the world,
who's also handsome and-and charming...
Maggie, stop talking!
That was a bit harsh.
What did you do?
You went out on a mission
alone and brought back
a complete stranger? Are you insane?
I didn't have a choice.
She would have died.
Isn't that why the Elders
established this place...
As-as a safe haven for witches?
Okay, so what's your plan
for your new bestie, then?
An air mattress in your room?
I don't know, but she has powers.
She can help us.
Maggie, I can't keep doing this alone.
[SCOFFS] Don't you think I'd
rather be out there helping you,
instead of dealing with
this job-hunting crap?
They want to do a background
check on me, Macy.
- You cannot let them.
- Yes, I know!
But I have, like, four
minutes to figure this out.
You need a spell. Something...
Yeah, well, there's no background
check spell that I'm aware of.
ABIGAEL: Have you... have
you tried a Malleaorum?
Uh, an influencer spell.
Sorry. I don't mean to pry.
It's just, they're very
effective at influencing people.
Tell me more.
♪ ♪
Says here you were a meal
distribution specialist,
delivering platters of
nutritious substances.
Sounds a lot like a, uh...
Waitress? Yeah, um,
for six whole weeks.
I-I learned a lot
about customer service.
A cappella group cocaptain.
I know how to harmonize
with my coworkers.
No college education?
I'm taking a gap year,
you know, to avoid academic burnout.
And, frankly, isn't life
an education, Zach-Man?
I'm all for looking
for core competencies
in unusual ecosystems, but...
This résumé doesn't exactly
scream "management."
Hey, would it help if I knew Latin?
A dead language?
[SIGHS] Finge cor.
Muta mentem. Alia eventa mihi.
Shape the heart, change the mind,
give me results of a different kind.
But not buried.
Carpe diem, am I right?
Hey, Zach, is it
really necessary to do
that background check?
I just... I would hate for the company
to waste all that time and money.
Look at you.
Cost cutting already.
MEL: So, how exactly
did you end up here?
LeeAnn and I had two boys,
Owen and Walter.
They got smallpox.
Then so did my wife.
The Elders came to me
in my hour of grief.
They offered me a deal.
My wife and kids could
live if I agreed to serve
as their sentinel, protecting
The Book of Elders.
But if it's true they're gone,
then I'm stuck.
It's a beautiful garden.
It's an empty garden.
Oh, sure, the occasional
spirit passes through,
but they can't see me.
Do you like Scotch?
HARRY: We're sorry for your predicament.
But we've been trying to decipher
The Book of Elders,
and it led us to you.
We need your help.
Who are "we," exactly?
The Charmed Ones.
Harry is our Whitelighter.
Our world is in chaos.
Demons are attacking witches.
My sisters and I are the only ones left
who can stop this.
But we've lost our powers.
Then you have come to see me
to help you get them back, have you?
Can you do that?
Drink with me.
Now get out of here.
Excuse me?
Just touch your anchor over there,
and when you awake,
you'll be fully empowered.
We can't thank you enough.
Just remember,
nothing in life
or death
is without consequence.
[CHUCKLES]: Wow, we just meditated
for five hours.
How is it for you?
Let you know shortly.
my powers are working.
This witch is back, baby.
How about you?
Let's find out.
Sharper than ever.
I'll straighten up. See you inside?
She has no idea what just happened?
MACY: Sorry about the blindfold.
Small ask, considering you saved me.
I am curious what all
the secrecy is about.
Abigael, I know this might be hard
for you to talk about, but...
Can you tell me what the
Overlord looked like?
Uh, tall.
Slicked back hair.
And he, uh...
He wore a green ring on his right hand.
The one he kept striking me with.
Are you looking for him?
More like hunting him.
He's been trying to unite
the four demon families against us.
He is the reason
innocent witches have been slaughtered.
Well, we know where he is.
We have to go back there, destroy him.
We barely made it out of there alive.
If we attacked that place,
we'd-we'd need an army of
seriously powerful witches.
