C-16: FBI (1997–1998): Season 1, Episode 1 - Pilot: Part 1 - full transcript

folks this is the captain yeah we're

just entering Los Angeles their space we

should be on ground about 15 minutes

absolutely let it

situation in 2017

hi and we have a firearm on board

that's all we can get to the flight I

don't want to be too nervous I'm

thinking ladies and gentlemen if we

could ask you to remain seated for just

a few more moments thank you

would it come with us sir excuse me

just leave the bag get it is going on

what I did

mrs. please I'm with him son you let me

carry the bag sure

those are joke or something no joke

Hey look my IDs in my bag of WIC let's


that is total crap they ID'd themselves

as federal agents as you were taking

them off the plane plus nothing was ever

filed either here or with the airline

that there would be agents on board that

flight with firearms they filed it they

had to change airlines in that snowstorm

at O'Hare they had to split for the

plane ground support did not transfer

the people that when informed of a

weapon on board any flight you can be

sure that I'm gonna take that risk off

that I don't know mother's nursery look

for some ego inflated Bureau vet you

want to blow your mouth hole Henrickson

by cert field all has pic-a-nic up my

first off this age and straight out of

Quantico screwed up the paperwork on the

fire rate a little bit of a hot dog unit

Major Case Squad hot dog unit as opposed

to just a dog unit here we're out of


get your stuff the white zone is for

immediate loading and unloading of

passengers on

you've got you

that's one of my is butter yeah


hey Riordan yeah welcome the FBI

you see air putting confidence

throughout their personnel file you want

to round out your squad with first

office agents fine just don't circumvent

the chain of command trying to protect

afore the chain you've got in plays

tennis it wastes a lot of time six

promotion offers at eight years John and

any one of them would have puts a long

past having to report to guys like

Pritchett yeah but then I'd have to

dress like a two of you

scared to death can't you see that okay

yes ma'am assisting daycares never had

anything like this happening that's two

hours yeah Robinson and Reardon came in

last night on that Airport plan cups


I'm gonna pull one for photos good yeah

Stoddard for possible this is another

Rudy's got her

make sure I mean it's my fault I should

be with you we shouldn't have to be here

it's my fault I know mrs. Hampton take

it okay we're gonna get through this

Thank You milk Dennis thanks for getting

into this l Stevens Supervisory Special

Agent John ollansky John's head of our

major case one how do you do

so she's in a VA in your office deputy

da handles a lot of the tougher cases in

the office which means her exposure

level of kidnapping is it's pretty high

so you're saying that the bow is

targeted because initial reports

indicate it was a random grab no I'm

saying is this kind of thing sets off

alarm bells in my head well get her Case

Files to our office which I said okay

well we'll keep LAPD informants tall

long scraggly hair maybe 40 she was uh

late 30s light brown hair light eyes

other than that uh I don't know I really

didn't get a good look did you say

anything to them I said that they should

come back after hours and I think one of

them said something to one of the kids

but was it more talk Jeremy Hampton or

any of the kids nearby any thinking

maybe Jeremy I don't know it all

happened so fast okay so when you asked

him to come back later that's when they

struck you grab the kid took off

but they still cool always keep on them

so I guess you know mrs. Hampton we're

gonna set up the wiretap on your phone

at home do you understand for the

monitor each call that you get back at

our field office and we're gonna have

agent stay with you check an email you

might receive don't try to contact me

what if they just want to hurt him not

worry about that

where's my son where's my son captain

get him out get him away from me what

are you doing can't we come together

even on the air you know you try to keep

me out of the sand my son mr. this is my

son too and my name is on the landscape

then I take a breath take a breath

yeah y'all serious rules my son you

don't know but we're looking at hell we

want you to take these just go okay

relax and we know where my cities

grabbed the more likely paid somebody to

do it it comes back to play the

concerned father

yeah well new girlfriend driving the kid

of Canada well you don't think a parent

gonna fall for kid I just don't see big

conspiracy so you're saying it's more of

a random smash and crafting like cult

thing didn't say that you got to play

the odds

Jack I'd say custody how many people you

know wouldn't come together over a

