Castle Rock (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 1 - Episode #2.1 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ We're coming
to the edge ♪

♪ Running on the water ♪

♪ Coming through the fog,
your sons and daughters ♪

♪ Let the river run ♪

♪ Let all the dreamers ♪

♪ Wake the nation ♪

♪ Come ♪

♪ The New Jerusalem ♪

♪ Silver cities rise ♪

♪ The morning lights ♪

♪ The streets that meet them ♪

♪ And sirens call them on ♪

♪ With a song ♪

♪ It's asking for the taking ♪

♪ Trembling, shaking ♪

- ♪ Oh ♪
- Joy.

- Shall we?
- To the Laughing Place.

To the Laughing Place.

♪ Coming through the fog ♪

♪ Your sons and daughters ♪

♪ We the great and small ♪

♪ Stand on a star ♪

♪ And blaze a trail
of desire ♪

♪ Through the darkening dawn ♪

♪ It's asking
for the taking ♪

♪ Come run with me now,
the sky is color of blue ♪

♪ You've never even seen
in the eyes of your lover ♪

♪ My heart is aching ♪

- ♪ We're coming to the edge ♪
- ♪ Running on the water ♪

- ♪ Coming through the fog ♪
- ♪ Your sons and daughters ♪

♪ It's asking
for the taking ♪

♪ Trembling, shaking ♪

♪ Oh, my heart is aching ♪

- ♪ We're coming to the edge ♪
- ♪ Running on the water ♪

- ♪ Coming through the fog ♪
- ♪ Your sons and daughters ♪

♪ Let the river run ♪

♪ Let the river run ♪

♪ Let all the dreamers ♪

♪ Come ♪

♪ The New Jerusalem ♪

You're North Dakota.

Your plate's North Dakota.

One of the only suckers
we haven't got.

"Plate from every state."

It's a little game
my boy and I play in the car.

You gotta pass the time.

Oh, surely do, but...

oh, goodness,
I hate to even ask you this.

What was that?

It's just, my girl and I...

We're taking a little break
from the internet.

We've had some trouble online.

Oh, no.

Would you terribly mind

deleting those pics
you just snapped?

Of course, ma'am.


Appreciate you.



Let's go with a gas leak.

No arson.
Too much paperwork.

Place wasn't worth that much
to begin with.



Hi, hi.


And what do we get in return?

A slap in the face.

Somalis took what they needed

when they needed it,
and now that they're dug in,

guess what, we don't even get
a "thank you."

We sure as hell don't get
a return on our investment.

If they put a prayer room
in that new mall, folks,

guess what...

They're smart, these folks,
and we've been stupid.

And now they're taking it all.

Not just our business either.
Our land.

They've been sweeping up
old buildings

and property all around
Salem's Lot for years.

Grounds we've
learned fell over decades

'cause of one old ghost story
or another.

...400th anniversary.

Hey. Go ahead.
Tie me that. Give it up.

Here is your money, all right?

- Where's your weekly?
- Here you go.

You, give it up.

- Pay up.
- Here.

Let's go.

The fuck's this?
This is my two weeks' notice.

I'll be closing down.
I'm moving to Abdi's new mall.

You, too, you piece of shit?

Keep the money.

Please, Ace, I pay what I owe.

Oh, no, Naji.

Please, keep it.

You're not going anywhere.

Is that that piece of shit?

Get the fuck out of my way.

Touch me again,
you fucking rake!

- Touch me again!
- You need to step back.

Abdi, get the fuck out here!

You fucking prick.


Looking to rent a stall?

Get of your own shitty mall?

We can help you with that.

We have friends and family rate.

You're not my fucking family,

and you never were,
you adopted piece of shit.

Hey, hey, hey.
Back up. Back up.

It's just business, right?
That's what Pop taught me.

You know why you got this land?

'Cause no one else
fucking wants it.

Haunted, right?

Ghosts of the white people
who used to live here?

Who were those?

