Charmed (1998–2006): Season 3, Episode 11 - Blinded by the Whitelighter - full transcript
The warlock Earnes absorbs the powers of the good witches that he has been murdering. After killing his last victim, her whitelighter Nathalie is sent by the elders to join Leo to protect the Charmed ones. Nathalie follows the instructions of the elders by the book, while the sisters follow their instinct and intuition. When Phoebe has a premonition, the Halliwell sisters protect the victim, but they realize that he is a darklighter, and then they disclose he real intention of Earnes: to steal the crossbow of the darklighter, and use it to kill the whiterlighters, leaving the witches without protection.
One teaspoon baking powder.
One teaspoon bat guano.
- It's starting to bubble.
- And stink.
Couldn't you have made that potion
after breakfast?
No, I'm sorry, but Phoebe has a
meeting with that DA investigator,
and I didn't want her
to go there unarmed.
- Whoa, what is that smell?
- That would be the lovely smell
of Piper's breakfast.
- Hope you're hungry.
- Starving.
Probably because you
missed dinner last night.
Piper, I already said I was sorry
I was late, okay?
It's not like I was out carousing with
the boys.
I was being a force of good
in the universe.
A true force of good would
have called, or at least orbed.
I couldn't. Not under
the circumstances.
- Which were?
- Work-related.
Which means I can't talk about it.
I mean, anything that happens
between me and a charge
is confidential, you know that.
- Doesn't mean I have to like it.
- Oh, let me see that.
You know, this "all for
the good of Mankind" stuff
really puts me
in an awful position.
I have no choice but
to be understanding.
You just have to accept
that you're engaged to somebody
- who works for the CIA.
- Wait, you work for the CIA?
You know, ever since
she became a blond...
Want something to eat before
you meet with Reece?
Not hungry, too nervous.
All right, well, this will help you
with your nerves.
Just a drop in Reece's coffee,
and it will out any demon.
Reaction will cause his throat
to constrict.
As he's choking, you run. Got it?
Thanks. I hadn't even considered
that Reece might be evil.
Then why are you so nervous?
Because he's probing
Cole's disappearance.
I'm not exactly looking forward to being
grilled about my demon ex, you know?
Well, as long as you don't blurt out
"I killed Cole," you'll be fine.
Why don't you practice saying
"As far as I know,
Cole is alive and well and could
be anywhere"? See how it feels.
As far as I know, Cole is alive
and well and could be anywhere.
Very believable.
Yeah, try not to look as guilty
as you did just now,
you'll give yourself away.
I just can't wait for this
investigation to be over.
It will soon, it has to.
There's nothing to find.
Is there?
Of course not.
Be careful.
You can't hurt me.
I can deflect your power.
All of them?
Thank God.
You know, the ability
to clone myself is just
one of the powers that I've collected
over my years of killing witches.
And now, I'm about to add one more.
You're too late, whitelighter.
Your charge is dead.
I'll see you later.
So I've got lunch with this
guy from the Chronicle
who wants to do a story on the club.
And then I've got a meeting with
these dot-com start-up guys
that want to do, like, an Internet thingy.
What are you doing today?
You know, just the usual.
Care to elaborate?
- Piper.
- Oh, come on.
- Just a few details, a titbit.
- It's against the rules.
Rules. Yes, see, this is my problem.
Every time I turn around,
we seem to be violating
some stupid
whitelighter ordinance.
We just have to be careful as long
as we're under probation.
Which is never-ending.
I don't know, Leo, I don't think they're
ever gonna let us get married.
They will, they have to.
Nothing is gonna keep
us apart, I promise.
Leo, sorry to interrupt. But we've got
a major problem on our hands.
Hey, I heard something.
Athame! Athame!
No, no, no. It's okay,
she's a whitelighter.
Natalie and I go way back.
We were rookies together.
Actually, we fought together
in World War II.
All your charges need to know
is I'm a whitelighter.
This is not a social call.
I've come to warn the Charmed Ones
that a warlock just killed my most
powerful charge with this athame.
I'm so sorry.
Thank you. The real tragedy
is that it didn't have to happen.
I warned her to lay low,
and she didn't listen.
She always refused to let her magic
interfere with her life.
And now a warlock has
her power of deflection.
Deflection? Wait a minute, does that
mean he could deflect our powers?
Yes, which is why all whitelighters
have been put on alert.
We have? Why didn't
I hear about this?
Because you missed this
morning's staff meeting.
- You have staff meetings?
- With mandatory attendance.
Unless a charge is in need,
which Piper was.
- I had to heal her.
- Right.
I'll assume a demon
attacked your finger,
since healing is restricted
to such circumstances.
I believe the Charmed Ones
deserve special attention.
I've heard rumours about
such special attention.
And honestly, Leo.
- Piper.
Well, I guess we know
what they're talking about.
All right, you guys can... chitchat
all you want.
I'm gonna go look in the
Book of Shadows.
I'll go with you. I got a look at that
warlock. I might be able to identify him.
- All right, well, it's up in the attic.
- Attic?
You mean the altar room, don't you?
The rules are very clear.
Every witch must keep
their Book of Shadows
- in a sacred and protected spot.
- Right, of course.
Maybe you can bring
the Book down here.
Yeah, I'll just run up to the altar room,
which, by the way, is right next to
the potions lab, and I'll be right back.
Not supposed to eat on the job.
- You sure you don't want something?
- No. I'm fine.
Actually, I would like
a bagel, also. Thanks.
- Excuse me, miss?
- Yes?
Miss, can we have another bagel?
It's a nice place.
It's crowded. I guess
that's why you picked it.
It makes me think that
you're afraid of something.
- Allergies. So? So are you?
- Am I what?
- Afraid.
- Afraid of Cole? No.
- Why should I be?
- Well, several reasons.
Not the least of which is
he's a fraud.
Or a man who exists only on paper.
Wormed his way into the DA's
office for reasons unknown,
who apparently has a very dark side.
We found bloodstains in his carpet.
And a hidden cabinet full
of occult paraphernalia.
Are you telling me you don't
know anything about this?
No. I mean, yes, I don't
know about any of this.
Look, Miss Halliwell, I think you
know more than you're letting on.
But you're scared. You're
afraid that if I find out the truth,
you're gonna get in trouble.
Am I right?
I wish I could help you. But I can't.
I'm sorry. I really am.
Listen, Cole's the kind of man who
knows how to cover his tracks, okay.
Now, if he's alive and you know
something, he could hurt you.
He could hurt your sisters too.
"The power of deflection
is a witch's best shield
against the forces of darkness."
Unless the forces of darkness
already have it,
in which case it's the great shield
against us.
All right, how did he get close enough
to get it from such a powerful witch?
Maybe he wasn't working alone.
Or maybe he possesses
the power...
Cloning. I was just thinking
the same thing.
