Capitaine Marleau (2014–…): Season 4, Episode 1 - La Cité des âmes en peine - full transcript



I asked for a 46, not a 36!

It's normal, it's supposed to fit like
a second skin, actually.

I'm not a snake, huh?

This is the 9th one today.
It looks nice, eh?

You don't seem to have my size.

Why do you want to learn to dive?

Because I love old shipwrecks,
but not like you, my "pan chou."

Ah, I prefer "pan choix"
because my mother is Basque.

Well, let me know when
she gives birth to one.

Even the fish will laugh at her.


(Ship horn)

(Ship horn)

Let's unload.

Tighten the straps well.

Fish flat on the mat. White side
always up.

Good, take the fish with the left hand.

-I put it on the hopper.

In 10 seconds, otherwise it's a mess.

Yes sir.
-It's not serious.

The trade returns. Look.

Left hand, you put it down.

What did you do? You don't want
to spit on it too?

None of that here. You don't
say anything?

There's a problem with the truck.
-It's the first day for the new one.

What's the problem?
(Phone rings)

(Phone rings)



It's necessary?


What's the matter?

Is there a problem? Tell me, Francois.

It's- I have to go. Handle the
truck repair.

Jean-Pierre, put it with the
blue fish.

How much did I do?


Didn't you press the button?
-I had to press it?

Do you have a girl?

Because you never lean on the button.

(Mobile rings)

Yes, Eric?

Listen, we'll see tomorrow.
I'm going to the stakeout.


I'm going.

Who's there? Show yourself.

Show yourself!

Drop it; drop it, for godsake!

Drop it!

(Radio tones)

All units, suspected homicide at
the fish processing plant.

A suspect has been apprehended.
Proceed to the location.

(Radio chatter)

Miss Sallaberry, speak up.

She has been like this since
I found her. Shock.

What is it?

Did you see her come in?
-The cameras are down.

And you are a heavy sleeper.

Oh! Crime scene!

Everyone get out.

It stinks of cod. Get out, sir.


Divisionnaire Weller, SRPJ Bordeaux

Captain Marleau, Gendarmerie National.
"Police, go home!"

I'll explain it to you.
-You're already protective?

What about my laryngeal crush?


"Police everywhere, justice nowhere!"

What the hell is she doing here?

You know her?

None of your business.

Only in the presence of my lawyer.
Come on, move! Get out.

The victim's office, Francois Mendieta,
the boss.

Why are you getting plugged in?

I'm investigating cigarette trafficking,

transported on his trawlers.

Take care of the peanut gallery,

I'll take the murderous sole.


Co-investigation by police and Gendarmerie
has been decided by the prosecutor.

Can I have my phone back?

The traffickers have used his boats
behind his back.

The murderer's bar is the center
of the trafficking.

Chapter 4, Verse 3 of
the Code of Procedure.

Step aside, let the artist do it.


A small cup that is still lukewarm.

Vanilla flavor; he had crap taste.

His computer...

on standby, so he was working
when he got shot. OK?

Phone on airplane mode.
Cell phone: off.

Why didn't he want to leave then?

What was he doing on the
sorting lines?

He had an appointment with her,
the murderer.

I mean, the suspect.

-He was killed between 10 and midnight.

The time he was discovered.
-A blow to the heart.

No defensive injuries.

He must have known his killer.
-He wasn't suspicious of him.

Whereas your suspect, he was
suspicious of her.

Because he suspected her of trafficking.

The murderess had to come from behind.

"The suspect." The captain hates
word games.

The suspect had a potential alibi,

opportunity, and weapon in hand.
A textbook case.

Yes, you haven't been to school in
a long time. Come see.

Yeah, you too. What's this?

Nothing says it's due to a blow.

It seems ante mortem, since
at least 6pm.

Eva Sallaberry,

you are in custody for the murder
of Francois Mendieta.

OK with you?
-Absolutely not, "Bwana."

A real pretty boy, this Weller.
Once a big deal in Paris.

A CV as long as his arm.
- Yeah.

An arm that goes to the prosecutor.

I don't give a fuck about

Have you ever seen guys as big as him
on cigarette trafficking?

Doesn't that sound weird
to you, Pancho?

"Panchua." It's Panchua.

You're cute, Ronsard, but go take care
of your roses,

I'm tired.

Hold up, who are you?

Lucy Mendiata, his wife.
-I want to see him.

You'll see him later.

The Police National are taking
pictures of your

husband at the crime scene, right?

Crime scene? Who are you?
-Captain Marleau, Gendarmerie.

And also Gendarme Pancho.

Where were you at 11 pm tonight?

Why? Isn't it an accident?
-It doesn't appear so.

Is it a murder?
-It's possible. Where were you?

With my parents; who could have-?

Do you know who could?

This is a nightmare.

Are you bringing her back?

We're human; we'll do the
questioning later.

Until then, ma'am.

Get the lobster crate from
my car, OK?

-I found this, in this bag.

What is it?

"No to the sale of Souls In Pain. Mendieta
wants to evict 30 families

and make 150 people homeless.
Let's take action."

What an asshole, that guy!

That bastard cheated us all.
He promised

not to sell Souls In Pain when he
bought the fish factory.

This, and your trafficking exposed,

gives you reason to kill him.

Put her in the car.

Hey! They're not your men.
I'll report you.

What is Souls In Pain?

A charity created by the
fish processor 95 years ago

for families of fishermen missing at sea.

And the "bar" is Eva's Bistro?

Yes, the name of noted dictators:

Eva Peron, Eva... Marron.

Sure. The Trawler is the heart
of the town.

So she didn't want Mendieta to sell.

Not quite, in fact.

Souls In Pain was created by
her great-grandfather,

who founded the fish factory.

