Charmed (1998–2006): Season 6, Episode 22 - It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World: Part 1 - full transcript
Gideon creates a portal that puts Chris and Leo in a mirrored world where evil prevails, and Phoebe and Paige travel to the parallel universe to rescue them. Meanwhile, Piper gives birth to baby Chris.
You know, your time-travel section
is due for a serious overhaul.
I mean, I can find
more information Googling.
-Never mind.
Any luck with that spell yet?
You mean since the last
two minutes you asked me?
I'm just getting a little nervous here.
My birthday, it's in two days.
And if I'm not out of here
before I'm born...
Something bad that you don't
know about could happen?
I just don't wanna take any chances.
Besides, I came here and did what I
had to do, and that was to save Wyatt.
Now it's time for me to go home.
-Sooner than you might think.
-Oh, no.
-No, no, no. Not yet. You're early.
PIPER: Oh, relax.
I'm just getting a jump on things.
I'm not in labor.
I'm sending some stuff
back to the house.
Just don't scare me, okay?
What's the matter?
Isn't the spell ready?
I think it's ready.
This should work.
Should work? What do you mean?
There are no guarantees
with time travel, Leo.
You should know that
better than anyone.
Sorry. There's always a chance
that something might go wrong.
All right, we're not taking
any chances.
We might have to.
I'm running out of time.
No, I'm not sending you
through a one-way portal
unless I know
where you're gonna land.
Well, you can never be certain.
Unless, of course, you went too.
And even then...
All right, let's just forget the spell
and start to work on that potion again.
But the spell has a better chance
of working. It's the power of three.
Yes, but if something goes wrong,
he'll have extra potion
and he can come back.
I agree, it sounds safer.
So why don't you guys
get to work on that.
Paige, can you orb these home?
Just squeeze them
in the nursery or something.
-You did clean out the nursery, right?
No. I was working on the spell,
I'm sorry.
Well, you better hurry, or else baby
Chris will be sleeping in your room.
Yeah, don't worry. I'm all over it.
-Don't forget diapers. Lots of diapers.
Okay, gotta get out of here.
They prepare to send the boy home.
It's time.
For our plan to work,
we have to get the sisters...
And Leo and Chris out of the way.
Don't worry, we will.
Hello, Phoebe. Excuse me, Phoebe.
Hey, Mrs. Noble, what's up?
What's up is you've parked
in my driveway again.
Yeah, unfortunately there's
nowhere else to park.
So I should suffer?
Piper's bringing home
the baby in a couple days,
and I did a little shopping.
This is getting to be a real problem.
You know what?
Just do me a favor.
Let me run inside
and put these bags down,
then I'll come outside
and move the car.
You called the patrol guy?
This is the third time
this week you blocked me.
Yeah, well, if your dumpster
didn't take up half the block,
then I wouldn't have to park
in your driveway.
This is against
neighborhood-association rules.
Excuse me.
Can you write her a citation for that
ugly eyesore dumpster over there?
Homeowner's got a permit.
I don't have time for this.
Oh, look at how cute.
I remember when baby Wyatt
used to fit in here.
This is not cute.
This is the bassinet from hell.
-You know how to put this together?
-No, that would be a Leo thing.
I still can't believe
we're bringing home a baby.
Yeah, well, this baby's
not gonna have anywhere to sleep.
I know. What made us wait so long
to do this baby room?
We were busy trying to keep Wyatt
from turning evil.
Here, let me help you.
You know, which I'm glad we did.
But it just means that
he's gonna need a bedroom.
Yeah, well, even if he was evil,
we'd need another bedroom.
Yeah, but now with everybody coming
home, plus one, we're a room short.
I guess I can sleep
on the couch.
I just really think we need to focus
on the baby right now.
Well, and on getting Chris home.
Oh, remember him?
You know, the nephew?
The one you've been avoiding?
I am not.
Okay, so why weren't you helping
Gideon and I with the spell?
Because I was helping Leo
trying to find the burdock root.
It was very hard to find.
It's back-ordered everywhere.
You're right. You know what, we're just
gonna get Chris a new bassinet.
I'm gonna miss him too, you know.
It sucks.
I mean, I know he's going back
to a better future and all, it's just...
We're just getting to know him,
you know?
I know.
I forgot to move my car.
-It's getting to be a habit, isn't it?
Me showing up a wreck.
I mean, we never fight,
that's the thing.
At least, we never used to.
But lately Darryl's just been
so on edge, you know?
Any idea why?
Actually, I was hoping
you might know.
I went to his work the other day,
just to say hi,
and I saw an arrest warrant
on his desk for Chris.
-Chris? Are you sure?
-I'm positive.
I even asked about it,
if he was gonna make it go away.
That's when he just lost it.
He told me to stay out of it,
and stay away from you girls
from now on.
Did something happen
that I don't know about?
A couple of weeks ago,
Darryl got really scared
when he was trying to cover up for us.
And we felt horrible, you know,
but obviously it really affected him.
Enough not to cover for Chris?
He got really scared.
Maybe you just need
to give him some time.
Yeah, but that doesn't help you
right now, and it doesn't help Chris.
Look, I love Darryl,
and I know this is eating him up inside,
but you girls are like family to us.
You don't turn your back on family.
I wonder how different
the future's gonna be.
How much different
my life is gonna be.
I just want you to get home safely.
Now, remember,
if anything seems different,
you have another vial of this
to get back right away.
You worry too much, you know that?
I'll be fine.
I'm your father.
It's my job to worry.
Listen, when you get back there,
take it easy on Wyatt, okay?
You can't hold a grudge.
Hey, as long as he's
not ruler of all evil, I'm cool.
I'm serious.
He's gonna be different. Good.
He's not gonna remember he wasn't.
If you really wanna change the future,
start with a clean slate.
Okay, okay. I get it.
How about you?
You starting with a clean slate?
-How do you mean?
-Like you and Mom.
I'd like to know where you two are
headed before I go back. That's all.
It's complicated. I'm an Elder.
I made a commitment.
So? It's not like you haven't
broken the rules before.
I'm living proof of that.
We'll see.
We have enough of this stuff,
if you wanna try a dry run
before everybody gets here.
What do you think?
Yeah. Let's do it.
That should have worked.
I'll get you home, buddy. I promise.