Or just... the Power of Three.
I heard you. I heard you say her name.
Maggie. And you're Macy.
I heard a rumor that you're still alive.
I-I prayed for it to be true.
[WHISPERING]: It's you, isn't it?
You're the Charmed Ones.
You're alive.
I'm in the Charmed Ones'...
Uh, command center,
I guess you'd call it.
Command center.
This must be The Book of Shadows.
Oh, no, that's not...
You're not a witch.
You're a demon, aren't you?
Answer me.
Can I give you a hand with anything?
I can't thank you enough
for that powerful session.
How much do we owe you?
I feel bad charging you.
I enjoyed myself.
Can I get you a coffee or something?
Or something.
Come on.
Since the first moment we met,
there's been a connection here.
You and me.
Look me in the eyes.
Tell me I'm wrong.
You're not wrong, but...
Everyone I've ever cared about
has suffered as a
result of being with me.
I'm not sure that this is a good idea.
There's only one way to find out.
What's going on?
What's happening?
Get them off of me!
- Help!
- Harry!
Help me!
Please help me!
- We've got most of them.
- MEL: You're okay.
Your hair.
Harry, what is going on?
I don't know.
Why can't you just heal her?
I can't heal worms, Mel.
Maybe this is the consequence
the sentinel was talking about.
Oh, God. What have we done?
Give me one good reason
I shouldn't destroy you right now.
It's not what you think.
I'm a witch.
I swear.
And a demon.
Like you, Macy.
I don't believe you.
I was the product of an affair.
A love child or a bastard,
depending on who you ask.
I've spent my whole life feeling
like I never really belonged.
Too witchy for the demon world and...
Too demon-y for the witch world.
I'm sorry. I should have told you.
What's that?
Is that a tracker?
A tracker?
He must have put it there.
The Demon Overlord.
He knew we'd try to escape.
Maybe you were bait.
To get to you?
And my sisters.
The Charmed Ones.
I'm so sorry, Macy.
- I'll leave right now.
- It's o...
It's okay. He can't find us in here.
And even if he did find us,
demon powers don't work down here.
But your sisters...
Are up there.
♪ Wild ♪
♪ Wild ♪
♪ Make me wild ♪
♪ Just walking around ♪
Hello, visionary. How can I hot...
Um, help you?
I'm looking for a friend.
- ♪ Make me smile ♪
- ♪ I cannot remember... ♪
Oh, hey. Just wanted to let you know
that my name is Maggie, and I
am the new assistant manager.
Okay, good to know. Thanks.
Hey, if you have any questions
at all, you just let me know.
Maggie, new assistant manager.
SafeSpace Seattle.
Hey, guys. Maggie.
New assistant manager.
♪ Smile ♪
♪ Smile, smile ♪
♪ Make me smile ♪
- ♪ Wild, wild, wild smile ♪
What-what, uh, what's going on?
You're closing the studio?
I needed the gig to cover the rent.
SafeSpace ain't cheap.
I-I-I feel horrible.
Don't, don't.
You told me you play to win,
and you won.
Fair and square.
You are formidable, Maggie.
Jordan, I'm...
I'm really sorry you...
Sorry. I have to go.
Maggie. Maggie.
[GASPS] Oh, my God.
- You scared me.
- Sorry.
I was looking for you.
One of the demons from
the four bloodlines is here.
In SafeSpace.
It's him.
He's the Overlord.
MAGGIE: Oh, my God.
Well, we can't just take
him on here in SafeSpace.
People could get hurt.
Which is why we need
to lure him downstairs.
To the command center?
Then what?
We vanquish him.
We need to go back to the sentinel.
If this is the cost...
The torment of a human soul...
No. That price is too high.
But without powers, how many
countless witches will die?
Damn it, Harry.
Why would the Elders do this to us?
Force us to make an impossible choice?
Unless maybe that's the point.
It's all a test.
The Elders were fond of cruel dilemmas.
