Charmed (1998–2006): Season 2, Episode 20 - Astral Monkey - full transcript
The doctor that treated Piper when she was critically ill, discovers and gains the sisters' powers.
- Good morning.
- Hey, Pheebs.
Did you get the postcard from Dan?
Yeah, it sounds like
he's having a great time.
What's the matter,
is something wrong?
I got another letter
from Dr Williamson.
Williamson? Wasn't he the specialist
that treated you for Oroya fever?
That would be him.
That was months ago.
What does he want?
He wants me to come in for blood work
so he can make sure I'm cured.
An angel brought you back to life.
Trust me, you're cured.
I know, but I can't exactly
tell him that.
- So just throw the letter away.
- I have been. He keeps sending more.
Here's my granola.
What's it doing in the trash?
I just bought this two days ago.
- Who eats this besides me?
- Leo. But I'll replace it, I promise.
Piper, I don't want you to think
I mind, because I don't.
But if Leo's gonna be
living here, then I...
I think we should probably set
some ground rules, you know?
Leo doesn't live here.
He eats breakfast here.
- A lot.
- Maybe he just likes cereal.
You really think he's here that much?
He's like the big brother
I never wanted.
I mean, had.
Morning. Pheebs...
...Evan Stone, ever hear of him?
- Hello.
Red Death? I've only seen that movie,
like, five times.
Yes, I know. I'm doing a photo shoot
with him today.
How much do I hate you right now?
Unless the tabloid rumours are true,
in which case, I really hate you.
He is supposed to be...
I do not wanna know
anything about him,
I just wanna take his picture
and leave.
And I need to go get ready.
Prue, you don't think
Leo lives here, do you?
I mean, yeah, of course he does,
but, I mean, it's fine. It's...
As long as you're happy,
that's all I really care about.
Not that I was unhappy when I saw
Leo all naked in the shower
and just all... wet.
Okay, so you guys just need
to make up some ground rules,
you know, what's acceptable
and not acceptable,
and... I'm serious.
Of course I got your memo.
You can't be serious.
Have you read my report?
Ninety days ago, Piper Halliwell
was admitted with Oroya fever.
Within 24 hours,
she was completely free of the virus,
though she failed to respond
to any of the treatments.
Dr Williamson, I may be new
to San Francisco Memorial,
but I am very aware of your project.
Then you're also aware of the fact
that her recovery
- makes no clinical sense.
- True.
But your subsequent tests failed
to reveal anything out of the ordinary.
Look, I just need more time.
I've only injected the primates
with samples of
the Halliwells' blood this morning.
Piper Halliwell is fine.
I want you to forget about her and
concentrate on people who are sick.
I am. Somewhere in this blood
could be the key
to unlocking a universal antibody.
And if I agreed with you, we wouldn't
be having this conversation.
- You will not terminate this project.
- Dr Williamson,
I believe I already have.
I am not giving up.
All right, Prue.
Let's see how this affects you.
I said, be quiet!
- I have some time between appoint...
- Wait.
Dr Jeffries?
So I thought we might discuss...
How did you get over there?
- What happened in here?
- I had an accident.
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
- What happened to your neck?
- Nothing.
Listen, I need to get ahold
of the Halliwells immediately.
I told you that project's
been terminated.
Maybe you should take some time off.
You've been under a lot of pressure.
And I understand
your sister's been sick.
And I told you I need to get ahold
of the Halliwells immediately.
I want you cleared out of this lab
by the end of the day.
Get the PA to do it.
- Can you give me a hand with this?
- All right.
Tell him to get back here, all right?
I'm tired of waiting.
- Evan Stone?
- Yes?
Hi, I think we have a date.
I'm Prue Halliwell, 415 Magazine.
Ring security. I think I found
another tabloid photographer.
Me? No, I am not with a tabloid.
I'm with 415.
- I have an appointment.
- Sorry.
We've had photographers
sneaking in here all week.
That's why I'm here.
I'm Lucy, Evan's publicist.
And this is a temporary ID.
- This could be a problem.
- Yeah, that's because
I'm a new employee of the magazine.
You can call Gil Corso,
I'm sure he'd be happy to confirm it.
I'll keep an eye on her
while you do that.
So, what happens if Mr Corso
is in a meeting?
What, you send me flying
with a tenchi nage kick?
I have an earth throw.
You know aikido.
Yeah, well, it comes in...
...handy with my line of work.
The photography business
must be rougher than I thought.
Only when publicists
don't trust temporary IDs.
Lucy's a really cool person.
Newly promoted, just struggling
to control her new power, that's all.
Yeah, I can certainly relate to that.
Ever done it on a cloud?
I don't know,
does a feather bed count?
- Phoebe. I thought you were Piper.
- Well, it is her room.
- I am so sorry.
- No. No worries.
I mean, it could happen to anyone,
especially someone
that doesn't have to knock
to come in, you know?
You're so right.
But this will never happen again.
- You have my word.
- Okay. And you have my word
that I won't tell Piper.
Good idea.
I'm just leaving now.
- She's in the kitchen.
- Thanks.
Item number two:
Orbing in unannounced.
You're calling me at home?
Yes, Ms Halliwell. I need you to meet
me at my lab as soon as possible.
- I'm not going anywhere.
- Look, you don't understand.
- This is very important.
- Goodbye, doctor.
Look, I need your...
Leo, hi.
- Everything okay?
- I don't know.
That was Dr Williamson.
He's been sending me letters,
trying to get me back to the hospital
for follow-up tests.
And I'm not going.
What are you doing here? Don't tell
me there's a demon running around.