The witches or the slave owners?

- Stop poaching my tenants.
- Hey, hey, hey.

Go back to your fucking car.


You give that landlord
two lanes.

You understand?


He seems okay.

He's not.

After the accident,
he didn't even charge us to tow the car.


Nothing's for free
with a man like that,

believe you me.

- Mom.
- Joy.

If you can't see how that dirty
bird's been looking at us...

I haven't taught you anything.

Are you okay?

You seem a little...

you know.

This isn't about me.

You know, if... if you're not
feeling like yourself,

you can tell me.

I just mean, you haven't had
your medicine in a week, right?

I'm getting more pills
at the hospital today.

Don't you worry one little bit.

After I finish school stuff,
can I go to the store?

To get more drawing paper.

I got you some two towns ago.

We're not millionaires, Joy.

I don't know, I'm just... I'm
feeling a little cabin-fevery.

I haven't been out of the house
in a week.

Little love...

This town is not a good place.

Not just that dirty bird.

He's the roach you can see.

The rest are in the walls.

I've heard things.


Kids vanishing into thin air.

Okay, Mom.

Just a couple more days.

We'll get the car fixed
good as new.

We'll be back on the road
in no time.

To where?

The Laughing Place, of course.

Montreal, still?

Why not?

I need to get ready
for my interview.

When I'm gone, you don't open up
that door for anyone, understand?

How many shifts are you after?

How's April looking for you?

Oh, I'm just passing through.

Your ad said
you needed temp RNs.

Okay, you on any medications?

- No.
- State screening.

Now even temp RNs have to list.

Annie: Oh, well, vitamin D.

Docs love to push
the vitamin D, right?

Okay, then, just need
two forms of ID, Ms. Ingalls.

Birth certificate.

It's a copy.
I hope that's okay.

Nurses' station.
This is Eric.

Salem's Lot's
we get all the greatest hits.

Appendicitis, vaccines,

Intakes from Castle Rock,
you're looking at 70-80% ODs.

All NARCAN all the time.

Drugs are all in there.

Only docs and nurse
practitioners have the passcode.

Seems like a lot of extra work.

Mm, new state regs
'cause of all the damn junkies.

Can I help you with something?

Depakote, 125 for room three.

She needs an adjustment.
Can you find what you need?

Sure thing.

Oh, keypad's fritzing again.

You know, Dr. H has
an override key.

She'll bring you in.


How on Earth...

After months of renovations,

inmates are finally
returning home to Shawshank

after spending most of last year
dispersed across the northeast.

Of course, not everyone
is happy to be back,

in light of all that's
transpired within these walls.

Orderly to admitting.

Orderly to admitting.

We've had to keep this locked.

Thanks, Dr. H.

♪ New Jersey Turnpike ♪

♪ Riding on a wet night ♪

♪ 'Neath the refinery's glow ♪

♪ Out where the great
black rivers flow ♪

♪ License, registration ♪

♪ I ain't got none ♪

Tell Sheriff Boucher

that if another one
of his rookies

puts a fucking parking ticket
on my truck...

There won't be any Christmas
in the Boucher household.

Your per diem's
in the Crisco can.

♪ Please don't stop me ♪

You break it, you bought it.

Two more tenants leaving
me early for Abdi's mall.

Leaving you?

That's a fucking mystery.
Who'd want to leave you?

You could've put an end
to this shit.

Could I have?

That fucking land Abdi got
for a song and a handjob?

That was imminent domain.

One call to the fucking
state board, no new mall.

You could have stuck your dick
in and ended this whole thing.

That what you want?
Me sticking my dick in?

Fuck, thought you wanted
to be in charge.

You just served me up
to him and the rakes.

Jesus Christ, Pop, you gotta tell
Abdi, "Cut this shit out."

We're gonna lose everything!

No, the mall, your house,

everything you fucking have,
I gave you.

You gave me shit,
I took what I deserved.

Remember, Sergeant Major?

