CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000–2015): Season 13, Episode 7 - Fallen Angels - full transcript

Slum reverend Rick's corpse is found on Warrick's grave. He gathered suspicious donations in dubious ways. The team finds Warrick's ex Tina Brewster lost her nursing job and does a lousy job raising their son Eli, who goes into foster care. Evidence shows she had contact with a drug fiend, who is shortly after also murdered, in his home, with traces to Warrick's former protégé James Newman. Nick works out it all ties to neighborhood crime boss Aaron Voss.

There's a promise made
in the Book of Daniel.

"Those who sleep in the dust
of the earth will awake,

"some to everlasting life

and some to shame
and everlasting contempt."

When you are woken,

among whom will you be counted?

Before you /ie down
in darkness,

what deeds wi// you do
in the /ight, so that you might

rest in serenity, in confidence,

without malice
or owed vengeance?

Take heed, take heed, children,

while you're still
among the living.

If one night,
the dead shall awake...

(echoed, distorted):
Shall awake, shall awake...

how, how, how
wi// they /ook upon you?

(indistinct chatter)

(siren whoops)

Well, that's beautiful.

Don't let the wings fool you.

Hanging around in this
neighborhood, she's no angel.

Yeah, I heard it was
pretty tough around here...

gangs, lots of drugs.

Three square miles of felony.

Even the graveyard
sees its share.

So, widow comes to visit
her beloved over there,

stumbles over
the more recently departed.

Hey, David.

Died around midnight.

And he has a single GSW
to the head.

Holy man.

Ah, this is
the Reverend Rick Renken.

He preaches at a church
down the street.

So, what do you think?

Kneeling, paying his respects,
maybe even, uh,

brings that plant there
as an offering?

No, that's from me.

I put it there last week.

It's Warrick.

He used to be a CSI.

So, you think he was a...
a friend of the reverend's?

Maybe. He grew up a couple
of blocks from here.

I mean, he knew everybody
in the neighborhood.

Ah, it's a shame he's
not here to help us out.

Let him rest in peace.

We'll find the guy who did this.

# Who... are you? #

# Who, who, who, who? #

# Who... are you? #

# Who, who, who, who? #

# I really wanna know #

# Who... are you? #

- # Oh-oh-oh #
- # Who... #

# Come on, tell me who are you,
you, you #

# Are you! #

Nine millimeter.

But it's been here a while...
it's all corroded.

Found this.38... just as rusty.

They're obviously not
from this particular shooting.


So, what do you think?

All the guns
in this neighborhood,

maybe the reverend
just caught a stray.

Well, it's possible...
there was no stippling

or sooting around the GSW,
so he was shot

from at least a few feet away.

So, he's kneeling, he gets shot

from behind and the right,
which means...

I'll check it out.


chapter and verse
on the Reverend Rick.

He was single, lived alone.

A coworker said he
finished his sermon

around 10:00 p.m. Last night.

So, maybe he took a shortcut,

stopped to spend
some time with Warrick.

Shortcut to the Holy Land.

Hey, Nicky, Nicky, hold up.

You okay?

It's all hitting a little close
to home for me, you know?

Yeah, I don't know.

To be honest, I haven't been
back here since the funeral.

Four and half years like that.

Yeah, I know.

You know,
but I miss him, though.

I think about him, you know?

Especially on fight weekends,
when the Strip is all electric.

I mean, there's no way
that he's missing this action.

Yeah, you're right about that.

So, what would
Warrick's move be?

Do you know who Aaron Voss is?

"Ghetto Gotti"?

Drugs, fear, extortion...
that's his game.

Nothing goes down
in this neighborhood

without being a blip
on his radar.

That's true.

Let's go hit him up.

Man usually charges for dishing
out his... hard-earned wisdom.

BRASS: You got plenty of revenue
streams in that neighborhood.

It's time for a little charity,
a little give-back, huh?

What do you know
about the reverend's shooting?

Out of the loop on that one.

A week ago,
you almost took a bullet,

not 50 yards
from that graveyard.

So maybe the same
bad shooter came back,

put a round in the rev, but...

maybe it was mistaken identity.

Shooter will have to be blind
to mistake me for a holy man.