No. I just figured
since it was your day off,
maybe you could spend it with me.
- Did you, now?
- Yes, I did.
- You sure you're all right?
- Yeah.
I mean, it's not like
he's ever gonna figure out
that you were the one who saved me,
so I'm not gonna worry about it
because there's nothing
to worry about.
- Ms Halliwell?
- No, this is Nurse Jordan,
your sister's nurse.
I was wondering if you could...
- Is she okay?
- You need to get to your sister's room
- as soon as possible.
- I'll be right there.
Can you just lift your chin a little bit?
Because there's a shadow.
- What a cute monkey.
- Monkey?
Yeah, he's right behind you.
What are you talking about?
Okay, thanks.
- You're leaving?
- Yeah, I'm finished.
- We just got started.
- Right, and...
...I got a great shot,
it was perfect.
Ms Halliwell.
Your car keys.
You can shoot my picture
anytime, Ms Halliwell.
Thank you.
Hey, you are never going to believe
what happened today.
Yes, I will. I saw Notting Hill.
What are you talking about?
They're from Evan.
I hope you're happy.
You're stealing away my dream man.
"Prue, what really happened? Evan."
- Something happened?
- Yes, but not with Evan Stone.
Is Piper here?
Yeah, she's in the living room
with Leo, again.
Piper, Leo.
So are you gonna tell me
why he sent you flowers?
You know, I just have no idea.
And they say the youngest
is the most naive.
- Prue, you're back early.
- Yes, I am.
That's because a monkey
astral-projected to me on the set today.
A monkey?
- Astral-projected?
- Yeah, and it waved at me, okay?
Like it knew me or something.
I think it wanted my help.
Honey, I think you're working
way too hard.
You know, Phoebe, I saw it.
Okay, and it... And it had, like, an
ID bracelet from a hospital on its arm.
Prue, honey, I don't think
monkeys can astral-project.
- Can they?
- Not without powers.
And it would have to have
your power too, you know,
to find you, magic to magic.
My power? How can it have
my power? I have my powers.
All right, wait. So you're saying
that a monkey is sharing my powers?
Is that even possible?
After all you've seen and done
over the last two years?
You tell me what's impossible.
You said something
about a hospital wristband?
Yeah, it had a rose on it.
Did it look anything like this?
Yeah, exactly like this.
Wait, is this
the same Dr Williamson?
Yeah, he's been
sending me requests for weeks,
and he called this morning
and said he wanted to see me.
- What?
- Wait, you didn't tell me he called you.
Well, there was nothing to say.
I hung up on him.
Do you think he found out
about our powers?
B. O.S.
B. O.S. Oh, Book of Shadows,
Book of Shadows.
- They say it's important.
- Okay.
- Come back soon.
- Okay.
My wife is dying.
She's 33rd on the wait list, Curtis.
She's not gonna live long enough
to get a kidney.
There's nothing I can do,
Larry. I'm sorry.
No, no. Let me tell you
what's sorry, okay?
Look, I come here every day,
and for every minute that I'm with her,
some scumbag criminal is freed,
released on a technicality.
Curtis, listen to me.
She is your sister.
Isn't there anything you can do?
Larry, wait.
Oh, my God.
Get the crash team, get a gurney.
This man's gonna have
a heart attack.
- I said, the crash team.
- Yes, sir.
If anyone looks like
they're gonna collapse, it's you, not...
Come on, let's go. Let's get in here.
Get his leg. Got him? All right,
give me two cc of adrenaline.
- How did you know?
- He's gone into full arrest.
- Check his airway. Bag him.
- Is an IV started?
- What's his pulse?
- 90/60, doctor.
Let's start compressions.
Listen, I'll save Edie too. I promise.
- You gotta get it up.
- Give me that lidocaine.
I need a list of all the criminals
who were admitted and released
from the hospital jail ward.
Wow, what a mess.
Well, too bad we can't ask them
where Williamson is.
- That's the same monkey.
- It does look like it knows you.
Okay, it looks like
they know all of us. Come on.
He named them after us.
That's really scary.
All right, we need to
take a look around
and make sure there's
nothing else here that could expose us.
Well, maybe that's why the monkey
projected to you, Prue.
Maybe she was trying to warn you.
- All of these files say "Halliwell."
- Yeah, well, look at all these tests
that he took. Okay, and not just
on blood that he took from you,
but blood that he took
from Phoebe and me.
He has spent months
trying to figure out
how I survived the Oroya fever.
Yeah, well, this grant request
says that he's searching
for the universal antibody.
Maybe he thought
it was in your blood.
Piper, Phoebe.
Okay, so I think it's safe to say
that Dr Williamson
probably knows about us.
Do you think he's been injecting
our blood into those monkeys?
I don't know, but we need
to get them out of here
before somebody walks in,
sees something flying,
and everybody finds out about us.
Okay, not only does Williamson
know about our powers,
but he's got
one of them: Telekinesis.
Wait a minute. You remember
what he was like when I was sick.
He had the CDC here, the media.
If we don't stop him,
the monkeys aren't gonna be
the only ones in cages.
Well, it seems as though
you've stiffed me 30 hits.
Oh, you know what?
Let me tell you something.
I don't touch this stuff, all right?
I just sell it...
You Benny Ritter?
What are you doing?
That's my door, man.
- What the hell is this?
- House call.
Man, I gotta get up.
No. No, no.
- Okay, Piper, now.
- Wait.
A Showbiz Tonight exclusive.
Who is this mystery woman
in Evan Stone's life?
Why did he send her flowers?
