CSI: Vegas (2021–…): Season 2, Episode 16 - We All Fall Down - full transcript

Medical examiner Sonya's life is in jeopardy when she is exposed to a mysterious poison as the CSI team races to find the antidote and the Silver Ink murderer who appears to be targeting the Crime Lab.

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Previously on CSI: Vegas...

All of these cases,

all of these people are related.

Dario Donnelly.

Lynn Zobrist. The sick mind
behind all of these murders

is Dr. Diane Auerbach.

I was so certain that
she was responsible.

Max, you need to see this.

I need you to get two
rooms at the Aurora.

One for me, one for
you. Use fake names.

Players are
assigned a target.

Once they eliminate
one, they inherit

that player's target as
their next assignment.

That was the plan, take out
the last man standing yourself?

But you made that
pretty impossible.

I gave my best player
a real challenge.

You're all in the game
now. May the best man win.

♪ You'll reach in my brain ♪

♪ And it drives me insane ♪

♪ How you touch me this way. ♪

You know we have a
fully stocked minifridge

in our hotel room, right?

I am not paying ten dollars

for bottled water.

Not even after the apocalypse.

Your mom's a civil
servant, not a high roller.

How long are we
planning on staying?

I thought you caught the
guy who wanted you dead.

One of 'em, but it kind of
seems like there's another one.

And we just got to
be careful, okay?

It won't be forever.



You got here fast.

Well, there's a deranged killer

hunting your mama.

It seemed urgent.

I'm worried about you.

I've only been in town an hour

and I've already
tracked you down.

Daniel, it was
really kind of you

to come all this way,
but we're gonna be fine.

I promise... Maxine.

We're still a family.

I'm not going anywhere.

Not until you're really safe.

I am so sorry.

I can't do this. I can't.

That went well.

Poor Molly.

What have we got?

Adhesive residue on
her wrists and ankles.

Killer had her bound up.

There's no blood, no
trauma, no ligature marks.

I have no guess on cause.

Witness in that tent saw

a man wheel this
cart under the 15,

then walked off whistling.

Remembers a fancy
suit, not a face.

It's all right. We know
exactly who did this.

He told us himself.

He signed his work?

He's not just signing his work.

He's giving us the finger.

The only print found at
Molly Tate's dump site

was the digitus medius.

He's flipping us the bird.

Lovely. In silver ink.

Here's our man, Ronald Winter.

Quite the mugshot.

His wanted poster's gonna
look like an Armani ad.

Put it on the local
news, make him famous.

I can't find any other
trace of his life online.

Uh, this was for a
first-time offense.


So now he's crawling
out from behind

his keyboard to put on a show?

Going public like this feels
like Molly's his opening act.

Who's the audience?
Why dump her like that?

This guy was drafted into that
twisted wheel of death game.

But that's over. Why keep going?

He's a bit
different from the others

tangled up in Ted Hester's
Silver Ink Murders.

Ron had a troubled youth, too,

but look.

Look at that IQ.

160? WILLOWS: If
he's that smart,

you got to imagine
he's got an endgame.

Maybe he's already
told us what it is.

The postcards, the scribbles
on the walls in the white room.

What? ROBY: We had
the same instinct

when Ted told us about Ron.

So much so that Catherine
called a forensic linguist

at Quantico. They're
working on it, but...

We don't have enough material
for the cryptanalysts.

If we had a large enough sample,

they could find patterns,
figure out how Ron's

symbols could group into words,

sentences, but... we need more.

You're gonna need more
evidence of every kind.

Anything that tells
us where Ron is.

Well, Sonya's ready

to walk us through
Molly's autopsy.

Let's start there.

Jack, please, where
are we on the coffee?

I need caffeine.

Like, any form. Intravenous
would be acceptable.

Hey, sis. How about
you look down?

You all right?

You look kind of
exhausted. Yeah.

I'm fine. I just...

I was up all night
with this autopsy while

lover boy over there was
out gallivanting around.

Did you go on a date?

How'd it go?

Well, he was wearing the same
clothes as yesterday, so...

She was talking about
the autopsy. Ah.

