Cash Register (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 16 - Shira's Not in Charge - full transcript

Shira is tired of watching the troublesome employees like a kinder-garden teacher so she gives them all of her authority in hopes that they will start acting more responsibly.

Kan 11 presents

The end of the year has come
and with it every manager's money time.

Whether it's balance reports,
salaries, taking inventory

and whether it's... a smiles Excel.
-A smiles Excel?

It's this managerial trick
that I developed as an adjutancy officer.

Throughout the year I watch
the employees to see who comes in

with a smile
and I jot it down in my smiles Excel.

Good morning, Ramzi.
-Good morning, Biggy. Good morning.

Smile the shift.


Good morning, Kohava.

At the end of the year
I calculate who got the most smiles

and the winner gets a prize
a book.

Steve Jobs,

with a dedication, of course,
to every smiley employee.

"Kudos to this year's
outstanding smiler!"



Renan... Renana, Kohava Shavit
can't fill out a form 101.

If she could, I would send it to you.
I don't hold back forms to...

Hold on a second.
Is it important?

May I have a minute of your time?
1.22 mins to be on the safe side.

Sadly, the employee rank
doesn't understand the stress

and pressure on management
at the end of the year.

Is it urgent?
-Yes, it's pretty urgent.

Hold on, Renana.

We unloaded a truck
of "Mushi Soft" toilet paper,

new packaging. -Okay.

Do you want us to pile them up
in the standard rectangle

or... you know,
in the innovative pyramid.

After all, new packaging.
-Ramzi... you call that urgent?

If not this, then what?

Ramzi, I'm on the phone
with the accountant and you...

Is that Ren... Renan... Renana?
-It's Renana. -How's it going, sweets?

Say hi to Red. -Ramzi!
-Forgive me.

Do as you see fit, alright?
-I believe in the rectangle method.

Though the pyramid...
Sorry. Alright.

Yes, Renana, I'm with you.

Kohava Shavit...
-Shira to cash register 2.

Shira to cash register 2.

Renana, I'll get back to you
in a few minutes.

Cancellation cash register 2.
Shira. Cancellation register 2.

Thank you.

That fat potato moves so slowly.

To eliminate doubt I meant
the potato on the conveyor.

Shira the manager is not a fat potato,
she's nothing like a potato

she's furthest from a potato.
No comparison between Shira and a potato.

Nice save, huh?

Where is she? The Maldives?

I like that. Good one.
Do me a favor, scratch my back,

I can't because of the nail polish.

Last week Esti and I decided
that the cashiers' breaks are too short.

You decided.
-For both of us.

You can't go to the bathroom,
have a cig, take a nap,

have a cig, apply nail polish,
have a cig, read celebrity news,

watch a video by Effi the Tiger,
watch Ashley Bakshi,

"Cashiers Tweet," "Defect Dad,"
"Avivit's Daily tip",

the Ladino Brothers' story
in a 20 minute break.

Basically our break is 10 minutes.
-Even more so.

Anyways, Esti and I asked Shira
to extend the breaks by law.

You asked! -Keep that up
and you won't interview with me.

Anyways, Esti and I realized
that when we have to cancel an item,

it takes Shira a minute or two to arrive
which is a kind of break too.

One cancellation and another
that's a pretty nice break.

So she's been doing cancellations
all morning, holding up the line

and driving Shira crazy.
-You say that as if it's a bad thing.

Lower, lower, lower.

Kohava Shavit... -No, no, higher.
-What's with all the cancellations?

I'm sorry, it's... the work,
it makes me nervous.

Would you mind not getting nervous
every 15 minutes, Kohava?

It's the end of the year
and I'm extremely busy.

Listen, workinq under you isn't easy.

Cancellation cash register 2.
Cancellation cash register 2.

Kohava, you... -I'm kidding,
lighten up. It was her idea.

Why are you hassling her?
It's the end of the year...


Big Boss.
-Ramzi, not now.

This time it really can't wait.

The hygienic pads,

how do you want them
distributed on the shelf?

What do you mean?
-By strength of absorption?

From the weakest to the strongest,
the ones that you use,

or just the opposite,
from the ones you use to...

Okay, Ramzi, Ramzi,
you decide, okay?

I want to go to my office,
I have to work,

I don't want to hear another thing!