You'd be wise
not to bring that up again.

♪ Water couldn't
end me ♪

♪ Something, something,
un-friend me ♪

♪ Would you burn for me? ♪

♪ Take my place at the stake? ♪

♪ While I'm still awake? ♪

Too loud?

Oh, no, it's... it's pretty.

It's a work in progress
probably forever.

It's about witches.


Like in The Wizard of Oz?

Uh, yeah,
but more like Satanists.

There used to be a bunch of them

that lived around here
like a million years ago.


Before they burned them all out.

Makes sense.

Probably witches buried
right under our feet.

That's cool too.

You okay?

You were in the accident, right?

They said your mom
didn't want an ambulance.

Uh, yeah, she...
She's a nurse, so...

It must have been the money.

They really fuck you
on ambulances.


I'm Chance.


Come on.

It's freak time.

♪ With all my friends,
feeling good ♪




Oh, car crash girl.

Her name is Joy.

Hey, Joy.

This is Vera, Cabin 9...


And this is Timothy, Cabin 14.


Where you from?

Oh, I don't know.
All over, I guess.

Um, but we're stranded here
because of the crash.

You got any pictures?

Your car must have been
fucked up.

Oh, I don't have a phone.

Why not?

Phones give you brain cancer.

Or, at least,
that's what my mom says.

Man, you need a phone.

That's like the only good thing
about this dump, is free wi-fi.

Here, take a shot.

- Oh.
- No.

Ah, come on, Crash.

- You're better than that.

Ms. Ingalls.

You, uh, find a way out
of Castle Rock, let me know.

Working on it.

Thought maybe you, uh,
decided to stay.

- No.
- Oh.

Heard you picked up a shift
or two over at Deville.

I'm, uh... I'm friends
with some of the docs.

Is the windshield in?

Uh, no, ma'am, sorry.

I, uh... I spoke to them
this morning.

But, hey, I'll... I'll tell Jeep

no more business with them
until it's here.

Local fucking news coming to watch them
pour foundation at a construction site.

Fucking rakes pour
a concrete floor, that's news?

Hope Abdi falls in
and fucking dies.

There's some news I can use.

Can I help you, 19?

Pop said no more fucking
with the Star Gazer guests.

She's got crazy
in her eyes, that one.

Even her own daughter
looks afraid of her.

She's a nurse, asshole.

A nurse whose fucking plates
don't match her VIN.

So now you're the DMV?

Trust me,
she's running from something.

So what's that shit with Abdi?

I thought you wanted
to be left the fuck out of it?

He's... he's your
fucking stepbrother.

Please don't do anything stupid.


Whose side you on, little bro?

Did you like it?

- Oh, shit.
- Mom?

They're just some new friends.

- Brats.
- How do you know?

- Because they live here.
- So do we!

Not for long.

I don't know anyone
except for you

and... and nobody knows me!

But maybe we ended up here
for a reason.

Maybe this is
the Laughing Place.

It's not.

Joy, I will always do anything,

everything to keep you safe,
keep you whole,

and give you the life
that you deserve.

Not this awful, false thing
that passes as life,

that people in places like this
say is life.

It isn't.

Now, people in places like this
will tell you

the trash on the highway
shoulder is all there is

and you should
chase after that trash

as it blows in the filthy wind,

and they will try
to make you one of them.

They'll say, "Oh, there's no
such thing as standards anymore."

And they will call that freedom,

but it's their freedom
to make you trash...

Their trash...
So they can use you

and own you
and throw you away...

- Mom...
- But I won't let them!

It'll be blood on Christmas
before I let them, Joy!

I'll throw my blamed body
between you and anybody!


Did you get any pills
at the hospital?

Is this an emergency?

You need help!
Mom, can you hear me?

I... I'm worried about you.
Please, Mom, talk to me!

His calves bulged
in his breeches,

evidence of hard climbs
and hard ridings,

even as his belly had flatten
to nothing.