You are right. Um, not
as well as I hoped.

But I still can't tell
you what killed Molly. Mm.

All signs point to Molly
being poisoned orally.

See those small tears
in her laryngopharynx?

That makes me think
that she was forced

to swallow something,
something that


Yeah. Pretty sure the
liver's not supposed

to look like a slice
of Swiss cheese.

Hepatic vacuolizations.
Ricin poisoning?

That's what
I thought, but no.

I spent hours
testing the contents

of her stomach. Not a drop.

And then I got really
confused when I opened up

her large intestine and
found extensive bleeding.

Okay, now that sounds
like hydrogen cyanide.

It does, but again, no.

And before you
ask, I also tested

for arsenic and strychnine.

Even though it couldn't possibly
be either of those, because...


You okay?


Um... Sorry, uh...

Couldn't be either of
those, because those poisons

don't cause hepatic

and bloody GI, so...

so I am completely...

Come on, sit down,
take a seat, come on.

Yeah. Let's get some
water and sit down.



My heart... My heart is racing.

- Sonya? Sonya, are you okay?
- Get away from me!

Get out! Just get
out! No! I... No...

Seal off the morgue!

Molly's a Trojan horse.

What are
you talking about?

That's why
he dumped her.

He's using her body
to poison all of us.

Control, C16. This
is CSI Allie Rajan.

I need medical assistance
at my location immediately!

Tell me how to help you.

I don't know.

I think whatever killed
Molly, it's killing me.

Listen. Listen.
Just stay with me.

♪ Who... are you? ♪

♪ Who, who, who, who? ♪

♪ Who... are you? ♪

♪ Who, who, who, who? ♪

♪ I really wanna know ♪

♪ Who... are you? ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
♪ Who... ♪

♪ Come on, tell me who
are you, you, you ♪

♪ Are you! ♪

We need
to restrain her!

Having a hard
time. She's convulsing.

the pentobarbital.

Give her
another 25 mils.

Do they know what it is?

No, but they just
started testing.

And they're straight
on symptomology.

Her heart is racing.
She can't stand.

She's got severe abdominal pain.
Have they checked for sepsis?

Jack, they know
everything that we do.

They're doing all they can, hon.

How'd this happen?

Sonya said
that she was poisoned

by the same poison
that killed Molly Tate.

Was it airborne?

We don't think so.

She was with the body for hours.

She said it was a Trojan horse.

Rigged to release poison.

I just don't know how.

Are-are you all in danger?

No, none of us ever
touched Molly's body.

Maybe this is why the guy snuck
into our morgue, to-to scout it.

Guys, I don't know how long
Sonya has if we don't figure out

what did this. We will.

All right? We will.

Whether we have
to track down Ron

and pry it out of
him or identify

the poison on our
own, we will, okay?

Where do you want us?

Joshua, I want you at
Molly Tate's house.

Beau and Penny are
at the White Room.

Allie, I need you to suit up.

Somebody's got to look at
the body... I-I can help.

I've got, I've
got Sonya's notes.

I-I don't want to just
sit on the sidelines here.

I was gonna say,
"Work with Jack."

This man came after
one of our family.

We need all the help we can get.

And he's gonna realize what
a big mistake that was.

I'm gonna grab Catherine,

and we're gonna talk to Ted
Hester. He picked this guy.

Maybe he'll tell us something.


You think this is a good idea?

To sit down with Ted?

I mean, he's the one who
put you in the crosshairs.


Well, now he's in mine.

I don't know what to tell you.

Ron's pretty smart.

If he doesn't want to
be found, he won't be.

You put him up to this?
Actually, I didn't.

Ronald's playing
his own game now,

and whatever he does next
will be a surprise to us all.

You know, the one thing
I can say for sure is

it's gonna feel good.

What is?

Being vindicated.

I had the perfect way

to find and eliminate
serial killers,

and you stopped me.

Now we all get to see
if that was a good idea.

I get that this
is a game for you.

But wouldn't it be more fun
if everybody knew how to play?

I might be able to point
you in the right direction,

for a price.

What do you want? Not much.