How do you know what pads I use?

No means no!
-Anatoly, calm down. Heel.

Give me the short ribs.

Anatoly, the customer wants short ribs.
-The customer wants to do stir fry.

I don't let my short ribs
end their life in stir fry.

That's torture of dead animals!

These are the short ribs,
cut number 9.

Look where it's located.

It's prime location,
it's respect to the cow.

And Nissim, the idiot,
wants to sell it for stir fry!

It's like Messi playing
in a Maccabi Yavne game. Damn!

Anatoly, don't drive me nuts!
-Hey! Anatoly, Nissim, what's going on?

Thank you, Ma'am, good morning.

This idiot wants to sell short ribs
to this lady for stir fry.

It's unethical-. Its idiotic!

What do you care
what she does with her meat?

What do I care?
This is meat of my meat!

Okay. Stop, off... Enough.

Nice to meet you,
Shira Steinbuch, manager.

Our Anatoly is a very loyal butcher
and he's very... passionate about his meat.

Is it alright if Nissim gives you chuck
instead of short ribs?

I don't care, just give me something!
-You're right. You're absolutely right.

Nissim, are we done with this?
I'm going to my office. Locking...

Cancellation cash register 2, Shira.

Cancellation cash register 2.
-Not again.

Big Boss, Big Boss. -Ramzi...
-This time it really can't wait.

What? -This tomato is too small
for the regular shelf,

but too big for the cherry tomatoes.
-What are you doing?

You're telling me how to cut roast?!
-Nissim... -Cancellation! Cancellation!

I'd call the Vegetable Council...
-What are you doing? -Cancellation!

Move or I'll smack you.

Not the tendon, not the tendon.
-What are you doing? -Cancellation!




I'm at the end of my rope.

Big Boss, I am ashamed
on behalf of the entire staff.

Anatoly Kirilenko and Nissim Shimoni,
I've had it with your infantile arguments.

If you have a disagreement,
step up and solve it by yourselves.

By... yourselves.
By... -Yourselves!

Thank you, Kohava.
Assume responsibility.

Is that clear?
-Got it.

-Got it.

Ramzi, you too.
Ramzi Abed Ramzi.

Yes, don't look at me like that.

You don't have to involve me
in every ice cream outside the freezer.

What?! -And next time...
Where are you going?

You said there's ice cream
outside the freezer.

It was an example!
Seriously, concentrate!

I'm just saying that from now on...
you can decide. You!

Assume responsibility
and decide on your own.

Totally on my own?
-On your own.

At your command, Commander.

Now we come to our beloved cashiers.

To you I say,
I'm done with the cancellation saga.

Now one of you
will have the cancellation card.

Who wants it?

No thanks, I ate at home.

No problem.
Esti, you're in charge, c'est tout.

Oh joy. -What?!
Why does she get the card?

You said you don't want it.
-That was before you wanted it.

You think you'll be in charge of me?
Cancel that.

Steve Jobs writes:
"A good manager doesn't work.

"People work for him."
That's the secret,

give the employees the sense
that they can do it themselves.

So after working things out
with the staff,

I can finally make time
for the issues that really matter.

Did you happen to notice
if Chibotero smiled this morning?

Cancellation cash register 1.
Cancellation cash register 1.

Register 1, one cancellation
and Kohava's in the shade.

Cancellation cash register 1.

Roll out the carpets!
Prepare the trumpets!

Kohava Shavit, queen of cancellations
is on her way.

Where are the trumpets?


Come, David, I'll cancel for you
and gimme a cig, I put mine out.

Cancellation cash register 2.
2 now? 2 now?

It's here... -Oh...

I didn't remember if...
Excuse me. Hold on.

Here I am. What should I cancel?
-The crackers. -The crackers?

Hup, and gimme a cig.
I put mine out because of you.

Cancellation cash register 3.

I don't get it.
Do I work for you? Is it you?

How can one make such fateful decisions
on one's own?

The placement of tuna
on the shelf is not a game.

It is well known that most men
pick the first tuna they see.

If I place the tuna fillet in front,
the more costly of the tunas,

the customer is liable to go home
and be yelled at by his wife:

"Why did you buy the expensive one?
You're unemployed as it is."

And he will reply: "Excuse me,
instead of supporting me

"during these hard times,
you're admonishing me?"