So, Eva sold the factory to Mendieta?

When she inherited it.
-And my trip!

You show me. Let's have a
cup of coffee.

A ristretto with 2 straws!



Come on! "Go"!

Swarm, Pancho.

Comrade union members,
good morning!

Hi, blues.
-Good morning, Captain.


Pancho, bring me a smoothie ristretto
with two croissants, please.



Ronsard lent me his office, but I can
leave it for you.


I'll go see the suspect.

Let's wait for her lawyer.

I'm not going to question her.
Body search-- I'm a girl.

I don't want you to get caught for
bullying. We are not cattle.

She's always like that.

Comrade Cerberus of the door,
execute your office.

How's Eva?

You have a knack for getting
yourself in trouble.

Lt. Marleau. I didn't recognise you.

Captain Marleau.

They upgraded me the better
to degrade me.

This is ugly, eh?
-It's been ages.

Yes. When did I bust you?
10 years ago?

Without your dreds and your didgeridoo,

I wouldn't have recognised you.

Your guy "Robin" still in the woods?

Ah. I don't know.

You didn't tell me you were a
bourgeois kid.

My parents have always been idiots,
but they're dead.

My real family is Souls In Pain.

"The family, the family." In Palermo,
we kill for family.

I have nothing to do with it.
Weller is delirious.

What were you doing there?
-That's my business.

Oh my eyes.

She gets caught in a macabre scene,
murder weapon in hand.

Yeah, right, it's none of my business
if you take a life.

But maybe 10 years ago I was
wrong about you.

10 years ago, I didn't ask you
for anything.

And now it's the same.
-Oh no, it's not.

You're here for murder. If you don't
talk, I can't help you.

I'm no longer a teenager, I
can defend myself.

Good, do as you feel.

Do it alone.


Have a good custody.

Oy; kids!

Totally convinced of her innocence?

And you, still fighting with words?

Perhaps she just found him dead.

Did you think about that, Supercop?

You're saying I'm rigging
the investigation?

You are the one saying it.
-Why are you denying the obvious?

(Mobile rings)

Hello, Eric. I'm busy. I'm working.


Everyone here hated Mendieta!

Me the most, are you here to bust me?

I'm just saying hello.

How are you?
-I'm fine.

What do you want?

A coffee, no sugar.

A problem?

You've got some nerve.

What you really want?
-To visit the stockroom.

While you watch.
-Where is your warrant?

I can get one, but I think

it's better for everyone if I don't
bring the big guns.

Only Eva can authorize you.

I'm just doing her a favor.
-Hey, what do you want

with Eva?
-Eva's done nothing.

That's for me to decide.


FREE EVA!\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h

It's okay. IT'S OKAY! FREE EVA!

It will take a warrant.

Don't stay here, they're pissed off.

Ladies & gentlemen, gendered,
non-gendered: greetings.

You're looking for someone?
I'm your man.

The boss isn't here.

I'll do a tryout, then you can
tell him. Please.

Give it a go.

Mmm, beer!

Beer, it's like it's my brother!

-Where are you from?

Dunkirk. My father was working
on a trawler there.

Well, he wasn't on the longline.
That was for real artists.

Respect, guys.
-To your old man.

-What brings you here?

Unemployment. I've searched a lot
but found nothing, so here I am.

When is the boss coming back?

A bad thing has started.

You know that asshole cop?

He's accusing her of murder.

That's bullshit.

They're sons of themselves, the cops.

Who would she have killed?

The owner of the town. He wants
to kick us out.

The motherfucker. Another one?
-I don't mind.

Coming up.

You always ask so many questions?

No, and you?

No, there is no great love between
me and the Police Nationale.

I like your decor.
-Oh yes?

Yes, I like the photos. She's a "michto."

Huh, big guy?


Who takes the photos?

That's me.

What are you doing behind a bar?
-Lack of inspiration for 11 years.

For 11 years?

Well then...

You want to make yourself useful?

Do you know how to change a keg?
-Of course.

Go ahead.

What's your name?

Me? My name is never.

OUT OF\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h

Ah, OK.

Yeah, Pancho.

Yeah, what's the name of Eva's friend?

Yes, the official. Can you get
back with it? Yes.


Where did Weller go?

You're pissing me off.

Losing a loved one is hard.

He had to work. He didn't
have dinner with us.

He often came home after
I had gone to bed.

Your husband wasn't very popular.

He had straightened out
the fish factories.

Success makes people envious.

But from there to killing him-
-The COVID must have impacted you.

Like everyone.

So he wanted to sell Souls In Pain.

You'll get more from Sylvie Leroux,
its deputy director.

You don't like fishing?
-It came before everything.

Sylvie saw him a lot.
-It was hard.

I see what you are implying,
but it's ridiculous.

Sylvie is 45 years old.


Lucy Mendieta was having dinner
with her parents, in Royan.

She came back around midnight.

This is your co-investigation method?
Us behind and you in front?

I left you messages.
-What messages?

I would have seen it.

Yeah, yeah, I haven't seen her.
-She's not picking up at The Trawler.

Going to do it all by yourself?
Not too taxing at The Trawler?

No, because they don't know me
there it doesn't suck.

I'm not suicidal like some people.

-Both of us running around is tiring.

And it doesn't move anything forward.


I have one last thing. It wasn't only
Eva at the bar.

Did you learn something?
-I don't know.

Ask your cousin.

By the way, for the record,
I summoned Sylvie Leroux.

So, in 1 minute, she will be there.

The last to arrive, it's a schmit of death!


If you please.

-Not too disappointed? She's there.

I have a rotten car.


Ms. Leroux, what was your relationship
with Mr. Mendieta?

Professional and friendly. We had
known each other a long time.

I lived at Souls In Pain. Like him.

And then he became your boss too?