No one's mistaking you
for a good guy.

But the stuff you've been

getting away with
in that neighborhood,

it's gonna catch up to you
soon enough.

This is about
Warrick Brown, isn't it,

why you're so interested?

Little blood on your buddy's
grave got you riled up.

You know, Warrick and I
went way back.

He despised you.

He said that you were everything

that was wrong
with that neighborhood,

everything that he
wanted to change.

And what did he change?

You know, guys like Warrick
and the reverend,

they talk a good game,

but who's actually keeping
things together in the hood?

That's me.

I'm losing money.

You're free to go. I'm not
charging you with anything.

Say a prayer
to St. Warrick for me.

(distant siren wailing)

(car alarm whooping in distance)


Mommy's sleeping.

She doesn't like to get woke up.




I'm Nick.


I worked with, uh...

Well, your dad,
he was one of my best friends.

My daddy had friends?

Oh, yeah, lots of them.

Man, you're getting big...
I haven't seen you

- since you were a little baby.
- TINA: Eli!

Come play inside, baby.


What are you doing here, Nick?

I don't know
if you heard or not,

but there was a body found
on Warrick's grave.

I told you back then,
I didn't want you here.

Ever. If you ever

come near my son,
I will call the police.

(dog barking in distance)

# #

White powder you found
on the man of the cloth's cloth:

Our good old friend oxy.

Prescription painkiller.

The only reason to crush it
into a powder

is to use it recreationally.

Holy man might have had a habit.

Well, Tox had him
clean and sober.

So, the fact that it's
on the seat of his pants,

could've sat in it
while counseling

some troubled member
of his flock?

Hazards of an enlightened man
working among degenerates.

Been there.

Well, why don't you enlighten me

on the trace
from the shoe soles?

Indigo dye
and calcium carbonate.

Blue chalk... hmm.


Where'd you find that?

Uh, soles
of the reverend's shoes.

Yeah, I think
I know what this is.

I stopped by Tina's house today.

Eli had covered the stoop
with a big blue sky.

Reverend must have been there.

Difficu/t to avoid stepping
through the cha/k.

Well, wherever he
picked up the chalk

is probably the same place
he picked up the crushed drugs.


The last place he was alive
may have been Tina's house.

/ said

I don't know anything
about this.

Back off.

Well, the officer can explain
everything outside, Tina,

but we have to come in.

Remember Warrick's funeral,
when you and Nick Stokes

were crying over him,
fawning over Eli?

Then you walked right past me,
you didn't say a single word.

That was a tough time.

- Yeah.
- FINLAY: Ms. Brewster,

we really need you to step
outside with the officer.

You know, it's not gonna happen.

Mom, I-I want to play outside.

(groans) Eli...


SIDLE: This would have
made Warrick sick.

Yeah, what a mess.

Warrick's grandmother
raised him in this house.

He bought the property.

Let Tina live in it
after they split up

two years into their marriage.

Warrick was okay
with his kid living

- in this part of town?
- You know, I don't know.

Uh, he was trying to get custody
of Eli when he was murdered.

(Sidle chuckles)

I remember when he
bought this thing.

It cost him two weeks' salary.

I thought he was nuts.

He was so proud of this.

Where did Warrick
meet this woman?

She was different then.

She was a nurse.


Quit when she got
his death benefits?

That's the rumor.

Before I went away, I'd stop by,
brought some food.

House was always dark.

Eli would be crying.

She never answered the door.

Well, these aren't her jeans.

She's got a man in her life.

I've got some trace...
could be...

oxycodone within reach
of a child.

That's not good.

No name on the pill bottle,

but there is a print.

(camera clicks)


A little boy
should not be living here.


(phone chirps)

Lab got a hit on the print
on the pill bottle.

It's a local.

Uh, his name is Cliff Paul.

Ag-assault, domestic battery.

He's still on parole.

She's trying to keep you guys
out of her house.

CSls just show up at my house.

Ms. Brewster... Tina...

we know that the reverend
was here last night.

So what happened?

I don't have
to explain myself to you.

Then how about
explaining Cliff Paul?

Okay, we know he was here, too.

