Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1990–1996): Season 4, Episode 16 - Going Bats, Man - full transcript

Captain Planet:
Our world is in peril.

Gaia, the spirit of Earth,

can no longer stand
the terrible destruction

plaguing our planet.

She sends
five magic rings

to five special young people:

Kwame, from Africa,
with the power of Earth!

From North America, Wheeler with
the power of Fire!

From Eastern Europe, Linka with
the power of Wind!

From Asia, Gi, with
the power of Water!

And from South America, Ma-Ti,
with the power of Heart.

When the five powers combine,

they summon Earth's
greatest champion:

Captain Planet!

The power is yours!


[ Humming ]


Ouch! That hurt!

Take it easy.
That's my ring arm!

Well, it serves you
right for bringing me

to horrible horror movies!

"Revenge of the Killer
Bat Zombies!"

[ Bats squawking ]

Coming soon to
a theater near you.

Bozhe moi!

Killer zombie bats?

I can't wait to see it!

Ugh. Wheeler, how can you
watch this dribble?

Bats do not attack people.

Woman: Ah! Help me!

Help me!

Bats are after me!


"Killer bats on the rampage."

This story makes no sense!

There are only
insect-eating bats in this area.

They would never
attack a human.

Very cute, Suchi.

Hey, what's up, Gaia?
Gaia! Hello!

You're right about bats, Gi.

They don't attack people.

And they don't need
any more bad press.

Hey. It's not like
this article's

gonna kill 'em or anything.

But people are, Wheeler.

There are nearly
1,000 species of bats.

And more than 400 of them

are already endangered
or threatened.

Now, that is scary.

You're right, Linka.

And bats will continue
to disappear

until people realize
how valuable they are.

You must find out
what's behind these attacks.

We're on our way, Gaia.

Good luck, Planeteers.

Gi: ETA at bat caves --
1 minute.

Ma-Ti: Look! That woman
is being chased by bats!

[ Woman screaming ]

She's headed for that cliff!

There's no way we can
stop her in time!

Yes, there is.

Let our powers combine!




By your powers combined,
I am Captain Planet!


Don't worry, ma'am.
You're in good hands.

Everything's A-Okay.

Ugh. That's what
you think, buster.

Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut!

Way to go, flyboy.

You've just blown the most
expensive scene in the movie!

[ Laughs nervously ]


Now, my whole production
schedule's off.

Wow, you're makin' a movie?

Yeah. But there's not
a green-haired superhero in it.

How 'bout
a good-lookin' redhead?

Will somebody get these
clowns off my set?

Come on.
Just keep them out of my way!

Don't worry.
I'll show you around.

Well, I guess this
isn't my big break.

So later, Planeteers!

The power is yours!

Hmm, not a bad effect.

I might use him sometime.

Are you a movie star?

No. I'm a consultant
on the film.

My name's Billy Jean.
But everyone calls me BJ.

You're the Planeteers, right?

What kind of consultant are you?


You work on backs?

No, silly, bats.

I'm here to make sure
they're treated humanely

and their caves
are not disturbed.

What do you
make of this?

Hmm. I've been
over and over it.

And it makes no sense.

Bats are shy,
gentle creatures,

like this one.

Ah, that's a face
only a mother could love.

Bat attacks only happen
in the movies,

like the one we're filming.

Hey, what's it called?

"Revenge of the Killer
Bat Zombies."

No way!
Did you hear that, Linka?

Unfortunately, it's films like
this that give bats a bad rap.

These movies are great!

Not when they make
people fear bats.

Believe it or not,
people dynamite

their caves, poison them.

Some even burn tires
to drive them away.

That is horrible!
BJ, get over here!

I need ya for some
bat close-ups.

Listen. You guys are welcome
to stay at my ranch.

It's just me, my dogs,
Lady and Roka,

and some injured bats
I take care of.

We'll take you up on that.

[ Barking ]

And this is my vegetable garden.

I have never seen
such a healthy looking garden!

Oh, that's because I mix
bat guano into the soil.

Bat guano?

[ Laughs ]
Relax, Wheeler.

It's one of the world's
best natural fertilizers.

[ Suchi chittering ]

It looks like
your flying friends

are driving
Suchi batty.

Oh, I think you're
right, Ma-Ti.

But without the bats,
we'd be going buggy.

In a single night,
bats in this area catch

about a half
a million pounds of bugs.

That means each bat eats
between one quarter

and half its body weight
in bugs every day!

Wow! That's beaucoup bugs!

And bats are not only great
fertilizers and exterminators.

They're important
for seed dispersal

and pollination, too.

Like bees?

Without bats, we wouldn't
have crops like avocados

and bananas, vanilla beans
and some nuts.