"What do you say?"
"You heard me."

Then a huge argument ensues,
objects fly, separation, mediation,

the child has no relationship model,

she signs up for
"Married at First Sight" at 39.

And it all starts with me,

with my choice of what I place in front.
Tuna fillet or tuna slices.

A pyramid.

"Issachar Bounty"




Do you want me to cancel or not?

Cancellation cash registers.

What? What?
What do you want?! What?!

Here you go.
Here, that's it, done.


Well? No.
Well? Here, here.

Here, gone, no more. Cancelled.
No more use for this. Done.

Anyone else want a cancellation?

Cancelled, cancelled, cancelled.
It's all cancelled. No more. Done.

That's it, go home.
No need to wipe. Finished.

Cancellation cash register 1.

Cancellation cash register 1.

No, you cancelled the tomatoes too.
-Is it my card or yours?

You'll ask me to cancel again,
so I'm cancelling in advance.

No one cancels anymore!

You too!

Esti did it to me on purpose.

Making me think she wants to be
in charge of cancellations

so that I'll want to as well,
even though she didn't want to be.

She's not as stupid as she looks.

Cancellation cash registers.

Leave me alone already,
you evil plastic!

Hey, hey, hey! -Anatoly.
-I told you a thousand times,

no grinding Angus!
Angus isn't ground!

I was grinding meat
before you were born!

I'm 11 years older than you!
Get outta here!

Don't you tell me to get out, damn!
-Go away! -Don't touch me.

Hands off. Calm down!
-Don't you ever touch me!

That's usually the point in our argument
when Shira intervenes and separates.

But she wants us to assume responsibility
and find a solution on our own.

Her wish is our command.
-So what did you do?

We found a solution,
like two adults.

We split the meat counter in two.

"Nissim's Place..."
-And "Anatoly's Place."

Each got different cuts.
That way, no arguments.

All quiet on the front.

Okay, are all the cashiers here?

Allow me to introduce
Kohava's new cancellation policy,

which is: No cancellations.
No more, they don't exist.

No option for cancellations.

Clear? -No cancellations?
What if a customer changed his mind?

Then no cancellations.

And if he thought there's a special
and there isn't?

Ah, well in that case,
no cancellations.

And if the customer took...
-If and if and if... No cancellations.

No cancellations!
Cancellations, right? So no.

But Shira said
it's all about the customer.

Then you be all about the customer
and tell him: "No cancellations."

This doesn't make any sense.

What do we do when a customer
wants to cancel? -Oh.

Just watch me and learn.

Oy! I'm so clumsy,
what a mistake.

I'm sorry, I rung it up twice.
Go get another pack. I'll wait.

"Another pack"? Cancel it.

Didn't you hear about our specials?

You buy two,
you get the second one too.

Miss, cancel it, I'm in a hurry.
-You of all people.

I'm surprised at you.

You, ignoring the signs
that we get from heaven?

What sign?

You know, the Sabbath,
the whole family gathers,

suddenly everyone gets diarrhea
from these crappy products

and you're equipped.

It's 32 rolls, enough for two months.
Just cancel it.

Stubborn bastard.
A tough nut.

When you're right, you're right.

That's our motto,
the customer is always right.

The customer doesn't care
who gets fired and when. -Wait...

you said fired? -No, it's nothing,
you know... the manager, she's...

she doesn't just look evil,
she really is evil.

A cashier makes one mistake, one,
and they're fired.

Some say that she even...
beats some of them.

For one mistake? -Yes.

And I...

I am at very high risk.

You know, with the...
little one's hospital and...

the big one's rehab.

Never mind.

No, no, it's alright,
don't cancel, I'll...

I'll take another pack.

Drop the mic.

Did you understand what I said?

Who is that?

Shira Steinbuch?

No, no, no.

Kohava Shavit!

Yours truly Kohava Shavit
is assuming responsibility

and instructing the other cashiers.

What's mine... is mine.

This is 10 to 12 units.

13 to 17 units,

and this is 18 to 25 units.

It was my decision, on my own.

I got up the courage
and dove into the pickle juice.

With every managerial decision I make,
my confidence rises and intensifies.

I just hope my ego won't swell
and start controlling me.

One's feet must always be on the ground,
but not where it's wet,

and always remember
that it's all from above

from Big Boss' office.