We found his oxy and his weed.

Detectives are picking
him up right now,

so maybe you'd like to tell
your side of the story first.

No? Okay.

So maybe Cliff is the reason
that the reverend stopped by.

Maybe he wanted to talk to you

about having a felon
in your house?

You think I haven't heard
what you all did, huh?

- Excuse me?
- McKeen...

the man you let
murder my husband.

How you CSls let him
kill other people.

- You stand here trashing
my life. - Ms. Brewster.

- Maybe...
- Ms. Brewster, this woman here

is from
Child Protective Services.

She's gonna have to take Eli.

- What? - Your home
is not fit for a child.

Oh, wait, no! Eli! Eli!

- Come with me, Eli.
- OFFICER: Ma'am.

- Baby, come right here.
- Ma'am. - No, no!

ELI (echoing):


(no voice)

- Come here! - No! No! No!
- OFFICER: Ma'am!

- Baby, here. I'll hold you.
- Mom!

- Get off me!
- You gotta stay back!

- Hold on!
- Eli!

Mommy! No!

- Mommy!
- Eli!


Cliff Paul, Las Vegas Police.

All clear.

Found him.

David still down there
with the body?

Yeah. Liver temp

suggests he died
around 2:00 a.m.,

which is a couple of hours
after the reverend was murdered.

Reminds me
of those dance instruction

floor mats, you know...
"learn to tango."

- Can I lead?
- Please do.

All the treads
match Cliff Paul's shoes.

So he's getting his drink on,

goes to answer the door,
opens it,

and he stumb/es back
and drops his bott/e.

Steps back through the beer.

- No, no, don't shoot.
- And then a dash to the window.

Goes right through.

Two-story drop, he might have
thought that he could make it.


But why would he choose flight

when he was armed to fight?

Found it stuffed between
the couch cushions.

It's a.45 auto.

That's interesting.

Doc said the round he pulled
from the reverend was a.45.

Both of Tina's visitors dead
in one night?

Could be the piece
that connects them.

Reverend shows up
to Tina's house, right?

Cliff's already there,

probably not all that thrilled
that the preacher butts in.

Reverend leaves,
goes to the cemetery,

maybe for guidance from Warrick?

Cliff follows the reverend
to the cemetery,

shoots him,

comes back here,

tucks the gun into the sofa.

Somebody shows up at the door,

somehow drives him out
through the window.

It's kind of spooky,
don't you think?


Kill a holy man in a cemetery,

something follows you back home,

something that doesn't leave
any shoe prints

and-and scares you so thoroughly
that you jump out the window?

- (Russell chuckles)
- I'm just saying.

I don't think it takes
supernatural ability to...

to avoid stepping in beer.

Did you lose a flashlight?


Looks like one of ours.

Definitely not been used
in the appropriate manner.

The blood is black;
it's not tacky.

It's older than last night.

Gravitational drops just as old.

Maybe there was a round one

before last night's
fatal round two.

DNA pegs the flashlight blood
as Cliff Paul's.

The blood on the apartment floor

is from a different,
unknown contributor.

Well, whoever hit Cliff
with that

must have gotten a blow
in return.

And there it is.

Printing the battery...
bright idea.

Let's see who clocked Cliff.


(switch clicks,
machine buzzes and hums)

Victim appears to have suffered

a fatal cervical spinal fracture
between the C3 and C4.

No trauma on his back
to indicate

he was pushed or kicked
through the window.

When David washed the blood
from his face,

he noticed a peripheral wound
on the forehead,

a few days old,
judging by the scab.

- Blunt, round-edged instrument.
- You know something?

That could've come
from the bloody flashlight

we found at the scene,

which belonged, by the way,
to your friend Warrick Brown.

You're kidding.

Our, uh, victim here
was spending time

with Warrick's widow.

She probably kept
Warrick's flashlight,

got into a fight with this guy,

maybe pulled it out of her purse

and whacked him with it.

He hardly seems
a worthy successor

to my friend Warrick,

in Tina's life or anywhere else.

You know, this is
a little bit weird.

We've been assuming that
Cliff here killed the reverend,

but if he did,
then why'd the reverend

write him a check
for a thousand bucks?