Tune in tonight and find out.
I thought you said nothing happened.
Yeah, he was just returning
my car keys.
Hi. Hello, bigger problems.
It was more than a miracle.
It was as if he was clairvoyant.
He said his brother-in-law
was going to have a heart attack,
and ten seconds later, he collapsed.
And he could tell that
just by looking at him?
No, he touched him first.
I'll take premonitions
for 500, Alex.
Excuse me. I'm a patient
of Dr Williamson.
- Do you know where I might find him?
- The records room.
Okay, thank you.
So he's using our powers in public.
- At least he's not hurting anyone.
- Yet.
Williamson's long gone.
Wait, he came in here for a reason.
It's a list of names and addresses
of people who were admitted
into the jail ward in the hospital.
Benny Ritter is highlighted.
Accessed by Dr C. Williamson.
I've taken care of everything.
You're going to be okay.
A lot of people are gonna be okay.
Get my sister prepped and ready
for a kidney transplant.
Tissue typing and cross matching
are confirmed.
Unrelated living donor,
but an exact match.
No questions. Do it. Now.
Should I be afraid to ask what
you're doing in this part of town?
We're not sure. What happened?
Some lowlife named Benny Ritter
had a kidney removed.
Not that he could tell us.
He was found sedated.
- Who is he?
- Drug dealer.
Busted last week,
out on a technicality.
Any idea who did it?
Med tech said whoever gutted him
stitched him up,
left a note, something about internal
sutures secure, morphine for pain.
- He left a note?
- Yeah, we'll definitely be looking
- for somebody with medical training.
- You can't.
I had a feeling you were gonna say
something like that.
- Want to tell me why?
- Only that it's supernatural.
I can't really tell them that.
It's the best we can do
for now, Darryl.
You're the one that said you didn't
wanna know what we were into.
But I suppose you want me
to keep you posted?
Yes, but more importantly,
just be careful.
So much for not hurting anybody.
Yeah, well, we have to find him
before the cops do.
I keep thinking if I had
just answered one of his letters...
Mr Corso, you know
that I am not Evan Stone's girlfriend.
Are you laughing at me?
Could somebody please help me?
- Hi.
- There is nothing in here
about mortals or animals
having powers,
let alone how to get the powers
out of them.
We will find something, Piper.
Okay, when? Because Dr Williamson
has already stole someone's kidney,
and what's gonna be next?
I can explain everything,
just not now. Okay, bye.
- Except for the magic monkey part?
- No, I thought I'd leave that part out.
- What's that?
- Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
It's photographers.
They're everywhere on the lawn.
Okay, close the curtains.
Okay. Hi.
There are more coming.
I'll be right there. More coming.
- Do you think they saw anything?
- Yeah, like stolen monkeys.
Who knows, but at least
they didn't see any magic.
Never mind.
I'll ask later.
Right now, I've got some bad news
about Dr Williamson.
That's the press. They're after Prue.
- Thanks.
- So, what's the bad news?
Well, simply put...
...Dr Williamson is cosmically screwed.
He's got your powers
in his mortal body.
And it took generations
to prepare you for that.
You can handle it, he can't.
- So, what's going to happen to him?
- He'll go mad.
- Just from our powers?
- Yes.
Wait, are you saying that our powers
are in our blood
and he injected himself with it?
That blood, yeah.
You see, the spell that you cast
to cure Piper changed everything.
And now it's changing
Dr Williamson.
Your magic is meant for doing good,
but in the wrong person,
somebody not ready for it,
- that need to do good things...
- Could go bad?
Real bad.
Look, Piper, it's nobody's fault, all right?
Dr Williamson chose his own path.
This is not a consequence
of anybody's actions except his own.
Still, you have to find a way
to stop him before things get worse.
If they haven't already.
Okay, I'm gonna make a potion
to separate powers
- from witches.
- They're monkeys.
With witches' blood.
I don't know what else to do.
And maybe if it works on them,
it'll work on Williamson.
All right, I gotta figure out a way
to get rid of these reporters,
otherwise we can't do anything and
figure out a way to go talk to Evan.
I'm gonna go call Morris.
He needs to know
what he's up against.
If only to keep yourself
from being exposed as witches.
- Yeah, that too.
- Piper, I'm gonna need your help.
Thank you.
You okay?
Well, considering our powers have
combined to drive a man crazy
and have put who knows
how many other people in danger...
...l'm terrific.
And cut.
Terrific, guys, print that.
Hi. Okay, I might hurt you.
My front yard is filled
with photographers.
Okay? They are watching
my every move.
Come on. It'll blow over.
You're a normal,
red-blooded American girl
with nothing to hide, right?
Right, but I can't really do my job
with flashbulbs going off in my face
every single second.
You can't fight back.
That's like struggling in quicksand.
Don't play.
Whatever energy they're throwing
at you, just pass right on by.
Because eventually
that energy comes back around,
leads them to someone else.
Okay, I really appreciate
the whole "wax on, wax off" approach,
but couldn't your people just issue
some kind of a statement?
What, are you kidding me?
They're working the bad-boy image.
Evan, please.
You got a cell phone?
Of course I do.
- Who are you calling?
- Celebrity Peep Shows.
They all use tipsters to tell them
what's going on, who's doing who.
And I'm a tipster.
Code name: Julius.
Hello, this is Julius.
Evan Stone and his new girlfriend
are at the Bayview sound stage.
They're going off to dinner.
Hurry down there
if you want to catch them.
I'd say you got 15 minutes
to get out of here.
- You know you're gonna get trampled.
- I'll handle it.