And many plant species

would become extinct
without bats.

I still say they're
creepy lookin'.

Well, the only thing these guys
would hurt is a fly

or some other pesky insect.

Come on.

Oh, this is great.
We're all alone up here.


[ Bats crying ]

[ Both screaming ]

Get away!

Get away!

[ Both screaming ]

What a scoop --
bats in the belfry!

[ Telephone ringing ]

Hello? [ Gasps ]

Another bat attack.

The victim's
at the police station.

Man, it was horrible!

The bats just
came outta nowhere!

What exactly happened?

Uh, I don't wanna
go over it again.

I just wanna go home.

Come on, Ellen.

No problem, BJ.

We will just get the story
from the reporter.

Hey, where'd he go?

[ Laughing ]

Yeah. Well, go ahead
and laugh about the garlic.

But I think the bats
are getting even

for all the abuse
they've suffered.

Wheeler, give us
and our noses a break!

I'm tellin' you,
you can't be too careful.

Hey. Did you see
"The Birds"

and "Eye of the Cat"?

Remember the way animals
turned on humans in those films?

Wheeler, this is real life,
not a movie.

Oh, yeah? [ Screams ]
[ Shrieking ]

There it is!
There it is!

[ Growling ]

It's -- it's Suchi!


Ha, ha, very funny!

The police are going to seal up
the cave and gas the bats!

They're gonna snuff 'em?
Why would they do that?

To test them for rabies,
whi-- which is absurd!

I mean, you have a better chance
of getting food poisoning

at a church picnic

than getting rabies from a bat!

We have to save them!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Hold it!
Nobody's gassing those bats!

Says who? Me.

I have a court
order protecting them.

[ Cheering and applause ]
Eh, okay. You win.

But that piece of paper
will only buy those

flying mice 24 hours.

For your information, officer,

bats are more
closely related

to humans than any rodent.

Whatever, BJ.

But the cave will remain
boarded up with the bats inside.

BJ: The bats are innocent!

We've gotta think
of a way to buy more time

to solve this mystery.


Now you know
how it feels, pal.

Man, it's amazing
how real the blood

on his fangs look.

If could fool anyone,
even the police, I'd bet.

Wheeler, you may have
just cracked this case.

Really? Great!

Uh, how's that?
You will see.

Ma-Ti, what did
you use on Suchi?

I do not know exactly.

The makeup woman
over there helped me.

Linka: Hmm.
She looks familiar.

You're right, Linka.

Her hair's different
in this picture.

But it's her, all right.

Excuse us, Sandra.

But isn't that you
in this picture?

Uh, no. W--

Well, I mean,
of course not.

But that's
the wig you wore.

Okay, people, places!

Yes. I mean, no. Listen.

Meet me when
we wrap later tonight.

I've gotta get back to work.

You know, guys,

there's one person
fake blood couldn't fool.

Dr. Wellman, did you treat
the two bat-attack victims?

Actually, I never saw
either of the victims.

Neither of them
came in for treatment.

I thought it was
strange at the time.

Perhaps we should talk
to the second, uh,

victim while we wait

for the makeup woman
to get off work.

Hey, that's Nick!
He works at the bike shop.

Come on!

Hi, Nick.
We'd like to ask you

a couple of questions
about your ordeal with the bats.

Uh, uh, look.
I gotta fix this.

I'm late.

In this photograph,
the bandage

is on the right side
of your neck.

And now, it is
on the left side.

Well, uh, I...

Come on! What gives?

Uh, okay, okay.

I was promised
a part in the movie

if I'd pulled off
the fake bat-attack stunt.

It's time to tell the truth
to the police.

Aw, man. I never thought
it would go this far.

Look. You've gotta stop them
from killing the bats!

All right. I'll go to
the station right after work.

All right.
Good for you, Nick!

Ah! Ah! What is it?

[ Linka and Wheeler screaming ]

Ouch! Ow!
[ Telephone ringing ]

Wheeler: Aw, these bugs
are drivin' me crazy!

BJ: Well, it's only
going to get worse.

The bats are boarded up
inside the cave.

And they can't do their job.

Oh, y-yes, I see.

Thank you.

Sandra and Nick
are nowhere to be found!

They've both disappeared!

Somebody must've
paid 'em off.

Or scared them off.

But who?

It has to be someone
from the bat movie.

I'm running a check on everyone
working on the film.

If we don't learn
who's behind this soon,

we'll never save the bats!

Uh, I -- I'm gonna go take
a walk, uh, to clear my head.

Do not worry, BJ.
We will find something.

Hmm, Robin Plunder.

I'll bet he's related
to Looten Plunder!