A little privacy
and a PlayStation 5

so I can play Shadow Cell.

Give up your MVP
for a video game?

That's my
son's favorite.

They shoot zombies and
chat with their friends.

It's just fun.

You found Richard Sloan
through that game.

Is that how you
talk to Ron, too?

Nice try, Dr. Frankenstein.

We're not handing you a
direct line to your monster.

I tell you what.

You give me your user name,

we'll see what we can do
about that private cell.


I don't negotiate
with terrorists.

That's what you are.

Needlessly putting
the innocent at risk

from people like... You?

Ronald Edward Winter.

Something tells me I'm gonna be
seeing you again soon, ladies.

Ready? Let's find out
what your sister ran into.

Okay, it's 11:45 p.m.,

December 15, 2022.

This is Sonya Nikolayevich,

head ME Clark County.

I'm performing an autopsy
on a 32-year-old female vic,

and tonight, I'm going in solo.

Hope the date's fun, Jack.

Okay, first impressions.

No blunt-force trauma,

no GSW, no knife
wounds. Possibly poison.

But I do need to get
inside to be sure.

I'm using a number ten

to perform a
standard Y incision.

Never seen liver vacuolization
like this before.

But the presence of blood

in the vic's GI
tract has me stumped.

And while I'm asking questions
that don't have answers,

why is there an injection site

on the upper right
quadrant of the abdomen?

So Sonya opened
the injection site.

Standard procedure.

If you see something on the
surface you can't explain,

you gotta go deeper
to find the answers.

Wait, what is that?

It's like a pocket

in between the layers
of Molly's skin.

Condition and the color says
it was created postmortem.

That would mean
that Ron made it.

Why would he do that, and how?

I think I can answer
both questions.

After he killed her,

Ron gave her an
intradermal injection.

The liquid forced the layers
of Molly's skin apart,

creating this pocket.

And that pocket
held his mystery poison

until Sonya sliced it open.


Got a little spatter here.

Did you hear that? I think
that's when it happened.

That's it, right there.

When she hit this dermal
pocket, that was it.

I think you're right.

I think that's
how she got dosed.


I'm gonna test this

and tell you what I find.

This guy
didn't just kill Molly Tate.

He got her poor fish, too.

We got serious
signs of a struggle.

This is probably
where it went down.

He held her here, too.

Same residue was on
Molly's wrists and ankles.

He sure was careful
to keep the room dark.

Had to make it look like
nobody was home three days ago.

That's a pretty
specific timeline.

Right after we
arrested Ted Hester,

I sent a car over here
to check on Molly.

The uniforms knocked, no answer.

Thanks, Molly.

This might tell us what
he was playing with.

Ma'am, I
need you to stay back.

This is my
daughter's house.

This is
a crime scene.

I want to see her. I
want to see my Molly!

She was poisoned?

I'm so sorry, ma'am.

This was always our
worst nightmare.

Molly had so many allergies.

Peanuts, bananas, cotton.

We spent her whole childhood

terrified of anaphylaxis.

Did she take
medication for that?

I'll give you a list.

She was on more
than allergy meds.

Molly had some
trouble emotionally.

Ever since she was a little kid.

That may actually be
why she was targeted.


We recently arrested a
really disturbed individual.

He had a list of
folks who suffered

mental health afflictions
like your daughter.

He was trying to
get rid of them.

Molly wasn't a bad person.

Her troubles, they
were just baked in.

We got her doctors.

We got her fish.

Whenever Molly felt like she
was slipping under the waves,

I bought her another
friend to keep her company.

Help her swim back up.

It never solved anything, but...

She knew you cared.

A few months ago,
everything changed.

Out of nowhere, Molly
started refusing my help.


The guy
we told you about,

he made contact with
her a few months back.

He may have been
blackmailing her.

If you know something...
She never told me anything.

She kept me out.

I always tried, but...

You did what you could.

Well, clearly, it wasn't enough.

Just tell me that you're going
to find the person who did this.

The poison that
killed Molly Tate.

I've run it through the
Agilent, the GC/MS, the Xevo,

the IXRF and the FTIR.