I'll just tell them I dumped you.
- I'm a bad boy, remember?
- Sure you are.
- Thanks for the flowers.
- You deserve them.
Along with that quiet, normal life
you seem to want so badly.
You're a very bad man,
Mr McNamara.
Selling guns to children.
How truly heartless of you.
Prue must've done something
to light a fire under those idiots.
They're leaving.
- Which one is that?
- Number eight.
I combined two
separation-of-power spells
with a human-from-animal
extraction spell.
Okay, I have no idea
what you just said.
I'm getting the us out of them.
And if it works, then hopefully
we'll find Dr Williamson.
- First things first.
- Right.
Okay. Prue monkey, still hungry?
- What was that?
- A delayed reaction.
- Phoebe, I think you did it.
- I did do it.
Okay. Here, I'll get it.
Tell me again I'm not hunting
down some demonic son of a bitch.
Darryl, I told you when I called,
he's a human being.
With a supernatural talent
for butchery.
In the past four hours,
this Dr Williamson has dropped off
two more coolers at hospitals,
and he's not bothering
to stitch up his victims anymore.
- He's killing people?
- Yes.
- Tell me where to find him.
- I don't know.
We've staked out all the hospitals,
but somehow he's getting in,
dropping off his gifts
and getting out
without anybody seeing him.
He's using your powers, isn't he?
Yes, but we found a way to stop him.
- Not if I stop him first.
- Darryl, don't kill him.
Have you been listening to me?
He may not give me a choice.
The two people he killed,
Frank McNamara and Arlen Jackson,
they're criminals.
But nobody deserves to die like that.
If you try to stop him, he will kill you.
Phoebe, Leo.
We have to call Prue.
I know where Williamson is.
Bobbie, it's been busy
while I was gone.
You got a buyer for these?
Because I met somebody in County
that might be able
to move them for you.
Was that his name?
Get out of here now.
- Dr Williamson.
- Piper.
Listen to me, you're sick.
You're doing terrible things.
- I'm saving lives.
- No, you're hurting people.
Piper, be careful.
We have medicine for you.
We think it might help.
You know, I really have you to thank
for all of this.
I couldn't do it without you.
Don't say that.
Take this, it'll make you better.
- We wanna help you.
- I don't want your help.
I'm doing great things.
I'm saving lives.
I got a lot of work to do.
Okay, well,
then this is for the monkeys.
And this is for my sister.
- Any luck?
- No, and I can't figure out
another way to find him.
All I have to do is locate him
through his powers.
Yeah, but his powers
are our powers.
Right, exactly. So the crystal
keeps circling our street,
and I keep finding us.
Okay, keep trying.
Guys, we need to talk about
what we're gonna do.
What do you mean?
I thought we had a plan.
I mean, we have the elixir.
No, not anymore. He trashed it.
- So we'll make more.
- With what? I have nothing left to use.
And the only shop that carries
what I need closed four hours ago.
And even if I made more elixir, Piper,
we'd never get it into him.
- He's much stronger than we are.
- Guys, he was my doctor.
- He tried to save my life, remember?
- He could've killed us, Piper.
- But he didn't.
- No, but he might be out there
right now trying to kill someone else.
Look, we need to face the fact
that he's one innocent
- that we might not be able to save.
- But he needs help.
I know that, honey.
Okay, then.
So, what are you suggesting?
You guys wanna vanquish him?
You can't be serious. He's not
a demon, he's a human being.
Not anymore.
But... Okay. We can't use our powers
to punish anyway. You know that.
Piper, we're not punishing, all right?
We're saving lives.
All you have to do is freeze him.
And then what? You're gonna move
him into the path of an oncoming bus,
drop a building on him, kill him?
Leo, tell me you found
something, anything.
Sorry. I don't think there's any way
out of this one.
I don't believe this.
I found him.
Dr Williamson.
We can help you. But you have to stop
hurting people. It's over.
If you say so.
Let's get out of here.
You should've stayed away.
Okay, Piper, freeze him. Him. Him.
- It's not working.
- Whatever you do,
do not unfreeze that thing.
You know, I'm getting
pretty good at this.
Okay, he's really strong.
I don't know how much longer
I can hold this.
Piper, you do not let that go, okay?
You do not let that go.
Okay, yelling does not help.
- Piper, when I tell you to, just let go.
- What?
We're done playing around.
Hit the deck, now.
Oh, God. Please don't die.
Come on. Look at me, come on.
Don't do this. Come on.
Come on.
Please don't die.
Piper, honey.
I'm sorry.
Bye-bye, files.
Well, at least everything's
back to normal...
...for us.
At least we're safe.
- Yeah, what about them?
- Oh, they'll be safe tomorrow
when I drop them off
at the wildlife conservatory.
Hey, watch this. You guys,
what do you think of evil?
- You're gonna miss them, aren't you?
- Yeah.
Hey, we've been wondering
where you've been.
You know what?
I have something for you.
What is this?
Ground rules, for me.
"I want a man
who hates my brand of cereal
so there will always
be some for me.
A man whose love
will catch me by surprise."
- What is this?
- It's a wish list.
I hope I find someone
as great as Leo.
You deserve the best,
and I think you found it.
So you guys don't mind
if he's hanging around a lot?
We just want you
to be happy, honey.
Are you okay?
His name was Curtis.
Whose name was Curtis?
Dr Williamson.
I read it in his medical bio.
His first name was Curtis.
He never married
because he was working all the time.
Saving lives was more important
to him than having a life of his own.
Now his life is over, and I can't help
but feel responsible for that.
We tried to save him.