missing kid these two still can't stand

each other

you gotta studied this Quantic alright

okay maybe she did it new boyfriend

takes kid she quits due to pressure two

weeks later boom they're off to South

America not alright we're at four hours

from time of abduction which means to

keep our chances high we have less than

20 20 hours to turn major leads we will

work all fronts all possibilities in

this order number one custody yes let's

find out who has a significant other not

here if that person traveling that's

going to tell if either the grieving

parents is moving cash around that's

another one if this thing is custody

these people will tip it for us number

two job exposure this woman is a deputy

da which means her caseload is violent

crime makes for a lot of angry cons and

ex-cons looking to get revenge final

front random abduction if we're looking

in that territory we need a witness

plain and simple we need a witness

now how we on service schedules of the

daycare yeah no deliveries before little

no trash pick up a delivery personnel

that we can find so far LAPD's

door-to-door may have generated a

possible from a gardening service across

the street we thought they saw a couple

Walker Boyd from the school and there's

no mention of a struggle or a screaming

child being dragged away um we got a

home address on the gardener who made

the statement

all right updates in two hours shake

something out we can use

hey Jack take her with on the interview

better problem well you said you were

heading up a Major Case unit you didn't

say it included to termite rookies no it

included worked in the squad the way I

wanted to I do remember how to conduct

an interview you know yeah I don't no

one remembers of a good agent you really

are telling me she did you you've seen

20 minutes mm-hmm

Aaron's birthday was last week and yeah

he sent her a giant teddy bear and a

card and all but no calm to tell me why

he can't gone

just some cryptic message on the machine

about how hot the cases right now and he

has to be extra careful because getting

ready to move on these guys I don't know

a turn I don't even know what I expect

it's just if we're having problems I

like them to be in the marriage and not

while he's on some UC assignment where

he can't come home from what's time mmm

I'm sorry

hey I've known the two of you for what

you for nine years him over 15 what do

you have to be sorry about

you ever see him different divisions

squad I'm running design I will app with

his but lets you know guys his deep this

nikki is right now do not make a habit

of dropping by the field office I

thought about calling his squad

supervisor rule Valerie

give me a couple of days I'll get his

status see if I can't have a beer with

him ok thanks

I appreciate you taking me on the

interview know that most first off his

agents pull 11 Scout work I don't do my

family thinks I'm nuts for joining the

bureau I got four brothers who me call

me Special Agent Amanda Reardon for a

year I hope I'm not nuts I really do

want to be a good agent

so how long before he were comfortable

couldn't tell you I've been on leave for

the last eight months

well nice traveler just relax

welcome selfie pose

short interview I conducted you take


si si esta muchacha pero nila que yo le

dije la policía que no estaba seguro

quién estaba la camioneta he's pretty

sure that was boy but he told her please

he's not sure about the people he was

with or the truck he said there was

usually someone from the school at the

gate to let the kids out yeah

does he remember who was there at the

time she took where the screen is w no

no my guru guru

porque is just an important e um no

you're not sure but yes it won't be

important you tell him everything's

important there's a boy's life at stake

was before asking for something I get

the name is Kassandra la vida there's no

master pickup over me Tahoe do you know

no future no no no he's not sure

Yeah right don't you call me if he

remembers anything right uh mr. caldron

what about hypnosis Cadiz she's not

lying miss he's trying to help as much

as you can

let's go Rearden no and I understand

that it's just um does he know how that

gnosis works it might help him remember

a face or a car interviews over Rearden

um thanks can you tell her hey Lucy see

the little Mao no no um yeah no no works

maybe we have a specialist come and talk

to him agent Reardon it would really

help us out mm maybe see the bellman

yo quiero ayudarte soon upon dream

winner really he really wants to help

but he'll attack and get too nervous

what's him too much oh sorry okay that's

okay um maybe we'll call you later

thank you very much

Stoddard I'm Phoebe Scott phone table is

up and running Kathryn Hampton so you

want one of us there in addition to the

tech agent now just make sure the UN