We're gonna figure this out.
You gotta keep your head up.
That potion almost certainly
would have worked.
We stopped them just in time.
Though it wasn't supposed to hurt.
Shall we?
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
At least now they'll be forced
to use our spell.
The sooner, the better.
Wyatt's magic grows stronger
by the day.
-That much power in one being...
-Is bound to turn him...
We have to get those that protect him
out of the way.
Starting with Leo and Chris.
Hey, it looks like we're gonna need
that spell after all.
-Is there an echo in here?
-It's poor acoustics.
Have Piper gather her sisters
and I'll get the spell.
Okay. You know, I don't
understand what happened.
-That potion should've worked.
-Like I said, time travel is tricky.
You will still be escorting your son?
Well, I think so.
I think it's safest, don't you?
Gather everyone together.
I'll be right along.
Here they come.
-Darryl. Hey, Darryl.
-Darryl, stop.
-We just need to talk to you.
-We have nothing to talk about.
Look, Chris is going home today,
to his future home.
Yeah, and we were hoping,
you know, that you could find it
in the goodness of your heart,
even though we know
that you're mad at us,
to, you know, just throw away
his file.
The one with the little
arrest warrant in it?
Apparently I haven't
made myself clear.
I am done covering for you. Done.
Now, excuse me.
Darryl, think about it, okay?
The cops are gonna come for Chris,
and what are they gonna find?
A little itsy-bitsy baby.
And then they're gonna find us,
which risks exposure.
Well, you should have thought of that
before you broke Chris out of jail.
Inspector Sheridan thinks that Chris'
breakout was an inside job.
Which, if I'm not careful,
could point back to me.
I've got a family to think
about too, you know. Great.
-Inspector Sheridan.
-Have you seen Chris lately?
Chris who?
When you have a minute.
At least Chris isn't gonna
have to deal with her in the future.
-Where are Phoebe and Paige?
-I'm sure they'll be here soon.
Soon? Soon is when
Dad and I have to go.
Dad? What do you mean...?
Wait, you're gonna go too?
Just long enough to make sure
he gets where he needs to be.
And when exactly were you
gonna tell me about this?
I told him he didn't have to come.
-I don't need him.
LEO: No, it's too dangerous.
Last time you went through a portal,
you were almost dinosaur kibble.
-I have to go.
-You're right, it is dangerous.
But not as dangerous as leaving
Wyatt alone while I'm in labor.
I'll be back. I promise.
Sorry, I just wanted to go over
the spell one more time.
-Make a few tweaks.
-Tweaks? Let me see that.
Finally. Where have you two been?
Sorry, we were a little held up.
But we're here now,
so let's get this show on the road.
You know, the clock's a-ticking.
Ticktock, ticktock.
Since when are you in such a hurry
to say goodbye?
Well, since something happened with
the thing and the thing with the thing.
There's a warrant out
for Chris' arrest.
-Yeah, tried to get Darryl to bury it,
but he's not really
on our side anymore.
This is bad. If I leave and they
can't find me, they'll come after you.
That's okay. We've been through
worse, we'll get through this.
We'll figure it out.
And if you get back to the future and
we're in jail, you just bust us out.
You just go back to that beautiful,
peaceful world that you helped create.
-I'm really gonna miss you.
-I'll miss you too.
Here comes the hugging part.
Thank you for coming here.
I love you.
I love you so much, Mom.
Now, go on. Hurry. And be safe.
-Thanks for all your help.
-You did a noble thing in coming here.
Be good.
In this place and in this hour
We call upon the ancient power
Open the door
Through time and space
Create a path to another place
Where are we?
I have no idea.
Something's gone wrong.
Don't let them leave.
Are you out of your mind?
Follow me.
-What the hell was that all about?
-I'm not sure.
You're not sure? Chris just tried
to kill me and you're not sure?
We were supposed
to send him to the future,
not turn him into a darklighter.
Excuse me, people,
those were black orbs.
Where did they get black orbs from?
Okay, breathe. Breathe, Piper.
You don't wanna go into labor yet.
Well, perhaps the spell
wasn't specific enough.
Meaning what?
Meaning it worked, obviously,
it opened up a portal,
not to another time,
but to another world.
A parallel world.
And not just any parallel world,
one that's the exact reverse of ours.
-Reverse like what, reverse like evil?
You see, it's all part
of a grand design.
A universe destined
to maintain balance.
Light and dark, yin and yang,
good and evil.
For good to prevail in this world,
then an equally evil world
must also exist.
-That's quite a faulty design, isn't it?
-No, it's not, Paige.
Balance is everything.
Without it, the cosmos doesn't spin.
Are you telling me that when our
Leo and Chris stepped in there,
their evil selves stepped out?
Yes, it's a mirror world.
Whatever happens there,
happens here.
So our Leo and Chris
are in their evil world.
-Well, we gotta go get them.
-You can't go get them.
You're not going anywhere.
PAIGE: Besides,
what about those evil fellows
-that just came through here?
-We'll go get them later.
Actually, I think you should
go after them now.
Because for every second
that they're in our world,
they risk throwing off the balance
by doing something evil.
You ever see anything so good?
It's disgusting.
Can you believe the liquor stores
are closed in the mornings here?
What's up with that?
Didn't stop you from
kicking down the door to get in.
Why didn't you orb in?
What's the fun in that?
Strange. Everything seems the same
but kind of different, you know?
It's cleaner, it's happier,
it's more civilized.
Now, that's what I'm talking about.
This place makes me sick.
I gotta get out of here.
Gives you an idea of what kind of
awful saccharine future I came from.
Why I had to come back
and change it so bad.
And I'll always be
proud of you for that.
You saved Wyatt from turning good.
You gave us a second chance.
The least I could do is get you back
to your future, back to evil.
Thanks, Dad.
First we gotta get back
to our world, though.
We're gonna need
the power of three.
Well, we can't trust those
Pollyanna witches, they're too good.
God, who do I have to kill
so we can get out of here?
I think I might know somebody.
Somebody we can use
to force the sisters to help us.
I don't understand. If they're
just like our Leo and our Chris,
then why do we need
a crystal cage to trap them?
So they don't try to kill us again,
for one thing.
Yeah, I don't think they
were trying to kill us.