The ability to duplicate one's self. But...
It can't be sustained
for long periods of time.
That's cute, how you guys
finish each other's sentences.
Happens when you work with
someone for as long as we have.
I see that.
Maybe we should check the Book,
see if the warlock stole
the cloning power too, okay?
All right, cross-reference
"cloning" with "warlock."
Here it is. A warlock named Eames.
It seems that ten years ago he
murdered a witch in Glasgow
and stole her power of cloning.
Do you recognize him?
That's him.
Cloning and deflection
are not his only tricks.
It says here that Eames also
killed a witch in Kenya in '89
and took the power
of transmogrification.
"Trans" what?
- The ability to change shape or form.
- The ability to change shape or form.
- Okay. So, what's his master plan?
- What makes you think he has one?
Well, the time and geography between
kills suggest that he was hunting
these particular witches, right?
It's not sport, it's strategy.
So all we have to do to catch him
is figure out what that plan is
and then beat him to the punch.
Right, or we can try and take him out
first before he even has a chance.
Leo, we should discuss the best way
to approach this situation.
I mean in private, if you wouldn't mind
going into another room, please?
Or how about this idea?
- Piper, what are you doing?
- Getting irritated.
Who put Lady Attitude in charge?
- She's not in charge.
- Really? Because she's acting like it.
I thought whitelighters were
supposed to guide, not dictate.
She is just trying to help.
By what? Slowing us down
and second-guessing us?
Introducing the concept
of caution and organization
into the manor isn't a bad idea.
Natalie's considered one of
the top whitelighters up there.
Oh, I bet they love her.
She's never met a rule she didn't like.
Leo, we already have a whitelighter.
Besides, I don't really like anybody
who doesn't trust us.
You've misread her. Natalie is cautious
because she just lost a charge.
She's worried the same thing
is gonna happen to you.
- You can't question her heart.
- Okay, how about everything else?
I'll talk to her.
- Now please, would you unfreeze her?
- Sure.
There you go.
- Wait a minute. What's going on?
- I gotta go talk to Piper.
- Leo.
- I'll be right back.
Piper froze you.
- She what?
- Yep.
You want to freeze me in bed for your
own personal pleasures, that is fine.
But freezing Natalie is not gonna
make her or the Elders happy.
Well, I'm sorry. But how do you
think I feel listening to you two
clickety-clack about work when
you don't tell me anything.
I mean, she clearly knows things
about you that I don't.
- She's an old friend.
- Well, obviously.
Come on, you're not jealous, are you?
Because there is nothing...
Leo, I'm not jealous of her.
I am jealous of the part of your life
she gets to share with you that I don't.
You know, like where you go
all day, who your other charges are,
- what it's like up there.
- I've taken you up there before.
Once. And I don't even
get to remember it.
It's just more rules, more stupid rules
that exclude me.
Unlike you and Natalie, who literally
speak the same language
- with each other.
- It is just boring shoptalk.
It's secrets. And if there's one thing
I've learned as a Halliwell,
you don't keep secrets
from the people you love.
Am I interrupting something?
- Yes.
- No.
How did your thing go
with the investigator?
Oh, fine. At least he's not a demon.
Leo, can I talk to you
about something?
- Soon?
- Take a number.
Maybe later, okay?
Why don't you go meet Natalie.
Who's Natalie?
- She's a...
- Fellow whitelighter.
See? I finished your sentence.
That's not what I was gonna say.
You're wasting your time.
You can't scry for warlocks.
I'm not, I'm scrying for a witch.
I'm focusing the crystal
on your charge's power,
which, technically, is still alive.
Hi. You must be...
Okay. Here we go.
I think I found Eames.
Industrial district
south of San Francisco.
A warlock? What's going on?
We'll fill you in on the way.
Piper. Leo.
Wait, you're not going after him,
are you?
- Yeah, that would be the idea.
- You're not prepared. You don't...
- What did you see?
- A warlock, I think,
- killing a male witch.
- Not if we can help it.
It's three against one, we should be
able to counter his power of deflection.
But he can also clone himself.
So then it's three against two.
Still, the odds are on our side.
Plus, we'll have the element
of surprise.
People, we're under an alert.
You can't go running off half-cocked.
- People?
- You must consult the Elders,
find out what they know,
what they want you to do.
And how long will that take? Long
enough to lose another witch's life?
Better one than four.
You wondered what
Eames' ultimate goal was.
What if it's to kill the Charmed Ones?
Think of the damage he could
do with all of your powers.
All right, Natalie's right. We should
definitely check with the Elders first.
- Do it quickly.
- I'll be back as soon as possible.
So, what, we're supposed to just wait?
No. I had to say something
to get rid of her.
Didn't you hear what she said?
Consulting with the Elders
- is for your own protection.
- And siding with us is for yours.
Oh, Piper, freeze him!
He deflected it.
- What happened? Where did he go?
- I think that was his clone.
Well, the real Eames must
be around here someplace.
- Maybe we should get out of here.
- What about the witch
in Phoebe's premonition?
We can't leave him.
Afraid you were gonna say that.
- What did he look like?
- I don't know. Kind of balding...
Sort of like that.
Who are you?
Why did you summon me?
- That's no witch, that's a darklighter.
- Leo. Leo, get out of here!
Okay, I don't understand.
Why is there a darklighter here?
Oh, did I miss all the fun?
No, wait, I am the fun.
Thanks for this.
- Did you get the darklighter?
- No, but Eames did.
A warlock killed a darklighter?
And took his crossbow.
That doesn't make any sense,
they both play for team evil.
Yeah, what I don't get is why Eames
had no interest in attacking us.
Maybe he knew he was outnumbered.
He didn't really seem overly
concerned. In fact, he seemed cocky.
Good, you're still here.
Speaking of cocky.
I consulted the Elders,
and they want you to hold back.
They think the witch Phoebe saw
might be a force of darkness.
- A darklighter, actually.
- How do you know?
We went, we saw,
we didn't quite conquer.
You what? Leo, how could
you let this happen?
This wasn't Leo's decision,
it was ours.
You'll take responsibility for
a decision, but not for your lives?
That warlock could have killed you.
- He wasn't after us.
- That makes you lucky, not smart.
You were reckless. As the
Charmed Ones, you have an obligation
to serve the greater good.
You have a higher calling.
So do we.
I think we'd better both go up
this time.
Better lay low until we get back.
What's with the handholding thing?
That's the least of our problems.
We have to concentrate
on finding and vanquishing Eames.
We can't count on scrying
to locate him,
because it just could
be his clone again.
I still think we need to decode
his master plan,
and then that way we
can figure him out.
I'll take Book duty.
I'll do a flow chart, see
where all this is leading.
I'll help. Anything to get rid of her.
- You mean him.
- Nah, I mean her.