What do you have?

Internet history
from Cliff Paul's computer.

I'm trying to establish
a timeline on him.

You know, Cliff didn't really
strike me as the computer type.

No, just the "lots and lots
of free porn" type.

- Oh.
- Hidden cameras,

hot schoolgirls, daddy/daughter.

- Filthy.
- Ironically, it cleanses him.

He was active online

from 11:00 p.m. Until 1:55 a.m.

Home at the time
of the reverend's death.

Yeah, but the murder weapon
was found at Cliff's place.

Ballistics confirmed it,
so whoever killed the reverend

had to have gone
to Cliff's afterwards.

Used the gun to drive Cliff
out the window,

and then planted it.

But why would somebody go
after the reverend and Cliff

on the very same night?

A minister and a sinner.

There might be more of
a connection than we thought.

Russell's going through both
of the men's finances.

So far, the reverend's
bank accounts

are suspiciously fruitful
and multiplying.

(people screaming on ride)

That's pretty cool, huh?

- I like chalk better.
- Yeah.

Hey, Eli.

I want to ask you
about somebody.

Do you know this man, Cliff?

He comes over
to your house sometimes.

All the time.

I don't like him.

No? Why's that?

He yells. He's scary.

He makes my mom get sad.

That's when I hide under my bed.

Right this way, Miss Brewster.

Let me show you something else
this can do here.

Chalk can't do that, huh?

Last night, Mom promised me

he won't come over anymore.


Boy, you look just like
your daddy.

You know that?

My daddy was handsome, huh?

Yeah, he was.

He sure was.

See, the problem here in Vegas
is spare cash

is quicker to the crap table
than the collection plate.

So the reverend needed an angle.

Ripping off real estate

probably seemed
like a good idea to him.

Yeah, we checked his finances,

discovered the scam he pulled,

getting you to sign your house
over to the church.

You're not the only one
he did this to.

How'd he get you to sign?

He get Cliff Paul

to make you sign
on the dotted line?

Because as soon
as the deal was done,

that day, the reverend

broke off Cliff Paul a grand.

That house is mine.

Except you gave it away, Tina.

The bank told us
you called them last week.

You were cussing them out.

You were trying to get them
to change the deed back,

but the deed was already done.

That's why Reverend Rick
came over last night.

I told him that I was gonna

let everybody in the church
know what he'd done.

And he said that everything
was gonna be okay for me.

Well, an hour later,

someone made everything
not okay for him.

We know that you had

a violent fight with Cliff Paul,

and you drew some blood.

They kicked down my door.

- BRASS: Tina... Tina...
- You steal my son,

- and now you're accusing me
of murder? - STOKES: No, listen.

We're just trying
to figure this out, okay?

Well, let's start with...
I've never seen this flashlight.

It was in Warrick's CSI kit.

It would've been
in your possession.

After the job killed him,

I gave all of Warrick's
CSI junk away.

Well, who'd you give it to?

Some kid from the neighborhood
that Warrick would help out.

Well, is he still
in the neighborhood?


Where can we find him?

(footsteps approaching)


Take your hood off
so I can see you.

I thought you released
this crime scene.

We did.

Are you James Newman?

I heard you were a friend
of Warrick Brown's.

Did he teach you
about crime scenes?

Warrick taught me everything.

Looked out for me.

I saw you near
Tina's place earlier.

She says she
sees you there a lot.

What are you doing over there?

They need someone
to look out for them.

What do you know
about Reverend Rick

and Cliff Paul?

Warrick would've
wanted them gone.

NEWMAN (over speakers): You need
to send an officer out here!

Tina Brewster's house!

There's a guy in there with her
and her son. Cliff Paul!

And I can hear him yelling!

We pulled the LVPD's phone logs.

You made four calls last week,

but the police
never did respond?

So you took drastic action
on your own.

You went to Cliff's house
and duked it out with him.

And we found blood,
your DNA, on his floor.

That was three days ago.

Stay away from Tina and Eli.

And if I don't, big man?

He hit me, I defended myself.

That was all I did.

My nephew is not a criminal.

How long has James
lived with you?

Since my sister died,
seven years ago.