Nothing. I can't identify
it. It's either novel or...

Extremely rare.

I did a bit better.
Epithelials from the pocket

confirm it belonged
to Ron Winter.

And the GC/MS determined that

the holes were caused
by nitric acid.

I wonder if he splashed himself
whilst he was making the poison.

If we could find him, maybe
he'd just tell us what it is.

Either that or

we'll have to hope he wrote

his recipe down someplace.

more hieroglyphs.

This guy had a lot to say.

I can't tell you
what any of it means.

I've been staring
at squiggles so long

I'm starting to see
'em in my sleep.

Memory card's almost full.
How many squiggle pics

do think it'll take to crack
the Ron Winter crazy code?

Code breaking's hard.

I doubt anyone can say how
many character combos we need

to start finding patterns.

The linguist at Quantico
just said "more."

Well, I've been keeping
track of distinct characters,

and I think we're at 34.

That's eight more than
my favorite alphabet.

Maybe it all
translates to Cyrillic.

We ought
to be looking for

repetitions of the
same character.

That's how Alan Turing cracked
the Nazi's Enigma code.

Those two look
like the Bat-Signal.

Zodiac's code took
50 years to crack.

Just leave that to
the supercomputers.

We're just better off
focusing on the evidence.

Nobody collects
baseball cards anymore?

Why did he have so many
infrared smoke detectors?

Maybe Ron's a safety nut.

Well, none of 'em went
off when the fire started.

Some of 'em don't
even have batteries.

These are
just completely disabled.



Mr. Winter,

this is you, isn't it?

Good afternoon, Maxine.

Let's give everyone a moment

to join before we begin.

Hello? This is
Detective Chavez.

Who is this?

Sounds like
we have a quorum.

It's nice to meet everyone.

I am Ronald Winter.

Of course, you know that.

Just the man we're looking for.

I'm the man you're hunting.

But that's a two-way
street, isn't it?

What have we done to you, Ron?

Why would you poison
our medical examiner?

Is this Miss Rajan?

I read about you.

I'm sorry, I won't be divulging
that information at this point.

Why not? I mean, the
man that was blackmailing you

is in jail.

His game is over.

Yes, I read
about Mr. Hester.

It was very kind of you
to take care of him.

But, uh, you found
him a little too late,

or too early.

I'm not really quite
sure which it is.

If you're not acting
on his orders,

Ron, what are you doing?

It's something
much, much bigger.

It was a shame about
Dr. Nikolayevich,

but I thought it was
only fair to show you.

I can get to anyone. Anyone.


I had to assume Mr. Hester
would have promulgated my name.

That is what he does, after all.

So I had to make it
clear what would happen

if he would not
give me the space

- to finish what I started.
- The only way this ends

is with you behind bars.


Now is when you listen,

so you don't get hurt.

I just called you to tell you

to sit back and relax.

Let me lighten your workload.

What does that mean, Ron?


What does that mean?

How did Ron get
all our phone numbers?

Well, he walked into
our lab and left a note.

Clearly, he took
something with him.

Now is when you listen,

so you don't get hurt.

I just called you to tell you

to sit back and relax.

Let me lighten your
workload. Did you hear that?

Mm. Not Ron.

What's happening behind him.

That sounds
like kids playing.

Maybe he's calling from a park?

Hardly narrows it down. Yeah.

I just wish LVPD could
have traced his call.

Mr. Winter is way too savvy
to be caught like that.

We're gonna have to
find a different way

to catch this guy.

What about his mystery poison?

Do Sonya's doctors have
any idea what it was yet?

No. We're all still banging
our heads against the wall.

So it's up to
us to identify the poison

and save Sonya's life.

Yeah, one this exotic
might tip Ron's hand

and help us find him. Max?


There is someone in your office

you're gonna want
to talk to. Who?

Ronald Winter.


I wish I
was more surprised.

Ronnie's always been a...

a handful.

We're not close.

He got his brains
from his mother,

and never had much use for
me. Neither of 'em did.

Is he with her now?

Helen died of cancer.

She left me with a six-year-old

who was already
smarter than I was.

It was no picnic,

but I did all I could.

