Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1990–1996): Season 4, Episode 12 - Bottom Line Green - full transcript

Captain Planet:
Our world is in peril.

Gaia, the spirit of Earth,

can no longer stand
the terrible destruction

plaguing our planet.

She sends five magic rings
to five special young people --

Kwame from Africa,
with the power of Earth.

[ Sirens wailing ]

From North America -- Wheeler,
with the power of fire.


From Eastern Europe --
Linka, with the power of wind.

From Asia -- Gi,
with the power of water.


And from South America --
Ma-Ti, with the power of heart.

When the five powers combine,

they summon
Earth's greatest champion --

Captain Planet!

The power is yours!

[ Geese honking ]



Kwame: It is amazing
the number of potatoes

this plant processes
in a single day!

It is enough to feed my village
for a whole year!

Or Wheeler
for a whole week.

Hey, I'm just
a growin' boy.

[ Explosion ]

Bozhe moi!
What is that?

Gi: Kwame!

[ Bubbling ]


Is he all right?
How is he?

What happened?

This pipe just exploded.
What's it for?

It's supposed to
recycle solvents.

But it's not
operational yet.

[ Sniffs ]

There's no reason
for it to blow.

I am okay.

You do not seem convinced
it was an accident.

Since I hired
Professor Frolic

to install
this new recycling system,

we've had a series
of "accidents."

When the professor told me
about the Planeteers,

I thought you could help us
with the mystery.

Who else knows
we're working undercover?

No one.
Not even my son.

There's hardly
anyone else here.

I've cut down
to a skeleton crew.

Why are y'all just standing
around, wasting time?

They were just helping me, son.
There's been another accident.

Oh, really? Dr. Frolic-stein's
crazy inventions ran amok again?

Watch your tone, son.

Why won't you give up
this crazy idea

of retrofitting
the plant?

It's a waste of money.

Greg, you're thinking

This process will reclaim
most of the chemicals

we use
making our plastic bags.

In the long run, the equipment
will pay for itself.

And recycling chemicals
will reduce pollution.

Cleaning up the environment
is a pipe dream.

It -- it's too costly.

The bottom line's green,

Oh, yeah? But the river
will be worthless

from dumping all
your chemical gunk in it.

I don't have to listen
to you, spud-stuffer.

Get back to work!
I'm no...

Come, Wheeler. Remember,
we have a job to do.

I can't believe
you hired that punk.

I don't trust that guy.
I'm gonna keep an eye on him.

Me, too.


[ Gasps ] Clearwater!
What are you still doing here?

After spending a lifetime
working for your father,

it's hard
to just clear out.

Well, you have to.

I've hired a cleaning service
to replace you.

I'm going. But I have
some unfinished business first!

Something strange
just happened.
[ Explosion ]

Not again!

[ Gasps ] Fire!

I'll douse it. Water!




What's going on?

It's hard to tell.

But it looks like one
of the wires was loose.

Frolic just installed
that panel.

The old fool
must have screwed it up.

I told my father
this green technology
is for the birds.

Maybe you're just
getting what you deserve.

What are you all looking at?
Get back to work!

Did anyone see anything
suspicious before this happened?



What about Wheeler?

Hey, where is Wheeler?

[ Machinery rumbling ]

[ Birds chirping ]

Wheeler: Fire!

how could you?

[ With mouth full ] Looks like
you caught me red-handed.

This is no time to think
about your stomach!

We have to find out
who is sabotaging the plant!

Well, if you ask me,
Greg's your man.

Ha! We did not ask you.

There is something suspicious
about the old janitor --


I will check him out.

I'll go with you,

I will see what I can learn
from Professor Frolic.

I will look after Greg.

And I'll go with you.

Forget it.

I will do much better
without a potato-stuffer

around to bug him.

[ Machinery rumbling ]

Look, I hired you
to take care of things here.

Just get the job done,


We're losing him!

Where did he go?

This way, I think.

Aah! Aah!

[ Gasps ]

[ Water rushing ]

That was very close.


Hang on, Ma-Ti!

Ma-Ti: You, too!

I gotcha.

[ Grunts ]


Were you kids
trailing me?

We saw you sneak something
out of the plant.

You mean this.

A baby raccoon?

Found the little critter
by the river

all covered with the gook from
the plant's chemical runoff.

Been nursing him
back to health.

When young Hanson canned me,
I didn't have time to get him.

Knew Greg'd explode
if he saw him.

Health laws and all.

We obviously misjudged you.

Yes. But then,
who pushed us?

Probably the same person
who's trying to stop

old man Hanson
from retrofitting the plant.

What's that?
It's a business card.

Greg Hanson!

Could he have pushed us?

Linka may be
meeting with him!

We must warn her!

[ Insects chirping ]

Who's out there?

It is just me.

What are you doing here?

Well, I forgot my keys.

So I had to come back.

Well, I'm --
I'm glad you did.

How would you like
to grab a bite with me?

I know a great little place
down by the river.

That would be nice.

It's a beautiful night.


You know, Linka,
you're as lovely as the river.

Is that supposed to be
a compliment?

Well, sure.
The water's beautiful.

The water is disgusting.

It is so polluted,
it is killing the fish.

Can you not see this?

So it's not perfect.
What am I supposed to do?

Listen to your father and stop
pouring chemicals into it.

In my country,
industrial pollution

is destroying rivers.

Here, you have a chance!

It's just not



under that truck.




Where did he go?


We lost him.

[ Clattering ]

What the...?






Ma-Ti: [ Groaning ]

[ Grunting ]

Oh, we'd better
find a way out

before we turn into
Planeteer popsicles!


[ Grunting ]

It is no use, Gi!

I -- I will try
to reach the others.


[ Insects chirping ]

Whew, the water
is cold, no?