He had been in the Highlands,
that much she could see

from the concavity
of his cheeks.

Big real estate mogul sleeping
on his sister's couch?

Try not to kill
anyone today, yeah?


Dr. Pazold dial 6277?

Dr. Pazold dial 6277.

Hey, Dr. H.

You got the override key
to the pharmacy?

We're getting
another punch code error.

I left it at home, I think.

Keeping track of the little
things is not my skill set.

I'll call security.

Hey, do you know who did this?

I think it was
the new girl, Anne.


That's mine.

It's lovely.

Belonged to my mother.

Darn clasp is loose.

My staff, they're telling me
you're doing good work here.


- Hey, Dr. H?
- Yeah?

Your dad's here to see you.

You smoking in my office?

What, this?

Better than my chemo.

Hey, kid.

Isn't your appointment Friday?

Yeah, well, I wanted
to see you before then.

What's wrong?

- I think I'm dying.
- Not if I can help it.

I didn't come back to New England's
asshole for you to croak on me.

Wow, did you learn that
bedside manner at Harvard?

Skipped that day.

Guess you wasted your money.

No, seeing you
in that white coat?

I could check out tomorrow
knowing I done one good thing.

Don't say that.

You need to talk
to your brother.

- Pop.
- It's important.

He's still staying in that
guest shack of yours, yeah?

You and I had a deal.

Deal's only as good
as its weakest link.

- And that's Abdi?
- That's Ace.


Abdi's been poaching
Ace's tenants six months early.

Is it poaching if he's just
giving them a better deal?

Ace doesn't read
The Economist, Nadia.

Tell Abdi to go easy.

This'll take care of itself.

I don't get involved
in that side.

That was our deal.

- "Do no harm."
- First day of class.

Money well spent, Pop.

- I hope so.
- Hmm.

See you at your
appointment Friday.

And whatever green cultivation
you're smoking, cut it in half.

Talk to your brother.


Scale the rooftops.

Did you like it?

- The whole building?
- I'm not sure. I'll check.

I'm trying to call out.

Give it a minute or two,
the generator will kick in.

you like it? Did you like it?

Did you like it?

Did you like it?


What are you doing?

I just... I fell and...


Four needs Zofran.

The blackout really got to her,
so I need to get in.

Well, security
will be here soon.


Dr. H left her override key
at home again.

You know,
Dr. H has an override key.

She'll bring you in.

- Anne?
- Take what you need.

Anne, are you okay?

Never mind.

Understaffed, underpaid.

You know, I've been stuck on
overnights for the last week,

I'm exhausted.

♪ Too hard too long ♪

♪ All over
just one more time ♪

Eric Parker to the ER.

Eric Parker to ER.

Ace Merrill?

You know who I am.

There was a fire
last night in Salem's Lot.

Abdi and
Nadia Howlwadaag's house.

Where were you last night?

Can we come in and ask you
a couple of questions?

Yeah, and I don't see
a fucking warrant.

Hi, Doc.

Just grabbing a Zofran for six.

- Anne?
- Mm-hmm?

There's nobody in six.

I know that.

I... what I meant was
I was grabbing one for...

Anne, stop.


I lost the chart.

I forgot the rules...
What are you stealing?

Oxycontin? Fentanyl?

- You're an addict.
- No, no, no, I swear.

- So you're selling the drugs.
- No!

I'm gonna call the cops
if you don't tell me

what you're doing here
right now.

I'm not right.

I've got these things
in my mind.

People running around
and memories.

I stumped 'em, though.

The headshrinkers,
they couldn't diagnose me.

They could not make me right,
but I found the recipe.

What recipe?

Risperdal, Haldol, Lithium.


You're stealing antipsychotics.


Because I can't...
Those go on my chart,

the state association sees that,

I can't work in a hospital.

I need my pills.

Because Joy,
she needs the real me.

The right me.

And the good Lord knows,
there's more to all of us,

and not all of it's good

but I am trying...

for Joy.