I think that they were
just surprised, like we were.
Yeah, well, I am not taking
any chances.
-Hey, did you get any hits yet?
-No, nothing.
They must not be
doing anything evil.
Yeah, well, if Gideon's right,
it's just a matter of time.
Besides, we wouldn't want the cosmos
to stop spinning, would we?
It's so weird to think that there
are evil twins of us out there
doing the exact same thing
as we are right now.
I can't think about that.
It hurts my brain.
Oh. I got them.
What the hell's wrong with you?
I'm a cop.
-Pretty wimpy-looking one, too.
-Nothing like our Darryl.
I think that's the cheapest suit
I've ever seen.
What's the matter, huh?
Girls not paying you enough?
Paying me?
What has gotten into you?
Let's just say I don't like you
coming at me in either world.
This almost isn't any fun.
I don't care if you are under
some kind of spell.
Come any closer, I'll shoot, I swear.
-Now, this is fun.
-Not yet.
We still need him for leverage.
He's no good to us dead.
Not yet, anyway.
See, this is
the crazy-ass kind of stuff
that makes me not wanna have
anything to do with you people.
-Who are you talking to?
That's not gonna stop us.
No, but this will.
-Son of a bitch.
Nice firepower, Leo.
I didn't know you had it in you.
Don't go anywhere.
-Stay away from me.
-Let us take you to Gideon.
-He can heal you.
-No. Stay away.
-Darryl, please.
-I said, no, damn it. Leave me alone.
I don't wanna have anything to do
with you anymore, do you understand?
Well, I don't think
that helped our cause any.
My Charmed Ones
will be joining you soon.
-Are you certain you can keep...
-Mine away?
I told them to wait at the manor
for the good Leo and Chris
to come to them.
I'm taking your knight.
I knew you'd do that.
-So the next move, of course, is...
Once she's in labor,
we'll have a clear shot at the boy.
If we impress upon her the extent
of the danger her sisters are in...
-It will expedite matters.
-But everything has to happen quickly.
We're tinkering here with the grand
design, risking its tenuous stability.
By creating an imbalance of power
on one side, I know.
But it's a far greater risk
to allow Wyatt to grow up...
To threaten both worlds. I agree.
I like the way you think.
-No echo.
-A good sign.
They can never know
we were behind this.
They won't.
Did you catch them?
Yeah, stuck them in a classroom.
And, you know, they can't
orb out of there.
They're a little feistier
than the real Chris and Leo.
I don't know how we're
gonna get them to cooperate.
Yeah. Well, I'm sure
your evil counterparts
are anticipating exactly
the same problem,
since, other than morality,
you're one and the same.
How does that help us figure out
what we're supposed to do?
Perhaps you should
trade yourselves.
You go into their world,
they'll come into ours.
You can each retrieve
your respective Leo and Chris.
Kind of makes sense.
And what about
your evil counterpart?
Will he be hip to this plan?
I have every confidence that he will
be waiting there exactly as I am here.
But remember, good or evil,
we're all after the same thing:
Leo and Chris returned
and the cosmic balance restored.
Get Piper.
We're gonna need
the power of three.
Okay, where is everybody?
Isn't Piper supposed to be here?
This is weird.
I don't think we should be here.
We should get out of here.
What are you doing?
You're not supposed to be here.
Why didn't they come through?
-Where are they?
-I don't know.
Easy. Piper, try to relax.
We wouldn't want you to go into
premature labor, now, would we?
You have no idea what you've done.
By coming here, you may have thrown
both worlds irreversibly out of balance.
Okay, well, doesn't killing us
sort of do that too?
Don't be ridiculous.
If I'd wanted to kill you, I would have.
I was just caught off-guard.
Well, you need to relax there, tiger.
It's a different world here, Pheebs.
One filled with distrust.
Even amongst allies.
I don't understand.
Where are your Paige and Phoebe?
Out looking for your Leo and Chris.
They were supposed
to bring them here.
Well, your Leo and Chris are at our
magic school waiting to be rescued.
Okay, this is just one big mess.
What happened to the whole
yin-yang business?
It's been thrown off.
Possibly as a result of
the exchange of Leo and Chris.
Two worlds that mirror each other
when they're in balance.
And they no longer are.
Okay, if it's already bad, what's
gonna happen now that we're here?
With both sets of sisters
on the same side,
the balance is dangerously at risk.
We have to work quickly to correct it.
If you are suggesting a plan, don't.
We've got it covered.
You don't worry about it.
We need to find his Piper.
If you do, she'll probably kill you.
She's evil, remember?
And she's got a terrible temper,
worse when she's pregnant.
Yeah, that's not much
different in our world.
-Trust us, we can handle it.
Your instincts are right
to distrust me.
I am evil, after all.
But we both want the same thing.
There's a little problem with that,
because your girls didn't uphold
their end of the bargain.
-They did not find our guys.
-But you will.
You know them.
Know how they think.
Okay, so we're gonna bring you
your Chris and Leo, and then what?
You'll have our Piper
for a power of three spell.
She'll know it's the only way
to get her men back.
And if you encounter
your counterparts, be careful.
They will kill you.
-Give it up, lady.
-Hey, my purse. Come on.
Okay, this place isn't just evil,
it's ugly.
Oh, I don't think they're home.
And I don't wanna go in there
to find out.
The Charmed Ones working for evil.
Who would have thunk it?
Well, I'm with you,
especially after Gideon's little warning.
I don't think Chris and Leo would
have gone into that house either.
Maybe they went to see Darryl,
like their counterparts did.
I think we should talk to Darryl.
I don't think if Darryl wants to talk
to us in the good world,
he's not gonna talk
to us in the evil world.
That's it. Come on, come on.
That's it. Hey.
Hey, maybe he will
if he thinks we're them.
Okay, I really think we need
to get out of here.
What are you doing?
Let's see if this works
in the parallel world.
It does.
Hi, can I have Lieutenant Morris,
Lady, you want me to give her a
second citation, it's gonna cost you.
Why, you greedy son of a...
-Haven't I given you enough already?
-Hey, don't give me that.
Hey, leave her alone.
I wasn't really gonna
give you that citation.
Wow. We must be some badass
witches in this world.
Yeah, remember that for when
we meet up with badass Darryl.