Probably not, though, right?

I mean, you say
your son is gifted?

He's a killer.

He poisoned an innocent woman,

and used her body

to poison one of
our colleagues, too.

I'm sorry to hear that.

We do not need your sympathy.
We need your son's location.

I don't know where Ronnie
is. Well, neither do we.

Look, ladies, it's like
I told the detective.

- I-I wish I could help.
- Okay. So let me guess.

You came in here to say
that you helped the police,

but you haven't given
us a damn thing.

You got his number? Call him.

Call him.

He won't answer.

call has been forwarded...

See? to an automatic
voice message...

We only ever talk over text.

Most times, I need a dictionary

just to get the gist.

Umbrage. Ennui."

God, what a gasbag.

Ronnie's big ol' vocabulary
may be just what we need

to track him down

if he uses these
obscure words online.

Right? Oh, whoa, whoa,
whoa. No, we keepin' this.


What are you doing here, Jack?

I just came from the hospital.

Sonya's heartrate's over 100.

Her blood pressure's 90/60.

All her vitals are heading
the wrong direction.

I don't know how long she's got.

I came here because whatever
she got splashed with,

it's giving her a
positive GUAIAC test.

That's usually an indicator
of arsenic or amatoxin.

I know. We eliminated
both of those.

Along with strychnine,
cyanide, ricin.

I just, like, I can't
think of another poison

that would trigger a positive.

I can.


Damn it, it's negative! How?


Maybe the test is wrong.

monoclonal antibodies

have made these tests
incredibly accurate.

It's not abrin.

I just don't understand why...

should have been me.

Sonya would have figured out
what the poison was by now...

and saved me.

Jack, we're gonna
save your sister.

I promise you.

You're not supposed to make
promises to the family.

I know.

But I'm making one anyway.

Go ahead, take 'em.

A buddy of mine has a rental
property out in Henderson.

You and Bryan will
be safe there.

You can stay as
long as you need.

No strings attached.

Daniel, you don't
need to do this, okay?

Actually, Maxine, I do.

I have to do something.

I've had four years
to think about

where it went wrong with us.

And my biggest regret is
not being more decisive.

Not showing you.

Daniel, if...

Hey, I flew across the country.

Will you let me finish a
sentence? I'll let you finish.

Do you remember
what I said to you

the day Bryan was born? Yes.


That we were gonna make mistakes

as parents. Yeah.

But that we're gonna
make them together.

And we did.

For a while we were
on the same page.

But then things changed

If I'm being honest...

I changed.

I'm sorry.

You do not owe me
anything. Okay?

I just want to protect
the people I care about.

You never left the
top of the list.

I just stopped saying it.


Whoa, this is not the same code.

This is math. Ron was
calculating something.

Math is a language we do know.

This could be like
our Rosetta Stone.

I mean, do you think
it even adds up?

What do you mean? I mean,

None of the rest of this
even makes sense, Penny.

You ever heard of the phrase
"ravings of a madman"?

What, you think this
is all gibberish?

That would be so disappointing.

What have you got?

Just a burnt mess,
but it's a burnt mess

that smells like accelerant.

Is that turpentine and butane?

Yeah. Diesel, too.

I think Ron made a
chemical cocktail

to ensure that the fire
burned real hot right here.

I don't think he was interested
in torching the whole room

as much as he was
destroying this.

What do you think this was?

More smoke detectors,
and... I don't know yet.

You're the one who's always
bragging about her Lego skills.

You see this dark blob?

I'm pretty sure it used to
be a size-six rubber stopper.

Well, whatever it is, I think
it was on the end of this

melted tan noodle,

which I think looked
like a latex hose.

Got your noodle's
other end melted to

a bunch of shattered glass.

Might be a tank of some kind.

Well, that corroded husk is
definitely a car battery.

And we've got these electrodes.
Got a tank, a power supply...

latex hose. I mean,
the setup is perfect

for electrolytic precipitation.

Ron had himself a
little chem lab.

That's why he rigged it to burn,

so we'd never figure out
what he had cooked up.

We'll see about that.