door Annie close contact with her all

right I want you to beat me with any

information have we faxed a picture of

this boy the transit authorities already

done you far ten minutes I got something

to check on well I guess what she came

in yeah you hear any news on that front

well low-level gossip says she has every

right to be concerned

guys under a long time you know the

behavior I do every received Kathryn

Hamptons Case Files yet yeah I'm into

them now

unless maybe huge yeah okay look running

against prison parolees and releases

maybe this is a great thing

got it huh

look as a squad supervisor you want the

best but you're not minimize down this

case I shouldn't be talking to you my

squad superweapon large ones in our


Hannah where bell ringing I'll take

Canada can I get that untied all right

my very off-the-record opinion is we are

way past second through helpings on

these guys money wandering interstate

porno transport solicitation of minors

it's a laundry list then again I don't

make the case I just run the eyeball


how's his behavior Hey I've been here

two months from the white-collar stuff I

hardly know the guy but being a betting

man seeing you here don't have to

imagine it ain't great so what was he

hole up that you'll have to see cream

hey Rick what

now's not the time really have you ever

had to ask a subject you're interviewing

to call you a cab trust me I've taken

cabs out of some very embarrassing

places most of them personal just go in

sit down deal with it later

neither the Hamptons has had a major

cash withdrawal both their credit card

balances appear to be within the norms

we're getting subpoena on the phone

records check quickly called numbers

yeah but so far nothing points to a

significant that might help them pull

this thing off so assume for the moment

that this thing is not custody which

makes our strike we heard couple from

the daycare a third party third party

who wants money or revenge would have to

make contact with her but if the

straggle hairs are just random psychos

or lunatic cultists no contact doesn't

get easier this woman's prosecuted

talent violent crime state facilities

were just released to cons and last for

months who are prosecution's I've got

calls in to both parole officers you

want to pay for some jailhouse

information yeah get it out there ASAP

let's also go region with APB

descriptions of the couple and the truck

guys 7.5 hours since abduction we run

round the clocks until we get a break

come here it's just not appropriate

professional behavior how am I supposed

to apply everything I suppose you learn

to Quantico the past four months by

going on an interview with some

monosyllabic airbag who expects me to

just stand there and listen to

meaningless exhalations about

monosyllabic airbag has got over 20

years in the bureau you've got one day

and a half

excuse me what you expect him to do when

he said the interview was over he hardly

asked them anything do you speak Spanish

rude no are you aware that agent Dorado

speaks fluent Spanish no I wasn't so who

do you think's in a better position to

ascertain whether that witness was

hiding anything yeah I can tell him

you're not a real good start here hey

you got passion you got energy got a

good antenna so I won't have to you for

this squad but c16 is a Major Case Squad

not some white-collar bank fraud and

pull it uncle Aska you don't get to be

on equal footing years

accept it and learn that's all you can

do I go home we get some sleep from the

early tomorrow sleep yeah I'm in the

know star motel until my apartment

clears hey you want a little health

record surveillance for me yeah anything

we got a call no one hurt him he'll get

past this I just wanted you to know he's

all I got I talk to him please just

anyone who can I talk to get her voice

out familiar in any way can't trace

calls that short we're gonna have the

voice analyzed

it's a good sign it's never heard before

he'll get past this female the

authorities high school educated

Caucasian grew up in the West Virginia

Western High doesn't worry you at all

it's all sponsons of guilt about this

I played again

I can't believe this start right out of

Quantico and were the only two picked

for a high profile squad like this hey

wait a minute please

no Jackman to you best okay I had

nothing to do with a cap see Miss Amanda

special agent really excuse me who have

a 380 hanging out of their pants no

excuse me I believe you were carrying

two and I had enough sense to keep mine

hidden thank you okay all right all

right you got me yeah that's him

the fact that they made contact is good

Catherine odds are this thing falls into

one of two categories it's either a

current case or it's part of a custody

battle between you and your ex-husband