But we didn't.
Because we couldn't.
I couldn't.
Should we...?
No, not this time.
- Hey, Pheebs.
Did you get the postcard from Dan?
Yeah, it sounds like
he's having a great time.
What's the matter,
is something wrong?
I got another letter
from Dr Williamson.
Williamson? Wasn't he the specialist
that treated you for Oroya fever?
That would be him.
That was months ago.
What does he want?
He wants me to come in for blood work
so he can make sure I'm cured.
An angel brought you back to life.
Trust me, you're cured.
I know, but I can't exactly
tell him that.
- So just throw the letter away.
- I have been. He keeps sending more.
Here's my granola.
What's it doing in the trash?
I just bought this two days ago.
- Who eats this besides me?
- Leo. But I'll replace it, I promise.
Piper, I don't want you to think
I mind, because I don't.
But if Leo's gonna be
living here, then I...
I think we should probably set
some ground rules, you know?
Leo doesn't live here.
He eats breakfast here.
- A lot.
- Maybe he just likes cereal.
You really think he's here that much?
He's like the big brother
I never wanted.
I mean, had.
Morning. Pheebs...
...Evan Stone, ever hear of him?
- Hello.
Red Death? I've only seen that movie,
like, five times.
Yes, I know. I'm doing a photo shoot
with him today.
How much do I hate you right now?
Unless the tabloid rumours are true,
in which case, I really hate you.
He is supposed to be...
I do not wanna know
anything about him,
I just wanna take his picture
and leave.
And I need to go get ready.
Prue, you don't think
Leo lives here, do you?
I mean, yeah, of course he does,
but, I mean, it's fine. It's...
As long as you're happy,
that's all I really care about.
Not that I was unhappy when I saw
Leo all naked in the shower
and just all... wet.
Okay, so you guys just need
to make up some ground rules,
you know, what's acceptable
and not acceptable,
and... I'm serious.
Of course I got your memo.
You can't be serious.
Have you read my report?
Ninety days ago, Piper Halliwell
was admitted with Oroya fever.
Within 24 hours,
she was completely free of the virus,
though she failed to respond
to any of the treatments.
Dr Williamson, I may be new
to San Francisco Memorial,
but I am very aware of your project.
Then you're also aware of the fact
that her recovery
- makes no clinical sense.
- True.
But your subsequent tests failed
to reveal anything out of the ordinary.
Look, I just need more time.
I've only injected the primates
with samples of
the Halliwells' blood this morning.
Piper Halliwell is fine.
I want you to forget about her and
concentrate on people who are sick.
I am. Somewhere in this blood
could be the key
to unlocking a universal antibody.
And if I agreed with you, we wouldn't
be having this conversation.
- You will not terminate this project.
- Dr Williamson,
I believe I already have.
I am not giving up.
All right, Prue.
Let's see how this affects you.
I said, be quiet!
- I have some time between appoint...
- Wait.
Dr Jeffries?
So I thought we might discuss...
How did you get over there?
- What happened in here?
- I had an accident.
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
- What happened to your neck?
- Nothing.
Listen, I need to get ahold
of the Halliwells immediately.
I told you that project's
been terminated.
Maybe you should take some time off.
You've been under a lot of pressure.
And I understand
your sister's been sick.
And I told you I need to get ahold
of the Halliwells immediately.
I want you cleared out of this lab
by the end of the day.
Get the PA to do it.
- Can you give me a hand with this?
- All right.
Tell him to get back here, all right?
I'm tired of waiting.
- Evan Stone?
- Yes?
Hi, I think we have a date.
I'm Prue Halliwell, 415 Magazine.
Ring security. I think I found
another tabloid photographer.
Me? No, I am not with a tabloid.
I'm with 415.
- I have an appointment.
- Sorry.
We've had photographers
sneaking in here all week.
That's why I'm here.
I'm Lucy, Evan's publicist.
And this is a temporary ID.
- This could be a problem.
- Yeah, that's because
I'm a new employee of the magazine.
You can call Gil Corso,
I'm sure he'd be happy to confirm it.
I'll keep an eye on her
while you do that.
So, what happens if Mr Corso
is in a meeting?
What, you send me flying
with a tenchi nage kick?
I have an earth throw.
You know aikido.
Yeah, well, it comes in...
...handy with my line of work.
The photography business
must be rougher than I thought.
Only when publicists
don't trust temporary IDs.
Lucy's a really cool person.
Newly promoted, just struggling
to control her new power, that's all.
Yeah, I can certainly relate to that.
Ever done it on a cloud?
I don't know,
does a feather bed count?
- Phoebe. I thought you were Piper.
- Well, it is her room.
- I am so sorry.
- No. No worries.
I mean, it could happen to anyone,
especially someone
that doesn't have to knock
to come in, you know?
You're so right.
But this will never happen again.
- You have my word.
- Okay. And you have my word
that I won't tell Piper.
Good idea.
I'm just leaving now.
- She's in the kitchen.
- Thanks.
Item number two:
Orbing in unannounced.
You're calling me at home?
Yes, Ms Halliwell. I need you to meet
me at my lab as soon as possible.
- I'm not going anywhere.
- Look, you don't understand.
- This is very important.
- Goodbye, doctor.
Look, I need your...
Leo, hi.
- Everything okay?
- I don't know.
That was Dr Williamson.
He's been sending me letters,
trying to get me back to the hospital
for follow-up tests.
And I'm not going.
What are you doing here? Don't tell
me there's a demon running around.
No. I just figured
since it was your day off,
maybe you could spend it with me.