That is it!
That is who the director

reminds me of,
Looten Plunder!

Well, there is only one way
to find out for sure.

What about BJ?

She needs some time alone.

We can check it out ourselves.

[ Organ music ]

Director: And cut!

Print it.

Now, what do you want?


For example,
are you Robin Plunder?

Me? No.

Robin Plunder's the producer,
the moneyman.

Where can we find him?
[ Watch beeps ]

Beats me.

He was always underfoot
until the bat attacks started,

haven't seen him since.

Maybe he's scared of bats.

Okay, people.
Time is money.

No one's going to gas
my bats!


Sorry, bat-girl.

But you shouldn't
poke your nose

where it doesn't belong.

[ Grunting ]

[ Splash ]

[ Agitated chatter ]

Everybody, stand back!

[ Planeteers shouting ]

The bats are being framed!

Framed? Ah, come on.
Listen, kids.

Your court order is expired.

Clear the area.

What do you mean?
No you have to believe us.

Now what do we do?

Hey, look!
There's BJ's jeep!

Ah, so this is where
she has been all night.

What a relief.

But where is she?

Yeah, where is she?

Ah! Where am I?

Man, that was bright.


BJ is inside the cave.

She is in trouble!

You must stop!
BJ is in there!

Yeah, right, kid.
Get back.

The cave's still boarded up.

Nobody's gone inside.

Okay. Let's do it.

Yeah! Eighty-six the little

[ Shouting ]

It's time for a team beam.

She is right.
Let our powers combine.






By your powers combined,

I am Captain Planet!

Go, Planet!

Looks like my turn at bat.

Aw, this is a real gas.

Gotta clear the air

and shed some light
on this situation.

[ Bats squawking ]

Don't cave in, BJ!

[ Coughing, wheezing ]

Come on, BJ. Let's blow
this stalactite stand.

What happened, BJ?

Well, I remember
getting hit on the head,

then strange flashes of light.

Flashes of light?

It must be...
The reporter!

Where'd he go?

He was here
a minute ago.

Well, he couldn'ta gotten far.

Yep, I got a beat on him.

Come on, Planeteers!
Let's roll!

[ Laughing ]

Uncle Looten would be so proud!

All it took was a little
killer publicity stunt.

And now, my picture
will be a blockbuster!

Pull over!


Robin Plunder?

So what if I am?

Hold your horsepower!
[ Head strikes horn ]

And next time,
wear your seatbelt.

Hey, what's the big idea?

You got nothin' on me!

We'll just wait
and see what develops.

I'd say we have all
the evidence we need.

[ Chatter ]

BJ: So, you see,
Robin Plunder staged

all the bat attacks
to hype the movie.

Then, he forced his so-called
victims to cooperate.

Between that and the film
we took from his camera,

the police have a strong case
against Plunder.

Well, I'm sure glad you got
the bats off the hook

'cause without them,
I don't have a movie.

But with Robin Plunder out
of the picture,

how are you gonna
finish the film?

Eh, producers
are a dime a dozen.

The film's back on track
with one small change.

Oh, yeah?
What's that?

[ Suchi squawking ]

Meet my new star,
the sensational Suchi!

He gets upfront
salary and points.

Oh course, Suchi's share
will be donated

to the Bat Preservation Society.

All right!

[ Suchi chittering ]

Looks like
Suchi wants to do lunch.

[ All laughing ]

Go, Planet!

Captain Planet:
Scary movies can be fun.

But many movies
wrongly teach us

to fear animals like bats.

Bats are shy,
gentle creatures

which are important
to the environment.

Having bats around
means fewer insects

and more fruits and flowers.

Ask your parents
to buy a bat house.

Or build one yourself!

To find out how,
contact Bat Conservation

International or your local
agricultural service.

The power is yours!

Go, Planet!

Captain Planet: This is the only
Earth we've got.

So we must all do
our part to protect it.

Recycling is one thing
that everyone can do.

By recycling glass,
aluminum and paper,

less waste goes
into landfills.

And we help conserve Earth's
limited resources.

And we need to buy recycled.

Only when recycled materials
make it back into our homes

as new products
is the cycle complete.

All: The power is yours!





Go, Planet!

By your powers combined,
I am Captain Planet

* Captain Planet,
he's our hero *

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* He's our powers magnified

* And he's fighting
on the planet's side *

* Captain Planet,
he's our hero *

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* Gonna help him
put asunder *

* Bad guys who like to
loot and plunder *

You'll pay for this
Captain Planet!

* We're the Planeteers

* You can be one, too

* 'Cause saving our planet
is the thing to do *

* Looting and polluting
is not the way *

* Hear what Captain Planet
has to say *

The power is yours!