now we're not here to assess blame but

if you have any inkling that that may be

the case you didn't do this it's much

Satan and he may be indirectly

responsible and he put us in this damn

what do you mean he put you in this


I had to double my workload in order to

get a salary bomb back to what he did to

me in the divorce I couldn't hear


that's treta - you didn't do anything

wrong Catherine you did what you had to


I'm not believing the thing I said in


you think she's wrong in this I mean

about a mother having to be away from

her kid 10 hours a day

Jimmy served me papers he's fighting me

for custody of Daniel I look at that

woman and it's everything I feel they

don't beat yourself up you're a good

mother what's the difference

the lawyers illegally kidnapping Locke

had to visit him twice a month less if

he moves out of state come on what judge

is gonna take Daniel away I'm never home

he goes from day care to my mother's I'm

on cases till all hours of the night I

can think of plenty of family judges

that'll take him away

don't leave a job Annie I'm not seeing

but lose your son but don't leave this


it took good


I'm pulling the agents at a Katherine

Hamptons house I'm setting up

surveillance coverage on her and the

husband plus an emergency t3 on the

husband's farm so you think it's custody

well I think would definitely not

getting the full story and how's that

gonna look when we yank FBI presents out

of a victim's home why like the bureau

doesn't care are you planning some sort

of press release no but if word gets out

either words no comment I don't give a

rat's ass how it looks I'm trying to get

a beat on a missing four-year-old and

one of these people knows what's going

on every indicator in that phone call

said she's had contact with a person

before just wanted you to know he's

alright he'll get past this he'll be

okay just wanted you to know it screams

pirate contact and Katherine Hampton

isn't acting on that with an agent

sitting in her living room how he pulled

the agents and she protests because

she's uncomfortable then she's got

nothing to hide he's got a point there

thank you fine you offer it to her she

doesn't protest you pull the agents good

cuz I just did and she agreed she'd be

more comfortable alone no because I

don't want a meeting that stuff it's

loaded with sugar can you just give him

the kind of left out please well he will

eat it if he doesn't have another option

mom just give it to him thank you

yes I'm meeting with the lawyer in the

morning mm-hmm oh ma I gotta go I gotta

go dad she's moving heaven your way got

her big as life and she looks like she's

in a hurry

I know room in this piece of crap

this fault is that you know what I won't

give it up yeah give it up at a twice a

week basis except to them on these long

boring surveillances all right all right

I'm honored

yeah he's Gary here he's in the shower

I'm here about the insurance covers on

the car he'd asked me to stop by Laura

who is it some guy about the car


oh maybe it would be more saying if I

was shacked up with an ugly woman maybe

one that didn't strip for a living you

know she wants to save up to be

kinesiologist how about that I said is

she a great leg you bet

Sydenham bout her Nikki this about a guy

who pulled me out of a trip when I was

in the cover 15 years ago hell of job -

didn't save the marriage but you've been

a hero ever since and that gives you

license to diagnose me you think this is

that recognizable I don't read the same

handbooks as you show pull me out of the

assignment once in a while talk to me

about office gossip keep me connected to

the bureau it's crap this is my life not

some shrink and Washington's idea what

it's like to be undercover I don't stop

functioning as a human being just

because I'm under no you don't and I

won't be categorized by you or anybody

else as being on some kind of cover trip

you want to make this change in your

life Nikki make it but don't tell me

that you don't know your kids and your

wife an explanation don't hide behind

the job and drop the responsibilities as

a man and don't for one damn minute tell

me that you're immune to the same stuff

that every single one of us has been

through before I won't buy it Nikki

and I sure as hell don't buy that joke

was gravity you've got not know what's

going on here John

you're out of your neighborhood you're

jeopardizing my cover and my life

don't bother having your first office

Punk's follow me again

what the hell is going on she drove like

a maniac over here something's going on

it's like she's uncertain not whether

she needs a burger when a kid's missing

she's out stud she's out I got her come

on show us the way it's a false she

needs clean phone she's never shown the

number blocked start a subpoena get it

done for that phone

