Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1990–1996): Season 5, Episode 10 - No Small Problem - full transcript

Our world is in peril.

Gaia, the spirit of the Earth,

can no longer stand
the terrible destruction

plaguing our planet.

She sends five magic rings
to five special young people --

Kwame from Africa,
with the power of Earth.

[ Sirens wailing ]

From North America -- Wheeler,
with the power of fire.


From Eastern Europe -- Linka,
with the power of wind.

From Asia -- Gi,
with the power of water.


And from South America --
Ma-Ti, with the power of heart.

When the five powers combine,

they summon
Earth's greatest champion --

Captain Planet!

Captain Planet:
The power is yours!

[Bear growling]


Man: Unfortunately,
once bears taste garbage,

they rarely go back to
searching for food in the wild.

As a result,
the bears become nuisances

and need to be relocated
or exterminated.

Oh! It is not the bears' fault.

People should not build dumps
where wild animals live,

and then blame the animal
for scavenging.

Man, if one more leaf falls,
I'm gonna torch it.

Come on, Kwame. Let's bag these
up and rake in some burgers.

Absolutely not, Wheeler.

What do you mean?
I'm hungry.

Not the burgers, the bags.

These leaves
must be composted.

Landfills are overflowing
with leaves and grass clippings

that would make excellent

Bozhe moi! Come quick!

What is it, Linka?

Look! Sly Sludge.

Reduce, reuse, recycle?
Why bother?

Just send your garbage
to Sly's Shrink-a-Dink Dump,

where we take a big problem
and make it disappear.


It must be
trick photography.

Trick is right.

This is the 17th time Sludge
has solved the garbage crisis.

Then it's Geo-Cruiser time.

This could mean
a heap of trouble!

Come on!

Sly Sludge: I really put one
over on the local yokels.

Yeah, and they welcomed you
and your dump with open arms.

All you had to do was promise
jobs and few bucks.

But I forgot to mention
that the jobs are for you,

and the bucks are for me.

Oh, the people will be
shipping garbage

through town
from all over the place.

Enough trash talk.

Let's see if Ooze
has set up

Dr. Blight's
shrinking ray yet.

* Jingle bells,
Sly Sludge smells *

* 50 miles away

Uh, boss!
Ready to rip.


Careful, you oaf!

Blight says that machine's
worth a small fortune.

But if it works,

I'll make a big one!

Tank: Wow!

The trash is shrinking before
our very eyes.

You're a real genius,
Mr. Sludge.

Actually, it's Dr. Blight's

You belittling me?

Linka: Wind!

All right, Sludge. What kind
of garbage are you into now?

The mini kind.

Or don't you believe I can
shrink the garbage problem?


Hmm. Well, I can,

starting with you,

[All exclaiming]

Yeah, what do you want I should
do with them, Mr. Sludge?

Take them over
to the old condemned dump

with the rest of the load.

But the dump's jammed full,

Who cares?

You can sneak in
one more truckload

and a dustpan
full of Planet pipsqueaks.

We wouldn't want the puny pests


[All shouting indistinctly]

Aw, can it.



Hey, moo shu pork.

I never did get lunch.

Ugh. Wheeler,
we need to get out of here.

Oh. Right.


[All exclaiming indistinctly]

With all this trash, we are
lucky our powers still work.

Tiny, but mighty.


Find cover!

Over here!

Batten down the hatch!

I think it has stopped.

[All sighing]

[Wheeler grunting]

Oh, man. We were nearly
trash compacted!

Gi: Come on.
Let's head up.

[Engine starts]


This is gonna be like climbing
a moving mountain.

I never imagined there was
this much trash in the world.

So long, Tinyteers!

[All yelling]

Hurry, Wheeler!


I think we have stopped.

That was some wild ride!

Are you two okay?

But where are the others?

Linka! Ma-Ti!

[Animal screeching]

I don't know
where they are,

but we're in major trouble!


What's a nice gull like you
doing in a dump like this?

Wheeler, look out!


Hang on, Gi!


Look out!

I feel like I'm living
in a Hitchcock movie.

Hair spray.

Now I know
how a minnow feels.

I hope this works.


Lucky it wasn't empty.

It's amazing how much we throw
away before it's used up.


Suchi, do you see anything?


Linka: Help!

Somebody please help me!


Linka, are you all right?

Da, but not for long.

This barrel
is filled with acid.

It is eating
through my clothes.

I will try to lift it.


It is still
not enough.

But now I can get it.


Who would dump barrels of toxic
waste in a landfill?

They are not barrels.
They are batteries.

Well, they may as well
be barrels.

People dump millions
of batteries

into landfills
every year.

And a lot of the acid must
seep into ground water.

[Animal growling]

A bear!

No, a rat!

At our size,
it might as well be a bear.



Ma-Ti, what can we do?


I will try.


We mean you no harm.


We could really
use a friend right now.


Maybe he will
let us ride him.

Be careful, Ma-Ti.

It is okay, Linka.
Come on.

[ Laughs ]
Why not?

Hurry, Suchi!



Sludge: * I've been working
on the trash heap *

* All the livelong day

* Hire a couple goons
for dirt-cheap *

* Sock the rest
of the money away *


A tidy workspace
makes for happy helpers.

Yeah, and we're really
making a clean sweep

of all this trash.

[Insect buzzing]

Look, lunch.

Do you have any idea how old
that stuff is?

Check the paper.

"Elvis is back"?

From the Army? 1959!

It shows how long
trash lasts,

even things that normally break
down, like food and paper.

Wow! What's a rock
billboard doing in this dump?

It's the way
they used to package CDs

until consumers protested.

Now they don't
waste so much material.