Joy is your daughter?

I lost my own mom
when I was about her age,

so I know...

I know how hard
it would be for her

if I couldn't...

What are the doses?

- What?
- Risperdal, Haldol, Lithium.

How much?

40, 20, 10.

Risper... I'll have to make
a couple of small adjustments.

We'll use samples
and off-labels, but...

you'll get what you need.

The rules.

As long as you're
working at this hospital,

I can cover you.

But... why are you...

If more people took Lithium
and not Oxy,

this would be
a much better world.

But if you feel an episode
coming on, call me.

Thank you.

Where'd you find it?

I thought I left my key at home.

Behind your desk.

It fell.

Okay, and this
and, uh, your keys.

So you got Old Bessie back?

I did.

And some medicine?


So we're leaving?

We're searchers, you and me.

My dad, your grandpa...
That good old guy,

they don't make men like that,
little love... not anymore.

Now they just make dirty birds
and paper fakes.

No heroes, no real men,
sorry to say.

But my dad was one of them,
and he would say to me,

"Annie, there are two kinds
of people that made America:

searchers and settlers."

He was a searcher,
Dad, your grandpa.

He settled for nothing,
that one.

And my mom, she was a settler.

You set her down anywhere
and she would make a home.

She would make it perfect,

and she would keep
making it perfect until...

Till it said uncle, you know?

And me, well...

I'm kind of a funny old
oogy mess of both.

All mixed up sometimes,
but good things besides

and always, always your best
interests at heart, Joy.

See, I'm a searcher
who just wants to settle.

Wants it bad.

I just can't seem
to find a place to alight.

Can't seem to find
that Laughing Place

that'll live up to you...

my perfection.

I'm not saying this is it,
but I am saying

you deserve a chance
to see... to settle a little,

make a place in the world.


anywhere could be the Laughing
Place if we're there together.

Even here.



What's this for?

You've been cooped up
long enough.

Why don't you go get yourself
some drawing paper?

By myself?

How else are you gonna
draw us up a better world?

Ace did some KKK shit.

Trying to burn us both alive.

- Ace?
- Thank God you weren't here.

This has to stop, Abdi.

It will.

Put that away!
Do not make things worse.

With the 400th
anniversary approaching,

rumors that
witch trials happened

near this part
of Salem's Lot abound,

but that hasn't stop

It may not look like much yet,

but once the foundation
is poured tomorrow,

rest assured, the new
Somali mall will rise up...

Change your language.


Your daughter here?

What are you doing in my house?

You're dripping.

She gets out at night, that kid.

Gets out...

gets into shit.

Other people's shit.

Get out.

You've heard of
"landlord may enter"?

That's state law.
I'm the landlord.

I may enter.

Landlord's gotta do
his own background checks.

You're not the first lammer
showed up here paying cash,

driving around
with fictitious plates.

I'll call the police.

See, Anne Ingalls
from Pepin, Wisconsin

just might do that.

But Annie Wilkes
from Bakersfield, California

sure as shit would not.

I'm happy to provide free
internet access to all our guests

as long as I get to ride along.

So here's the deal,
Annie Wilkes...

Your daughter saw some shit
she shouldn't have,

so you're gonna shut her up,
so I don't have...


♪ Let the river run ♪

♪ Let all the dreamers ♪

♪ Wake the nation ♪

♪ Come ♪

♪ The New Jerusalem ♪

♪ Silver cities rise ♪

♪ The morning lights ♪

♪ The streets that meet them ♪

♪ And sirens call them on ♪

♪ With a song ♪

♪ It's asking for the taking ♪

♪ Trembling ♪

♪ Shaking ♪

♪ Oh, my heart is aching ♪

♪ We're coming to the edge,
running on the water ♪

♪ Coming through the fog,
your sons and daughters ♪

♪ We the great and small ♪

♪ Stand on a star ♪

♪ And blaze a trail of desire ♪

♪ Through the darkening dawn ♪

Bad robot.