843 she's hit on it we get that number

I can't do any better can't do any

better that's it but you understand my

son come on it's all he gave you well we

were on her back mostly Guney I could

give you that how hard is it to lip-read

10 words agent Reardon oh good yeah what

do you got yeah the number Catherine

called is registered to a Richard

feeling in Reseda a weird thing though

we ran him for priors

this guy's got a huge sheet it's messing

our cot X distribution and related

Gunther actually use a condo help her

with a custody matter looking nice for

get your butts back here

it doesn't just add in track in front

Catherine Hampton you to get us inside

that viele house

his abort code said yet anything with

mrs. green Warren is on site Jackie's

indecision we're under a minute standby

yeah he's head of the kid yet Jackie's

already scoped the house appears empty

okay I want to go slow anyway I don't

want anybody walking into anything


team one negative movement to copy guys

we're coming up empty here alright pick

a door and go Richard and Sandra viele

on they have to consider well that goes

to show they know the value of the kids

our bargaining chip pull that tape

see if lap and they got old messages

leave it empty or get a replacement yeah

I want to monitor any new calls they get

if you get a new one in here inside of

ten minutes do it

Plus marsh their current nothing

indicates they're holding the boy here

nor does it look like they act up to

take off so we'll assume they're holding

kids somewhere nearby Scott they're not

on our list of prosecutions Billy's got

popped twice for narcotics distribution

thousand to seven years but neither one

was Katherine Hammonds prosecution

serious money said they're working for

someone she did put away yeah okay let's

see if the video of his known

accomplices on anywhere prosecution's

you want a spouse team sit on the house

yeah two teens plus surveillance Mike's

inside the house okay everything here

goes back in place and we disappear with

these people service they will lead us

to the kid think it's time to talk to

our favorite deputy da

as of three days ago you had 24 current

cases one of them in both the busts are

meth lab out in the valley your case

notes the loot before Jeremy disappeared

indicate that you agreed to a defense

request for low bail and recommended a

plea bargain even a mountain of evidence

this is pertinent to my son's kidnapping

or not perps name in a meth case Paul

Ortiz under associated with and has an

ax pass been arrested with Richard and

Sandra V Lee we think Sandra's who

called you the other night do you know

where my son is or not I believe we're

closed more important I think you're


I'm doing whatever I can to get him back

no you're not because you're not telling

us the truth

which means you're further jeopardizing

your son's safety Katherine we know you

called the viele house from a payphone

what we don't know is how you got

involved in all this every hour Jeremy's

out there increases the risk you

soulless witch happy you did this you

did this to your own child let's try to

get through this all right they

approached me with a lot of money fifty

thousand for a low bail recommendation

and a possible deal since the divorce

I can hardly afford daycare it was wrong

I was wrong my damn legal bills are more

than my settlement and you know what you

were doing trying to break me so that

you can take him away from me alright

let's put this off you were so sick you

can't raise a child you can't even raise

a dog the hell is he doing hey if you're

lucky enough to get him back again you

will never see him again

never okay okay

I hope I agreed to it 24 hours later I

called him and told him I couldn't go

through with it I was changing my

recommendations when they took Jeremy I

was paralyzed I couldn't come forward

I'd lose my job I'd be disbarred I trust

my son since I have this vulture hanging

over me trying to take boy they called

and told me I had to go through with the

deal they gave me until tomorrow Morten

I don't know what to do I'll wait

Astaire with a Joe Rudi we're watching

the house in Reseda he is not at that

site but they will go back there they

will lead us to Jeremy

you will have him back

my client is here to assure the FBI that

he has nothing to do with this

kidnapping pardon me counselor all I

care about here is the boys safe return

if you're asking to access my clients

extensive ability to communicate in

certain circles I'm sure he's Hina clear

what he's up against agent Polanski

correct please I'm sure you realize

you're raising posed to be Associates of

mr. Ortiz is offered a $50,000 bribe to

a deputy di Katherine Hampton for low

bail recommendation for mr. Ortiz

conceivably to allow him to jump bail

and flee the country so done without mr.