[Animal hissing]

Oh, boy.
Tell me it's not a...


Wheeler, look out!

I know! I know!

Back off,

unless you want
to be tongue-tied.


Where'd you learn
to handle

a cocktail sword
like that?

Oh, no!
It's-- It's -- It's --


Are you guys okay?


Thanks for the lift,


What do we do now?

Stick close
and try to find a way out.

Hey, check this place out.

It's like a flea market.


Ta-da! Whoa!

-Are you all right, Wheeler?
-Are you all right?

Oh, man. Talk about putting
a little spring in your step.

[ Music playi ]

Why would anyone throw out
a radio that works?

It is amazing how many things we
throw away that are still good

or that
could be repaired.

Or recycled.

We pass laws
to put number codes on plastics

so they can be recycled,

but they still end up here.


I will calm it.

And I'll free it.



This place is filled
with hidden dangers.

Hey! We made it out!

We're in the woods!

Nyet, Wheeler. We are still
in deep trash.

These are just garden clippings
that could have been --

I know -- composted.

Now I see what you meant.
It sure takes up a lot of space.



This is like
a New York nightmare.


Wheeler! No!


-I need --
-Gi! Look!

Inside that tire!


[All sighing]

Nice going, Wheeler.


No real harm done.

[Insects buzzing]

We hope.


They must have been breeding
in that stagnant water.

Wheeler: You sure don't want a
bite from one of those babies!


Whew! Made it.

What do you see?

More trash.

It is endless.

The only way
we're gonna get out of here

is to sprout wings
and fly.

That is it! Look!

We will fly out.

The garbage fumes
must be getting to you, man.

That's a car,
not a plane.

We can build a plane
from recycled materials,

like the engine
in this toy racer.

You have flipped.

Kwame's right.

Everything's right here.

Let's see.
We'll need batteries.

The radio we passed!

There are plenty
of aluminum cans.

We can work together
to fuse the fuselage.

I'll fuse with you
anytime, babe.

Oh, please.

-Come on!
-We can do it!

All right!
We're building wings!




This definitely
should have been recycled.

I know. The amount of motor oil
that gets thrown in the dump

or down the sewer
is staggering.

Well, it should
get us airborne.

"Should's" the key word.

Shall we give it a try?

-Come on!
-Let's do it!

Let's fly. Fire!

-It works!
-We're up!

And over the first hurdle.

It is no Geo-Cruiser,
but we made it.

[Sheep bleating]

Wheeler: There's Sludge's farm.
Let's head for it.

[Engine clanking]

Oh, no.
The battery must be drained.

All right, don't panic.
So long as we don't gain weight,

this baby will glide just fine.

Funny you should say that,

'cause either
the cabin's getting smaller,

or we're growing.

Sludge's shrinking ray
must be wearing off.

Great news!
Lousy timing.

I am losing control.

We must let our powers combine.






By your powers combined,

I am Captain Planet!

Whew! My job does take me
to some trashy places.

-We're going down!

Nobody gets to crash
till we buy the farm.

Planeteers, you've passed
your recycling test

with flying colors.

Quick! Everyone out!

-Everyone okay?

But it's time to teach
that Sludge bucket a lesson.

He cannot treat us
like garbage.

[Sheep bleating]


* And I laugh
all the way to the bank *

Wheeler: We're cleaning up
your act, Sludge.

Hey! I shrunk you.

And I can do it again.


[All exclaiming]

Help, Captain Planet!
You got to save us!

Hmm. That's a switch.


The garbage unshrunk!

We're going to be

Get clear, Planeteers.

[Men whimpering]

Whoa. Mr. Sludge,
we got big trouble.

Hey, catch
the radical rubbish rider.

All right.


Blight's machine's a bust!

This garbage crisis
is no small problem.


We've got to cut the trash

before it takes over
the planet.

Time to turn on
my magnetic personality

and melt a few parts.

Surf's up!


Do not worry, Suchi.
The ray will wear off.


What am I supposed to do
with all this garbage?

You promised the town
you'd care of it.

So I suggest, um...

You know, I bet
there's a fortune

in recyclable
materials here, hmm?

That's it.
I'll really clean up this time.

I'll be rich.
I'll be rolling in cash!

Speaking of money, boss,

here's Dr. Blight's bill
for the shrinking ray.

What did she charge me
for that piece of junk?

A million bucks?


All: Go, Planet!

You can turn grass and leaves
into great soil.

Building a composter to do this
is fun and easy.

Check with your library or
garden center to find out how.

Lots of stuff can be
composted --

eggshells, vegetables,
coffee grounds.

The important thing
is to get started

so you cut down on what you send
to the dump each week.

We must all do our part

to reduce, reuse,
and recycle.

All: The power is yours!

All: Go, Planet!

Gi: We are all products
of the world around us.

Teachers, friends,
TV shows,

and especially
our parents

all make strong impressions
on our minds.

Kwame: It is up to all of us
to put our differences aside

and learn to communicate.

Ma-Ti: At home, school,
play, or work.

Everyone appreciates
respect and kindness.

So let's treat others
the way we want to be treated.

-The power is yours!
-The power is yours!





All: Go, Planet!

By your powers combined,
I am Captain Planet!

* Captain Planet

* He's our hero

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* He's our powers magnified

* And he's fighting
on the planet's side *

* Captain Planet

* He's our hero

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* Gonna help him put asunder

* Bad guys who like
to loot and plunder *

You'll pay for this,
Captain Planet!

* We're the Planeteers,
you can be one, too *

* 'Cause saving our planet
is the thing to do *

* Looting and polluting
is not the way *

* Hear what Captain Planet
has to say *

The power is yours!
