Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1990–1996): Season 5, Episode 8 - Little Crop of Horrors - full transcript

Our world is in peril.

Gaia, the spirit of the Earth,

can no longer stand
the terrible destruction

plaguing our planet.

She sends five magic rings
to five special young people --

Kwame from Africa,
with the power of Earth.

[ Sirens wailing ]

From North America -- Wheeler,
with the power of fire.


From Eastern Europe -- Linka,
with the power of wind.

From Asia -- Gi,
with the power of water.


And from South America --
Ma-Ti, with the power of heart.

When the five powers combine,

they summon
Earth's greatest champion --

Captain Planet!

Captain Planet:
The power is yours!


[ Tires screeching ]

Dr. Blight:
We're really cooking now.

[ Laughs ]

MAL: Your experiment
is going quite well, Doctor.

You can bet your sweet
hard drive it is.

My smoke oil formula
from Melaleuca trees

will make mace in the face
seem like breath freshener.

Just add heat and presto!

and animal repellent.

It works like a charm.
See how they run.

[ Screaming ]

Ah, there's nothing like
nature run amuck.

Correction, Doctor.

Melaleuca trees are not natural
to this region.

They were brought here
in a feeble attempt

to turn wetlands
into real estate.

Now the highly flammable
Melaleuca trees

are taking over 40 acres of
Everglades a day and --

Can the lecture, MAL!

Just tell me --
Am I the greatest or what?

Don't uncork the bubbly
just yet, Snow Blight.

There's a scientist

a new plant-growth
enhancing ray.

Soon, all will hail this doctor
the most brilliant.

I've dealt with
ancient wannabes in the past.

News flash --
This doctor is no fossil.

Georgina Carver --

vibrant, beautiful,
and young.

Mmm...I'd like to
network with her.

Can it, disk head!

Besides, it's not so bad
being number two.

Actually, I've be scanning
the latest scientific journals.

And there's no mention
of you at all.

Why doesn't anyone
appreciate me?

There must be a way to get
recognition I deserve.

Steal someone else's experiment
and take the credit.

Great idea.

Glad I thought of it.

We'll see now who's
the unfairest one of all.

[ Laughs evilly ]

[ Elephant trumpets ]

As you know, my biogenetic
enhancer ray is designed

to modify a small segment of
genetic code

to increase metabolic rate,

thereby accelerating
plant growth.

How soon can we test the ray
in the field?

It's too early to say.
More studies are needed first.

What test plants
are you considering?

I'm looking at
a number of food plants.

However, this first specimen
from the Amazon rain forest

may prove helpful in controlling
erosion here in Africa.

But introducing new life-forms
into an ecosystem

can be disastrous.

The giant snail crisis
in the Philippines

has destroyed rice crops and
devastated much of the habitat.

True, but don't forget
the success stories.

Corn, yams, tomatoes,
potatoes --

All transplanted from
the world's forests.

They've helped feed our planet's
growing population.

She's right.

And I think the sooner we try
the enhancer ray in the field,

the better.

-I'm not sure.
-But it's too soon!

We must take risks.

[ Vehicle approaching ]


Look out! See that?

What's that crazy woman

Since you bean brains
can't make a decision,

I'll make it for you...

by borrowing
your enhancer ray.

No! You can't!

Hit it, MAL, baby --



[ Gasps ]


You don't know
what you're doing!

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho,
the world will love me so.

[ All coughing ]


Gi, over here!

[ Squawking ]

The poor thing is trapped.
I need your help.

You got it, Linka.

Easy, little one.

Is it okay?

He was one of the lucky ones.

[ Horns honking,
indistinct shouting ]

Kwame, we got to do something
or those guys are gonna fry!

Time for a fire wall.

All right!

That's really using
the old bean.

[ Sirens wailing ]

Is everyone okay?

But where's Ma-Ti?

Here I am!

And it looks like
the firefighters have arrived.

Cool. Then it's time for
some serious "R" and "R."

I wish you'd knock.

Sorry, Wheeler.

I'm afraid you'll have to
put rest and relaxation on hold.

Set course for Africa. We have
a possible eco-emergency.

What do you mean?

I'll explain on the way.

That sounds restful.


So, Planeteers,

there's no what Dr. Blight will
do with the enhancer ray.

What's the story
on this Dr. Carver?

I have followed her career.

Her father was an important
environmental leader

and scientist in Africa.

followed in his footsteps.

Georgy, is it?