Well, looks like everybody's
enjoying themselves.
Including Darryl.
Okay, just remember,
we're used to this.
Right. Think mean, think nasty.
It's all right, let them through.
I knew you'd show up
sooner or later.
How's Sheila?
It's all right, honey.
I'll be here all night.
Sheila who?
Leo and Chris, where are they?
Where are they?
Last time I saw them,
they were at the police station.
Me and my boys were trying
to give Chris what he deserved.
But Leo orbed him away.
Never seen them run
from a fight before.
-Where'd they go?
-If I knew,
you think I'd be here waiting for you?
Where you been, anyway?
Undercover in the underworld?
-Bright, happy colors?
Not exactly your style.
Get away from me. I don't want
Sheridan to see me with you.
She's been all over my ass.
Don't get up.
Now what?
I think maybe we're looking
at this all wrong.
Maybe we all are.
Come again?
Well, listen, if Darryl won't help
Leo and Chris because he's evil,
then they'd have to go to someone
who's good, right, to help them?
Okay, yeah. But who's not evil here?
Where are the good guys, they hiding?
Yeah, in the underworld.
Think about it.
Reverse it, who's good here?
Right. And if I know Leo,
he would have gone after the
most powerful good demon there is.
You're right.
I know the truth of all your hopes
because I can feel your
greatest hope inside here:
The hope to one day return home.
Oh, and of course your presence
here gives me great hope.
The hope that someplace there
really is a different kind of world.
A world where the greater good,
the goodness of the heart, prevails.
-Is he for real?
-He must be.
Demon of fear in our world
must be the demon of hope here.
Question is, do you have
enough power to send us back?
Oh, alas, no, I do not.
Not if you were brought here
by the power of three.
But, however, hope springs eternal.
So I may be able to persuade
the sisters of my world to help us.
All simply by relying...
...on their greatest hope:
The hope to reunite
with your counterparts.
And then...
...maybe you will be able to return
to your time before it's too late,
as you hope.
Don't touch me.
Oh, thank God.
Quickly, orb away.
I will deal with them.
I've done it before.
No, that's okay.
They're the good ones.
Trust us, they're not evil.
No, but we are.
Breathe, dear. In long, out short.
One in, three short.
In, three out.
Where are my sisters?
Gideon's trying to find them, dear.
Just try to focus on the breath.
-What happened?
-Her water's broke.
She needs to get to a hospital.
-Did you find them?
-No, not yet.
But you can't wait any longer.
It's not safe.
Go, hurry.
Somebody has to stay with Wyatt.
Don't worry, I'll take care of him.
-Nice knuckles. Brass?
-No, Tiffany's.
-What a waste of a nice blue box.
-What did you say, witch?
Okay, look, we didn't
come here to fight.
-We just came to get Leo and Chris.
-Well, so did we.
Fine, you give us ours,
we'll give you yours.
Right, like we can trust you.
You're good.
Wait, you can't trust us?
Who are the evil ones here?
Come on, ladies.
Have some hope.
We can work this out peacefully.
-Shut up.
-Shut up.
We'll take care of you later.
We're gonna have to make a move.
The longer the worlds
are out of balance...
-The worse the damage is.
-We have to get everyone back.
Problem is there's no talking
to those witches.
I wish I could just vanquish them.
Me too, but that'll really
screw up the balance.
We're gonna have to settle for...
Knocking them out so we can
get Leo and Chris out of here.
We'll orb out and grab them...
-From behind.
-That sucked.
-All right. I'll take mine, you take yours.
Ah. Arrow.
Get down.
No one can win.
They're too evenly matched.
Well, they think alike.
No, no.
We don't have time for this.
I gotta get back and get you home.
When Gideon said something could go
wrong, I don't think he knew how wrong.
-You said Gideon?
-Yeah, why?
Because just maybe he did know
how wrong it could go.
That won't protect you for long,
my boy.
Not for long.
What do you mean?
Gideon is after Wyatt?
He was desperately hoping
to eliminate Wyatt.
Piper. Hello?
PIPER: Where the hell are you?
I'm in labor.
Get your ass down here.
PHOEBES: Is she okay?
PAIGES: She's in labor.
Who's that? You've got an echo.
What the hell is going on?
I'm on my way.
-We have to go get Piper.
-And Wyatt.
Wanton powers in this blade, yield
Penetrate that which would shield
I'm truly sorry,
but this is for the greater good.
We call upon ancient lore
To punish with the power of four
Strike down this threat
From both there and here
Make him suffer and disappear
Wyatt, thank God.
Did you give that bad man Gideon
those wounds?
Well, looks like Wyatt
can handle himself.
Yeah, but for how long?
Gideon's one of the most
powerful Elders.
If he wants him dead,
he'll find a way.
-I can't believe it was Gideon.
-He's still out there.
If he wasn't vanquished here,
he wasn't in our world either.
What we need to do is get everybody
back in the right place.
-Fix this whole nutty balance...
-Fix this whole nutty balance thing.
I'm with you.
We don't have the power of three.
-No, but we do have...
-The power of four.
At least we're still alive.
Only because we barely
made it back here in time.
Still, we healed each other
and we can try again.
Especially now that we can
breach Wyatt's shield.
But the sisters know about us now.
Worse, the imbalance has caused
a shift in both worlds.
Which we should be able
to use to our advantage
to distract them
whilst we complete our task.
We created the imbalance,
we should be able to repair the shift.
And when we do, we'll make sure
that the sisters forget everything.
Here's my brave little guy.
Quick, the portal's closing.
We gotta get their men through.
I'll get them.
Hey, buddy. I gotcha.
Okay, if the evil Piper's in labor,
our Piper must be too.
-We gotta get to the hospital.
-Okay, we have to get the bag.
-Hey there. How you doing?
Okay, this is really strange.
-Hi, neighbor.
-Yoo-hoo! Yoo-hoo, ladies.
Yoo-hoo. I've been waiting for you.
Mrs. Noble, hi.
I was just coming out to move the car.
Oh. Oh, no, you're a busy,
busy, busy girl.
Yeah, see, it's our sister, Piper,
she's in labor. We're all a little crazy.
And I won't park there again,
I promise.
That's right. I know you won't.
Wrongs must be righted.
Have a super day.