My mother worked in the factory.

When she died I was evicted.
We couldn't pay the rent.

Oh, OK.

He had intercourse with you,
like lord's rights?


No, I'm not like that.

She means being last out of
the box is a big climb.

I've worked in the box since I was 18.

I knew them, Francois trusted me.

If Francois trusted...

well, between 11 pm and midnight,
where were you?

At mine, then I was
the only one at work.

Why would I have killed him?
His wife wanted to sell.

I will be on the floor.

He had enemies?

I don't think, no. Oh yeah: Eva.

Reportedly not only her, the
whole town as well, sorry.

Well, thanks. We're done, you can go.
-When can we reopen?

We struggled to make it through
the pandemic.

We'll do our best.


She has no motive.

We connect. I like our
"Good Cop, Bad Cop."

Are you stupid, or what?

Thanks, Louise. Can you leave us?

Thanks, hon. There.

Why are we meeting here?

Because your walls have ears

Here, we have quiet.
Check this out. Have fun.

Weller's file. How did you get it?

I have no idea.


Sacred achievements. A hero!

No, he's a cowboy.

He takes stupid risks.
-Why look into him?

It's not hard to notice trafficking,

I saw it in 2 seconds.

Either he's stupid, or it saves time.

Why would he do that?
-I don't know.

What about Eva's girlfriend?

I have some stuff.

Alice Le Drouin was hired around
6 years ago,

and befriended Eva.

Never married. She was a photographer
before, very well-known.

Why did she stop?

She lost her daughter 11 years ago.
-11 years? You sure?

Is it important?

Ah damn. Fast.

Come on, fat one.


What the hell is he doing here?

Nothing to report?

OK, bye.

Shh, Gendarmerie.

Is he sleeping in there?
-For 5 days.

Is it his boat?

No, it was never put in the water.
I don't see the harm.

Especially compared to a moneybags.
Whose boat is it?

A brown haired woman. 50, rather
pretty, works in a bar.

He told me his daughter drowned
when she fell from the boat.

No! Fuck.
Thanks. Bye.

Pancho, wake up, it's the revolution!

Guess who Weller's ex is. No, not
your Aunt Nicole.

It's Alice. Yeah!

(Text alert)



(Mobile rings)

Well? He played it well for us
in reverse, your superhero.


Chloe didn't have his name at birth,

but he recognized her.
-Show me.

Yeah, maybe that's why he took the
cigarette trafficking case

It was to come back here.

Mmm. -Yeah.

His daughter died of what?

It was before I transferred here.

She was found drowned off Nauzon.

He came to heal his ex.

I have that too.
-What's this?

You're worrying me.

Ah, OK.

She snatches our "bartender."

Weller and Alice? What does
it matter!

If they even had a daughter.
-Is he Chloe's father?

I don't get it anymore.
-Didn't you know?

About her daughter, yes. But I
didn't know who her father was.

And her mother, Alice. Are you
sure about her?

Perhaps, Weller makes you
take the fall

to protect her.

That's stupid. Why would she have
killed Mendieta?

To protect the town.

She didn't write you a check for
your association?

She loves the people here.

What does that mean? You're
thinking about anyone in particular?

She is incapable of killing,
I know it.

Yeah. Like you were sure of
her and Weller?

I know, that's the point.
-Rosa Luxembourg is back?

Ready to sacrifice for her comrades?

If you don't protect Alice, then
who will?


The name is "Nobody"? Thppt.

Great. I'm dining with a spaghetti
western simpleton.

I love it.

Is it a clearance sale or
a garage sale?

Take them.

I don't have room. You gotta recycle.

I can resell it in that state?

The bourge-bohemes will want it.
Do you have any other stuff?

Yes, come on.

There's that.

It's worth the skin of an ass.

What else?

There's all this, too.

Ah! You're going to make money.
Go to the bourge-boheme places.

I'll show you.
-I've never seen you before.

I'm a friend of Alice, I'm helping
at the bistro

for a month or two. I'm looking
for a room.

You won't find anything around here.
Even we will all be gone

in 2 months.
-Oh yeah?

When we squeeze the lemon,
we throw away the peel.

It's the same in the North: "Work for me.

I'm offering you a hut, but if you
talk back: out on the street."

My husband works in fishing.
With COVID, we're managing.


Even with my family and my
son's money.

What does he do?
-Courier. He helps us.

Can you imagine?

If Alice didn't help us...

Ah! Alice, with kindness in her
heart, my good cousin.

She says Greg deserves better
than this misery.

Mendieta will not steal his future.
-She's right.

Speak of the wolf. How are you?

What the hell is she doing here?

She's the cop who arrested Eva.

No, that was the Police Nationale
who got her.

Get out. We're nothing, but we
receive who we want.

Never let anyone say you're nothing.

And the same to you.

How are you, Alice?

I'm alright, Captain Marleau.
-Ah, OK.

News travels fast.
-It's a small town.

Fine; I'm fired then.

Eva told me what you did for her.

A small one?

I never mix ass and work.

But with you, a little drink erases.
By the way, Weller:

you know, the "sexy cop"?

He didn't ask you for your alibi for
the day of the murder?

No, why?

You're part of the town. You must
have passed him.

No, I ran into him yesterday, here,
before your arrival.

Just a thought, since he is
investigating cigarette smuggling.

There is no smuggling.

And I don't have an alibi.

I went for a walk and got
home at 10 pm.

Alone? You didn't have a date?

(Alice) Believe it or not.

You're not ugly.

It's none of your business!

Yes, but I don't care.

I want to know who Eva is protecting.
You know who?


Alice, we don't want any fake ass...
-Shut up!

Go drink in town. Clear off!

Go on!

Witches aren't dead!

Alice, I'm out behind the bar. Can you-


What do you want?