GC/MS doesn't care how
big of a mess he made.


Tropane. Tropane?


Okay, uh, I'll get Max.

This doesn't makes sense.

Tropane isn't a poison.

Not unless you
ingest gallons of it.

It's a precursor that can be
turned into atropine or cocaine.

But neither of those chemicals
was on Sonya's tox screen.

Yeah, I know.

It's another dead end.

If there's any change...
Okay, thank you.

They had to put Sonya in
a medically-induced coma.

The pain was too much.

We may have a new angle soon.

Mm-hmm. DA's making a
deal with Ted Hester.

His lawyer insists
he knows Ron's plan.

They're meeting right now. Tell
him to make space at that table.

Catherine and I
want a second crack.

Hey, Max.

You look about like I
would if I was about to

give a present to a man
who ordered my death.

You really don't have
to do this with me.

You're as bad as my ex.

So he's worried about you, too?

Yeah, he doesn't
think I feel safe.

Pupils are dilated. Unreactive.

Get back! Get back!
He's crashing!

That's Ted.

Ron's pretty smart.

What happened?

He's seizing.

I need
vitals on him now.

Take his pulse ox.

Winter did say,
"Anyone. Anywhere."

Yeah, but he didn't
tell us who's next.

That looks familiar.

Is that the
slide of Ted's liver?

It looks worse than Molly's.

His GI tract is
in worse shape, too.

He must've got an even

more concentrated dose of...

What? What does this?

I'm not seeing any puncture
marks on Ted's skin

with the forensic scope.

Means he's not
another Trojan horse.

Ron didn't have
access to Ted's body.

He must have somehow
poisoned his food.

You think he took it orally?

You see that bluish
goo right in there?

That is the aftermath
of a cupcake,

which was definitely
not on the jail's menu.

Chavez can pull surveillance
up from the jail,

but I don't think we
should get our hopes up.


It's not like you need
Andy Dufresne's tunnel

to smuggle contraband

into Clark County jail. Okay.

I'm gonna choose to look
on the bright side here.

Both Ted and Molly
swallowed the poison.

That's why they died so quickly.

Sonya was exposed
through her skin.

Her symptoms might be
progressing slower,

but they're still progressing.

Her SpO2's dropped below 90%.

She's got hours,

not days, and the guy
that did this to her,

he-he could be anywhere.

Okay, Mr. Winter. Here we are.

Looks like there was a
problem with your garment.

What are you talking about?

You have a stain we
couldn't get out,

from your lab coat.

Something abrasive.
Maybe bleach?


I appreciate you trying.

Say, do you like cupcakes?

Today was my niece's
birthday party, and uh...

I almost have a whole box left.


All right, Agent Mercer,
that's the last one.

You guys get it?

Page 245. Clear as a bell.

Yeah, but it should be
45,234 characters total.

That's a start.
We'll let you know.

Whoa, whoa.

How about an ETA?

How long does it
usually take your fancy

code-cracking software to,
you know, crack the code?

The characters are handwritten.

Lots of variance.

Could take nine or ten years.

What? GILL
Uh, sorry.

Sounded like you said
nine or ten years?

Could be. Could be
nine or ten days.

Call me next week...
I'll let you know

which way it's looking.

Isn't that guy head of
the FBI Cryptanalyst Unit?

What's he got, a
computer powered by

a hamster wheel?
Beau warned me

it'd be slow going. Even so,

you think we could run
the Bureau's software

on all our computers?

Focus up, Penny.

Oh, I'm not playing Shadow Cell.

I'm searching its chat
function. For what?

Max thinks that Ted contacted
Ron through the game,

so I've been trying to
find their correspondence.

But without knowing
their screen names,

and with over 80 million
comments in the chat,

it feels like that's a search
that'll take a decade, too.

Mm-hmm. I just spent an hour

on the phone to a
mathematician from MIT

who finally admitted
he has no idea

what this calculation's
supposed to be.

Beau's been doing
the same thing.

With similar results.

You'd think math would be
an easier language to decode

than schizophrenic medieval

Maybe I'll ask him.

Can you trace it?
Yeah, I can try

with an IMSI catcher.