Jumbo size on tire I'eft,
medium size on the right,

and all the messed up tins...
toss into the carton.

Excuse me.

I wasn't sure which shirt
to wear this morning.

I decided to wear this one.
-It's exactly the same shirt.

That made the decision even harder.

Do we look alike?

Oh, Big Boss!


You're going to be proud of me.

I stayed here all night
and made endless decisions myself.

One decision after another.
-What decision, Ramzi?

What decision exactly?

Say "goodbye"
to the archaic organizing by sections,

say "hello" to Ramzi's eplor system.

The whole supermarket
is organized by color!

Here, all this, all this

Instead of trying to remember
where the paprika is,

you just go to the red shelves.

Here you'll find juicy red apples
next to strawberry flavored floor polish

and here we have...
stainless steel frying pans.

Ramzi? -Yes.
-I have to sit down.

Oh, here's a stool.

Red, of course.

Here you go, Big Boss.

No doubt shifting responsibility
to the employees

was a brilliant managerial decision,
Big Boss.

You're the manager, right?

How about making an order
your meat counters? -Counters?

Plural? -Yes, meat counters.

Hello. Dude, what a mess...

I must show you
the camel orange section. Follow me.

"Where have all the flowers gone?

"Long time passing..."

Uh... Kohava.

"When will they ever learn..."

"When will they..."

-What "Kohava?" What?!

What do you want?
OMG, you ruined my buzz!

What? -I need a...
-What? -I need a...

A what? What?
can't hear! You need what?

I need a cancellation.
-You need what?

I need a cancellation.

David, what did we say
about cancellations?

But Kohava,
this isn't a regular customer.

I tried everything, Kohava. I...
Please, I'm sorry, I don't know.

Kohava, please, sorry.
-I got you.

Why am I not surprised?
-Hurry up, I don't have all day.

Cancel this cockroach killer.
-Why? What's the problem?

I came in to buy my deodorant
and because of this wacky setup

I took this by mistake.
-Then use that.

How much worse can it be
than your smell?

Take it, Amnon. It's on sale.
-Sorry, I don't have roaches at home.

Open the window,
they'll come from the smell.

Tell me, do you hear what I'm saying?
I want a cancellation. Can-cellation.

I'm not leaving without a cancellation.


Whoa, Ramzi, get a ladder!

We have to help Amnon down
off his high horse!

Yes, Kohava!
What's the ladder for?

You see? Simple.

Here, eight drumsticks. What else?
-Four chicken thighs, please.

Thighs are from "Nissim's Place."
-Where? -Here.

But it's right next to you,
why don't you give them to me?

Lady, you wanna bust balls,
that's "Nissim's Place."

Nissim, Scarlet Johanson,
four thighs, one ball buster.

I don't understand,
shall I shame you again?

What is this?
What's going on here?

Oh, that's what I'm asking you.

Nissim, would you please talk?

You said we should solve
our problems on our own. -Okay.

So that's what we did,
we decided to divorce.

You decided to divorce?
-You told us to get along on our own,

we can't, so we split.
"Nissim's Place," "Anatoly's Place."

We divvied up the goods
and it's all been agreed.

Besides short ribs,
one week him, one week me.

I can't hear! I can't hear!
-No cancellations? I don't understand!

I can't hear! -No cancellations?!

I want a cancellation!

Whoa! Are you with us?

Maybe not everything
that's right for "Apple" is right for...

"Issachar Bounty" Yavne.

It took me three days
to reorganize the supermarket

into sections
that are not color coordinated.

Not to mention reuniting
"Nissim's Place" and "Anatoly's Place"

and convincing the cashiers
that Kohava won't harm them

if they ask for a cancellation.

But you know what?
All's well that ends well.

Cancellation cash register 2, Shira.
Cancellation cash register 2.

Big Boss, should I put this on the green
pepper shelf or the red pepper shelf?

Anatoly ate a cheese sandwich

and won't wash his hands.

I only touched the side of the salami.
It's still kosher.

Cancellation cash register 2...
Shira, we're talking to you.

why aren't you answering?

But you know what I realized?

That there are managers
that are so dominant,

men and women both,
that no one can make do without them.

I am blessed.

Translation: Tammy King
Subtitles: Trans Titles Ltd.