To talk to you, like before.

Like before, no. That was a long
time ago.

After what you did to Eva, I have
nothing to say to you.

I did my job.
-You used to take the person into account,

their flaws, their inconsistencies.

Now you're investigating someone
I'm responsible for.

Everything points to her. It doesn't
amuse me.


I think it amuses you. Or you've
become masochistic.

Not long ago, the thought of Royan
turned your stomach.

What are you doing?

I was transferred to Bordeaux.

I'm investigating contraband cigarettes.

Don't take me for an idiot. You,
the big crimebuster

who chose his own assignments,
transferred to Bordeaux.

Funny promotion.

You follow me, I'm flattered.
-No, I don't follow you.

I just check sometimes that you
are not dead.

Marleau thinks like me.

Marleau? What did she say to you?

Here we are.

Had to start with that instead of
making a movie.

Ask her.
-The cinema is her specialty.

Don't worry. I haven't told her
about us.

♪ A small fish. A small bird. ♪

♪ Loved each other with tender love ♪

I told your colleague everything.
-He's not my colleague. I'm Gendarmerie.

Do you know who the culprit is?
I doubt it is Eva.

How to know?

You're his widow, you don't know
who it could be?

No no no, who would it be?
-I don't know, no I'm looking.

I'm looking at the psychology of your
husband's character.

Because--ouch! Few could blame him.

Apart from Miss Leroux, of course;
and you. How did you meet?

My father had a yacht. One day,
we almost sank.

Francois was part of the rescue.
-A thunderbolt!

Yes. He finished his studies,

we got married.
-And you had fish.

No, Francois first had to buy back
the fish processor.

My parents loaned us money to make
his dream come true


After that, he needed to stop the
pack from town.

Ah, yes. Um...


They didn't like Souls In Pain being
kicked out?

It made him crazy. I thought he
wanted my parents' money.

Eye for an eye, son-in-law for
son-in-law. It means nothing.

Besides, Alice the photographer:
did he know her?

Not a lot. He invited her to dinner,
but she refused.

He never mentioned it to me again.

Not even these days?
-No, why?

Is it linked to his death?
-I don't know, I'm looking.

I'm also looking for the kitchen, because
your grapes are disgusting.

Do you have something to drink?
Ah, here. Some water.

In any case,

you need to relax. You look tense.

You're going to burn out.

Can I help?

(Mobile rings)

(Mobile rings)

They are calling me. Who's calling?
(Mobile rings)

(Mobile rings)

Excuse me, eh?
(Mobile rings)

See you soon, madam!

Yeah, hello?

What's happening?
-She left.

Greg doesn't have a courier job.
Must be an illegal one.

Yeah, like cigarette dealer.

I'll call you back.

That's for you, boss.

I owe you one. I'm no longer
your boss.

Ask for an assignment worthy of you,
and rebuild the team.

We'll be quits.


"Lady of Heart." That's good.

Knock knock knock.

Someone there?

Oh! There is nobody?


Where did he go?

There's nobody?

What is that?




A long time ago did you fuck the boss?

I have a souvenir photo called
"Kiss in the Kitchen."

I admit it, so what?

Big motive to kill the husband.

You're sick.

You're not wrong. I have a
little sado-schizo side.

You know, yesterday, Mendieta

was alive and you had pretty fingers.

Today he's a beat-up corpse
and your hand-

OK, I hit him.

You sadist.
-It's not me.

Occupational hazard.

So yesterday afternoon you worked
for the husband,

and in the evening finished him off?
-Why would I do that?

To bang his wife,

because he didn't want to let go,
her and her dowry, you took

a little hook, and presto!
-No. Lucie would have left the money.

Do you have an alibi?
-No, I don't.

Too bad, eh? If you bust me,
Eva will have to be released.

Eva knows about you and Lucie?
-Ask her.

Torture me, you'll get nothing.

You're all right, I've got nothing.

A little arnica; do you have
a National Health Card?

How are you?

You questioned Alice

without me.
-It's the co-investigation.

Why are you freaking out?
Did your ex call for help?

It's stinks of conflict of interest and
it will not please the prosecutor.

OK, we tell him how you got Eva off
for robbery 10 years ago?

Robbery? If anything, she picked up toys
that fell off the back of a truck.

It was for migrants at Christmas.

She was 17, I wasn't going to
ruin her life for her.

Me, I see a Gendarme who oversteps
her authority,

therefore conflict of interest.
Does that cover it?

You really are a cop.
This conversation never took place.

What conversation?

We should have warned Weller.
-You know what I'm telling him?

What did you come here for at night?

You were afraid Imanol, who was
banging the boss, would lose it?

Mendieta would not have let his
wife go with a townie.

True or not? So you came,

and Imanol had already been here.
A demonstration:

you be Mendieta, I'll be Eva.

It's not funny. He's dead. Act
like you're dead.

You act better if you're not
playing around.

Go ahead! Lie down like Mendieta.

On your left side.

No, roll.

Oh dear.


You're walking;

You see him: "Mr. Mendieta?

Are you dead?"

You became like a Red Cross

You do CPR! "Stay alive! Stay alive!"

He sprays all over you,

your shirt and everything.

A noise!

"Who's calling me? It might be
the murderer."

You pick up the hook

to defend yourself.

And the guard arrives.
The weapon, perfect!

Macabre and not perfect, but
the perfect culprit.

A real film script.

Yeah, but I think if we keep it real
we'll make something great.

So Pancho told me that your bar,

it was from Imanol's parents.

So what?
-What is it between Imanol and you?

When my parents cut me off, Imanol's
family offered me a job.

Yes, and a room above the bar.

Oh, a "backroom"! "Backrooms"
create bonds.

It's not what you think.
He's like my brother.

