Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1990–1996): Season 1, Episode 13 - Plunder Dam - full transcript

Looten Plunder dams off an African village's river and offers the people electricity to improve services the river once provided, and some luxuries. The Planeteers realize that this means severe loss of fish-life and animals becoming wild with thirst, especially since Plunder had Argos Bleak block the water he didn't dam up. They convince Chief Morla, but not his people, not to do business with him. Shortly after they arrive, an elephant-stampede convince the villagers to reject his technology, but Plunder still hands out the electric bill for everything he's given them, which is too high to pay. The villagers can't continue their old ways of life or even survive long without the river, and just about every natural system there is threatened. Plunder builds a robot likeness of the villagers' river deity to terrorize them so they'll give him the land he now owns as payment, but the machine may cause more disasters than even he planned for.

Our world is in peril.

Gaia, the spirit of the Earth,

can no longer stand
the terrible destruction

plaguing our planet.

She sends five magic rings
to five special young people --

Kwame from Africa,
with the power of Earth.

[ Sirens wailing ]

From North America -- Wheeler,
with the power of fire.


From the Soviet Union -- Linka,
with the power of wind.

From Asia -- Gi,
with the power of water.


And from South America --
Ma-Ti, with the power of heart.

When the five powers combine,

they summon
Earth's greatest champion --

Captain Planet!

All: Go, Planet!

Captain Planet:
The power is yours!

Man: Our river god
has been good to us.

We have enough fish
for our feast.

Thank you, Nyamenyami.


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Looten Plunder:
This is as good a spot
as any to dam up the river.

Let her go!

One instant dam going down,
Mr. Plunder!

Quick, head for that stream!
It's the only escape!

[ All yelling ]


Plunder: Looks like
we're causing a little
panic down there.

I just wish they'd
scream louder so as
I could hear them!

Heh heh heh heh!

Gaia: Looten Plunder
is back,

and, unfortunately,
we've got him.

He's dammed up
this river.

What's wrong
with that?

I thought dams
were good.

Only if they're
planned and implemented
with great wisdom.

And unless we stop it,
Plunder's dam is going
to be a disaster.

Yes, sirree, Mr. Plunder.

That dam is the most
gorgeous hunk of concrete
I've seen in me life.

You're watching
the wrong show, idiot.

It's the Planeteers!

I'll give them
a toxic welcome.

Hold it, mutton head.
They're too late
to stop the dam,

and we've still
got work to do,

so get moving!

Plunder won't
get away.

No time to chase them.
Planeteer alert!

Someone is in trouble
down there.


Do not be frightened.

We are friends.

He's going to be
washed away before
he can grab the ladder.

Not if I can help it.

Just a little bit

That's it!

You're safe.

Whoever you are,
I owe you my life.

We're the Planeteers,
but who or what is that?

This is the image
of our river god,

and I am sure
the real Nyamenyami

gives you his thanks.

Your troubles
are not over yet.

Looten Plunder
will stop at nothing
to get what he wants.

And all we have
to do is figure out
what that is.

Let's go, Gi.

Get a move on.

Plunder wants the power
connected to every hut
by sundown.

My village is on
the other side of the ridge.

Chief Mola!

Praise be
to Nyamenyami.

He has delivered
our chief.

We'd better see what
that pilfering pirate
Looten Plunder is up to.

Gather round, folks.
I'll show you some
fine merchandise

that'll change your life,

with plenty of power,
courtesy of Plunder dam.

What's your scam,

Ah! Fancy meeting you here,
my dear Planeteers.

You can attest to
the value of these amazing
labor-saving appliances.

[ Crowd gasping ]

These people need
the river more than they
need most of these things.

Maybe, but I could
go for a good deal
on that CD player.

be serious.

Observe. No longer will you
have to wash your clothes

by pounding them on rocks
in the river.

What river?

[ Trumpets ]

Uh, that's just
a temporary situation,

an unfortunate

That will be rectified.

Do not believe him.
It will only get worse.

Kwame is right.
This will anger Nyamenyami.

Nyamenyami is a good god.

He'll look with favor
on that which brings
happiness to his people.

This is as clean as
when I spend all morning
washing at the river.