Ortiz is not rajendra upon Miss Hanson's

change of heart on the bribe and she

said Associates Richard and Sandra viele

are suspected of kidnapping miss

Hamptons four-year-old boy presumably to

further incentivize miss Hampton bail

wreck that's where the system is

operating on now you want us to believe

that nothing to do with this we'll have

a much easier time buying that if the

boy is returned safely assuming my

client is connected enough to get a

message to the people who might have

this boy and you're able to get him back

we would need some measure of

appreciation on the drug penalties mr.

Ortiz is currently looking at as well as

a flat-out pass on the kidnapping charge

mr. look I don't think you understand

this is not a swap meet our mistake

Kentucky we're only interested in the

boy you change your mind my client

stands ready to help you want something

on the table show me the boy no video

tapes no photos I want to see the boy

alive and I want it to happen tonight

you're still implying mr. artis has some

control over this situation is rorty's

can go straight to hell

unless I see the boy

seeing the boil cast you piece of paper

from her odds stating my end of the

arrangement then you can see the point


Porsche keys now

no luck sir I made a run with a few

Karthik a fight stop

Stoddard you are aware we're due for an

inspection from Washington next month

and c16 is high on that list since your

squad super likes to play by his own

rules and his startup a nice bit of dust

with this Tully remar thing and c5 about

sleeping with hookers well I thought she

was a stripper sir nevertheless I

I hope the implications not that I'm

sleeping with hookers or strippers

because I've requisitioned an undercover

car because that's an entirely different

thing am I in a different conversation

here you are not allowed to take cover

cars home for personal use in my office

now do not bother my guys about cars and

I work in kidnapping cases Andrew will

have secured card a car you want attack

him involve

you know our squad only low-profile

their surveillance they're gonna hit us

with location we can't recon so we'll be

on the fly and we're tailing only well

that's who they come at us with if we

can we run interference we'll grab the

boy safely if not we'll have our cover

tracked into a place we can run a band


John you got an outside line

Oh Lansky you need to be in a car alone

and you need to sell food clothes phones

for I'll be bad number I don't have an

army um d let me find it ten seconds in

this call is over hold on hold on with

radius okay here we go three minutes to

be in your car and driving look he might

meet some phone phones at all time on a

safe follow at least two blocks air

cover we'll take the I now you with me

to chop this up in my affection

yeah Sal out on the 405 we see any

evidence of cops or feds on your tail

but the thing is over got it

okay units be spot on this Stoddard your

calls drop on a visual guys no need to

stay tight we're gonna save verbal

John's getting their one you get the

next set of instructions gives us a way

back to the mid side we'll take it blown

you back up well no past not want to get

just the head of them

wait stay back yeah alright often

Imperial pop West offering stuff at the

bottom of the ramp wait for instructions

we got it

it's the airport we got a smart one damn

what Peter I have a new go from LAX down

on Class B airspace request there's a

ton of air traffic lined up in here

copy air one on he's on the front of

approach path for the airport they can't

reroute traffic on such short notice for

the air cover

Scott setting up ahead check the east

and the South those the most likely

escape direction Roger that

yeah left turn under the underpass make

a left turn into the train station go

into the first parking lot and wait

positions guys you know I do these

people are


all right now I'm out without my

shoulder any cars approach us your head

goes in my lap look up his affairs



throughout uh South that's not you

visual he's out just waiting

I'm here turn around take a good look

that's all you're gonna get

I don't see you

popping a piezo top on wall

and you can see the concluding part of

this story at 22 11

next Friday evening here on 5