Ms. Rajan, hello. How are you?

Not great, Ron.

A friend of mine is in ICU.

You put her there.

She would be a lot better if
you told me what you used.

I'm sorry, I really do
want to share with you,

but not that.

Why not? WINTER: Many reasons.

How's Ted Hester?

He's very dead.

Is that why you called?

To confirm that he's gone?

You're... quite brilliant,

actually. How did
you pull it off?

You're quite clever,
too, Miss Rajan.

I wasn't admitted
once to Harvard,

let alone twice.

But I must insist,

we won't be
discussing my methods.

My motives are more
interesting anyway.

Where are you, Ron?

Let's meet up and
talk in person.

Oh, Miss Rajan.

How utterly disappointing.

From what I glean remotely,

you're the most
perspicacious CSI.

Ron, you flatter me.

But I have to
ask... to what end?

Because we are both afflicted.


Did you poison me, too?

No, uh, I haven't
exposed you to anything

that you aren't
immune to already.

And what's that?


Hell is other people.

Their stupidity.

You might be the
only other person

who understands what I'm doing.

I think you'll be grateful once
they've all been eradicated.

Who? Who are you referring to?

Patience, Miss Rajan.

You will see tonight.

It really will be, uh...

lights out.

Tell me you traced it.

And then
he just hung up?

Penny said he
was using a relay device

to stop us from
pinpointing his location.

Smart as advertised.
Where are we on poison?

All we can tell you
is what it isn't.

It's not tropane.

That's the only chemical
we found in Ron's DIY lab.

Why would he set a
fire to hide a chemical

that's not the poison?

Well, he might've added tropane

to mask whatever he
was actually making.

You see this plating?

Tropane's organic.

Its extraction doesn't
leave metal on electrodes.

So something else must've been
the source of that plating.

Any ideas?

Unfortunately, we have none.

Hold on.

How many of these
infrared smoke detectors

did Ron have? FINADO: Dozens.

None of them work;

it was a weird little
collection. Then that's it.

Wait. You think...

Infrared smoke detectors contain

tiny amounts of
various heavy metals.

Right. It's what makes them so
sensitive to smoke particles.

He was probably
harvesting heavy metal ore

from the smoke detectors.

He could dissolve
it into a solution

if he had a strong
enough acid...

Like nitric acid,

which explains the holes
in his shirt pocket.

So Ron was using
these electrodes

to send different currents

into his acid
solution to draw out

a metal of his choice.

A really nasty metal...


That's his poison.

If I remember my Intro
into Inorganic Chemistry,


checks out.

Cellular death in the GI walls,
bleeding in the small colon,

vacuolization of the liver...

It was thallium.

How'd we miss this?

Because heavy metal
poisoning is so rare

there's only one machine
on Earth that could ID it.

And we don't have an
ion coupled plasma

atomic emissions spectroscope.

Only geolabs do.

We're damn
straight gonna get one.

But first...

there's an antidote.

As soon as they administered
the Prussian blue,

Sonya's heart rate
started coming down.

She's not out of the
woods yet, but...

Is that sign language?

When we were younger, Sonya
forced me to learn ASL

so that we could talk trash
about our idiot stepfather

in front of him.

What are you saying to her?

"I love you."

But she's not


if her vitals are
any indication,

she's coming back to us.

The man that did this to her...

We're gonna find him.

Feels like a weird time
to learn how to play Shadow Cell.

I need your login.

I tried to get my own,

but they wouldn't give me access

to the message board.

Should I be offended?


You actually have to play
the game to access the chat.

All right. No lurking.

- So, while the game is
loading... - Mm-hmm.

You gonna tell me why
you've been avoiding Dad?

He said you haven't been
returning his calls.

I have not been...

Been... I mean...

Okay. Me and your dad, um...

I don't know. I just,
I mean... I don't know.

What do you mean you
don't know? I don't know.

Can we just search "thallium"
with two L's, please?

Okay, we got one.

DymphnasReaper37 said
"thallium" in a chat

three months ago. Excuse me.

"My favorite metal could
solve every problem

"at Mountain Vista.