What am I gonna do about you?
I've never seen the Elders
like this before.
They're worried about
what Eames is up to.
Aren't you gonna change
into your robes?
- The rules say...
- I know the rules.
I find my jeans more comfortable.
That attitude scares me, Leo.
I wouldn't be a good friend
if I didn't tell you how concerned
I am about the situation at the manor.
You haven't seen the Charmed Ones
at their best.
Trust me, they're talented witches.
They're also sloppy, untrained,
And undisciplined, I know. But
that's part of what makes them great.
They don't work by rote.
They work on instinct, on passion.
I'm all for instinct and passion.
But they're too impulsive. They lead
with their hearts, not their heads.
- And they're not the only ones.
- You think I do too?
I think it's clear that you love them.
Every whitelighter loves their charges.
Not the way that you do.
Your feelings are clouding your ability
to see their weaknesses.
Weaknesses? I think their record
speaks for itself.
They took out Belthazor,
who took out the Triad.
But Belthazor is a perfect example.
He never should have
gotten that close to them.
I can't help but think that
your relationship with Piper...
- Is none of your business.
- Actually, Leo, it is my business.
The Elders want to
know whether or not
I think it's getting in
the way of your job.
Leo? Leo?
That's Phoebe. The rules say
a charge's call takes precedent.
Sorry, Phoebe. I forgot that you
needed to talk. What's up?
Okay. Just so I'm clear,
this is confidential, right?
I mean, anything that I'm about to say
to you just stays between me and you.
- Absolutely.
- They don't get to know,
and they're not eavesdropping
or anything right now?
Phoebe, what is it?
You need to sit.
Okay. Here it goes.
Cole is alive.
- What?
- Cole. Belthazor.
I didn't really vanquish him.
I know. I know, it's horrible.
And I've barely been able to live
with Prue and Piper ever since.
- But I just couldn't tell them.
- Phoebe.
I couldn't kill him, Leo.
I had every intention of doing it.
But when I got there,
and I was face to face with him,
I just couldn't kill him.
And I knew that my sisters
were going to.
- So you faked his death?
- I didn't have a choice.
Leo, I knew in my heart that
he would never try and hurt us.
Otherwise, I wouldn't have let him go.
You have to believe me.
All I knew is that I loved Cole.
And if anyone understands
forbidden love, it's you, isn't it?
My God, Phoebe, it's not even close to
being the same thing. He is a demon.
- He's half human.
- For God's sakes, he's a killer!
He has killed witches and innocents
and anything else that
has gotten in his way.
What makes you think that he is not
gonna come back here right now
- and try and kill all three of you?
- He won't. I know he's good.
No, you hope that he's good.
You want him to be good.
Why did you even tell me this?
I don't know, Leo.
I was sort of counting on you
for your guidance and support.
Well, it's my guidance and support
that got you into this mess.
I don't even know how
to begin to fix this.
Leo? What's the matter?
I don't know. Feels like a witch
is being hurt. I can feel her pain.
- Is it one of your charges?
- No.
What happened?
She needs help.
Of course, I could have killed you.
But it's not your powers I'm after.
I've set my sights a little higher.
I'm looking for a few
good whitelighters.
Well, actually, just one.
That's all I'm missing now.
And yours will do just fine.
Why isn't her whitelighter helping her?
I don't know, but I have to go to her.
No, Leo, wait.
I just realized. How could
we have missed it?
The only reason Eames
would have killed a darklighter
is so that he could use the crossbow
to kill a whitelighter.
She's right, Leo, it's a trap.
I don't understand. Why would
he want to kill a whitelighter?
To gain the power to orb
up there. The only way in.
Once there, he'd be able
to decimate all whitelighters.
And that would leave all
their charges unprotected.
He would be able to wipe out all
witches everywhere, including us.
Sounds like a master plan to me.
The Elders have instituted a lockdown
and recalled whitelighters from Earth.
Leo and I are the only ones who
have retained the power to orb,
- so we can help you stop Eames.
- Must be why I feel her pain.
- Oh, if you could only feel it.
- I feel it.
But I won't be ruled by it.
A whitelighter who is controlled
by his emotions is useless.
The greater good must come first.
Well, this is boring.
What kind of lame whitelighter
do you have?
They must be on to you now.
I think you're right.
Which means what?
They'll send witches to try
and stop me.
Well, if witches come, can
whitelighters be far behind?
After ten years of chasing a dream,
the dream starts chasing me.
Of course, you know,
there is a downside.
I no longer have any use for you.
What? Leo. What is it?
He killed her.
What does your rulebook
say to do now?
I can't believe Natalie
just let her die like that.
We should've done something.
- Like what?
- I don't know, something.
We need to find a way to stop
Eames before he kills again.
We should be working on
a vanquishing spell.
It's gonna be a tricky spell, though.
We have to counteract a lot of powers.
Plus, we need to do it fast,
because I don't like my boyfriend being
one of the only two targets on Earth.
We'd like to speak to Leo in private.
So if you wouldn't mind
going into another room.
If it's work-related,
you can discuss it with me.
What do you mean?
I asked Natalie to take over as
your whitelighter. And she accepted.
What are you talking about?
Piper, nothing is more important
to me than your safety.
And my being here is putting
all of your lives at risk.
Leo, you have done
nothing but protect us.
You saw what happened upstairs.
I would have rushed off to help
that witch if you hadn't stopped me.
Now, I am supposed to be guiding you,
and you are guiding me.
- Leo, we all make mistakes.
- We can't afford to make them now.
Leo, if this is because of me...
It isn't, Phoebe.
It's because of me.
And maybe Natalie's right.
Maybe my feelings for you
are clouding my ability to guide you,
I don't know.
But all I do know is that this is no time
for self-doubt,
not with Eames out there.
They want me to join in the lockdown.
Until I return, I want you to do
as Natalie asks. It's important for us.
I suggest you channel
your anger toward the warlock
you're meant to vanquish.
- Now, first...
- Okay, can we just
have a moment to
process this, please?
No, it's time you stopped
focusing on yourselves
and started focusing on Eames.
You must prepare yourselves for
battle, mentally, physically, sartorially.
- I'm sorry, what?
- She doesn't like our clothes.
You need outfits that
are loose and move.
That means no more
braless, strapless...
fearless attire.
Okay, but then I have nothing to wear.
Okay, tell me again
why we're doing this.
Because one bad word from
General Goody Two-Shoes,
and I'm not getting married.
- That's a good reason, I guess.
- All right.
Let's get going.
Defeating Eames will
require split-second timing...
and flawless teamwork.
I can't tell you what you'll be doing,
but I can tell you what you won't.
You won't be winging it.
You won't be hoping for the best.
The will to win is the will to prepare
to win, do you understand me?
I'm sorry, I didn't quite
get that last platitude.