Ah. So you paid your debt to
your brother. Logical.

I like Imanol.

I'm sure he didn't kill Mendieta.

Your buddy Alice, on the other hand...

"This way, please."

10 to 1 she is protecting Greg
and his trafficking.

What do you think?

I don't know what you're talking about.
-Oh yeah? Look at me.

If you're kidding, it's because
you're lying.

Alice was able to kill Mendieta
just to protect Greg?

Miss Sallaberry, you're free.
-What's wrong with you?

Imanol sleeps with Lucy Mendieta
and fought with Francoise.

He had bruising on his face.

-When he's like that, he's bluffing.

Did I miss something? Your
protege is free,

what do you want?
-That's enough!

I killed him! I'm tired of all this.


I couldn't let him destroy the lives
of those I love.

She annoys me.

She wants to protect me?

Everyone protects everybody.

I'll call Weller.

No no no. We're going to corner
the smugglers,

and you're going to help me.

Those in Souls In Pain
are my friends.

It's them or Eva. Which
do you prefer?

If it's not Eva or you who
killed Mendieta,

what's left are the smugglers.

Move on. In 24 hours, the file
will be closed.

The prosecutor goes bang, and
Eva's done for.

Do you want to save her?
-How? I don't know anything.

The guy on the red scooter, Greg,

call and ask him for his help.

He has a big mouth, and loves Eva.

I'll try.
-There you go.

Hey there!

He's nasty!

Anybody there?

Ma'am Alice?

Ma'am Alice?

Eva confessed. Imanol is innocent.

Why did she confess?

If Imanol is innocent, Alex would
have found out.

Alex? Ah; the ex of your life?

I should have said, but
he's my daughter's father.

It's brave to come back here,
where your daughter died.

No, it was cowardly. I lost my daughter
and the man of my life,

so I had no more reason-
-To live?

I wanted to end it all near Chloe.
Eva saved my life.

Send the elevator back down to her.

Tell me all about Greg and
the smuggling.

I'm sorry, I can't say anything.

Too bad for her.

So long.
-So long.

What do you want?

We can save Eva. What's your plan
for the cigarettes?

Is this for your Gendarme? Who
do you take me for?

I knew it.
-Stop it.

You're a smart guy. Do you want
to be a yacht designer

in prison?

The Gendarme is reliable.

You saw what Eva did, you'd
let her down?

I've got nothing for you, sorry.
-Tell me if you hear something.

Yes, we'll see.

(Dogs barking)

(Car approaching)

Why are you sleeping on our boat?

Answer me!

Chloe is with me a little here.

You too.

Since my arrival I've wanted to
tell you I'm sorry.

Sometimes I-

I should have supported you.

But I was mad at the whole world,
including you.

I was supposed to watch over her?
-No, no; you had nothing to do with it.

It's me, I never should have
abandoned you here.

We've been apart 8 years,
why now?

When you want to tell me,

you know where to find me.

-They pulled your daughter out here?

That sucks.

What are these scars?

They remind me that if
I had been less stupid,

Chloe would still be alive.

And you would still be with Alice.
Show me.

Oh, that!

This is the robbery

of the jeweler in Versailles.

Three hostages rescued by
Commissioner Weller.

That's not appendicitis.

No, it's Rue de Breteuil. Is the
bullet still in there?

-Yeah, I'm a genius.

Shall we have a drink?

Undercover narcotics work endangers
cops' families.

I didn't marry Alice. Chloe doesn't
have my name.

She died when you were

I had promised to go to Portugal
sfor 2 days.

But I was onto something big, so
I accepted the assignment.

You left your wife and daughter all alone
on vacation here, is that it?

Alice rented a villa. Chloe was
angry with me.

She was forbidden to go out
to sea by herself.

I didn't attend the funeral in Lyon.

To avoid the grief.

I couldn't say goodbye to her.

You played kamikaze.

I hoped others would kill me.

And Alice?


I resented her for not watching Chloe.

I didn't have the courage or strength
to turn the page.

She had nothing to prove to you.

It turns out people from this town

know what it's like to lose everything.

I got it all wrong.

I didn't think Alice's absence would
weigh on me so much.

Why am I saying all this?

I don't know. Shall I drive you?

No, I'm going to walk a bit.

So long.

What are you doing? Are you crazy?

Yes, lookout in case Weller shows up.

Alice's cell phone was at home at
the time of the murder.

So, she could have left it on purpose.

She knows all the tricks. Keep watch!

-I'm doing what I can.

That's crazy. Come here.

-He sent two documents recently.

One for a trial and one to a lawyer.

Look, Eva's middle name.
He made a mistake.

That's a lot of mistakes for a supercop.

What do you think?
-The lawyer can get a dismissal

on the procedural error.
-Mmm hmm.

To do what?
-Avoid prison for Eva.

How about this: he knows it's not her;
he wants to save time.

We're going to dig some more.
Locked, damn it.


It's my office.

You're my favourite poet, Ronsard.

Watch! How many times do
I have to tell you?


Here he comes!

Why hide this in the Gendarmerie?

-I'm doing what I can. So...


Hello, this is the office of
Prof. Eric Duchamin-

I'm in a meeting-

Go ahead.

Hey... (laughs)

You were hiding this from me?

Was the fishing good today?


Thanks for letting us reopen.

Two partial layoffs in a year,
we were dead.

What can I do for you?

Join a union. Tell me if Alice
came here occasionally.


Your colleague already asked me.
-Is that so?

You don't talk to each other?
-No, his breath stinks.

Did she come?

Rarely. And never without Eva.

Oh yeah; she was here the
morning of the murder.

To speak with Francois, I don't
know why.

He didn't tell you about it,
your boss?


It must not have been factory-related.
He'd have told me.