Yes. If you fell in,
you might never get out.

Ma-Ti: Planeteers,
we need your help!

I must go.

You can't leave now.

I have to!





What's going on?

We think Ma-Ti and Gi
are trapped in there!


Come on!

Talk about chilling out!


Thank you.

What happened?

Why don't you ask Greg?

I'm sure he's
behind all this.

Oh, how could he be?
I was just with him!

Guys like Greg never
do their own dirty work.

They get spud-stuffers
to do it for them.

It does look bad, Linka.

This is the second time
someone's tried to
get rid of us.

We found this.

Clearwater, the old janitor,
saved our lives.

So Greg is our man.
Who else?

Well, I do not believe it.

Whoever's behind this
is definitely cold-blooded.

They are certain
to be gone now.

Perhaps we should
sleep on it, da?

[ Bird chirping ]


[ Yawns ]

[ Lamp switch clicks ]

So if he's not guilty,

what's he doing
in his dad's office?

[ Footsteps approach ]

You're late. You were supposed
to have been here last night.

Things are a real mess
around here.


[ Gasps ]

[ Gasps ]

Greg's behind the sabotage!

I heard him talking
to his accomplices!

Are you absolutely sure?

Good morning.

Looks like you all
had a long night.

Greg's the saboteur!

Wheeler, maybe you are
hopping to conclusions.

Greg's the saboteur!
I know what I heard!

I can't believe it!

Not my own son.
Where is he?

In your office
rifling your files!


Hi, Dad. What's everyone
doing here?

What were you doing
in my office?

Uh, I -- I was --
I was looking over

the retrofitting figures.

Linka got me thinking.
Come off it!

You were showing them
to your henchmen!

I don't have to
answer to you!

But you do have
to answer to me.

Do those men
work for you or not?

Uh, well, yes.

I was right!

You're gonna be sorry
for this.

I already am.


Look, I don't need to hear
any more of your accusations.

That is not why
I followed you.

What was that?
I'll check it out.

You were supposed to
be done by now!

[ Gasps ] Greedly!

[ Snorts, laughs ]

I'm just finishing,
boss boy.

He works for you?

That's what I was
trying to explain.

He's with
the cleaning service.

Yeah! And I'm sweeping away
your daddy's dreams.

[ Laughs ]
Let her go!

Back off unless you
wanna be French fried.

Why are you doing this?

Your pop wants to
put me out of business!

Clean industry
will make it hard

for us old-fashioned polluters
to make a living.

[ Laughs, snorts ]
[ Gas can clatters ]


light up their lives.


[ Munching ]



[ Grunting ]



Aah! Ooh!

[ Groans ]

Come on, Rigger!
Let's burn out of here!


Come on, spud-stuffer.


How did you do that?


Now we must
find the others

before the fire
heats up the tanks.

If those tanks blow,

it'll create a toxic cloud
for miles.

wh-what's he doing?

Easy, Wheeler.
Greg just saved your life.


Hoggish Greedly
staged all the accidents,

not your son!

Why haven't the sprinklers
come on?


Greedly must have
sabotaged them, too!

Everybody, outside!
It is time for teamwork!


You go!
I'll try to slow it down.

I'll help you.
Thanks, son.

We know a better way
to fight the fire.

Come, please.

Now let our powers combine.






By your powers combined,
I am Captain Planet!

Planeteers: Go, Planet!

Hurry, Cap! Greedly lit
the plant on fire!

Ah, looks like I've got
some spuds to soak.


This'll put a damper
on Greedly's plans.

Now to wrap up that pork belly
and his side of bacon.

This is all your fault,

[ Snorts ]

[ Tires squeal ]


Well [chuckles]
this one's in the bag.

It's a mess in there.

But fortunately,
the damage is minimal.

Thank you.

Don't thank me.

The power is yours!

Um, Dad?

I'm sorry I didn't see

how important
the retrofitting is.

What turned you around,

Linka. She showed me what
we're doing to the river.

I believe you have something
to say to Greg?

Sorry I came down on ya
so hard.

I -- I guess I was
a little jealous.

Yeah, she's special.

If more companies
follow your lead

and switch
to clean technology,

the land will be safer
for the wildlife.

And for us.

See you Monday?

You bet, boss.

My dad is right.

We have to look
to the future.

And I want a clean one.

From now on, we should all think
bottom line green --

the planet, that is.

Planeteers: Go, Planet!

Even small changes can make
a big difference to our planet.

Switching one light over
to an energy-efficient
compact fluorescent bulb

can save our air
from 4 pounds

of smog-producing
nitrogen oxides...

Seven pounds of acid-rain
-causing sulfur dioxide...

And more than 1,000 pounds
of carbon dioxide,

a leading cause
of global warming.

One bulb can keep all this
out of our air

and more of this
in our pockets.

So buy green and save green.

Planeteers: Go, Planet!

Captain Planet:
The EPA Green Lights Program

is working to make industry
and homes more energy-efficient.

But they need your help.

Today, you can buy
special refrigerators,

water heaters,
and even light bulbs

that help save electricity.

Next time a light bulb
burns out,

ask your parents to buy
an energy-efficient bulb.

They may cost more,
but they last longer.

And help protect our planet.

And remember
to turn off the lights

when you're not using them.

All: The power is yours!





All: Go, Planet!

By your powers combined,
I am Captain Planet!

* Captain Planet

* He's our hero

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* He's our powers magnified

* And he's fighting
on the planet's side *

* Captain Planet

* He's our hero

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* Gonna help him put asunder

* Bad guys who like
to loot and plunder *

You'll pay for this,
Captain Planet!

* We're the Planeteers,
you can be one, too *

* 'Cause saving our planet
is the thing to do *

* Looting and polluting
is not the way *

* Hear what Captain Planet
has to say *

The power is yours!