You think you're so tough because
you took out Belthazor, don't you?
Let me tell you something. You're
only as good as your next vanquish.
This alley is a neutral battlefield.
Our challenge is to fight Eames.
- Our primary goal is?
- To win!
- No.
- No.
To get the crossbow.
A darklighter's crossbow
delivers arrows
dipped in a poison that
is lethal to whitelighters.
Get the crossbow,
and the immediate threat is over.
If you have the opportunity to vanquish
Eames, by all means, seize it.
But keep your eyes on the prize.
All right, now let's pretend
I'm the enemy.
Oh, that is way too easy.
Very funny.
Now talk me through how you plan
to separate me from my crossbow.
- Okay, first I freeze you.
- I deflect that.
- I guess I could levitate and kick you.
- You just kicked a clone.
All right, how about if I send
an astral Prue as a decoy
and then, just, you know...
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Not as sorry as you would be,
if I just blinked behind you
and stabbed you to death.
Well, that would be bad.
You know what, this is too hard.
Usually in these situations, you know,
everything happens so quickly.
The adrenaline is pumping.
I want you to think using
your brains, not your glands.
Now try again.
Hey, if we don't vanquish Eames,
can we at least vanquish Natalie?
Don't tempt me.
All right, I've got the cloning portion
of the vanquishing spell done.
I'm almost there with
the transmogrification.
Mine came out a little
"I am rejecting your deflection."
Well, it works for me, but you
have to get it past you-know-who.
You know, Leo never had to
approve our spells. He trusted us.
Yeah, but she said that
she needs to hear it.
You know what, what she needs,
none of us can give her. Right?
Right, still, but personal feelings
aside, you kind of have to admire her
professionally, you know.
She's very dedicated.
Yeah, but she's not Leo.
How's that spell coming along?
- Great, all done.
- Good.
Here you go.
Okay. Let's nail this warlock.
All right, I'll start scrying
for his location.
No need, I've been working
on a new plan.
One that will allow us to fight
on our turf, not his.
- Make him come to us? How?
- What he wants is what you've got.
- You're gonna use yourself as bait.
- If I orb in somewhere unprotected,
Eames should be able to track
me with his darklighter powers.
With the three of you in position, as
soon as Eames shows up, I orb out.
The advantage is all ours.
No, we can't let you do that,
it's too dangerous.
- I appreciate your concern.
- My concern is not for you.
At least not just for you.
My concern is, if you fail...
I won't fail, I've gone
over every permutation.
So long as we follow the rules,
we'll succeed.
- Clone.
- All right, be ready with the spell.
He could be anywhere.
Get the crossbow.
Wait. Where is he?
Why isn't he fighting back?
Maybe because we got the crossbow.
No, something doesn't feel right.
This was way too easy.
Or even worse, anticlimactic.
Well, who cares? We got
the crossbow, let's go.
- Did you get it?
- We got it.
Yeah, but we didn't get Eames.
That's all right. He wasn't our
primary goal. You've done well.
I don't know. I think
he gave up too easily.
Maybe you were just prepared,
and he wasn't.
It was our setting, our timing,
our plan to execute.
Yeah, but we didn't get
a chance to execute it.
We got what we wanted,
and no one got hurt.
This is what happens
when whitelighters
and witches work hard together.
And thanks to you, they'll get
a chance to do a lot more of it.
I'll bring this up there.
Does that mean Leo
gets to come back?
That's not my call.
I'll see you later.
So Eames didn't fight at all?
Not at all. I flung, he fled.
- Did you wait for him? Look for him?
- No, we were playing by the rules.
And we grabbed the crossbow
just like you said.
The crossbow.
She was right. Way too easy.
We followed the stupid rules,
and look what happened.
I hate rules.
I knew something was wrong.
Why didn't I trust my instincts?
Well, none of us did.
But I am going to now. Leo.
- Leo!
- Leo!
Okay, look. We... We did everything
she asked, I swear.
I know, I was watching. I wasn't
supposed to, but, enough said.
We're through playing
by the rules, you know.
All right, now we need to stop Eames.
I know from experience darklighter
poison doesn't kill immediately.
So there's still a window of opportunity.
Great, so we need a plan.
What are our options?
There's only one.
Breaks the rules bigtime.
You mean?
- And we?
- Yep.
- And that will?
- I hope.
You'd think dying would be easier
the second time around.
But it sure doesn't look like it.
It's useless to fight the poison.
Don't you know,
death's just the beginning?
In this case, of a lot more death.
How's it feel to know
that you will be responsible
for the end of whitelighters
and witches alike?
The end of good.
Do I hear someone coming?
But I hear someone going.
- What the hell are you doing up here?
- Kicking your ass.
Don't even bother trying to orb out,
it won't work.
You see, you didn't just get
the powers of a whitelighter,
but you got their vulnerability too.
So the poison in that arrow is killing
you just like you killed Natalie.
It's kind of poetic.
I'm kind of in a rhyming mood,
how about you girls?
Sure, this poison isn't
working fast enough for me.
Time for amends
And a victim's revenge
- Cloning power, turn sour
- Power to change, turn to strange
I'm rejecting your deflection
- Wow, it worked.
- Nothing anticlimactic about that.
Here comes one.
Made your whitelighter proud.
- Thanks, but we were just winging it.
- Well, whatever you did, it worked.
Well, not as well as
we would have liked.
- I'm sorry we couldn't save Natalie.
- I know, me too.
But she died for the greater good.
I know she would have
made that choice herself.
Although I don't think she would've
been too keen on us orbing up here.
Which is why we gotta get out of
here before we all get in trouble.
Okay, wait a second. No five-cent tour,
no meet the Elders?
- We're going.
- Leo.
It doesn't matter. It's not like
we get to remember it anyway.
You will this time.
So I just checked the messages
at home.
And Reece called, said he
needs to talk to you about the case.
Really? Did he say it was urgent?
Well, what could be urgent
about the case?
Nothing. Actually, I can't think of
anything that would be urgent.
I can. I urgently want Leo
to walk into this bar.
He's been up there a really long time,
and I'm starting to get worried.
I don't understand how they can be
mad at him after we saved their butts.
Well, he broke some
pretty big rules while doing it.
Yeah, well, if they hold that
against him,
I'm crossing over to the other side.
- Ditto.
- Yeah, ditto.
I gotta get back to work.
All right, so, what's in
that head of yours?
- You know that.
- Don't joke.
Phoebe, if you want to talk about it,
I'm here.
I just want to help.
I was just worried about Leo too,
you know?
I'll go get Piper.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- How you doing?
- Oh, I'm great.
Actually, I'm lying. I'm awful.
I am so sorry that
I am such a screw-up.
Hey, hey, I'm the one who should
be apologising. I let you down.
I should have been watching more
carefully. It won't happen again, okay?