Perhaps this is what we're
supposed to struggle with.
Making the struggle even worse
by allowing me to get close to her.
So if this is some sick leadership test,
do the Elders want us to sacrifice
the one to save the many?
Or perhaps it's about moral character,
and they want us to sacrifice our powers
to save an innocent life.
You have to choose, Mel...
Between our powers and her life.
The path to power is not about strength,
it's about wisdom.
I have an idea, Harry.
It's a crazy one and
requires a leap of faith.
Well, I'm all ears.
Orb us to the roof.
Harry, our minds went
to the astral plane.
What if we're still there?
And none of this is real?
The precipice between
the here and the there.
- But what if you're wrong?
But what if I'm right?
You're Butch.
- I'm Sundance.
- Okay.
SENTINEL: You solved it.
The test...
Was to figure out it was a test.
So, we never actually
left the astral plane.
- Mm.
- And Katrina?
None the wiser.
The Elders take sick
pleasure in torturing us,
even from the grave.
To be fair, The Book of Elders contains
the greatest secrets and
spells in all of witchcraft.
Old magic.
Dead magic.
Healing magic.
Dangerous magic.
So does that mean that you
can't give us back our powers?
Can you translate the Book?
But you can.
Use this cypher to decipher the Book.
Use it wisely.
Your family.
Good luck to both of you.
Come see me again sometime, eh?
Can't believe we just meditated
for five hours. [CHUCKLES]
Did the universe give
you what you needed?
I think it did.
Abigael, listen to me.
You have to calm down.
I don't know, but he's
here in SafeSpace.
I'll make you a deal.
Take me to Abigael.
And when I kill you, I'll make it quick.
If you're lying to me...
MACY: Let her go.
Callum, who cares about
that little witch?
Look what's here.
The Book of Elders.
You can have it.
The Holy Grail.
Your demon powers are no good down here.
But witches' powers are.
And I happen to have both.
What are you doing?!
Now you will pay, Demon Overlord.
It's you... isn't it?
Daemon victus sale. Daemon victus sale.
It appears as though
we've missed something.
So that was the Demon Overlord.
Now he's gone, thanks to Abigael.
And this salty dagger.
Salt speeds up a demon's desiccation.
First thing tomorrow, we figure out
how to decode the Book,
figuring out how to get our powers back.
And... now that we have the keycard...
you can work on the Book
anytime, day or night.
Well, I don't know about you ladies,
but I could certainly do
with a celebratory cocktail.
You read my mind, Har.
- Bye.
Nice to meet you, Abigael.
Same to you.
You coming, Macy?
I... In a minute.
So what now?
Funny you should ask.
I have a plan.
Assistant manager.
I have to say, Mags, I didn't
think you had it in you.
They really showed no mercy.
Well, I pity anyone who
comes up against you.
Um, I think I left my bag upstairs.
I'll catch up with you guys.
♪ Come for me when I'm alone ♪
A drink.
♪ Collecting debts ♪
- ♪ That I don't owe ♪
- Hey.
♪ Follow me down where
the waters run deep ♪
♪ I'll let you drown
in the worst of me ♪
♪ Am I looking ♪
♪ For revival? ♪
♪ Am I dressed in others' sin? ♪
♪ Hold my breath ♪
♪ Until I'm honest ♪
♪ Will I ever breathe again? ♪
So, Wembley?
That's where you're headed?
Yeah, I have some relatives there
who'd be kind enough to let me in.
I kind of wish you could just stay here.
Is that crazy?
No, it's wonderful.
Well, I guess this is goodbye.
Oh, just before we vanquished
Callum, he said something.
Did he?
Yeah. Um...
"It's you, isn't it?"
That's-that's what he said.
Who knows?
I think he would have said
anything to stay alive.
Goodbye, Macy.
MACY: I trusted you the first time.
I will not make that mistake again.
Wait! That green scar on your leg.
The assassin. No.
Whatever it is,
the thing that came for you,
it came for me, too.