[ Crowd murmuring excitedly ]

My people want to give
Plunder Dam a chance.

So be it.

But you can't trust
that dude.

Plunder's a two-faced

I must abide by
the will of my people.

You made a wise

And don't listen
to these doomsayers.

I assure you
the temporary damage
caused by the dam

is not as bad
as you think.

Gi: Plunder was right.

The damage isn't
as bad as we thought.

It's worse.

And here, where the water
is plentiful,

Bleak's mercenaries
have fenced it off.

The fence must come down
for my people, for the animals.

Watch out!

Kwame, this is
no time for games.

This is no game.

Wheeler: Kwame's right.

Get a load of
this fence-fried fruit.

Bleak: Beat it!
Plunder doesn't
want you around here!

The river belongs
to the village.

You have no right
to fence it in.

My people
will be angry.

Heh heh heh! Your people
are as happy as clams.

But don't take my word.

Come see them at
Plunder's trading post.

Plunder: Step right up.
Come one, come all.

Give it a try,
and then you'll buy.

profits at Plunder's.

Wheeler: Hate to say this,
but it looks like your people

caught shop-till-you-drop

Yes. They don't
seem very upset
about the dam.

Sorry, folks.
All sold out for today.

But a new shipment
is coming in tomorrow.

See you then!

Crowd: Wait! Come back!

[ Trumpets ]

What the --

I'll take care
of those schnozzolas.

[ Trumpets ]

Beat it!
Stop nosing around here!

[ Bleak laughing ]

Look at 'em go!
Ha ha ha!

They won't
bother us no more.

Here goes nothing.




Wheeler: Tarzan,
eat your heart out!

Ma-Ti: I do not understand.

All these generators
for one little village.

is very wrong here.

[ Alarm sounding ]

Bleak: Freeze!
We got you covered!

Looks like we've
got us some live ones.

Your dam is bad!
I will tell my people
what I have seen here.

I hate
blabbermouth chiefs.

Bleak, tie him up.


Planeteers -- Mola, Wheeler,
and I need help.

Then let
our powers combine.






Planeteers: Go, Planet!

By your powers combined,
I am Captain Planet!

[ Laughing ]

If you play with matches,
you're going to get burned.


Plunder: Arggh!

Bleak, get that Planet
out of my orbit!

all the generators.

But that will overload
the circuits.

Plunder: Do as I say!

Mola: Who is
this strange man?

He's Captain Planet.

Captain Planet: No time
for formal introductions.
We got to fly!

Use the battery acid from
the transformers to cut him off.

Ma-Ti: Thank you,
Captain Planet.

My pleasure.

Watch out!


Quick! Go on!
I'll shield you!

Up, down, all around.


Yoww! Ouch! Oh!


Now to tie up
some loose ends.

I'll get you,
you --

This is just not
your day.



We are safe
thanks to you,
Captain Planet.

That toxic battery acid
drained me.

I must return
to the Earth to recover.

The power is yours.

[ Elephants trumpeting ]

Oh, no! Elephants!

Mola: They're
crazy with thirst.

They're going to trample
my village!

[ Villagers yelling ]

I must go help my people.
The elephants will
destroy our village.

Wait. I will use
my ring to try
and calm them.


It is no use.
Their thirst
is too great.

I will quench their thirst,
using water to lure them
away from your village.


[ Trumpets ]

I've had enough
of your bumbling.

It's not my fault!

It's those
Planet brats!

No excuses.

From now on,
I give the orders!

You're the boss,
Mr. Blunder.

Mola: My people realize that
they paid too high a price

for Plunder's gadgets
and appliances.

But it is too late.

It would seem that way.

Your crops are ruined.

The fish
and game are dying.

Though this machine
made my life easier,

I would gladly go back
to washing in the river.

Only there is no river.

Gi: Plunder really
outdid himself this time.

Kwame: Because of him,
the entire region
has been devastated.

Surely we have
angered our river God

Dear me,
what's the problem?

Couldn't figure out
the instructions?

You greedmonger!

Your scheme has caused
these people great hardship!

I'm terribly sorry,
but I didn't come here
to argue with you.

I came here
to make a presentation
to the fine chief here.

What is this?

Your electric bill.