He kept me up-to-date.
-Oh yes?

On everything.

Your boss had to let the smugglers
use the boats, no?

Oh that, never.


No. Francois wouldn't have
tolerated it.

St. Francis of the Assizes. Pray for us,
poor fishermen.

I can't stop thinking about her
body on the rocks.

Covered in seaweed. It haunts me.

I sacrificed you, I cried too much for Chloe. Sorry.

You realize that now after 11 years?

What is this about, how you hurt?

I love you.

I need your forgiveness

in order to move forward like you.
-Move forward?

There isn't a day I don't blame myself
for letting her go out.

I'm a mess. I don't move forward,
I rot from guilt.

I'm slowly dying.

Did you think of me even once?

That's not what I mean.

You think selfishly of forgiveness,

you only think about yourself.

Forgive yourself on your own.

What are you doing?

The key was under the doormat.
-So make yourself at home?

-Give me that back.

Your daughter's beautiful.

Yes, she's beautiful.

You see this pendant?

She got it a week before her death.

It had to be from a lover.
She was thrilled.

Me too, she forgot about her
father leaving.

When we found her she wasn't
wearing it.

Ah. Yes.

You're not here to talk about her.

No. I wanted to ask you

what the fuck you were doing at Mendieta's
the morning of his death.

I brought him canvases, hoping
to get a loan

to renovate without selling
Souls in Pain.

Why didn't you say so?
-I was afraid I was under suspicion.

Well you succeeded.
How did he answer?

He laughed.

He wanted revenge on the townspeople.

Ah. While for you it was the opposite.

You wanted to save them: Greg,
his parents. Did you kill him for that?

Let it go! You think I'd let Eva
take the blame?

OK. Explain something to me:

Huh? This photo with Greg,
what is it?

That's for his application to yacht
design school, I was helping him.

Is that so.

It changes nothing.

Mendieta would have screwed
it all up.

Yes, but even for Greg I wouldn't
let Eva be blamed.

I hope so, because otherwise your
application will be to

Fleury-Merogis Prison, and I will
fill it out. Is that clear?

Yes? Good day.

Pancho? Have you seen the photos?

Who told you to search my office?

It wasn't me. It was Pancho.

It was you!

I didn't do anything.

It's his office, it's normal.
You hid this from me.

It's unrelated to the investigation.

But still. You're still in love with her.

Alice, you protect her.

It's the truth.

We were together the night
of the murder.

But no.

Take my statement.
-I don't believe you,

your alibi doesn't hold up,
(Mobile rings)

(Mobile rings)

frankly. Two seconds.
(Mobile rings)


OK. Thanks, Imanol.


Before giving your statement,

would you like to go stop some
cigarette smugglers?

Hold position; hold position!

Move over.

Down there!

Talking first.

(Weller) That's it. Go go go!

(Marleau) Get going!

Gendarmerie! Don't move!

You're under arrest!


Nobody move. Calm down!

Calm down!

Hey hey hey! You leave without paying?

Turn around. What is this craziness?
Take that off. Rude.

-Oh shit.

I have nothing to say.

Knock it off. You've been caught in
the act with the cigarettes.

You tell us who you're working with, OK?
-You're implicated.

You want to help you, but admit
to Mendieta.

Why would I have killed him?

Because your boat belongs to Mendieta.

He must have made a face when
he found out you're smuggling.

I don't know anything. Tell her.
-Her theory holds up.

Yeah. So I'll talk to her.
-Stop bullshitting.

Answer the question!
-You got nothing.

You're going to upset him.

Don't screw up, I want to know
everything. Clear?

It's clear.

You upset him.

I know what you did for Eva,
at the bar.

Can you do the same for me?

Maybe for you I could...
can you leave us?

And you, leave us. Go on!

(Paco) I have something for you.

But I want a jail nearby so my
family can come see me.

And a tobacco shop in the
Rue des Martyrs?

What've you got?

Info on the murder of his daughter.



Yes, Mr. Prosecutor. Yes, thank you.

Big tool. The prosecutor agrees,

provided it interests him, so
I'm listening.

Uh, the day Chloe went to sea,

I was poaching piballes

in the Bay of Suzanne.
-Pit bulls?

They are baby eels, but €500 a kilo.

€500 for babies, that's expensive
abortion! Who buys them?

Restaurants. They are the white gold
of the estuary.

(Marleau) Tell me the rest.

I hardly saw her, she had pushed off.

I still managed to see she was not
alone on the boat,

contrary to what everyone said.

Who was she with?
-I saw a guy in an orange sweatshirt,

from Sea Rescue.

But I couldn't say if it was
a man or a woman.

Why didn't you say anything?
-You know what it can cost me

if caught poaching?
Hard time.

It's a fucking protected marine species.

That's not like you; be careful, if
you play it backwards it won't do.

I swear it's true.

Can I go to jail nearby?

As long as you don't annoy Weller
on the cigarettes thing.

I swear to you: if it's bullshit, you're going
to Maubeuge, 5 hours by train.

You support her?
-It's not easy.

But I get weekends off. It's easier.

Go ahead, he unpacked everything.
-On the murder too?

No, just the smuggling.

Want to go for a gondola ride,
"Pancho mio"?

-You don't like the nickname?

No, I like Pancho.
-It suits you, it's a dragon.

Chloe, you have mettle.

Come on, let's search.

What am I looking for?

Go on! Good! There, yes.

Searching is good. He finds something.

What have you found?

Come show Auntie Marleau.

He climbs the stairs well. What
did Pancho find?


"Someone in a Sea Rescue sweatshirt was
on board with your daughter

on the day of her death."

Paco distracted Weller's attention.

Don't fall for the clue.
-No. But Weller assumed it.

Otherwise he would have thrown
this away. He read it several times.