Single mother,
he didn't have anyone else.

Have you ever known him
to be violent?


And the reverend?

James volunteers at the church.

He works closely
with Reverend Rick.

Why would anyone think
he would want

to hurt a good man like that?

The reverend may have had
some indiscretions

that James was privy to.

Ms. Newman.

Is there something that you?

James's mother...

her mind wasn't right.

"Vivid imagination,"
we called it at first.

Only, the things
she was seeing and hearing,

it wasn't imaginary to her.

Then it was too much.

She killed herself.

James has always been
a great kid.

Straight A's. Kind.

Same way his mother was.


Until she changed.

Your aunt let us into your room

where we found
some of your notes here.

".22 caliber smaller gun, $100,
.45 caliber, $150.

Guy on the corner of Washington
and D has other pieces."

And you went with a.45.

I didn't buy a gun.

I wanted one,
just to scare these guys

away from Tina and Eli.

The guy on the corner,
he wouldn't even

- sell it to me.
- The guy on the corner,

what's he,
a gun-control advocate?

'Cause you bought a gun,

shot the reverend,
then you went to Cliff's.

I wanted them dead!

Warrick would've
wanted them dead.

The way those two
treated his family?

I kept thinking about it.

But I didn't do it!

So, what, you just

wished it out there
in the universe, and behold,

two people end up dead?


It's happened to me before.

- And what do you mean by that?
- Ben Drayton.

Guy down my street,
year older than me.

Used to knock me around,
take my stuff.

One day,
around a year ago, maybe,

I had these new sneakers.

After school,
Ben Drayton jumped me

and ripped them off my feet.

I walked home in my socks.

The next morning,
I opened my front door,

and my sneakers
were right there.

Nobody I know has ever
seen Ben Drayton again.

Warrick always said
he'd look out for me.

And even though he's gone,

I still think he's somehow
watching over me and his family.

FINLAY: They were up
on a shelf in James's room,

sitting there like trophies.

Well, I guess if your mystical
guardian angel returns them,

- you're not gonna just
wear them around, right? - Uh-uh.

Check this out. "Bully Ben"

was reported missing
by his family a year ago.

That's consistent
with James's story.

He's working a night shift at
a burger joint, never came home.

18 years old, behavior issues,

cops just figured
it was a runaway.

Well, I don't think
it was that simple.

Look at this.

- RUSSELL: Blood spatter.
- High-velocity.

Not talking a nosebleed
or a fistfight.


Okay, there is a DNA sample

of Ben Drayton's
in the missing persons database.

Let's get a comparison.

# #

Surveillance footage
from Ben Drayton's final shift

at the burger joint.

He's the last guy there,
so he's closing up.

Look at that.

He's wearing the shoes
he took from James.

Now a shadowy someone
catches his attention.

Is that it?

- Gone.
- TINA: Sara, they're te//ing me

that I might not get Eli back
for months.

You need to help me.

Tell them you... you know me.

Yeah, I'm sorry, Tina.

Really, I am, but there's
nothing I can do.

Oh, so this is how this works?

CSls just show up, and if I
don't let them into my house,

then my life just gets
ripped away from me?

You didn't let us in
four years ago.

We wanted to be there for you,

and then none of this...

I have to go back to work now.

If I would've let you in, I...

I wouldn't be alive.

After Warrick died,

Eli was the only thing
that kept me from ending things.

I told myself that he needed me.

He was the reason to...
to get up,

to go through
the motions, and...

if I would've let you all in...

...Eli wouldn't have needed me,

and I wasn't gonna
let that happen.

Eli's always going to need you.

And he'll be back, Tina.

But you need to find
your way back first.

The journey of the wandering
gym shoes continues.

BRODY: We analyzed trace on
the soles... think we've figured

where they may have
taken their last steps.

Trace of rust

and auto paint chips
in oil-saturated soil.

Auto junkyard, no?

Why would Ben Drayton
have gone there?

I can think of more reasons

why someone would've
taken him there.

Junkyard's a secluded place.

Late at night.


Found a junkyard a mile away

from Ben's burger joint.

I realize it's
a year-old crime scene,

so fat chance of evidence,

- but...
- He may still be there.