Gi: It's a fortune.


I do not believe it!

Linka: I knew he was
up to something!

There's no way
these people
can pay this!

In that case...

Plunder here. Looks like
the villagers are deadbeats.

So, better cut off
their electricity.

And since you
can't pay your bill,

I can legally
take over your land
for further development.

What do you mean?

This is the perfect site
to build a substation

to distribute
my electricity
all over the continent.

He cannot do that to us!

Hey! Keep your mitts
off the merchandise.

I will make them
regret this.

Everything okay
up here?


This is serious!

[ Telephone rings ]


Bleak: You sure did a job
on those villagers.

They're ready to storm
your precious dam.

Let them. It's
all part of my plan.

Since those fools
believe in their
Nyamenyami river god,

I'll use it against them.

What do you mean?

Ha ha ha! I'm going to
give them their Nyamenyami

and kick them off my land!

Ma-Ti: Stop, please!
This will not solve anything!

Plunder tricked us.

The river is not his.
It is not for someone to own.

Violence is not
the way of our people.

Chief Mola's right.
This is not
the time to panic.


[ Crowd gasps ]

[ Roars ]

Now's the time
to panic!

That Nyamenyami is for real,
and he looks real angry.

Something about this
is not right.

Plunder: Hah!
They're scared witless.

I'll turn up the volume
and give them something
to reall scream about.

[ Roars ]

[ Distorted voice ] You
angered the great Nyamenyami.

The mighty Plunder
is your ruler now,

not Mola.

Do what Plunder orders.
Give him your land.

Do not listen to him.

Mola is a good leader.

Dare not defy me!

For I alone control
the sacred river.

I will try to touch
this creature's heart.



That is
no river God.

His heart is as evil
as Looten Plunder's.

It is
Looten Plunder's.

use your power.


Woman: It is Looten Plunder!

Gi: Water!

What the --

Kwame: It's out
of control!

If I couldn't
stop Plunder's monster,
maybe I can stop the water!


Our rings aren't going
to cut it by themselves.
It's time for teamwork.

Then let our powers






Captain Planet:
By your powers combined,

I am Captain Planet!

Planeteers: Go, Planet!

I'll go with the flow,

You help out here.

There are still
people in my village
in the river's path.

[ Straining ]


Captain Planet:
Uh! I got ya!

[ Woman sighs ]

Plunder and Bleak:

Help! Help!

[ People shouting ]

Don't worry, folks.
All of your problems
are about to evaporate.


Captain Planet turned
the water into rain clouds.

[ Cheering ]

Ha ha!

The clouds are
over my village.

Captain Planet:
The rain will gently replenish
your rivers and fields.

Soon your land
will be restored.

And we will keep it
that way.

We will never let
the likes of Looten Plunder

cheat us again.

Captain Planet:
The power is yours!

Mola: Thank you
for helping us
build our new dam.

So you see, Wheeler,
there are good dams
and bad dams.

For sure.

Mola: This dam will help us
without hurting our land.

And there is a place
for the wise use of these
in our life as well.

Do you think
Nyamenyami is pleased?

See for yourself.

It's Nyamenyami!

[ Planeteers shouting ]

Did you see that?

Was it really

Planeteers: Go, Planet!

Captain Planet: Water is one of
Earth's most precious resources.

Don't let wasteful habits
steal your water supply.

Don't leave faucets
running needlessly.

Shut them tight
and repair leaks fast.

Use low-flow shower heads.

Recycling saves
water, too.

Every ton of recycled paper
saves 7,000 gallons.

Captain Planet:
Help us make sure there's
enough water for everybody.

The power is yours!





All: Go, Planet!

By your powers combined,
I am Captain Planet!

* Captain Planet

* He's our hero

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* He's our powers magnified

* And he's fighting
on the planet's side *

* Captain Planet

* He's our hero

* Gonna take pollution
down to zero *

* Gonna help him put asunder

* Bad guys who like
to loot and plunder *

You'll pay for this,
Captain Planet!

* We're the Planeteers,
you can be one, too *

* 'Cause saving our planet
is the thing to do *

* Looting and polluting
is not the way *

* Hear what Captain Planet
has to say *

The power is yours!