- Did you, now?
- Yes, I did.
- You sure you're all right?
- Yeah.
I mean, it's not like
he's ever gonna figure out
that you were the one who saved me,
so I'm not gonna worry about it
because there's nothing
to worry about.
- Ms Halliwell?
- No, this is Nurse Jordan,
your sister's nurse.
I was wondering if you could...
- Is she okay?
- You need to get to your sister's room
- as soon as possible.
- I'll be right there.
Can you just lift your chin a little bit?
Because there's a shadow.
- What a cute monkey.
- Monkey?
Yeah, he's right behind you.
What are you talking about?
Okay, thanks.
- You're leaving?
- Yeah, I'm finished.
- We just got started.
- Right, and...
...I got a great shot,
it was perfect.
Ms Halliwell.
Your car keys.
You can shoot my picture
anytime, Ms Halliwell.
Thank you.
Hey, you are never going to believe
what happened today.
Yes, I will. I saw Notting Hill.
What are you talking about?
They're from Evan.
I hope you're happy.
You're stealing away my dream man.
"Prue, what really happened? Evan."
- Something happened?
- Yes, but not with Evan Stone.
Is Piper here?
Yeah, she's in the living room
with Leo, again.
Piper, Leo.
So are you gonna tell me
why he sent you flowers?
You know, I just have no idea.
And they say the youngest
is the most naive.
- Prue, you're back early.
- Yes, I am.
That's because a monkey
astral-projected to me on the set today.
A monkey?
- Astral-projected?
- Yeah, and it waved at me, okay?
Like it knew me or something.
I think it wanted my help.
Honey, I think you're working
way too hard.
You know, Phoebe, I saw it.
Okay, and it... And it had, like, an
ID bracelet from a hospital on its arm.
Prue, honey, I don't think
monkeys can astral-project.
- Can they?
- Not without powers.
And it would have to have
your power too, you know,
to find you, magic to magic.
My power? How can it have
my power? I have my powers.
All right, wait. So you're saying
that a monkey is sharing my powers?
Is that even possible?
After all you've seen and done
over the last two years?
You tell me what's impossible.
You said something
about a hospital wristband?
Yeah, it had a rose on it.
Did it look anything like this?
Yeah, exactly like this.
Wait, is this
the same Dr Williamson?
Yeah, he's been
sending me requests for weeks,
and he called this morning
and said he wanted to see me.
- What?
- Wait, you didn't tell me he called you.
Well, there was nothing to say.
I hung up on him.
Do you think he found out
about our powers?
B. O.S.
B. O.S. Oh, Book of Shadows,
Book of Shadows.
- They say it's important.
- Okay.
- Come back soon.
- Okay.
My wife is dying.
She's 33rd on the wait list, Curtis.
She's not gonna live long enough
to get a kidney.
There's nothing I can do,
Larry. I'm sorry.
No, no. Let me tell you
what's sorry, okay?
Look, I come here every day,
and for every minute that I'm with her,
some scumbag criminal is freed,
released on a technicality.
Curtis, listen to me.
She is your sister.
Isn't there anything you can do?
Larry, wait.
Oh, my God.
Get the crash team, get a gurney.
This man's gonna have
a heart attack.
- I said, the crash team.
- Yes, sir.
If anyone looks like
they're gonna collapse, it's you, not...
Come on, let's go. Let's get in here.
Get his leg. Got him? All right,
give me two cc of adrenaline.
- How did you know?
- He's gone into full arrest.
- Check his airway. Bag him.
- Is an IV started?
- What's his pulse?
- 90/60, doctor.
Let's start compressions.
Listen, I'll save Edie too. I promise.
- You gotta get it up.
- Give me that lidocaine.
I need a list of all the criminals
who were admitted and released
from the hospital jail ward.
Wow, what a mess.
Well, too bad we can't ask them
where Williamson is.
- That's the same monkey.
- It does look like it knows you.
Okay, it looks like
they know all of us. Come on.
He named them after us.
That's really scary.
All right, we need to
take a look around
and make sure there's
nothing else here that could expose us.
Well, maybe that's why the monkey
projected to you, Prue.
Maybe she was trying to warn you.
- All of these files say "Halliwell."
- Yeah, well, look at all these tests
that he took. Okay, and not just
on blood that he took from you,
but blood that he took
from Phoebe and me.
He has spent months
trying to figure out
how I survived the Oroya fever.
Yeah, well, this grant request
says that he's searching
for the universal antibody.
Maybe he thought
it was in your blood.
Piper, Phoebe.
Okay, so I think it's safe to say
that Dr Williamson
probably knows about us.
Do you think he's been injecting
our blood into those monkeys?
I don't know, but we need
to get them out of here
before somebody walks in,
sees something flying,
and everybody finds out about us.
Okay, not only does Williamson
know about our powers,
but he's got
one of them: Telekinesis.
Wait a minute. You remember
what he was like when I was sick.
He had the CDC here, the media.
If we don't stop him,
the monkeys aren't gonna be
the only ones in cages.
Well, it seems as though
you've stiffed me 30 hits.
Oh, you know what?
Let me tell you something.
I don't touch this stuff, all right?
I just sell it...
You Benny Ritter?
What are you doing?
That's my door, man.
- What the hell is this?
- House call.
Man, I gotta get up.
No. No, no.
- Okay, Piper, now.
- Wait.
A Showbiz Tonight exclusive.
Who is this mystery woman
in Evan Stone's life?
Why did he send her flowers?
Tune in tonight and find out.
I thought you said nothing happened.
Yeah, he was just returning
my car keys.