Lots of land.

Crammed with wreckage.

Why take the body anywhere else?

All right, thanks.

You know, even if there
is a body out here,

half a million pounds
of steel could be on top of it.



What is that?

That is a ten-dollar long shot.

(chuckles) I noticed
on the surveillance video

that Ben Drayton had
a "find-my-key" fob

on his keychain.

You know, lose your keys,
click this button,

- keychain beeps, find your keys.
- Yeah, yeah.

Well, it's worth a shot.





short of clearing the yard

and bringing in
ground-penetrating radar,

there's nothing
to indicate a burial.

There's no signs
of a soil disturbance anywhere.

Yeah, no slabs of
suspiciously-poured concrete.

- (beep, pinging) -No bones
unearthed by helpful dogs.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


Hit that thing again.

(repeated beeping and pinging)


(pinging, echoing)

(shovel digging)

(Stokes sighs)

(Finlay groans, Stokes sighs)

Yeah, that's Ben Drayton.

Died with his boots off.

All right, let's get him
out here, boys.

Jimmy, grab the head.

Okay, on three.

One, two,


Bullet's in there.

Okay. I'll tell Doc.

Killer could've pulled
this trunk liner

from any one of these wrecks.

Bundled the body
to contain the blood

before digging the grave.

That's not all he bundled.

Take a look at this hair.

Near the victim's feet.

Cou/d be from the assai/ant.

James Newman thinks that the
universe is granting him wishes.

Let's hope
that he kept it to three.


- Yeah. - Uh, the hair that was
buried with the bully?

I ran the DNA profile
against James Newman.

It's not his hair,
but it is a new lead.

Hair shares alleles
with James, so the killer...

Has to be a male
relative of his...

father, brother, son.

James is an only child.

No kids of his own.

Dad in the picture?

Certainly is now.


You, uh, balancing
your checkbook?

No, I'm just
following the money...

not mine, by the way.

I spoke with James's aunt.

She said that nobody knows
who James' father is...

Mom would never say...
but I figured,

if the guy's killing
to protect his son,

maybe he'd help out
in other ways.


Aunt Jo said that the only
financial help that she's gotten

has been checks from
the mother's life insurance.

But she killed herself,

so there should be no payment.

Exactly why I asked her

for the info off of the
most recent check she received.

I was just entering it now.

The checks came
from a private account...

...opened by Warrick Brown.

Warrick opened the account
ten years ago.

And it has a balance of $50,000.

Warrick actually have
that much extra cash?

I wouldn't have thought so,
but even weirder...

the deposits kept getting made
into the account

after Warrick's death.

Banking from beyond.

(phone buzzes)

(both sigh)

Aaron Voss has been shot.

That's the kingpin
from Warrick's neighborhood.

Well, we know the killer
is all about protecting James,

you know,
making the world safe for him.

If Aaron Voss was making
that neighborhood

a dangerous place...

Guardian angel
is going to make it dangerous

for Aaron Voss.

Kingpin Voss's vehicle?

Just got back from the scene.

Witnesses said a silver Escalade

just pulled up and popped him.

(gunshot, Voss yells)

Rushed to Desert Palm, stable.

Same witnesses gave us

a partial plate
on the shooter's vehicle.

Willing to help

when it's the boss
who's been shot.

Patrol is hunting down
the Escalade right now.


Yeah, I tracked money wires
into the Warrick account

that was helping
to support James Newman.

Funds came from a Nevada corp.

XL Industries.

They own a number
of properties around Vegas...

commercial buildings,

and the junkyard where
Ben Drayton's body was buried.

So whoever's behind
XL Industries

killed and buried Ben Drayton
on his property,

and has been giving money
to support James.

- Who is it? Oh, hold on a sec.
- (phone chimes)

Yeah, Finn.

FINLAY: Officers caught up
with Voss's shooter.

They just brought him in.


Definitely not
our guardian angel.

He's a 19-year-old banger
from another hood

who was, uh,
making a power grab.

Sounds like the same guy

who took a shot at Voss
last week.

We still got our killer
out there.

Thank you.


There's only one name
associated with XL Industries.

