Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1990–1996): Season 4, Episode 7 - Sea No Evil - full transcript

Captain Planet:
Our world is in peril.

Gaia, the spirit of Earth,

can no longer stand
the terrible destruction

plaguing our planet.

She sends five magic rings

to five special young people.

Kwame, from Africa,
with the power of Earth!

From North America, Wheeler,
with the power of Fire!

From Eastern Europe, Linka,
with the power of Wind!

From Asia, Gi,
with the power of Water!

And from South America,

Ma-Ti with the power of Heart!

When the five powers combine,

they summon Earth's
greatest champion,

Captain Planet!

The power is yours!

[ Buoy bell ringing ]

Hey! What's happening
down there?


Kwame: Wheeler,
Ma-Ti and I are back.

Hey, what's the big idea?

That was the best part!

Come on, Wheeler.

No self-respecting Planeteer

would take a film
like this seriously.

Sharks are vital
to the marine ecosystem.

They are not Godzilla
monsters of the deep.

Oh, yeah? Check out those jaws!

Well, it is
Wheeler's vacation.

He can waste his time
any way he likes.


So did you guys have fun?

We helped plant
5,000 trees in India.

Wow. Sounds like a blast.

What about Gi?

Has she left for the dolphin
research facility yet?

Yeah, this morning.
I still can't believe

she'd wanna spend
her whole vacation

with a buncha smelly fish.

Dolphins are mammals, not fish.

Call 'em what you want.
They're still all wet.

Whoa, look at him go!

[ Dolphin clicking ]

Dr. Russell,
I'm afraid our benefactor

lost two more dolphins.

That makes three missing so far,
not to mention the injured.

This is unacceptable.

Does he think it's easy
to train dolphins?

What's going on over there,

I'm not certain.
But --

Man: Dr. Russell,
your guest has arrived.

Ugh, just what we need,

some idealistic kid
snooping around.

Her parents helped launch
my research career.

I couldn't very well refuse
her request to visit.

[ Whistling ]

Just make sure she
doesn't stick her nose

where it doesn't belong.


You must be Gi.

Yes. You startled me.

My name is Preston.

I'm Dr. Russell's assistant.

I'm so excited to be able

to see Dr. Russell's
work firsthand!

Why is this dolphin
in captivity?

And what are those
little discs?

The electrodes are used
to reinforce behaviors.

We're studying dolphins'
abilities to solve problems.

Wouldn't it be better
to observe them in the wild?

Dr. Russell is quite sure
of her methods.


I already showered
this morning,

thank you very much!

What's her name?
She's such an exhibitionist,

we call her Madonna.

[ Chuckles ]

She reminds me of a good friend
I had when I was a kid.

Dr. Russell is detained.

She's instructed me to give you
a tour of the facility.

This really is
an incredible --

First, I'll show you
the training tank.

[ Clicking ]

I've never seen
anything like it.

This facility must have
cost a fortune!

Yes, well,
watch the pool.

Hmm. Madonna seems scared.

Each dolphin reacts
differently to the training.

What are you doing?

You're hurting her!

Stop it!

You don't approve
of my techniques?

Oh, hello, Dr. Russell.

I just thought --
that is...

Sometimes, Gi, you have
to make hard choices.

In the name of science,
of course.

Anyway, if you're interested,

I'll show you what some of this
equipment is used for.

Uh, yes, please.

Dolphins' brain size relative

to body weight
is comparable to humans.

They're highly
intelligent mammals.

Here is the section
of Madonna's brain

that controls her sonar.

Like bats, dolphins maneuver
by bouncing sound waves.

And here is the portion

that is active
during dolphin speech.

The sounds come from their
spiracles, or blowholes.

This is wonderful.

And now, I'll give Madonna
some electronic commands.

While we're studying
the dolphins,

we're also training them
to do useful salvage work.

You may not like my methods.

But I assure you, they work.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have more important
things to do.

But I, uh...
I'll show you your quarters.

[ Clicking ]

Good morning!

Sorry, Madonna.

It's just that you bring back
some painful memories.