Hi. Hello, bigger problems.
It was more than a miracle.
It was as if he was clairvoyant.
He said his brother-in-law
was going to have a heart attack,
and ten seconds later, he collapsed.
And he could tell that
just by looking at him?
No, he touched him first.
I'll take premonitions
for 500, Alex.
Excuse me. I'm a patient
of Dr Williamson.
- Do you know where I might find him?
- The records room.
Okay, thank you.
So he's using our powers in public.
- At least he's not hurting anyone.
- Yet.
Williamson's long gone.
Wait, he came in here for a reason.
It's a list of names and addresses
of people who were admitted
into the jail ward in the hospital.
Benny Ritter is highlighted.
Accessed by Dr C. Williamson.
I've taken care of everything.
You're going to be okay.
A lot of people are gonna be okay.
Get my sister prepped and ready
for a kidney transplant.
Tissue typing and cross matching
are confirmed.
Unrelated living donor,
but an exact match.
No questions. Do it. Now.
Should I be afraid to ask what
you're doing in this part of town?
We're not sure. What happened?
Some lowlife named Benny Ritter
had a kidney removed.
Not that he could tell us.
He was found sedated.
- Who is he?
- Drug dealer.
Busted last week,
out on a technicality.
Any idea who did it?
Med tech said whoever gutted him
stitched him up,
left a note, something about internal
sutures secure, morphine for pain.
- He left a note?
- Yeah, we'll definitely be looking
- for somebody with medical training.
- You can't.
I had a feeling you were gonna say
something like that.
- Want to tell me why?
- Only that it's supernatural.
I can't really tell them that.
It's the best we can do
for now, Darryl.
You're the one that said you didn't
wanna know what we were into.
But I suppose you want me
to keep you posted?
Yes, but more importantly,
just be careful.
So much for not hurting anybody.
Yeah, well, we have to find him
before the cops do.
I keep thinking if I had
just answered one of his letters...
Mr Corso, you know
that I am not Evan Stone's girlfriend.
Are you laughing at me?
Could somebody please help me?
- Hi.
- There is nothing in here
about mortals or animals
having powers,
let alone how to get the powers
out of them.
We will find something, Piper.
Okay, when? Because Dr Williamson
has already stole someone's kidney,
and what's gonna be next?
I can explain everything,
just not now. Okay, bye.
- Except for the magic monkey part?
- No, I thought I'd leave that part out.
- What's that?
- Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
It's photographers.
They're everywhere on the lawn.
Okay, close the curtains.
Okay. Hi.
There are more coming.
I'll be right there. More coming.
- Do you think they saw anything?
- Yeah, like stolen monkeys.
Who knows, but at least
they didn't see any magic.
Never mind.
I'll ask later.
Right now, I've got some bad news
about Dr Williamson.
That's the press. They're after Prue.
- Thanks.
- So, what's the bad news?
Well, simply put...
...Dr Williamson is cosmically screwed.
He's got your powers
in his mortal body.
And it took generations
to prepare you for that.
You can handle it, he can't.
- So, what's going to happen to him?
- He'll go mad.
- Just from our powers?
- Yes.
Wait, are you saying that our powers
are in our blood
and he injected himself with it?
That blood, yeah.
You see, the spell that you cast
to cure Piper changed everything.
And now it's changing
Dr Williamson.
Your magic is meant for doing good,
but in the wrong person,
somebody not ready for it,
- that need to do good things...
- Could go bad?
Real bad.
Look, Piper, it's nobody's fault, all right?
Dr Williamson chose his own path.
This is not a consequence
of anybody's actions except his own.
Still, you have to find a way
to stop him before things get worse.
If they haven't already.
Okay, I'm gonna make a potion
to separate powers
- from witches.
- They're monkeys.
With witches' blood.
I don't know what else to do.
And maybe if it works on them,
it'll work on Williamson.
All right, I gotta figure out a way
to get rid of these reporters,
otherwise we can't do anything and
figure out a way to go talk to Evan.
I'm gonna go call Morris.
He needs to know
what he's up against.
If only to keep yourself
from being exposed as witches.
- Yeah, that too.
- Piper, I'm gonna need your help.
Thank you.
You okay?
Well, considering our powers have
combined to drive a man crazy
and have put who knows
how many other people in danger...
...l'm terrific.
And cut.
Terrific, guys, print that.
Hi. Okay, I might hurt you.
My front yard is filled
with photographers.
Okay? They are watching
my every move.
Come on. It'll blow over.
You're a normal,
red-blooded American girl
with nothing to hide, right?
Right, but I can't really do my job
with flashbulbs going off in my face
every single second.
You can't fight back.
That's like struggling in quicksand.
Don't play.
Whatever energy they're throwing
at you, just pass right on by.
Because eventually
that energy comes back around,
leads them to someone else.
Okay, I really appreciate
the whole "wax on, wax off" approach,
but couldn't your people just issue
some kind of a statement?
What, are you kidding me?
They're working the bad-boy image.
Evan, please.
You got a cell phone?
Of course I do.
- Who are you calling?
- Celebrity Peep Shows.
They all use tipsters to tell them
what's going on, who's doing who.
And I'm a tipster.
Code name: Julius.
Hello, this is Julius.
Evan Stone and his new girlfriend
are at the Bayview sound stage.
They're going off to dinner.
Hurry down there
if you want to catch them.
I'd say you got 15 minutes
to get out of here.
- You know you're gonna get trampled.
- I'll handle it.
I'll just tell them I dumped you.
- I'm a bad boy, remember?
- Sure you are.