Hey, hey, hey. What took so long?
What happened?
- I have some news.
- Okay.
Well, obviously they found out
that you'd been up there.
So they decided to review
the facts of the Natalie situation.
And they unanimously
decided to lift probation.
- What?
- Piper, we're officially engaged.
- Oh, that's so great!
- That's great.
One teaspoon bat guano.
- It's starting to bubble.
- And stink.
Couldn't you have made that potion
after breakfast?
No, I'm sorry, but Phoebe has a
meeting with that DA investigator,
and I didn't want her
to go there unarmed.
- Whoa, what is that smell?
- That would be the lovely smell
of Piper's breakfast.
- Hope you're hungry.
- Starving.
Probably because you
missed dinner last night.
Piper, I already said I was sorry
I was late, okay?
It's not like I was out carousing with
the boys.
I was being a force of good
in the universe.
A true force of good would
have called, or at least orbed.
I couldn't. Not under
the circumstances.
- Which were?
- Work-related.
Which means I can't talk about it.
I mean, anything that happens
between me and a charge
is confidential, you know that.
- Doesn't mean I have to like it.
- Oh, let me see that.
You know, this "all for
the good of Mankind" stuff
really puts me
in an awful position.
I have no choice but
to be understanding.
You just have to accept
that you're engaged to somebody
- who works for the CIA.
- Wait, you work for the CIA?
You know, ever since
she became a blond...
Want something to eat before
you meet with Reece?
Not hungry, too nervous.
All right, well, this will help you
with your nerves.
Just a drop in Reece's coffee,
and it will out any demon.
Reaction will cause his throat
to constrict.
As he's choking, you run. Got it?
Thanks. I hadn't even considered
that Reece might be evil.
Then why are you so nervous?
Because he's probing
Cole's disappearance.
I'm not exactly looking forward to being
grilled about my demon ex, you know?
Well, as long as you don't blurt out
"I killed Cole," you'll be fine.
Why don't you practice saying
"As far as I know,
Cole is alive and well and could
be anywhere"? See how it feels.
As far as I know, Cole is alive
and well and could be anywhere.
Very believable.
Yeah, try not to look as guilty
as you did just now,
you'll give yourself away.
I just can't wait for this
investigation to be over.
It will soon, it has to.
There's nothing to find.
Is there?
Of course not.
Be careful.
You can't hurt me.
I can deflect your power.
All of them?
Thank God.
You know, the ability
to clone myself is just
one of the powers that I've collected
over my years of killing witches.
And now, I'm about to add one more.
You're too late, whitelighter.
Your charge is dead.
I'll see you later.
So I've got lunch with this
guy from the Chronicle
who wants to do a story on the club.
And then I've got a meeting with
these dot-com start-up guys
that want to do, like, an Internet thingy.
What are you doing today?
You know, just the usual.
Care to elaborate?
- Piper.
- Oh, come on.
- Just a few details, a titbit.
- It's against the rules.
Rules. Yes, see, this is my problem.
Every time I turn around,
we seem to be violating
some stupid
whitelighter ordinance.
We just have to be careful as long
as we're under probation.
Which is never-ending.
I don't know, Leo, I don't think they're
ever gonna let us get married.
They will, they have to.
Nothing is gonna keep
us apart, I promise.
Leo, sorry to interrupt. But we've got
a major problem on our hands.
Hey, I heard something.
Athame! Athame!
No, no, no. It's okay,
she's a whitelighter.
Natalie and I go way back.
We were rookies together.
Actually, we fought together
in World War II.
All your charges need to know
is I'm a whitelighter.
This is not a social call.
I've come to warn the Charmed Ones
that a warlock just killed my most
powerful charge with this athame.
I'm so sorry.
Thank you. The real tragedy
is that it didn't have to happen.
I warned her to lay low,
and she didn't listen.
She always refused to let her magic
interfere with her life.
And now a warlock has
her power of deflection.
Deflection? Wait a minute, does that
mean he could deflect our powers?
Yes, which is why all whitelighters
have been put on alert.
We have? Why didn't
I hear about this?
Because you missed this
morning's staff meeting.
- You have staff meetings?
- With mandatory attendance.
Unless a charge is in need,
which Piper was.
- I had to heal her.
- Right.
I'll assume a demon
attacked your finger,
since healing is restricted
to such circumstances.
I believe the Charmed Ones
deserve special attention.
I've heard rumours about
such special attention.
And honestly, Leo.
- Piper.
Well, I guess we know
what they're talking about.
All right, you guys can... chitchat
all you want.
I'm gonna go look in the
Book of Shadows.
I'll go with you. I got a look at that
warlock. I might be able to identify him.
- All right, well, it's up in the attic.
- Attic?
You mean the altar room, don't you?
The rules are very clear.
Every witch must keep
their Book of Shadows
- in a sacred and protected spot.
- Right, of course.
Maybe you can bring
the Book down here.
Yeah, I'll just run up to the altar room,
which, by the way, is right next to
the potions lab, and I'll be right back.
Not supposed to eat on the job.
- You sure you don't want something?
- No. I'm fine.
Actually, I would like
a bagel, also. Thanks.
- Excuse me, miss?
- Yes?
Miss, can we have another bagel?
It's a nice place.
It's crowded. I guess
that's why you picked it.
It makes me think that
you're afraid of something.
- Allergies. So? So are you?
- Am I what?
- Afraid.
- Afraid of Cole? No.
- Why should I be?
- Well, several reasons.
Not the least of which is
he's a fraud.
Or a man who exists only on paper.
Wormed his way into the DA's
office for reasons unknown,
who apparently has a very dark side.
We found bloodstains in his carpet.
And a hidden cabinet full
of occult paraphernalia.
Are you telling me you don't
know anything about this?
No. I mean, yes, I don't
know about any of this.
Look, Miss Halliwell, I think you
know more than you're letting on.
But you're scared. You're
afraid that if I find out the truth,
you're gonna get in trouble.
Am I right?
I wish I could help you. But I can't.
I'm sorry. I really am.
Listen, Cole's the kind of man who
knows how to cover his tracks, okay.
Now, if he's alive and you know
something, he could hurt you.
He could hurt your sisters too.
"The power of deflection
is a witch's best shield
against the forces of darkness."
Unless the forces of darkness
already have it,
in which case it's the great shield
against us.
All right, how did he get close enough
to get it from such a powerful witch?
Maybe he wasn't working alone.
Or maybe he possesses
the power...
Cloning. I was just thinking
the same thing.
The ability to duplicate one's self. But...
It can't be sustained
for long periods of time.
That's cute, how you guys
finish each other's sentences.
Happens when you work with
someone for as long as we have.
I see that.
Maybe we should check the Book,
see if the warlock stole
the cloning power too, okay?
All right, cross-reference
"cloning" with "warlock."