I think you'd better
head to Carver's lab

and see if you can help.

I for one
would be happy to work

as closely with Dr. Carver
as needed.

You know, I couldn't ask for
a better-looking test site.


It looks denuded, deforested,
and desertified to me.


So when I release Carver's --
I-I mean, my test plant,

it will solve
the erosion problem around here.

And the scientific journals

will fall all over themselves
to interview me.

to add the Blight touch.

I tapped into
Carver's Computer.

The enhancer ray should
be used for only --

repeat, only --

three seconds.

If seconds are good,
minutes are better.

[ Chuckl ]
Doctor, dear,

I suggest you review
the existing data.

Are you wimping out
on me, MAL?

No. Let 'er rip.

Time for Flora here
to catch some more rays.

[ Whirring ]

Carver's experiment's a dud!

After all my hard work.

But you stole it,

Details, details.

Time for my beauty rest.
I'm whipped.

And I'm whacked.

Georgina: my technology could be

very dangerous
in the wrong hands.

Bozhe moi! There are no wronger
hands than Dr. Blight's.

Now I get it,
you sly dog.

Georgy's a 20
on a scale of 10.


Uh...this is serious,

Who knows what chaos
Blight might be causing?

[ Snoring ]

[ Giggling ]
-Oh, Commander Data,

you're so...

Dr. Blight!
Dr. Blight!

[ Snorts ]
Time to get up.

Have you flipped your disk,

It's the middle
of the night!

I assure you,
it's very much daytime.

However, something's
obstructing our view.

Your clock must be cuckoo
or something.

It's pitch-black
out there.

It can't be!

Ohh, but it can.

Not to sound
like a wimp,

but we're in
over our heads!

Stop whining
and start the engines.

The vine won't let go.

Engines overloading.

It's spreading
like kudzu.

It's going to crush us.
We're doomed!

You're doomed
if you don't shut up!

I've got to hit
the back-up thrusters.

I feel faint.

I'm too young to die...

When in doubt,
charge it.


I hate clinging vines.

Do you realize we were
seconds away from annihilation?

wasn't it?


[ Rhino grunting ]

[ Birds squawking ]

How could I
have been so stupid?

What has happened
does not take away

from all your
wonderful work.

Thanks, Kwame.

This is your emergency
broadcast station.

Attention. A strange plant
is growing out of control

near the Mambanu Village.

That's our Blight.

If that genetically altered
plant gets into the rain forest,

it could destroy everything.

Then we'd better
get moving.

We could use your help.

Let me grab
some equipment.


[ Dogs barking ]

[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ Tires screech ]


We're gonna need a pretty big
weed walloper

to handle that thing.

I can't believe
I created this monster.

Dr. Blight has turned your dream
into a nightmare.

It is growing
at incredible speed,

and it is very strong.

I cannot get free!


[ Grunts ]

I cannot break it either!

We need your help!


[ Groans ]

Squeezing me.

I cannot breathe.

On my way, babe.


[ Both coughing ]

You did it.

Thank you, Wheeler.

But we cannot burn it all
without endangering the village.

I will try
to uproot it.


No dice.

We can't handle
this alone.

I know a gardener
who works wonders.

Let our powers combine.






By your powers combined,

I am Captain planet!

Go, Planet!

We'll grow no vine
before its time.

Sorry, Orson.

That creeper could use a trim.

I'll just buzz a little
off the top.

Great. I'm a daddy.

Hey, hey, let's not
get too familiar.

It's growing too fast.

[ Groans ] Unnaturally strong.

It's draining my energy.

[ Coughs ]

Can't break free.

[ Indistinct shouting ]


[ Groans ]

Must recharge.

The power is...yours.

MAL, update my little
black book, will you?

Change Captain Planet
to Captain Planted. Ha!

Now you can uncork
the bubbly, Doctor.

I cannot stop it!
Flee the village!

you know the technology.

There must be some way
to stop this plant.

There is one possibility,

you must try.

The test plant
is from Brazil,

but there is
a similar plant

which grows in
the African rain forest.

I might be able
to extract its DNA

and inject it into
the genetically altered plant,

resetting its metabolism.

Will that
slow the sucker down?

It's a long shot.

Let's go for it!

We will need
the Geo-Cruiser.

The rest of us
will stay here

and do what we can
to stop the creeping blight.

Oh, Doctor, the Geo-Cruiser
is taking off.

I don't like it.
Track them.

I've got them covered.