Help! Help, somebody. Help!
Please. Someone?
Someone, help.
Please, someone.
Help, someone, help!
Leo. Leo!
Someone help!
Please, someone!
is due for a serious overhaul.
I mean, I can find
more information Googling.
-Never mind.
Any luck with that spell yet?
You mean since the last
two minutes you asked me?
I'm just getting a little nervous here.
My birthday, it's in two days.
And if I'm not out of here
before I'm born...
Something bad that you don't
know about could happen?
I just don't wanna take any chances.
Besides, I came here and did what I
had to do, and that was to save Wyatt.
Now it's time for me to go home.
-Sooner than you might think.
-Oh, no.
-No, no, no. Not yet. You're early.
PIPER: Oh, relax.
I'm just getting a jump on things.
I'm not in labor.
I'm sending some stuff
back to the house.
Just don't scare me, okay?
What's the matter?
Isn't the spell ready?
I think it's ready.
This should work.
Should work? What do you mean?
There are no guarantees
with time travel, Leo.
You should know that
better than anyone.
Sorry. There's always a chance
that something might go wrong.
All right, we're not taking
any chances.
We might have to.
I'm running out of time.
No, I'm not sending you
through a one-way portal
unless I know
where you're gonna land.
Well, you can never be certain.
Unless, of course, you went too.
And even then...
All right, let's just forget the spell
and start to work on that potion again.
But the spell has a better chance
of working. It's the power of three.
Yes, but if something goes wrong,
he'll have extra potion
and he can come back.
I agree, it sounds safer.
So why don't you guys
get to work on that.
Paige, can you orb these home?
Just squeeze them
in the nursery or something.
-You did clean out the nursery, right?
No. I was working on the spell,
I'm sorry.
Well, you better hurry, or else baby
Chris will be sleeping in your room.
Yeah, don't worry. I'm all over it.
-Don't forget diapers. Lots of diapers.
Okay, gotta get out of here.
They prepare to send the boy home.
It's time.
For our plan to work,
we have to get the sisters...
And Leo and Chris out of the way.
Don't worry, we will.
Hello, Phoebe. Excuse me, Phoebe.
Hey, Mrs. Noble, what's up?
What's up is you've parked
in my driveway again.
Yeah, unfortunately there's
nowhere else to park.
So I should suffer?
Piper's bringing home
the baby in a couple days,
and I did a little shopping.
This is getting to be a real problem.
You know what?
Just do me a favor.
Let me run inside
and put these bags down,
then I'll come outside
and move the car.
You called the patrol guy?
This is the third time
this week you blocked me.
Yeah, well, if your dumpster
didn't take up half the block,
then I wouldn't have to park
in your driveway.
This is against
neighborhood-association rules.
Excuse me.
Can you write her a citation for that
ugly eyesore dumpster over there?
Homeowner's got a permit.
I don't have time for this.
Oh, look at how cute.
I remember when baby Wyatt
used to fit in here.
This is not cute.
This is the bassinet from hell.
-You know how to put this together?
-No, that would be a Leo thing.
I still can't believe
we're bringing home a baby.
Yeah, well, this baby's
not gonna have anywhere to sleep.
I know. What made us wait so long
to do this baby room?
We were busy trying to keep Wyatt
from turning evil.
Here, let me help you.
You know, which I'm glad we did.
But it just means that
he's gonna need a bedroom.
Yeah, well, even if he was evil,
we'd need another bedroom.
Yeah, but now with everybody coming
home, plus one, we're a room short.
I guess I can sleep
on the couch.
I just really think we need to focus
on the baby right now.
Well, and on getting Chris home.
Oh, remember him?
You know, the nephew?
The one you've been avoiding?
I am not.
Okay, so why weren't you helping
Gideon and I with the spell?
Because I was helping Leo
trying to find the burdock root.
It was very hard to find.
It's back-ordered everywhere.
You're right. You know what, we're just
gonna get Chris a new bassinet.
I'm gonna miss him too, you know.
It sucks.
I mean, I know he's going back
to a better future and all, it's just...
We're just getting to know him,
you know?
I know.
I forgot to move my car.
-It's getting to be a habit, isn't it?
Me showing up a wreck.
I mean, we never fight,
that's the thing.
At least, we never used to.
But lately Darryl's just been
so on edge, you know?
Any idea why?
Actually, I was hoping
you might know.
I went to his work the other day,
just to say hi,
and I saw an arrest warrant
on his desk for Chris.
-Chris? Are you sure?
-I'm positive.
I even asked about it,
if he was gonna make it go away.
That's when he just lost it.
He told me to stay out of it,
and stay away from you girls
from now on.
Did something happen
that I don't know about?
A couple of weeks ago,
Darryl got really scared
when he was trying to cover up for us.
And we felt horrible, you know,
but obviously it really affected him.
Enough not to cover for Chris?
He got really scared.
Maybe you just need
to give him some time.
Yeah, but that doesn't help you
right now, and it doesn't help Chris.
Look, I love Darryl,
and I know this is eating him up inside,
but you girls are like family to us.
You don't turn your back on family.
I wonder how different
the future's gonna be.
How much different
my life is gonna be.
I just want you to get home safely.
Now, remember,
if anything seems different,
you have another vial of this
to get back right away.
You worry too much, you know that?
I'll be fine.
I'm your father.
It's my job to worry.
Listen, when you get back there,
take it easy on Wyatt, okay?
You can't hold a grudge.
Hey, as long as he's
not ruler of all evil, I'm cool.
I'm serious.
He's gonna be different. Good.
He's not gonna remember he wasn't.
If you really wanna change the future,
start with a clean slate.
Okay, okay. I get it.
How about you?
You starting with a clean slate?
-How do you mean?
-Like you and Mom.
I'd like to know where you two are
headed before I go back. That's all.
It's complicated. I'm an Elder.
I made a commitment.
So? It's not like you haven't
broken the rules before.
I'm living proof of that.
We'll see.
We have enough of this stuff,
if you wanna try a dry run
before everybody gets here.
What do you think?
Yeah. Let's do it.
That should have worked.
I'll get you home, buddy. I promise.
We're gonna figure this out.
You gotta keep your head up.
That potion almost certainly
would have worked.
We stopped them just in time.
Though it wasn't supposed to hurt.