Here it is. A warlock named Eames.
It seems that ten years ago he
murdered a witch in Glasgow
and stole her power of cloning.
Do you recognize him?
That's him.
Cloning and deflection
are not his only tricks.
It says here that Eames also
killed a witch in Kenya in '89
and took the power
of transmogrification.
"Trans" what?
- The ability to change shape or form.
- The ability to change shape or form.
- Okay. So, what's his master plan?
- What makes you think he has one?
Well, the time and geography between
kills suggest that he was hunting
these particular witches, right?
It's not sport, it's strategy.
So all we have to do to catch him
is figure out what that plan is
and then beat him to the punch.
Right, or we can try and take him out
first before he even has a chance.
Leo, we should discuss the best way
to approach this situation.
I mean in private, if you wouldn't mind
going into another room, please?
Or how about this idea?
- Piper, what are you doing?
- Getting irritated.
Who put Lady Attitude in charge?
- She's not in charge.
- Really? Because she's acting like it.
I thought whitelighters were
supposed to guide, not dictate.
She is just trying to help.
By what? Slowing us down
and second-guessing us?
Introducing the concept
of caution and organization
into the manor isn't a bad idea.
Natalie's considered one of
the top whitelighters up there.
Oh, I bet they love her.
She's never met a rule she didn't like.
Leo, we already have a whitelighter.
Besides, I don't really like anybody
who doesn't trust us.
You've misread her. Natalie is cautious
because she just lost a charge.
She's worried the same thing
is gonna happen to you.
- You can't question her heart.
- Okay, how about everything else?
I'll talk to her.
- Now please, would you unfreeze her?
- Sure.
There you go.
- Wait a minute. What's going on?
- I gotta go talk to Piper.
- Leo.
- I'll be right back.
Piper froze you.
- She what?
- Yep.
You want to freeze me in bed for your
own personal pleasures, that is fine.
But freezing Natalie is not gonna
make her or the Elders happy.
Well, I'm sorry. But how do you
think I feel listening to you two
clickety-clack about work when
you don't tell me anything.
I mean, she clearly knows things
about you that I don't.
- She's an old friend.
- Well, obviously.
Come on, you're not jealous, are you?
Because there is nothing...
Leo, I'm not jealous of her.
I am jealous of the part of your life
she gets to share with you that I don't.
You know, like where you go
all day, who your other charges are,
- what it's like up there.
- I've taken you up there before.
Once. And I don't even
get to remember it.
It's just more rules, more stupid rules
that exclude me.
Unlike you and Natalie, who literally
speak the same language
- with each other.
- It is just boring shoptalk.
It's secrets. And if there's one thing
I've learned as a Halliwell,
you don't keep secrets
from the people you love.
Am I interrupting something?
- Yes.
- No.
How did your thing go
with the investigator?
Oh, fine. At least he's not a demon.
Leo, can I talk to you
about something?
- Soon?
- Take a number.
Maybe later, okay?
Why don't you go meet Natalie.
Who's Natalie?
- She's a...
- Fellow whitelighter.
See? I finished your sentence.
That's not what I was gonna say.
You're wasting your time.
You can't scry for warlocks.
I'm not, I'm scrying for a witch.
I'm focusing the crystal
on your charge's power,
which, technically, is still alive.
Hi. You must be...
Okay. Here we go.
I think I found Eames.
Industrial district
south of San Francisco.
A warlock? What's going on?
We'll fill you in on the way.
Piper. Leo.
Wait, you're not going after him,
are you?
- Yeah, that would be the idea.
- You're not prepared. You don't...
- What did you see?
- A warlock, I think,
- killing a male witch.
- Not if we can help it.
It's three against one, we should be
able to counter his power of deflection.
But he can also clone himself.
So then it's three against two.
Still, the odds are on our side.
Plus, we'll have the element
of surprise.
People, we're under an alert.
You can't go running off half-cocked.
- People?
- You must consult the Elders,
find out what they know,
what they want you to do.
And how long will that take? Long
enough to lose another witch's life?
Better one than four.
You wondered what
Eames' ultimate goal was.
What if it's to kill the Charmed Ones?
Think of the damage he could
do with all of your powers.
All right, Natalie's right. We should
definitely check with the Elders first.
- Do it quickly.
- I'll be back as soon as possible.
So, what, we're supposed to just wait?
No. I had to say something
to get rid of her.
Didn't you hear what she said?
Consulting with the Elders
- is for your own protection.
- And siding with us is for yours.
Oh, Piper, freeze him!
He deflected it.
- What happened? Where did he go?
- I think that was his clone.
Well, the real Eames must
be around here someplace.
- Maybe we should get out of here.
- What about the witch
in Phoebe's premonition?
We can't leave him.
Afraid you were gonna say that.
- What did he look like?
- I don't know. Kind of balding...
Sort of like that.
Who are you?
Why did you summon me?
- That's no witch, that's a darklighter.
- Leo. Leo, get out of here!
Okay, I don't understand.
Why is there a darklighter here?
Oh, did I miss all the fun?
No, wait, I am the fun.
Thanks for this.
- Did you get the darklighter?
- No, but Eames did.
A warlock killed a darklighter?
And took his crossbow.
That doesn't make any sense,
they both play for team evil.
Yeah, what I don't get is why Eames
had no interest in attacking us.
Maybe he knew he was outnumbered.
He didn't really seem overly
concerned. In fact, he seemed cocky.
Good, you're still here.
Speaking of cocky.
I consulted the Elders,
and they want you to hold back.
They think the witch Phoebe saw
might be a force of darkness.
- A darklighter, actually.
- How do you know?
We went, we saw,
we didn't quite conquer.
You what? Leo, how could
you let this happen?
This wasn't Leo's decision,
it was ours.
You'll take responsibility for
a decision, but not for your lives?
That warlock could have killed you.
- He wasn't after us.
- That makes you lucky, not smart.
You were reckless. As the
Charmed Ones, you have an obligation
to serve the greater good.
You have a higher calling.
So do we.
I think we'd better both go up
this time.
Better lay low until we get back.
What's with the handholding thing?
That's the least of our problems.
We have to concentrate
on finding and vanquishing Eames.
We can't count on scrying
to locate him,
because it just could
be his clone again.
I still think we need to decode
his master plan,
and then that way we
can figure him out.
I'll take Book duty.
I'll do a flow chart, see
where all this is leading.
I'll help. Anything to get rid of her.
- You mean him.
- Nah, I mean her.
What am I gonna do about you?
I've never seen the Elders
like this before.
They're worried about
what Eames is up to.
Aren't you gonna change
into your robes?
- The rules say...
- I know the rules.
I find my jeans more comfortable.
That attitude scares me, Leo.
I wouldn't be a good friend
if I didn't tell you how concerned
I am about the situation at the manor.