[ Beeps ]


It is okay.
You are safe for now.

That's the last of it.

Good going.

I'll work on the formula
while we're flying back.

[ Beeps ]

who changed the station?

I was enjoying
the show.

Sorry, but I thought
you'd like to know

that Dr. Delicious
and Earth boy

are up to something.

And you're not going to
like it.

There's no way those eco-idiots
are going to steal my thunder.

As soon as they get near, MAL,
we'll intercept them.

As you wish,

I think I've got it.

The trick will be injecting the
formula into the root system.

That should not
be a problem.

But this could be.

-What is it?
-Dr. Blight!

Dr. Blight is chasing them!

[ All shouting ]

Adios, eco-ick.

We are going down!

Hold on!

[ All shouting ]

Quickly, Planeteers!

Let our powers combine!






By your powers combined,

I am Captain planet!

Uh-oh. Captain Planted
has sprouted again.

May I suggest we
run for our lives!

I'm not running from
that eco-egghead.

But it wouldn't hurt
to watch the plant

squish his guts out
from a distance.

[ Sighs ]
All ahead, full.



Oh, I'd like to
ban that Blight.

But first, I've got
some pruning to do.

Captain Planet, we need to get
this into the root system.

Nobody likes a root canal,

but here goes.

[ Crying ]

I'm ready to nip this weed
in the bud.


Not you again.
[ Grunts ]

This time, I better try
the cold-shoulder approach.

Plant-cicle, anyone?

[ Grunts ]

Now to really shatter
Blight's dreams.

Captain Root-O-Rooter
at your service.

Hope this gets to the root
of the problem.

I sure hope
your formula works.

Kwame, look out!

No, Georgy!
Save yourself!

[ Groaning ]

[ Both groaning ]

[ All shouting ]


I gave it my best shot.

What is happening?

The plant's growth rate
is slowing.

your formula worked!

We should be able
to unwind now.

-Hooray for Captain planet!

[ Cheering ]

Thank you, thank you.

-[ Gasps ]
-Oh, no! Look out!

Just doing my duty
as an eco-hero.

[ Grunts ]

Call it
random-access recall,

but I really think
we should head for the hills!

Zip it, bit brain!

I've been saving a special
Melaleuca missile for blue boy.

[ Groans ] So, she's pulled out
all the big guns, huh?

Looks like I need
all my powers combined!

[ All gasp ]

get us out of here!

Sorry, Doctor Most Brilliant
of Them All,

but you've just taken
a big fall.

Ohh! I hate those

[ Cheering ]

The immediate danger is over,

but the village is still
stuck with a thorny problem.

Bad luck from
an experiment run amuck.

The power is yours!

You did it, Georgy.

We all did it.

Go ahead, bud.
Plant one.

Georgina: One thing
this experience has proven

is that thorough testing
and research

are necessary anyone
introduces new species

into established ecosystems.

True, true.


Well, it's time for us
to head home.

We'll wait for you
in the Geo-Cruiser, Kwame.

I hope you'll keep in touch,

I'd like
our relationship to grow.

Me too.

And it will not need
an enhancer ray.

Planeteers: Go, Planet!

Transporting living things from
one ecosystem to another

can cause big problems.

Sometimes you may be bringing
something with you

that you are not
even aware of.

Like the medfly
in California,

which has multiplied
out of control.

And made it necessary
to spray dangerous pesticides.

So if you're planning to bring
fruits, plants, or animals

back from vacation, make sure
they're not endangered.

And that's safe to transport
them from their natural habitat.

All:The power is yours!

Planeteers: Go, Planet!

Unfortunately, there are
many homeless people

in our world today.

It's up to all of us
to lend a helping hand.

You can donate blankets
and clothes

to homeless shelters.

Canned foods, too.

And toys, because many of
the homeless are children.

You can even ask your teacher

to organize a class trip
to help clean up

or paint a local shelter.

The power is yours!





All: Go, Planet!

By your powers combined,
I am Captain Planet!

* Captain Planet

* He's our hero

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* He's our powers magnified

* And he's fighting
on the planet's side *

* Captain Planet

* He's our hero

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* Gonna help him put asunder

* Bad guys who like
to loot and plunder *

You'll pay for this,
Captain Planet!

* We're the Planeteers,
you can be one, too *

* 'Cause saving our planet
is the thing to do *

* Looting and polluting
is not the way *

* Hear what Captain Planet
has to say *

The power is yours!