"I see 293 problems,
but an MO ain't one.

All they need do is breathe."

Oh, my God.

This formula calculates dosage

for his next attack.

It's a mass casualty
event. Joshua!

Mom, what's going on?

Hey, man. ROBY: I
know what Ron meant

when he said

he was gonna lighten our load.

He's gonna aerosolize thallium

and poison 293 people,

and I know where...

Mountain Vista
Psychiatric Hospital.

The mental
hospital in Henderson?

Yeah, they
have 293 beds.

If we don't get there in time,

there will not be
enough body bags

in Clark County.

And we got to get
there by lights out.

This is the most recent
photo of Ron Winter we have.

Keep your eyes peeled.

Yeah, remember,
"lights out," 8:30.

It gives us half an
hour before he...

Atomizes the thallium
and kills us?

Yeah, Catherine's
right. Where's SWAT?

We should be
storming this place.

LVPD has
plain clothes inside.

They're helping staff lead
patients few at a time, but...

any large action
could tip off Ron.

Then? Boom.

If he's smart... And
we know Ron is...

He will put his
device in a vent shaft

and then use the
AC to blow death

all over the building, okay?

I gave my guys your order.
That's where they're looking.

But I-I got some pushback.

They don't know why
you're so certain.

Tell them I read
all about it online.

Society has much bigger
problems than that.

Better to flip the table

and knock all the broken pieces
off the board in one fell swoop.


I could brew
something special.

Something... expeditious.


It's only fair, isn't it?

They infect, they contaminate,

they pollute everyone they
come into contact with.

They are God's
greatest mistakes.

And what do you
do with mistakes?

Erase them.

You know the most
delicious part of my plan?

Once the angel of death has
visited Mountain Vista...

they'll never find me.

And they'll never catch me.

Hey, Ronnie.

That's him.

I'll cut him off up front!

Hey! Stop!

Law enforcement! Move!

Out of the way, move!


You're too late.

We got him. We got him.

Wait, wait. You have Winter?

We do, but he doesn't have
it on him and he won't talk.

Damn it.


That's it.

That's it. That's it.

That's less than
a minute, Beau. Come on.

Can you disarm it?
No. Not enough time.

Is it gonna...
No, it held.

But we're... We're not
gonna touch it, okay?

The thallium has been contained.

Oh, God.

♪ Don't ask for the truth ♪

♪ Then call me a liar... ♪

Hey! What does this say?

♪ But my soul's
getting tired... ♪


It doesn't matter anymore.

♪ Show me the difference... ♪

It was you. Right, Miss Rajan?

You were the one who
realized it was thallium.

It could only have been you.

I'm disappointed.

I thought you, of all people,

would realize what
I was trying to do.

I do understand.

You were trying to
kill innocent people.


These people are
a needless burden.

They're mentally malformed.

No, you're the only malformed
mind that I see around here.

You can only pretend to turn
a blind eye for so long.

But you see it. I know you do.

It is our burden.
You're so wrong.

I didn't stop you alone.

No matter how brilliant
you think you are,

you're not smarter or better

or more righteous
than the people

that fight every single day
to stop people like you.

What you don't understand
is I was trying...

Save it for your
manifesto, buddy.

This job...

I mean, I love it,
but some days...

Some days.

♪ Sometimes I wonder ♪

♪ If I'm ever gonna
make it home again ♪

I like it out here.

♪ It's so far... ♪

I don't want to go home.

You don't have to.

♪ Someone to talk to ♪

♪ And nobody else ♪

♪ Knows how to comfort
me tonight... ♪


She says...

"Thank you," Allie.

Hey, I'm right here.

I cannot tell you
how grateful I am.

We couldn't have
done it without you.

Hear that?

I'm a hero.

Pretty much like a huge hero.

♪ Till I see you alone again ♪

♪ Till I'm home again
and feeling right ♪

Have the doctors said
anything about her recovery?

There's really no way of
knowing how much damage

the thallium did to
her nervous system.


It's gonna be a
long... long road.

Well, I'll never
bet against her.

She'll be back giving
you hell in no time.

I hope so.

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