Shall we?
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
At least now they'll be forced
to use our spell.
The sooner, the better.
Wyatt's magic grows stronger
by the day.
-That much power in one being...
-Is bound to turn him...
We have to get those that protect him
out of the way.
Starting with Leo and Chris.
Hey, it looks like we're gonna need
that spell after all.
-Is there an echo in here?
-It's poor acoustics.
Have Piper gather her sisters
and I'll get the spell.
Okay. You know, I don't
understand what happened.
-That potion should've worked.
-Like I said, time travel is tricky.
You will still be escorting your son?
Well, I think so.
I think it's safest, don't you?
Gather everyone together.
I'll be right along.
Here they come.
-Darryl. Hey, Darryl.
-Darryl, stop.
-We just need to talk to you.
-We have nothing to talk about.
Look, Chris is going home today,
to his future home.
Yeah, and we were hoping,
you know, that you could find it
in the goodness of your heart,
even though we know
that you're mad at us,
to, you know, just throw away
his file.
The one with the little
arrest warrant in it?
Apparently I haven't
made myself clear.
I am done covering for you. Done.
Now, excuse me.
Darryl, think about it, okay?
The cops are gonna come for Chris,
and what are they gonna find?
A little itsy-bitsy baby.
And then they're gonna find us,
which risks exposure.
Well, you should have thought of that
before you broke Chris out of jail.
Inspector Sheridan thinks that Chris'
breakout was an inside job.
Which, if I'm not careful,
could point back to me.
I've got a family to think
about too, you know. Great.
-Inspector Sheridan.
-Have you seen Chris lately?
Chris who?
When you have a minute.
At least Chris isn't gonna
have to deal with her in the future.
-Where are Phoebe and Paige?
-I'm sure they'll be here soon.
Soon? Soon is when
Dad and I have to go.
Dad? What do you mean...?
Wait, you're gonna go too?
Just long enough to make sure
he gets where he needs to be.
And when exactly were you
gonna tell me about this?
I told him he didn't have to come.
-I don't need him.
LEO: No, it's too dangerous.
Last time you went through a portal,
you were almost dinosaur kibble.
-I have to go.
-You're right, it is dangerous.
But not as dangerous as leaving
Wyatt alone while I'm in labor.
I'll be back. I promise.
Sorry, I just wanted to go over
the spell one more time.
-Make a few tweaks.
-Tweaks? Let me see that.
Finally. Where have you two been?
Sorry, we were a little held up.
But we're here now,
so let's get this show on the road.
You know, the clock's a-ticking.
Ticktock, ticktock.
Since when are you in such a hurry
to say goodbye?
Well, since something happened with
the thing and the thing with the thing.
There's a warrant out
for Chris' arrest.
-Yeah, tried to get Darryl to bury it,
but he's not really
on our side anymore.
This is bad. If I leave and they
can't find me, they'll come after you.
That's okay. We've been through
worse, we'll get through this.
We'll figure it out.
And if you get back to the future and
we're in jail, you just bust us out.
You just go back to that beautiful,
peaceful world that you helped create.
-I'm really gonna miss you.
-I'll miss you too.
Here comes the hugging part.
Thank you for coming here.
I love you.
I love you so much, Mom.
Now, go on. Hurry. And be safe.
-Thanks for all your help.
-You did a noble thing in coming here.
Be good.
In this place and in this hour
We call upon the ancient power
Open the door
Through time and space
Create a path to another place
Where are we?
I have no idea.
Something's gone wrong.
Don't let them leave.
Are you out of your mind?
Follow me.
-What the hell was that all about?
-I'm not sure.
You're not sure? Chris just tried
to kill me and you're not sure?
We were supposed
to send him to the future,
not turn him into a darklighter.
Excuse me, people,
those were black orbs.
Where did they get black orbs from?
Okay, breathe. Breathe, Piper.
You don't wanna go into labor yet.
Well, perhaps the spell
wasn't specific enough.
Meaning what?
Meaning it worked, obviously,
it opened up a portal,
not to another time,
but to another world.
A parallel world.
And not just any parallel world,
one that's the exact reverse of ours.
-Reverse like what, reverse like evil?
You see, it's all part
of a grand design.
A universe destined
to maintain balance.
Light and dark, yin and yang,
good and evil.
For good to prevail in this world,
then an equally evil world
must also exist.
-That's quite a faulty design, isn't it?
-No, it's not, Paige.
Balance is everything.
Without it, the cosmos doesn't spin.
Are you telling me that when our
Leo and Chris stepped in there,
their evil selves stepped out?
Yes, it's a mirror world.
Whatever happens there,
happens here.
So our Leo and Chris
are in their evil world.
-Well, we gotta go get them.
-You can't go get them.
You're not going anywhere.
PAIGE: Besides,
what about those evil fellows
-that just came through here?
-We'll go get them later.
Actually, I think you should
go after them now.
Because for every second
that they're in our world,
they risk throwing off the balance
by doing something evil.
You ever see anything so good?
It's disgusting.
Can you believe the liquor stores
are closed in the mornings here?
What's up with that?
Didn't stop you from
kicking down the door to get in.
Why didn't you orb in?
What's the fun in that?
Strange. Everything seems the same
but kind of different, you know?
It's cleaner, it's happier,
it's more civilized.
Now, that's what I'm talking about.
This place makes me sick.
I gotta get out of here.
Gives you an idea of what kind of
awful saccharine future I came from.
Why I had to come back
and change it so bad.
And I'll always be
proud of you for that.
You saved Wyatt from turning good.
You gave us a second chance.
The least I could do is get you back
to your future, back to evil.
Thanks, Dad.
First we gotta get back
to our world, though.
We're gonna need
the power of three.
Well, we can't trust those
Pollyanna witches, they're too good.
God, who do I have to kill
so we can get out of here?
I think I might know somebody.
Somebody we can use
to force the sisters to help us.
I don't understand. If they're
just like our Leo and our Chris,
then why do we need
a crystal cage to trap them?
So they don't try to kill us again,
for one thing.
Yeah, I don't think they
were trying to kill us.
I think that they were
just surprised, like we were.
Yeah, well, I am not taking
any chances.
-Hey, did you get any hits yet?
-No, nothing.