I'll get Henry to run DNA,
confirm paternity.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Voss was shot in the front seat,

not the, um, trunk.

Car is evidence
for whatever case we want.

This is a trunk liner

that was wrapped
around Ben Drayton's body.

Very d-distinct wear patterns.

Aaron Voss killed
and dumped Ben Drayton.

Wouldn't be the first time
a father got

hands-on with his son's bully.

- Voss is James's father?
- Yeah.

How about that, huh?

Did you find any trace
on the passenger side?

Uh, no, I was still working
on the driver's side.

'Cause the reverend still had

the chalk on his shoe
from Tina's house.

Hadn't walked it off yet,

which means he had to have
gotten a ride to the cemetery.

The car was freshly vacuumed.

Well, look at that.

Mark of the reverend.

Hard to believe that just
fell out of his pocket

into that crevice.

More likely, the reverend knew

that when the local crime boss
gets you in his car...

... you may not be seen again.

Probab/y just stuffed
the handkerchief

in the cushion here
as a Hai/ Mary bread crumb

to get Voss busted.

- (grunts) - For making him
knee/ one /ast time.

Why Warrick's grave?

Maybe as a warning
to anyone else

who might want
to mess with Tina.

Stay away
from Warrick Brown's family.

Warning came too late
for Cliff Paul.

(banging on door)

No, no, no...

Homey, I am titanium.

Lead can't scratch me.

Car wash, cocktail,
I'm straight.

Yeah, we'll talk
how to handle that.

All's forgiven
and forgotten, Officer.

No need to waste
community resources.

RUSSELL: Well, that's
very generous of you.

So willing to look past
the misdeeds of others,

even after you take a bullet.

Actually, I want to talk to you
about your misdeeds.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

We know that you're
James's father.

DNA proved that.

We also know that you've been
providing for him, financially,

in Warrick Brown's name.

You remember Warrick, right?

The guy who was the real man
in your son's life,

not just some scumbag crook.

Warrick wanted to play the hero,

so I let him... on my dollar.

So what?

"So what" is that's
not the only way

you've been providing
for your son.

You keep your eyes on him,

you know when he's getting
into trouble,

like when the bully
gave him that hard time.

You remember that?

Or when James was trying
to buy a gun

from one of your corner guys
to protect Warrick's family.

Now, you saw that go down,
and you decided,

"Well, I'm gonna take care
of that myself

so my son doesn't have to."

Bottom line...
you killed three people.

I got to be honest with you...
that doesn't sound like me.

- No?
- Looking out for a kid...

...protecting him
so he can grow up, get out,

become something.

Why would a scumbag crook
like Aaron Voss

do something like that?

Aaron Voss, you're under arrest

for the murders of Ben Drayton,

Rick Renken and Cliff Paul.

You have the right
to remain silent...


Tell you the truth, man...

I always liked believing
Warrick was my dad.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Being the son of a guy
like Aaron Voss...

I don't know what
to do with that.

No, you don't have
to do anything with it.

I mean, Voss doesn't have
to mean anything to you.

It's not like he ever offered
himself as a father.

Besides, you don't
really need his kind

of looking out for you, anyway.

You know what I mean?

So, is he going away?

Yeah, he is.

And by playing
guardian angel to you,

he may have just saved
that whole neighborhood.

Yeah, from him.


Warrick would be happy.

Yeah, I think so.

You know, I still hear him
talking to me sometimes.

You know, when things
are going wrong and...

I know it sounds crazy.

No, it doesn't sound crazy,
not to me.

walks beside me every day.

He's the source
of a lot of my strength.

He's a good friend to have, man.

Don't ever let him go.

The church is cleaning out
the reverend's bad deals.

The house is going
to stay yours.

I... I really appreciate that.

And, Sara, about what you said
about finding my way back,

I'm in...

meetings, counseling,
whatever it takes.

Um, I spoke with CPS.

Um, Eli is going to stay
with a foster family

for a couple of days,

but then they're gonna talk
to you about what comes next.

You know, you, uh...

you could have called me
with this, Sara.

I gave you my number,
and I-I promise...

I'll answer now.


But, um, I wanted you
to have a minute.


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