Notice the state of it? He thought about it.

Imanol, tricking out your boat
for your lady love?

What do you want?
-I'd like to know if

crossing the upper bay to the
beach, can it be swum?

It depends on the weather, currents.

You'd be kept busy.

Because you see, on the day Chloe died

there was a wind force of 6 and
an ebb tide, coefficient 95.

No chance then.

Even with Sea Rescue?

Would have to be more than a hell of a swimmer.

(Mobile rings)

Excuse me, a call. Who's calling?
(Mobile rings)

Yes, Pancho Ronsard, what is it?

Captain, I have the Sea Rescue roster
from that time.

Mendieta is on it.

It's a relief. I didn't have
the right to go in.


Your husband was weird.

Can't you do it? I'll do it.

The lock has been forced.

Well now!

A little obsessive, your husband.
He's a polisher.

In the clean and dirty sense.
-A real maniac.

I understand. What's that?
"Co-champion of France"?

"Open water swimming." In confusion?

He was an excellent swimmer.
-Oh yeah?

Nobody's been here?
- I doubt it.


The ship's stack is broken. A maniac
would have fixed it.

Well, yeah.



Eggs that light up!

No, it's a lighthouse.

What's this?

A ring.

Recognize it?
-Yes. He used to wear it.

I'm sure it was an ex's. I told him
not to wear it.

He got eyeballs?

I'll keep it.

Thank you so much, Mrs. Mendieta.
Ah, by the way,

before your husband died, he wouldn't
have seen Weller?

Yes, around 2 pm. He seemed shaken
afterwards, but he said nothing to me.

That's cool.

Goodbye, Mrs. Mendieta!

The lock was picked, the room searched.

It's professional work.
-A pro?

What was taken?

I had to verify a theory, but
I kept the bling.

I have it!

Come see.


Closer. Closer. Ready? Ready?

Do you like chips?

Is that Chloe's?

It's Mendieta's. It's too big for her.

Her boyfriend was Mendieta.
-Every time.

He was on the boat; he kills her.

And he takes back the ring.


It was Weller. He had to have heard
what we were saying.

Otherwise, he would have
entered in a rage.

He could have killed Mendieta?

No, he's a cop. But also a father.

Find out who made the ring.

Mendieta was in the group
looking for Chloe.

Classic, no? The murderer helps
with the search.

Let's say killed her. He's throwing
her overboard.

He dives, he swims in to the beach.

Where would he have gotten out?

There, or there. Everywhere else
the currents are too strong.

The surf would have thrown him
against the rocks.

It makes for a radius of
300 meters. OK.

It's time, let's go.

35 minutes, by a whisker!

Is that going to help Eva?
-You can't even imagine how much.

What's the matter?


I wanted to talk to you about Chloe.

What about Chloe?

May I?
-Come in.


I found her ring at Mendieta's
-And so? What of it?

It wasn't an accident.

He killed her.

-He's dead.

Chloe is avenged.
-You killed Mendieta?

Tell me. Answer me.

You transferred here just to
get revenge?

\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hNo no no.

Do you need an alibi? No no no.


\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hYour talk about forgiveness
\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hwas just all hot air?\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hNo.

\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hYour talk about forgiveness
\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hwas just all hot air?

\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hNo, I can

I know. No, I can
It's clear! explain.


Hey. I found your size.

She was a kid, he had to pay.

He was wearing her ring. He must have
been addicted to your daughter.

Oh yes, nice excuse.

This isn't the road to the Gendarmerie.

Don't worry. Be patient.
We must be patient in life.

Here we are.

Come on, move. Everyone out!

Where are we going?
-What do we have here? Ah ha!

-Obey, Johnny Cash.


Anyway, you don't have a mask.

What the hell are you getting at?
-Enough with the swearing, damn it!

It's rude!

Go on!

Here; here, sit down. "Yes,
Mistress Marleau."

Ballbreaker, eh? See you later.

He's all set.

Ha ha!

Eric, let me go right now!

Shut up and listen.

Here's the bullet you got in
the leg a year ago.

Your femoral artery is here,
3mm away from the leg.

I don't care.

Nor me. But it moved 2 cm
in 2 months. If they touch,

you die.

Stop this movie. Sign and
I'll operate on you.

Or I'll have you committed.
Is that clear?

"OK," if you insist. Prison is suicide
for me.

There. Happy?
-More would be indecent.


I'll do whatever, I'll die

sooner or later.
-Done with your emotional outburst?

I know you didn't kill Mendieta.

No matter how hard you
try to take the rap.

We're on to you, buddy.

Is that your first?

What? It's not alcohol, it's beer.

I have good breeding, but I don't
buy your routine:

"Thank you, my daughter's avenger,"

is limiting. Protecting you is stupid.
-I would make an innocent pay?

Don't start again. Your shenanigans
resulted in what?

Eva won't go to trial, sure,

but neither will Mendieta.

So a killer is out there who you freed.

Is that what you want?

Tell me who it is. You don't know?

But you go to the slammer for
someone you don't know?

Too noble, too stupid.

We're not leaving until you
tell me. Clear?

I'm listening.

I wanted to kill him. I waited
for him that night.

I heard the radio call. That's it.

Ah. So you saw Eva arrive.

Yes; I thought it was her.


since you're not stupid, even for a cop,

you said to yourself: "I'll say later I
was wrong." You blurred the trail.

If you hadn't showed up,

it would have worked. I protect
a killer, but I've nothing to lose.

I lost everything:

Alice, my daughter. The rest...

Everything. She still cares
for you, Alice.

Of course she does.

Did you see her gaze earlier?

That's done. I can't get it back.

Not certain.

But what is certain,

is that your daughter isn't dead
because of Mendieta. He loved her.

Mendieta was in the rescue boat.