They must not be
doing anything evil.
Yeah, well, if Gideon's right,
it's just a matter of time.
Besides, we wouldn't want the cosmos
to stop spinning, would we?
It's so weird to think that there
are evil twins of us out there
doing the exact same thing
as we are right now.
I can't think about that.
It hurts my brain.
Oh. I got them.
What the hell's wrong with you?
I'm a cop.
-Pretty wimpy-looking one, too.
-Nothing like our Darryl.
I think that's the cheapest suit
I've ever seen.
What's the matter, huh?
Girls not paying you enough?
Paying me?
What has gotten into you?
Let's just say I don't like you
coming at me in either world.
This almost isn't any fun.
I don't care if you are under
some kind of spell.
Come any closer, I'll shoot, I swear.
-Now, this is fun.
-Not yet.
We still need him for leverage.
He's no good to us dead.
Not yet, anyway.
See, this is
the crazy-ass kind of stuff
that makes me not wanna have
anything to do with you people.
-Who are you talking to?
That's not gonna stop us.
No, but this will.
-Son of a bitch.
Nice firepower, Leo.
I didn't know you had it in you.
Don't go anywhere.
-Stay away from me.
-Let us take you to Gideon.
-He can heal you.
-No. Stay away.
-Darryl, please.
-I said, no, damn it. Leave me alone.
I don't wanna have anything to do
with you anymore, do you understand?
Well, I don't think
that helped our cause any.
My Charmed Ones
will be joining you soon.
-Are you certain you can keep...
-Mine away?
I told them to wait at the manor
for the good Leo and Chris
to come to them.
I'm taking your knight.
I knew you'd do that.
-So the next move, of course, is...
Once she's in labor,
we'll have a clear shot at the boy.
If we impress upon her the extent
of the danger her sisters are in...
-It will expedite matters.
-But everything has to happen quickly.
We're tinkering here with the grand
design, risking its tenuous stability.
By creating an imbalance of power
on one side, I know.
But it's a far greater risk
to allow Wyatt to grow up...
To threaten both worlds. I agree.
I like the way you think.
-No echo.
-A good sign.
They can never know
we were behind this.
They won't.
Did you catch them?
Yeah, stuck them in a classroom.
And, you know, they can't
orb out of there.
They're a little feistier
than the real Chris and Leo.
I don't know how we're
gonna get them to cooperate.
Yeah. Well, I'm sure
your evil counterparts
are anticipating exactly
the same problem,
since, other than morality,
you're one and the same.
How does that help us figure out
what we're supposed to do?
Perhaps you should
trade yourselves.
You go into their world,
they'll come into ours.
You can each retrieve
your respective Leo and Chris.
Kind of makes sense.
And what about
your evil counterpart?
Will he be hip to this plan?
I have every confidence that he will
be waiting there exactly as I am here.
But remember, good or evil,
we're all after the same thing:
Leo and Chris returned
and the cosmic balance restored.
Get Piper.
We're gonna need
the power of three.
Okay, where is everybody?
Isn't Piper supposed to be here?
This is weird.
I don't think we should be here.
We should get out of here.
What are you doing?
You're not supposed to be here.
Why didn't they come through?
-Where are they?
-I don't know.
Easy. Piper, try to relax.
We wouldn't want you to go into
premature labor, now, would we?
You have no idea what you've done.
By coming here, you may have thrown
both worlds irreversibly out of balance.
Okay, well, doesn't killing us
sort of do that too?
Don't be ridiculous.
If I'd wanted to kill you, I would have.
I was just caught off-guard.
Well, you need to relax there, tiger.
It's a different world here, Pheebs.
One filled with distrust.
Even amongst allies.
I don't understand.
Where are your Paige and Phoebe?
Out looking for your Leo and Chris.
They were supposed
to bring them here.
Well, your Leo and Chris are at our
magic school waiting to be rescued.
Okay, this is just one big mess.
What happened to the whole
yin-yang business?
It's been thrown off.
Possibly as a result of
the exchange of Leo and Chris.
Two worlds that mirror each other
when they're in balance.
And they no longer are.
Okay, if it's already bad, what's
gonna happen now that we're here?
With both sets of sisters
on the same side,
the balance is dangerously at risk.
We have to work quickly to correct it.
If you are suggesting a plan, don't.
We've got it covered.
You don't worry about it.
We need to find his Piper.
If you do, she'll probably kill you.
She's evil, remember?
And she's got a terrible temper,
worse when she's pregnant.
Yeah, that's not much
different in our world.
-Trust us, we can handle it.
Your instincts are right
to distrust me.
I am evil, after all.
But we both want the same thing.
There's a little problem with that,
because your girls didn't uphold
their end of the bargain.
-They did not find our guys.
-But you will.
You know them.
Know how they think.
Okay, so we're gonna bring you
your Chris and Leo, and then what?
You'll have our Piper
for a power of three spell.
She'll know it's the only way
to get her men back.
And if you encounter
your counterparts, be careful.
They will kill you.
-Give it up, lady.
-Hey, my purse. Come on.
Okay, this place isn't just evil,
it's ugly.
Oh, I don't think they're home.
And I don't wanna go in there
to find out.
The Charmed Ones working for evil.
Who would have thunk it?
Well, I'm with you,
especially after Gideon's little warning.
I don't think Chris and Leo would
have gone into that house either.
Maybe they went to see Darryl,
like their counterparts did.
I think we should talk to Darryl.
I don't think if Darryl wants to talk
to us in the good world,
he's not gonna talk
to us in the evil world.
That's it. Come on, come on.
That's it. Hey.
Hey, maybe he will
if he thinks we're them.
Okay, I really think we need
to get out of here.
What are you doing?
Let's see if this works
in the parallel world.
It does.
Hi, can I have Lieutenant Morris,
Lady, you want me to give her a
second citation, it's gonna cost you.
Why, you greedy son of a...
-Haven't I given you enough already?
-Hey, don't give me that.
Hey, leave her alone.
I wasn't really gonna
give you that citation.
Wow. We must be some badass
witches in this world.
Yeah, remember that for when
we meet up with badass Darryl.
Well, looks like everybody's
enjoying themselves.
Including Darryl.
Okay, just remember,
we're used to this.
Right. Think mean, think nasty.
It's all right, let them through.