You haven't seen the Charmed Ones
at their best.
Trust me, they're talented witches.
They're also sloppy, untrained,
And undisciplined, I know. But
that's part of what makes them great.
They don't work by rote.
They work on instinct, on passion.
I'm all for instinct and passion.
But they're too impulsive. They lead
with their hearts, not their heads.
- And they're not the only ones.
- You think I do too?
I think it's clear that you love them.
Every whitelighter loves their charges.
Not the way that you do.
Your feelings are clouding your ability
to see their weaknesses.
Weaknesses? I think their record
speaks for itself.
They took out Belthazor,
who took out the Triad.
But Belthazor is a perfect example.
He never should have
gotten that close to them.
I can't help but think that
your relationship with Piper...
- Is none of your business.
- Actually, Leo, it is my business.
The Elders want to
know whether or not
I think it's getting in
the way of your job.
Leo? Leo?
That's Phoebe. The rules say
a charge's call takes precedent.
Sorry, Phoebe. I forgot that you
needed to talk. What's up?
Okay. Just so I'm clear,
this is confidential, right?
I mean, anything that I'm about to say
to you just stays between me and you.
- Absolutely.
- They don't get to know,
and they're not eavesdropping
or anything right now?
Phoebe, what is it?
You need to sit.
Okay. Here it goes.
Cole is alive.
- What?
- Cole. Belthazor.
I didn't really vanquish him.
I know. I know, it's horrible.
And I've barely been able to live
with Prue and Piper ever since.
- But I just couldn't tell them.
- Phoebe.
I couldn't kill him, Leo.
I had every intention of doing it.
But when I got there,
and I was face to face with him,
I just couldn't kill him.
And I knew that my sisters
were going to.
- So you faked his death?
- I didn't have a choice.
Leo, I knew in my heart that
he would never try and hurt us.
Otherwise, I wouldn't have let him go.
You have to believe me.
All I knew is that I loved Cole.
And if anyone understands
forbidden love, it's you, isn't it?
My God, Phoebe, it's not even close to
being the same thing. He is a demon.
- He's half human.
- For God's sakes, he's a killer!
He has killed witches and innocents
and anything else that
has gotten in his way.
What makes you think that he is not
gonna come back here right now
- and try and kill all three of you?
- He won't. I know he's good.
No, you hope that he's good.
You want him to be good.
Why did you even tell me this?
I don't know, Leo.
I was sort of counting on you
for your guidance and support.
Well, it's my guidance and support
that got you into this mess.
I don't even know how
to begin to fix this.
Leo? What's the matter?
I don't know. Feels like a witch
is being hurt. I can feel her pain.
- Is it one of your charges?
- No.
What happened?
She needs help.
Of course, I could have killed you.
But it's not your powers I'm after.
I've set my sights a little higher.
I'm looking for a few
good whitelighters.
Well, actually, just one.
That's all I'm missing now.
And yours will do just fine.
Why isn't her whitelighter helping her?
I don't know, but I have to go to her.
No, Leo, wait.
I just realized. How could
we have missed it?
The only reason Eames
would have killed a darklighter
is so that he could use the crossbow
to kill a whitelighter.
She's right, Leo, it's a trap.
I don't understand. Why would
he want to kill a whitelighter?
To gain the power to orb
up there. The only way in.
Once there, he'd be able
to decimate all whitelighters.
And that would leave all
their charges unprotected.
He would be able to wipe out all
witches everywhere, including us.
Sounds like a master plan to me.
The Elders have instituted a lockdown
and recalled whitelighters from Earth.
Leo and I are the only ones who
have retained the power to orb,
- so we can help you stop Eames.
- Must be why I feel her pain.
- Oh, if you could only feel it.
- I feel it.
But I won't be ruled by it.
A whitelighter who is controlled
by his emotions is useless.
The greater good must come first.
Well, this is boring.
What kind of lame whitelighter
do you have?
They must be on to you now.
I think you're right.
Which means what?
They'll send witches to try
and stop me.
Well, if witches come, can
whitelighters be far behind?
After ten years of chasing a dream,
the dream starts chasing me.
Of course, you know,
there is a downside.
I no longer have any use for you.
What? Leo. What is it?
He killed her.
What does your rulebook
say to do now?
I can't believe Natalie
just let her die like that.
We should've done something.
- Like what?
- I don't know, something.
We need to find a way to stop
Eames before he kills again.
We should be working on
a vanquishing spell.
It's gonna be a tricky spell, though.
We have to counteract a lot of powers.
Plus, we need to do it fast,
because I don't like my boyfriend being
one of the only two targets on Earth.
We'd like to speak to Leo in private.
So if you wouldn't mind
going into another room.
If it's work-related,
you can discuss it with me.
What do you mean?
I asked Natalie to take over as
your whitelighter. And she accepted.
What are you talking about?
Piper, nothing is more important
to me than your safety.
And my being here is putting
all of your lives at risk.
Leo, you have done
nothing but protect us.
You saw what happened upstairs.
I would have rushed off to help
that witch if you hadn't stopped me.
Now, I am supposed to be guiding you,
and you are guiding me.
- Leo, we all make mistakes.
- We can't afford to make them now.
Leo, if this is because of me...
It isn't, Phoebe.
It's because of me.
And maybe Natalie's right.
Maybe my feelings for you
are clouding my ability to guide you,
I don't know.
But all I do know is that this is no time
for self-doubt,
not with Eames out there.
They want me to join in the lockdown.
Until I return, I want you to do
as Natalie asks. It's important for us.
I suggest you channel
your anger toward the warlock
you're meant to vanquish.
- Now, first...
- Okay, can we just
have a moment to
process this, please?
No, it's time you stopped
focusing on yourselves
and started focusing on Eames.
You must prepare yourselves for
battle, mentally, physically, sartorially.
- I'm sorry, what?
- She doesn't like our clothes.
You need outfits that
are loose and move.
That means no more
braless, strapless...
fearless attire.
Okay, but then I have nothing to wear.
Okay, tell me again
why we're doing this.
Because one bad word from
General Goody Two-Shoes,
and I'm not getting married.
- That's a good reason, I guess.
- All right.
Let's get going.
Defeating Eames will
require split-second timing...
and flawless teamwork.
I can't tell you what you'll be doing,
but I can tell you what you won't.
You won't be winging it.
You won't be hoping for the best.
The will to win is the will to prepare
to win, do you understand me?
I'm sorry, I didn't quite
get that last platitude.
You think you're so tough because
you took out Belthazor, don't you?
Let me tell you something. You're
only as good as your next vanquish.
This alley is a neutral battlefield.
Our challenge is to fight Eames.
- Our primary goal is?
- To win!
- No.
- No.
To get the crossbow.
A darklighter's crossbow
delivers arrows
dipped in a poison that
is lethal to whitelighters.