[ Giggling ]

What have they
done to you?

Oh, Tisa!

[ Madonna clicking ]

You just won't quit
'til I join you, huh?


[ Laughing ]
All right. You win.

I've forgotten
how much fun that is.


What on Earth?

Looks like you've been burned!

You're right, Dr. Russell.

I don't approve
of your methods!

They're returning
three more sick dolphins

from the other facility.

They say they need at least
two replacements immediately.

I am not going to.
Dr. Russell!

What happened to Madonna?

We don't want her
around stirring up trouble.

Don't worry.
I'll take care of her.

Come along, Gi.
We'll talk about this inside.

Preston, as soon
as they're in,

release the dolphins
into the holding tank.

What's that Planet pain
doin' here?


Hey, look out!

Why is she here?

Dr. Russell?

No! The little eco-geek!


She's a guest
of the doctor's.


But how could something
like this happen?

You've got a lot to learn
about the real world.

Look, if you're so interested

in helping the dolphins,

you can start by checking out
the new arrivals.

Preston just called.

The dolphins are in the tunnel.

Get in the pool and open
the chute to let them in.

I've got to take care
of something in my office.

Okay, gang.
Come on in.

[ Gasps ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Screams ]


How did that shark
get into the tunnel?

I let the dolphins in myself!

There are a lot
of strange things

going on around here.

And I'm ready
for some answers.

Why would Dr. Russell
want me out of the way?

Dr. Russell couldn't
have done this.

But I have an idea who did.

Good! While you fill me in,
let's take a look at Madonna.

And you can explain
the chemical burns, too.

Uh, Madonna's gone.

Gone? Where?

Madonna was being reconditioned.

She's been sent back
to the other facility.

What kind of facility?

I don't know much about it.

It's underwater.

Dr. Russell's benefactor

is using the dolphins
for salvage work.

We've got to go there!

Who knows what they're
doing to poor Madonna!


That's right, boss.

I turned one of the eco-brats
into shark chow!

Yep, yep, shark chow!
[ Snickering ]

This is no
laughing matter, Rigger!

If the Planet punks
are snooping

around Dr. Russell's facility,

we better speed things up.

[ Dolphins clicking ]

Come on, you
freeloading flounders!

Break time's over!

Don't try pulling
anything fishy with me.

[ Electric crackling ]

I'm sure glad we're usin'
these overgrown guppies

to unload that old Nazi ship!

Better them than me, eh, boss?

I don't know about that.

You're just lucky
the area's too toxic

for human divers.

And nobody cares what happens
to a buncha stupid fish.

[ Chortling ]

I'm gonna clean up
in the chemical warfare market,

selling this salvage
to the highest bidder.

[ Dolphins clicking, whistling ]

All right!

Another load means money
in the piggy bank!

[ Chortling ]

Looks like Flipper and friends
are takin' 5, boss.

They want 5?

I'll give 'em 5.

[ Crackling, dolphin clicking ]

Nothing I hate more
than a feisty fish!

Guess the other
two sea slaves

will just have
to work overtime.

Here's the marker
for their site.

Let's go!

[ Buoy clanging ]

Look, boss! Look!

Hey, what're they doin' here?

I thought you took care
of that Planet pain!

I did! I did!


Well, do it right this time!

Or you'll be shark bait!


It looks like there's some kind
of pollution down here.

You're right.
It's burning my skin.

Look, those dolphins
are working right in it!

That explains the lesions --
they're chemical burns.

We'd better surface
and get help!


Well, look what I've hooked!

[ Laughs ]

We have company!

A dolphin!

They are said to be good luck.

I am afraid we may need it.

Dr. Russell says
there is still no sign

of her assistant or Gi.

Hmm. It is not like
Gi to take off

without letting us know
how to reach her.

How can you be so cruel
to those dolphins?


Besides, it's not like

I'm turning them
into tuna fish!

You've sunk to a sleazy new low,
even for you, Greedly!

Well, as soon as I empty
that Nazi ship,

I'll flood this facility so you
can reach new depths, too.

[ Chortling ]

That dolphin was sent
to the other facility.