I knew you'd show up
sooner or later.
How's Sheila?
It's all right, honey.
I'll be here all night.
Sheila who?
Leo and Chris, where are they?
Where are they?
Last time I saw them,
they were at the police station.
Me and my boys were trying
to give Chris what he deserved.
But Leo orbed him away.
Never seen them run
from a fight before.
-Where'd they go?
-If I knew,
you think I'd be here waiting for you?
Where you been, anyway?
Undercover in the underworld?
-Bright, happy colors?
Not exactly your style.
Get away from me. I don't want
Sheridan to see me with you.
She's been all over my ass.
Don't get up.
Now what?
I think maybe we're looking
at this all wrong.
Maybe we all are.
Come again?
Well, listen, if Darryl won't help
Leo and Chris because he's evil,
then they'd have to go to someone
who's good, right, to help them?
Okay, yeah. But who's not evil here?
Where are the good guys, they hiding?
Yeah, in the underworld.
Think about it.
Reverse it, who's good here?
Right. And if I know Leo,
he would have gone after the
most powerful good demon there is.
You're right.
I know the truth of all your hopes
because I can feel your
greatest hope inside here:
The hope to one day return home.
Oh, and of course your presence
here gives me great hope.
The hope that someplace there
really is a different kind of world.
A world where the greater good,
the goodness of the heart, prevails.
-Is he for real?
-He must be.
Demon of fear in our world
must be the demon of hope here.
Question is, do you have
enough power to send us back?
Oh, alas, no, I do not.
Not if you were brought here
by the power of three.
But, however, hope springs eternal.
So I may be able to persuade
the sisters of my world to help us.
All simply by relying...
...on their greatest hope:
The hope to reunite
with your counterparts.
And then...
...maybe you will be able to return
to your time before it's too late,
as you hope.
Don't touch me.
Oh, thank God.
Quickly, orb away.
I will deal with them.
I've done it before.
No, that's okay.
They're the good ones.
Trust us, they're not evil.
No, but we are.
Breathe, dear. In long, out short.
One in, three short.
In, three out.
Where are my sisters?
Gideon's trying to find them, dear.
Just try to focus on the breath.
-What happened?
-Her water's broke.
She needs to get to a hospital.
-Did you find them?
-No, not yet.
But you can't wait any longer.
It's not safe.
Go, hurry.
Somebody has to stay with Wyatt.
Don't worry, I'll take care of him.
-Nice knuckles. Brass?
-No, Tiffany's.
-What a waste of a nice blue box.
-What did you say, witch?
Okay, look, we didn't
come here to fight.
-We just came to get Leo and Chris.
-Well, so did we.
Fine, you give us ours,
we'll give you yours.
Right, like we can trust you.
You're good.
Wait, you can't trust us?
Who are the evil ones here?
Come on, ladies.
Have some hope.
We can work this out peacefully.
-Shut up.
-Shut up.
We'll take care of you later.
We're gonna have to make a move.
The longer the worlds
are out of balance...
-The worse the damage is.
-We have to get everyone back.
Problem is there's no talking
to those witches.
I wish I could just vanquish them.
Me too, but that'll really
screw up the balance.
We're gonna have to settle for...
Knocking them out so we can
get Leo and Chris out of here.
We'll orb out and grab them...
-From behind.
-That sucked.
-All right. I'll take mine, you take yours.
Ah. Arrow.
Get down.
No one can win.
They're too evenly matched.
Well, they think alike.
No, no.
We don't have time for this.
I gotta get back and get you home.
When Gideon said something could go
wrong, I don't think he knew how wrong.
-You said Gideon?
-Yeah, why?
Because just maybe he did know
how wrong it could go.
That won't protect you for long,
my boy.
Not for long.
What do you mean?
Gideon is after Wyatt?
He was desperately hoping
to eliminate Wyatt.
Piper. Hello?
PIPER: Where the hell are you?
I'm in labor.
Get your ass down here.
PHOEBES: Is she okay?
PAIGES: She's in labor.
Who's that? You've got an echo.
What the hell is going on?
I'm on my way.
-We have to go get Piper.
-And Wyatt.
Wanton powers in this blade, yield
Penetrate that which would shield
I'm truly sorry,
but this is for the greater good.
We call upon ancient lore
To punish with the power of four
Strike down this threat
From both there and here
Make him suffer and disappear
Wyatt, thank God.
Did you give that bad man Gideon
those wounds?
Well, looks like Wyatt
can handle himself.
Yeah, but for how long?
Gideon's one of the most
powerful Elders.
If he wants him dead,
he'll find a way.
-I can't believe it was Gideon.
-He's still out there.
If he wasn't vanquished here,
he wasn't in our world either.
What we need to do is get everybody
back in the right place.
-Fix this whole nutty balance...
-Fix this whole nutty balance thing.
I'm with you.
We don't have the power of three.
-No, but we do have...
-The power of four.
At least we're still alive.
Only because we barely
made it back here in time.
Still, we healed each other
and we can try again.
Especially now that we can
breach Wyatt's shield.
But the sisters know about us now.
Worse, the imbalance has caused
a shift in both worlds.
Which we should be able
to use to our advantage
to distract them
whilst we complete our task.
We created the imbalance,
we should be able to repair the shift.
And when we do, we'll make sure
that the sisters forget everything.
Here's my brave little guy.
Quick, the portal's closing.
We gotta get their men through.
I'll get them.
Hey, buddy. I gotcha.
Okay, if the evil Piper's in labor,
our Piper must be too.
-We gotta get to the hospital.
-Okay, we have to get the bag.
-Hey there. How you doing?
Okay, this is really strange.
-Hi, neighbor.
-Yoo-hoo! Yoo-hoo, ladies.
Yoo-hoo. I've been waiting for you.
Mrs. Noble, hi.
I was just coming out to move the car.
Oh. Oh, no, you're a busy,
busy, busy girl.
Yeah, see, it's our sister, Piper,
she's in labor. We're all a little crazy.
And I won't park there again,
I promise.
That's right. I know you won't.
Wrongs must be righted.
Have a super day.
Help! Help, somebody. Help!
Please. Someone?
Someone, help.
Please, someone.
Help, someone, help!
Leo. Leo!
Someone help!
Please, someone!