- Thanks for the flowers.
- You deserve them.
Along with that quiet, normal life
you seem to want so badly.
You're a very bad man,
Mr McNamara.
Selling guns to children.
How truly heartless of you.
Prue must've done something
to light a fire under those idiots.
They're leaving.
- Which one is that?
- Number eight.
I combined two
separation-of-power spells
with a human-from-animal
extraction spell.
Okay, I have no idea
what you just said.
I'm getting the us out of them.
And if it works, then hopefully
we'll find Dr Williamson.
- First things first.
- Right.
Okay. Prue monkey, still hungry?
- What was that?
- A delayed reaction.
- Phoebe, I think you did it.
- I did do it.
Okay. Here, I'll get it.
Tell me again I'm not hunting
down some demonic son of a bitch.
Darryl, I told you when I called,
he's a human being.
With a supernatural talent
for butchery.
In the past four hours,
this Dr Williamson has dropped off
two more coolers at hospitals,
and he's not bothering
to stitch up his victims anymore.
- He's killing people?
- Yes.
- Tell me where to find him.
- I don't know.
We've staked out all the hospitals,
but somehow he's getting in,
dropping off his gifts
and getting out
without anybody seeing him.
He's using your powers, isn't he?
Yes, but we found a way to stop him.
- Not if I stop him first.
- Darryl, don't kill him.
Have you been listening to me?
He may not give me a choice.
The two people he killed,
Frank McNamara and Arlen Jackson,
they're criminals.
But nobody deserves to die like that.
If you try to stop him, he will kill you.
Phoebe, Leo.
We have to call Prue.
I know where Williamson is.
Bobbie, it's been busy
while I was gone.
You got a buyer for these?
Because I met somebody in County
that might be able
to move them for you.
Was that his name?
Get out of here now.
- Dr Williamson.
- Piper.
Listen to me, you're sick.
You're doing terrible things.
- I'm saving lives.
- No, you're hurting people.
Piper, be careful.
We have medicine for you.
We think it might help.
You know, I really have you to thank
for all of this.
I couldn't do it without you.
Don't say that.
Take this, it'll make you better.
- We wanna help you.
- I don't want your help.
I'm doing great things.
I'm saving lives.
I got a lot of work to do.
Okay, well,
then this is for the monkeys.
And this is for my sister.
- Any luck?
- No, and I can't figure out
another way to find him.
All I have to do is locate him
through his powers.
Yeah, but his powers
are our powers.
Right, exactly. So the crystal
keeps circling our street,
and I keep finding us.
Okay, keep trying.
Guys, we need to talk about
what we're gonna do.
What do you mean?
I thought we had a plan.
I mean, we have the elixir.
No, not anymore. He trashed it.
- So we'll make more.
- With what? I have nothing left to use.
And the only shop that carries
what I need closed four hours ago.
And even if I made more elixir, Piper,
we'd never get it into him.
- He's much stronger than we are.
- Guys, he was my doctor.
- He tried to save my life, remember?
- He could've killed us, Piper.
- But he didn't.
- No, but he might be out there
right now trying to kill someone else.
Look, we need to face the fact
that he's one innocent
- that we might not be able to save.
- But he needs help.
I know that, honey.
Okay, then.
So, what are you suggesting?
You guys wanna vanquish him?
You can't be serious. He's not
a demon, he's a human being.
Not anymore.
But... Okay. We can't use our powers
to punish anyway. You know that.
Piper, we're not punishing, all right?
We're saving lives.
All you have to do is freeze him.
And then what? You're gonna move
him into the path of an oncoming bus,
drop a building on him, kill him?
Leo, tell me you found
something, anything.
Sorry. I don't think there's any way
out of this one.
I don't believe this.
I found him.
Dr Williamson.
We can help you. But you have to stop
hurting people. It's over.
If you say so.
Let's get out of here.
You should've stayed away.
Okay, Piper, freeze him. Him. Him.
- It's not working.
- Whatever you do,
do not unfreeze that thing.
You know, I'm getting
pretty good at this.
Okay, he's really strong.
I don't know how much longer
I can hold this.
Piper, you do not let that go, okay?
You do not let that go.
Okay, yelling does not help.
- Piper, when I tell you to, just let go.
- What?
We're done playing around.
Hit the deck, now.
Oh, God. Please don't die.
Come on. Look at me, come on.
Don't do this. Come on.
Come on.
Please don't die.
Piper, honey.
I'm sorry.
Bye-bye, files.
Well, at least everything's
back to normal...
...for us.
At least we're safe.
- Yeah, what about them?
- Oh, they'll be safe tomorrow
when I drop them off
at the wildlife conservatory.
Hey, watch this. You guys,
what do you think of evil?
- You're gonna miss them, aren't you?
- Yeah.
Hey, we've been wondering
where you've been.
You know what?
I have something for you.
What is this?
Ground rules, for me.
"I want a man
who hates my brand of cereal
so there will always
be some for me.
A man whose love
will catch me by surprise."
- What is this?
- It's a wish list.
I hope I find someone
as great as Leo.
You deserve the best,
and I think you found it.
So you guys don't mind
if he's hanging around a lot?
We just want you
to be happy, honey.
Are you okay?
His name was Curtis.
Whose name was Curtis?
Dr Williamson.
I read it in his medical bio.
His first name was Curtis.
He never married
because he was working all the time.
Saving lives was more important
to him than having a life of his own.
Now his life is over, and I can't help
but feel responsible for that.
We tried to save him.
But we didn't.
Because we couldn't.
I couldn't.
Should we...?
No, not this time.