So to get on board on time

he had to have left a car here earlier.

I timed it.

Mendieta had premeditation?
That's nonsense.

Yeah, your daughter was stuck on
someone who was messed up.

But because of you, Mendieta caught
who killed your daughter.

How is it "because of me"?

During the confrontation, you must have
said something, and he "got it."

So, the murderer, feeling compromised,

would have killed Mendieta.
-Mmm hmm.

So that means-

Since the third day you protected
your daughter's murderer.

How could I screw up?

It's normal. Your name is not Marleau.

And you had learnt about your
daughter dying. You were shaken.

I'm a cop.
-Exactly. We must move on.

Yes, you're right.

Let's go over everything.
-Mollo; don't stir up the mijole.

Eva's in the slam. The culprit must
believe he is safe.

He's not going to fly off. Don't you
have someone to see before that?

I thought you killed him.

I could have.

You're not like that.

How could I believe it?

Everything I told you-
-Yes, it wasn't just words,

but I was angry. I resented you.

I should have faced you.

I didn't blame you for that,

but because I thought you
wanted to die.

I was waiting for someone to call
to tell me it happened.

I was so scared.
-I should have, it would have freed you.

No. You don't have to say that. No.

Don't you kiss me now?

He had a good night, the big one.

Always the gossip.
-The masculine form, is it "stupid father"?

You look cute when you smile.
-Are you hitting on me?

No. Never dredge the shallows.

Why? You want to marry me?
-I have to talk to someone.

Ronsard has worked out well.
-Ah, Pancho.

He's the gendarme of Saint-Palais,
Pancho Villa.

This would suit me credibly, no?

You're a furry woman.
-I don't like the "landing strip."

I was talking about the chapka.

Look at this one!

Looks like Diane de Moissiers.
Good evening!

Ah, you found it?

It took a moment. It wasn't yesterday.

11 years, can you imagine?

Good, there it is.

"Mendieta, Francois. Ordered April 15."

One of the rings was too big.

He made an appointment to adjust it,

But he never came back.
-How many rings were there?

Two, identical. As ordered, of course.

Was someone with him, a woman?

Sir, it's been 11 years.
-11 years ago!

It's andropause, he's not well.

If there were two rings,

the one Chloe wore around her neck
was someone else's.

Why give it to him?

At 20, you fall in love as often as
you blow your nose.

He was in a relationship, but
he met Chloe.

He want to drop a ring size, and
drop the other woman.

A woman killed my daughter?
-Who says it was a woman?

We'd have to find this person.
-She must be far away.

As Che Guevara said: "You're right."

(Text alert)

All good?

I don't know if they were together.
There've been rumors.

Rumors before or after Chloe's death?



Thanks, nutball.
Simon, can you lock up?

Where'd he go?

-My ass: Weller!

I didn't see him.

He didn't come in behind me?
-You were together?

Can't you be more careful?

You never expect me to!


Where is she, Mrs. Leroux?

-A meeting with your colleague.

How long ago?
-10 minutes. The office.

That sucks.

Is he going to kill her?

No, he's making a documentary
about the factory.

Yeah, and it sucks.

We have to find them, fast.

Call Alice, tell her to join us.

To keep you busy.
-Join us where?

What are you talking about?

I wanted to sabotage the boat.
She got aboard

while I was in the cabin. She cast off, and
I couldn't get off.

Shut your mouth! Why did you
wait to take off?

I wanted her to stop seeing him.
Francois loved me.

Why'd he give my daughter a ring?
You wanted

it back, you took it.
-It was an accident!

I pushed her, she fell into the water!

Yeah, just like that?

It was an accident!

I didn't do it on purpose.

I dived in to save her.
-You didn't drown though.

It was too rough, it was force 6. Please...

I exhausted myself; I failed to save her.


No no no. Stay here, wait for him.

I wanted to prevent it, but we
found her body.

I wanted a second chance.
-I'm not giving you a third.

Weller! Don't be a jerk.
-Go away.

Let her go.

Marleau, go away!
-Alex, don't do that.

I have to die.

I don't deserve to lose you again.

don't shoot.

Don't shoot.

She already took Chloe from us,
and the last 11 years of our life.

I beg you.

I beg you.

I beg you.

Francois arrived, threatening.
I was so scared.

It was self-defense. Anyone would
have done the same.

Do you believe me?

I loved him so much.

"Love, I love you so much."
Put her in.

I was going to leave.

What is it?

Did you kill Chloe?

Why no.

We saw you on her boat with the
Sea Rescue shirt you took from me.

Wait, it was an accident.

Believe me.
-Turn yourself in, or I will.

No, I love you. And you love me.

You gave me this job so we
could be together.

-My love-

Let go of me!

I liked Chloe. You were a young
guy's fantasy

of banging a 30-year-old chick.

You have 24 hours.





Ah, even if it stinks of fish, we're
better outside.

Why do you always fly to my aid?

Because you're "stubborn," and
so am I. Up here.

Hey, oh! Bullying. None of that,
you're crazy.

See you!

This is the second time you've
kept me out of jail.

Let it be the last, OK?

Let's go, "bye."

I'm watching you!

-Herr Commissioner, I'm off.

Stay dry in the hospital.
-I'm going with him.

Temperature of not less than 37.2.

I'm freaking out a bit.
-Fear doesn't prevent danger.


He's leaving the police.

Is he going into the movies?

No, I want to live.
-Enjoy it, it won't last.


I have to tell you something.

Your daughter didn't go out to
sea because of you.

Why are you telling me this?
-With Mendieta, it was just the beginning.

That day there was a problem
at his job.

He stood her up, she was pissed off.

She went out to sea. That's all.

Thank you.
-Go on.

A photo?



I also find desires in life.

See you.