Get the crossbow,
and the immediate threat is over.
If you have the opportunity to vanquish
Eames, by all means, seize it.
But keep your eyes on the prize.
All right, now let's pretend
I'm the enemy.
Oh, that is way too easy.
Very funny.
Now talk me through how you plan
to separate me from my crossbow.
- Okay, first I freeze you.
- I deflect that.
- I guess I could levitate and kick you.
- You just kicked a clone.
All right, how about if I send
an astral Prue as a decoy
and then, just, you know...
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Not as sorry as you would be,
if I just blinked behind you
and stabbed you to death.
Well, that would be bad.
You know what, this is too hard.
Usually in these situations, you know,
everything happens so quickly.
The adrenaline is pumping.
I want you to think using
your brains, not your glands.
Now try again.
Hey, if we don't vanquish Eames,
can we at least vanquish Natalie?
Don't tempt me.
All right, I've got the cloning portion
of the vanquishing spell done.
I'm almost there with
the transmogrification.
Mine came out a little
"I am rejecting your deflection."
Well, it works for me, but you
have to get it past you-know-who.
You know, Leo never had to
approve our spells. He trusted us.
Yeah, but she said that
she needs to hear it.
You know what, what she needs,
none of us can give her. Right?
Right, still, but personal feelings
aside, you kind of have to admire her
professionally, you know.
She's very dedicated.
Yeah, but she's not Leo.
How's that spell coming along?
- Great, all done.
- Good.
Here you go.
Okay. Let's nail this warlock.
All right, I'll start scrying
for his location.
No need, I've been working
on a new plan.
One that will allow us to fight
on our turf, not his.
- Make him come to us? How?
- What he wants is what you've got.
- You're gonna use yourself as bait.
- If I orb in somewhere unprotected,
Eames should be able to track
me with his darklighter powers.
With the three of you in position, as
soon as Eames shows up, I orb out.
The advantage is all ours.
No, we can't let you do that,
it's too dangerous.
- I appreciate your concern.
- My concern is not for you.
At least not just for you.
My concern is, if you fail...
I won't fail, I've gone
over every permutation.
So long as we follow the rules,
we'll succeed.
- Clone.
- All right, be ready with the spell.
He could be anywhere.
Get the crossbow.
Wait. Where is he?
Why isn't he fighting back?
Maybe because we got the crossbow.
No, something doesn't feel right.
This was way too easy.
Or even worse, anticlimactic.
Well, who cares? We got
the crossbow, let's go.
- Did you get it?
- We got it.
Yeah, but we didn't get Eames.
That's all right. He wasn't our
primary goal. You've done well.
I don't know. I think
he gave up too easily.
Maybe you were just prepared,
and he wasn't.
It was our setting, our timing,
our plan to execute.
Yeah, but we didn't get
a chance to execute it.
We got what we wanted,
and no one got hurt.
This is what happens
when whitelighters
and witches work hard together.
And thanks to you, they'll get
a chance to do a lot more of it.
I'll bring this up there.
Does that mean Leo
gets to come back?
That's not my call.
I'll see you later.
So Eames didn't fight at all?
Not at all. I flung, he fled.
- Did you wait for him? Look for him?
- No, we were playing by the rules.
And we grabbed the crossbow
just like you said.
The crossbow.
She was right. Way too easy.
We followed the stupid rules,
and look what happened.
I hate rules.
I knew something was wrong.
Why didn't I trust my instincts?
Well, none of us did.
But I am going to now. Leo.
- Leo!
- Leo!
Okay, look. We... We did everything
she asked, I swear.
I know, I was watching. I wasn't
supposed to, but, enough said.
We're through playing
by the rules, you know.
All right, now we need to stop Eames.
I know from experience darklighter
poison doesn't kill immediately.
So there's still a window of opportunity.
Great, so we need a plan.
What are our options?
There's only one.
Breaks the rules bigtime.
You mean?
- And we?
- Yep.
- And that will?
- I hope.
You'd think dying would be easier
the second time around.
But it sure doesn't look like it.
It's useless to fight the poison.
Don't you know,
death's just the beginning?
In this case, of a lot more death.
How's it feel to know
that you will be responsible
for the end of whitelighters
and witches alike?
The end of good.
Do I hear someone coming?
But I hear someone going.
- What the hell are you doing up here?
- Kicking your ass.
Don't even bother trying to orb out,
it won't work.
You see, you didn't just get
the powers of a whitelighter,
but you got their vulnerability too.
So the poison in that arrow is killing
you just like you killed Natalie.
It's kind of poetic.
I'm kind of in a rhyming mood,
how about you girls?
Sure, this poison isn't
working fast enough for me.
Time for amends
And a victim's revenge
- Cloning power, turn sour
- Power to change, turn to strange
I'm rejecting your deflection
- Wow, it worked.
- Nothing anticlimactic about that.
Here comes one.
Made your whitelighter proud.
- Thanks, but we were just winging it.
- Well, whatever you did, it worked.
Well, not as well as
we would have liked.
- I'm sorry we couldn't save Natalie.
- I know, me too.
But she died for the greater good.
I know she would have
made that choice herself.
Although I don't think she would've
been too keen on us orbing up here.
Which is why we gotta get out of
here before we all get in trouble.
Okay, wait a second. No five-cent tour,
no meet the Elders?
- We're going.
- Leo.
It doesn't matter. It's not like
we get to remember it anyway.
You will this time.
So I just checked the messages
at home.
And Reece called, said he
needs to talk to you about the case.
Really? Did he say it was urgent?
Well, what could be urgent
about the case?
Nothing. Actually, I can't think of
anything that would be urgent.
I can. I urgently want Leo
to walk into this bar.
He's been up there a really long time,
and I'm starting to get worried.
I don't understand how they can be
mad at him after we saved their butts.
Well, he broke some
pretty big rules while doing it.
Yeah, well, if they hold that
against him,
I'm crossing over to the other side.
- Ditto.
- Yeah, ditto.
I gotta get back to work.
All right, so, what's in
that head of yours?
- You know that.
- Don't joke.
Phoebe, if you want to talk about it,
I'm here.
I just want to help.
I was just worried about Leo too,
you know?
I'll go get Piper.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- How you doing?
- Oh, I'm great.
Actually, I'm lying. I'm awful.
I am so sorry that
I am such a screw-up.
Hey, hey, I'm the one who should
be apologising. I let you down.
I should have been watching more
carefully. It won't happen again, okay?
Hey, hey, hey. What took so long?
What happened?
- I have some news.
- Okay.
Well, obviously they found out
that you'd been up there.
So they decided to review
the facts of the Natalie situation.
And they unanimously
decided to lift probation.
- What?
- Piper, we're officially engaged.
- Oh, that's so great!
- That's great.