She must have escaped.

I have a strong feeling

that's where Gi
and Preston may have gone.

Well, if you tell us
the coordinates,

we will check it out.

I -- I don't know
the coordinates.

Preston is the only one
who's been there.

Well, that is, Preston
and the dolphins, of course.

Yeah, right.

Like, why don't we
ask Charlie the Tuna

to take us there?
[ Laughs ]

That is not a bad idea, Wheeler.

It's not?
She may your only hope.

Hurry up, Rigger!

That's the last of them, boss!

Good! I'm outta here!

Uh-oh, boss.
More eco-ick.

Imagine that!

Planeteers to the rescue!

Go ahead and gloat!

Or should I say bloat --

since you'll be
suckin' salt water

before they get to you?

Bon voyage, suckers!

Yeah, suckers!
[ Laughs ]


Wait for me!

[ Whistling ]

Get out!

Linka: Bozhe moi!
Was that Greedly?

Let's bag that lowlife
ham hock and free Gi!

Gi is not with Greedly.

She's in there,
in big trouble!

Linka: Gi!

I hope
your friends work fast.

Or that we can hold
our breath for a long time!

Kwame: It is no use!

This material is too strong!

Yeah, and my Fire power
shoots blanks underwater!

What are we gonna do?

We made it.

I -- I wouldn't have believed it
if I didn't see it.

But the dome's
still filling up!

They are in deep water.

We must let our powers combine.




By your powers combined,

I am Captain Planet!

Time to get my feet wet!

Going up!

I don't wanna burst
Greedly's bubble,


Looks like
the pesky porker's plan

is going down the drain.

All right!

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I've got bigger fish to fry.

All: Go, Planet!

That Planet puck really got

in over her head
this time, eh, boss?

Yeah, it just warms my chops.

I don't wanna make waves,


Now for a little
Greedly under glass!

Greedly: Do something!

Like what?


I'll just leave the catch
of the day under wraps

until the clean-up
crew arrives.

I can't believe
I allowed myself

to be taken in
by that horrible man.

You're not the first person
Hoggish Greedly has conned.

But as a scientist,
I was trained to be objective.

I guess I let money
cloud my judgment.

But from now on,
I will put the dolphins first.

I'm sorry.

I had you read all wrong.

Well, the good news
is the dolphins are safe.

And we're starting over again.

This time,
we'll do it right.

[ Clicking ]

Once the dolphins'
burns have healed,

I'll set them all free

and continue to study
them in the wild.

If you'll excuse me,
I have to say good-bye

to a very special friend.

Thank you, Madonna,
for everything.

I still can't believe
a dumb fish saved the day.


She seems pretty smart to me.

Go, Planet!

Linka: Every day, nearly
a million pounds of

plastic trash is carelessly
thrown into

our oceans and rivers.

Thousands of animals die
as a result.

Gi: Many choke on plastic bags
they mistake for food,

or drown entangled
in 6-pack rings.

Ma-Ti: But you can help
save animals' lives!

Get your friends
and clean up a beach

or a lake near your home!

If each of us does a little bit,
we can get a lot done.

All: The power is yours!

Go, Planet!

As people take up more land
for their own use,

less is left for
plants and animals.

Every day, over 100 species
become extinct.

You can help
stop this loss.

Don't buy exotic animals
taken from the wild!

That way, poaches will have
no reason to capture them.

And urge your parents
and friends to support laws,

like the U.S.
Endangered Species Act,

that protect our
natural treasures.

All: The power is yours!

[ Yipping ]





Go Planet!

By your powers combined,
I am Captain Planet

* Captain Planet,
he's our hero *

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* He's our powers magnified

* And he's fighting
on the planet side *

* Captain Planet,
he's our hero *

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* Gonna help him
put asunder *

* Bad guys who like to
loot and plunder *

You'll pay for this
Captain Planet!

* We're the Planeteers

* You can be one, too

* 'Cause saving our planet
is the thing to do *

* Looting and polluting
is not the way *

* Hear what Captain Planet
has to say *

The power is yours!